The Essential Guide to Modern Restaurant Accounting (2024)

Operating a restaurant group is unlike running any other type of business. From an accounting standpoint, restaurants are sometimes compared to manufacturers operating multiple retail locations. In both industries, raw items are purchased in order to create and sell an end item. But in manufacturing, there is a finite number of parts that go into building a car, for example, and that specific make and model is exactly the same whether it’s built in Mexico or Detroit. In the restaurant industry, no two Cobb salads are exactly alike.

There’s slightly less cheese in one and slightly more avocado in the other. Multiplied by the number of those menu items you sell in a month, it’s a challenge to keep track of the differences in the ingredients that go into each menu item and ensure that your restaurant business is making a profit. Additionally, restaurants have a large, fast-changing inventory with a limited shelf life, which also affects your bottom line.
Because restaurants face distinct operational challenges, restaurant accounting is a unique discipline. Typical accounting methods don’t meet the needs of restaurant businesses. Modern restaurant accounting methods depend on accurate and timely recording of financial data.

Tracking and measuring key restaurant metrics from your financial data can help you understand your business trends, stay competitive, and enable you to strategically act on future projections. With slim margins notorious in the restaurant industry, you not only need to increase revenue to stay profitable. You need to turn your focus on reducing controllable expenses, thus increasing profit by analyzing and optimizing costs using modern restaurant accounting.

Modern restaurant accounting

Because restaurants face distinct operational challenges, restaurant accounting is a unique discipline. Typical accounting methods don’t meet the needs of restaurant businesses. Modern restaurant accounting methods depend on accurate and timely recording of financial data.

Tracking and measuring key restaurant metrics from your financial data can help you understand your business trends, stay competitive, and enable you to strategically act on future projections. With slim margins notorious in the restaurant industry, you not only need to increase revenue to stay profitable. You need to turn your focus on reducing controllable expenses, thus increasing profit by analyzing and optimizing costs using modern restaurant accounting.

Whether you handle accounting in house or outsource it to a restaurant accounting firm, restaurant accounting requires meaningful analysis of your financial data to ensure ongoing profitability, and thus requires restaurant-specific professionals well versed in financials within the context of the restaurant industry and in the key performance indicators (KPIs) your restaurant group should focus on based on your business model.

Combined with human accounting expertise, modern restaurant accounting tools that “speak” restaurant can ensure that your financial professional is using modern accounting methods specific to the unique needs of your restaurant business in order to identify operational inefficiencies, profit leaks or trends that require action.

Modern restaurant accounting can help you:

Restaurant accounting basics

If you’re an owner/operator or other non-accounting restaurant professional responsible for the profitability of your restaurant business, you’ll need to master these four restaurant accounting basics – all of which can be automated using modern accounting tools – in order to fully appreciate modern restaurant accounting and leverage the expertise of your in-house or outsourced restaurant accounting professionals. All restaurant accounting starts with these four basic elements:

  • Chart of accounts
  • Restaurant expenses
  • Prime cost
  • Prime cost as a percentage of sales

Chart of Accounts

The chart of accounts is a listing of all accounts that are related to your restaurant business. Each and every transaction in your restaurant results in a change to the balance of at least two accounts. Your chart of accounts includes your assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, and equity. The chart of accounts is the source of your restaurant’s financial statements, so it’s essential for getting insights into your revenue and expenses.

Restaurant Expenses

The success of your restaurant depends on many factors, including of course, sales. But your costs relative to sales are the most clear indication of the fundamental financial health of your restaurant business, so you’ll need to start with an accurate recording of your expenses.

Restaurant Accounting Divides Costs into Four Categories:

  • Cost of Goods Sold (CoGS): also known as food cost, CoGS is the total cost of all food and beverage ingredients your restaurant used during a specific time period
  • Labor costs: expenses associated with payroll, payroll taxes, and employee benefits
  • Occupancy expenses: fixed costs such as rent, property taxes and property insurance
  • Operating expenses: everything else it takes to run your restaurant, including laundry, equipment repairs, marketing costs or professional fees

Prime Cost

To calculate prime cost, you need to track two key metrics about your restaurant operations – CoGS and labor.

