The Five : FOXNEWSW : June 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> president joe biden: i don't walk as easily as a used to her speak as easily as i used to. but i do know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. >> biden telling terrified democrats from the safety of a teleprompter he is not going anywhere after a bumbling debate performance up all full-blown panic. we'll thousand trillion years in america mean billionaires. what i've been able to do with the covid-19 -- dealing with something we have to do with look if we finally beat medicare we will continue into we get a total ban on the total

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initiative relative to more border patrol and asylum officers president trump? >> i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. they're questioning if biden should even stay in the race. >> a very bad night for joe biden. >> a deeper wide aggressive panic in the democratic party a deaf konta 1 moment. >> president biden needs to step down for his integrity, humanity and his legacy. >> there will be discussions on if he should continue. >> the universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. >> conversations range from where there he should be in the race to what was wrong with him. >> it was painful and i love joe biden he didn't do well at all. >> a lot of people of resting 25th amendment face. >> and stuff democrats don't want you to see his job biden

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escorted her has been off the stage but insisted he did a great job. >> joe you did such a great job you answered every question. [ cheering and applause ] barack obama also came to joe biden's defence posting this online bad debate night's happened trust me i would know. greg you know how it is. >> i wasn't shocked by this i was disgusted by the people who were shocked by this. imagine you are an american and apolitical person untethered to a political silo who saw biden for the first time because that's when you check in politics is debate time. i was shocked and horrified would you have been like running into an old friend you hadn't seen in a couple years was on the street barely recognizable and he is homeless. the people who are apolitical have an excuse for being shocked what about the democrats and media were saying there shocked

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and panicking. they are trying to play america these are the slimy people who told us that biden was as sharp as a tack and now they are saying it might be a one-off night. i recognized that biden i saw him every single day people obsessed over the twain 24 election what about the time between now and then? we don't have a president we know this but now so does the world and so do our enemies. the media back like a guy waking up from an acid trip in the forest without their clothes on what just happened we had to ask ourselves where they delusional all along or is the plan to force joe out by exposing what they knew already to the world well before the dnc so they could get him replaced. we cannot allow our party to be this expose -- country exposed outside forces now that the world and our adversaries see

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that we are without a leader but it makes you wonder we didn't have a leader for a long time we keep calling it unfair and cruel to joe biden is actually unfair and cruel to the american people to put us through that and it was done by people whose hatred of trump takes priority of love for country. it isn't a review of debate it's an autopsy. and we have a whole hour. >> i felt tom friedman's comments were interesting when he urges the commander-in-chief to put nation interest first by not seeking reelection and for many years we would -- listen to the fact it's all about donald trump he doesn't care about us he puts himself first of tom friedman encapsulates to the whole thing. he is saying joe biden you are

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putting yourself first in front of the american people as commander-in-chief you don't have a place to being in the white house or in the oval office i thought that was compelling i also the book think what was compelling the fact we were talking all week about the hangar and 87 days and all the advisors mean to tell me they didn't see this. this is a debate joe biden but he wanted it at cnn they decided the rules. donald trump came in and said sure i'll do it anywhere and so joe biden knew this and he still wasn't that bad after all of this stuff he went through to prepare him. third joe biden says i know how to tell the truth. he lied i'm tired of hearing how donald trump light he lied when he said no americans died under

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his watch that's an insult to the families of the 13 killed in afghanistan and 3 after that in jordan then when he said order patrol endorsed me the border patrol immediately puts out we did not endorse joe biden and we never will some kinda tired of hearing about show biting coming out and saying donald trump lied the whole night today we see him as we showed at the beginning and i will admit it's like the guy got a spray tan he's a different guy because he couldn't read his speech like a fifth grader. >> how did his goal go away so fast. maybe it wasn't the goal. >> just in bill clinton posted this online saying he will leave the debate to the pundits and said here's what he knows. facts and history matter, biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership steadying us after the pandemic creating record

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number of job solving the climate crisis in reducing inflation. putting us out of the quagmire donald trump left us in that's what's at stake in november. took him a long time to write that today a long time to get a statement harold ford junior? >> opportunity for joe biden who asked for the debate to do 2 things. to mitigate concerns about age and what's associated with that our concerns about mental and physical acuity. second of all to convey and begin this conversation with the country in a broadway. i hear everything he said and i agree with him we are invested in the conversations learning about this and talking about this and having a great conversation in the rating's adjusted that we enjoy it.

