The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (2024)

The Ethereum Merge has finally happened. After years of hard work by developers, much speculation by the ETH community, and great interest worldwide, the biggest milestone in crypto history was reached on September 15th.

Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest blockchain network, has distinguished itself from altcoin competitors by being the first to enable decentralized applications (dApps). ETH users can implement smart contracts, buy NFTs, and interact with thousands of DApps, all within the Ethereum ecosystem.

While these use cases have caused Ethereum to explode in market cap, there have been several concerns regarding energy consumption and high gas fees associated with elevated network activity.

The solution to address some of these shortcomings has rolled out in what is known as “the Merge”. Formerly known as ETH2 or ETH 2.0, this event transitioned Ethereum from the mining-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to the more energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

This article explains what the Merge is, outlines its features and roadmap, and details why it matters for the future of crypto.

What Is Ethereum 2.0?

Ethereum 2.0 (also called ETH2 or ETH 2.0) is the name previously used to describe the Ethereum Merge.

The Ethereum 2.0 moniker was done away with to prevent confusion among users who may have mistakenly thought that post-Merge Ethereum would gain a new ETH2 ticker. It hasn't.

Another reason for the titular switch away from ETH 2.0 is to prevent users from getting tricked into swapping to fictitious ETH2 tokens from scammers.

Ethereum vs Ethereum 2.0: What will change?

The average Ethereum user initially didn't experience a significant change.

ETH holders didn't need to do anything to convert their existing tokens, and they will still be able to send and receive Ethereum as they did pre-Merge. And until sharding (more on that below) is implemented, users can still expect to pay higher gas fees during periods of network congestion.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (1)

For network validators—and the planet itself—however, the difference is night and day. Instead of creating new ETH tokens and validating transactions via the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, this process will now be done through the much more efficient Proof-of-Stake model.

Proof-of-Work blockchain networks consist of miners competing to solve a cryptographic hash function by using increasing levels of computing power in order to earn block rewards. With Proof-of-Stake blockchains, however, the network is secured via validators that “stake” a certain amount of their cryptocurrency holdings

What is the Ethereum Merge?

The Ethereum Merge is the transition to a new Proof-of-Stake network from the old Proof-of-Work mainnet.

In order to safely transition the current Ethereum blockchain network, the plans for the Merge have been rolling out in phases. Some of these phases have already been completed in the past few years, while others are subject to change. The ultimate goal was to complete The Merge by September 15th, which was successful.

The three principal upgrades are the Proof-of-Stake Beacon Chain, the Merge itself, and the scalability-enablement called sharding.

The Beacon Chain

The Beacon Chain is the first phase of rollout and one that formally brings Proof-of-Stake to Ethereum. On December 1, 2020, an initial threshold was reached of 16,000 validators to deposit the required 32 ETH to stake. Since this date, the Proof-of-Stake Beacon Chain has been running parallel to Ethereum’s Proof-of-Work consensus layer.​​

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (2)

The Beacon Chain boosts the security of the network by randomly assigning validators in order to prevent dishonest actors from attacking the system. In addition, malicious validators are punished for harmful actions by having their staked ETH slashed.

The Merge

The Merge itself refers to the joining of the current Ethereum mainnet with the Beacon Chain. In preparation for the Merge, several testnets were merged with the Ethereum mainnet. The purpose of these testnets are for developers to safely test features of the Proof-of-Stake network without the risk of losing real funds.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (3)

Ropsten, the oldest such Ethereum test network that dates back to 2016, completed its transition to the Beacon Chain and Proof-of-Stake in June. This was followed by the successful Merge of the Sepolia testnet in July, which was completed ahead of schedule. The final test Merge occurred in August, when the Goerli testnet joined Prater, its counterpart on the Beacon Chain.


While the initial Merge won’t do much to lower gas fees, sharding will help in this regard.

Broadly speaking, sharding is when an entire dataset is split into portions that represent the whole. With the Merge, the current Ethereum chain becomes a shard of the whole, in a chain of 64 parallel shard chains.

