The Future of Angular JS in 2024 [Top Trends and Predictions] - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Web development is a fast-paced and dynamic field that requires constant learning and adaptation. As web developers, we need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies that shape the future of the web. One of the most popular and influential technologies in web development is Angular JS, a JavaScript framework that enables us to create powerful and interactive web applications.

The Future of Angular JS in 2024 [Top Trends and Predictions] - GeeksforGeeks (1)

But what is Angular JS? What makes it so special? How has it been transformed over time, including its present strengths and weaknesses? More importantly, what does the future hold for Angular JS? How do we prepare ourselves for that unseen future Angular JS devours? These questions among others will be answered in this article as we delve into current and future aspects of Angular JS.

Table of Content

  • What is Angular JS?
  • Current State of Angular JS
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Angular JS
  • Comparison with Other Frameworks
  • Future Trends and Predictions of Angular JS
    • 1. Component Testing
    • 2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
    • 3. Framework Integration
    • 4. Mobile Development
    • 5. State Management
    • 6. Performance Optimization
    • 7. Expected Feature Advancements in Future
  • Conclusion

What is Angular JS?

AngularJS, released in 2010, is a popular JavaScript framework that is designed to simplify the development of dynamic single-page applications (SPAs). It used HTML as the template language, with directives that added interactivity and two-way data binding.

AngularJS utilized Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, thus decoupling the application into three separate parts with well-defined roles. This enabled developers to create complex web apps with functions like routing, dependency injection, or filters while avoiding having to create too much boilerplate code. Although its popularity has slightly decreased due to the rise of other frameworks, many still depend on it for legacy software and its principles are still relevant in terms of today’s web development.

Current State of Angular JS

Angular JS is one of the most widely utilised JavaScript frameworks available to web developers today. It ranked second among the top frontend frameworks in 2021, “most common,” behind ReactJS, according to the State of JS report. The extensive ecosystem of the Angular JS framework is made up of strong tools for component-based design, state management, routing, and dependency injection. Furthermore, it provides an abundance of readily available components that are easily modifiable or expanded to accommodate specific project needs. Google backs Angular JS assuring that there are continuous development and support with regular releases introducing new features and performance improvements as well as bug fixes. The latest version released was number 13 in November of 2023 which made use of advanced browser features, improved build performance and updated Material UI library.

The latest version analysis is a summary of the new features and improvements introduced in Angular JS 13, the most recent version of the Angular JS framework. Some of the main points are:

  • TypeScript 4.5 is supported in Angular JS 13 which enhances type checking and error messages.
  • Angular JS 13 removes view engine completely thus fully embracing Ivy which boosts performance and bundle sizes
  • Angular JS 13 has updated Angular CLI that leads to faster builds and deployments.
  • Angular JS 13 improves a router, testing framework , localization support and accessibility on an application level.
  • Angular JS 13 updates the Angular Material library, which provides new UI components and themes.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Angular JS

Angular JS has many strengths that make it a robust and versatile framework for web development. Some of these are:

  • Structured and Opinionated: AngularJS is a framework that has a well-defined structure that promotes best practices in software development. This helps to make your code more readable, maintainable and scalable. It does not need additional plugins or libraries because the majority of the functionalities are within the framework.
  • Reactive and Data-Driven: By using angular.js there is reactive data flow which eases connecting between view and model. Changes in data will be automatically updated on UI and vice versa without any manual manipulation of DOM. This also supports observables wherein reactive programming paradigm can be used to handle complex streams of data.
  • Modular and Component-Based: AngularJS organizes applications into modules, which are collections of related components, services, directives, and pipes. Modules allow for code reuse and separation of concerns. Components encapsulate the template, logic, and style of a specific part of an application so as to create hierarchical composable UI architecures.

However, Angular JS also has some weaknesses that may limit its appeal and usability for some developers. Some of these are:

  • Steep Learning Curve: AngularJS has a sharp learning curve, particularly for novices and programmers who have been used to other frameworks which it is important to have knowledge of TypeScript in order to operate with it; this makes the code more complicated and prolix. It may be unclear or very puzzling because AngularJS comprises a number of concepts and terminologies.
  • Large and Complex: AngularJS is huge and complicated framework that is not recommended for small or light applications to be built upon. It has many dependencies and boilerplate codes, hence increasing the size of the bundle as well as loading time of the application. When dealing with many features and options available, configuring customizing AngularJS can become a real challenge for one’s creativity.
  • Less Flexible and Customizable: The approach adopted by AngularJS is highly opinionated, making sure that things are done in a particular manner. However, this consistency might result in lesser freedom and innovation. On this note, developers’ choice could be limited since some other frameworks/libraries might not be compatible with angularjs forcing them to use others. For example, due to changed requirements or fashion trends programmers may need substantial refactoring or migration when doing so.

