The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (2024)

Is "The Sandbox" The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (3) a Good Investment? Current price today: 0.496 USD (-0.373%)

Current Price

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1-Year Forecast *

Historical index for the The Sandbox price prediction: C "Should I invest in The Sandbox CryptoCurrency?" "Should I buy SAND today?" According to our Forecast System,SAND is a bad long-term (1-year)investment*. The Sandbox predictions are updated every 3 minutes with latest prices by smart technical analysis. about SAND projections. See Our Other Forecasts

At we predict future values with technical analysis for wide selection of digital coins like The Sandbox. If you are looking for virtual currencies with good return, SAND can be a bad, high-risk 1-year investment option. The Sandbox price equal to 0.496 USD at 2023-12-15, but your current investment may be devalued in the future.

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The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (4)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (5) The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (6)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (7)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (8) The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (9)

Chart Pattern Recognition

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The Sandbox Forecast, Short-Term SAND to USD Price Prediction for Next Days and Weeks

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (11)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (12)

The Sandbox Forecast, Long-Term Price Predictions for Next Months and Year: 2023, 2024

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (13)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (14)

The Sandbox Target Price

The Sandbox price target in 14 days: 0.6087 USD* upside and 0.483 USD* downside. (Highest and lowest possible predicted price in a 14 day period)

The Sandbox price forecast* for tomorrow, and next weeks based on the last 30 days

The Sandbox forecast for the upcoming days

DatePriceMin PriceMax Price
2023-12-16Price: 0.527Min: 0.491Max: 0.561
2023-12-17Price: 0.539Min: 0.5041Max: 0.578
2023-12-18Price: 0.528Min: 0.495Max: 0.566
2023-12-19Price: 0.525Min: 0.490Max: 0.561
2023-12-20Price: 0.535Min: 0.5000088Max: 0.570
2023-12-21Price: 0.542Min: 0.5054Max: 0.580
2023-12-22Price: 0.544Min: 0.5064Max: 0.579
2023-12-23Price: 0.556Min: 0.520Max: 0.591
2023-12-24Price: 0.568Min: 0.531Max: 0.6036
2023-12-25Price: 0.557Min: 0.521Max: 0.592
2023-12-26Price: 0.553Min: 0.517Max: 0.589
2023-12-27Price: 0.564Min: 0.528Max: 0.6025
2023-12-28Price: 0.571Min: 0.533Max: 0.6070
2023-12-29Price: 0.573Min: 0.536Max: 0.6087

Detailed Trend Components of the The Sandbox Forecast & Prognosis

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (15)

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (16)

Pivot, Resistance and Support Levels

Calculation For Trading:

Resistance Level (R3): 0.564
Resistance Level (R2): 0.550
Resistance Level (R1): 0.541
Pivot Point: 0.526
Support Level (S1): 0.517
Support Level (S2): 0.5019
Support Level (S3): 0.493

Bullish or Bearish?

Based on the last 30 days



Questions & Answers about The Sandbox Projection

What is the The Sandbox price today?

The current price of The Sandbox is 0.496USD today.

Will The Sandbox price drop / fall?

Yes. The price of The Sandbox may drop from 0.496 USD to 0.0286 USD. The change will be -94.240%.

Will The Sandbox price grow / rise / go up?

No. See above.

Will The Sandbox replace / surpass / overtake Bitcoin?

According to our predictions, this won't happen in near future.

Will The Sandbox crash?

According to our analysis, this can happen.

Will The Sandbox hit 1 USD in a year?

Not within a year. See above.

Will The Sandbox hit 5 USD in a year?

Not within a year. See above.

Will The Sandbox hit 10 USD in a year?

Not within a year. See above.

14 Days Historical Data

DateOpening priceClosing priceMinimum priceMaximum price
2023-12-14Open: 0.521Close: 0.532Low: 0.511High: 0.535
2023-12-13Open: 0.5091Close: 0.521Low: 0.476High: 0.523
2023-12-12Open: 0.515Close: 0.510Low: 0.496High: 0.521
2023-12-11Open: 0.558Close: 0.513Low: 0.494High: 0.558
2023-12-10Open: 0.539Close: 0.555Low: 0.539High: 0.590
2023-12-09Open: 0.497Close: 0.533Low: 0.497High: 0.543
2023-12-08Open: 0.464Close: 0.494Low: 0.458High: 0.495
2023-12-07Open: 0.450Close: 0.464Low: 0.441High: 0.466
2023-12-06Open: 0.450Close: 0.445Low: 0.436High: 0.461
2023-12-05Open: 0.431Close: 0.450Low: 0.431High: 0.457
2023-12-04Open: 0.428Close: 0.432Low: 0.418High: 0.443
2023-12-03Open: 0.429Close: 0.428Low: 0.422High: 0.433
2023-12-02Open: 0.415Close: 0.429Low: 0.413High: 0.432
2023-12-01Open: 0.4082Close: 0.415Low: 0.4046High: 0.418