Sharding will serve to greatly improve the scalability of the network, since each sharded chain will spread out the data storage functionality of the current Ethereum chain, simultaneously spreading out the data processing burden across the nodes.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (4)

Although it was originally planned for 2022, the current estimate is for sharding to be rolled out in 2023-24. When it is released, sharding will be able to accommodate Layer 2 rollups like zkSync and Immutable X that can process bulk Ethereum transactions off-chain at higher speeds and lower costs.

What are the impacts of the Ethereum Merge?

These phased steps, along with the principal change from a Proof-of-Work to a Proof-of-Stake model aims to address the three main shortcomings of the current Ethereum network: security, scalability, and sustainability.


The Merge will bring added measures against malicious actors that try to attack the Ethereum network. Slashing is a new penalty system that will punish malicious validators and would-be attackers by inflicting penalties such as docking coins.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (5)

Slashing penalties can vary, though rule violators may be fined up to 18 staked ETH and even face removal from the network. With Proof-of-Stake, validators are encouraged to perform honest validations, and through validator shuffling, the chances of a successful attack are minimized.

So even if someone is able to successfully execute an attack, slashing ensures that they will instantly lose their stolen ETH.


Through sharding and Proof-of-Stake, Ethereum will be able to process anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 transactions per second. Though this may take a few years to reach the maximum capacity, this represents a speed increase of up to 999,900% from the current rate of 10-20 transactions per second. These exponential increases in speed will help clear up network congestion and keep gas fees low.

On the previous Proof-of-Work Ethereum network, between 15 and 30 transactions could be processed per second. To give an idea of how this compares to traditional finance networks, Visa claims they can handle up to 24,000 transactions per second at max capacity.

As network activity increased on pre-Merge Ethereum, users reported waiting longer for transactions to be confirmed and paying higher fees while doing so. Additionally, under heavy usage, some users lost their gas fees despite the transaction failing to execute.

The balance here lies in exponentially increasing the processing capacity of the network while still incentivizing validators to carry on validating. With Proof-of-Stake, validators will continue to receive the block rewards and transaction fees under the current system, depending on the amount of ETH staked by the individual.


The transition away from Proof-of-Work will go a long way to solve the cryptocurrency energy problem by massively cutting costs and reducing the environmental impact associated with validating the Ethereum network.

While still requiring significantly lower energy levels than Bitcoin, Ethereum hasn’t escaped scrutiny for the high energy costs under its current Proof-of-Work model.

In a Proof-of-Work consensus model, blocks of Ethereum or Bitcoin are validated through a process that secures the network by miners physically proving the computational work done to validate the chain. This process uses a significant amount of energy, which can lead to high costs for those who wish to serve as miners or validators.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (6)

The good news is that the Merge will drastically reduce the energy consumption of the current network. According to Carl Beekhuizen, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, the Merge is expected to reduce Ethereum’s energy expenditure by 99.95%.

If true, such a large reduction in energy will certainly make Ethereum more attractive to institutional investors that may have previously been dissuaded by the environmental impact of the Ethereum network.

Transaction fees

Unfortunately (but not surprisingly), an increase in Ethereum’s adoption and transaction volume, has also led to higher fees. Transaction costs on the Ethereum network, also known as gas fees, are paid using Ethereum’s native token, Ether. Gas is the fuel that powers everything on the Ethereum blockchain, from validating transactions to activating smart contracts.

Since transaction completion time depends on network congestion levels, this presents an issue: as the number of ETH holders continues to grow, gas fees rise as well. When miners select transactions to validate, they will naturally pick the ones with the highest transaction fees to include in blocks.

This is because the rewards for Ethereum mining come in the form of transaction fees, so when there is more traffic, miners will select blocks that pay higher returns for the same amount of work. In especially high-traffic situations, users looking to pay lower gas fees may be stuck waiting for their transactions to be validated.

When did the Ethereum update take place?

The final completion date for the Ethereum Merge was originally set for September 19th. With all the moving parts that a massive undertaking like the Merge encompasses, the expected completion date was delayed a few times.

So it was quite the achievement when the Merge was actually completed a few days sooner than expected, on the 15th.

