The National Archives - Homepage (2024)

In 2013 the government began its move towards releasing records when they are 20 years old, instead of 30. During 2013 The National Archives received records from 1983 and 1984, and in 2014 records from 1985 and 1986. Two further years’ worth of government records are being transferred to us each year until 2022 when we will receive the records from 2001 and 2002.

  • March 1984

    The National Archives - Homepage (1)


    The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) gives official backing to an indefinite strike of 70,000 men. The strike lasts one year, ending in March 1985.

    October 1984

    The National Archives - Homepage (2)

    IRA bomb the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton

    An IRA bomb explodes at the Grand Hotel, Brighton during a Conservative Party Conference, killing four people.

  • September 1985

    The National Archives - Homepage (3)

    Wreck of RMS Titanic found

    The wreck of RMS Titanic is located. The first photos and films are taken 73 years after it sank.

    September 1985

    The National Archives - Homepage (4)

    Riots in Birmingham and London

    Rioting starts in Birmingham and later in Brixton after the shooting of a black woman during a police search of her house. The unrest breaks out later on the Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham, resulting in the death of a police officer.

    Image attributed to Kim Aldis

  • April 1986

    The National Archives - Homepage (5)

    John McCarthy kidnapped

    Journalist John McCarthy is kidnapped during the Lebanon hostage crisis. Church of England envoy, Terry Waite, is kidnapped in January 1987 while negotiating for his release. They are both eventually freed in 1991.

    Image attributed to FunkMonk

    October 1986

    The National Archives - Homepage (6)

    AIDS health campaign launched

    The Government launches a £20m campaign to warn about the dangers of AIDS.

  • October 1987

    The National Archives - Homepage (7)

    Black Monday

    Wall Street crash wipes £50bn off the value of shares on the London Stock Exchange.

    November 1987

    The National Archives - Homepage (8)

    Remembrance Day bombing

    11 people are killed by an IRA bomb at a Remembrance Day service in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland.

    Image attributed to Dean Molyneaux

  • July 1988

    The National Archives - Homepage (9)

    Piper Alpha oil rig disaster

    An explosion on the North Sea oil rig Piper Alpha kills 170 people.

    Image attributed to Elliott Simpson

    November 1988

    The National Archives - Homepage (10)

    Lockerbie bombing

    Pan Am Flight 103 explodes over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 270 people, including 11 inhabitants.

    Image attributed to Dean Molyneaux

  • August 1989

    The National Archives - Homepage (11)

    Marchioness disaster

    The pleasure boat, the Marchioness, sinks in the River Thames after colliding with a barge, killing 51 people.

    November 1989

    The National Archives - Homepage (12)

    Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The demolition of the Berlin Wall marks the beginning of the end of the Cold War.

    Image attributed to Sue Ream

  • May 1990

    The National Archives - Homepage (13)

    France bans imports of British beef

    France bans British beef and live cattle imports over fears of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease.

    November 1990

    The National Archives - Homepage (14)

    Margaret Thatcher resigns

    Margaret Thatcher fails to win an outright victory in a leadership contest and resigns as leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister. John Major succeeds her.

    Image attributed to Jay Galvin

  • January 1991

    The National Archives - Homepage (15)

    Gulf War begins

    The Gulf War begins with the aerial bombardment of Iraq.

    February 1991

    The National Archives - Homepage (16)

    10 Downing Street attacked

    The Provisional IRA launch a mortar bomb attack on 10 Downing Street while the Cabinet is in session.

  • February 1992

    The National Archives - Homepage (17)

    Maastricht Treaty signed

    The signing of the Maastricht Treaty creates the European Union and paves the way for the creation of a single European currency.

    September 1992

    The National Archives - Homepage (18)

    Black Wednesday

    The government suspends Britain

  • April 1993

    The National Archives - Homepage (19)

    Murder of Stephen Lawrence

    Black teenager Stephen Lawrence is murdered while waiting for a bus on the evening of 22 April 1993.

    December 1993

    The National Archives - Homepage (20)

    UK and Irish governments sign declaration

    The Downing Street Declaration is signed by the UK and Irish governments to promote talks on the future of Northern Ireland.

  • June 1994

    The National Archives - Homepage (21)

    Chinook helicopter crash

    A Chinook helicopter crashes in the Mull of Kintyre killing 29 people.

