The RSA Cryptosystem - Concepts | Practical Cryptography for Developers (2024)

The RSA cryptosystem is one of the first public-key cryptosystems, based on the math of the modular exponentiations and the computational difficulty of the RSA problem and the closely related integer factorization problem (IFP). The RSA algorithm is named after the initial letters of its authors (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) and is widely used in the early ages of computer cryptography.

Later, when ECC cryptography evolved, the ECC slowly became dominant in the asymmetric cryptosystems, because of its higher security and shorter key lengths than RSA.

The RSA algorithm provides:

  • Key-pair generation: generate random private key (typically of size 1024-4096 bits) and corresponding public key.

  • Encryption: encrypt a secret message (integer in the range [0...key_length]) using the public key and decrypt it back using the secret key.

  • Digital signatures: sign messages (using the private key) and verify message signature (using the public key).

  • Key exchange: securely transport a secret key, used for encrypted communication later.

RSA can work with keys of different keys of length: 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 8129, 16384 or even more bits. Key length of 3072-bits and above are considered secure. Longer keys provide higher security but consume more computing time, so there is a tradeoff between security and speed. Very long RSA keys (e.g. 50000 bits or 65536 bits) may be too slow for practical use, e.g. key generation may take from several minutes to several hours.

RSA Key Generation

Generating an RSA public + private key pair involves the following:

Using some non-trivial math computations from the number theory, find three very large integers e, d and n, such that:

  • (me)dm (mod n) for all m in the range [0...n)

The integer number n is called "modulus" and it defines the RSA key length. It is typically very large prime number (e.g. 2048 bits).

The pair {n, e} is the public key. It is designed to be shared with everyone. The number e is called "public key exponent". It is usually 65537 (0x010001).

The pair {n, d} is the private key. It is designed to be kept in secret. It is practically infeasible to calculate the private key from the public key {n, e}. The number d is called "private key exponent" (the secret exponent).

RSA Public Key - Example

Example of 2048-bit RSA public key (represented as 2048-bit hexadecimal integer modulus n and 24-bit public exponent e):

n = 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 = 0x010001

The same RSA public key, encoded in the traditional for RSA format PKCS#8 PEM ASN.1 looks like this:

-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApwni+ErA4h6wyqAYz39pf3dOlvgRX8I1npz2Cx3Y1ASNl0zfhCK+9r48FisEuRb36iEz8OPk4O7hZIWb2cHg7wNXwUL09jO0rdSquGyPiJXNM/v04CTZo61r5iZ1cLSnLSw0NU4BOedK2mZaFqJhFJDeu44TGmz/x+8l50JAgD3XGk/NlTyYgRGwqpu8TFcCT8XoxEYq2QScfxq+2FnGNFX6bVi1zDSj0yBv90uelsM226zwzdGO0MZnls4AqwfzayTL4zQlI/2CFajnf4noagjbkR8jdFk4je5kLa58smRKA+ce1cb6UHfPQJD6+lVgSLU2uHmoj2KGmPDHtCDEtwIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

The above PEM ASN.1-encoded message, holding the RSA public key, can be decoded here:

RSA Private Key - Example

Example of 2048-bit RSA private key, corresponding to the above given public key (represented as hexadecimal 2048-bit integer modulus n and 2048-bit secret exponent d):

n = 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 = 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

The same RSA private key, encoded in the traditional for RSA format PKCS#8 PEM ASN.1 looks a bit longer:

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

It holds the entire RSA key-pair structure, along with several additional parameters: 2048-bit modulus n, 24-bit public exponent e, 2048-bit secret exponent d, first factor p, second factor q, and 3 other integers from the RSA internal data structure:

The above PEM ASN.1-encoded message, holding the RSA private key data, can be decoded here:

RSA Cryptography: Encrypt a Message

Encrypting a message using certain RSA public key {n, e} is done by the following transformation:

  • encryptedMsg = (msg)e mod n

The msg here is a number in the range [0...n). Text messages should be encoded as integers in the range [0...n) before encryption (see EAOP). For larger texts, hybrid encryption should be used (encrypt a secret key and use it to symmetrically encrypt the text, see RSA-KEM).

The above operation cannot be reversed: no efficient algorithm exists to calculate msg from encryptedMsg, e and n (see the RSA problem), which all are public (non-secret) by design.

RSA Cryptography: Decrypt a Message

Decrypting the encrypted message using the corresponding RSA private key {n, d} is done by the following transformation:

  • decryptedMsg = (encryptedMsg)d mod n

Why this is correct? Recall, that by definition the RSA key-pair has the following property:

  • (me)dm (mod n) for any m in the range [0...n)

From the encryption transformation we have:

  • encryptedMsg = (msg)e mod n


  • decryptedMsg = (encryptedMsg)d mod n = ((msg)e mod n)d = ((msg)e)d mod n = (msg) mod n = msg

RSA Encrypt and Decrypt - Example

Let examine one example of RSA encryption and decryption, along with the calculations, following the above formulas. Assume we have generated the RSA public-private key pair:

  • modulus n = 143

  • public exponent e = 7

  • private exponent d = 103

  • public key = {n, e} = {143, 7}

  • private key = {n, d} = {143, 103}

Let's encrypt a secret message msg = 83. Just follow the formula:

  • encryptedMsg = msge mod n = 837 mod 143 = 27136050989627 mod 143 = 8

Now, let's decrypt the encrypted message back to its original value:

  • decryptedMsg = encryptedMsgd mod n = 8103 mod 143 = 1042962419883256876169444192465601618458351817556959360325703910069443225478828393565899456512 mod 143 = 83

The RSA calculations work correctly. This is because the key-pair meets the RSA property:

  • (me)dm (mod n) for all m in the range [0...n)

  • (m7)103 ≡ m (mod 143) for all m in the range [0...143)

In the real world, typically the RSA modulus n and the private exponent d are 3072-bit or 4096-bit integers and the public exponent e is 65537.

