The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (2024)

You‘ve probably heard some variant of this sentence a million times by now, but I’m going to go ahead and say it anyway: Artificial intelligence is changing sales. It‘s a trend that’s equal parts exciting and alarming — raising the potential for both increased efficiency and massive job displacement.

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (1)

Regardless of whether you feel AI is good for sales, your role, or humanity at large, the fact remains: It's only getting more sophisticated and ubiquitous as time goes on.

So it serves you — whether you‘re a sales rep or leader — to understand how to leverage artificial intelligence in sales. That’s why we‘ve compiled this handy guide to help you out on that front. Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

  • What is AI in Sales?
  • The Need for Automation in Sales
  • The Benefits of Automation in Sales
  • 7 Ways Your Team Can Use AI in Sales
  • 3 Popular AI Sales Tools

What is AI in sales?

The term 'AI in sales' is a broad catch-all, addressing how both buyers and sellers leverage AI — and that can cover a lot of bases. For buyers, AI can be an invaluable informative resource for purchasing decisions. For sellers, it can streamline tedious processes, allowing them to sell more efficiently and effectively.

I‘ll preface this whole piece by saying that I’m extremely wary of AI.

Ever since the first time it had the audacity to autocorrect one of my texts, I‘ve been convinced that it’s going to lead to mass professional displacement and/or humanity‘s downfall — but until those things happen, I’ll try to be objective about its benefits and pitfalls.

Frankly, it has plenty of both for salespeople. Let's take a look at some of them.

AI is further empowering buyers.

We‘ve been living in the era of the empowered buyer for quite some time now. Prospects are as well-informed, confident, and independent as they’ve ever been — and AI is only expediting that trend.

Self-service resources for product research (most notably search engines) are already a staple of the modern buyer's journey — but generative AI is becoming an increasingly prominent resource, shaping how consumers understand the products and services they invest in.

As you've probably noticed, Google is in the process of augmenting its search results with generative AI, and HubSpot's State of Consumer Trends Report found that leveraging AI chatbots for consumer queries is becoming more popular with younger generations.

13% of Gen Z respondents cited it as their preferred method for finding answers to their questions online, compared to just 2% of Boomers.

As AI‘s popularity as a resource for product research grows, it could potentially undermine the salesperson’s traditional position as the more informed, consultative guide in a sales engagement.

As a salesperson, that shift could be helpful or frustrating, depending on how that research casts your offering. On one hand, a prospect's AI-powered research might frame your product or service in a positive light — immediately establishing it as a good fit for a prospect and offering you an inherent leg up.

On the other hand, AI's take on whether your offering suits your prospect might be less than flattering, forcing you to sell from a more compromised, challenging position.

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (3)

HubSpot's 2024 Sales Trends Report

This in-depth report includes sections, covering:

  • How buyers are becoming more self-informed
  • How sales teams are using AI and automation
  • Adapting to tighter budgets
  • And more!
Learn more

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (4)

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Salespeople are concerned about job displacement.

Beyond empowering buyers, AI's emergence has some wide-reaching implications in sales — some of which can be unnerving. I touched on this at the beginning of this section (a bit tongue-in-cheekily), but AI has led to some real concerns about job displacement in the field.

That trend isn't exactly specific to sales, but it still has a lot of sales professionals particularly worried. Our 2023 State of AI in Sales survey found that 42% of sales professionals are concerned about AI replacing their jobs in the next few years, compared to 42% who aren't.

AI can free up salespeople to sell more effectively.

But even with job displacement fears looming, several salespeople still see AI as an invaluable resource in the modern sales landscape — one that supports their professional responsibilities as opposed to undermining them.

That same survey found that 78% of sales professionals believe AI can help them spend more time on the most critical aspects of their role, and 74% agree that AI can help them spend more time on the parts of the job they enjoy most.

There‘s a growing need for salespeople to understand and adopt AI-related resources — let’s take a closer look at the “why” behind it.