What are the next steps for Ethereum?

As Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin points out, there are additional upgrades happening concurrently with the Merge.

These are the Surge, which will enhance scalability via sharding; the Verge, which introduces Verkle trees as an upgrade to Merkle Proofs; the Purge, which will improve network congestion by reducing the hard drive space needed by validators; and the Splurge, which will include additional enhancements to maintain network performance.

Since the Merge was successfully completed by its September deadline, the subsequent roadmap will remain the same. Namely, the next major milestone will be the introduction of sharding at some point in 2023.

The latest major development, called the Shanghai and Capella (Shapella) upgrades, was activated on April 12. This long-awaited upgrade allows users to withdraw staked ETH and staking rewards that were previously locked up during the transition.

A post-Merge Ethereum world will also have important consequences for those who have been involved with network consensus on the old mainnet. What will ETH miners do? Ethereum mining has historically been a multi-billion dollar industry so there are significant monetary incentives at play.

Prior to the Merge, mining revenue fell hard from its $2.5 billion peak in May 2021, though Ethereum miners still took home close to half a billion dollars in June of this year.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (7)

Will Ethereum Proof-of-Work miners take their ETH tokens and become network validators post-Merge via staking? Or will they instead take the sunk cost investment of their expensive mining computers and start mining the Proof-of-Work Ethereum fork token, ETH Classic (ETC)?

This uncertainty has led to a doubling of the price of ETC since June, bringing the token to a single-day increase of 29% in late July. This will play a role in influencing specific miners to take their ASIC hardware and start mining the potentially lucrative ETH Classic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Did ETH holders need to do anything with their Ethereum to prepare for the Merge?

No, ETH holders did not need to do anything. Their stored or staked Ether was automatically converted from ETH to ETH2 post-Merge. ETH will also maintain the same ticker symbol.

What will happen to staked ETH?

Stakers will be unable to make withdrawals on their staked ETH 6-12 months after the Merge. In what will be known as the Shanghai upgrade, users will be able to withdraw staked ETH, with a daily withdrawal limit of 40,000 ETH per day (out of ~13 million staked).

Validators, however, will be able to receive liquid ETH rewards from network validation. Although they will still be unable to withdraw until the Shanghai upgrade, validators will be issued a unique address that contains their staked ETH and network rewards verified by the Beacon Chain.

Will Ethereum staking rewards go up or down?

With transaction fee rewards now going to stakers, staking rewards should initially be high. Some experts even predict rates as high as 10-15% APY at the start. Of course, the attractive rates will lure more stakers in and subsequent APY will likely go back down afterwards.

What can ETH investors expect financially?

Staking intrinsically provides an incentive for users to hold and not to sell. If you’re staking, you’re putting a portion of your portfolio towards the network’s consensus algorithm. In Proof-of-Work, on the other hand, miners have a greater incentive to instantly cash in and sell their block rewards.

With the 6-12 month lock-up period after the Merge, there will be a significant buffer before mass selling by validators can begin. Until then it is impossible to predict what markets will look like this far into the future and what individuals will decide to do with their staked ETH. Will they restake? Sell? Buy more to stake? We’ll find out soon enough.

Why stake ETH?

By staking ETH, you can earn rewards from validating transactions. This is made possible without energy-intensive equipment required for Proof-of-Work mining.

You can stake ETH using a smartphone or home computer to start participating in the Ethereum Proof-of-Stake network. As more users stake their ETH, the more secure the network becomes, making it more difficult for attackers to control the majority of validators.

Buy Ethereum via MoonPay

You can still participate in the Ethereum blockchain without acquiring the necessary 32 ETH to become a network validator.

You can buy Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) via MoonPay with a credit or debit card, bank transfer, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more preferred payment methods.

Sell Ethereum via MoonPay

MoonPay also makes it easy tosell Ethereumwhen you decide it's time to cash out. Simply enter the amount of ETH you'd like to sell and enter the details where you want to receive your funds.

Swap Ethereum for other crypto

Want to exchange Ethereum for more cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? MoonPay allows you to swap crypto cross-chain with no processing fees, directly from your non-custodial wallet.

