The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (2024)


Are you ready to hop into your van and hit the road full-time but aren’t sure how you will fund this adventure? There are so many different ways to fund vanlife. You can work full-time remotely, you can work parts of the year and travel the rest without worry, or you can do a little of both! There are so many vanlife jobs out there and many opportunities to make and save money living in a van. Take a look at my list of the top van life jobs and see if there is something here that you believe you would enjoy!

Table of Contents

1. Virtual Assistant

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (1)

A virtual assistant is another remote job that is great as a van life remote job as you can be almost anywhere and work! Being a virtual assistant is a broad term that can be almost anything in the online world. BUT basically, a virtual assistant helps someone with their business be it an online business or otherwise.

This can be as simple as answering emails, managing clients, or a calendar and as difficult as Tech, website development, or web design. Honestly, the list is so long but here are a few popular examples of what falls under the category of a virtual assistant.

  • Customer Support – So many online businesses need help with managing their customers and clients. This entails welcoming clients, inbox support, Facebook Group management, and more!
  • Tech Support- Are you great at understanding the back end of websites, sales funnels, and more? Tech often confuses people but if it is something you thrive at then people are more than happy to hire you!

2. Graphic Designer

Did you know that you do not need to go to graphic design school to be a graphic designer? There are many levels to graphic design and it is totally possible to become one without a degree. In the online world, there are countless companies looking for help with their logos, website design, and branding. If you are already a graphic designer then consider asking your company to go remote or even begin building your own business! It’s a great job as you can do it as long as you have wifi!

Not sure you have the graphic design skills but want to learn? Check out the Bucketlist Bombshells Design Course which will teach you the skills you need to begin your own business as a graphic designer!

3. Blogger

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (2)

Blogging is not quick nor is it an easy way to make money living on the road. However, it is completely possible. There are many success stories to prove that you can make money through your blogging website. Through affiliate marketing, ads, and even promoting your own product it is possible. If you are considering blogging or want to take your blog more seriously then consider enrolling in a course that will help take you to the next level.

4) Website Designer

Have you built a website before? Maybe you started a blog or even a website for potential employers to see. I know I did and that was 10 years ago! You will be surprised at the number of people that need a website but have no idea how to put one together.

Not every business can afford a $10k-$30k website and they need people just like you to bridge that gap for them. There are so many easy ways to build websites now including Squarespace and WordPress that make the process much simpler than it used to be. You don’t need to know a ton of coding to begin. Again there are so many courses out there that will walk you through step by step to get started. The great thing is theBB Tech Coursewalks you through website design as well.

5. Social Media Manager

Do you love all things social media? Are you constantly online and understand the ways of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook? So many companies need your help! You would be surprised how many businesses lose out on potential sales because they aren’t marketing to their online customers. Their customers are online looking for them but they aren’t reaching out. Help them!

Unsure on whether you have the experience or need a little more education? There are so many incredible courses on becoming a social media manager that will give you the confidence you need to put yourself out there.

My all-time favorite course is theBucketlist Bombshells Techcourse. This course lays out exactly what you need to do to become a Virtual Assistant. From social media management, email marketing, blog management, website design, website management- Shay walks you through each job step by step so you will have the knowledge and resources necessary to work with clients that need you!

Read My Review of the Bucketlist Bombshell Courses and Learn How We Make Money Remotely!

6. Email Marketing Manager

In the world of digital marketing, email marketing is an important part of having an online business and being able to write newsletters every month as well as understanding the tech behind creating sequences for brands is super imperative.Many businesses do not have the skills either copywriting or understand the analytics behind getting people to open up and use the links inside of the emails.

They will pay you to do it all and you in turn will grow their community and sales!

7. Writer or editor

Do you love writing? Websites are always looking for freelance writers to contribute to their site AND they pay! There are also companies hiring full-time writers as well as editors. Similar to other remote jobs, you can be anywhere you want and work from inside your van build! If you are a freelance writer then you take the jobs you want and you don’t have to worry about always being available. To get started check out this list of companies that pay for travel writing!

