The Five : FOXNEWSW : June 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> i'm jesse watters with judgel jeanine pirro richarerd fowler,r dana perinino and a great doubt fell to 5 new york city and this is the 5 the fifth day of the presidential witness protection progra m joe biden as elusive ased ever held out -- hold out and can't david 16 debate peppers making them cram like crazy for the cnn debate 2 days away theyo worry joe might go away they a build him a hollywood style set that makes steven spielberg but lush. biden is having mock debates inv a movie theatre and air playing hangar with production equipment biting camp counsellors are sais to be quizzing -- whizzing back in for fun golf carts for strategy sessions the media concern that aids or giving them way too many facts.

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>> i worry if biden's over preparin bidg having too much gg on in your head 16 different people telling you what to do g this timoie around trims also debating jake tapper and dana bash so debating 3 people on that table. >> they're also worried hisn sweet 16 army are woken. >> there's a profound the news york times today of 3 closest advisors longest-serving advisorse advisors to the president all our white men in their even senator ted kaufman 85 is that too old.. >> they say joe biden has in the bag. h >> it's not about him it's about the american people it's not about what political person they havevanc it's about not just soe

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americans all americans. >> dana welcome back where werec you?ana: >> i wasn't selling cbd oil anywhere. i am here. >> we missed you there something about cbd oil that's not true. >> in investor called me. >> when you prepare for the 5es eversey day do you have a fake t at your house 16 advisors involved? >> i'm fascinated by the communications team i can't understand the level of the detail they giving us about hise debate prep. why not sa gg usy he's just prea for the debate that's enough doh we nee.d to know there are 16 people in golf carts having lasagna for dinner i don't need to know that i don't care whatn' gender they are or sexualr ge

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orientation how old they are i don't care about any of that. what i do think is 16 people sounds like a lot.need i just know president bush would see a need for offer of you the rest leave because it's too much and you are the president you've been doing the job you shouldjo. know your own record and you ran against the guy before so you should know his record you talk about them all the time as well in a partisan way. and the talking to a broaderroad base of americans looking forward to that for both of them. it's a chancforwe for those bass for independents and americans people there they might be unenthusiastic about it for other either of us. and seeing how they reacted under pressure partly it's because the press doesn't have much to talk about in the communication strategy thatst

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feeds the beast.ra rai i think they are raisingn fr expectations so much for joe biden from that camp lacing there is 16 people ease in there all day last thing i would say as if i was biden i would have said fire up air force one.te i willct say i will protect the rights of americans to enter any religious place of worship and show we he had a moment that would be different rather thanpp 16 people in a room giving was anyag 's remake to eat that fre out of the oven. t >> they're trying to de i did, the debate prep team that can go over well. >> asking why the white men ove 60 are in his inner circle this are usuallthy them in no hotel play that. she married tomarr an old whiteh

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where you married to an old white guy gross lack of diversity andrea probably in it for the money. this is why they are bringing in detail the big story is he'som h taking a week sequestered from his actual job to prep for 90 minutes. that's a weird.'s as sure this makes sense and yo, fill it up with all these detailth as don't just let that slink in. that kind needs to leave that job for a week. what does that tell is that he won't be missed because it's no differencer no whether he's there or not likeej when jesse isn't on the 5 doeste it take that long for the new face to heal does it take new -d

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to long to 3d printer body aa t don't knowhe.or and airport t hangar are they detonating a bomb a contagious a virus as they are investing more time and effort on this thanmeri anything that mattered to the american people for 4 years not immigration, not crime or inflation they are acting as though joe is ukraine and trump is putin. the entire weight of their administrationad is directed towards 90 minutes with darth vader if only ony they had the e energy for their real job couldd you imagine if they looked atgr illegal immigration thate way ty looked at trump or the way they looked at crime the way theyatio looked at trump or inflation the way they looked at trump?t they wouldn't have to look atey trump they would w be okay. but they are in a panic. >> that's why this 90 minutes i9 the most important for the

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entire progressive movement. if he doesn't do will trump is reelected in this whole c progressive experiment they are running in the country's over. a dead in the water. >> he understand it's thede earliest presidential debate in bahistory at least recent histow i would think that the biden people have agreed to this knowing there would be early voting. they believe that joe will do well and i said it myself he would over perform having done a debate myself when i ran for attorney general in new york 1 of the things i learned was if they keep prepping you andyou prepping you and prepping you,a you make a mistake becausewo you're so worried you got something wrong. biden knows the job trump knows the job and joe biden will open given several lies to memorize

