The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (2024)

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Secrets of the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe

I am reposting this recipe today, as it’s one of the most popular and controversial. We think you’ll love it.

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (1)

While I’m not originally from the South, I can claim a few southern roots. My grandmother was from West Virginia and she made the best fried chicken in the world. Here is her recipe.

After years of practice and patience it has been said that Spinach Tiger’s southern fluffy biscuits can’t be beat. Even the gluten free fluffy southern biscuit has gotten rave reviews from readers. (Both have videos to help you along).

Why then is something as simple as a southern fried corn recipe so hard to get right? TWO THINGS

Childhood memories. This person’s grandmother made it this way with sugar and flour and who knows what? This other person had a grandmother who knew how to milk the corn to the last drop. Then there’s someone else who adds a cup of heavy cream. Everyone remembers their southern fried corn recipe differently.

Quality or Type of the Corn It’s key to get very fresh, creamy sweet corn. Silver queen corn would be the corn of choice for this recipe. If you use other less creamy corn, then a little heavy cream will do. Having said that, I used peaches and cream corn for this and still loved it. (I find it hard to turn down any kind of fried corn).

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (2)

What’s the best way to cut the corn off the cob?

If you don’t have a sharp knife, or you want the EASIEST WAY to cut corn off the cob, you will want this tool from Oxo.

What’s the best pan to make fried corn in?

Cast Iron Frying Pan – I practice what I preach. I have 13 cast iron pans (most are frying pans, a few are dutch ovens). I use them every single day in one form or another. They take the heat. They last forever. They go right into the oven. They are super affordable. I use my 12 inch lodge cast iron frying pan in this recipe, because I like the corn to get a little caramelized.The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (3)

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (4)

More is not always more in a Southern Fried Corn Recipe.

I’m Italian, and it’s our food philosophy to make the best food with as few ingredients or disturbances as possible. Some of the Southern cuisine recipes (not all, just some) have more ingredients than necessary and sometimes too much cooking time. More is not always more.

Two sticks of butter is not better than one stick of butter for making Southern fried corn, unless you’re making shortbread. A cup of cream is not better than a splash of cream when only a splash does the job. Editing is the absolute key to bringing balance to a recipe. Even this recipe might need your own personal tweaks, so taste taste taste and stop stop stop when you like it!

Do this if you like your fried corn super creamy.

If you like your corn super creamy, don’t let it caramelize. Cook it on very low, adding cream as you see fit. If you like your corn a bit browned and creamy at the same time, like I do, turn the heat up a bit, and use cream sparingly. Keep in mind you will be at the mercy of the type of corn you use, but I think with the proper tweaking, you can make any corn off the cob taste good!

Black Pepper is key to Southern Fried Corn

This southern fried corn recipe has few ingredients. Bacon grease, butter, salt, pepper and perhaps a splash or two of cream. You can opt out of the bacon grease and add more butter, but do not forget the black pepper, and use more than you think you should. If you have some white pepper, a dash of that would be nice too, but sparingly, as that can be harsh.

Some people add bacon to the corn. I prefer not, but feel free.

Left Over Southern Fried Corn can blossom into other recipes.

I’m a big believer in using leftovers. I used my left over corn in thissouthern fried corn cake recipe. They werelight, fluffy, savory, full of flavor, texture and comfort. You have to make these corn cakes, even if you need to use canned corn. They should not be missed. You can also put the corn into this leek and corn quiche or simplyscramble with eggs. You can also throw them into these sausage corn muffins or use for this caramelized Onion Risotto with Sweet Corn.

Can I use Canned Corn?

If it’s past fresh corn season and you still want to make fried corn, it will take 6 cups of corn to make this recipes. Each ear of corn is roughly 3/4 cup of corn.

Southern Corn Cakes Recipe here.

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (5)

Pennsylvania Dutch Corn Pudding is one of my most popular recipes.

Here is one really cool idea just using corn with no butter or cream.

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (6)

Seven Ways to Grill Corn on the Cob

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (7)

Sweet Corn Blueberry Swirl Ice Cream

Corn Buttermilk Quiche. I don’t know about you, but anything with buttermilk gets me.

There is also a corn, leek quiche that is simply heaven.

Corn Avocado Salad

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (8)

So tell me, if you grew up in the South, how did your family make their southern fried corn recipe? Please follow me on instagram to see behind the scenes cooking and food prep along with recipes not yet published.

More Corn Recipes from Spinach Tiger

More Southern Recipes from Spinach Tiger

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (9)

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4.14 from 65 votes

Southern Fried Corn Recipe

How to Make the Best Southern Fried Corn

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time20 minutes mins

Total Time30 minutes mins

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Servings: 4

Author: Angela Roberts


  • 8 ears of corn
  • 2 tablespoons bacon grease
  • 4 tablespoons butter more if you need it
  • salt if you need it
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons black pepper
  • splash of heavy cream


  • Cut the corn off the cob with a sharp knife.

  • Using the sharpest knife, cut down into the cob to get the milk of the corn.

  • Heat up the bacon grease and add two tablespoons of softened butter.

  • If you like the corn to be a bit caramelized, cook longer, stir less frequently.

  • If you like corn to be creamier, cook for about ten minutes, and at the end add the remaining two tablespoons butter.

  • At this point, you can add a splash of heavy cream if you want a creamier corn.

  • Add a little bit of salt, and a lot of black pepper.

  • Serve immediately.


Reserve cobs for making corn broth. Boil in water and reserve corn broth to add to soups, stews, casseroles.

Please follow me oninstagram. If you make this recipe, please tag me #spinachtiger.

If you love this recipe,please give it five stars. It means a lot. xoxo

The South's Secret to the Best Southern Fried Corn Recipe (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.