The Need for Artificial Intelligence in Sales

Regardless of how you might feel about AI, the fact remains: AI is not going to un-invent itself. It‘s already a staple of several fields — especially sales — and it’s only going to get more sophisticated and ubiquitous as time goes on.

Adopting AI-powered resources has transitioned from a nice-to-have to a need-to-have in sales. Our 2023 State of AI in Sales survey found that 68% of sales professionals predicted that most of the software they use will have built-in AI capabilities by 2024.

Again, I‘m extremely wary of AI. I held out on leveraging it in my professional life for as long as I could, but I caved — not because I wanted to, but because I came to understand that my position wasn’t practical. And a lot of salespeople are hitting that point as well.

AI is here to stay, and refusing to adopt it means you run the risk of being left behind. It serves everyone from BDRs to CSOs to start taking AI seriously and learning to leverage it — both individually and organizationally.

The “need for artificial intelligence” in sales boils down to this: not letting stubbornness interfere with organizational efficiency and effectiveness. There's no real reason to avoid embracing AI in sales.

It‘s here. It’s not going anywhere, and acting like it's going to undermines your ability to be as productive as possible in the modern sales landscape.

The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Sales

Despite the whole “potentially displacing the human workforce and destroying the world” thing, AI does actually offer some very real benefits in sales — and salespeople generally recognize those. Here are some conclusions we drew from our 2023 State of AI in Sales survey and the figures to support them:

    • AI can help automate tedious tasks to free salespeople up to sell.
      • Sales professionals save two hours and 15 minutes a day using AI to automate manual tasks.
      • 78% of salespeople say that AI can help them spend more time on the most critical aspects of their role.
      • 74% of sales professionals agree that AI can help them spend more time on the parts of the job they enjoy most.
    • AI can support more thoughtful customer insight.
      • 73% of sales professionals agree that AI can help them pull insights from data they otherwise wouldn't be able to find.
      • 65% of sales professionals say AI will help them understand their customers better.
  • AI can enhance personalization in sales.
    • 69% of sales professionals strongly or somewhat agree that AI can help them personalize the customer experience.
    • 61% of sales professionals also agree that AI can make prospecting more personalized.

Obviously, that list of benefits isn't exhaustive, but you get the idea. AI expedites aspects of sales that many salespeople often find tedious or challenging. It helps structure better-informed, more streamlined sales efforts — even if its presence presents some reasonable, serious concerns.

One example is ColdIQ, a B2B agency that uses AI to optimize their sales prospecting campaigns. Their sales team uses AI automation to engage with website visitors and profile viewers, personalize email outreach at scale, execute multichannel sequences, and more. Leveraging AI in their strategy has enabled ColdIQ to grow from $0 to $2 million in annual revenue in just 19 months.

7 Ways Your Team Can Use AI in Sales

Artificial intelligence in sales can be leveraged in many different ways. However, here are five applications that can transform your sales process.

1. Access to advanced data enrichment, analysis, and applications.

Sound data enrichment — the process of pulling data into an organization's database (typically a CRM) from third-party sources — is transitioning from an asset to a necessity for sales orgs. It allows you to create a more holistic, comprehensive, and accurate understanding of your prospects, leads, customers, and processes.

Many resources that support the process are AI-powered. For instance, HubSpot offers a predictive scoring tool that uses artificial intelligence to identify high-quality leads, based on predefined criteria.

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (5)

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Another interesting application of AI in data enrichment is Zoho’s DataPrep solution which analyzes and transforms data into new “types.”

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (6)

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Zoho uses AI to extract “meaning” from existing information in a CRM and uses its findings to create new data points, such as lead sentiments and topics of interest. These “new” data points can then be leveraged across several use cases. That includes lead scoring, lead prioritization, and outreach personalization.

2. Enhance performance with AI-powered conversation intelligence.

Most sophisticated conversation intelligence software leverage some form of artificial intelligence to analyze sales calls and pull key insights.

A great example of one of these tools is Hubspot’s conversation intelligence solution. This platform uses AI to “uncover the why behind sales performance.”

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The program identifies key insights, such as trends and objections. This data can then be used to easily pinpoint areas of weakness or underperformance.