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preparing him for thee off-the-wall donald trump and the more restrained donald trump we've been seeing. try so he has to figure out which 1 it is in addition to that donald trump has to do with what i said the other day not just dana bash and jake tapper he needs to do with the fact he has cnn and moderators who don't like him and them thrown back to around 2012 when obama was debating mitt romney and mitt romney complained that the presidentt didn't declare benghazi was a terrorist event for 14 days.d ca and candy crowley the cnn moderato cnnr says that's not tr and candy was wrong but it didn't matter. so i have concerns about howes biased of the moderators what role will they play.y there's another personpl in the

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debate against donald trump. having to cut down the gag ordee trump now has to decide what he can and can't talk about basedgn on the latest ruling on againul and there's gad g order that should have been thrown out as soon as the jury made a decisiona .t knowing that cnn doesn't even take donald trump's speeches they wouldn't allow his spokesperson to even finish a statement you know that cnn iset doing what they can to her trump >> will that moderators be fair and balanced? >> i'm not a moderator. >> zooming out on this particular debate i agree with danawith we talked about debatep and debate until i want to the debate to be over think bothiden

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donald trump and joe biden this 90 minutes will be very consequential right.tial it will determine who wins andei loses the election and because it's so early to the judges point voters are going to say for what people areha talking about and they look to expand their base and find independent voters they will say which serve some best will itme seeks to them best.n as the consequences will be dire not good in either case is worth pointing out i did the same john to seo other presidential candidates prepare for debate there's not many stories of being away for a long time is worth reporting senator mitt romney then governor mitt romney he spent time about trying to present himself what body use language how do you respond to the moderators that was spoken abou stot there's oftentimes a

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conversation on how candidateses present themselves because thata can be the winning and losing of a debate is that some people remember about the debate in the campaign. >> listen i thank you will do okay. >> you did on the tarmac there a think he learned his lesson there. coming up hillary and barack staging a intervention to bail out brain freeze biden. to bail out brain freeze biden. ♪ ♪ if you're one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. (dr. swamy) this small wearable alerts you 20 minutes before you go too low or when you're high so you can take action in the moment. now we're talking a game changer! i'm back in control!

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♪ ♪ >> like a democrat bat signalof

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the dynamic duo liberal politic hillary clinton anand barack oba making an effort to sound the alarm a piece titled what obamab is whispering toam biden reveals obama has anxiety that joe isba blowing itra increasingly involr in the biden campaign hillary using an op-ed to give joe a pe talk sayingig it's possible this impossible to debate trump a waste of time to refute his argument saying mr biden is a wise and descent man fighting hard for working families. so wise and decent he completely d rejected his son and grandchi. so judge is it me or hillary hanging around 1 of those greedy grandkids waiting for they'll grandpa to croak. >> it's hillary trying to be relevant yet again. >> can't leave the spotlight and

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she's hoping that america will need her.i andod i don't know if they had o many pearls to offer. the truth is this obama bidensh relationship fascinates me iipf you recall when obama had his birthday party biden kept showing these bracelets that they had and obama waited until i think it was august or september of 2022 endorsed joe bideendon so it's interesting it he has for the last couple of months trying to get involved to sad hay biden needs help and thy said we don't need help biden'sh people beeemn rejecting them but right now obama is worried about his own legacy a and he wants tr make sure biden wins because

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they think he realizes there are things he's done that biden is h brought backe and he doesn't wi to lose that stuff so i think it's fascinating the obama hillarthy connection they're boh about the past but for obama it's aboutfu the future. >> and hillary has a new book out that be the reason why she's skulking around. >> good thin g it didn't come out when 5 okay mount because i went over wanted to fight her in the new york times bestseller list. i should have named my daughter after you. have you n seen that home it's like it takes a village.akes you there making sure they sleep doesn't fall and hit her head right this is how we treat joe biden.side 's got former presidents coming