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a chance to convey to millions who don't see all of this what he's doing and he was able to do any failed. he failed miserably. he did not convey donald trump is unfit for office instead he conveyed he might not be fit for office. when you hear bill clinton and others such as former president obama and clinton saying is a good man i think he is a good man he's done a lot and accomplished a lot yes a lot of jobs and investments. donald trump who i thought had a decent night had a better night because of the way biden was. democrats need to understand there's a lot at stake in the election if we as a party or content with the next 3 or 4 months with what we saw last night then we should all stand down but i am 1 who believes for far as the father of a 10-year-old and 9-year-old we

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have a different opinion and that's fine priorities in my chair intentions we want for president reason i shared what i shared last night. biden needed to took quite the talk about them being replaced he didn't do that last moring and this night as we go through the day we shouldn't kid ourselves. we should be serious and honest about the options we have before us and we should be content or resolved if we decide we go forward with joe biden and everyone should understand what could happen after what happened last night and i am hopeful we are serious about the decision over the next several days. >> jesse file? at this table are little underplaying democratic reaction to this because it was full blown panic and immunity -- a mutiny. mutiny from supporters of his we will talk in the next block who

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have been trying to hide this but we are acting like clinton and obama are making decisions. party faithful were saying know this isn't working. >> and hearing murmurs about this guy being the nominee so anything is possible. i have harold i'm stirring those rumours myself personally. i talked to jessie junior this morning and he said why did the deep state and try to invoke that when he fifth amendment against donald trump but not against joe biden i said son that you're asking the right questions and then he spilled his milk all over the car seed. my mom called afterwards and i said although i didn't break your gloat just said get ready for the dictatorship. and democracies but much over with we've had enough. we now got upstairs around 9:00 and i just see biden and it was

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like in nixon kennedy. you see the face and you see trump's face and think he's going to lose their and the minute he opens his mouth you think he is really going to lose sound like he got punched in the breadbasket and at minute 12 get this total breakdown he comes up and says i defeated medicare he jumped out of the seed and laughed i'm trying to calm him down these like what balls do you want to go to during the inauguration i'm like a little head of yourself but it's true you think it's over the go to abortion i'm like okay here's where i will get a little nervous and trump sights to a draw on abortion but talking about partial-birth rights to a drawn january 6 if biden can't

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do that than he can do anything than they spent a lot of time calling each other the worst president in history and trump as to defend a bunch of hoaxes but he answers every question he is regurgitating memorize wonky statistics and can't articulate it so then i come down doing the po show see this guy looks white as a ghost never seen him so white as he watched a ghost for 90 minutes to become translucent and fade from the horse race before the debate virginia was in play. before the debate minnesota was in play this out polling where he's up in new jersey. think about what's coming up i don't see how this changes you get fall out the next week great trump fundraising the next week new trump poll numbers the next week and then you get the rnc

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convention building momentum in the august how does joe biden then it's a discombobulated convention and us gang sentence for gun charges then a 6 week trial that points to the big i don't know it's gonna happen but if they say that's it this is the guy might be in it to lose. >> i stop taking notes at 9:17. i just sat back watched all these post and asked on the set at 9:00 give you credit for that >> did predict nothing would change from this. >> polling may not change. up next so much for this the media accused of lying to americans about president biden's mental state.

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♪ ♪ the liberal media and democrateanis aren't in for a serious reckoning after saying for weeks they don't believe lyi your lying eyes because biden a sharp as a tack.yo >> screw you iu f you can't hane the truth. this aversion of joe biden intellectually, analytically is the best biden ever.

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>> a lot of ageism there more e wild speculation frolam a bunchf people who probably never been in a room with joe biden. >> veerejoe d anything from anyr is metns with president biden about him seeing sister seeming slower? >> no.? >> reporter: the debate disaster causing grief onr morning jocae. >> everybody calmed down and i will tell you why. it's fine to not spin whatened happened last night and we are not going to he had a terrible nigh evet.he >> everybody is calm here you're the only 1 raising your voice everyone is calm here. >> it's the let's just immediately hold this and this find somebody else. >> that's not what mike said. >> the attitude towards this is what what i am saying slow down on. >> rake the truth is the media lied to us and the democrats lied to us. this isn't anything new we've been saying this the last 6

9:21 pm >> it's like m le telling you yu g a sleeve. [ laughter ] >> this is the reverse of the boy you cried wolf this case thu bosey is actually seeing a wolf watching it kill the neighbours petst and everybody is making n of him until the wolf kills the gentle little old lady on the corner making a pie on the like gas lighting 1th personis makes that 1 person fel crazy but when you gaslight aof bunch of people and makes of the yes later look crazy. pretty good so this is a rarity. how often do you get a hoax debunked before 50 million peopleofte what we saw is 1 of greatest hoaxes ofon all time tt joe biden was mentally fit and c they gotom completely blown outo