    July 1994

    The National Archives - Homepage (22)

    Tony Blair becomes Leader of the Labour Party, following the death of John Smith

    Tony Blair wins the Labour leadership contest and becomes Leader of the Labour Party, following the death of John Smith.

  • February 1995

    The National Archives - Homepage (23)

    Barings Bank collapses

    Barings merchant bank goes into receivership following heavy losses in its Singapore Office.

    Image attributed to Wikipedia

    July 1995

    The National Archives - Homepage (24)

    War in Bosnia and Herzegovina begins

    British forces are sent to Sarajevo to help relieve the long-running siege in the city.

  • March 1996

    The National Archives - Homepage (25)

    Dunblane massacre

    A gunman kills 16 children, their teacher and himself at a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland.

    July 1996

    The National Archives - Homepage (26)

    First successfully cloned mammal in UK

    Dolly the sheep is the first mammal cloned from an adult cell, rather than being conceived naturally. This opened up the ethnical debate on genetic engineering.

  • May 1997

    The National Archives - Homepage (27)

    Labour win general election

    Tony Blair wins a landslide general election and becomes Prime Minister.

    August 1997

    The National Archives - Homepage (28)

    Princess Diana dies in car crash

    Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed die in a car crash in Paris after being chased by paparazzi.

  • April 1998

    The National Archives - Homepage (29)

    Good Friday Agreement signed

    The agreement marks a major political development in the Northern Ireland peace process.

    August 1998

    The National Archives - Homepage (30)

    Omagh bombing

    Opposed to the Good Friday Agreement, the Real IRA bomb the town of Omagh, killing 29 people.

  • January 1999

    The National Archives - Homepage (31)

    The Euro is launched

    The European single currency, the Euro, becomes the new official currency of 11 Member states.

    May 1999

    The National Archives - Homepage (32)

    Scottish and Welsh elections

    The first elections to the new Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are held, following a referendum to devolve some powers to respective governments in 1997.

  • January 2000

    The National Archives - Homepage (33)

    Millennium Dome opens

    The Millennium Dome was commissioned to house an exhibition celebrating the beginning of the third millennium. Although the original exhibition was dismantled, the structure is now used as a popular music venue.

    October 2000

    The National Archives - Homepage (34)

    Hatfield rail crash

    A train derails south of Hatfield station, killing four people.

  • February 2001

    The National Archives - Homepage (35)

    Foot and mouth disease

    Foot and mouth disease is detected in British herds, prompting a mass slaughter of animals as a precautionary measure.

    September 2001

    The National Archives - Homepage (36)


    The Islamist militant group al-Qaeda hijack four passenger planes, crashing two into New York’s World Trade Centre, and killing nearly 3,000 people. This instigated the war in Afghanistan, which begins in October.

    Image courtesy of the Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

  • April 2002

    The National Archives - Homepage (37)

    Queen Elizabeth II celebrates the Golden Jubilee

    The Queen addresses Parliament in a speech marking 50 years on the throne. This follows a difficult year that saw the deaths of both her sister, Princess Margaret, and the Queen mother.

    May 2002

    The National Archives - Homepage (38)

    Potters Bar rail crash

    A train derails at Potters bar, killing seven people.

    Image attributed to Nigel Cox

  • Previous
  • Next

What’s changed?

The Public Records Act requires central government departments, and certain other public bodies, to identify records of historical value and transfer them for permanent preservation to The National Archives, or to another appointed place of deposit, by the time they are 30 years old. The Government is reducing this timeframe from 30 to 20 years.

This is a major change and one that is being introduced in a manageable and affordable way, using a phased approach. The first phase began in 2013 and applied to the government departments and other bodies that transfer records to The National Archives. It also applies to the bodies that are places of deposit for their own records, such as the Tate Gallery, and to specialist collecting archives such as the Imperial War Museum.

Two years’ worth of government records will be transferred to us each year until 2022. From then on a single year’s worth of records that are 20 years old will be transferred. The transition to a 20-year-rule will take place over ten years and we are publishing data on the volume and transfer status of the records held by those bodies that transfer to us on our website.

The second phase – records of local interest

From 1 January 2015, transition to the new rule beganfor records of specified bodies transferring records to local places of deposit. Records within this category are primarily of local interest and include those created by Magistrates’ courts and the NHS. Find out more about the 20-year rule for records of local interest.