As a seasoned enthusiast with a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the intricacies of Ethereum, I'm thrilled to delve into the details of the Ethereum Merge and provide insights into its significance for the cryptocurrency landscape.

Ethereum 2.0 (ETH2) or The Merge: Understanding the Transition

1. What Is Ethereum 2.0?

  • Ethereum 2.0, also known as ETH2 or The Merge, marks a significant transition from the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to Proof-of-Stake (PoS). This shift aims to address concerns related to energy consumption and high gas fees on the Ethereum network.

2. Ethereum vs Ethereum 2.0: What will change?

  • For average users, the transition is seamless; existing ETH holders don't need to take any action, and transactions remain familiar. However, behind the scenes, the move to PoS drastically alters how transactions are validated, moving away from energy-intensive mining to a more eco-friendly staking model.

3. What is the Ethereum Merge?

  • The Ethereum Merge is the culmination of a phased process involving the Proof-of-Stake Beacon Chain, the Merge itself, and the future implementation of sharding. It signifies the transition from the old Proof-of-Work mainnet to a new Proof-of-Stake network, enhancing security and sustainability.

4. Impacts of the Ethereum Merge: Security, Scalability, Sustainability

  • Security: The introduction of slashing penalties discourages malicious actors, enhancing network security. Validators are incentivized to act honestly, minimizing successful attacks.
  • Scalability: Sharding, a future upgrade, will significantly increase transaction throughput, potentially reaching 100,000 transactions per second, alleviating network congestion and lowering gas fees.
  • Sustainability: The move from PoW to PoS is a groundbreaking environmental initiative, expected to reduce Ethereum's energy consumption by a staggering 99.95%.

5. When did the Ethereum update take place?

  • The Ethereum Merge was successfully completed on September 15th, a few days ahead of the initially set completion date of September 19th.

6. What are the next steps for Ethereum?

  • Ethereum's roadmap includes additional upgrades such as the Surge, Verge, Purge, and Splurge, each contributing to scalability, network performance, and congestion reduction. Sharding, scheduled for 2023-24, remains a crucial milestone.

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Did ETH holders need to do anything with their Ethereum? No, the transition was automatic.
  • What will happen to staked ETH? Withdrawals are expected 6-12 months post-Merge in the Shanghai upgrade.
  • Will Ethereum staking rewards go up or down? Initial high rewards are anticipated, potentially around 10-15% APY, attracting more stakers.
  • What can ETH investors expect financially? A 6-12 month lock-up post-Merge provides a buffer before potential mass selling by validators.

MoonPay Services

8. Buy Ethereum via MoonPay:

  • MoonPay facilitates the purchase of Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) through various payment methods, providing accessibility for those interested in participating in the Ethereum blockchain.

9. Sell Ethereum via MoonPay:

  • MoonPay simplifies the process of selling Ethereum when users decide to cash out, offering flexibility in receiving funds.

10. Swap Ethereum for other crypto:

  • MoonPay enables seamless crypto swaps with no processing fees, allowing users to exchange Ethereum for other cryptocurrencies directly from their non-custodial wallet.

In conclusion, the Ethereum Merge represents a monumental achievement for the crypto community, addressing critical issues and setting the stage for a more sustainable, scalable, and secure Ethereum network. The ongoing developments and upgrades underscore Ethereum's commitment to innovation and its role as a leader in the blockchain space.

The Ethereum Merge (ETH 2.0) explained (2024)


Is ETH 2.0 merge complete? ›

Ethereum 2.0

The first stage of Ethereum's two-stage merge, codenamed Bellatrix, happened on 6 September 2022. Now that both stages are complete, the merge itself has also been finalised.

What happens to my ETH when 2.0 comes out? ›

What happens to my old ETH tokens when Ethereum 2 is launched? Your existing ETH tokens will be transferable to the Ethereum 2 chain. The legacy proof-of-work Ethereum chain will continue alongside the new Ethereum 2 chain initially.

