The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

15 DAYTON JOURNAL', WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1940. Card of Thanks Vital Statistics Record WE WISH to extend our heartfelt thanks BOY ADVISES GIRL A Column lot Modern Women By GEORGE ANTHEIL I he In fnlvarv remeterv. Friends may call JOURNAL-HERALD ADami 1111 fo CLASSIFIED AD RATES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS (Consecutive meant each time the ad runs more than on day without break.) and appreciation lor the acta of kindn. messages of symiialhy and beautiful Intel offerings received from our kind relatives. Iriendt and neighbaas during our recent tM-roavement in the loss ot our beloved sun, Leo V.

Wrlibaum. We esiatiallv thank the Rev. Stuart J. Innerst f-a his kind words. Whitmer lunerai hums lor their ellicient service.

at the funeral home. Surviving art her Montgomery County Common Pleas Court husband. John A. Hrownt. ana a sister.

Catherine Cooke of Dayton. Services were I held In Detroit Tuesday morning ai m. Patrick church. KKV. AND MKS.


44, of SO Paisley 91281 Ona Worrell, 4.1 Virginia avenue, una worrau, hi Virginia avrimr, at a m. Miami Sasdng. and Loan company, lor Sdw'SneV UlSJfS three contract. In Mtmoriam reformation of. Sh is anrviveri hv her husband- Thomas: 91282 West Side Building and Loan Com- I Haiiirhipr Mn Rnxanna Lucas: niter.

pany vt. Jacob McCarter, address un-1 Anna Lee Coleman, and brother, Colandres known, for Judgement and foreclosure. I butler, all of Dayton. Service will be held 91283-Fenton B. King.

31 Portland ave- at 2:30 p. m. Thursday at the ntt, me vs. Robert L. Saunders.

Weat Carroll- funeral home. Rev. C. Burgan officiating. The Teen-Agers and Dad All of you teen-agers have dads or at least practically all of you do.

Some of you are ophans and some minus dads via the divorce courts. That is tough for you. What I want to learn today from you youngsters i how much use do you make of this standard brand commodity without which no household Is complete. Now I don't mean money. I knovf- you hit dad for this and that he shells out.

I know that he provides the food you eat and the clothes you wear and such things. You use him plenty when it comes to money. But how many of you actually use your dads for everyday help in living, for comfort, for sympathy, for advice and for first line defense against the pitfalls of life. Burial will be In Greeneastle cemetery. 'Ik-- yjni' 1 I ii ii i iii 1 i -j V.

CI.I ECKF.RT, 77, of 27 ton, lor injunction to prohibit tale o( lota. Divorce Court IV UH'ING memory of Mrs. Clara Bell Weikert, who passed anay October 15, From this world of pain and sorrow To the land of peace and rest, God has taken you, dear Hived one, Where you have found eternal rest. May you, dear mother, pray for us ln time of need and strife. And guide us.

as You always did, t'nlo the end of life. Sadly missed by sons, John, Charles, Paul, Kuel, Robert and Family. Henrv street, riled at 2:30 D. m. Tuesday I I 4 I 10 Day Ooys Ooyi 0oy Days I Pay 1 SO II tlOl ti ll 11 SO 7 00 .74 I It? It? 100 i oo i is i it loo 400 -i 1 170 110 120 400 4 M4 4 SO 00 7 I 7S IPs 171 4 41 474 100 I tOO 1.51 4 4 tl S00 100 3 1K -m 00 lo ISO "4 40" 4 40 4 40 7 SO 10 00 Ti M4 '414 44 104 124 II 00 TJ IN Ut 4I 1M 'SO Ut NEW SI ITS FILED at hi home after a long Illness.

Glueckert waa born In Davton and resided hia entire life here. For 30 yeara he waa employed at the International Envelope company. He waa a member of Dayton Council 124, Jr. Juanita Louise Rish Dawaon, 10fl Me- riHln atreet va. Richard Eugene Dawaon, t).

U. A. M. Surviving are his wife. Carolina.

fL.p. inn, Purl RoiiPrt. Walter. 143 Henry atreet. I don't think you use your dad Frank J.

Hareer. Webster ana Leo 1 Hin ami rimer- a daughter. Mrs. George streets. Florence Barger.

Hoffman Plat Mver's: 12 vrandchildren: 111 -ieat-grand- girls young boys like. Butch and I children, and two aiitera, Miss camerine Cmttry Lots, Monumtnti 7 KM OKI A PARK Section 10; 6 Ot I graves; very reasonable. KB 4693. Slug." 1 Glueckert and Mrs. Lena mtzert, an oi Marriage Davton.

Service IH be held at 2 D. m. I Ik. funurul h.ttvia. 170fi APPLIED FOR I North Main street, and burial will be In Memorial Park.

Friends may fall at the The boys want to pitch woo and Butch" and "Slug say they do Above rates for unchanged copy only. Personals Where daily continuity is broken the actual Raymond Mi ton Hoover, 24. or 1 funeral home after 7 d. m. Wednesday, enough.

You don't tell him enough about your doubts and troubles. You don't ask his advice abbut the boys you know. You don't ask him to help you when you are worried. Maybe dad is pretty dumb when it comes to girl's clothes. He knows when you look like "a million" and he grins proudly at you.

He may not know about the latest not like that But why-do the two consecuuv days run rat applies. l-exington avenue ann mary neser, MRS. JENMK PITEItBMT.H. 82. died 18, of 18 South Mathiaon atreet.

Count five average words of five letters to each word, as a line. Two lines is the at her home on Wolf Creek pike' at 1:30 p. in. Tuesday alter an Illness of 10 FATHER HUBBARD LECTURE SET minimum suae accepted lor any uassmea girls go out with boys and let them get into the mugging stage. I think the girls like the tingle of being asked for kisses even though ALCOHOL, OIL, RUBS, baths; 10 a.

p. Sunday, 1U-6; 3 experts. FU 1902. NATURAL Eoat milk. 25c' ot.

delivered Vesmar Goat Dairy. RA FILL DIRT free for the hauling, easiiy kiaded.1828WFirst St PKR30NAL Improve your ballroom dan Ad. weens. jne la aurvivea ny ner nusnana, Samuel; six- aona and three daughter. John Smead, 43.

of 1628 Salem avenue nnd Letha A. Prowant, 33, of rural route 3, Dayton, Ohio. Robert Wesley Rervis. 23, of 1714 Auburn avenue and Betty B. Helzel, 22, of 52 Conatance avenue.

Ed Levin (left) and Father Bernard ItonerranH Hubbard, S. Funeral services will be he at 1:. P. m. Situation Wanted advertisem*nts cost: Friday at the Congregational Chriatlnn 6c per line, per insectlon.

Minimum ot 48c. church In Trntwond. Burial will be in they say they dont. Boys really like girls who can make boys re Payable in advance of publication. dance steps nor the best hot spots to dance them in.

