The Multiple Strategies of Hedge Funds (2024)

Hedge funds are alternative investments that use market opportunities to their advantage. These funds require a larger initial investment than many other types of investments and generally are accessible only to accredited investors.

That's because hedge funds require far less regulation from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) than others like mutual funds. Most hedge funds are illiquid, meaning investors need to keep their money invested for longer periods of time, and withdrawals are often limited to certain periods of time.

As such, they use different strategies so their investors can earn active returns; however, potential hedge fund investors need to understand how these funds make money and how much risk they take on when they buy into this financial product. While no two hedge funds are identical, most generate their returns using one or more of several specific strategies that are outlined below.

Key Takeaways

  • Hedge funds are versatile investment vehicles that can use leverage, derivatives, and take short positions in stocks.
  • Because of this, hedge funds employ various strategies to try to generate active returns for their investors.
  • Hedge fund strategies range from long/short equity to market neutral.
  • Merger arbitrage is a kind of event-driven strategy, which can also involve distressed companies.

Long/Short Equity

The first hedge fund used a long/short equity strategy. Launched by Alfred W. Jones in 1949, this strategy is still in use on the lion’s share of equity hedge fund assets today. The concept is simple: Investment research turns up expected winners and losers, so why not bet on both?

Takelong positions in the winners as collateral to finance short positions in the losers. The combined portfolio creates more opportunities for idiosyncratic (i.e. stock-specific) gains, reducing market risk with the shorts offsetting long market exposure.

Long/short equity is basically an extension of pairs trading, in which investors go long and short on two competing companies in the same industry based on their relative valuations. It is a relatively low-risk leveraged bet on the manager’s stock-picking skill.

For example, if General Motors (GM) looks cheap relative to Ford, a pairs trader might buy $100,000 worth of GM and short an equal value of Ford shares. The net market exposure is zero, but if GM does outperform Ford, the investor will make money no matter what happens to the overall market.

Let's suppose Ford rises 20% and GM rises 27%. The trader sells GM for $127,000, covers the Ford short for $120,000 and pockets $7,000. If Ford falls 30% and GM falls 23%, they sell GM for $77,000, cover the Ford short for $70,000, and still pocket $7,000. If the trader is wrong and Ford outperforms GM, however, they will lose money.

Market Neutral

Long/short equity hedge funds typically have net long market exposure because most managers do not hedge their entire long market value with short positions. The portfolio's unhedged portion may fluctuate, introducing an element of market timing to the overall return.

By contrast, market-neutral hedge funds target zero net-market exposure, orshorts and longs have an equal market value. This means managers generate their entire return from stock selection. This strategy has a lower risk than a long-biased strategy—but the expected returns are lower, too.

Long/short and market-neutral hedge funds struggled for several years after the 2007 financial crisis. Investor attitudes were often binary—risk-on (bullish) or risk-off (bearish). Besides,when stocks go up or down in unison, strategies that depend on stock selection don’t work. In addition, record-low interest rates eliminated earnings from the stock loan rebate or interest earned on cash collateral posted against borrowed stock sold short. The cash is lent out overnight, and the lending broker keeps a proportion.

This typically amounts to 20% of the interest as a fee for arranging the stock loan, while "rebating" the remaining interest to the borrower. If overnight interest rates are 4% and a market-neutral fund earns the typical 80% rebate, it will earn 3.2% per annum (0.04 x 0.8) before fees, even if the portfolio is flat. But when rates are near zero, so is the rebate.

Merger Arbitrage

A riskier version of market neutral, merger arbitrage derives its returns from takeover activity. That's why it's often considered one kind of event-driven strategy. After a share-exchange transaction is announced, the hedge fund manager may buy shares in the target company and short-sell the buying company'sshares at theratio prescribed by the merger agreement. The deal is subject to certain conditions:

  • Regulatory approval
  • A favorable vote by the target company'sshareholders
  • No material adverse change in the target’s business or financial position

The target company's shares trade for less than the merger consideration's per-share value—a spread that compensates the investor for the risk of the transactionnot closing, as well asforthe time value of money until closing.

In cash transactions, the target company shares trade at a discount to the cash payable at closing, so the manager does not need to hedge. In either case, the spread delivers a return when the deal goes through, no matter what happens to the market. The catch? The buyer often pays a large premium over the pre-deal stock price, so investors face large losses when transactions fall apart.

Because merger arbitrage comes with uncertainty, hedge fund managers must fully evaluate these deals and accept the risks that come with this kind of strategy.

There is, of course, a significant risk that comes with this kind of strategy. The merger may not go ahead as planned because conditional requirements from one or both companies or regulations may eventually prohibit the merger. Those who take part in this kind of strategy must, therefore, be fully knowledgeable about all the risks involved as well as the potential rewards.

Convertible Arbitrage

Convertibles are hybrid securities that combine a straight bond with an equity option. A convertible arbitrage hedge fund is typically long on convertible bonds and short on a proportion of the shares into which they convert. Managers try to maintain a delta-neutral position, in which the bond and stock positions offset each other as the market fluctuates.