Comparison with Other Frameworks

How does Angular JS 13 compare to other popular frontend frameworks, such as React and Vue? Here are some of the main differences and similarities:

  1. React is not a framework but rather a UI library which means it just provides the view part of an application. A comprehensive front-end application using react will require other useful libraries and tools such as React Router, Redux or Next.js. Meanwhile, Angular JS happens to be a complete framework that offers routing, state management, dependency injection, testing and deployment.
  2. On the other hand, Vue is somewhere in between as it is what is known as progressive framework where you can extend with official and third-party packages like Vue Router, Vuex or Nuxt.js to create more complete front-end solutions.
  3. React and Vue on the other hand use a virtual DOM – a lightweight representation of the actual DOM – in order to update the UI efficiently without unnecessary re-rendering. However, for AngularJS this does not apply because it does not use a virtual DOM. Instead it relies on change detection which watches data changes and updates accordingly.
  4. JSX, a syntax extension that enables developers to combine HTML and JavaScript in a single file, is supported by both React and Vue. This can make code more expressive and intuitive, however it requires a transpiler like Babel to convert to plain JavaScript. Unlike Angular JS which does not support JSX but rather uses templating syntax with HTML combined with special directives and features.
  5. TypeScript is supported in all three frameworks: React, Vue and Angular JS. It adds static typing and other features on top of JavaScript thereby enhancing code quality and reliability; however it also makes the code more complex and verbose. As for TypeScript, both React as well as Vue are based on JavaScript, whereas Angular JS is implemented using TypeScript which is mandatory within its framework.

Future Trends and Predictions of Angular JS

However weak it may be at present, Angular JS has an ongoing bright future because it continues to grow up with new technologies for web development industry demands. These are some possible upcoming trends or predictions concerning Angular JS:

1. Component Testing

Angular JS offers a strong testing framework for component, service, and module-level unit, integration, and e2e tests. Some of the ways in which Angular JS may simplify testing are as follows: snapshot testing, code coverage analysis, visual testing.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Angular JS has support for SSR, thanks to Angular Universal. This is a platform that makes it possible to run Angular JS applications on various environments like Node.js, .NET and PHP. However, SSR is not without its challenges and limitations: extra configuration needed; no browser APIs; more complex and higher maintenance. Therefore, Angular JS needs to enhance its support for SSR by providing more documentation, examples and best practices on it as well as integrating it with other technologies or features such as lazy-loading, caching or web workers.

3. Framework Integration

With framework integration, various frameworks and libraries can be employed together in a single application. This may boost the application’s functionality, diversity, as well as the extent of developer’s satisfaction and productivity. Among other things Angular JS already offers support for framework integration which allows developers to use popular frameworks such as React, Vue, and jQuery in Angular JS components. But there are difficulties that come with framework integration including increased dependency and complexity, potential conflicts and incompatibilities, reduced performance and security. Therefore, it should extend its framework integration by providing more guidance on how to do so effectively like giving tools for building apps using Angular js.

4. Mobile Development

Angular JS supports mobile app development through frameworks like Ionic and NativeScript. To enhance mobile development, Angular JS may improve compatibility with these frameworks, provide more mobile-focused tools and components, and streamline the development workflow for mobile apps.

5. State Management

Angular JS offers built-in state management solutions like NgRx for managing application state. To further improve state management, Angular JS may introduce new features, simplify the state management process, and enhance compatibility with other state management libraries.

6. Performance Optimization

Angular JS provides tools and best practices for optimizing application performance. To further enhance performance, Angular JS may introduce new performance optimization tools, improve the performance of core features, and provide more guidance on performance best practices.

7. Expected Feature Advancements in Future

  1. Angular Ivy: The project aims at rebuilding the Angular compiler and runtime for better performance optimization reducing bundle sizes while improving developer experience. Also it seeks to make the platform more adaptable in line with JavaScript modern practices.
  2. Angular Elements: This effort genreally enables non-Angular environments to utilize Angular components hence allowing developers to create custom elements that can be used within any web application regardless of what underlying framework is present.
  3. Angular Universal: Angular Universal is a project that generally allows for server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications to enhance their performance and make them SEO-friendly by generating HTML at the server side.
  4. Angular Material: Angular Material is an Angular UI component library that offers reusable and accesible components which adhere to material design principles.
  5. Angular CLI: The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a very efficient program that makes creating, building, and deploying angular apps much easier. It has commands for making components, services, modules and more as well as building and serving the application.
  6. Angular Router: A powerful routing library in Angular called Angular Router enables developers manage navigation in Angular applications like nested routes, route guards and lazy loading of modules.
  7. Angular Forms: There are a number of tools provided by the framework called “Angular Forms” used for creating forms and validating their data in Angular applications such as template-driven forms or reactive forms.
  8. Angular Dependency Injection: In Angular Dependency Injection is employed to manage dependencies of an angular application making it easier for developers to inject dependencies into components, services or any other classes they want.
  9. Angular Pipes: Angular pipes are a feature that permits programmers to turn data in templates thus furnishing an easy way of formatting and processing data before displaying it for the user.
  10. Angular Directives: Angular directives are a powerful feature that enables developers to modify behavior of HTML elements, thereby creating reusable and composable components that can be used across an angular application.