See Our Other Forecasts

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Link to this Prediction:
<a href="">The Sandbox Forecast</a>

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (46) The Sandbox (SAND) Forecast Earnings Growth

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (47) The Sandbox (SAND) Cryptocurrency Market info

Recommendations: Buy or sell The Sandbox? Cryptocurrency Market & Coin Exchange report, prediction for the future: You'll find the The Sandbox Price prediction below. According to present data The Sandbox (SAND) and potentially its market environment has been in bearish cycle last 12 months (if exists). Our Ai cryptocurrency analyst implies that there will be a negative trend in the future and the SAND are not a good investment for making money. Since this virtual currency has a negative outlook we recommend looking for other projects instead to build a portfolio. Trading in bear markets is always harder so you might want to avoid this curremcy if you are not a veteran. Always read up on optimal investment strategies if you are new to investing.

The Sandbox price predictions by tech sector

Wanted to know how the future cryptocurrency prices would grow if we used the price gains of the leading social/technological innovations like Facebook, Smartphones, Data, etc.? Our forecasts here could give you some pointers on the potential future of these innovative technologies.

Comparison 2024 2025
Facebook 2024: 2.728 2025: 5.952
Google 2024: 1.488 2025: 2.260
Smartphone 2024: 0.886 2025: 1.134
Internet users 2024: 1.116 2025: 2.170
Paypal 2024: 0.992 2025: 1.488
Data increase 2024: 0.794 2025: 0.992

Short-term and long-term The Sandbox price predictions may be different due to the different analyzed time series.

Predictions, Comments & Questions

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The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (49)

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  • The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (50)


    2 years ago

    Hello, what are the best entry points/prices for this (or any) token? Could you highlight that in your analyses?



Term Box: Best The Sandbox forecast, The Sandbox price prediction, The Sandbox coin forecast, The Sandbox finance tips, The Sandbox cryptocurrency prediction, SAND analyst report, The Sandbox price predictions 2023, SAND currency forecast, The Sandbox forecast tomorrow, The Sandbox technical analysis, The Sandbox coin future price, SAND projections, The Sandbox market prognosis, The Sandbox expected price.

Question Box: How will The Sandbox cryptocurrency price increase? Will The Sandbox price go up? Will SAND price fall? Will The Sandbox price drop? Will The Sandbox price rise? Is SAND price going up? Is SAND a profitable investment? Is The Sandbox price going to drop? When will The Sandbox price fall? When will The Sandbox price go down? When will SAND price drop?

* Our predictions are generated by Machine Learning & Ai, and should not be used for making financial decisions. Investors are responsible for their own investment. We can not guarantee any profit.

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (55) Please wait...

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I bring a wealth of firsthand expertise and a comprehensive understanding of the concepts mentioned in the article. My extensive knowledge spans various aspects of the crypto space, from market analysis and technical trends to the intricacies of different cryptocurrencies and their potential investment opportunities.

Now, delving into the information provided in the article:

  1. The Sandbox Overview:

    • Current Price: $0.496 USD (as of 2023-12-15)
    • 7 Days Forecast: Predicted range of $0.491 to $0.561 USD
    • 1-Year Forecast: Predicted range of $0.0286 to $0.6087 USD, with a bearish outlook according to the Forecast System.
  2. Forecast Details:

    • Forecasts are updated every 3 minutes based on smart technical analysis.
    • The article includes short-term and long-term price predictions, with a 14-day forecast and a 1-year investment outlook.
  3. Technical Analysis:

    • Chart Pattern Recognition: The article mentions the availability of chart pattern analysis tools.
    • Pivot, Resistance, and Support Levels: Calculations for trading levels, indicating potential resistance and support zones.
  4. Investment Advice and Risks:

    • The article advises caution, stating that SAND may be a bad, high-risk 1-year investment option.
    • It emphasizes that the current investment in The Sandbox may be devalued in the future.
  5. User Engagement:

    • Users can vote on where they think The Sandbox will go in the next 24 hours.
    • Premium functions are available for users who sign up or log in.
  6. User Questions and Answers:

    • Anticipates potential questions and addresses them, including inquiries about the current price, potential price drops, and comparisons with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
  7. Historical Data:

    • Provides historical index and 14 days of opening, closing, minimum, and maximum prices for The Sandbox.
  8. Currency Converter:

    • Offers a currency converter for SAND to various fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.
  9. Other Forecasts:

    • Includes forecasts for other cryptocurrencies like Tether (USDT), Weth (WETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and more.
  10. Earnings Growth and Market Outlook:

    • Suggests a negative outlook for The Sandbox, advising against it as a good investment for making money.
  11. Future Predictions and Comparisons:

    • Speculates on the future price predictions for The Sandbox in 2023, 2024, and beyond.
    • Compares price gains of The Sandbox with leading technological innovations like Facebook, Google, and smartphones.

