The Latest Rules Of Tipping: How Much To Tip In 2023 | Bankrate (2024)

Despite how commonplace tipping is in the U.S., it can still seem confusing to understand how much to tip for which services. Though common advice says to tip 15 percent to 20 percent, it may not always be obvious how much to tip for a service — or even when to tip at all.

Around two-thirds (65 percent) of U.S. adults who dine at sit-down restaurants always tip their server, according to a recent Bankrate poll. In addition, 42 percent of U.S. adults say they typically tip at least 20 percent at sit-down restaurants.

For other services, whether or not to tip can be less clear. Unlike dining at restaurants, fewer U.S. adults always tip when they go to coffee shops (22 percent), receive furniture or appliance delivery (17 percent) or pick up takeout food from a restaurant (13 percent).

Tipping may feel like extra work for you to calculate, but it’s vital for some fields. Because the expectation is that tipped workers will make more through tips, they legally only need to make $2.13 an hour in the U.S, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Here’s how to show your thanks and tip appropriately for a wide range of services.

Key Bankrate insights on tipping behaviors

  • Tipping etiquette isn't always obvious. 15% of U.S. adults are confused about who and how much to tip.
  • But pre-entered tip screens, such as those seen at coffee shops or food trucks, don't necessarily make tipping easier. 32% of U.S. adults are annoyed about pre-entered tip screens. 18% tend to tip less, or not at all, when they're presented with the screens. Only 9% tend to tip more when they see them.
  • Some find tipping gratifying. 35% of U.S. adults say they feel good when they leave a generous tip.

How much to tip at restaurants

The size of a restaurant’s gratuity depends on how well you’re served, including whether your order is correct and whether your server checks on you after you receive your food. Even if the service is poor, it’s recommended you leave at least 10 percent.* Check your tab carefully because some places add a gratuity to the bill. You may or may not want to supplement that.

For the wait staff at sit-down restaurants, the tip should be 15 percent to 20 percent of the pretax bill. Tips are not necessary at fast-food restaurants.

Additional tip: Some restaurants include a menu item such as “Beers for the kitchen,” where you can add several extra dollars to your bill to tip the cooks and dishwashers behind the scenes.

See Methodology.

How much to tip at bars

Common expectations when ordering drinks at a bar are to tip $1 per drink like beer or wine, and $2 per co*cktail, which takes more work to make.

For open bars, it’s advised you tip at least $1 per drink. When bars have specials such as a two-for-one deal, best practice remains to tip for each drink you receive.

If you know you’ll be ordering multiple drinks over the course of a night, tipping $5 on the initial drink and then $1 for each drink after can be a show of goodwill to the bartender.

How much to tip at coffee shops

Just like alcoholic drinks, tipping around 10 percent to 15 percent on coffee, or about $1 on a drip coffee, is common practice.

Many people, when paying with cash, will tip their change, which is often accepted by baristas. You can also pay your Starbucks barista by leaving a tip with the app.

How much to tip delivery drivers

Delivery fees can be quite high, but that money usually doesn’t go to the driver.

Delivery companies like Grubhub advise paying a 20 percent tip on the total cost of your meal – if the delivery goes smoothly. If your area has severe weather, if the driver has to walk up several flights of stairs or if you are making a large order, tipping extra shows your appreciation for a difficult job.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Restaurant delivery15% to 20% or more of your order total
Grocery delivery15% or 20% of your order total, or more for a large order
Alcohol delivery15% to 20%, more for heavy crater
Flower delivery$2 to $5

How much to tip at hotels

Expect to pay a variety of tips at hotels, and the bigger and more luxurious the property, the greater the amount.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Hotel porter toting your bags$2-$3 per bag at a basic hotel/motel; $5 per bag at a posh hotel
Room service with gratuity included on the bill10% on top of the gratuity added to the bill
Room service without gratuity included20% of the meal price
Toiletry/towel delivery$3-$5 at a basic hotel; $5-$10 at a fancy hotel
Doorman, if he hails your cab$5 to $10, even more if the weather is bad
Concierge who fulfills guest request$5 or more, depending on the difficulty of the request. Snagging hard-to-get tickets to a popular show or sporting event merits a bigger tip than suggesting a great place to eat.
Housekeeping$3-$5 per day for 1-3 people in the room; $10 per day if 6 people in the room; $10 per day at a luxe hotel. Consider leaving money daily for the housekeeping staff because they rotate. Avoid leaving the tip on the nightstand – put it on a desk or counter.

