The Second-Life of Used EV Batteries (2024)

Hanjiro AmbroseFormer contributor

When an electric vehicle (EV) comes off the road, what happens to the vehicle battery? The fate of the lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles is an important question for manufacturers, policy makers, and EV owners alike. Today, EVs are a still a small piece of the automotive market. Many of the batteries coming off the road are being used to evaluate a range of options for reuse and recycling. Before batteries are recycled to recover critical energy materials, reusing batteries in secondary applications is a promising strategy.

The economic potential for battery reuse, or second-life, could help to further decrease the upfront costs of EV batteries and increase the value of a used EV. Given the growing market for EVs, second-life batteries could also represent a market of low-cost storage for utilities and electricity consumers. But in order to enable widespread reuse of EV batteries, policy will play an important role in reducing barriers and ensuring responsible, equitable, and sustainable practices.

Today, I’ll be providing testimony to the California Lithium Battery Recycling Advisory Group regarding the reuse of EV batteries; the advisory group’s goal is to make recommendations to ensure 100% of EV batteries sold in California are reused or recycled. In this blog, I describe current industry landscape and explain the potential use cases for second-life EV batteries. This blog summarizes a brief white paperI helped developed with researchers from the University of California Davis for the group.

The market for second-life batteries

As the market for electric vehicles grows, so too will the supply of second-life batteries. Forecasts from academic studies and industry reports estimate a range of 112-275 GWh per year of second-life batteries becoming available by 2030 globally. For context, this is over 200 times total energy storage installed in the US in 2018 (~780 MWh).

California is the largest market for EVs in the US and by 2027, an estimated 45,000 EV batteries will be retired from the state. Assuming a conservative capacity for each of these batteries (25 kWh), this amounts to over 1 GWh/year of available storage in the Golden State.

Why EV batteries could be reused

After 8 to 12 years in a vehicle, the lithium batteries used in EVs are likely to retain more than two thirds of their usable energy storage. Depending on their condition, used EV batteries could deliver an additional 5-8 years of service in a secondary application.

The ability of a battery to retain and rapidly discharge electricity degrades with use and the passing of time. How many times a battery can deliver its stored energy at a specific rate is a function of degradation. Repeated utilization of the maximum storage potential of the battery, rapid charge and discharge cycles, and exposure to high temperatures are all likely to reduce battery performance. I break down battery degradation more in a previous blog post.

Given the light-duty cycles experienced by EV batteries, some battery modules with minimal degradation and absent defects or damage could likely be refurbished and reused directly as a replacement for the same model vehicle. Major automakers, including Nissan and Tesla, have offered rebuilt or refurbished battery packs for purchase or warranty replacement of original battery packs in EVs.

The value of used energy storage

The economics of second-life battery storage also depend on the cost of the repurposed system competing with new battery storage. To be used as stationary storage, used batteries must undergo several processes that are currently costly and time-intensive. Each pack must be tested to determine the remaining state of health of battery, as it will vary for each retired system depending on factors that range from climate to individual driving behavior. The batteries must then be fully discharged, reconfigured to meet the energy demands of their new application; in many cases, packs are disassembled before modules are tested, equipped with a new battery management system (BMS), and re-packaged.

Depending on the ownership model and the upfront cost of a second-life battery, estimates of the total cost of a second-life battery range from $40-160/kWh. This compares with new EV battery pack costs of $157/kWh at the end of 2019. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has also created a publicly available battery second-use repurposing calculator that accounts for factors such as labor costs, warranty, and initial battery size and cost. The figure below illustrates the potential cost structure of a repurposed battery in a second-life application where the buying price is the maximum value paid for the used battery. If this value could be passed through to the original owner, it could help to defray the cost of an electric vehicle.

Comparing new and repurposed EV battery pack costs

The Second-Life of Used EV Batteries (2)

Based on the NREL’s Battery Second-Use Repurposing Cost Calculator; assumes a throughput of 10,000 tons of spent batteries per year (~1 GWh/year), and net repurposing and testing costs of $22/kWh.

