The Earliest Gold and Silver Coins in History (2024)

The concept of coinage dates back to ancient civilizations and the earliest coins were developed independently in various regions of the world. It’s important to note that the concept of using standardized metal coins as a medium of exchange and representation of value emerged independently in different cultures over time. The specific dating and details of the earliest coins can vary based on archaeological discoveries and historical records.

Currency is a medium of exchange, a unit of account; it’s portable, divisible, durable, and fungible. Money is all of those things plus a store of value over a long period. Gold is money. Our Federal Reserve Notes are currency. Our currency is not a store of value. Because central banks are printing unlimited currency, our paper always loses buying power. Our paper dollars have never been a store of value since 1933 when the gold standard was first partly dismantled.

The first forms of currency were livestock, stones, and axes. Some commodity currencies then started to appear like shells, cocoa beans, and tea. Chinese Cowrie Shells can be an example of this. Coinage started to be developed as pieces of metal and electrum coins started to appear in the Old Kingdom of Egypt in the third millennium BCE. Real ancient coins or stater coins then started to appear because of ease of use and divisibility in the Iron Age kingdom of Western Asia Minor.

Lydian Lion Coins

Lydian Lion Coins are among the earliest known examples of standardized metal coinage. They were produced by the ancient kingdom of Lydia, located in what is now modern-day Turkey, during the 7th century BCE. These coins played a significant role in the development of the concept of coinage and had a lasting impact on the history of money. The Lydian Lion Coins are important not only for their historical significance but also for their influence on the development of coinage in other ancient cultures. The concept of standardized metal coins spread to other parts of the ancient world, including Greece and neighboring regions, where it continued to evolve and played a crucial role in the development of economies and societies.

The Lydian Lion coins were produced in the kingdom of Lydia during the 6th century BCE. The Lydian Lion coins were made from a naturally occurring alloy called electrum, which is a mixture of gold and silver. This unique blend of metals gave the coins their distinctive appearance. The obverse (front) side of the coin typically featured the image of a lion’s head facing to one side. The reverse (back) side was usually left blank or had simple geometric patterns or punch marks. The coins had a consistent weight and composition, which made them easier to use as a medium of exchange and facilitated trade.

Persian Daric

The Persian Daric is an ancient gold coin that was widely used in the Achaemenid Empire, one of the largest and most significant empires of the ancient world. The Daric played a crucial role in the economic and political affairs of the empire and is notable for its distinctive design and historical significance. The Persian Daric was introduced during the reign of King Darius I of Persia (who reigned from 522 to 486 BCE). The Persian Daric is an important artifact of ancient numismatics and provides valuable insights into the economic, political, and artistic aspects of the Achaemenid Empire. It is also a tangible representation of the grandeur and sophistication of this ancient civilization. The Persian Daric played a significant role in facilitating trade and economic activities throughout the vast territories of the Achaemenid Empire. Its wide acceptance contributed to the development of extensive trade networks.

The Daric typically featured a simple and consistent design. The obverse (front) side of the coin depicted a king, often shown in a running or kneeling position, holding a bow in one hand and a spear in the other. The reverse (back) side usually had an incuse punch, creating a concave impression of the obverse design. The Daric was made from high-quality gold, which contributed to its value and widespread acceptance. The imagery on the Daric served as a symbol of the king’s authority and power. The depiction of the king as a skilled warrior with weapons reinforced his legitimacy and control over the empire.

Indian Punch-Marked Coins

Indian punch-marked coins were an early form of coinage used in various regions of the Indian subcontinent during ancient times, particularly from around the 6th century BCE to the 2nd century BCE. These coins are significant for their historical and numismatic value, shedding light on the economic and cultural aspects of ancient Indian societies. The study of Indian punch-marked coins provides valuable insights into ancient Indian history, trade networks, and economic practices. These coins also offer a glimpse into the symbols and iconography of the time, which can have cultural, religious, and social significance. They are an important component of India’s numismatic heritage and contribute to our understanding of the complex civilizations that once thrived in the region.