But remember ing; private class, au ju Joaeph Floyd Dorsten, 24, of 43 Virginia Memorial Park cemetery. Business Service advertisers receive 28 DETECTIVE Secret service: confidential spect them. A Davton! Ohio MB. IMiRA ALHrAIXH, retired school investigation: confirm suspicions. HI, illn-l shown above in a subzero trek In Arctic Ice, supply a background for material Father Hubbard will use In public lecture at 8 p.

m. Friday- at the Engineers club, He will discuss "Ooniiak Adventures in Arctic Alaska," recording a trip by native walrus hide boat. The lecture Is sponsored by the Women's Press club. Tickets may be obtained at the club headquarters in the liiltmore hotel. discount on 10-DAY ADS by paying in advance ot publication.

teacher, died Monday at her reaidence. (Distributed by Esquire Features. Ine. KepriMlnrtliia strictly prohibited.) Frederick Byron Coulter, 24, of 122 SCIENTIFIC manipulation reduces, alda Hichtnond avenue, unerai aervicea win ue itn iiuitmu a veil uc. uun hi ki.

i Death Notices, Cards of Thanks, In circulation, nerves: eraduate. RA 4917. Notre Dame avenue and. baran tyeiyn heM 2 u. m.

Thurmlav at the C. S. 'Ii- nf Hiii4 North Main atreet. I I tun nun luiinni iniuic, jmi misi JeSl' 00 lite aline to' wVadddional rENTRALuTselTntegi.TrFnsiipply ess IOC a Un lor eacn additional comnetcnt wnlte h0useworkers. RA 55.12.

Harry Thomas Phillip. 20, of 310 West Third atreet, with the Rev. E. K. Schroeder officiatine.

Burial will be In Woodland ASTHMA SUFFERERS Try Mrs. co*ck- cemetery. Friends may rail at the funeral All ads ar restricted to their proper Illness. She Is survived bv three dauch Sallow Skin Sign Of Living Habits Third atreet and juanita Rosetta Underwood, 21, of 313 South Howard atreet. Alfred Harvey Forney, 24, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Margaret Agnei Weather-fnnf.

51. nf DonelHa Tavern hotel. borne from 2 to tt p. m. Wednesday.

burn's Indian Asthma and nay revrc Remedy which never falls. 1M Federal SU Classification and to the regular Journal- ten. Marv. of Minnesota; Cora Swltzer. of City Briefs MRS.

VIOLA M'MAV. IX of 1640 California: Ooal Keed. of PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Herald types and style. The right to alter, reject or omit all or part of any advertise he Knows men as no gin couia know them. He also knows a lot about girls that boys would find helpful in their affairs.

So today as my teen-age sermon I point out to you-r-free of charge of course that you have dads and that you can use them with profit Now to geton with the teen-age mail. Jitterbug Problem "Dear Uncle George: I am a girl of 15 and go around with a nice group of girls in our neighborhood. cumme*r avenue, died Tuesday at 5:20 sons. Uov. of Brandt; Webb, of Pluua: letters, speeches, cards, also monthly Kdwurd Richard Hannhro.

21, of 1438 ment which in the opinion of The journal. limnfc vviiii.ii in me illinium UI 1 iii? a. following a long illness. She was lifter, of Kldorado: George and Earl, of 7 Herald Publishing Company is oblectlonable I( m.aU pl h.T' MATHES. 124 II.

B. or 2103 How- By IDA JEAX KAIN Germantown atreet and Julia Amanda Old-wine, lj, of 809 Kilmer atreet. the widow of Wesley human, hue is sur- I West Manchester, unerai services win oe In text or detrimental to Its Interests, reserved to the seller. Falrv.ew W. C.

T. tT. will meet vivea bv ner two naugnters, Mrs. r.nza-1 held at 2:.) p. m.

Thursday at tne Longre-beth Miller and Mrs. Marguerite Bone; I Rational Christian church. Burial will be ellAv. SOUND CAR for rent; LaSalle sedan There is a term, "night club ISSfED imu anu i-mviu, nil ui 107- 1 ill inm ViMayci iciucici jr. eoumued with complete public addrena tan," which seems to apply to ion, ana grandcniiuren.

hue was a pnrrpsi narMrrpr. i TROV Funeral services for Mrs. Treva Wayne avenue and Murjorie Eileen Thomai, resident of Davton 51 yeara and ft mem system and phono unit. For use at political meetings. Road cruising for outdoor New York's cafe society complex JOURNAL-HERALD Call AD 1111 Ask for Clesslfftd Tuesday, October 22, at 11 a.

at Fairview U. B. church. New officers will be installed and department directors will be named. her of the St.

Paul Methodist church. I I.ydia Frantz, 40, wife of Bert Frantz, Services will be held at 3 p. m. Thurs- Troy, who died Monday afternoon In the Z.i, til Aroir avenue. PrtwnrH KwUnhelm.

25. of rural gatherings. Dayton Film Rental. I AjtMtt. ions.

The glamorous life is no aid J. S. W. Better change methods on maU mute 3. Dayton.

Ohio, and Mary C. Bett day at the Morrig Son funeral home. lHi9 Lima DiBtrict hoapitul, where she had been rimonial magazine or you 11 be post ker, 25, of 208 Hult street. i.itnt, jiiiiii Biicci. uui tat uc jii i a uniiriiL ine ictBL ijur inuiiiiis, win uc to beauty, for one's mode of living is directly reflected in the condi My trouble lies in the fact that lund cemetery.

Friends may rail at the rondurted at 2 p. m. Thursday in the marked for prison. That Canadian Woman lunerai nome vveunesuay ariernoon anaiirvin funeral home, Troy. Interment will Mrs.

Lulu Horn ill lead a morning nearly every evening we get to- tion of the skin. evening. i re made in tne cemetery at Pleasant tun. spilled everytning. see story, page xa, November True Detective Mysteriei Magazine.

Now nn newsstands. Births 1 Prauniiia tr hor murriitirA trs Mr gether they want to "jitterbug" A clear, glowing complexion de CCORGK K. MAT1IEWH. 73. formerly devotional service.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Ida Mae and I loathe the sight of it a-awi tart DtiifAK 1 I of DHVlnn. iUpA Surtflv At hi hnm? in unDT.u..i anA naat pends on your diet, your circula LUUK'lLCt ni ucu a.iiV4 wail um.ii uw i I Vi nrii 111c liunuiiai iuui mtrt uiic-iinn tion, and even your disposition. It Indianola avenue.

worwaiK, conn, bervicea win lie neid at yeari. survivors include the husband; one Son. Laban and Thelma Peyton, 686 P- m. Wednesday In the chapel at Wood- Joseph, years old: the mother, W. Third street 'and.

remetery, with the Rev. Clinton Mrs. Emma Simpson. Akron; five broth- I find it difficult to learn the steps. I usually just watch them and feel apart from their fun.

This indicates very clearly whether you Son. Bernard and Mary Pfeiffer. 1315 er! Russell Marshall, flint, Jonn p'et enoueh exercise and fresh air, Announcements Political Notices 8a ELF.CT Shank and Welbaum COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REPUBLICAN TICKET nd Viruil Marshall, Akron; Owen Mar I find brings on tantalizing re vieinm-" c.iuc. ne wa9 emiloyed with M. Andrews, Site will report the proceedings of the state W.