Most applications of distributed energy storage have considerable downtime where batteries are not being cycled. Therefore, second-life batteries offer the greatest economic benefit when battery systems provide multiple services at the same time. Bundling services together to improve the economics of energy storage is referred to as value stacking.

For example, a consumer customer might install so-called behind-the-meter storage primarily to reduce electricity costs by avoiding demand charges (i.e. additional electricity costs related to high loads). The customer might also value resilience in a power outage. Both behind and in front of the meter, distributed storage can provide a range of services for electric utilities including reducing the need to build new power plants or leveling out large changes in electricity supply or demand. A key challenge for battery storage (new or used) in a commercial market is how to capture each of these value streams.

A major barrier will be developing fair compensation for the enhanced ability of batteries to perform certain services within these storage markets. On top of this, the value of the service provided by these batteries must be thoroughly quantified to reduce uncertainty.

Customer energy management

There are a variety of options ‘behind the meter’ for customers to deploy energy storage to reduce energy costs and improve system resilience.

Time of use rate (TOU) rate structures encourage customers to shift their energy use to off-peak hours by charging higher rates for usage during peak hours. Capacity bidding into demand response is another mechanism to reward commercial customers for reducing load for a short duration. The implementation of storage in these cases is to charge when electricity is cheaper, then discharge during peak hours when it is advantageous to reduce customer load (this is known as “peak shaving”).

As TOU rates trend towards evening hours, utilizing second-life batteries in behind-the-meter load shifting applications provides an environmental benefit as well, since they charge from cleaner electricity during the day then displace demand for energy that would otherwise be supplied by natural gas peaker plants.

Battery storage can also be used to directly balance the intermittency of wind and solar generation. Storage enables customers to take advantage of times when onsite generation exceeds demand; energy can be stored, then discharged to fill in the “lull” periods. On-site storage could also provide a greater value than net-metering for some types of private systems.

Utility scale services

There are a number of services that distributed energy storage can provide for electric utilities. As mentioned previously, a key barrier for second-life EV batteries and distributed energy storage more broadly is the ability to capture these different value streams. There are four general types of grid services storage can provide:

  • Frequency regulation – Broadly characterizes the need for the grid to maintain the balance between generation and load (demand)
  • Transmission and distribution – Upgrading this infrastructure is costly and storage could help to alleviate congestion
  • Spinning Reserves – Reserve generation for an unexpected event, usually available at short notice
  • Energy arbitrage – Storing excess energy generation during the day and providing resource adequacy when demand outpaces generation.

Existing behind the meter pilot projects

The Second-Life of Used EV Batteries (3)

Several pilot projects exist for second-life LIBs used in customer energy management strategies, ranging from small to large-scale customers (Table). For example, Nissan’s European headquarters in Paris, France features a 192kWh/144kW system composed of 12 second-life Nissan Leaf batteries. The system allows the headquarters to manage demand and take advantage of TOU electricity rates.

The Robert Mondavi Institute at UC Davis is another example of a behind-the-meter system that is paired with solar PV. In a project sponsored by the California Energy Commission (CEC), a 300-kWh system comprised of 18 repurposed Nissan leaf battery packs was assembled inside a shipping container.

On the larger end of customer demand, a cooperative effort between Nissan, Eaton, BAM and The Mobility House has led to the installation of a hybrid first-life/second-life system at the Johan Cruijff Arena, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This system, comprised of 148 Nissan Leaf batteries, has a 3 MW power capacity and a 2.8 MWh electricity storage capacity. The battery system helps to decrease energy costs and provides up to one hour of back-up power to the arena. In 2016, a 13 MWh system was commissioned in Lunen, Germany based on 1,000 BMW i3 packs, approximately 90% of which are second-life batteries.

Developing policy to enable battery reuse

Although there are no uniform global or regional policies governing the reuse and recycling of EV batteries, there has been an increase in attention paid to the issues of end of life (EOL) management in recent years.