For further reading, look at this excellent explanation about how RSA works in detail with explainations and examples:

Because RSA encryption is a deterministic (has no random component) attackers can successfully launch a chosen plaintext attack against by encrypting likely plaintexts with the public key and test if they are equal to the ciphertext. This may not be a problem, but is a weakness, that should be considered when developers choose an encryption scheme.

Hybrid encryption schemes like RSA-KEM solve this vulnerability and allow encrypting longer texts.

The RSA Cryptosystem - Concepts | Practical Cryptography for Developers (2024)


What is the concept of RSA algorithm in cryptography? ›

Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) is a well-known public-key or asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. It protects sensitive data through encryption and decryption using a private and public key pair.

Should I use 2048 or 4096? ›

While it is true that a longer key provides better security, we have shown that by doubling the length of the key from 2048 to 4096, the increase in bits of security is only 18, a mere 16%. Moreover, besides requiring more storage, longer keys also translate into increased CPU usage and higher power consumption.

What are the principles of RSA encryption? ›

An RSA user creates and publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers are kept secret. Messages can be encrypted by anyone, via the public key, but can only be decrypted by someone who knows the private key.

Who developed RSA encryption? ›

Introduced in 1977 by MIT colleagues Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, RSA—its name derived from the initials of their surnames—is a specific type of public-key cryptography, or PKC, innovated in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle.

What are the three phases of the RSA algorithm? ›

The RSA Algorithm consists of three phases, Key Generation, Encryption, and Decryption.

Is RSA encryption still used? ›

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption is one of the oldest public-key cryptography systems, but it's still widely used today.

Is RSA 2048 still safe? ›

According to the recommendation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the smallest RSA key size that can be considered secure is 2,048 bits. This means approximately 600 digits, but in many cases larger keys of 3,072 or 4,096 bits are also used.

Is ED25519 better than RSA-4096? ›

ED25519 is generally considered more secure and efficient than RSA, while RSA provides a higher level of security due to its larger key size. The choice between these two algorithms depends on the specific application and the level of security and efficiency required.

Is 4096 bit RSA secure? ›

RSA-4096 is a legitimate encryption cipher. It is one of the best encryption systems that you can use to protect your data in transmission.

What is RSA simply explained? ›

RSA is a type of asymmetric encryption, which uses two different but linked keys. In RSA cryptography, both the public and the private keys can encrypt a message. The opposite key from the one used to encrypt a message is used to decrypt it.

Why is RSA encryption hard to break? ›

The security of RSA depends on the fact that it is extremely difficult to factorize large numbers with many digits into their prime factors, even with the most powerful computers available today.

Who uses RSA encryption? ›

RSA encryption has various uses including virtual private networks (VPNs), web browsers, and email services. Well known products and algorithms like the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) algorithm also use RSA cryptography.

What is RSA private key? ›

RSA key is a private key based on RSA algorithm. Private Key is used for authentication and a symmetric key exchange during establishment of an SSL/TLS session. It is a part of the public key infrastructure that is generally used in case of SSL certificates.

When was RSA hacked? ›

SecurID security breach

RSA SecurID security tokens. On March 17, 2011, RSA disclosed an attack on its two-factor authentication products. The attack was similar to the Sykipot attacks, the July 2011 SK Communications hack, and the NightDragon series of attacks. RSA called it an advanced persistent threat.

Is RSA symmetric or asymmetric? ›

RSA is named for the MIT scientists (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) who first described it in 1977. It is an asymmetric algorithm that uses a publicly known key for encryption, but requires a different key, known only to the intended recipient, for decryption.

Is 2048 a strategy or luck? ›

The goal of the game is to combine numbers to create bigger number tiles in order to get to the magic number, 2048. At first glance, it seems like a game of chance. However, it is absolutely a game of strategy that players are able to control the outcome of.

Is 2048 just luck? ›

You'll still need some luck to beat the game, so don't expect to win first time. If you're forced to move your corner tile, and an unfortunate new tile appears in that corner, your chance of success are much lower. You might still win if you can clear off five or six empty tiles, or if your highest tiles are 64 or 128.

What is the best algorithm to beat 2048? ›

This game is classified as an NP-hard problem. Finding an optimal solution that guarantees optimal moves in all situations is computationally challenging. However, an algorithm called Expectimax is considered the most efficient solution for this problem.

Is 2048 good for the brain? ›

According to neurologist Judy Willis, 2048 may look like a series of doubling numbers, but really it's a dopamine goldmine. And dopamine, which is a very useful neurotransmitter, is also kind of like an addictive drug the body produces naturally. It boosts both pleasure and perseverance, while decreasing stress.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.