The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace (2024)

Are you at risk of being fired? It’s more likely than we think! And there are some behaviors that make it much more likely. We have laid out for you the worst examples of unprofessional behavior in the workplace that you should definitely avoid if you want to keep your job!

The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace (1)

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It can be difficult to avoid temptations, but if you want to move ahead in your career, you should definitely take heed!

1. Gossiping about coworkers

Gossiping about and with your coworkers shows a lack of respect and a lack of privacy. It makes it appear as though you would prefer to talk about other people’s problems than do your work. Plus, people will lose their trust in you if they think that you will turn around and gossip about what they have shared with you. The best thing to do is support your coworkers if they confide in you or ask your advice, but let the conversation end with them. There’s absolutely no reason to share a coworker’s private information with a boss or another coworker.

2. Ignoring boundaries with coworkers

In the workplace, it’s best if you keep all interactions professional, even if it seems easier or more fun to interact informally. It’s normal to be friendly and conversational, but try not to be too nosy or impose too much on your coworkers’ time. Respect physical boundaries as well, keeping a couple of feet away, for instance, and modeling your coworkers’ behavior with you. Flirting is similarly not acceptable because you need to keep in mind that your coworkers should feel 100% safe and comfortable in their place of work. This sense of security will vanish if anyone feels uneasy or pressured to behave a certain way around you.

3. Behaving poorly at work-social events

Work events are a great chance to get to know your coworkers. Have fun, laugh, and dance a little! However, it’s important to not cross the line between having a good time and ruining your reputation. An after-work happy hour is a nice casual event. Drinking too much may cause you to embarrass yourself, dance like crazy, and laugh or talk too loud. It’s always a good idea to get to know the people you are working with better, but be sure not to throw aside your professional relationships or flirt with your coworkers.

4. Using your phone or laptop while talking to people

While it may be tempting to multi-task, it shows a lack of respect if you’re paying more attention to your phone or laptop than to the people in front of you. When coworkers are giving you their time and attention, it’s important to return the favor. If you’re working with customers, then using your phone in front of them makes them feel much less important and shows that you’re more involved in your own social life than your work. Remind yourself how you would feel if you were trying to have an important conversation with someone that wasn’t bothering to make eye contact and keep that in mind going forward.

5. Showing bad manners

If you have no concern for the way you treat others, people will be on guard around you and will not trust that you can treat them with respect. Waiting your turn and saying please and thank you may seem like things you teach tiny children, but they make such a difference as adults too. When your coworkers know you are considerate, they have more faith in you and feel like you will not take advantage of them. Try to avoid things like chewing with your mouth open, singing or talking loudly, interrupting, or disrupting the flow of the office.

6. Being unresponsive

When you are not at work, it’s incredibly tempting to ignore that text from your boss or the email waiting for you from your coworker. After all, your time should be yours when you are not on the clock. Although it may not be mandatory for you to give a timely response, it’s certainly frowned upon when you do not. Quick responses show that you can be depended on and that you are interested and care about your work. The same goes for during office hours. Try not to procrastinate! If you take an entire day or longer to respond to an email or call, your client will feel ignored. The best idea is to set aside 30 minutes of each workday to respond to messages. You might even need to set aside two blocks of time, depending on how frequently you receive emails or calls.

The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace (2)

7. Being aggressive

Sometimes you will have a project you feel passionate about. It’s important you let your enthusiasm come across in a positive way. However, when you’re overly aggressive, you do not come across as a team player. You may be trying to make your point, but make sure you take the time to listen to others and show them consideration. If your coworkers feel attacked, they will defensively tune you out. Besides, they may have an idea you hadn’t thought of. If you are too forceful, people will think you do not want to work with others and may leave you out of group projects or will be unwilling to help you in the future.

8. Lying or stealing

It may seem like no big deal to change the truth slightly or take something small, but these actions are incredibly unprofessional. Cheating your work out of money or trying to cover up your mistakes by lying shows that you are not trustworthy. People may think that you’re trying to take advantage of them or using them for your own gain. They will likely also question your ability or likelihood, to be honest in the future, greatly increasing your risk of being fired.