How much to tip while traveling

If you are traveling outside the country, do a little research on tipping customs before you go. Tips are expected in Canada, for example, but not in Japan. And always tip in cash and in the currency of the country you are visiting.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Cruise shipsTipping policies vary among cruise lines, but each one tells you what is appropriate when you board.
Airport curbside check-in$5 per bag, a little more for gigantic suitcases
Airport shuttle bus driver$3-$5, or more if the driver helps you with your bags

How much to tip at weddings

The size and scope of the wedding determine the amount you should pay in tips. Carefully read the contract for the wedding and reception venues before deciding on gratuities, as they might be included in the price. Also, if you are the host, make sure service workers at the party do not leave out tip jars, since you would not want to burden your guests with leaving tips.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Wait staff$20-$50 per server for a sit-down meal, even more for the captain, depending on how lavish it is
BartenderAbout $20 per hour
Coatroom attendant$2-$3 per guest
Bathroom attendant$2 per guest
DJ$50 to $150. Read the contract.
Wedding plannerUp to 20 percent of their cost, but even better is to refer new clients to them.

How much to tip at salons and spas

Hair styling is a licensed, skilled craft, and stylists generally recommend tipping around 20 percent. Consider tipping 22 percent to 25 percent for more labor-intensive hairstyles, such as adding highlights, bleaching or dyeing hair.

Some independent massage therapists charge all-inclusive rates for their services, but generally tipping 20 percent for spa services like massages, facials and more is advised.

Most all-inclusive resorts, however, don’t encourage tipping.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Manicurists20% per nail tech
Hairstylists/barbers20% for the entire service
Massages15% to 20%
Facials18% to 20%

How much to tip for transportation

Most ridesharing apps allow you to tip your driver through the app, but make sure to keep cash on hand if you’re taking a shuttle, taxi or limousine.

Generally, the longer the trip, the larger the tip.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Limousine driver10% to 20% of the fare
Taxi driver15% to 20% of the fare
Ride-sharing service, such as Uber or Lyft10% to 20% of the fare. Even if apps for ride-hailing services do not give you an option to leave a gratuity, tip the driver anyway.
Shuttle driver$2 to $3 for a shuttle that carries multiple people, such as at airports. Tip more for a personalized shuttle.

How much to tip child care

Regardless if you’re showing appreciation to a teen babysitter or a daycare worker, tipping 15 percent to 20 percent for childcare workers is generally advised.

Additional tip: Consider giving your children’s daycare teachers a small gift or handmade treat during the holiday season.

ServiceSuggested guidelines for tipping
Babysitting15% to 20% of the total
NannyingYear-end bonus of one to two week’s pay
Au pairsYear-end bonus of one to two week’s pay

How much to tip movers

How much you’ll tip movers depends on many factors, such as if you own a lot of heavy furniture or if the movers will be expected to bring items upstairs.

Tip more for a more difficult, labor-intensive move, and be sure to tip for each individual mover. Offering water bottles, especially on a hot day, can be another kind way to show appreciation for a difficult job.

Length of moveSuggested guidelines for tipping
2 hours$10 per person
4 hours$20 per person
8 hours$40 per person

General guidelines for tipping etiquette

Tipping is more of an art than a science. These guidelines are a great place to start, but don’t feel like you have to stick to them if a worker gives you fantastic service and you want to show your appreciation.

“In general, for things like sit-down restaurant meals, haircuts and taxis/rideshares, I’d say a 20 percent tip is recommended,” Bankrate Senior Industry Analyst Ted Rossman said. “Unfortunately, many people are tipping far less — sometimes even nothing at all. But for all of those services, I think a 20 percent tip should be standard practice. These people are working hard and depend on tips as a big part of their salary.”

If you receive poor service, try to show empathy to the workers and bring up your complaint with them before leaving a small, or no, tip.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of tipped services. Additionally, don’t forget about tipping for other personalized services, like tattoos.

  • Don’t regard tipping as optional: Many people who work for tips rely on them to earn a living.
  • Tip according to the service provided: The more skill and experience that goes into a service, the more you should consider tipping. Someone who you have a personalized relationship with that knows your preferences also might earn a bigger tip, since they can offer knowledgeable advice and higher quality services.
  • Cash is not necessarily king: Check the tipping policy at a company before using their services. If there’s no way to tip a worker when you pay, ask if they prefer to be tipped via a peer-to-peer payment platform, such as Venmo or Zelle, or in cash. Just make sure to leave cash in a visible spot when you might not be present to speak to the worker in person, such as for hotel housekeeping.
  • Show appreciation for favors, too: You may tip a professional, but you’re unlikely to pay and tip a friend who’s helping you move your couch. Paying back a friend with a meal or a favor in turn is a kind gesture when you receive help for free.

Learn more:

  • Should you tip your contractor?
  • Financial etiquette for millennials and Gen Z
    • Bankrate commissioned YouGov Plc to conduct the survey on tipping habits. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,437 U.S. adults. Fieldwork was undertaken May 3-5, 2023. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+). The survey was carried out online and meets rigorous quality standards. It employed a nonprobability-based sample using both quotas upfront during collection and then a weighting scheme on the back end designed and proven to provide nationally representative results.