One key challenge for EOL management is sharing of critical data like battery manufacturer, cathode material, battery condition, and usage history down the value chain to the potential secondary market or recycler. The Global Battery Alliance (GBA) was founded in 2017 as a collaboration of 70 public and private organizations with the goal of establishing a sustainable battery value chain including repurposing and recycling. The GBA ‘Battery Passport’ aims to improve the sharing of data along the value chain by standardizing labelling and creating a database of battery information. Sharing of battery data could decrease the costs of battery repurposing and increase the value proposition of battery reuse.

Another key challenge for battery reuse is logistics. Used batteries, once removed from a vehicle, are considered hazardous waste and are therefore governed by restrictions on the transportation of hazardous wastes. The costs and challenges in transporting and aggregating used batteries are also a barrier to widespread reuse.

The waste hierarchy is a useful framework for considering the fate of used EV batteries: reduce first, followed by reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and finally treatment and disposal. EVs already deliver significant environmental benefits compared to conventional gasoline vehicles; encouraging battery reuse and ensuring proper recycling are important strategies for further increasing the sustainability of EVs.

Existing second-life pilot projects

Lead EntityLocationYear(s)Capacity
United Technologies Research Centre Ireland, Ltd.Paris, France2017-88 kWh (Kangoo packs number unspecified)
Gateshead College, United Technologies Research Centre Ireland, Ltd.Sunderland, United Kingdom2017-48 kWh (3 Leaf packs, 50 kW PV capacity)
NissanParis, France2017-192 kWh (12 Leaf packs)
RWTH Aachen UniversityAachen, Germany2017-96 kWh (6 Kangoo packs)
City of Kempten, the Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbHKempten, Germany2017-95 kWh ( 6 Kangoo packs, 37.1 kW PV capacity)
City of Terni, ASM TerniTerni, Italy2017-66 kWh (Kangoo packs number unspecifed, 200 kW PV capacity)
Daimler, Getec Energie, The Mobility House, RemondisLunen, Germany2016-12 MW, 13 MWh (1000 i3 packs, 90% 2nd life)
Nissan, Eaton, BAM, The Mobility HouseAmsterdam, Netherlands2019-3 MW, 2.8 MWh (148 Leaf packs, 42% 2nd life)
Daimler, The Mobility House, GETEC ENERGIE, Mercedes-Benz EnergyElverlingsen, Germanyby 202020 MW, 21 MWh (1878 packs, 40% 2nd life)
Mobility House, AudiBerlin, Germany2019-1.25 MW, 1.9 MWh (20 e-tron packs, 100 % 2nd life)
UPC SEAT, EndesaMalaga, Spain2016-37.2 kWh (4 PHEV packs, 8 kW PV)
BMW, Vattenfall, BoschHamburg, Germany2016-2 MW, 2.8 MWh (2600 i3 modules)
Renault, Connected Energy LtdBelgium2020-720 kWh, 1200 kW (Kangoo packs number unspecified)
Nissan, WMG: University of Warwick, Ametek, Element EnergyUnited Kingdom2020-1 MWh (50 Leaf packs)
UC Davis, California Energy Commision, NissanDavis, CA, USA2016-260 kWh (864 Leaf modules, 100 kW PV)
BMW, EVgoLos Angeles, CA, USA2018-30 kW, 44 kWh (2 i3 packs)
UC San Diego, BMW, EVgoSan Diego, CA, USA2014-2017108 kW, 180 kWh (unspecificed number of mini E packs)
General Motors, ABBSan Francisco, CA, USA201225 kW, 50 kWh (5 Volt packs, 74 kW PV, 2 kW wind turbines)
ToyotaYellowstone National Park, USA2014-85 kWh (208 Camry modules)
Nuvve, University of Delaware, BMWNewark, USA2019-200 kW (unspecificed number of mini E packs, integrated with V2G in addition)
Nissan Sumitoto (4R Energy), Green charge networkOsaka, Japan2014-600 kW, 400 kWh (16 Leaf packs)
The Second-Life of Used EV Batteries (2024)


What is a 2nd life battery? ›

A 2nd LiFe battery, like REVOV's R100 battery, has already served as the battery in an electric vehicle. It is then expertly repurposed for use as a stationary energy storage system – and still has an expected lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

What is the life of an EV battery? ›

“Today, most EV batteries have a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years within the car – and a second life beyond.” It's also worth noting that EV battery technology is still evolving, so as tech develops we expect batteries' lifespan to increase – as well as becoming cheaper, smaller and even lighter.