As previously stated, CoGS is the combined costs of food and beverage ingredients that were sold at your restaurant over a certain period of time. CoGS totaled takes into account the ingredients that make up your food and beverage sales. CoGS does not include one-time, non-inventory-related costs, such as refrigerator repairs or the purchase of a new oven. Because CoGS tracks ingredients, an accurate CoGS number depends on accurate inventory management figures.

Prime Cost to Sales Ratio

When you’re analyzing the financial health of your restaurant business, note that no single number tells the whole financial story. For example, a higher volume restaurant will usually have a higher prime cost than a smaller restaurant. It’s not relevant to compare the two restaurants because the larger restaurant is most likely experiencing higher sales than the small restaurant, just as it’s not relevant to compare the prime cost of a quick serve restaurant with a fine dining establishment.

So, another important figure you need in order to determine the financial health of your restaurant is your prime cost to sales ratio, using the following formula:

Prime Cost ÷ Total Sales = Prime Cost Ratio

Your prime cost to sales ratio contextualizes your prime cost by comparing it to total sales for a specific time period. Generally, the prime cost of a successful, sustainable restaurant business is approximately 60% of total food and beverage sales. A full-service restaurant will run a slightly higher prime cost (60-65%) than a quick service restaurant (55-60%). Other factors such as mix of product sales, pricing, operating hours, and level of food and service can impact both food and labor costs, thus affecting prime cost and prime cost ratio.

Modernizing your restaurant accounting

With the aforementioned accounting basics as the foundation of your restaurant accounting, and hence the success of your restaurant business, let’s dive into how you can modernize your restaurant accounting to impact your bottom line.

Modernize Your Chart of Accounts with Restaurant-Specific Categories

The other part of the prime cost equation covers the line items that make up your labor costs. These costs include the total hourly and salaried wages your employees and managers have earned during a specific period of time, plus payroll taxes, benefits, and insurance.A modern chart of accounts as part of a restaurant-specific accounting system enables you to record and track food and beverage purchases in detailed accounts (e.g., seafood, chicken, beer, wine, etc.) with automated invoice coding and entry, and direct feeds of POS data.

Additionally, modern restaurant accounting systems consolidate chart of accounts so that multiple locations and legal entities can be compared side by side. Even though transactions will be connected to individual locations, the accounts are made up of a uniform chart of accounts.

What’s your accounting cycle?

Your reporting periods must allow you to compare performance over time. Reporting by calendar month does not provide an apples-to-apples comparison because of the uneven number of weekend days in each month. Consequently, the optimal solution for restaurants is to set up reporting using 13 accounting periods of four weeks per year, or 4/4/5 accounting periods. The 4/4/5 calendar divides a year into four quarters of 13 weeks grouped into two 4-week months and one 5-week month. These cycles ensure the same number of each day in each period.

Many restaurant businesses opt for the 13 four-week cycles because consistent four-week periods can make comparisons of financial performance from period to period much more practical. If you run payroll weekly or bi-weekly, a 4-week period enables you to align your labor costs with sales, thus resulting in accurate labor cost calculations. The four-week cycle eliminates the need to accrue payroll if you have a bi-weekly pay period. Your P&L statements will then reflect 28 days of actual sales and 28 days of actual payroll.

Still, some smaller restaurants and even some accounting firms are resistant to non-monthly accounting cycles because of the monthly occurrences of such financial elements as bank statements, rent payments, and some taxes. The challenge is finding an accounting system that efficiently manages a restaurant group’s finances based on the company’s accounting periods and corresponding budgets. Old-school accounting solutions don’t recognize 13 four-week cycles or 4/4/5-week cycles, so manual workarounds are required.

Fortunately, some modern restaurant accounting platforms enable restaurant accountants to choose their accounting periods by monthly accounting cycle, 13 four-week cycles or 4/4/5-week cycles — with no painful exporting and manual tweaking of the data. For example, if you choose a monthly accounting cycle, but your utility bill runs from the 14th of one month to the 13th of the next month, a “date of service” feature in the software automatically calculates a daily cost for the utility and accounts for the proper invoice amount in each of the two months in your general ledger. Similarly, if you use 13 four-week cycles or 4/4/5-week cycles, your monthly utility bills are automatically and accurately recorded across the correct days.