9. Being the office prankster

Everyone wants to be well-liked, but being the cause of all the amusem*nt in the office will likely take a toll on people’s opinions of you. If they begin to view you as the office prankster, they may think you’re not to be taken seriously during difficult work matters. It’s unlikely that your boss will choose you for the most serious tasks if they think you cannot focus or be serious. If you focus too much on having a good time, it will start to show that you’re not putting your energy toward your work. The best thing to do is have fun tactfully, but focus when it’s time to be serious. This will show your coworkers and boss that you’re reliable and capable of hard work.

The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace (3)

10. Dressing unprofessionally

In an office setting, the norm is to dress on the conservative side if you want to be taken seriously. Whether or not we like it, the way we dress has a massive effect on the way that we are perceived by others, and even on the way we act. One study showed that women who wear makeup are perceived as more competent, while another showed that women showing skin in pictures were viewed as having less agency and intelligence. Research also shows that wearing formal clothes changes not only the way people perceive us but also increases abstract thinking and gives us a broader perspective! Keeping all this in mind, the best thing is to appear more formal and professional when you are around your coworkers and boss. After-work functions like black tie events or more casual events like picnics are exceptions, of course.

11. Sharing too many personal opinions

If you’re an opinionated person, it can be tempting to share your thoughts on various issues with your co-workers – especially if you’re spending long periods of time together at work. Sharing your thoughts around the coffee machine may seem natural. However, your personal opinions should stay separate from the workplace, as it is a diverse environment full of people with different views. For things to stay harmonious, you shouldn’t go broadcasting your opinions, especially on topics like politics and religion, as it could cause a major fallout.

12. Not doing your fair share

In a work environment, it’s important that everyone does their fair share of the work. It’s completely unfair for some team members to carry most of the workload, while others don’t put the effort in. You should aim to give 100% and always put in the effort. Although there are probably loads of examples of people in your workplace not putting in enough effort, you shouldn’t be one of them. That means keeping any promises you make, completing your work to a high standard, and supporting your colleagues when you can.

Unprofessional behavior in the workplace is more common than you’d think.If you’re doing any of these mistakes, it’s not too late to turn things around! Don’t give in to temptation, and you will see interactions with your coworkers and boss improve substantially! If you are curious about more ways to revitalize your career, check out our other articles! Best of luck!




As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics, including workplace behavior and professionalism. I can help you understand the concepts mentioned in the article you provided. Let's dive into each concept and discuss them in detail.

Gossiping about coworkers

Gossiping about coworkers is considered unprofessional behavior in the workplace. It shows a lack of respect and privacy, and it can damage trust among colleagues. It's important to support your coworkers if they confide in you or ask for advice, but it's best to keep the conversation confidential. Sharing a coworker's private information with a boss or another coworker is unnecessary and can lead to negative consequences [[1]].

Ignoring boundaries with coworkers

Maintaining professional boundaries with coworkers is crucial in the workplace. While it's normal to be friendly and conversational, it's important not to be too nosy or impose too much on your coworkers' time. Respecting physical boundaries, such as maintaining a reasonable distance, is also important. Flirting is not acceptable, as it can make coworkers feel uncomfortable and unsafe. It's essential to create a sense of security and make sure everyone feels comfortable in their work environment [[2]].

Behaving poorly at work-social events

Work events provide an opportunity to get to know your coworkers better, but it's important to maintain professionalism. While it's okay to have fun and enjoy yourself, it's crucial not to cross the line and ruin your reputation. Drinking excessively, embarrassing yourself, or engaging in inappropriate behavior can negatively impact how you are perceived by your colleagues. It's important to strike a balance between having a good time and maintaining professional relationships [[3]].

Using your phone or laptop while talking to people

Using your phone or laptop while talking to people can be seen as disrespectful and inattentive. When someone is giving you their time and attention, it's important to reciprocate and show that you value their presence. This is especially important when interacting with customers, as using your phone in front of them can make them feel less important. It's crucial to be present and engaged in conversations, making eye contact and actively listening to others [[4]].