Indian punch-marked coins were typically made from silver, copper, or other metals. They were characterized by a series of symbols, marks, and punches that were impressed onto the surface of the coin. These marks were often created using stamps or punches. The symbols and marks on punch-marked coins varied widely and included geometric shapes, symbols, animals, plants, and abstract designs. These marks conveyed information about the coin’s value, and issuing authority, and sometimes served as identifying features.

The Athenian “owl” tetradrachms

The Athenian “owl” tetradrachms are one of the most iconic and recognizable ancient Greek coins. These tetradrachms were minted by the city-state of Athens and were widely used in trade and commerce during the classical period of ancient Greece. The “owl” tetradrachms hold significant historical, artistic, and numismatic value. The Athenian “owl” tetradrachms remain among the most iconic and cherished examples of ancient coinage, embodying the cultural and historical significance of Athens during its classical zenith.

The obverse (front) side of the coin typically featured the image of the goddess Athena, the patron deity of Athens, wearing a crested helmet. On the reverse (back) side, there was an image of an owl, often accompanied by an olive sprig or other symbols. The owl was associated with Athena and was a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. The olive sprig, which often appeared alongside the owl, symbolized peace and prosperity and reflected Athens’ cultural and economic importance. The Athenian “owl” tetradrachms were known for their standardized weight and purity. A tetradrachm was equivalent to four drachms, and the coins were consistently minted with a silver content of around 17.2 grams.

The Corinthian stater

The Corinthian stater is an ancient Greek coin that was minted in the city-state of Corinth during various periods of ancient history. The Corinthian stater is significant both for its historical importance and its impact on the development of coinage and trade in the ancient Mediterranean world. The Corinthian stater, with its iconic Pegasus design, is a testament to the significance of Corinth as a center of trade and culture in the ancient Greek world. It played a key role in shaping the development of coinage and trade practices during its time and remains a noteworthy artifact in the study of numismatics and ancient history.

The Corinthian stater typically featured a design on the obverse (front) side that depicted the mythical winged horse Pegasus, often shown in a prancing stance. The reverse (back) side usually displayed an incuse square or pattern. The Corinthian stater was known for its consistent weight and quality, which facilitated its widespread acceptance and use in trade. It weighed approximately 8.6 grams. The Corinthian stater was initially minted from silver, and later issues also included gold staters.

Hallaton Silver Coin

The Hallaton Treasure includes a hoard of over 5,000 silver and gold coins, predominantly Iron Age coins known as staters, along with some Roman coins. These coins were found alongside other valuable items, such as a Roman cavalry parade helmet, a silver-gilt Roman bowl, a silver-plated bronze Roman trumpet, and a unique silver object thought to be a corroded mirror. The discovery of the Hallaton Treasure has provided valuable insights into the interactions between Iron Age Britons and the Roman Empire. The presence of both Iron Age and Roman coins suggests a complex blend of economic and cultural influences in the region.

The Hallaton Treasure was discovered in the late 20th century (2000–2003) by metal detectorists in the vicinity of Hallaton. The find consisted of thousands of Roman coins, along with other valuable items. The majority of the Hallaton Treasure consists of Roman silver denarii and other Roman coins, dating from the 1st to the 3rd centuries CE. The coins represent a wide span of Roman emperors and their respective reigns.

Ying Yuan

Ying Yuan coins refer to a series of ancient Chinese coins that were produced during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 9 CE). These coins are significant numismatic artifacts that provide insights into the economic and historical developments of ancient China. Ying Yuan coins are among the many types of ancient Chinese coins that offer a glimpse into China’s rich history, economic systems, and cultural developments. They are treasured artifacts that bridge the gap between the past and the present, providing a tangible link to the achievements and legacy of ancient Chinese civilizations.

Ying Yuan coins were typically round with a square hole in the center, a characteristic feature of many ancient Chinese coins. The obverse side often bore inscriptions indicating the reign title, while the reverse side had various inscriptions and decorative patterns. Ying Yuan coins followed a standardized system of weight and size, making them easily recognizable and accepted in trade and commerce. These coins reflect the economic stability and development of the Western Han Dynasty. They provide insights into the political and administrative organization of the empire.