In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis and forecast provide valuable insights for potential investors in The Sandbox, covering a range of factors and considerations. As an expert in the field, I would recommend individuals conduct further research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

The Sandbox Price Prediction: down to $0.0286? - SAND to USD Forecast 2023, Long-Term & Short-Term Price Prognosis (2024)


What is the price prediction for The Sandbox in 2023? ›

The forecasted Sandbox price at the end of 2023 is $0.43 - and the year to year change +13%. The rise from today to year-end: +4%.

Will sandbox reach $1? ›

Our real-time SAND to USD price update shows the current The Sandbox price as $0.344783 USD. Our most recent The Sandbox price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 12.18% and reach $0.386776 by July 22, 2024.

Can sandbox reach $5? ›

SAND price could hit its potential high of $1.133 by the end of 2024. Sandbox price with a potential surge could go as high as $4.632 by the end of 2030.

Will sandbox coin reach $10? ›

Investing in SAND offers a potential ROI that could be significant if its adoption and ecosystem development stay on the current upward trajectory. With the platform's expanding partnerships and ventures, some investors are optimistic about SAND reaching the $10 mark in 2024.

Will sandbox hit $100? ›

Sandbox is an open-world metaverse where players can trade, create, and destroy. In the Sandbox, you can own virtual land and even monetize it. By the end of 2026, Sandbox could reach a trading value of more than $100. All in all, Sandbox might be one of the best investments you can make.

How high can SAND go? ›

SAND Price Prediction Summary

The all-time high (ATH) of the SAND token price is $8.44 from November 2021. Our SAND token forecast predicts that SAND will reclaim the $1 level in 2025. We see a good future for SAND and our SAND price prediction forecasts a high of $2.50 in 2030.

Is SAND worth buying? ›

The Sandbox (SAND) coin has come under scrutiny due to market volatility, with concerns about its speculative nature and susceptibility to market cycles. Critics argue that its value often fluctuates more due to market sentiment rather than solid fundamentals, leading to sharp downturns that erode investor confidence.

Is a sandbox worth it? ›

Most, though not all, kids love the extreme sensory nature of sand as well as how it is a perfect material for open-ended play. Kids can become completely immersed in digging, scooping and creating for long stretches of time. Sand play has a lot of benefits for children.

How much will the sandbox cost in 2025? ›

Long-term The Sandbox price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030. Based on the historical price movements of The Sandbox and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low The Sandbox price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 0.318717.

Should I sell a sandbox? ›

Deciding when to sell The Sandbox depends on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance and market conditions. Consider factors like price trends, your investment timeline and potential tax implications. You may want to consult with a financial advisor and conduct thorough research before making any decisions.

What is the highest price of sandbox ever? ›

SAND hit its all-time high of $8.40 in November 2021.

What is the price target for sandbox in 2030? ›

The Sandbox (SAND) Price Prediction 2030

According to your price prediction input for The Sandbox, the value of SAND may increase by +5% and reach $ 0.433787 by 2030.

Will sandbox reach $1 000? ›

Can The Sandbox reach $1000? No, our prediction model sees no possibility for The Sandbox to reach $1000 in the short or mid-term period.

Can sandbox hit 50? ›

It's quite achievable but it won't happen any time soon. If this type of crypto market pattern persists, then it has a good chance of hitting all time low of even $1 . It really seems impossible for the Sandbox crypto to reach $50 or $100 by 2022. Because it has given a significant decrease within the past few months.

Why is the SAND coin falling? ›

SAND price readies for a crash after The Sandbox moved 120 million SAND, with 86 million tokens going to CEXs. The Sandbox price trades with a bearish bias, with multiple fundamentals solidifying the gloomy outlook. SAND could fall 5% to $0.3687 as new money enters the market through short sellers.

How much will The Sandbox cost in 2025? ›

Long-term The Sandbox price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030. Based on the historical price movements of The Sandbox and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low The Sandbox price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 0.318717.

How much is The Sandbox in 2023? ›

Comparatively, if unfavorable sentiment is triggered, the bearish The Sandbox (SAND) price prediction for 2023 is $0.3769.

Can Sandbox coin reach $1,000? ›

Can The Sandbox reach $1000? No, our prediction model sees no possibility for The Sandbox to reach $1000 in the short or mid-term period.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.