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in to raise money and he's got the cia and the fbi and all of these people in theoppi establishment propping him up the media let simla he doesn't have to do anything. they don't even like him. nobody even likes the guy hillary hates him and barack obama tolerates them. most unpopular president in history why are they doing this, selfish reasons about the legack protection hillary needs to make money in ukraine obviously but also there's financials at state with corporate america you think they will let all this cheap labour justice a figure expensive sects reassignment surgeries on kidns that goes to goodbye when trump is in office. big corporations don't likeon reducing tariffs't so the progressive movement is this close to walking in they've open the borderges change the entire culture of the country you look

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at the cities it's almost over they dragged him across thes finish linthe they have a dear presidency they cathn celebrate for the rest of thell administration that's what they need to get through just 90. minutes that's all it takes. >> you know dana may i posit a erie is a lovely word means put forth what if the reason theyy are all therthe is not to report repair him but talk them out of it that may be they bring peoplo by saying you know what joe you had a good run 50 years maybe you should go the 16-year-old chai r. >> ship's shelled on there's hope a some people that michelle obama wildel go for the democrats i don't see it happening. >> you see the column in the nes

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york post persisting and biden is the nominee or he's going toe be the nominee howevere, i dote agree that d if after the debate it doesn't go well maybe thenet they havine that meeting i don't think they have that meeting with that many people trying to help them. i think larry clinton at goode i advice for joe biden in the op-ed especially on a supreme court issue and how they frame that and if they were wise they would invite her to join the table of 25,000 inviting -- advising him . the things said about them isng his people had been saying this for about a year and a half you see it on pod safe america you read in the columns with daviddi axelrod these are things barack obama has been thinking getting out to other people. >> what say you richard. >> the histrionics of hillary clinton is interesting whether. you love or hate her only person

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in america t that's debated trup and biden and has a litany of experience that speaks to issuen coming up in this debate which is what makes sense and wheree you ththe most relevant in thein moment and helping bidenthos prepare. these are folks fromfrom the fom obama white housere talking last segment playing candy crowley and debate prep for 2012 a lotnn of staffers continued to stayba it's mormae than just barack oba against hillary clinton as theyh also wane t to make sure of thic and especiallyia given the fact they will have to do this debate and it's not talking about wer democrats are progressive in th case of trump's talking justol

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mag-mac supporters ikss trying u get those people in the middle figuring out how they make the choice that this election.l recent polling showeshd for vots under 30 half of them feel half of donalsod trump and joe bidene are ou mt of touch. talking about what they do. >> coming up the biden administration, th attacking a phantom mag-mac tarot threat targeting synagogues. ga threat e ignoring a mob targeting synagogues. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges

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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] president biden condemning a shocking act of anti-semitic intimidation will he back up his words with actions. dozens of anti-israel activists

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blocking in los angeles. [indistinct shouting] >> close your eyes! >> dana: president biden posting on x that he was appalled by the scenes but stop short of calling for any punishment and while we wait to see if that primitive justice will act, newly uncovered dhs documents suggest trump's appeal supporters, military, and religious people are likely violent terror threats. judge, it is so appalling, and i said in the a block, biden could have had this moment to come out on camera or to say to merrick garland, the attorney general, i want you in los angeles right now, we are going to protect these places of worship be a going to matter what place of worship it is. including synagogues. will the justice department do anything, do you think? >> judge jeanine: i think the justice department has been so consumed with the fbi

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investigating parents who are domestic terrorists and going after christians and targeting pro-lifers, and i want to talk about that and a second, that you don't have a real comfort level that they are looking at real crime as opposed to political crime, in their minds, or as opposed to something that conflicts with their own ideology. what they are looking at now, it is unbelievable we are watching this in the united states outside of a synagogue, where you have so many police out there trying to protect people who have a first amendment right to practice their religion. and all of a sudden, we are living in a world of complete anti-semitism, and you are right, should have fueled up air force one, gone out there, and have everyone know that america is a place where you can practice whatever religion you want, free of intimidation, free of violence. but not in america anymore. and that is why i am so concerned about this concept of the department of justice going in and doing the right thing.