Easily record error-free journal entries

Journal entries are done manually in spreadsheet applications, creating the likelihood of errors. And, most legacy accounting systems record certain data automatically when transactions occur, however, your accounting information may not be complete without manual additions to the data. If you need information that is not automatically generated and recorded as part of your transaction process, you may need to make a manual addition using a general journal entry. If accounting transactions are entered incorrectly or if a transaction should have been split into two different general ledger accounts, for example, the journal entry process requires you to make separate journal entries.

Next-generation restaurant accounting technology automates the journal entry process. Detailed data – including sales tickets, tenders, payment types, and clock-in/clock-out by job and employee – is pulled directly from your integrated POS system, then automatically creates daily sales and labor accrual journal entries for your accounting general ledger.Inventory also has its place in a modern restaurant accounting system. Every time a restaurant acquires, counts, transfers or wastes inventory, a journal entry is automatically created in the accounting software. For example, a completed stock count becomes the inventory journal entry.

Eliminate cumbersome intercompany transactions

If your restaurant business has multiple locations that are separate legal entities, legacy accounting programs require that you log in and out of different systems and databases, doing multiple journal entries for a single transaction spread over multiple locations, for example, a vendor invoice for fresh produce shared among several restaurant locations in the same city.

With modern restaurant accounting technology, the software will automatically generate any needed intercompany entries for different legal entities in a single transaction, increasing accuracy and saving hours of weekly accounting time. Entries are updated across all entities, eliminating the need to make multiple entries separately at the restaurant level. You can also record the transfer of resources between restaurants. There’s a centralized database, so transferring resources from location A to location B is automatically recorded across the system, eliminating the need for both locations to record the transfer. Intercompany transactions between one legal entity and another is built into the system and automatically recorded in the general ledger, allowing corporate to see what is happening at the store level.

Bring your general ledger into the 21st century with POS integration

A general ledger got its name because it was originally a physical binder or “ledger.” Today, a general ledger is still comprised of all the individual accounts needed to record the assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expense transactions of a restaurant business, but it now takes many different forms, depending on the sophistication of a restaurant group’s accounting software. In spreadsheet software, which many smaller restaurants still use for their accounting, pivot tables summarize the data from the general journal and build the general ledger.

Legacy accounting systems not designed for restaurant accounting offer slightly more functionality by automatically categorizing the transactions to help identify errors if the credits and debits do not match. But, if there are accounting errors, it becomes necessary to dig into the general ledger and look at each recorded transaction to find out where and when the error occurred, which can be a cumbersome process.

In more advanced accounting systems designed for the restaurant industry, detailed data is pulled directly from your integrated POS system, then the accounting software automatically records the revenue, tenders, and discounts from the sales tickets in the POS system, then maps the sales and receipt details from the POS system to the general ledger accounts using sales accounts (credits) and payment type accounts (debits). It also automatically creates labor accrual journal entries for the general ledger.

Yes, bank reconciliation can be fun

Manual bank reconciliation can be a laborious process, with some restaurant groups reporting that it consumes about 20 percent of their accounting teams’ time. Technological advances now allow restaurant accounting platforms to seamlessly connect with financial institutions and automatically reconcile all bank activity in minutes.

When bank reconciliation is automated, you can identify discrepancies immediately, which means you can easily reconcile accounts on a daily basis – a practice that can dramatically reduce your financial exposure to payment errors and fraud while allowing you to immediately address any errors that do occur before they escalate.

One restaurant group CFO who switched from manual to automated bank reconciliation describes his experience: “I upload the bank data, go to the reconciliation, and everything’s already matched — there’s zero difference between the amount the bank says went out and what we said went out. I approve it and move on. It’s almost fun because I know that it’s going to get done so quickly and easily.”