To preserve delta-neutrality, traders must increase their hedge, orsell more shares short if the price goes up and buy shares back to reduce the hedge if the price goes down. This forces them to buy low and sell high.

Convertible arbitrage thrives on volatility. The more the shares bounce around, the more opportunities arise to adjust the delta-neutral hedge and book trading profits. Funds thrive when volatility is high or declining, but struggle when volatility spikes—as it always does in times of market stress.

Convertible arbitrage faces event riskas well. If an issuer becomes a takeover target, the conversion premium collapses before the manager can adjust the hedge, resulting in a significant loss.


On the border between equity and fixed income lie event-driven strategies. This kind of strategy works well during periods of economic strength when corporate activity tends to be high. With an event-driven strategy, hedge funds buy the debt of companies that are in financial distress or have already filed for bankruptcy.

Managers often focus on senior debt, which is most likely to be repaid at par or with the smallest haircut in any reorganization plan.

If the company has not yet filed for bankruptcy, the manager may sell short equity, betting that the shares will fall either when it does file or when a negotiated equity-for-debt swap forestalls bankruptcy. If the company is already in bankruptcy, a junior class of debt entitled to a lower recovery upon reorganization may constitute a better hedge.

Investors in event-driven funds need to be able to take on some risk and also be patient. Corporate reorganizations don't always happen the way managers plan, and, in some cases, they may play out over months or even years, during which the troubled company’s operations may deteriorate. Changing financial market conditions can also affect the outcome—for better or for worse.


Capital structure arbitrage, similar to event-driven trades, also underlies most hedge fund credit strategies. Managers look for a relative value between the senior and junior securities of the same corporate issuer.

They also trade securities of equivalent credit quality from different corporate issuers, or different tranches, in the complex capital of structured debt vehicles like mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) or collateralized loan obligations (CLOs). Credit hedge funds focus on credit rather than interest rates. Indeed, many managers sell short interest rate futures or Treasury bonds to hedge their rate exposure.

Credit funds tend to prosper when credit spreads narrow during robust economic growth periods. But they may suffer losses when the economy slows and spreads blow out.

Fixed-Income Arbitrage

Hedge funds that engage in fixed-income arbitrage eke out returns from risk-free government bonds, eliminating credit risk. Remember, investors who use arbitrage to buy assets or securities on one market, sell them on a different market. Any profit investors make is a result of a discrepancy in price between the purchase and sale prices.

Managers, therefore, make leveraged bets on how the shape of the yield curve will change. For example, if they expect long rates to rise relative to short rates, they will sell short long-dated bonds or bond futures and buy short-dated securities or interest rate futures.

These funds typically use high leverage to boost what would otherwise be modest returns. By definition, leverage increases the risk of loss when the manager is wrong.

Global Macro

Some hedge funds analyze how macroeconomic trends will affect interest rates, currencies, commodities, or equities around the world, and take long or short positions in whichever asset class is most sensitive to their views. Although global macro funds can trade almost anything, managers usually prefer highly liquid instruments such as futures and currency forwards.

Macro funds don’t always hedge, but managers often take big directional bets—some never pan out. As a result, returns are among the most volatile of any hedge fund strategy.


The ultimate directional traders are short-only hedge funds—the professional pessimists who devote their energy to finding overvalued stocks. They scour financial statement footnotes and talk to suppliers or competitors to unearth any signs of trouble possiblyignored by investors. Hedge fund managers occasionally score a home run when they uncover accounting fraud or some other malfeasance.

Short-only funds can provide a portfolio hedge against bear markets, but they are not for the faint of heart. Managers face a permanent handicap: They must overcome the long-term upward bias in the equity market.


Quantitative hedge fund strategies look to quantitative analysis (QA) to make investment decisions. QA is a technique that seeks to understand patterns using mathematical and statistical modeling, measurement, and research relying on large data sets.

Quantitative hedge funds often leverage technology to crunch the numbers and automatically make trading decisions based on mathematical models or machine learning techniques. These funds may be considered "black boxes" since the internal workings are obscure and proprietary. High-frequency trading (HFT) firms that trade investor money would be examples of quantitative hedge funds.

Who Can Invest in Hedge Funds?

Because of their higher risk and less regulation by the SEC, only accredited investors can invest in hedge funds. According to the SEC, an accredited investor is an individual with a net worth of $1 million or more, not including the value of their primary residency, and has an income of $200,000 or more in each of the previous two years and expects to have the same for the current year.

What Exactly Does a Hedge Fund Do?

Hedge funds are investment vehicles. They pool together the assets of investors and invest their money with the goal of generating returns. Hedge funds use unique trading strategies for investing in order to beat the returns of the market. They take on higher risk, hedge their risk, invest in alternative assets, and use active management when investing. They are typically only open to institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals.

What Is the Largest Hedge Fund in the World?

The largest hedge fund in the world in 2023 is Field Street Capital Management with assets under management of $298 billion.