For more inspiration, Jenny of the Digital Nomad Girls did an interview on a Digital Nomad who is a full-time editor!

8. Fiverr

Not sure where your true skills lie? Start out on Fiverr. Fiverr is a platform where you can find someone to do almost anything digitally. Need a logo? You can find one for $5. Need something fixed on your website? It starts at $5. The prices do go up but it’s a great place to start and you can put yourself out there to see what skills you enjoy!

9. Remote Work

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (3)

One of the most popular vanlife jobs is a remote work job. Remote work is another super broad term but here I am referring to working remotely for a company. So you are a full-time employee with benefits and everything but you don’t work in the office. Instead, you work from wherever there is an internet connection. Often you can do this by simply asking your current job if you could work remotely. Many vanlifers have done just this and have been successful working on the road!

If the answer is no then there are many jobs that start out by hiring an employee remotely. Interested but need help? Taylor Lane started a brand dedicated to helping women find remote jobs and would be an awesome way to help you make money living in a van.

10. Seasonal Work

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (4)
The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (5)

Not feeling the online world for work? That is completely fine, many vanlifers and travelers alike only work seasonally and then travel full-time the rest of the year. Vanlife jobs don’t have to be year-round! Work in the winter and travel all summer worry-free or switch it around and work in the summer then travel all fall and winter! The key to finding seasonal work is knowing where to look. Start with Craigslist and look under “gigs”, usually, that is where you will find seasonal work!

Farm Work

Shawn and I personally tried our hand at farming. In Oregon, we worked for a hemp farmer for a few weeks. It was pretty easy but the sun was hot, especially inside our van conversion! It was a great experience and we were grateful for the spare cash! There are many different types of farm experiences that you can have depending on the season!

Weed Farm or Hemp Farm

Working on a weed or hemp farm is a great way to make money in the summer or fall. The main season is the trimming season which is in October. Basically, you sit and trim the weed or hemp! Super easy and pay usually run from $10-$17 an hour. The reason it is so beneficial is that you can work 10-12 hours a day and you don’t move! You hang out at the farm and won’t spend money during those 6 weeks!

Sugar Beet Farm

The same idea applies to the sugar beet farm. Beet season is in the fall and you work long hours and don’t do much else! Then you leave the farm with a decent amount of cash and don’t have to work for a while!

Ski ResortStaff

Ski resorts are always looking for new hires before the skiing season begins. Which means you should begin looking for a ski-resort job around (Shawn)?. Many of the places have accommodations which are great for vanlifers since living in a van in the mountains would be pretty cold! You could also consider working at one of the restaurants as they often hire seasonally for the increase in tourism.

11. National Park Staff

National Parks also hire seasonally and give you a great opportunity to work outside and enjoy our national parks! They accept applications for the summer season between March and September and the Winter season between July and August. They post all jobs on USA jobs and the website mentions to search for “National Park Service” and select “Temporary” in the Work Type field.

12. Campground host

Most campground hosts do not get paid BUT you do get to stay for free at a campsite! If there was an area that you really wanted to explore then a campground host would be a great way to have a free campsite right in the middle of a beautiful area!For a list of Camp Host jobs check out Cool Works and Camp Host.

13. Service Jobs

Do you have experience as wait staff? Being a bartender, waiter, or any wait staff position is one of the more vanlife jobs! Depending on the city wait staff can make anywhere from $50-$500 a night! You could work for 6 months and then head out and travel for the rest of the year! If you want to work seasonally I recommend heading to the area you want to go to at the beginning of April as they start hiring for the summer season early! Think big cities that see quite a bit of tourism!

14. Handy AppWorker

Are you handy? So much pun intended. The Handy app is a place where people and companies can hire out various tasks. The most popular I have seen are assembling furniture, hanging pictures, and even electrical work. The jobs pop up and then you choose which ones you want to work. If approved you get the amount listed. It’s a great way to earn cash randomly when you need it!