Another example of an AI-powered conversation intelligence tool is Chorus. This platform leverages artificial intelligence to recognize the context within a conversation, identify key moments within sales calls, and even note competitor mentions.

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (8)

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3. Improve pipeline management and forecasting.

Although most sales reps follow best practices and periodically run sales forecasts, recent data has found that the majority of sales reps inaccurately forecast their pipeline. However, leveraging artificial intelligence allows you to significantly reduce the probability of inaccuracies in your sales team.

Consider Aviso, an AI-driven forecasting solution, to understand how this works.

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (9)

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Aviso uses AI to analyze data and produce insights into deals and the overall pipeline. Some of these AI applications include:

  • WinScore Insights. This is a score that represents the likelihood of successfully closing a deal
  • AI-powered forecasts. This can be used to predict the total number of new deals, renewals, and churn within a fixed period.
  • Scenario forecasting. These dynamic forecasts take “what if” scenarios into account.
  • AI-powered suggestions. These insights account for historical and current performance.

These AI-powered features can be the key differentiator in how well a sales team can build forecasts, draw insights from these forecasts, and make decisions.

4. Streamline and optimize sales engagement.

Sales engagement consists of all buyer-seller interactions within the sales process — from initial outreach to customer onboarding. There are two ways AI can help you leverage data and insights to streamline this process.

First, AI can help you understand customer needs and pain points.

The top use case for AI in sales is to help representatives understand customer needs, according to Salesforce’s State of Sales report. Your knowledge of a customer’s needs informs every decision you make in customer interactions — from your pitch to your sales content and overall outreach approach.

Second, AI aids in personalizing and automating customer interactions.

A great example of a sales engagement solution that helps you do this is Apollo. By leveraging AI on Apollo or exploring similar alternatives, you can:

  • Set up automated outreach messages using pre-defined customization fields.
  • Optimize the performance of your outreach by running A/B tests.
  • Access AI insights on your outreach campaigns, such as a prospect or lead’s interest level.
  • Leverage the “rules engine” to update pre-determined sequences or outreach campaigns once certain criteria are met.

5. Personalizing Pitches

Generative AI has become extremely (or unsettlingly) sophisticated and every iteration of it is the worst it will ever be. While that might not be the best news for humanity, it can bode well for salespeople — especially when it comes to personalization in pitches.

As Gregory Rozdeba, CEO of Dundas Life, puts it, "In the forefront of insurtech, leveraging generative AI creatively has been pivotal. We use AI to personalize sales pitches and proposals, making every interaction with prospects feel tailor-made.

“By analyzing data on customer preferences and behaviors, AI helps us predict needs, enabling preemptive solution offering. This not only increases engagement but also positions us as attentive and proactive. Moreover, AI-driven insights into market trends ensure our strategies remain agile, keeping us ahead in a competitive landscape.”

6. Personalizing Email Outreach

Generative AI's ability to support personalization extends beyond personalizing pitches — it can also assist with email outreach.

Pat Schirripa, CEO of People 2U, says, "Forget robots taking sales rep jobs! Generative AI is a game-changer for our team. We use it to craft personalized email outreach that grabs attention. AI analyzes customer data and suggests email content tailored to each lead's needs.

“It saves reps tons of time with personalized messages, making them more likely to resonate. It's like having a super-powered research assistant for each salesperson, freeing them up to focus on building relationships and closing deals.”

7. Refining Sales Scripts

Sales teams can also leverage generative AI as a resource for creating and iterating upon more thoughtful, effective sales scripts.

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant at, says, "One creative method I've found really helpful for boosting our sales effectiveness involves starting with a basic sales script and then letting generative AI tools tweak and improve it as we go.

“This means that, based on the feedback we're getting in real-time and how well different approaches are working, the AI can make changes to ensure our sales pitches stay sharp and engaging. Despite the advancements in technology, the personal touch in sales is still key, but these AI-enhanced scripts help us keep our approach fresh and effective.”