C. T. U. convention in Cincinnati. Members are asked to bring sandwiches or box lunches.

have well-balanced menus, ana shall, California, and George Marshall, Washington, D. C. two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Son. Bruc and Dorothy Peters, 3303 N.

architects. Survivori are the widow, Mrs. 1 Lodgo Notices drink enough water. Maift street. I Dorothy Mathews; two daughters, Mrs.

marks from the girls. Should I endeavor to learn the "jitterbug" t'oniscnnewer, or Covington, ana auss Mary Marshall, of Farmersvllle. Daughter. Hobert and Odessa Pate, Route wary Kiewmorst, or and miss Inasmuch as the skin gets its MASONIC Tempi Directory and become one of them or sit by nhit I I'orniny iviauiews ui jew iihk; one son. Llayion, OHIO, Wlllinm Vathews.

if t.anln. Mich one nourishment from the blood MIAMIKRl'Rn Funeral services for 585 RlverWw At. Regular Ma- George and Ethel Probert, 139 cramichiM mi one neohew. and try to enjoy watching them? stream. the only skin food is a tonic Lodges neat ber.

Visitor Cuslung avenue. I Jerry Frank Wade, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wade, of 815 Syca County Relief Director Mason Pat" wtlcom. Kon.

Clarence and Elizabeth Pauley. PAt JA (IB HltlXTlNK. 40. died good diet Everyone needs plenty more street, who died luesuay morning If you do not like jitterbug Benner will go to Columbus, Route 11, Dayton, Ohio. Monday at his home, 113 Shaw avenue.

at Miaml v'aUw wjii be held at of fresh fruits and fruit juices, .7:00 Oct. 16 Aero Lodge, Spl. F. Daughter. Charles and Margaret Reece, 1,1 p.

m. Thursday at the home of the Wednesday to attend the Ohio Wel and fresh vegetables and jdairy 432 Oxford avenue. "rar "7 i "BViV ln ivmm grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Oct.

36 Victory Chapter, P. Gowan, of 748 Sycamore street. Daughter, Paul and Janl Stewart, S21 ptprv. VripnH. mnv call at Ihe filriArjtt dances Just don't do them.

Why dont you start a counter fad or are you one of those weak sisters who has no resources and doesn't Oct 16 Horace A. Irvin Lodge, Std. products particularly milk. EA 7:00 Pontiac street. home after 4 n.

m. Wednesday. Survlvine RE-ELECT SENATOR I. E. BAKER Ohio State Senate Republican Ticket Elect Parker S.

BOOKWALTER County Engineer Republican Ticket MIA MISBI RG Funeral services for Mrs. Any diet that is improperly bai Son. Albert ana mine itienmona, noute are nis mother, alts, uamerine Christine. fare conference. Alice Gilbert, Margaret Lane, Bob Fenner, Jane Myers and Pauline Croy will go Thursday.

nanced leads to skin troubles. Lack Nora Kidinger, 57, who died at the Miami Valley hospital Monday night, will be held 11 Davton. Ohio. I know how to start anything. Death Notices of the essential food elements pre Son, King and Lucy Rutledge, 253 Den- MS.

CHRISTINE SPERI.rNO, 64, of nlson street, Ridgewood Heights. 1 350 Kast Third street, died Tuesday morn- MefJEE. John Thomas: see 80 years, died sents proper assimilation. Insuffi cient bulk is the cause of poor irom tne residence, tiu norm Mevenin street, Thursday at 2 p. m.

Burial will be in Hillgrove cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Louis; two daughters, Airs. Alice Champion and Ruby Redinger; four sons, Robert, Burnett, William and Arnold, all of this city; three sisters and threr brothers. "Dear Mr. Antheil: I am a girl of 15 but appear 17 because my outlook on life is older.

I don't go out all week except perhaps a trip Son, Charles and nances Keynoius, trig at St. biizanetn hospital following a Dwlght avenue. short Illness. She was horn In Miami Son, Lloyd and Ollv RlegeU 324 Warder county and had been a resident of Dayton Street. years.

She was a member of St. Dauzhter. Don and Mary Stewart, 229 Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church. She Mondav. Survived by one daughter, three grandchildren, one great-grandchild, one brother.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 8:30 a. m. at Hoyne funeral Unemployed Daj tonians received elimination. A smoothly function ing system with good digestion nome. a.

m. Holy Family church. Shroyer road. survived by her hunband, John; five sis- $74,806.39 in September and 1,423 unemployment benefit claims were to the library, because my mother assimilation and elimination is Transportation Burial in cavalry eemeterv. Friends mav call at the funerH! home Wprineiulav nTier.

Oaughter, Jonn ana uorotny oeaman, i iers, sirs, Mary jjeger. Mrs. uaroara 138 Lawn street. W'oolery, Mrs. Ellzaheth Snyder, Miss Rosa Son, Cecil and Bonnl Sexton, 221 Hofferbert, all of Dayton, and Mrs.

Emma FRANKLIN Funeral services for Miss essential to skin beauty. poon and evening, Arrangements. Hoyne LEAVING for California, Oct. 27, new wants me at home, not because of house but just because she Ida DeNise, 60, who died Tuesday morn- filed. funeral home.

Ruick: take 4. KB 4210. Michigan avenue. I henwanz, or iayion, ann one oroiner. Since the circulation is such a lnB.

alter a ionir II mess, win be held from Daughter, urnan ann J.ueua. cnoen, Adam tiorrernert, or spnngrieia. services lh h(im. npr- Mrs Charles Mun- wants me to be at home. But don't big factor, exercise, is very im The War Veterans' Republican you believe that a girl should at BURGESS, CLIFFORD: G2, of 315 North Broadway, died at the Miami Valley hospital Tuesday at 4:20 a.

m. He had been a resident of Davton 15 years, having come here from Connersville. Ind. Serv Route 2. Box 307A, Marshall road.

will be held at tne residence at a p. m. n7 Mlnmi avenue at 2-30 Daughter, Eugene and Beatrice Shank-, Friday and at 2:30 at St. Paul Lutheran Jui "rnoon Rev Hannum Route 2. West Alexandria, Ohio.

church, Wayne avenue. Burial will be in Pi KTS 10 Lost and Found portant. Unless you exercise enough to keep your circulation up Woodland cemetery. Friends may call at E.m least have Saturday nights to herself? club has opened campaign offices at 1005 U. B.

building. lii ki vi, uui mi riu I I Will and doing, your skin is inade Pa- Tccf A Trancfprc lne reslu*tnce Biler V- m- "eonesoay, m.i(ie cemetery. She is sur-XCdl HfbldlC XldXlSlCiO vived by three sisters, Mrs. Emma Van 63. of 1334 "I have been told many times BLANCHE BT.ACK.

Ar- ices will be held at the residence at 10 a. m. Thursday. Rev. C.

L. Seasholes officiating. Burial will be In Greenlawn cemetery, Mllford, Ohio. Brief grave services will he held hv Ppv Riffip quately nourished and shows it Home, Rosarlo, South America; Mrs. Lueza LOST AND FOUND SERVICE BUREAU If vou find something ot value and do that I am attractive and have a Amerlcan Ioan and Savings association bor avenue, died at her residence at 7:20 The Race Relations commission A daily walk in the fresh air is Hossman and Mrs.

Munger, ot jrankiin, and one brother, Richard De Nise, of to Cordt'U B. Loltls, et lot IJ-U. a. m. tuesoay ionowing a lenxiny uiness.