15. Brand Ambassador

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (6)
The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (7)

Being a brand ambassador is one of Shawn’s and my favorite ways of making spare cash. So what is a brand ambassador or promotional model? A brand ambassador (or BA for short) is someone who represents a brand on their behalf. This is customer-facing and typically at large events. A few examples: Cost-Co Sampler, Beer Rep at sporting events, even representing insurance or food brands at festivals or large events. Basically, you hand out free garb to customers so they will think of the brand! The pay typically ranges from $15-$25 an hour and you are an independent contractor.

How do you find a Brand Ambassador Job?

  • Facebook Groups – The best way to find a BA job is to look in Facebook groups. Search inside Facebook for “Brand Ambassadors of X” X= the city you want to work in. Start there and once you land a job you will be on their email list for future gigs!
  • Pop Bookings – A popular app that will send you BA gigs in the cities you sign up for!
  • Popular companies: Encore Nationwide, Havas Street, ATN, Two Dots Production

16. Mechanic

Are you a mechanic or mechanically inclined? On the road your van breaking down is a normal part of vanlife. It is something that should be expected and when you have a friend who knows how to work on vehicles then it makes life so much easier.Take the time to get to know the vanlife community and let them know that you are available and work on vans! You will build a reputation in no time and can easily make money living on the road!

17. Sell Your Physical Products

Another popular vanlife job I see vanlifers doing is selling physical products that they make. You could sell jewelry or make artwork. For example, Lindsey of Hand Lettered Art sells beautiful hand-lettered art that you can hang on your wall, my favorite is her leaves from the PNW in a frame! Mike of Drawn There sells sketches that he hand draws himself, you can have your van or your favorite view sketched to put on the wall. If there’s anything you enjoy creating, brainstorm on ways you can market it and sell it!

18. Photographer

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (8)

Vanlife is a great time to discover your talents. If you have always wanted to get into a craft now is the time to hone it. There are many traveling photographers and videographers that make a living offering their services. The great thing is you are already traveling which could potentially make it easier to find more clients!

19. Rent Out Your Van on Outdoorsy

Need a little extra money? Did you know you can rent your van out on Outdoorsy? People are willing to pay to take your van out and see what vanlife is really like! If you have family you can stay with or trips planned outside of your van you can put exactly when it is available and what area it will be in!

10. GrubHub, Uber Eats, Task Rabbit

Are you planning on staying in one area for a month or more? Consider signing up for delivery services like GrubHub, Uber Eats (Use code vh34h), Postmates, Instacart, or Shipt. All of these are a form of delivery service and are great vanlife jobs! You pick up the order and then you deliver it to someone’s house. You typically make around $15 an hour and you get to pick the shifts you want. I did GrubHub for extra cash in Greensboro and I loved it! It didn’t pay a ton but it was nice to be able to make money when we needed it without having a full-time job. The key to this job is freedom.

Although I have only listed 15 vanlife jobs or categories, there are so many other vanlife jobs out there and ways for you to make money living on the road. Start thinking about what makes you special and what you love to do and see if there is a way for you to make money that way! Are there any vanlife jobs that I missed? Let me know in the comments below!

The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (9)
The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (10)
The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose (2024)


The Top 20 Vanlife Jobs for Making Money Living on the Road - Chasing the Wild Goose? ›

The most popular solution to make money in van life is to work as a freelancer using solar panels or batteries to turn your van into a mobile office. Travellers who make money in van life tend to utilise their current skills or learn new disciplines to suit the schedule of a traveller.

How to make money on the road van life? ›

20 Ways Vanlifers Can Make Money On The Road
  1. Selling Crafts At Festivals. ...
  2. Converting Campervans. ...
  3. Mobile Mechanic. ...
  4. Seasonal Farm Work. ...
  5. Working On Campsites. ...
  6. Blog Writing. ...
  7. Dropshipping. ...
  8. Transition Your Current Job Into Remote Work.
Mar 5, 2024

How to work living in a van? ›

How to Work Remotely in Your RV or Camper Van
  1. Thinking about working while traveling in your RV or camper van? ...
  2. Tip #1: Plan and organize your work space. ...
  3. Tip #2: Invest in good Internet. ...
  4. Tip #3: Avoid working from bed. ...
  5. Tip #4: Bring a larger monitor. ...
  6. Tip #5: Keep your computer well-maintained. ...
  7. Tip #6: Set a work schedule.