When these records are transferred to The National Archives or another place of deposit they are usually ‘open’ and available for public access. This is because some of the exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act, which provide the grounds for ‘closing’ records, fall away at the same time. The government has also decided to bring forward, from 30 to 20 years, the point at which some of these exemptions fall away so that these transferred records are routinely available for public access.

Useful links

Read more about the history of the Public Records Act and how it works with other related legislation to underpin how the public record is managed.

A review of the 30-year rule was commissioned by the government in 2007. The findings of the review were published in a report in 2009.

The National Archives - Homepage (2024)


What is the most requested item from the National Archives? ›

Historical Documents
  • Declaration of Independence.
  • Constitution of the United States.
  • Bill of Rights.
  • Constitutional Amendments 11- 27.
Dec 12, 2019

Is it hard to get into the National Archives? ›

Entry to the National Archives is free. Reservations are not required for individuals or groups wishing to enter the National Archives Museum through the General Public Entrance, but reservations are strongly suggested between March and Labor Day to avoid potentially long lines outside.

Is the National Archive trustworthy? ›

We develop the information that we disseminate from reliable sources and use generally accepted methods for data collection, archival description, and editorial preparation. We thoroughly review information before we disseminate it.

Is legit? ›

We are the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), America's record keeper. We are the Government agency that not only preserves documents and materials related to the United States but also makes sure people can access the information.

What is the most requested photo of all time? ›

The most requested photograph from the National Archives is a black and white image of Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley shaking hands.

What is the most famous picture in the National Archives? ›

One of the most requested photographs at the U.S. National Archives is an iconic photo of President Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley meeting at the White House in 1970. Recently, this photograph has become more available to the public on our online research catalog, ARC, as well as through our photostream on

Is there a dress code for the National Archives? ›

The answer is simply what you will wear or pack in your luggage when you're heading there. The National Institutions in D.C., much like the Capitol or National Archives, do not have a very strict dress code to follow. This is true especially if you are just there as a tourist looking around and visiting the place.

What is the 30 year rule in the National Archives? ›

The Public Records Act 1967 and the 30-year access rule

In 1967 it was decided to reduce the 50 year closure period to 30 years. This allowed records relating to the First World War and those created before 1923 to be available for public inspection. An amending Public Records Act took effect on 1 January 1968.

Why can't you take pictures in the National Archives? ›

The primary impetus for the new regulation was concern that the Charters of Freedom (the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) and other original documents on display in the National Archives Experience were at risk from exposure to flash photography.

What is hidden in the National Archives? ›

The National Archives museum houses billions of letters, photographs, video and audio recordings, drawings, maps, posters, treaties and a ton more. Everything preserved in the National Archives documents the stories of America's history, as a nation and as a people.

How long does it take to get records from the National archive? ›

Check Status of Reproduction Order
Time ExpectedReceive a Response or Order
3 to 4 weeksResponse to your order for publications*
8 to 9 weeksReceive orders placed on NATF Forms 81, 82, 83, 84, or 86
12 to 16 weeksReceive orders placed on NATF Form 85 (full pension files are large so take the longest)
Nov 4, 2022

What is the difference between the Library of Congress and the National Archives? ›

The Library of Congress Manuscript Division holds personal papers and organizational records significant to American history. The National Archives and Records Administration is the official depository for United States government records.

Can anyone access the National Archive? ›

Anyone can use the National Archives. You do not need to be an American citizen or to present credentials or a letter of recommendation.

Who guards the National Archive? ›

Hundreds of people filter in and out of the Rotunda every day to see the Charters of Freedom, but the guards never leave their posts. The men and women who make up the National Archives security force guard our nation's most important documents.

What records do the National Archives hold? ›

Among the records in its holdings are our nation's founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. The records of the nation's civil, military, and diplomatic activities are held by the National Archives and Records Administration in trust for present and future generations.

What famous things are in the National Archives? ›

Truman presided over the unveiling of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights in the Rotunda of the National Archives. For more than 60 years, visitors have come to view the original signed documents that have come to be known as “The Charters of Freedom.”

What is the most important document in American history? ›

The Constitution

Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the U.S. Constitution is the world's longest surviving written charter of government.

What is the largest archive in the world? ›

The French National Archives, which possess perhaps the largest archival collection in the world (with records going as far back as 625 A.D.), was created in 1790 during the Revolution from various government, religious, and private archives seized by the revolutionaries.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.