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the water in front of everybody. it opens your eyes and ears and mind for the overwhelming possibility they are lying to you about everything we are s starting ttao see a pattern you look at january 6th the fine people hoax, covid-19 de i immigration inflation the curtain is pulled back in the real cheap fake was this democratic media machine i go back to the question i posed every day last week if trump ist an exessential threat why areat yo, u kidding the weakest for l a-list candidate and hasis --t history against hihim he was pod on every show there is more toer this didn'e't we know.. as they tried to hide his health that raises s the question whatl else arese they hiding what else are they willing to hide. >> danoa your reaction when they were arguing you're the 1 raising your voice i mean it just seems like they are in a tizzy and taking it out on each other.

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>> peter and i don't work together possibly for a reasonon but if he and i worked together and he h said that to me on television i would have got my white house voice out nobodyha answered that but it's a good voice if you want to get stuff done you can get mad politicians that if you think they are lyinn toev you you will never get them back. special edition of the podcast todaodcay she said she was watcg with georgia voters last night all and decided she said none o them walkeard away saying they'd vote for biden the majority like i guess after vote for trump they are very practical they don't like the choice but this is the choice they've been giveh and what makes me mad is theus thing about the white house press secretary telling everybody joe biden ran circles around her behind-the-scenes at the white house thinhok about hw recently they surrounded the president of people so couldn'tn

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see them walking to murray in 1 it leaves they stopped him fromv answering questions there press shouted at him over the helicopter because you couldn't hear him if you did he only gives 1 word answers no yes or no last time as the first time 50 million people have seen him give answers the justice department what if they done they are refusing to release the audio of the robert her specialw prosecutor interview, that we cn assume way but now everybody w knows whhyy. boomer esiason i h went the best tweetsbest saying it's funny but funny. are we getting invaded tomorrow what's upsetting about this is all these people like the wall street journal las t week they had 45 sources and their story that said they will lie relying on all these anonymous sources but the truth is it was well sourced then fox news was accused of cheap fakes where

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does everybody go to get their apology from the people who won our taxpayer-funded and not telling us the truth now everybody sees it for themselvey you cabon get mad at joe biden fair whatever when you realize they've been lying to you, you cannot get past it. >> just see the cheap fake argument now the excuse narrative was barrett -- boguseu they are going after each other. karina john pierre is a cheap fake and thomas saying that's a lie. >> biden is a cheap fake, biden is a hoax cover up. be blue said he had a bad night he didn'hat have a bad night hed set a bad presidency. your just saying that because the coverups exposed everwood ie the country saw it they can keep it up anymore think about what a has not only done to the country but what if theyic p

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done to the democratic party they put them in such a bad position now if they were honest and sceptica hl is never gets tl this point they would've askedug the toughh questions and demandd access and now on the eve of tht conventionhe and this guy blew a himself upnd and they are worri i don'dot feel sorry for him ifl feel sorry for us. g >> i feel sorrrey for you for other reasons.: th >> you brought up earlier think abouons.t everybody in the worlt knowing that trump is going to be president now. china knows russian knows everybody does that the badth boy's back they will make moves in theth next 7 months they liva problem inauguration generate 20th he'll put it try to put a stop to the war in ukraine soto the middle east crackdown on the cartels china knows what theyhe will try andy they know this gy is there and if you're young maybe your first or second electionfirs how do you ever trt the media again lied about lie

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covid-19 russia about mostly peaceful r you've you've had a fire hose of lies over the last 4-8 years i could never be a democrat people in the white house who prepared him are pointing fingers at each other now and article enact cs that said if you didn't agree with the main group in the white house you'd be exiled is going to be exiled now. >> it read some of those k articles as well let me just say sayright gaps leading some of t the fact we're talking the way we are talking this afternoon and people all day on shows iin get itg other networks there bn pond's on those networks were saying the things we are saying anything the conversation was an honest and fair 1 and joe tookt the position it was not a good nigh t and it could be a problem for biden and the -- biden in

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the white house you think theee policy and i agree with the policies a lot that we're talking about acuity overtakingc actual policy lookui at the thin that happened last night duringh the debatein to your point hapresident biden is not able to take the upper hand onht reproductive rights s he didn't score a resounding defeat on january 6 which i think is a serious sin issue like a qualifying thing but that pointt wasn't mad pe how do you if youe president biden not say in that debate i will appointed judge or justice is not for reproductive rates across this country not just in certain states would you make that commitment president trump saidates would give evanrk release from between the time i'm elected in the time was warning i would have given him that this my phone dems take