How long do EV batteries last before replacement? ›

Electric car battery technology

Most manufacturers have a five to eight-year warranty on their battery. However, the current prediction is that an electric car battery will last from 10 – 20 years before they need to be replaced.

Does energy storage provide a profitable second life for electric vehicle batteries? ›

Our results show that an EV battery could achieve a second life value of 785 CNY/kWh (116 USD/kWh) if it is purchased with a remaining capacity of 80% and being abandoned when the capacity reaches 50%. Profit margins for energy storage firms are reduced if the acquisition costs of second life batteries are considered.

What happens to EV batteries at end of life? ›

EV batteries will slowly lose capacity over time, with current EVs averaging around 2% of range loss per year. Over many years, the driving range may be noticeably reduced. EV batteries can be serviced and individual cells inside the battery can be replaced if they go bad.

What is 2nd life lithium battery? ›

REVOV 2ndLiFe batteries are cost-effective lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries. The high cost of energy storage has been limiting the adoption of renewable energy solutions in South Africa. REVOV is changing this with the introduction of the first affordable lithium iron batteries.

Which EV has the best battery life? ›

Electric Cars With the Longest Range
  • 2022 Rivian R1S: 316 miles.
  • 2022 Ford Mustang Mach-E RWD California Route 1: 314 miles.
  • 2022 Rivian R1T: 314 miles.
  • 2022 Kia EV6 Long Range rear-wheel drive: 310 miles.
  • 2022 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD: 303 miles.
  • 2022 BMW i4 eDrive40 Gran Coupe: 301 miles.
24 May 2022

What happens to batteries after use? ›

When a battery no longer provides the desired range for a car, it can have another decade of use for electrical storage, according to the report. But sooner or later, most batteries will have to be dismantled and recycled — or disposed of as hazardous waste.

Is there a lifetime battery? ›

Scientists can now make lithium-ion batteries last a lifetime.

Can an EV battery be refurbished? ›

Given the light-duty cycles experienced by EV batteries, some battery modules with minimal degradation and absent defects or damage could likely be refurbished and reused directly as a replacement for the same model vehicle.

Can you reuse electric car batteries? ›

The analysis, published in Science Advances , found that the carbon footprint of a lithium-ion EV battery can be reduced by up to 17% if it is reused before being recycled. Batteries with reduced energy storage capacity can be repurposed to store wind and solar energy.

Is lithium from batteries reusable? ›

All the components of a Li-ion battery have value and can be recovered and reused. Currently, most recyclers recover just the metals.

How long do Tesla batteries last before replacement? ›

Tesla car batteries are said to be designed to last 300,000-500,000 miles (as purported by Tesla CEO Elon Musk), or about 21-35 years, based on the average amount of miles driven by Americans in one year, which is typically around 14,263.

How much does it cost to replace a Tesla battery? ›

Tesla battery replacement cost varies depending on the labor and parts needed. Typically, the most basic battery replacement in tesla costs between $13,000 and $14,000. For the Model S premium sedan, replacing a Tesla battery costs around $13,000-$20,000.

How long are EV batteries warrantied? ›

Hybrid and EV Warranty Length

Typically, they cover at least five years or 60,000 miles, though some last as long as 10 years or 100,000 miles. Hybrid and EV battery warranty coverage often lasts longer. Federal law requires automakers to ensure EV and hybrid batteries for at least eight years or 100,000 miles.