The Bottom Line

Investors should conduct extensive due diligence before they commit money to any hedge fund. Understanding which strategies the fund uses, as well as its risk profile, is an essential first step. Furthermore, understanding whether or not the hedge fund aligns with your overall investment will help you choose which hedge fund is right for you.

The Multiple Strategies of Hedge Funds (2024)


What are multi-strategy hedge funds? ›

Multi-strategy hedge funds seek to maximise risk-adjusted returns by investing in a variety of underlying investment strategies, or differing sub-strategies of the same master strategy.

What are the different types of strategies created by hedge funds with examples? ›

Different types of hedge fund strategies
  • Long/Short Equity or Hybrids.
  • Credit Risk Strategies.
  • Vulture Funds & Distressed Debt.
  • Fixed Income Arbitrage.
  • Convertible Arbitrage.
  • Arbitrage on relative value.
  • Corporate Event Strategies.
May 23, 2024

What is the most popular hedge fund strategy? ›

Top hedge funds follow Equity Strategy, with 75% of the Top 20 funds tracking the same. Relative Value strategy is followed by 10% of the Top 20 Hedge Funds. Macro Strategy, Event-Driven, and Multi-Strategy make the remaining 15% of the strategy. Also, check out more information about Hedge Fund jobs here.

How are hedge fund strategies classified? ›

This reading classifies hedge fund strategies by the following categories: equity-related strategies; event-driven strategies; relative value strategies; opportunistic strategies; specialist strategies; and multi-manager strategies.

What are the three hedging strategies? ›

At a high level, there are three hedge strategy types that companies deploy:
  • Budget hedge to lock in a budget rate.
  • Layering hedge to smooth rate impacts.
  • Year-over-year (YoY) hedge to protect the prior year's rates (50% is likely achievable)

What is the 2 and 20 rule for hedge funds? ›

The 2 and 20 is a hedge fund compensation structure consisting of a management fee and a performance fee. 2% represents a management fee which is applied to the total assets under management. A 20% performance fee is charged on the profits that the hedge fund generates, beyond a specified minimum threshold.

What is the core strategy of a hedge fund? ›

Hedge fund strategies involve investing in debt and equity securities, commodities, currencies, derivatives, and real estate. Hedge funds are loosely regulated by the SEC and earn money from the 2% management fee and 20% performance fee structure. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Which hedging strategy is best? ›

As a rule, long-term put options with a low strike price provide the best hedging value. This is because their cost per market day can be very low. Although they are initially expensive, they are useful for long-term investments.

Is BlackRock a hedge fund? ›

BlackRock manages US$38bn across a broad range of hedge fund strategies. With over 20 years of proven experience, the depth and breadth of our platform has evolved into a comprehensive toolkit of 30+ strategies.

What is the most successful hedge fund in the US? ›

Kenneth Griffin

Citadel has now made $74 billion for investors since its inception in 1990, more than any other hedge fund firm.

Which approach is most commonly used by equity hedge strategies? ›

Equity Hedge Fund Strategies

They involve taking long and short positions in public equities and related derivatives. They differ from the event-driven or macro strategies in the use of a bottom-up rather than a top-down approach.

What broker do most hedge funds use? ›

A prime brokerage is a large institution typically used by hedge funds, family offices and large traders to help execute and finance their trading or portfolio strategy.

How many hedging strategies are there? ›

Types of hedging strategies

Pairs trading: taking two positions on assets with a positive correlation. Trading safe haven assets​: gold, government bonds and currencies such as the USD and CHF. Asset allocation: diversifying your trading portfolio with various asset classes.

How do hedging strategies work? ›

Key Takeaways. Hedging is a risk management strategy employed to offset losses in investments by taking an opposite position in a related asset. The reduction in risk provided by hedging also typically results in a reduction in potential profits.

What is a multi-strategy fund? ›

Multi-strategies combine different single hedge fund strategies in one portfolio and differentiate considerably from each other. Most often, such portfolios include a variety of long-short, relative value and event-driven strategies.

What is a multi strategy approach? ›

A multi-strategy approach to investing acknowledges that certain asset classes perform better at different times. This nimble approach theoretically generates a more consistent stream of returns.

What is a multi factor strategy? ›

By providing diversified exposure to multiple equity factors, multi-factor strategies offer the potential for higher returns within a core allocation, typically at a lower cost relative to active managers.

What are the HFR hedge fund strategies? ›

HFR Hedge Fund Strategy Definitions – Macro. Macro Investment Managers which trade a broad range of strategies in which the investment process is predicated on movements in underlying economic variables and the impact these have on equity, fixed income, hard currency and commodity markets.

Who are the biggest multi-manager funds? ›

As of 2024, the Vanguard Group ranked second among global fund managers by assets under management (AUM). Rounding out the top three, Charles Schwab ranked third, managing fund assets totaling 7.32 trillion U.S. dollars. BlackRock was the largest fund manager, managing fund assets exceeding 10.4 trillion U.S.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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