Direct integration with your bank also allows you to track your bank deposits in near real time so you know almost immediately when they are processed by the bank and whether, for example, any deposits are missing.

Eliminate stacks of invoices with AP automation

A restaurant group can be tasked with processing hundreds or even tens of thousands of invoices each month. And if your restaurant business is managing accounts payable manually, you are faced with gathering stacks of invoices, entering each one individually into an accounting system, routing invoices through layers of approvals and ensuring that checks and electronic payments are issued correctly and on time.

Today’s restaurant accounting solutions with AP automation enable you to digitally upload, scan and process invoices in both electronic and hard copy formats and then automatically record them in the system for viewing and analysis by location, vendor, category and/or amount. You can actually have the invoice in the system on the same day you receive the food item.

Once in the system, invoices are digitally routed through the approval workflow, including multilevel approvals, according to specific rules that you establish up front, saving you countless hours of time each month.

Issuing payments is also an easy automated process with today’s restaurant accounting solutions, regardless of whether you are paying by physical check or ACH transfer – or even through a virtual card.

Get those receivables into your bank account and out of snail mail

While not usually as time consuming for most restaurant businesses as payables management, receivables management can eat a significant portion of your accounting team’s time. Automating the collection of receivables from catering, house accounts, franchising and other unique payment types can streamline the process.

For franchise brands, a next generation restaurant accounting system can pull sales data from franchise locations directly from the integrated POS system, then automatically generate royalty invoices and receive ACH bank transfers directly from franchisee accounts.

Modern restaurant technology can also pull sales data for house accounts from the POS, then automate the invoice and collection process. For unique payment types, such as those received from restaurant delivery services like Grubhub and Uber Eats, you can use a bank rule to automatically capture deposits.

Avoid surprises by tracking fixed assets

Tracking fixed assets is an important, yet often overlooked aspect of restaurant accounting. It’s essential for accurate budget planning to track and manage your fixed assets through every step of the asset lifecycle.

When you own a restaurant, you also own many fixed assets, such as real property, kitchen equipment, furniture, and more. Tracking each of these will help you estimate the lifetime costs of those assets. Modern restaurant accounting solutions that include fixed asset software can perform automatic depreciation, tracking their lifetime costs, including costs for repair and maintenance.

As your business grows, you can use fixed asset software to track the costs of aggregated assets during construction and then break those into individual assets once the store opens. If you transfer an asset to another location, advanced fixed asset software can calculate the cost of the asset for each store.

Take the headache out of budgeting

A restaurant budget keeps you headed in the right direction. You can’t know if your finances are on course if you haven’t set a course. Your budget is a hypothetical profit and loss statement (P&L) or balance sheet. It’s possible to do your budget manually or with generic accounting software, but modern restaurant accounting software automates the budgeting process for you.

With next-generation accounting technology you can easily budget for multiple locations at a time, automatically pulling data from your food and recipe costs, inventory and more. You can create budgets for both your balance sheet and your P&L. In subsequent years, you can reuse a budget from prior year actuals or start with a blank template.

You can create budgets with such parameters as:

  • Current and future years
  • Single location or multiple locations
  • By period or week
  • Fiscal or operational calendar

Make sense of all those numbers with automated financial reporting

Meaningful financial data about your restaurant is contingent upon its accuracy and timeliness. Generic, on-premise accounting software requires that you manually import your data from your POS system, thus making it unfeasible to track daily, or even weekly, not to mention its questionable accuracy. Running financial reports monthly only tells you what you did right or wrong last month, forcing you to be reactive rather than proactive in your decision making.

Keeping track of your financial data daily and ensuring its accuracy enables you to make immediate, data-driven decisions for your restaurant group. A modern restaurant accounting system can automatically collect and accurately organize financial data and transactions. This removes the time, effort, and many of the errors in the accounting process.

Advanced restaurant accounting technology, integrated with your POS system, pulls detailed records directly from the POS into the accounting system each time an integration is run, creating a daily sales summary that includes a journal entry transaction that records such details as:

Armed with this detailed data, you can run your balance sheet, profit and loss statement, comparative analysis by location, and more, on a daily basis. Analyzing your financial data daily empowers you to continually make data-driven decisions that affect your bottom line.