She is survived bv five daughters. Mrs. really a beauty tonic. pleasing personality, and a lot of nice boys ask me out for Saturday will meet for luncheon Monday, bpringiieio. not see it advertised here, phone Miss King Friends may call at the residence after p.

m. Tuesday. He is survived by his wife. Carrie; one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Guy B.

Pickett to Margaret Pickett, lot Rhea Coy, of Xenia; Mrs. Ruth Morter, 1 jt.i riuutiin Mrs. Alice Tjwrence, Miss Mamaret Black at The Journal-Herald, AD 11LL She has If there is difficulty with the October 21, at the Y. M. C.

A. Dr. nights, but most of the time, on MIDII.lkTOWN Funeral services will be al.l fatIH ahernrKin for David Thomas Doughman, of Cleveland. Members of elimination, start the day by drink a list of articles reported lost in in last 30 days. If you LOSE something ot value.

Stillwater Home Site company to S. A. and Mrs. Edna Francisco, all of Dayton; Thurwlay Curson company, lots 130 to 148 Inclusive, two Frank and Harry Kunz, Cowgill, three-month-old son of Mr. and Earl N.

Groggs is chairman. account of my mother, I am forced Dayton Council No. 24 of the Jr. O. u.

and 325. 576, 579, 5'JH, Garden l-lty. oom or uuyion: on sister, Mrs. fcdna Mrs. Charles Cowgill.

of Flnley street. to refuse, ing one or two glasses of hot or cold water with the juice of a A. M. will hold services at the residence at 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday. Cincinnati Miss King also has a list oi articles mat have been reported found by th readers. Telephone her at AD 1111 and she will ltv tsui fling ana ucmn minui i oi onvvim, ana siji urnnu-l -i he chi died at Mlddletown nosotlal. Raymond J. France pout, Vet "I have tried to speak to her, paper please copy.

10 Jonn w. iuinn, ei iov iouijo, viiiiui r-o, iiiciuiw lesnifiu oi uiijuni, i auer a monm illness, uunai wiu oe kindly giv you any Information available. lemon. In addition, you may need erans of Foreign Wars, Thursday, have a heart-to-heart talk, but her iu Alliert Ethlngton to Kennetn v. ftiarse, sne was a member ot the oak street u.

a. made In Woodslde cemetery. -i int. ai'jfi nd aiL't. Oakwood.

I church. Funeral services will he hpld nt I Th following articles hay been found: special -exercises to lone the ab i Tuihntt nitv mmimnv to Men-I 2 D. m. Friday at the residence anct burial I wn livnrnv Mr. Harriett Rnonn.

at 8 p. m. at Memorial hall will Legal Advertisem*nt Black Terrier Sept 18 mind is set and she won't have it changed; she was brought up in a dominal muscles. These may be denhall, lot 1J. OakwixKU wm oe in mi.

cemeiery. rnenos may i wz, died of pneumonia at her home near Key 10 Hrooiiviiie nuildlne anil Pavings 'assocla- call at the residence after 7 D. m. Wednes LEGAL NOTICE simple. It good exercise to lie on Hunting License 1 Ring Oct 1 very strict' home, and apparently discuss attendance at the Ohio department meeting in Springfield, Friday to Sunday.

lion to Jessie M. Khous, lots i' anu jo, uay. City of Dayton. County of Montgomery, Wedding Clarksvllle. Monday at 8 p.

m. She had been III six years. The daughter of Jacob and Sarah Gray, she was born at Clarks-ville, May 20, 1x58. Survivor include two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Andrew, of Hirhman Helehts.

the back of the floor, legs flexed and feet on the floor, and pull up Jessie M. liliods, deceased, to Bernlce MRS. ROSE MII.I.ER, 61. wife of Harner. et lots 17 and 118, Rich- Ham Miller of 41B West Second street, died U1 "ime oi me i.iiy Black White Pup Oct Alia naffCSt1 Fox Terrier 10 minn on.

ana nirs. ftainjeen isneopara man Heights. at 3 p.m. Sundav while visiting at the Joseuh Gerwick to Helen J. Moore, et I home of her daughter.

Mrs. Catherine Motion pictures will be shown To "The Federal Land Bank of Louisville." Pekingese Oct 9 Gold Ring Oct 12 New Burlington, and two sons. Darrell and in with the lower abdominal muscles, then relax. Repeat ten times. Another effective exercise a Cornoratien of Lou svi le.

Kentucky. she intends to bring me up in the same manner. Then there's my older sister, who, instead of being a help poisons my mother's mind even more against my going out. What would you advise me to do Shirley." by C. N.

Stemper and E. W. Carl and Russell at home. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. C.

M. Steele lilt llSO ano iraci, uayi-ni. ui vinnuui, in. rini M.iin.1 iinm. savines association supt services will be held at 1 D.

m. Wednes- and the "Federal Land Bank ot Louisville," a Corporation of Louisville, Kentucky, as Attorney in Fact for "The Land at the Clarksville Methodist church, Newfoundland Dog 14 Coin Purse Oct. 12 Ladies' Gloves 12 Boston Bull Oct 14 to Martha Miller, lot 09, Dayton. I day at the Morris Sons funeral home, 1X son, at a dinner oi me uayiun is taken in the same position and Thursday at 2 p. m.

Interment will be Hume Gardens company to Charlotte t.ast Third street. Burial will be in Me- Dietetics association, Thursday, at In tne (JlarKSVtiie cemetery, ine ooay is Hamilton. lot 51071, Dayton. morial Park cemetery. 7 p.

at the Engineers club. at the Hannah funeral nome, Wilmington, Bank Commissioner" Acting Pursuant to Part .1 of the Act of Congress Known as the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of consists of drawing alternate knees up to the chest while pulling R. M. Swank, et 10 i.race omm- PURSE, lost; black; Monument and Keoa MRS. MARIE Fl.IZABETH VIETS.

46. where friends may call after 1:15 p. -Mn 1UO Tmtwnnri. wee, triday night. Reward.

Kb bo.n. Oh, no, Shirley, no matter how Hartels. deceased, to William S. niea at a. m.

Monday at her resilience, 1 inursaay. oi Louisville, Kentucky. un and in with the lower abdom TIGER CAT Lost. Reward, VV. C.

Robinson, secretary of the mi.f iiiiinii BVAn arip a i nM. nm riuvton. You are hereby notified, that on the inal wall. These will serve as Services will he held at the residence at WILMINGTON Leyton Hale, 54 625 A 4R23J Mabel E. Siear, et to Pearl A.

litu; nuulnn 1111ft ,1. i state board of barber examiners, old you look you are merely 15 and you have no right to be out nights. Your mother knows what 1 sn b. Thiinuinv nnH ih I West Main street, retired Wilmington VI II- UIUCI, ml- l.lllllllll.l-tlllll III lie I L'lVi-l-T E- 1..... h.

ta. u. 1 I 1 -oifttli It'lIlUlC nsi 1 luajr 1 humi ch.n.1 r.r ih. I huines man. died following a stroke Sheriff ot Mercer county, to J.

r. -e ward. St. I'aui. ma iyj j.

mn 1 I natanna It. anl nn I 7 will address a general meeting of barbers Monday at 8 p. m. at labor church. Burial will be In Glenhaven ceme- of apoplexy at Hale hospital, Monday at L.