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the amazing part of this is i believe it was a couple weeks ago that the justice department issued a press release that the final defendant was sentenced in a freedom of access -- one of the crimes which is related, of course, to this kind of crime, as well, and a woman apparently obstructed the path to an abortion clinic. she didn't commit any kind of violence. she didn't threat anybody. she literally blocked, with her body, the path, and they went around her. do you know how much time that woman was sentenced to? 24 months. and the department of justice is proud of the fact that under this act, they were able to incarcerate a woman for 24 months, but they are not able to incarcerate anyone there? that is a violent act. the l.a.p.d. confirmed that one person was arrested. >> dana: it's outrageous.

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>> judge jeanine: we are now living in a country where nobody seems to care about anything other than political ideology and it reflects what's happening at the debate. they're going to talk about january 6th, dana, and how can you talk about january 6th and keeping prisoners in isolation when we've got columbia, people going into a public institution and breaking into it with hammers and glass and then the d.a. saying this pathetic progressive d.a. alvin bragg saying they have the kaffiyehs on, couldn't see their face. >> dana: of sinking about this, greg, los angeles violence, new york violence, sunday in new york, as well. at the same time come alvin bragg was like we are not going to basically be able to prosecute anybody who held custodians hostage at the school. >> greg: you know who is leading us down? these white male christians. why aren't they as racist as the democrats want them to be? i mean, you are having an authentic charlottesville every

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single day throughout biden's presidency, and none of them are white male christians pure cannot of them are veterans. not of them are wearing maga hats. it would be so much easier for our president if those guys were doing it because it would slide right into the incendiary area that would allow bragg to press charges. the investigations of the military for white supremacy, and as that was happening, this bigoted movement was blossoming on campuses. it wasn't biden's seen the lady that caused it, it was his politics. military illness meant right now is down among the segment of society that the democrats are demonizing. that is white dudes. right? it is down. is it any wonder why the pentagon is than stressing the importance of nonbinary recruitment? you've got to get the new bodies somewhere because you have completely alienated a segment of society that was there for you, that was patriotic, that fought wars. you have dudes who were in the

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military 50 years ago, 40 years ago, 30 years ago. they going to tell their kids to go and enlist in a country that thinks they are a bunch of terrorists? i don't think so. >> dana: will the department of justice do anything? >> jesse: i did some research -- >> greg: kno know you didn't. >> jesse: i swear i did. is garland jewish, by the way? we believe he is, he is jewish? okay. so since october 7th, has only prosecuted two anti-jewish hate crimes in the united sta united states. we have aired dozens of hate crimes on this very show. cnn has aired vamp he has only prosecuted two. one of them so much as post-80 something mean about speed 26 on the internet, the other wasn't on video, some taxi cab driver he did something a taxi. wake up, garland, what are you doing? if you had people -- let's say you have the straight mafia. guys in brooks brothers shirts,

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chinos and loafers, go down to the gayborhood, sunday in june, don't forget pride month, and started beating up speed 23 people in their brunch, and it was on camera, you think garland would do anything? joe biden launched his campaign on the fine people hooks in his dentures in lasagna up your look alive! >> dana: today is the new york primary and congressman jamaal bowman, who has been very much against any actions to support israel after october 7th, is likely to lose that seat tonight. does that send a signal to democrats that biden should pay attention to? >> richard: wait to see what happens there. it won't sen would send a signal there is a shifting in the party. when you talk to the biden white house, you have to figure out a way to bring a peaceful solution to what's happening in israel and the gaza crisis,

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while also dealing with what's happening here at home. i think it is worth pointing out that after this crisis happened, the mayor of los angeles, karen bass, increased security throughout the neighborhood where the synagogue exists, and there is a lot of jewish families that live there. beyond that, her team is working to make sure the folks, two people they are investigating, but it is important to remember that the state hate crime statutes in many states is a lower threshold than the federal hate crime statute. >> dana: all the more reason for merrick garland to step in. >> richard: it's easier to prove a hate crime in the state than the federal level. there's a lot of hoops you have to jump through. so i say all that just say that i thought what happened there was heinous, but it is also folks doing the thing to make sure the synagogue stays safe because it is horrible. >> dana: let's step it up. stepping coming up, bidenomics is now taking a bite out of hooters?