Optimize food and labor spend with automated operational reporting

Having immediate visibility into all the key drivers of your restaurant performance is a strategic differentiator for your successful operation. Real-time access to your operational datagives you the ability to generate actionable insights about your controllable costs – food and labor – giving you the opportunity to make adjustments in the moment.

Continually tracking your restaurant’s prime cost can create significant efficiencies in many different areas of your food and labor. Once you know your prime cost, you can analyze those numbers against your operations to decide where to streamline your business.

Some modern restaurant accounting solutions provide operational analysis reports, giving you detailed breakdown of a location’s sales by day part, service type, account, net sales vs. last year, last month and last week; guest counts and average check, cost analysis (purchases by cost account), key controllable expenses, and labor. Other useful reports offer side-by-side store costs by item or category; and vendor contract violations that can have a substantial impact on your food costs if left unchecked.

Still other reports allow you to compare what you spent on food and labor versus what you should have spent. For example, you can automate the entire process of tracking your theoretical and actual food costs to reveal the gaps in your plan versus your execution to help narrow the variance. Similarly, labor reports can optimize your labor spend by keeping daily tabs on your staffing costs. You can view data that enhances and forecasts the productivity and scheduling of your employees to help determine how labor has impacted sales.

Menu mix reports enable you to analyze selling price, cost and margins for menu engineering recommendations; see item profits to determine necessary price adjustments; and get sales/quantities by category, location or server to gain insights not gleaned from sales tickets.

If you’re still using generic accounting, you’re missing out on the opportunity to find leaks in your profitability and opportunities for revenue growth. These types of insights into your operations are only available using modern restaurant accounting tools.

That’s a wrap

Many restaurant businesses still do their accounting using plain vanilla accounting methods, usually with a combination of manual processes, spreadsheets, or generic accounting systems that lack restaurant-specific accounting functionality. But starting with a plain vanilla accounting system and adding expensive customizations and inefficient workarounds never attain the perfect “flavor” of accounting needed for a restaurant business. While it’s possible to run a profitable restaurant business using these outdated methods, it’s certainly not efficient.

Despite the unique challenges your restaurant faces, modern restaurant accounting can help you eliminate hours of manual work, gain visibility across your organization and reduce controllable expenses. Next generation restaurant accounting systems empower you to keep your restaurant running smoothly and your bottom line in the black.

Restaurant365 is a cloud-based restaurant accounting software platform that integrates with more than 90 POS systems, as well as food and beverage vendors, payroll providers and financial institutions. If you’d like to step up to modern restaurant accounting tools and methods, schedule a demo of Restaurant365.

The Essential Guide to Modern Restaurant Accounting (2024)


What is the best accounting method for a restaurant? ›

While the accrual method is the best for restaurant, some tend to use cash-based accounting method. This can make your restaurant seem profitable while it may be making losses. To ensure you report the accurate financial status of the restaurant, always use accrual method.

How can restaurant owners make accounting smooth? ›

8 Steps to Effective Restaurant Accounting
  1. Find the right restaurant accounting service.
  2. Implement restaurant accounting software.
  3. Identify and integrate a suitable POS.
  4. Create a chart of accounts.
  5. Track your accounts.
  6. Monitor financial statements and reporting.
  7. Prepare for tax season.
  8. Optimize your restaurant business.
23 Dec 2021

Why should restaurant owners understand the basics of accounting? ›

Acquainting yourself with the basics of accounting for restaurants can pay dividends in helping you understand your CPA and bookkeeping team better and help manage your restaurant's cash flow. Proper bookkeeping and restaurant accounting processes are must-haves for keeping your restaurant alive.

What is the food cost formula? ›

Food cost percentage is calculated by taking the cost of goods sold and dividing that by the revenue or sales generated from that finished dish. The cost of goods sold is the amount of money you've spent on ingredients and inventory in a given period – we'll show you how to calculate that, too.