      Sources: Suggested guidelines for tipping

      • General tipping guidelines on restaurants, coffee shops and others from Emily Post.
      • General tipping guidelines on delivery, salons, travel and more from Ramsey Solutions.
      • TIpping guidelines on appliance deliveries from Oprah Daily.
      • Tipping guidelines on babysitting from Kidsit.
      • Tipping guidelines on moving from
The Latest Rules Of Tipping: How Much To Tip In 2023 | Bankrate (2024)


The Latest Rules Of Tipping: How Much To Tip In 2023 | Bankrate? ›

Restaurant rules to follow

What is the standard tip in 2023? ›

In 2023, when asked how much they usually tipped, 29 percent of Americans reported tipping an average between 16 and 20 percent of the price of a service. While the majority of responses fell somewhere between five and 25 percent, seven percent reported regularly tipping more than 25 percent.

What is the new tipping standard? ›

By then, tipping was enshrined, as etiquette guides gave consumers advice on how much to tip, starting at a quarter, then rising over the years to 10%, and finally to our current 15% to 20%.

How much to tip a bartender in 2023? ›

How much to tip at bars. Tip $1 per drink for beer or wine the next time you're at a bar, according to Norris. For co*cktails, which take more time and expertise to make, tip at least 18 to 20 percent of your bill.

Is 25% the new tipping standard? ›

The right amount is 20% to 30%.” The expectation for decent service, it seems, has risen from 15% to 20%, with 18% as the bare minimum. “If you can't afford to tip 18% on your bill, you can't afford to go out,” says Paul Kushner, a pub owner and bartender who has worked in restaurants for 25 years.

Is 20% the new 15% tip? ›

The appropriate amount to tip servers depends on your service. 15% is appropriate for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip above 20% if you received excellent service.

Is a 15 percent tip rude? ›

Industry insider: common consensus says 15-20% is considered a normal tip, but honestly any amount less than 20% is considered a bad tip.

What is the new tip over law? ›

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey's (D-PA) legislation, Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act, is going into effect, requiring furniture companies to ensure their products meet safety and stability requirements before being sold.

Are people still tipping 20%? ›

One guide, for example, says a tip of 15% to 20% is the norm in sit-down restaurants, but isn't required at fast-food eateries. Another says the “standard expectation” is 20% at sit-down restaurants and that “10% is now the norm” for quick-service restaurants.

What is the new tipping feature? ›

New Code of Practice will protect the tips of more than 2 million workers giving them a fair share of the tips received by a company. Workers will be able to view an employer's tipping policy, their tipping records and will be able to use the Code as evidence in an employment tribunal.

When not to tip? ›

As a blanket rule, you don't need to tip anyone who earns a salary or performs a trade. That means you don't have to tip doctors, lawyers, teachers, plumbers or cable technicians.

What is the protocol for tipping? ›

When deciding what to tip at a restaurant, tipping between 15 percent (for average service) and 20 percent (for very good service) is suggested, says Robin DiPietro, Ph. D., professor and program director at the University of South Carolina's College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management.

Is a dollar a beer a good tip? ›

The $1 for one drink rule is totally acceptable — except when you're ordering co*cktails. The consensus among most of the bartenders I spoke with is that you should tip $1 per beer but $2 per co*cktail. "A lot of people will go to a bar, and they'll order a round for their friends," a New Orleans bartender said.

What is the new rule for tipping? ›

"In this case, 20% is not the new minimum," Dr. Peters says. If you have excellent or extremely fast service and want to leave something, consider adding a few dollars to the tip jar. "Some suggest that 10% is a good amount, but others say $1 or $2 is reasonable for good service," she adds.

Why does everyone expect a tip now? ›

"The wage workers are receiving isn't sufficient," Jung says. "So now everybody is using this very weird way to increase wages while maintaining the same menu price." In other words, tipping is a way to pay workers more without actually paying them more ... so restaurants can keep prices low.

What is the current tipping etiquette? ›

A 15%-20% tip is the norm, and that amount should be based on the regular cost of the service, not any discounted rate you might receive.

Do you always have to tip 20%? ›

No matter if you are dining in or opting to carry out, try to stick within 15 to 20 percent of the pretax bill. Servers: At sit-down restaurants, tip 15 to 20 percent pretax. If you received exceptional service, feel free to tip above 20 percent, but it's not expected.

When did 20% become standard tipping? ›

Things began to change around the '70s when the standard tip at some upper-end establishments rose to 15%. In the '90s, 20% tips started to become the norm.

When was 10% a good tip? ›

During the 1950s, people commonly tipped 10% of the bill. By the 1970s and 1980s, that percentage had jumped to 15%. In 2023, people typically tip anywhere from 15% to 25%. Consumers on average said they tipped more than 21%, according to a survey in May 2022.

Are people tipping less now? ›

Seven out of 10 Americans reporting tipping less than they used to and tipped below etiquette expectations at just 12.9 percent. Poor service and concerns about saving money were the top reasons for the decline in tipping. TIPPING AT THE COUNTER: ARE YOU BEING RUDE IF YOU DON'T LEAVE SOMETHING EXTRA?

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.