Sicrman, lot li.M, uayion. Iprv SnHnof ,1 mt.v I D. m. Me DUQ oeeil ill III Iirmul in pro'priate'in fee simple the following de- WRIST watch, lost: white gold; Thursday scribed real estates SiiuniP in thp rnntv night at Dayton Art Institute. Valued aa Arthur W.

niwr, ei iu noon, Wednesday. Rev. O. O. Arnold and than a year and.

had spent some lot, uayion. headquarters. of Montgomery. State of Ohio and in But-1 keepsake. Reward.

usiJ time In the hospital, but recently had Herman L. Wenlng, et to Charles Rev. Ralph Tinsley will officiate. Martz. lot 2213.

Dayton. in hpiipr nea in. ine son oi rrana ler lownsnip. and being a part of Section BLACK SCOTTY Lost in Davton View. she is doing.

But how about ask; ing her to let you have the gang over for Saturday fights Then perhaps some oMhe other youngsters will catch on and have gatherings at their homes where your Named found leather collar. Wallace E. Ptugh. et to Lola M. I.yniA

87. of 2126 Spring i own nange bast, in wnirn said E. Hale and Mrs. Anna Kelley Hale, he waa horn near Oeden. June 21.

lhhti. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, 400 real estate you have an Interest as described Child's pet. Reward.

TA 376U. West. 1H1 North Rlverdale place. mount road, died at 6 a. m.

Tuesdhy at attended the county schools and Adams v. in Montgomery County, Ohio, Mortgage Rec I Kutn ei ner nome ionouing an illness or one year. ner nome 10 Mowing an mess or one vear. North Broadway, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary this ord book ino. bbi, page 34(1, and Record Ormsbv, ZEWS.

Bm in Waterloo, she had lived In Dayton TuWs7 ArU 1 11 book bhi, page do7, saal mortgages being rr.V?w "VSilf iU2.WJlW.ym SPI- She ZieA him in death. Survivors week, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Employment given oy wiiuam s. wens and Laura samples but any exercises which tone the muscles of the abdominal wall tend to improve the elimination.

Serene people usually have lovelier complexions than the fuss-budgets. Nervousness has a bad effect on the digestion which spreads to the entire system. Healthful habits of living contribute to stability of the nervous system and, indirectly, to a clear complexion. When it comes to external factors in skin beauty, cleanliness and the regular use of a good cream are not to be underrated. Since iw is i uiimi'kiiii in unu ucnjamni oi uayion, ana Liana I h).

ne hrother Dr. lft557. 16858. 16859. 4 of Waterloo; one daughter.

Mrs. Fred Waid- I vin nlifp. vvflmfniftiln. ie Wells, husband and wile, and Louis A. Miller, of 2011 Park place, cele Wells, unmarried, to the above named i Phiifch nf f'hrist BureausFemale.

Office 12 The rincK ruei f)I one brother, Anly Cooper, Corporations. lots l'. Of Greenup, one sister. Rose Stewart, Vffliiated with Modern Woodmen and Is 36829, 16830, 1ilKi7, lj'- of Greenup, one sister, Rose Stewart, brated their golden wedding anni versary. Of which said Resolution No.

13-13. the il services A.J. Kause 10 yi'-im a. v.u.ii... ot Dayton, snd 30 grander! dren and 11 I II AM lodces Fun exn 820 mother may permit you to go.

Take it easy, that very eagerness that is a drive that makes you want to cut loose is the thing your mother has to watch or it will get you into trouble. The Boy Problem Again following Is a true copy: lots xon.xi, iW'Mi great-griindchiuircn. liurial will be utlLaii.h. nnnriuetert hv Hev. E.

J. Meacham DICTAPHONE exp SJU mania et. uinm, j. water oo. I ik T.ubM 11HOUGH SH KKIHOLD -Reynolds M.

art, rt .1.. 1 am, WW. Thursda -at inter- Judge Merritt E. Schlafman will RETOUCHER; exp legal A BF.SOM TION' No. 1313 (By Mr.

Krebsl Declaring the Intention of the Com Calvert K. nan. i I fH9. tF4Rr. MFFS fne nf S11 ivi in Cinnr flrnve cemeiery, i i.i:t di-p Man win lown- I I uiciii, iii Br.

discuss experiences in police court ivies, tsi m.i i.w i navnes street, died Sunday, hnenda mv exp S15-2U mission to Appropriate Real Estate call at the Roberts funeral home, 919 ivTiMiNT.TftN Russell H. Jefferls, 61 before the Whittier A. 1)1 AC, KllJtK, LUU1AJW HUM. viiiinnl Home and Savings supt. to for the Purpose of Enlarging the Brown street.

Funeral services will lie -r Vienna iii I of Der tonitis at "Dear Uncle George: We are rharies E. Staley, et lots 13641, OFFICE clerk, typist, exu. in figuring. In held at the funeral home Wednesday at Landing Held al me Dayton mu r-iiv hnsnital. Soringfleld.

Monday at Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at the school auditorium. Mrs. Howard 2 p.

m. Burial will be ln Woodland ceme nicipal Airport. ventory, stock control. eis-SJii for credit dept J16-II8 mm m. hp nan neen in six wn-ns.

13642, 33643. 33640, ay ton. David Spickler, et to Helen A. Mil in is, upat rarrolltnn. two girls of 15 and 16.

We like to have lots of fun and usually suc tery, xenia. dermatologists still disagree as to The of Preston and Sarah Hlatt Whereas, It Is deemed necessary that TYPIST, cashier 815 TYPISTS, several temporary 815 Wagner will preside. hp warn In Chester town ami snores, ini-oi imnura, Pimm, ceed. We have noticed that every CLIFFORD RI RGESS. 62.

of 315 North ii.irruiiif in niir.M, oj, oi xsorir ship, cilnton county, June 22, 1889, and s-lnn c*ntom. BANKS-MITCHELL. .104 KEITH HLDG. Miuml I Taylor McGury, lots 48 and 50, Miami BnmdwaVi (je(1 the MlHm, VBev nns, the promises hereinafter described be procured by the City nf Dav ton in order that an airport Improvements project which the Secretary of War of the 'na marnm ill miMSi in nn ijv uiv i time we go out with a boy he pital Tuesday at 4:20 a. m.

He had been As result of the traffic death Knnnn et al.vto Floyd years, having which is the better cleanser, soap and water or a cream, we'll take plenty of both. The essential things appear to be: to keep the skin clean, and to use a cream to u-pesn it cn.ff tin ,,1,1, a traiut'iii in unvion jn Knoop, et 1237 acre, Randolph rome fmm Connev resident of Davton 35 Bureaus Female, Misc. 12a of Charles L. Powell, June 27, at wants to neck and mush. We can get the boys alright, but can't I'nited states of America has certitied life.

lnd. Serv ber 30, He was a member pt the Chester Friends church. Residents of Har-veyshurg for 20 years, the familv moved to South Vienna In August, 1939, and a tourist ramo. Survivors Include ices will be held at the residence at 10 a.m. as important for national defense pur the intersection of routes 40 and HIGH TYPE while houseworkers.