What are the operating expenses for a restaurant? ›

Typical Restaurant Operating Expenses
  • Occupancy cost. This is your rent along with electricity, water, cable, phone, internet, and property insurance.
  • Food cost. ...
  • Liquor cost. ...
  • Labor cost. ...
  • Inventory variance and shrinkage.
  • Kitchen equipment cost.
  • POS system cost.
  • Marketing and advertising cost.

How much should my restaurant budget be? ›

Many financial advisors and gurus recommend spending no more than 10%-15% of take-home pay on food, a figure that includes restaurant dining and takeout. By this measure, a couple with $70,000 in adjusted income should keep an annual food budget in the $7,000 to $10,500 range.

What are the responsibilities of a restaurant accountant? ›

A restaurant accountant is a professional who has specialized in restaurant accounting. They document all the financial transactions of the restaurant, keeping track of the inventory, cash flow, and income statements.

What is the responsibility of the accountant in restaurant? ›

A restaurant accountant's responsibilities typically include the following tasks: Recording transactions in the general ledger—the master document for capturing financial transactions. Accurately coding and categorizing those transactions, especially expenses. Analyzing ledger and journal entries.

How are restaurant accounting systems implemented? ›

Steps to Implement a Restaurant Accounting System
  1. Hire a Bookkeeper or Accountant. ...
  2. Choose Accounting Software. ...
  3. Select Your Accounting Method. ...
  4. Choose a Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Cash Management. ...
  5. Compile the Restaurant's Chart of Accounts. ...
  6. Payroll. ...
  7. Inventory. ...
  8. Accounts Payable.
25 Mar 2021

Why accounting is important for your business? ›

Why Is Accounting Important? Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with quantitative financial information which can be used in making business decisions.

What is a restaurant house account? ›

House Accounts allow customers to have an account with a restaurant (like a Gift Card) but functions like a credit card, where there is a limit and a balance. When purchases are made, the balance of the account grows and when payments are made, the balance goes down.

Why is accounting important in food science and technology? ›


An accountant can guide you through the entire forecast creation, provide you with advice, and ensure you are making the right calculations - having your cash flow forecast set up correctly is worth it's weight in gold!

How is inventory and food cost calculated in a restaurant? ›

To calculate your food cost percentage, first add the value of your beginning inventory and your purchases, and subtract the value of your ending inventory from the total. Finally, divide the result into your total food sales.

How do you calculate sales for a restaurant? ›

Estimating Weekly Sales

Multiply your estimates for the number of guests per shift by the average ticket for that shift. Add the shift revenues together (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the daily guest spending estimate. Repeat the process for every day of the week. Add each day's totals together.

How do restaurants calculate food waste? ›

To calculate a food waste percentage, divide the total food wasted by the total food produced, then multiply by 100.
Food Waste Percentage Formula
  1. FWP is the Food Waste Percentage (%)
  2. FW is the total food wasted (lbs)
  3. FP is the total food produced (lbs)
17 Oct 2022

What are the 4 types of expenses? ›

But here at Fiscal Fitness, we like to think of your expenses in four distinct ways: fixed, recurring, non-recurring, and whammies (the worst kind of expense, by far).

What is the second largest expense for most restaurants? ›

Restaurants are businesses with high overhead costs and a high potential for waste. The two largest expense categories are labor and food and beverage. Food and beverage expenses are categorized on financial statements as the cost of sales.

What's the profit margin for restaurants? ›

The range for restaurant profit margins typically spans anywhere from 0 – 15 percent, but the average restaurant profit margin usually falls between 3 – 5 percent.

What's the 50 30 20 budget rule? ›

The basic rule of thumb is to divide your monthly after-tax income into three spending categories: 50% for needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings or paying off debt.

What is standard restaurant markup? ›

Average Markup of Food for Restaurants. The food industry abides by a cost-to-menu price standard, which is 28% to 32%. This means that for any given menu item the restaurant should charge at least double.

What is an ideal food cost? ›

The definition of ideal food cost is the cost expected for a specific period, based on recipes and the number of times each menu-item is sold. Ideal food cost is also referred to as theoretical food cost or target food cost; theoretical because you don't take into account actual inventory depletion.