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that will call pollutant i have his number. this is an attack on president biden policies or is a compliments the question is can. he beat joe biden -- sorry kenny beat donald trump in the acuity issues what's overtaking it. >> just funny at the gist of the segmen t is they showed the tha person joe biden talks to the most joe scarboroughto telling everybody to f off fought there's a problem with joe biden and last night he acts like he is the expert the president should listen to him and stepped down dow. what accountability is there for him.d: i >> he did take accountability his own statement saying he was wrong because he might not be fit. >> he did know that 2 months ago >> what make you think he didn't know this the guy. >> what a jonah. >> you have to give people thehe

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benefit of the doubt burnham can come-around why can't they come around. >> is the man coming the country country's a the dangerous game.ou coming up donald trump taking a victory lap rally after sleepy joe crashes and burns. hey, grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables?

9:31 pm

yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat.

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wanted with the moderates he wanted no amount of rest or rigging could help him defend his atrocious record. >> jenny and joe biden had it teed up perfectly and he couldn't meet the expectation. >> he couldn't but i happen tob soon as he walked over to the podiumo th i looked over him ane seemed so pasty and he kept looking up to the left of days left on a what was there becausl the moderators were in front of them he looked like he would sono look at trump and donald trump didn't look at him for and .second the crazy part is everything they wanted. t i get the sense that they knowkd they've been hiding joe they know they've had to come out ann clean up after joe so they limited him to yes-and-not

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answers i get the sense what happened was joe said i will prove it. you let me do this debate and i will prove how good i am and i will prove i'm ready and he totally blew it. i think 1 of the things thated w happened was trump looked a youthful had called her in his face energetic responded wasn't over exercised in terms of thise n'1 of the things i like about trumped of evan a chance to say he said i wish that by tomorrown great president and d i wish i didn't have to be here and i believe that because everybody says it's always about him. trump would have a magnificentdg ending to his life and joe bide deserves a quiet ending to his life but his wife as far as i'm concerned is committing elderer abuse no question on my mind jill is the 1 pushing him.e wa

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used -- she's the 1 who announced he was running again : hipathetic. >> and they said we are the d saparty of common sense you'ra going to hear that a lot. as i 1 in a how much extra money you have and you could have buried him even further withed just the look and and he's lik dying on stage you just let them do that and biting goes to north carolina that's because they believe arizona and georgia are gone so they will try to flip ah trump state and it trump tookum north carolina but just a little bit,h ca 2 tenths of a point so maybe put some money there those of their say it's spitting in

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the wind. and popular it's close and ifni virginia is on the table for trump and new jersey you mentioned at the beginning that means everything is on the table there. what president trump and his team are doing is they always around like they are 5 points behind partly because the mediaw always makes iayt feel that way and that's good you should always try to run like that the biden team today running likee they arefi 5 points ahead. >> nobody understand it do you?k >> a trumpet theno ground runnig biden hit the ground. message to republicans who buy into all the anti- trump 8 from your family democrats yes tou' rememberve it wasn't trump and t was desantis to be the same

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hysteria from romney all the way back to reagan. every republican poses a threat to democracy because democracyis is code for democrats. they use of the same line every timein the pivot is they are boh bad. as and when was challenge and tested you can say biden's unfit as jumpy does republican challengers we bought then product it's bakedhe did we knoe it trump is president for 4 years and trump doesn't lie more than biden he lies better.ean? what is immune like that heem employs hyperbolple it's more

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about the size of crowds is directionally correct he took the people in jail find people hoax, huge causes wars not the number of lies it's the weight of the lies the biggest lie as he was had a 6 handicap. >> so much disdain for 1 another it was embarrassing i watchedde many presidential debates and generally at some point the candidates talk about peopleout they talk about people's aspirations and the challengese the country is facing and how their presidency will uplift the country i didn't hear any of that last night. to your point about joe biden i wasus surprised looking at the preparation than ever told him where to look he was looking off instead of looking great to the camera which exacerbated the

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challenges. on an issue thing president trump last night could nott an answer the question about it so he was probably would. these are the facts he would ask the question. second trump when he comes to the economy and inflation his answer is to put tariffs onm products coming in from chinaot and other placeshe. i only make this my for democrats if we get smothered b acuity will never get to the issues as withdrawing from nato he said take a look at the clip you google it.of

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>> up next joe's replacements lining up to defend biden's brain-damaged debate performance.