Ionian Hemiobols

Ionian Hemiobols were ancient Greek coins that were minted and circulated in the Ionian region of Asia Minor during the ancient period. The term “hemiobol” refers to a smaller denomination of coin, representing a fraction of a larger unit of currency. These coins provide insights into the economic and historical context of the Ionian cities and their connections with the broader Greek world.

Ionian Hemiobols often featured simple designs on both sides of the coin. The obverse side might depict a head or a symbol, while the reverse side could have an incuse punch or geometric pattern. These coins were usually made from base metals, such as bronze. Ionian Hemiobols were used for local transactions, trade, and economic activities within the Ionian cities and their neighboring regions.

Aegina Sea Turtle

The Aegina Sea Turtle is a term used to describe a popular and distinctive design featured on ancient Greek coins minted in the city-state of Aegina. Aegina was an island located in the Saronic Gulf of Greece, and its coinage, including the sea turtle design, played an important role in ancient Greek numismatics. On the reverse side of the coin, a geometric incuse square or pattern was often featured. This reverse design was a distinct characteristic of Aegina’s coinage and contributed to the coins’ artistic appeal.

The Aegina Sea Turtle coins are highly regarded by collectors and scholars of numismatics for their historical and artistic value. They offer a tangible connection to the economic, cultural, and maritime history of ancient Aegina and the broader Greek world. The Aegina Sea Turtle coins, also known as “turtle staters,” were primarily made from a high-quality silver alloy known as electrum. Electrum is a naturally occurring mixture of gold and silver, and its composition can vary depending on the specific source.


The Karshapana is an ancient Indian coin that dates back to various periods in Indian history. It was a standardized unit of currency used by several ancient Indian dynasties for trade and economic transactions. The term “karshapana” is derived from the Sanskrit word “kṛṣi,” meaning “agriculture” or “plowing,” which indicates its value was related to agricultural activities. Karshapanas were typically made from base metals such as copper or silver, depending on the issuing authority and the period.
The design of Karshapana coins varied over time and across different regions. They often featured symbols, inscriptions, and depictions of rulers, deities, animals, and other motifs. Despite variations in design, Karshapana coins were standardized in terms of weight and value within a given region or period. This standardization facilitated their use as a medium of exchange.

Ancient coinage, including various forms of metal currency used by civilizations throughout history, can be considered real money in the sense that they served as official mediums of exchange for goods and services in their respective societies. These coins had intrinsic value based on their metal content and were widely accepted in trade and commerce. Ancient coins still have value today. Ancient coinage still exemplifies a store of value.

The first recorded instance of fiat money can be traced back to ancient China during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) when the government issued promissory notes as a form of currency. While the concept of fiat money emerged in ancient China, it continued to evolve and be adopted in various forms across different regions and periods. Today, fiat money is the most common form of currency used worldwide, with its value backed by the trust and authority of the issuing government.

Fiat currency value is backed by the trust and authority of the issuing government. Its composition is based on nothing and it is backed by debt. Ancient coinage value was backed by the weight of the silver and gold that made up the coin. And yes, the governments then ended up devaluing their money as well. Corruption and greed always end up destroying the empire.

It is amazing that thousands of years ago gold and silver coins were money. They are still a store of value today. Paper currency or fiat currency back to China in 618–907 CE was still a losing proposition over time when it came to purchasing power. Paper currency has always been the loser when it comes to real money as it always buys less in the future. What do expect when you give governments the ability to spend what they don’t have? What do you expect when central banks are filled with greed and corruption? What do you think our paper currency is going to buy twenty years from now after they print trillions more? The answer is much less than it can even buy today. Think of gold and silver as money. Think of fiat paper money as currency because it is not a store of value.

August 25, 2023

The Earliest Gold and Silver Coins in History (2024)


The Earliest Gold and Silver Coins in History? ›

Lydian Lion Coins are among the earliest known examples of standardized metal coinage. They were produced by the ancient kingdom of Lydia, located in what is now modern-day Turkey, during the 7th century BCE.

Who made the world's first gold and silver coins? ›

True coinage began soon after 650 bc. The 6th-century Greek poet Xenophanes, quoted by the historian Herodotus, ascribed its invention to the Lydians, “the first to strike and use coins of gold and silver.” King Croesus of Lydia (reigned c.

