The KonMari Method: How to Declutter & Organize Your Home | Extra Space Storage (2024)

You may have heard about theKonMari Methodand how it can transform your home. But what is KonMari, and why are so many people talking about items that “spark joy”? From the basic rules of getting organized to deciding when to let clutter go, we walk you through everything you need to know about the KonMari Method and how to implement it for better home organization!

  • What Is the KonMari Method?
  • How to Follow the KonMari Method
  • How to Use the KonMari Method at Home
  • How Do I Store the Items that Spark Joy?

What Is the KonMari Method?

Created by Marie Kondo, professional home organizer and author of best-selling bookThe Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,the KonMari Method is a tidying method that emphasizes removing clutter from your home and surrounding yourself with the things that spark joy.

Similar to theminimalist philosophyof making life choices with intention, the KonMari Method is about keeping items that have purpose in your life and that evoke positivity in your surroundings.

After the release of the Netflix TV showTidying Up with Marie Kondoin early 2019, people around the world have been using Marie Kondo’s tips to declutter their homes and stay organized.

How to Follow the KonMari Method

KonMari has six basic rules that can help you declutter, get organized, and create a home filled with the items that make you happy. Here’s how the KonMari Method rules work…

1. Commit Yourself to Tidying Up

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Photo via @girlmeetsgold

A complete overhaul of your home seems like a lot of time and effort. But how long the KonMari Method takes depends on the amount of stuff you own—cleaning your space could take you one weekend or it could take one month. That’s why the first step is simply committing to a tidy house. Don’t get discouraged if the process takes longer than a day!

2. Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle

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Photo via @bring_delight

The type of lifestyle you want for yourself and your home is the foundation for what items you will keep in your space. Create a sketch, write it out, or make a collage from magazines of the atmosphere or purpose you want to design—whether that’s a spot dedicated to relaxation, an area where you can be creative, or the go-to place for gatherings with friends and family.

3. Finish Discarding First

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Photo via @purplefairiess

Once you know what your ideal lifestyle is, you’ll be able to make decisions about which items have value in your home and fill a purpose for that lifestyle—and which don’t. Considering each item and sorting them into keep and discard piles allows you to create more space for the organization and storage solutions that come later in the KonMari Method.

4. Tidy by Category, Not by Location

One of the most important Marie Kondo tips to creating a tidy house is decluttering by category. If you’re cleaning your home room by room, you’re most likely rearranging items and tossing out only a few things since it doesn’t feel like a ton of clutter for that room. But by decluttering with categories, you’re able to gather items from all over your home and see just how much stuff you’ve been keeping.

5. Follow the Right Order

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Photo via @frenchblossom

Not only is tidying up by category crucial for home organization, but following the categories in a particular order—clothes, books, papers, komono, then sentimental—is key to decluttering your home as well. This prevents you from getting sidetracked or spending too much time looking at certain items because you can stay focused on the order and make decisions about items in meaningful ways.

6. Ask Yourself If It Sparks Joy

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Photo via @romanalilic

Deciding if something sparks joy is the criteria for keeping or discarding items when decluttering. Hold the object in your hands and pay attention to the feelings it brings. If the item doesn’t bring positive memories or fall in line with your lifestyle goals,let it go with gratitude. Of course, if you’re torn on the item or if it could fit your lifestyle goals later down the road, that doesn’t mean you need to get rid of it. You can always move it to a temporary storage space until you’re ready to revisit the item.

How to Use the KonMari Method at Home

Decluttering your homemay seem daunting, but when you break everything up by category and subcategories, you’ll be able to keep all future messes at bay—which means decluttering your home less often! Learn how to tidy upyour home using the KonMari categories below.


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Photo via @jessannkirby

The first category you need to tackle for a tidy houseis clothing. While you might be used to cleaning out clothes in your closet and then your drawers, the KonMari Method suggests gathering clothes and accessories from all over your home—bedroom closets, coat closets, drawers, and under the bed—and putting them all into one pile. This allows you to see just how much you have, as well as help you realize how much you don’t actually wear. If an item sparks joy, keep it. If not, give it gratitude anddonate your clothing.