What happens to my ETH after the merge? ›

After The Merge takes place, Ethereum's ether token will still retain the ETH ticker symbol on Kraken. ETH holders and stakers will still be able to find their tokens under the ETH symbol. If the previously mentioned miner hard fork is successfully implemented, it's likely a new Ethereum-like coin will be created.

How does the ETH merge work? ›

The “Merge” is intended to shift the Ethereum blockchain from the current proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake (PoS) model intended to be faster and more energy efficient. But adjusting the second-largest blockchain from one system to another is an incredibly complex, multi-step process.

Will Ethereum go up after merge? ›

The Merge will have a significant impact on the ETH price, as it is expected to result in greater liquidity and improved oversight of the ecosystem. This should lead to more consistent prices and better stability for ETH relative to other cryptocurrencies.

What is the progress of the ETH merge? ›

In the multi-step Ethereum 2.0 roadmap, Ethereum has already converted to “proof-of-stake” with its technical feat of an upgrade called “The Merge” in September 2022. It saw early signs of success with Layer 2s scaling solutions in 2023.

Is ETH 2.0 a good investment? ›

Is it profitable to invest in Ethereum 2.0? Over the last 30 days, Ethereum 2.0 had 30/30 (100%) green days. According to our historical data, it is currently profitable to invest in Ethereum 2.0. The price of Ethereum 2.0 decreased by -75.72% in the last 1 year.

Will Ethereum 2.0 be a new coin? ›

As ETH 2.0 is not a new coin, it will not change the ETH people hold. The Merge will most likely affect Ether miners more than holders, as the shift to PoS will see staking take over from mining as the means by which transactions on the Ethereum blockchain are approved.

Will ETH 2.0 reduce gas? ›

The upgrade will lower gas fees for the growing number of networks built on top of Ethereum that are known as Layer 2 (L2), or “roll-ups.” This is important since gas fees have historically soared whenever there is a surge of activity on the blockchain, making it unviable to use at a large scale.

Can you still mine Ethereum after the merge? ›

Because Ethereum shifted to proof-of-stake in 2022, you cannot mine ether.

Do I have to do anything with my ETH before the merge? ›

No, your Ethereum account and ETH, NFTs and ERC20 assets do not require an update/upgrade/migration/transfer/sync before or after the Merge.

Can you still sell Ethereum? ›

Yes, Ethereum (ETH) is one of the most widely traded cryptocurrencies and is supported by a large number of exchanges. Some of the most popular exchanges for trading Ethereum include: * **Binance:** Binance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and supports trading of Ethereum and many other cryptocurrencies.

How fast is Ethereum after the merge? ›

Ethereum 2.0 can process 100,000 transactions per second (TPS): The only thing the Merge changed about transaction speed is that the average block time drops to 12 seconds from 13–14 seconds.

Why is the ETH not pumping? ›

Zach Rynes, a crypto analyst, offers a straightforward explanation: “The real answer why $ETH didn't move upon ETF approval – Since the SEC's pivot, everyone who wanted to buy the approval, already did – ETFs haven't actually launched yet, so net new capital inflow still to come.”

Is the ETH merge successful? ›

The Merge has been a tremendous success for Ethereum, ushering in an era of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. It is clear that the move to a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm will have far-reaching implications not just for the future of Ethereum but also for blockchain technology as a whole.

Is Ethereum merge successful? ›

The hotly anticipated “Ethereum Merge” finally happened, and it was a smooth, almost shocking, success. Proof of work vacated the Ethereum protocol in favor of the energy efficient, possibly world-saving alternative of proof of stake.

What's next after Ethereum merge? ›

Ethereum watchers believe that the network is now in its all-important Surge phase, with the implementation of the Dencun upgrade in March 2024. The salient features of each of the Ethereum upgrades are as follows: The Merge: Upgrades relating to the blockchain's switch from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake consensus.

Is Ethereum 2.0 out yet? ›

In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, the completion of Ethereum's transition to Ethereum 2.0, known as “The Merge,” on September 15, 2022, stands as a pivotal moment in blockchain history. This update represents more than a technological advancement — it is the dawn of a new era for Ethereum.

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