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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: bidenomics continues to decimate some of america's most iconic restaurants. with hooters becoming its latest casualty. the sports bar chain is shuttering dozens of restaurants across the u.s. the company confirming the news to fox, saying "like many restaurants under pressure from current market conditions, hooters has made the difficult decision to close a select number of underperforming stores." msnbc is worried that inflation is going to do them biden in november. >> inflation must not be the number one economic metric the american people look at the economy going to november. joe biden's economy is a good one, sure, make the inflation argument but focus america's

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attention on the economic growth occurring right now in their neighborhood in town. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, is it safe to assume you are a regular at hooters? [laughter] and are you sad that they are shuttering those stores? >> greg: i can think of to reasons why this story depresses me. anyway. it is ironic that hooters is going bust. why do liberals -- >> judge jeanine: oh... b3 hate everything orange? right? hooters. trump. i guess bret baier will have to hold his editorial meetings in a new place. find a new place to take kudlow for his birthday. it doesn't matter because it's not the french laundry. it's not chapin niece, it is not the places that politicians go. it is for the bad middle-class, unwashed american, the people liberals don't care abo about. >> judge jeanine: and that's it? >> greg: that's all. >> judge jeanine: that's all he's got. jesse, what about the fact into

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hooters, rubio's commas at the one you love? >> dana: loved it, god bless. >> jesse: all of the places i used to eat at when i was 22 are now going bust. the way you could save money. now with all of them increased their prices and are going out of business. >> jesse: i wouldn't know, i haven't been to hooters in quite some time. i went to hooters three times. once out of curiosity when i was 18. once because there was nowhere else to eat. and then i don't member the second time but the wings are good. people say -- the wings are good. and i'm not just -- >> greg: did you also read "playboy" for the articles? >> judge jeanine: the truth is, it seems like a lot of these fast food places, they started

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going under right after covid. >> dana: i think we are still feeling the effects of that. you had covid and that all of these inflationary numbers. a guy from philly who owns a cheesesteak restaurant, and he met with trump after the philly rally and he said, look, when trump was president, i charged $8 for a cheesesteak. now i charge $14. for every single sandwich. he's at i don't want to do that but trying to cover the costs. it's tough time for restaurants, the margins are very thin. the regulations are high. the crime is high. staff and labor is high. and difficult to find. it is understandable. but i imagine if biden is confronted with this on thursday night, like, he would give us the rat a tat stat type of thi thing. 15 million jobs created at this and that. too many numbers. biden hasn't been able to show empathy in the past. i don't know if he will be able

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to do that and defend his record on thursday night. >> jesse: do you think jake tapper will ask joe biden about hooters going under? >> judge jeanine: you are asking me? i doubt it. >> jesse: it's a legitimate question. jake should ask about hooters. >> judge jeanine: richard, you heard the sound that the inflation should be the number one metric, people to assess the economy. you think joe biden is going to convince ordinary americans who haven't spent this much on food since the gulf war, 30 years? >> richard: the wings are good, i will give you -- >> jesse: thank you! unbiased opinion. >> richard: but i do think he is going to have to meet voters in the middle. talk about the impact of inflation and if he is reelected what he would do to fix it. also a contrast between himself and president trump, who according to the peterson institute for international trade come if you calculate current tariffs plus trump suggested 10% tariffs percent tariffs across-the-board and chinese business, cost each

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middle-class family come in putting mine, $1700 a year, rather, that is too much money if you ask me. >> jesse: so it is less than biden's inflation. >> judge jeanine: "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪

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♪ ♪ >> richard: welcome back. it's time for "the fastest." ♪ ♪ first up, remember that adorable kid from "love actually?" watch this. >> the truth is, actually, i'm in love. >> i'm sorry? >> i know i should be thinking about mom all the time, and i am, but the truth is, i'm in love. nothing i can do about it. >> richard: now, that little kid is 34, and he's actually in love, got married over the weekend. he got hitched this weekend. jesse, what do you think? >> jesse: i don't think much, richard. never saw the movie but i am impressed with his bride. i think he married up. >> dana: i loved "love actually," love the kid

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and he was also very good in the other hugh grant movie i liked called "about a boy." look at that cute face. he is a cute one. come on, you loved it. >> greg: do you know if you watch "love actually" while playing pink floyd's "dark side of the moon," you will ruin pink floyd's "dark side of the moon?" [laughter] >> richard: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: i've never seen "love actually" but whatever antiaging stuff this kid is using if he is 34 and the picture we just saw, we need to give some of it to biden. >> richard: i'm going to let you get away with that one. up next, man's best friend unethical? a "time" magazine article is making the case against having a pet, citing social isolation and acclimate impact keeping pets. the truth is, often significant harm to animals. >> judge jeanine: are you kidding? you haven't even come to me. can i ask that? >> richard: you just --