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Once you’ve completely gone through your clothes, the next category on the KonMari Method checklist is books. Much like your clothes, you should also gather every book in your home and put them in a pile to decide which ones spark joy and which ones don’t. However, if your ideal lifestyle means your space is filled with books,keep them. The point of home organization using KonMari is to figure out what you value and then surround yourself with things that you love.


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Photo via @amongallofthis

Counters, closets, drawers, and boxes tend to be a catch-all space for documents. One of the best decluttering tips for paper is to break them up into three groups: papers you currently need, papers you need for a short time, and papers you always need. Items that you currently need might be bills to pay, projects you’re working on, or documents to sign. Things like tax forms or warranties on recently purchased items can be filed under “short time.” Birth certificates, passports, or marriage licenses are documents you’ll always need. If papers don’t fall within the three subcategories—or they’re not considered sentimental—then shred or recycle them.


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Photo via @marj0085

Komono (that is, miscellaneous items) are all the things you have left over after going through clothes, books, and papers. Because this category is usually the largest—as it’s comprised of many unrelated items—the best way to tackle komono is byfocusing on the category. You can create groups like electronics, beauty supplies, home decor, canned goods, or writing utensils. It might be tempting to go room by room for this extensive category, but make sure you’re still gathering items from all over your home and putting them in one pile. That way, you’ll be able to store similar items together to easily find them and not have everything so spread out.

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Sentimental Items

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Photo via @surround_us

Because sentimental items are usually the hardest to part with due to our emotional and psychological bond to them, the KonMari Methodsays that these items should get decluttered last. That way, you have more time to reflect on whether a photo, souvenir, or old notebook sparks joy and evokes positive memories. It’s okay to take some extra time going through these items.

How Do I Store the Items that Spark Joy?

After deciding what you want to keep in your home, good storage solutions will help you keep everything organized. Discover some of the best KonMari organization and storage tips below!

Try KonMari Folding

Not only has Marie Kondo created her own method of decluttering and organizing, but she’s also shared a unique folding technique for clothes and linens! TheKonMari Method of foldinghelps keep drawers, baskets, and bins neat and tidy—and it makes finding yourfavorite sweater or scarf easy!

Use Boxes in Drawers

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If you have gift boxes, shoe boxes, or jewelry boxes, don’t toss them out! These are great DIY home storage solutions for keeping small things like jewelry, beauty supplies, phone chargers, and other miscellaneous items organized in drawers and cabinets.

Store Papers in File Organizers

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Photo via @fatimamarini

Not sure how to organize your papers and keep them in one place? Keep them in an expandable file folder or in binders with labels so you can easily find the documents you need! You can also repurpose photo albums to hold kids artwork, poems you’ve written, or letters from loved ones.

Invest in Wicker Baskets

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Photo via @simplyciani

Whether you’re storing blankets in the living room, towels in a bathroom closet, or kids toys in a playroom,wicker baskets are a great way to get stylish yet functional storage solutions at home. Just make sure you fold any sheets or pillowcases theKonMari way!

Looking for more home organization and storage ideas? Check out ourultimate home decluttering guideor learn more aboutorganizing with minimalism!


Have items that spark joy that you can’t fit into your home? A temporary storage solution with Extra Space Storage can help you keep items that fit your ideal lifestyle, even if you don’t have room for them now.Find a self storage facility near you!

The KonMari Method: How to Declutter & Organize Your Home | Extra Space Storage (17)

The KonMari Method: How to Declutter & Organize Your Home | Extra Space Storage (2024)


The KonMari Method: How to Declutter & Organize Your Home | Extra Space Storage? ›

KonMari Method

What are the 5 steps of the KonMari Method? ›

  • Rule 1: Commit Yourself to Tidying Up. The KonMari Method™ is not a quick fix for a messy room or a once-in-a-while approach to tidying. ...
  • Rule 2: Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle. ...
  • Rule 3: Finish Discarding First. ...
  • Rule 4: Tidy by Category, Not by Location. ...
  • Rule 5: Follow the Right Order. ...
  • Rule 6: Ask Yourself If It Sparks Joy.