How to make money living in a van in the UK? ›

The most popular solution to make money in van life is to work as a freelancer using solar panels or batteries to turn your van into a mobile office. Travellers who make money in van life tend to utilise their current skills or learn new disciplines to suit the schedule of a traveller.

Where do van lifers get their money? ›

Look for remote jobs.

You'll need a stable internet connection during working hours, but a remote job is a great way to earn money on the road. There are special job boards for remote work, like Working Nomads, Weworkremotely, or Flexjobs, but you can also find remote jobs on Indeed or Linkedin.

What is the best van for van Life? ›

Without a good van, your dream of enjoying a van life won't reach its peak. You might get away with any van conversion, but there will come times when things will backfire. That's why you should consider our selection of the best vans. Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Transit, and Dodge Ram Promaster are the ones we suggest.

How do you get packages when living in a van? ›

Use a Mail Forwarding Service

These services give you a physical mailing address where your mail can be delivered. The company collects and sorts your mail and then forwards it to a location of your choosing. This solution works best for frequent travelers or for people who are hesitant to give out their van's address.

How to afford living in a van and traveling? ›

10 ways to afford full time van living
  1. Spend to Save. Easier said than done, granted! ...
  2. Prepare to do ANY job. A lot of people wanting to or currently living the Van-Life, have no job. ...
  3. Travel with someone. ...
  4. Sell what you don't need. ...
  5. Swallow your pride. ...
  6. Eat Better. ...
  7. Be Resourceful. ...
  8. Manage your time better.

Can you have a job while living in a van? ›

Yes, you can do van life with a full time job! I did it for 2.5 years, and in this guide I am sharing how. While your experience will not be identical to the “freedom” of van life that you see on social media – I promise it will be just as rewarding.

How to start a van business? ›

How to Start a Cargo Van Business in 6 Steps?
  1. Devise a business plan. ...
  2. Buy a cargo van. ...
  3. Register your cargo van business. ...
  4. Apply for a license and cargo insurance. ...
  5. Brand your van delivery business. ...
  6. Market Your delivery services.
Apr 30, 2024

How do I make money with my passenger van? ›

  1. #1 UberEats. Earning potential: Up to $22 per hour. ...
  2. #2 Grubhub. Earning potential: Up to $32 per hour. ...
  3. #3 ParaWorks. Earning potential: Up to $50 per hour. ...
  4. #6 Seamless. ...
  5. #8 Instacart. ...
  6. #9 Shipt. ...
  7. #10 GoPuff. ...
  8. #11 Amazon Fresh.

How much does it cost per month to live in a van UK? ›

The cost of vanlife can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of van, the level of van conversion, lifestyle choices, and travel habits. On average, vanlife can cost anywhere from £500 to £1,500 per month, which is particularly dependent on how much you drive and where you park.

How to make money while living in RV? ›

Other Possible Full-time RVing Jobs:
  1. Virtual Assistant.
  2. Traveling Medical Professional.
  3. Freelance Writer (reporter, blog post for hire, technical writing, business writing, editing)
  4. Web Designer.
  5. Amazon Camperforce.
  6. Amazon FBA Business.
  7. Run an Etsy Shop.
  8. Graphic Designer.

Can I make money driving a van? ›

Yes, owning a cargo van is profitable because there are multiple ways to make money using it. But here's a catch. How much one can make driving a cargo van varies depending on the job. On average, most cargo van drivers in the US make $20 to $35 hourly and earn up to $75 to $100 per hour based on what they carry.

Does living in a van really save money? ›

3) You don't pay rent or utilities

One of the best things about living in a van full-time is the lack of rent or mortgage and utilities that must be paid. These costs add up significantly each month.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.