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>> judge jeanine: i have four rescues pure how does it cause significant harm to animals? should i let them run on the straight edges do their own thing, hope that the eat something that is not going to make them -- oh, there is stella! i mean, these dogs live a wonderful life. and i am being a mean person for causing significant harm to them? my dogs are not last two days -- this one might. >> richard: greg? >> greg: what is harmful to everyone's health are articles like that because none of these people -- there he is -- none of these people who go after, like the personal or just the pleasures of life, actually obey the things they write about. they never get rid of their air conditioning. they still use gas-powered cars. they probably have a cat or five. so this is only about getting a byline in a dying publication. >> richard: dana? >> dana: also, anything to take away joy from people and to

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use the excuse of climate change. they are coming after the cattle industry. and that is ridiculous and outrageous in itself, but also they come after your pets. if you say something is hurting the climate, you are guaranteed to get that byline. >> richard: either problem with the byline. jesse, what is your take? >> jesse: i was the editor of "stuff" magazine. falling circulation and you're going right into a july 4th weekend, you just need to hit your article quota and get a little clickbait so it gets on "the five" and you call it a day. >> dana: well done. >> richard: and for the cat lovers out there, there is my little one. they are going to put her up beards before let's see. >> richard: there she is! >> dana: that is a cute cat. >> richard: and "the five" is up next. ♪ ♪ there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about.

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9:58 pm

more thing, dana. okay, so we talked about cats just a moment ago. and here's another one. a furry adventurer found himself in a very precarious situation. he climbed a tree in the grand canyon and rescuers were like, if we're going to have to go up there anyway. good news is cat was rescued. >> also, today's perino on politics podcast is with ben shapiro. and it just posted. so check it out. >> it lasts 46 seconds. speaks very quickly, greg. all right. tonight, we've got another great show, charlie arnold's rich boss, kat timpf tiger is out tonight or it'd be and let's do this one. >> all right, let's play the owl. sounds for the panel and with its find out if they get it right. >> roll it. you've heard this before. now you have it now. we haven't heard it. all right, danny, you're the farm girl. i got that. i got that sea otter, right? yeah. i'm going to say hippo. hippo? i was going to say hippo.

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now i'll say cow. okay, cow. i'm going to say a rhino. okay. >> making noise. but i'm going with that. i think. i think it's a rhino. all right, let's just roll it. >> kids goes new date hungry cam the other closest to i was the closest sound. it makes is closest to campbell. >> we're going to give it to me. how about some bear news? >> oh, yeah. we don't have any sounds, but we have some video. this bear going into a kitchen at a theme park in tennessee. everyone thought it was cute, you know, just recording on their phones. oh, look at it. watching and steal the food. >> oh, there's a woman right on the line. >> yeah, and that's why you have to leave. big tip. trump's not going to tax him. so all your waitresses out. >> oh, one tonight. jesse watters from tom vick rhymes with steak. karoline leavitt, glenn greenwald, and chris hansen. remember chris hansen to catch a predator at 8:00? >> i always followed me.

10:00 pm

>> yeah, i remember that when i used to do the predators. >> i remember they came to my house. all right, check out this. jessica's got this. all right. i didn't mean that. i have nothing do with him. check out this genius based running method from a little league coach in order to ensure that the kids are trained to step on the correct part of the base, which is the edge. >> he put their cell phones on the line as collateral. >> if anyone slams up his moderate coaching, i'm going to line my driveway with emma's cell phone so she never goes car. >> richard. all right, here's a good one. the late host of jeopardy and the american treasure, alex trebek, is getting his own stab at cap in this past friday. the stamp says this this naturalized us citizen is the host of the quiz show jeopardy! >> as q all right. >> all the letters that we're mailing, that'll be really good. yeah

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Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and a rotating host discuss and debate hot issues across the spectrum, from politics to pop culture; the hosts also conclude each show with the "One More Thing" segment.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.