How much does it cost to replace batteries on electric cars? ›

You should be able to get a replacement to keep your car humming along—but it won't be cheap. Depending on the vehicle, a battery will cost between $3,000 and $18,000 for an electric car.

Is there enough lithium for electric cars? ›

The answer to the question is lithium, and the bad news for the world is that it potentially has nowhere near enough of it to power all the electric vehicle (EV) batteries it wants – and needs.

How much of a Tesla battery can be recycled? ›

Tesla's factories are already using an in-house, closed-loop recycling system. This allows for all of Tesla's batteries that it receives to be recycled with up to 92% of the raw materials being used again.

Do typical EV batteries actually store electricity? ›

All-electric vehicles have an electric traction motor in place of the internal combustion engine used in gasoline-powered cars. AEVs use a traction battery pack (usually a lithium-ion battery) to store the electricity used by the motor to drive the vehicle's wheels.

Do EV batteries store electricity? ›

Answer provided by. Simply put, the electricity in an electric car battery is stored in battery cells in the form of chemical potential. Without getting too technical, batteries can accept, store and release electricity on demand. They store energy through chemistry.

Where are freedom won batteries made? ›

FreedomWon is a proudly South African company. Their batteries are designed and manufactured in Johannesburg South Africa. It is available in a variety of sizes, and configurations.

What is high mileage for an electric car? ›

Answer provided by. Much like gas-powered cars, electric cars made today are generally considered good for about 200,000 miles, but the longevity of an electric car's battery system depends on more than just miles.

What do electric cars wear out? ›

The only parts of an electric motor that must eventually wear out are the bearings at either end of the rotor shaft. See all our tips, advice and EV FAQ.

Can lithium batteries be 100% recycled? ›

Lithium Ion & Nickel-Cadmium

The low-melt metals (i.e., zinc) separate during the melting. The metals and plastics are then both returned to be reused in new products. These batteries are 100% recycled.

What percentage of electric car batteries are recycled? ›

It's impossible to compile accurate figures for what percentage of lithium-ion batteries are currently recycled, but the value usually quoted is about 5%. The sector might be small, but it has vast potential for growth. “There is already a very strong recycling industry for batteries in China,” said Thomas.

Can batteries actually be recycled? ›

Batteries: It's so easy to recycle your batteries! Batteries are considered hazardous because of the metals and/or other toxic or corrosive materials they contain. Batteries are potentially a valuable source of recyclable metal.

Will an EV last 10 years? ›

Consumer Reports estimates the average EV battery pack's lifespan to be at around 200,000 miles, which is nearly 17 years of use if driven 12,000 miles per year.

Which battery has longest life? ›

Mastervolt Lithium Ion batteries have a lifespan of more than 2000 cycles, which is three times longer than most standard lead-acid batteries. They have an extremely long lifespan due to aspects such as the battery management, very low self-discharge, the lack of memory effect and a discharge of up 20 %.

Who makes the lifetime battery? ›

Lifetime Battery is a Lasting Peace of Mind

Hyundai, knows their battery will last a long time, possibly 20 years.

How much does it cost to replace a battery on an electric car? ›

You should be able to get a replacement to keep your car humming along—but it won't be cheap. Depending on the vehicle, a battery will cost between $3,000 and $18,000 for an electric car.

How much does it cost to replace a Tesla battery? ›

Tesla battery replacement cost varies depending on the labor and parts needed. Typically, the most basic battery replacement in tesla costs between $13,000 and $14,000. For the Model S premium sedan, replacing a Tesla battery costs around $13,000-$20,000.

What is the cost of EV battery? ›

An average EV battery costs about Rs 5 lakh and the ones that go into premium models sell for more.

How much does electric car batteries cost? ›

EV batteries costs between $2500 and $50000, depending on the brand, capacity, and technology used. Replacing the battery will cost between $0 and $20000, depending on the vehicle's warranty. The average cost of an electric car battery is between 30% and 57% of the vehicle's total value.

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