Showing bad manners

Displaying good manners and treating others with respect is essential in the workplace. Simple acts like waiting your turn, saying please and thank you, and avoiding disruptive behavior can make a significant difference in how you are perceived by your coworkers. Being considerate and showing that you value others' time and contributions builds trust and fosters positive working relationships [[5]].

Being unresponsive

Being unresponsive to messages, whether during or outside of office hours, can be seen as unprofessional. While it may not be mandatory to respond immediately, timely responses are generally expected and appreciated. Quick responses demonstrate dependability, interest, and care for your work and colleagues. It's important to set aside dedicated time to respond to messages and avoid procrastination [[6]].

Being aggressive

Expressing enthusiasm and passion for your work is important, but it's crucial to do so in a positive and considerate manner. Being overly aggressive can alienate your coworkers and make them defensive. It's important to listen to others, show consideration, and be open to different ideas. Collaboration and teamwork are valued in the workplace, and being too forceful can hinder effective communication and cooperation [[7]].

Lying or stealing

Lying or stealing in the workplace is highly unprofessional and can have severe consequences. These actions erode trust and integrity, and they can damage your professional reputation. Being honest and trustworthy is essential for maintaining positive relationships with colleagues and superiors. It's important to take responsibility for mistakes and avoid attempting to cover them up through dishonest means [[8]].

Being the office prankster

While it's natural to want to be liked and have fun at work, being the constant source of amusem*nt can impact how you are perceived professionally. If you are seen as the office prankster, others may not take you seriously in more serious work matters. It's important to strike a balance between having fun and being focused and reliable. Showing that you can prioritize work when needed demonstrates professionalism and dedication [[9]].

Dressing unprofessionally

In an office setting, dressing professionally is generally expected to be taken seriously. The way we dress can influence how we are perceived by others and can impact our behavior. Research suggests that formal attire can enhance abstract thinking and project a more competent image. While there may be exceptions for specific events, it's generally advisable to dress conservatively and professionally in the workplace [[10]].

Sharing too many personal opinions

While it's natural to have personal opinions, it's important to exercise discretion when sharing them in the workplace. The workplace is a diverse environment with people holding different views. Broadcasting personal opinions, especially on sensitive topics like politics and religion, can lead to conflicts and disrupt harmony. It's best to keep personal opinions separate from work-related discussions to maintain a positive and inclusive work environment [[11]].

Not doing your fair share

In a work environment, it's important for everyone to contribute their fair share of work. Unequal distribution of workload can create resentment and negatively impact team dynamics. It's crucial to fulfill your responsibilities, complete your work to a high standard, and support your colleagues when needed. Keeping promises, demonstrating reliability, and putting in effort are key to maintaining a professional work ethic [[12]].

Remember, these are general guidelines for professional behavior in the workplace, and specific workplace cultures and policies may vary. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with your organization's code of conduct and expectations.

The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace (2024)


The Most Unprofessional Behavior in the Workplace? ›

Lying or stealing

What are some examples of unprofessional behavior in the workplace? ›

Disrespectful and/or unprofessional behavior
  • Shouting.
  • Abusive language.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Use of obscenities or other non-verbal expression of aggression.
  • Behavior that a reasonable person would find to be demeaning, humiliating or bullying.

What's considered unprofessional at work? ›

Harassment and intimidation in the workplace represent unprofessional and potentially dangerous behavior. Your company needs to have comprehensive policies in place that cover all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying and abuse.

What is an unprofessional attitude toward work? ›

Relationships and teamwork are an essential part of most jobs, and people that are only interested in themselves don't usually collaborate well. Another unprofessional attitude is indifference. If an applicant doesn't care much about anything, they're not going to care much about their work and the job they do.

What is an example of an unprofessional act? ›

2. Harassment or Discrimination: Engaging in any form of harassment or discrimination, whether it is based on race, gender, religion, or any other protected characteristic, is considered unprofessional conduct. This includes creating a hostile work environment or treating individuals unfairly.