CEN- Caroline A Ilarrlgan, et to Jaks Thursday. Burial will be in Greenlnwn poses, may proceed, bv reason of which keep them and I am sure it is be TRAL NURSES REGISTRY. RA 5532. 49, suit for $12,000 damages was consideration it is necessary for the cemetery, Mil lord, Ohio. Rev.

c. L. Sea uiiinur. a son. Kirk Jelferis, at home, Becker, lot WTJ.

ri W. Nichols, et to Robert A. Hill, cause we won't do the things men sides will officiate. Friends may call at FOUNTAIN GIRL, Immediate preservation of the public and two brothers, Keslle Jperi. whit filed In common pleas court, Tues et No, 30 Harrison Terrace place.

MAIDS, housekeepers, rooks. It doesn do much good to Keep tne residence. He is survived by his wife, property, health and safety tnat ii. ami rpn r. tioned above.

What are we supposed to do when the boys, start came: one daughter. Mrs. Ruth Douirh. BROUGII H14 RET HOLD this resolution take effect at the Funeral services will be your skin clean if you use a soiled day, against Milton Lower, of Detroit, by Charles Powell, of Green man, of Cleveland. Members of Davton earliest possible dale; therefore held at the Arthur lunerai nome, inu.a this 7 Please tell us what kind of powder puff.

Make it a rule to use MAID, white cook. 2 adults; stay $10 MAIDS, several; stay MAIDS, several, rare children Mi DAYTON DEATHS Be It Resolved by the Commission of ville, administrator of the estate. Grove cemetery. a clean puff, always and that Wrednesday. the City of Dayton: HANKS-MITCHELL 304 KEITH BLDG.

should apply to the one in your enivi Henrv Guitner. 81. New 5ISS, ROSE IIFRSH HOFFMAN died Section 1. That the intention of the Commission be and the same hereby is A 15-vear-old Miamisburg boy WEATHER at her home at I'ortervllle, accord' Female Help Wanted 13 compact, too. it you get into tne habit of changing your compact Weston, died at the Gibbons hospital at 7:13 p.

m. Monday of Injuries received in aniomnhile accident Monday at 8 a. m. TiFunerals Today declared to appropriate In fee simple. was cited to juvenile court Tues mg 10 word received Tuesday.

She was for the purpose ot enlarging the land GIRL Experienced, general housework ami day, for the theft of the auto of a classmate or Mrs. Grace stivers Purvis, Dayton, In the class of 18HJ at Central puff every night, it will always be uputnn Mr. Gullner was a re Mi-s. Mnrtha Breltcnsteln, 3 p. Morris iirni it.

w. nights, jto.ijrsryn iwawr ur. ing field at the Dayton Municipal Airport for an aircraft and transportation terminal and uses associated therewith C. W. Strader, of 12 Gerard ave high school, of which group but eight mem- tired farmer of Darke couniy wm-n, Sons funeral home.

fresh and clean when you are GIRL, white, assist with general houses n. 125 Commercial I hers are surviving. Including Herman Cel. had made his home tor oo yean. 'f work; no laundry, no children.

rujiMi, or incident thereto, the following de ready to go in the morning. riHintr I hp mall route wun nn nue, Southern Hills. The car was later recovered; by Deputy Sheriffs mi ms, vwiu ikiiiis KiittM llliieill llONIUOn in Cincinnati. Mrs. Purvis spent two weeks WHITE girl, housework; no cooking or Mrs.

Elbahelh Ella Scott, 3 p. ilenrv uuioons, voi-u ui scribed real estate, which is localed without the corporate limits of-said washing, stay, ka wiiL allotment. Gibbons was un' Ben Brown and Cliff Bolender. Methodist church, Malta, O. llla Iigan, 2 p.

Wesleyan Metho- city, to wit: iniuriul Hiiilnpr a nrobable fractured skull EXPERIENCED girl for steam table work. with her old rlassmnte and her husband In Iheir California home, situated In an orange grove, three years ago. The hua-band, a retired minister, and a son, an architect, who resides in Los Angeles, sur- Floral Hotel, 1102 Miami Chapel Hd. DAVTON: High wind velocity, 26 miles an hour at 3:07 a. prevailing wind direction, north; precipitation, 0.15 inch; noon relative humidity, 59 per cent.

Sun sets today at 5:56 p. m. Sun rises tomorrow at 6:50 a. Sun sets tomorrow at 5:55 p. m.

Year's precipitation to date, 25.82 Inches; year's deficiency, 5.27 Inches; year's temperature excess, 630 degrees; highest temperature was 91 In lowest temperature was 29 in 1897. Mrs. Helen M. Waltmiin, 2 p. 321 and numerous facial lacerations when he was thrown against the windshield.

Sur-vMmr are the following children: Minnie WHITE WOMAN, experienced; some cook Situate In the Counlv of State of Ohio and Butler Town Leo Shpphanl, 27, of 711 Smith mterhpln avenue (prlvatel. A diet 4hat provides the protective foods Is the very foundation of complexion" loveliness. Send a stamped return envelope for Ida Jean Kaln's "Protective Diet Chart." ing. Slav nights. KE Extension 4Mi, 1VV, unit her Francis llerncr, 8:30 street, suffered minor face and rii-ppnviiie; Clara Mvers.

Dayton ship, and being a part of Sec. 3, K. fiK. and being more par EXPERIENCED waitress, over 21. Micks it ki John.

Coral Michael, Mrs. Henry Gibbons and j.i.. ey' Grill. 3101 VV, Third. body injuries, Tuesday morning, IOHN M'fiFE, 80.

rellred railroader, re- iiriiJiiiiT. rpt i Mrs. Bertha E. Bonbrlght, 8:30 a. ticularly described as follows: RiHintr nt- Mi.r1.

Anntt of NfW WeStnn; tSanlff MP' beginning at the southeast comer WHITE WOMAN, housework, car ut chil- Cf Murv church. when he drove into railroad cars Mi Rui-v Innst Ka hnt.t nt wtt I Dnnlel Guitner, Cement of Laura F. Weirs 8ti S2-acre tract dren, stay. Wyoming. Distributed by King Features Syndicate.

Inf. George E. Mathews, 2 p. Woodland rhanel. on the New York Central tracks, a.

m. Thursday at the Iloyne funeral City, and Emmanuel Guitner, ot of land as recorded In Deed Book 834 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Help light house. Mrs. Rose Miller, 1 p. Morris Sons Springboro pike.

He said he was nome, jmy r.ast inira street, and at 9 Illinois, nt Holy Family rhurah. Burial will be In work, stay; 3 In family. tij saipm av. page 154. of the records of Montgomery County and State nf Ohio, said TEMPER VFSTIRDAV REFINED white girl, experienced general en route to work at the Moraine funeral home.

Mrs. Pearl Mees, 3 P. Roberts fu- Calvary cemetery Friends may call at nri it. Vnnlca 1 A. 1 P.

hi housework. RA 1 2-1 nprnl hnmp I'i WCUUJ' aiternoon 73.t,ve- ot wan county, a son nf the City Frigidaire plant. J- A. point being located In the north line of The Dayton Municipal Airport property and being two thousand six hundred seventy-nine and two-tenths WHITE WOMANto take full charge while Mrs. Jennie Fllzpntrlck Browne, 2 Inle Marlon- and ElUn Ann Shaw Vanlca 3 A.

mother winks: and cariare, call Walter funeral home. gdiiiuiu ti, I fiiiul at bis home in Akron, luesday moiTl- Dayton Journal Founded In 1306. -Published dully except Sunday Th Jiiurnal-Hemld Publishing Company. Telephone ADams 1111. Private branch exchange connecting all departments.

sriwrmr-TioN ratkm. after 4:30 p. WA 2737. 2i feet weslwardlv fmm the cen Contents of ninball and vending Third 'street, died Serviies will Inst Illness, lie Is survived he held ut the residence at 2:30 n. m.

by three children by his second wife and Alllsl. NORA BELL STEPHENSON! .10, ter line of the Dixie Highway: thence EXPERIENCED while girl. Catholic for machines formed the greater part 2 P. p. 4 P.