What is the KonMari Method of decluttering? ›

The KonMari method is Marie Kondo's minimalist-inspired approach to tackling your stuff category-by-category, rather than room-by-room. It teaches you to ask a simple question when you go about tidying up: Ask yourself if each item in your home sparks joy. If it doesn't, get rid of it.

Why did Marie Kondou quit? ›

Since becoming a mother to three children, she said her way of life had changed and her focus had shifted from organisation to drawing on simple ways to bring happiness to everyday things. In the book, she writes: “Tidying up means dealing with all the 'things' in your life.”

How to declutter the Marie Kondou way? ›

There are 6 steps in the KonMari Method® that guide you to a tidy and clutter-free home:
  1. Commit to tidying up.
  2. Imagine your Ideal Lifestyle.
  3. Declutter by KonMari category.
  4. Declutter in the right category order.
  5. Ask yourself if it Sparks Joy.
  6. Finish discarding first.
Jun 4, 2024

What is the rule of 5 decluttering? ›

The Decluttering Rule of 5 advises assessing items not used in five years to decide whether to keep, donate, or discard.

What is the 4 pass method of decluttering? ›

Start by choosing a room, closet, corner, or drawer and follow four simple steps: Clear out, categorize, cut out, and contain. First, you'll clear out the space you've chosen so you can start with a blank canvas. Then, group every item by category, cutting out (or donating) items you don't need to keep.

Which room to declutter first? ›

“If you don't know where to start, we recommend decluttering room-by-room! Start with the most high-traffic area in your home – probably the kitchen or family room – and go through the decluttering process of deciding what to keep, toss or donate.

What is the golden rule of decluttering? ›

Take it room by room: Start decluttering one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Focus on a specific area before moving on to the next. Sort methodically: Divide items into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) and work through each category systematically to prevent decision fatigue.

What is the 333 decluttering method? ›

The 333 decluttering method simplifies wardrobes by limiting you to 33 items for 3 months. It reduces stress and promotes sustainability. It encourages selecting versatile, essential clothing, fostering minimalist habits, and mindful consumption, while also applying these principles broadly.

Who is the queen of decluttering? ›

Decluttering queen Marie Kondo has said that she's “kind of given up” tidying at home, due to the birth of her third child.

Why was Kondo executed? ›

Kondō was accused of the murder of Sakamoto Ryōma and was executed by the New Government after surrendered Boshin War[3].

What is the best decluttering method? ›

The Box & Banish Method is a simple way to declutter the home! Place a box in an accessible yet hidden spot, like under a desk or in a closet, and put any items you're not sure whether you want to keep or purge inside. If you haven't used the items in the box after a decided amount of time, get rid of them.

What is the Swedish death cleaning method? ›

The basic philosophy of Swedish death cleaning is to get rid of anything that does not make you happy, is not significant, or would not be worth anything if passed along to loved ones. Its purpose is to ensure you do not leave your loved ones with unnecessary clutter after you are gone.

How to declutter clothes? ›

10 golden rules for decluttering your wardrobe
  1. Schedule a time to declutter. ...
  2. Make things visible. ...
  3. Put it all back in an organised way. ...
  4. Work in categories. ...
  5. Consider what really counts as sentimental. ...
  6. Create a holiday box. ...
  7. Rotate your wardrobe. ...
  8. Store occasion-wear separately.
Jan 30, 2024

What are the 5 steps to clean as you go? ›

'Clean as you Go' and Protective Clothing
  • The clean as you go five step method:
  • Step 1 – Pre-clean.
  • Step 2 – Main clean.
  • Step 3 – Disinfection.
  • Step 4 – Final rinse.
  • Step 5 – Dry item.
  • Protective Clothing:

What is the 5 things tidying method? ›

These five things include dishes (abandoned coffee cups, snack bowls), trash (old tissues, junk mail, empty soda cans), and laundry—whether clean but unfolded, or dirty and strewn about. The last two categories are things that have a place and things that do not.

What is the tidy toss method? ›

home) and involves assigning all your small, loose wardrobe items – think swimwear, hats and gloves– a dedicated home within a basket or container. You quickly toss them into these containers once you're done with them, rather than neatly folding, organising or hanging each individual item up.

What is Marie Kondos' famous phrase? ›

To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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