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9:45 pm

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nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. [ ♪♪ ] move over dr jill, greasy gavin income all that harris talking about the debate calamity but are they in it for ?hemselves >> nobody is a bigger fan ofar kemal harrisri than i am in gave newsom did a remarkable job as a surrogate. and those people are signallingn to a whole lot of americans that are paying attention how cometh they are runningey. >> how come they're not runningy how come a you aren't running yt harold leah.w co >> there's precedent. truman didn't ru n in 1952, lbjrats

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didn't run in 1968 that we shouldn't deliver cells that hasn't happened. the idea it' of an open opportuy for democrats the president decided he wasn't going to run. member obama endorsed biden when he ran for president in the i think there'sther something to be said gavin newsom if he wants to run for it gets ay,n opportunity he shouldo it. >> judge?of >> here at the t big issue is te money yet the dnc who has the money but you also got the biden harris campaign that has the money as they can unit anyone except kemal harris. anin od got a be offered supreme court position were if somebody steps down but there's a lot of money at stake

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nontransferable this easilnsy ty hope they take care of kemal harris and she goes voluntarily but they left to figure out som. way to pay her. >> the advantages there's too little time to let the american public that is california experienceple the more they kne about them more they won't want him. >> democrats win they do theoretical matchups against trump we will realize joe might be their best option rate andi the other thing i would say we have great team of people to help govern that's out works. become sent to the most important questions for example kim jong-un pressed a buttonesse sure what should we do. you can't go and governed by committee there's only 1 person in power and that's the acommander-in-chief. i think last night showends thdt people are concerned. lasting to do if you have 1.e, i what you think?: no it's going to say you're right

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and gavin doesn't want to be a sacrificial lamb wanting to wait 4 years ago for present, excellent point. what about harold ford? special fox nation coming up this week what we do if harold ford at 24 port part series the mia joe biden's memory needed ae mulligan at the debate. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.

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9:51 pm

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9:52 pm

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>> i'm happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. think you can do it? >> that's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all praise because i was an eight handicap. >> i've seen your swing. i know your swing. [laughter] >> harold: president biden assuring us of his golf game at the debate last night. laughs around the table. jesse. >> jesse: biden said he slept with a p*rn star while his wife was pregnant and he didn't even care but he said he was a six handicap and trump almost fell off the table. [laughter] >> dana: i didn't even know what that meant, the handicap thing but i feel like trump won the exchange anyway. >> harold: greg, you are a

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great golfer. what's your handicap? >> greg: i don't think this is the handicap joe has that i'm worried about. i will the top ten of handicaps, i would put this on the lower end of that. >> judge jeanine: can you imagine joe biden shuffling from one hole to the next? you know what? i wouldn't let the guy drive the golf cart. >> jesse: he can't even carry a beach chair. >> harold: it was amazing. that was the most animated moments. >> jesse: it was great. >> harold: it wasn't about the country at all. [laughter] "one more thing" is up next.

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9:59 pm

on politics day was culinary daj selina zito it's up. no judge. wow. okay. this is myud e. rescue doodle. okay. and walking out doodle. therchicks. now i have joint custody l of doodle with my son. theroothe is doodle looking at e new chicken coop. >> okay. because she's veryy protec protective of them. and you see that little head in the window? that'sthat's wat doodle at night watching the chicken coop. so now doodle is a guard dog ch. for the chickens and the chicks. >> so the dog is guarding the chicken house? >> yeah. how will it en ad tomorrow? sho >> eight.w all right, great. all right, we have a greatde show devoted to the debate with adam caroll a, dagen mcdowell, kennedy and tyrus. it's a's a wil wild ride. and please join us. and if you don't, you will livea a life of suffering. d ro oh, harold, what saynn you? >> ronnie james was drafted by the l.a. lakers. his father, lebron., playsr

10:00 pm

for that team to become the first father son duo hi play for thson due same team. >> congrats to that young man.s he's worked his tail off and i hope they have fun. >> is that basketball? i mean, that is of doing this x so. or fox >> so it wasn't the first. there you go. let's see. jesse watters, primetime tonight. we have burgum and vance. and johnny goes out and ak the people what they thought of the debate. >> wow. ebate.tonight at eight oak regi they have a spot. >> no, nsoo, i want to get the shot there. >> fine. but it's not the producers. let me guess. the people he interviewed look really stupid, right? ha ha ha. orll hot? huh we went to the beach, >>apparently, he said all the democrats are really mad. >> that's who i saw. and >> judgea good, very bad nid me. >> well, it is very clear tomma0 your mother. happy birthday, my mom. i said that one more time because we have what me second>e and she mom because she looks so young. oh, wow. it really charmed her. all right. that's it for us. thg this. at night, everyoneern. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonigh

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Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and a rotating host discuss and debate hot issues across the spectrum, from politics to pop culture; the hosts also conclude each show with the "One More Thing" segment.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.