What is an unprofessional bad attitude at work? ›

Examples of negative attitudes in the workplace can be an employee consistently coming late, carelessly performing tasks, laziness, rudeness to other employees or management, spreading or creating rumors, or anything that you consider threatening to a positive workplace culture or environment.

What are the signs of a disrespectful employee? ›

Actions such as gossiping, bullying, and inappropriate tone are included in disrespectful behavior from employees in the workplace. Disrespect at work may arise in any work setting. Individual irritation and system failures can mostly play a role in disrespectful behavior.

What behavior is unacceptable on the job? ›

Unacceptable behaviour (including bullying, harassment and victimisation), may involve actions, words or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person's distress or discomfort.

What is unethical behavior in the workplace? ›

What Constitutes Unethical Behavior? Unethical behavior in the workforce is not restricted to overt acts. It includes workers acting out and aggressively confronting supervisors, supervisees, and colleagues, and it includes more subtle behaviors that compromise people, productivity, and organizations.

What is disrespectful and unprofessional behavior? ›

Examples of disrespectful behavior in the workplace include, but are not limited to: Gossiping or lying. Shouting or speaking in hostile tones. Speaking or acting inappropriately.

What is a toxic attitude at work? ›

Look for these signs of a toxic employee:

Actively tries to or succeeds in undermining their coworkers or their team. Isn't productive while at work. Blames others and constantly points out faults of people around them. Uses company messaging or phone systems regularly for personal communication.

How can you tell if someone is unprofessional? ›

Signs of unprofessional behavior
  1. Being rude or disrespectful.
  2. Lying to colleagues and/or management.
  3. Paying little attention to one's appearance at work.
  4. Behaving impulsively/being reactive.
  5. Lacking reliability.
  6. Lacking a sense of responsibility/self-awareness.
  7. Being unresponsive.
  8. Lacking punctuality.
Jun 18, 2024

How do you tell someone their behavior is unprofessional? ›

Address the behavior, not the person. When confronting someone about their unprofessional behavior, it is important to remain objective and focus on the actions rather than attacking the person. Use specific examples of the behavior and how it is affecting the workplace.

What is unprofessional behavior of staff? ›

Descriptions of unprofessional behaviour should be included in organisations' human resource policies as misconduct or serious misconduct and treated accordingly. Unprofessional behaviours include: • bullying or intimidation. • sexual harassment. • threats of violence, revenge or malicious legal proceedings.

What is a list of unprofessional conduct? ›

Lying or stealing

Cheating your work out of money or trying to cover up your mistakes by lying shows that you are not trustworthy. People may think that you're trying to take advantage of them or using them for your own gain.

What are the illegal behaviors of employees? ›

Engaging in fraudulent activities, such as falsifying invoices, misrepresenting services, or embezzling funds, not only violates the law but erodes the trust of clients and stakeholders. In the long run, it can lead to legal repercussions and severe damage to the business's reputation.

What are examples of disrespectful behavior in the workplace? ›

Some specific examples of disrespectful behavior in the workplace include the following:
  • Gossiping or lying.
  • Shouting or speaking in a hostile tone.
  • Saying inappropriate words or statements.
  • Demeaning someone.
  • Displaying biased attitudes or beliefs.
  • Being physically disruptive (e.g., throwing items when angry)
Nov 20, 2023

Which behavior would be considered unprofessional conduct? ›

In general, examples of unprofessional conduct include, but are not limited to, physical abuse of a patient, inadequate record keeping, not recognizing or acting upon common symptoms, prescribing drugs in excessive amounts or without legitimate reason, personal impairment (mental or physical) that hinders safely ...

What are unacceptable behaviors in employees? ›

It should go without saying that some types of employee behavior are simply unacceptable. Violence, harassment, bullying, theft, and fraud are examples that come to mind.

What are some common types of unethical behavior at work? ›

Deliberate Dishonesty in the Workplace

Asking for recognition for someone else's job, calling in sick to go to the hill station, sabotaging someone else's work, and, in sales, falsifying the product or service to fulfill the target are all examples of unethical behavior in the workplace.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.