3 Popular AI Sales Tools

If any of these use cases resonate with your sales team, it’s time to start looking for the right AI solution. Here are a few acclaimed AI Sales tools your organization can leverage.

1. HubSpot Sales Hub

Hubspot’s Sales Hub is a robust customer relationship management (CRM) tool for salespeople and sales teams. This platform offers a comprehensive solution. From forecasting to prospecting and even scheduling meetings, you’ll find ways to improve your workflow.

Sales Hub also leverages artificial intelligence to gather data from your prospects and customers. Key features include:

  • Data capture through the mobile business card scanner. This uses machine learning to pull contact data directly into your CRM from a business card.
  • Data enrichment. AI automatically populates your CMS by pulling contact properties from email conversations with prospects, leads, or customers. This data could be phone numbers, geographical locations, job titles, and more.

Pricing: These features are only available in premium editions of the Sales Hub and Service Hub. Both start at $500 a month or $5,400 a year.

What Users Say

“HubSpot Sales Hub helped me build a strong pipeline and is now helping our business a lot as we're able to turn those leads into customers. Kudos and well done, team! I highly recommend HubSpot Sales Hub for businesses out there,”Gladys B. for G2.

2. Clari

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (10)

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Clari helps users perform three core functions - forecasting, pipeline management, and revenue intelligence. For sales teams specifically, the platform pulls data from multiple sources to help salespeople build real-time, accurate pipelines and set sales goals.

Here are some ways the platform leverages artificial intelligence:

  • AI-driven predictive forecasts. This allows users to leverage AI to accurately project monthly or quarterly sales performance. This data is especially important for determining EOQs (economic order quantity) and resource management.
  • Pipeline insights. These allow users to determine overall pipeline health, identify pipeline risks, and effectively prioritize deals within the pipeline.
  • Intelligent data updates. Clari can also automatically enrich CRM contacts by pulling and attributing data from customer interactions across multiple touchpoints and channels.

Pricing: The price for your team is available upon request.

What Users Say

“Within my organization, Clari is being used to forecast sales and get an idea of what opportunities are coming up and how quickly they could be closed. It is a powerful analytical tool and an indispensable resource for our team today,”Kevin M. for G2.

3. RocketDocs

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Rocketdocs is a platform that initially started as a sales proposal software but later evolved into a response management and sales enablement solution.

Here are some ways this platform leverages artificial intelligence to improve the sales process:

  • AI-powered “autofill”. This feature identifies questions in an RFP, surfaces “answer matches” from your content library, and automatically populates these fields.
  • Response automation. This feature allows you to fully automate recurring security and due diligence questionnaires
  • Proposal creation. “Rapiddocs” allows you to leverage templates and questionnaires to pull relevant data from your content database and build custom sales documents.

Pricing: The price for your team is available upon request.

What Users Say

“RocketDocs improves and enhances the RFP Workflow using RST (Smart Response Technology) and offers us customizable workflows that can modify the process. Real-time tracking is another advanced feature that allows us to keep a complete track record of operations. It is a cost-effective solution for our organization that helped speed and improve the sales process,”Aniket S. for G2.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Based on Your Sales Needs

There‘s no single, one-size-fits-all way to leverage artificial intelligence that will work for every sales org by default. Sales processes vary, so it’s only fitting that the AI tools and tactics different teams use would vary as well.

With that said, if you’d like to become more deliberate about incorporating AI into your sales process, figuring out which aspects of your process can be simplified or optimized is a good place to start.

From there, it's about identifying the tools that suit your unique needs.

Topics: Sales Strategy Artificial Intelligence

The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024 (2024)


The Power of AI in Sales & 7 Ways You Can Use It in 2024? ›

AI boosts sales prospecting and lead generation across various channels by improving targeting, personalization, decision-making, and more. Using artificial intelligence in sales and marketing can help teams quickly generate quality leads.

What is the power of AI in sales? ›

AI boosts sales prospecting and lead generation across various channels by improving targeting, personalization, decision-making, and more. Using artificial intelligence in sales and marketing can help teams quickly generate quality leads.