Should restaurants use cash or accrual accounting? ›

For a more accurate and proper representation of your restaurant's financial performance, the accrual accounting method is more ideal. The method smooths out your restaurant earnings over time by accounting for all the expenses and revenues as they are generated.

How do you keep accounting records for a small restaurant? ›

Ways to Keep Your Records

You can use a basic ledger book or one of the numerous "one-write" systems that use carbon paper to post each entry to multiple accounts. The downside is that your accountant will take longer – and probably charge more – to create your reports.

How do restaurants manage accounts? ›

Here is a restaurant accounting guide that you can follow to manage your restaurant finances better and know what your accountant is and is not doing.
  1. Understand The Language. ...
  2. Accuracy Matters. ...
  3. Make Book-Keeping A Daily Practice. ...
  4. Know Your Expenses. ...
  5. Create A P&L Statement. ...
  6. Let Your POS Help You Out. ...
  7. Ask Around.

How are restaurant accounting systems implemented? ›

Steps to Implement a Restaurant Accounting System
  1. Hire a Bookkeeper or Accountant. ...
  2. Choose Accounting Software. ...
  3. Select Your Accounting Method. ...
  4. Choose a Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Cash Management. ...
  5. Compile the Restaurant's Chart of Accounts. ...
  6. Payroll. ...
  7. Inventory. ...
  8. Accounts Payable.
25 Mar 2021

What are accounts receivable for a restaurant? ›

Accounts Receivable reflects money that the restaurant is owed. Proper utilization and recording of the A/R Accounts allow full transparency into what is owed. This allows you to hold your partners accountable for reimbursem*nt. In addition, Balance Sheet accounts roll year-over-year.

What is F&B in accounting? ›

Accounting for Food and Beverage functions.

What is bar in accounting? ›

It is called the Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System (BARS).

How do you account for restaurant expenses? ›

Simply put, a restaurant's prime cost is COGS + labor costs. The prime cost constitutes a majority of a restaurant's expenses because it includes all of the food and beverage ingredients, as well as all payroll costs, taxes, and benefits. Prime cost is an important accounting term to know as a restaurant owner.

What does a bookkeeper do for a restaurant? ›

What is a restaurant bookkeeper? A restaurant bookkeeper oversees financial and budgetary records of a restaurant, commonly known as the “books”. They ensure the accuracy of figures like revenue and expenses, track inventory and tax obligations, and make recommendations to maximize profit.

What are the operating expenses for a restaurant? ›

Typical Restaurant Operating Expenses
  • Occupancy cost. This is your rent along with electricity, water, cable, phone, internet, and property insurance.
  • Food cost. ...
  • Liquor cost. ...
  • Labor cost. ...
  • Inventory variance and shrinkage.
  • Kitchen equipment cost.
  • POS system cost.
  • Marketing and advertising cost.

How do restaurants keep records? ›

How do you handle bookkeeping for a restaurant? 5 Easy Steps!
  1. Record Sales.
  2. Set Up Accounts Payable.
  3. Outsource your payroll.
  4. Reconcile all accounts.
  5. Analyze financial reports.

What are the responsibilities of a restaurant accountant? ›

A restaurant accountant is a professional who has specialized in restaurant accounting. They document all the financial transactions of the restaurant, keeping track of the inventory, cash flow, and income statements.

What is the responsibility of the accountant in restaurant? ›

A restaurant accountant's responsibilities typically include the following tasks: Recording transactions in the general ledger—the master document for capturing financial transactions. Accurately coding and categorizing those transactions, especially expenses. Analyzing ledger and journal entries.

What is restaurant inventory management? ›

Restaurant inventory management is the process of tracking the ingredients coming in and out of your restaurant. Inventory control traces the amount of product ordered, everything that comes out of the kitchen and bar, and what is left over as sitting inventory afterward.

Do restaurants have accounts payable? ›

Paying your bills on time and keeping your vendors and suppliers happy is essential for the efficient functioning of a restaurant. The accounts payable represents the amount you owe the suppliers. Once you receive invoices, update them on the accounting software. This will help you keep track of the payment schedule.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.