8 P. 7 P. 8 P. M. P.

10 P. M. It P. south Sir.lO'.W" west for a distance SO 4 4 40 4S 4H 4M 4 A. 5 A.

M. A. 7 A. 8 A. 9 A.

10 A. 0 1 ToHv an inness of Hn(1 Memorial two children hy his first wile Miss Mabel at 4:40 p. m. Tuesday after an illness of plrk prnihPr will officiate Vanlca. nf this rltv.

Is a halfslster of the general housework; must goon cooa; 2 adults. Phone 4diPiitti-rsonKield. of one thousand on hundred seven of loot Tuesday in burglaries. Ma c-i. li.irn in I rmit n.

norn in icsiai-svioe, a venr. sue was deceased, and Mrs. Knowlea Wallnce, Also Ffrlrnds may call at the residence. MAID While, housi-work, cooking; chines were broken open at the teen and twenty-nine hundredths 0117.29) feet, along the north line of Dayton Municipal Airport of Hellefontalne, Is. a stepsister of SUBSCRIPTION RATE BY CARRIER: and lived In Dayton 10 years, sur vlvltig are her husband, Paul C.

Stephen Slav nights; references. (171, IS to James Martin pool room, 208 Kin JOHN MFIHHMAN, 3R, 1034 Walnut Vnnlca. Funernl erlces will neli 11 A. M. JV Noun 52 pmtejiy to a point; then north Per week.

18c. Paid -In-advance sub. srnpllons: $2.34 quarterly, J4.63 six Midnight. Thursday afternoon In Akron. work: good home.

RA hitg winnsor. son; "three brother. lher and Quiller died" at Loulsvlile Ky PJiS resident of of and one sister, lr 1. nerd street; Clark's bar, 2328 west for a distance of (Vandalla readings after 10 p. months.

w.3H yearly. flOU'SKKEEPEIt-Futlieri one thousand one hundred slxty-nne Dayton, ki- North Main street, and Hall Broth SUBSCRIPTION RATES BV MAIL: Donald Raymond 'i-orru llltham. Tpnn. Services tlll be I. lu.l i 'ii' HFI.I.F.FONTAINK CONDITIONS: The disturbance which and forty-five hundredths (lltiMri) feet to a point: thence north 8H- nn ii in i pus.

tuna i-nruri iniiii llirPff 1... In Aue Allen. Butler. ark. nam exnenred, rererence.

Apply 9- m. Monteiny avenue, era service station, 4002 West held at tne residence a p. m. i nursnny brothers, Clarence, Roy and William; two -woiui son or ir. 1 L.

1 1 ...111 I 11rtAfl intlrf MmAl al 1 I a I 111 .1 .1 1 a A Inla nlnhil nil 1 1 1 ftV TtlA he In Woodland cemeiery. Wood', night at the nnlgn, Cilnton. Darke, Fayette, Greene, R. died Inte.Mnndiiy lir-30" east for a distance nf one GIRL For light housework; Stay; ref sisrers, Mrs. tiara jonns ana Mrs.

Francis and burial will Dev. William H. Bnyer will officiate. Third street. McDowell, all of Dayton.

erence. Cambridge. familv home, 420 East Auburn avenue. The child had been III for several months. was over the lower lake region Monday night has advanced rapidly northeastward beyond the field ot observation, with a trough and well-marked cold front ex Friends may cnll at the residence after 5 tlmusnnd one hundred forty and ninety-four hundredths 1 140.941 feet to a point In th east Im of Said Ijiura F.

Well's Kil.52-acr tract: slay. housework; NURSEMAID Light miauii. eioiuKoniriy, wirn-ri, Preble. Shelhv and Warren Counties. THE SUBSCRIPTION RATE BY MAIL, DAILY ONLY.

IS $3 30 PER YEAR. For any other Counties ot States, mall rales p. m. Wednesday, The rotate of John Lawrence M4 Red Haw road. RA HW7, With the parents there are surviving three nlher children.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. In this city and burial will be made In Bellefontaln ceme- WHITKr GIRL; assist housework, car r.FOROR LAMBERT. 82. nf 129 Salem Hinkson was appraised at $5,000, VALLEY DEATHS thence South tl'ati'-Jll" west nlon the snld east line nf Laura F.

Well's RO.K-acr Wad for a distance of one children; slay; b. Ho s-Mj, quoted on request. AU mall subscriptions pavabl in advane according to inventory filed in avenue riled at a. m. Tuesday alter an Illness of two months.

He was a retired carpenter. One son, four daughters and four grandrhllriren survive. Funeral tory, tending snuthwestward off the Atlantic coast to a wave disturbance developing over the Cnrollnas. Pressures are falling rapidly over the plains stales and are relatively low over lne Dakolas. An area of Paid-in-advance subscriptions should be thousand one hundred sixtvone and WHITKTiTltT.

FOR probate court Tuesday. cni rvi ii i rMr, ii.Mi,. I eight-tenths flltil 8 feet to a point made direct to The Journal-Herald publishing Company and NOT Ui carrier. REFERENCE. MA ta.

RinNF.V, Following an Illness of almost arrangements will be completed on the widow of the late Marcus Hulls, a retired In tne north line, of said Dayton Municipal Airport property, said point hliih pressure overlies the Mississippi vnl a year, Mrs. fiiinthetn jtineruirt, b.i, weii arrival ot a daughter from South Carolina. JoMcnh Wetzel, of 1755 Suman Darke county farmer, died very' suddenly at 11 -fill ut hup A.lU known MEMBER OF nil? ASSOCIATED PRESS. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS nt'; must be over 21. 1201 W.

Third Kt. NEW BRANCH "of "retail "stori Ihirli. Jl lev. the uiiuer lake renlon an9 the West being the place of beginning, con resident of the community, oien ir lom hrre in North West avenue Tues nome nrre in norm nri mun gulf slates. Light to moderate rains have taining 30.11 acres mors or U-ss.

The Associated Press is exclusively titled to th use for republication of al nns. jr.snir, riir.rainn a-niiint iri, vit Fourth Street, Greenville, from the ner nf 114 Stlmsnn slret. Detroit, died at I effects of nn iitiack- nf aciiip lniiiaatinn dnv momliie. Funeral services have been occurred over the norm and miunie Atlantic slates, the Ohio and luwer Mississippi the local news published herein. All rights Sec.