What are the benefits of AI being available 24 7? ›

Instant Responses: AI chatbots and virtual assistants can provide immediate responses to customer inquiries, even outside regular business hours. This reduces wait times and improves the overall customer experience.

What are the 4 powerful examples of artificial intelligence in use today? ›

Four powerful examples of AI in use today are self-driving cars (Tesla), facial recognition (Apple Face ID), language translation (Google Translate), and medical diagnosis (IBM Watson Health). 3.

What is the future of sales with AI? ›

In the future, salespeople will be equipped with AI-powered tools that can provide real-time insights and recommendations. This will make them more effective and efficient, allowing them to close more deals and build stronger relationships with their customers.

How can AI-powered tools help improve sales results? ›

Using advanced algorithms and machine learning, AI automates tasks, analyzes data, and offers valuable insights to sales teams, facilitating improved sales performance and increased deal closures. With AI, sales professionals can streamline operations and capitalize on opportunities more effectively.

How to use AI to sell products? ›

Sales engagement platforms use AI tools to track and analyze customer interactions such as email opens and clicks, website visits, and social media engagement. AI tools then analyze customer behavior across various channels to personalize outreach and tailor messaging based on individual needs and interests.

What does 24 7 AI do? ›

[24] is a recognized and award-winning industry leader in global business process outsourcing services and conversational AI technology using artificial intelligence, human insight, and deep industry expertise to produce personalized, consistent, and great customer experiences.

What is AI that we use everyday? ›

Your smartphone uses AI, as do services like digital assistants, chatbots, social media websites, and much more. Many home electronics also use AI, such as robot vacuum cleaners or security systems. And, of course, there are classic examples of auto-navigation and robotics.

What are 10 ways AI is used today? ›

10 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Used Today
  • Finance. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Content. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Shopping. ...
  • Transportation. ...
  • Chatbots and assistants. ...
  • Facial recognition.
Jun 12, 2024

What problems can AI solve? ›

What problems can AI help us solve? AI excels at automating repetitive tasks that are time-consuming and error-prone for humans. This includes data entry, scheduling, report generation, and customer service inquiries.

How is AI used in business? ›

Organizations use artificial intelligence (AI) to strengthen data analysis and decision-making, improve customer experiences, generate content, optimize IT operations, sales, marketing and cybersecurity practices and more. As AI technologies improve and evolve, new business applications emerge.

How can sales people use AI? ›

7 Ways Your Team Can Use AI in Sales
  • Access to advanced data enrichment, analysis, and applications. ...
  • Enhance performance with AI-powered conversation intelligence. ...
  • Improve pipeline management and forecasting. ...
  • Streamline and optimize sales engagement. ...
  • Personalizing Pitches. ...
  • Personalizing Email Outreach.
Jul 17, 2024

Can AI replace salesmen? ›

Sales require a deep understanding of customer needs and the ability to build meaningful relationships. The human touch is crucial in sales interactions, as people buy from those they trust. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to connect on a personal level are qualities that AI cannot replicate.

How AI is changing B2B sales? ›

AI's Evolution in B2B Sales and Marketing

AI lets companies offer better and more personalized services. It also makes sales and marketing smoother, automates tasks and helps create new and better products. The AI market for B2B companies is expected to be worth a huge $407 billion by 2027.

How much do AI sales reps make? ›

Pay TypeRangeMedian
Base Pay$86K - $160K$115K/yr
Commission$60K - $111K$79K/yr

Can sales be replaced by AI? ›

AI can provide sales teams with valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors, enabling more personalized interactions. However, the human element is essential for establishing trust and rapport. Sales professionals must use AI as a tool to enhance their relationship-building efforts.

What is the power of AI in retail? ›

When it comes to retail, AI essentially means machine learning and predictive analytics. AI technology can gather and process data, denote patterns, and make sense of huge amounts of information. From there, AI can help retailers make data-backed decisions by supplying accurate forecasts and predictions.

What is the power of AI in business? ›

AI systems power several types of business automation, including enterprise automation and process automation, helping to reduce human error and free up human workforces for higher-level work.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.