Angular JS is a powerful all round framework which has got much to offer when it comes to web development. It is having strong and faithful fan base as well as it has complete and mature ecosystem. Moreover, there is also promising future for Angular JS with bright new ideas. However, this also does not mean that it lacks some weaknesses hence will hinder its growth and popularity. Angular JS is not perfect; neither can it be applicable in every situation. It has strengths as well as weaknesses, advantages versus disadvantages as well opportunities while having threats too. As such therefore, developers need to scrutinize their desires and preferences alongside weighing out the pros and cons of Angular JS before they settle on this framework for their projects’ scope or size choice. While everyone may not benefit from using Angular JS, however; many people consider it good by far.

The Future of Angular JS in 2024 [Top Trends and Predictions] – FAQs

What is Angular JS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework designed for building dynamic single-page web applications.

What are the main features of Angular JS?

Some of the main features of AngularJS include two-way data binding, MVC architecture, directives, and dependency injection.

How does Angular JS compare to React and Vue?

AngularJS is a full-fledged framework, while React is a library for building user interfaces, and Vue is a progressive framework for building web interfaces.

What are some future trends for Angular JS?

Future trends for AngularJS include improvements in component testing, server-side rendering, framework integration, mobile development, and performance optimization.



The Future of Angular JS in 2024 [Top Trends and Predictions] - GeeksforGeeks (2)


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The Future of Angular JS in 2024 [Top Trends and Predictions] - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Is AngularJS still relevant in 2024? ›

It is at this level of customizability that one sees why the AngularJS Framework continues to remain relevant in 2024. Enterprises with custom requirements can take advantage of the framework to build applications that best suit certain goals, not limited by the capacity of other rigid frameworks.

Does AngularJS have a future? ›

Future trends for AngularJS include improvements in component testing, server-side rendering, framework integration, mobile development, and performance optimization.

Is AngularJS discontinued? ›

AngularJS was deprecated on December 31, 2021 after a LTS period on the final version 1.8.

Is Angular becoming obsolete? ›

So, is Angular dead? Far from it. It's evolving, adapting, and still holds a significant place in the world of web development.

What will replace AngularJS? ›

If you're looking for great AngularJS alternatives, we've crafted a list of 10 great options for your next web development project:
  • React. Most of you probably heard about React and for a good reason. ...
  • Vue. Vue is one of the most used JavaScript libraries. ...
  • Aurelia. ...
  • Backbone. ...
  • Polymer. ...
  • Meteor. ...
  • Sencha Ext. ...
  • Knockout.

How to learn Angular in 2024? ›

How to Learn Angular in 2024?
  1. Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, Javascript/Typescript. Your core concepts should be strong If you jump into this framework. ...
  2. Fundamentals of NodeJs. ...
  3. Learn Angular Fundamentals. ...
  4. Angular Directives. ...
  5. Angular Modules. ...
  6. Angular LifeCycle Hooks. ...
  7. Angular Routing. ...
  8. Dependency Injection.
Jul 26, 2024

Is Angular killed by Google? ›

Killed over 2 years ago, AngularJS was a JavaScript open-source front-end web framework based on MVC pattern using a dependency injection technique. It was about 11 years old.

Is AngularJS still alive? ›

AngularJS is a discontinued free and open-source JavaScript-based web framework for developing single-page applications.

Will Google stop supporting Angular? ›

Google has already moved on from AngularJS as their primary front-end framework, and they have no plans to drop support for it entirely. AngularJS is still actively maintained, and Google has committed to providing long-term support for the framework, including bug fixes and security updates.

Should I learn Angular or React in 2024? ›

Angular might be preferable for enterprises with complex applications due to its strong conventions and integrated tools. React, with its more lightweight nature, is often favoured for smaller projects, allowing developers to choose additional libraries as needed.

How long will Angular last? ›

All the major releases are supported for 18 months. This consists of 6 months of active support, during which regularly-scheduled updates and patches are released. It is then followed by 12 months of long-term support (LTS), during which only critical fixes and security patches are released.

Why Angular is losing popularity? ›

One of the reasons why Angular is losing popularity is the emergence of new and more lightweight frameworks, such as React and Vue, that offer similar or better features and performance. React is a UI library that allows developers to create reusable components and manage state with hooks or libraries like Redux.

How long will AngularJS be supported? ›

AngularJS support has officially ended as of January 2022. Visit for the actively supported Angular.

Should I still use AngularJS? ›

Websites and web applications built using AngularJS will become less secure over time as more weaknesses are found in the AngularJS framework and go unfixed. Hackers and other malicious actors use these weaknesses to gain access to the web applications' user data and inject their own code into the web applications.

Is React still in demand in 2024? ›

When it comes to 2024, two frameworks, Vue. and React, will still be in demand. They are well-supported, have a lot of active users and contributors, and offer features that are useful for various development tasks.

Who still uses AngularJS? ›

7761 companies reportedly use AngularJS in their tech stacks, including Google, Amazon, and Udemy.
  • Google.
  • Amazon.
  • Udemy.
  • Delivery Hero.
  • Tokopedia.
  • Tech Stack.
  • Lyft.
  • Snapchat.

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