5, For the reasons slate! In th salesgirls; during Octobers Hilary week then permanent Aipiy 3 lo 5 .30. MH tl. 8, lil'lf- her home In Detroit Saturday. A 'short The tier-eased, a native of Darke county, arranged for Thursday afternoon from service will he held at the Walter funeral hud been a member of the Old Order Hap- the Kerr mortuary In South Ohio avenue otherwise credited to this paper and also preamble hereto, this resolution Is de vallevs. The wealhcr has become much colder fmm the west gulf states northeast news dispatches credited to it or not herein clared to be an emergency measure and horns weonesuay ai p.

ni. ounw mn i usi rnurcn, easi oi i iiiesiine, lor many and will be In charge Of itev. woon rnurcn, easi oi i iiiesiine, lor many and will be In marge or itev. woon TEACHER, eswrieroed In iitmt short- sr also reserved. avenue, who reported a $78 holdup Sunday night, Tuesday signed a statement that the robbery was a false report, Detective Captain O.

L. Kincaid said. The confession was given to Detective Sergeant Russ Pfauhl and Detective Taul Geralds. years. I.

Shall take effect Immediately upon lis ward over the Ohio valley and the middle and north Atlantic states, while there hns relatives Include two i)uff, 0( First Presbyterian church. Burial H. Bui president of the Youngs. win he ma( ln cemetery. Sur- JT' "i vlvlng are two children, Oscar Rhlnehnrt, sons, and and Sci-oonllng, Mime pours-Hon and exianieiHS-.

bs 3i. Journal- Herald. adoption. beea a rapid reaction to warmer weather Adopted by th Commission, October over tne western plains states. i.i I "II of llosmer, S.

and JUrs. John Fllt.vf, 54 vests old, planning eipainlon Ci.l- l.pnthpp nnti, hacker, of Sldnev. One brother, David I KI1AI. MITIIH hrothers. Signed by th Mayor, October 9.

iMouni Morris, and tour ninth Morris. and four COLl'MtU'S, Oct. API Tuesdny's War Denarlment. Offlc of lh Pnn Walson, ot Marengo, Iowa, also survives, maximum and minimum temperatures, re I 4. Miivr.r nf the Cllv of Davton.

Ohio. Jeremiah Humhley, nf Germnntntt-n, Ohio; Noah HuiH-hley, of Clayton; William Huech-lev. of and Ira Itllpchlev. ported hy the t'nlled Stales weather bureau Allest-OSCAR F. MAUCIl.

CUtk of Minill.ETOWN-Fiinernl services will (Quartermaster, Wright Field Dayton, Ohio. Sealed proposals will be re reived n. this olfli1 until 11:00 a. m. Octoher 191(1.

and then hub of Diiylon. Funeral services will he held up to p. CI iv. Mn. Mn.i City.

Ms. Mn held at p. m. Frlilny at the McCoy BOX REPLIES At The Junal-IIeraldl. inn lift 12fl 115 l.M 112 IW liifi ItiS ItM 17d 1X4 rj tti 27ti 2-12 an mi am am im arm avi 4m 4n ivt 4VJ Ml ftlll RJH ft2 M2 tiTi f79 sxm W3 wm mi ma aa -u HNI 7IH 72H 7-11 7til 7X1 7U 7(M H'JH II 878, 8 tW 91S Bin Mil U'iH Wl Fire Alarms th Commission.

F. F.If11F.I,F)EHGEH funernl home for Mrs, Emma Wright, 72, Rnston 77 tis HJ fii ran Use 1 neai, inirlllgeni pi-an, women for selling. Apply 11 VU t.lviul huililing IF YOU nsvdifficiiiiy answering "Heir Wsntpd" Adwliseinenls, rail of sp' self sdrllesapxl slamM Ina Classified "lvr'ilnt I of I'-s Dayton Joiirnsl HersM. lit tfit'h snd request lentibally t1li( plication for emiiloymmt an4 a worth unuapd 6'i stamp sh a AfJitn blink. nt 2 p.

m. Thursday at the (lid Order Hup-list churi-h, east of Palesllne, wlllt Itcv. Arthur King and I.pvl Hnwniun nfliclnling. wlte of Gordon Wiicht, nf Kifl Tytus avi rhtriiitif 4'-' New is hi City Manager of the City of Imvion, Ohm. hue, who riled Tuesday following an Illness iiurini win ue in ine rnurcn tcemciery.

Cleveland 7 -IN Miami xrt 117 Columbus HI 4" New 77 fin Denver 70 San 70 wllh heart disease. Mrs. Wright was llrlv 0iened for construction ot one Slitnal Corps Warehouse nt Patterson Field, Ohio, plans nnd siwclflcallnns will he furnished tiisin deimsll nt certified check. In the amount of J2S.0O mail payable to Finance Officer, u. a.

Army. Inlurmatlnn at the uov address, i v. 4. mm r.iNr-, Mnvor of the City of Dayton, Ohio. i.mM 1'iMik.

-jlpaitf naiad to mikl service. Fire alarms Tuesday i 7:1.1 a. m. 2iift Maryland avenue; light-fling struck chimney; ho loss. a.

Rear of 111 Potomac ilrtet) toot blown out ot coal slova, WF.KT MANCHESTER Mrs. Rctlnda, Gold Star Mother and 10 years sgn made the pilgrimage to France tp visit (he grave p-'ia--h- --r l)es Seattle S3 Ml Tamplln, fll, willow of Mntlhew Tamplliu i foni-iiii, ill, whiiiw ill iTinniirw i nifiiiui-i died Tuesduy at il.Uu aitur a ahottl ot Iter sun, Gordon, killed la action. Dulutti 4J 201.

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio? ›

THE HIGHEST QUALITY LOCAL NEWS The Dayton Daily News has the largest newsroom in the Miami Valley, with more than 110 reporters. We provide the most complete and in-depth journalism in the region, and are read by more than 465,000 people every week.

How many people read the Daily News on Dayton? ›

THE HIGHEST QUALITY LOCAL NEWS The Dayton Daily News has the largest newsroom in the Miami Valley, with more than 110 reporters. We provide the most complete and in-depth journalism in the region, and are read by more than 465,000 people every week.

Where is Dayton Daily News located? ›

The Dayton Daily News has its headquarters in the Manhattan Building in downtown Dayton, 601 E. Third St.

What is the phone number for the Dayton Daily News? ›

Newsroom. The Dayton Daily News wants to hear from readers who have news or article suggestions. Choose one of the contacts below based on your news tip. For questions or concerns about news articles or photos, please call 937-610-7502.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

Who is the founder of the Dayton Daily News? ›

James M. Cox, founder of the Dayton Daily News, was a renaissance man in Ohio with roles as journalist, publisher, politician, community servant and more.

How much is a subscription to the Dayton Daily News? ›

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! For the first year. Renews at $110/year.

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To change your billing preferences, pause, or cancel Your Subscription purchased through the Dayton Daily News, you may: Update your account at; Call 1-888-397-6397 during regular business hours. Please have our account information ready when you call.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

How many people read the newspaper daily? ›

In 2022, only 7% of US adults are reading the national newspapers daily and 11% are reading the local newspapers daily. More than half of US adults (55%) never read national newspapers and almost half of them (42%) never read the local newspapers.

What was the attendance at the Dayton Air Show? ›

The CenterPoint Energy Dayton Air Show set record attendance with approximately 85,000 attendees, organizers confirmed for the Dayton Daily News. This surpasses last year's record attendance mark of about 83,000.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.