What is the oldest gold coin in the world? ›

Croesus is credited with issuing the first true gold coins with a standardised purity for general circulation, and the world's first bimetallic monetary system. Gold Croeseid, circa 561-546 BC. Heavy series: 10.76 grams, Sardes mint. Gold Croeseid, circa 550 BC.

What were the first gold coins in history? ›

Lydia, 7th Century BC: The earliest recorded use of gold coins dates back to the Kingdom of Lydia in what is now modern-day Turkey. These early coins, known as “electrum” coins, were a mixture of gold and silver and served as a medium of exchange in trade.

When was gold and silver first used? ›

Ancient Egypt did use gold and silver as the first currency for exchanging or bartering. In approximately 3,100 BC, the Egyptian leader Menes established the use of gold in the Egyptian economy by declaring its value. It was said that “one part of gold is equal to two and one-half parts of silver in value”.

What is the rarest coin in the world? ›

1849 Double Eagle Gold Coin

The one remaining specimen is carefully preserved at National Numismatic Collections at the Smithsonian Institution. The 1849 Double Eagle is currently the rarest and most valuable coin in the world, with an estimated value of around $20 million.

What is the oldest currency ever discovered? ›

The Mesopotamian civilization developed a large-scale economy based on commodity money. The shekel was the unit of weight and currency, first recorded c. 2150 BC, which was nominally equivalent to a specific weight of barley that was the preexisting and parallel form of currency.

What is the rarest gold coin? ›

The 1933 Saint-Gaudens $20 Gold Double Eagle is considered the most valuable gold coin in the world. Minted in the United States, this coin holds a face value of $20. However, none of the coins were ever officially in circulation. Indeed, the vast majority were melted down and only 13 known specimens still exist.

Why were gold coins illegal? ›

As mentioned before, the ban on private ownership of gold in the United States was implemented as an emergency measure to combat the Great Depression. The U.S. was on a gold standard at the time, meaning that the value of the U.S. dollar was tied directly to a specific amount of gold.

Who issued the purest gold coins? ›

Detailed Solution. Kushan Dynasty is known for its purest gold coins. Kushans were Indo-Greek, ruled in northwest India.

What is the oldest evidence of gold? ›

Prehistoric Period. Gold has been prized by humans since prehistoric times. Archaeological evidence suggests that humans were mining gold as far back as 4000 BCE, with some the earliest known gold artifacts dating back to ancient Mesopotamia. Particularly in the region of present-day Iraq, gold was mined extensively.

When did gold first appear on Earth? ›

Asteroid origin theories

Therefore, as hypothesized in one model, most of the gold in the Earth's crust and mantle is thought to have been delivered to Earth by asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment, about 4 billion years ago.

Has silver ever been more valuable than gold? ›

Silver Worth More Than Gold: A Historic Perspective

Ancient Rome, for instance, experienced a brief period when silver was more valuable than gold after acquiring large amounts of gold plunder. In the 19th century, Japan sought silver so eagerly that they exchanged gold for silver at a rate of one to three.

Who is the founder of gold and silver? ›

560 BC: The Lydians learn how to refine these metals and the world's first bi-metallic coinage is created: gold and silver. These are called Croesids after their King, Croesus.

Who minted the world's first coin? ›

Coins were introduced as a method of payment around the 6th or 5th century BCE. The invention of coins is still shrouded in mystery: According to Herodotus (I, 94), coins were first minted by the Lydians, while Aristotle claims that the first coins were minted by Demodike of Kyrme, the wife of King Midas of Phrygia.

Who launched first gold coin? ›

The correct answer is Kushana. The Kushanas had originally belonged to the regions of western China. They are also known as the 'Yuehchis'. The first-ever gold coins in India were issued by the Kushana dynasty.

Who introduced first silver coin? ›

The minting of silver coins was first started in the reign of Chandragupta II and was continued by Kumaragupta I and Skandagupta. Along with gold and silver coins, copper coins were also issued though to a much limited extent at least in the reigns of Chandragupta II and Kumaragupta I.

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