The Day from New London, Connecticut (2024)

The Day, New London, Tuesday, December 2, 1969 Page 13 MISSING. time of your life if not on our Puerto Rican Trip Feb. 21 for 8 nights. $275 Personally escorted from New London by Al Klingerman. Call Klingerman Travel.

Open and Fri. 9:30 to 9 P.M. Tues. Sat. 9:30 5:30 P.M.

MAURICE NASSER NEW LONDON SHOPPING CENTER Phone: 443-6523 GIFTED IDEAS Choose from: CHINA CORNINGWARE GLASSWARE JEWELRY CLOCKS SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES And many, many more pleasing and practical gifts, all at sure to please prices. NO CHARGE FOR GIFT WRAPPING NEW HELP OUTLET FOR NERVE DEAFNESS! FITS INSTANTLY! -IN-Une Hearing Aid If your problem is: Hearing but not understanding! People seeming to mumble! Annoying head noises! Words running together! Send for an inactive replica of this fabulous new hearing help! No cost to you! Limited supply. The Outlet R. I. 02902 Dept.

041 Name Address City State Zip THE OUTLET COMPANY Bargain Hunting? Read the Classifieds Can you recall the warm summer days like this one enjoyed by four young ladies relaxing at a nearby beach? It takes a little imagination when the weatherman keeps muttering about "snow flurries" and 19 degree F. temperatures. In July you probably complained about the heat and humidity. Well, it's no problem now. (Day Photo by Gordon Alexander) Remember Lazy Days Of Summer? Catholic Women to Hear Of Substandard Housing The second open meeting of the Norwich District Council of Catholic Women will be at 8 p.m.

Thursday at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Norwich preceded by benediction. The community affairs commission is sponsoring the program. Mrs. John Cellucci is commissioner.

Suzanne P. Berkman, wife of Atty. Leonard Berkman, will discuss the problems of sub- St. Mark's Sets Bazaar Saturday St. Mark's Church in Mystic will hold a Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Saturday at the church. A snack bar will be open all day. A hobbies exhibition will be on display in the church library. A children's table is planned.

AMERICAN EXPRESS Money Orders SOLD HERE NOW PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WHILE YOU SHOP PATSY'S STORE 377 BANK ST. Frozen Food-. OPEN 8 a.m.-1:45 a.m. Fresh Fruits Vegetables standard housing in cities today. A graduate of the University of Connecticut and Chamberlain School of Retailing she was buyer for Felix Ulliantahl, resident buying office New York City.

She also worked for firms in Boston and Putnam and has run fashion shows for Women's American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training). She is project organizer the Thames Valley or Council for Community Action. Millers Observe 35th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of 21 Hyrock Groton, recently observed their 35th anniversary.

They were honored at a dinner at Sailor Ed's given by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green of Groton. They are the parents of seven other children, Mrs. Marilyn Morin, Mrs.

Lois Johnson, Russel Miller and Jeff Miller, all Massachusetts, Ladd Miller of Hartford, Tim Miller of Indiana and Victor Miller of Missouri. They have 13 grandchildren. Beautify Table With Flowers It is important to beautify the family dinner table with fresh flowers daily. Appetities increase, and so does the inclination to relax both during and after the meal. Create small, informal bouquets of long-lasting flowers.

Daisy chrysanthemums are ideal. The dainty blossoms available in gold, yellow, bronze, lavender, and white will remain fresh for a full week. Mr. and Mrs. John' T.

Allen of New York and East Hampton, L. N. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Isabel Elaine, to Morris James Busca, Mr. and Mrs. Mario L.

Busca of New London. Miss Allen, a graduate of Hunter College High School, is social chairman of the senior class at Skidmore College where she is a sociology major. Her fiance, a graduate of New London High School and the University of Connecticut where he was a member of Kappa Kappa Psi Fraturnity, is in Army Officer's School Candidate School at Fort Dix, N. J. No date has been set for the wedding.

Seaside Schedules Christmas Bazaar Isabel Allen, M. J. Busca Are Engaged Seaside Regional Center will sponsor its Christmas Bazaar Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the cottage recreation room of the center.

Knitted items made by volunteers and dolls with handmade clothing prepared by Foster Grandmothers will be available. Ministers' Wives Will Be Guests Minister's wives of the area will be guests at the Christmas program of Church Women United Friday at the First Baptist Church. Tea will be served at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Russell Gundlock, assistant pastor of the church, will speak.

Women will bring cookies and Christmas cards for the inmates of the State prison in Somers. Open Daily 9:30 5:30. Evenings Thursday and Friday. FINE FURNITURE IS 3 AFFORDABLE Contour Comfort Tip-to-Toe If you want "full bodied" comfort, stretch-out on this fabulous match. Contour chair is expertly shaped to cushion curves, balance body weight.

Matching ottoman completes the luxury; doubles as an extra seat. Both filled with resilient foam and upholstered in super-soft black vinyl, contrasting handsomely with the walnut finished hardwood frame. A big value from Shafner's, now. Rain checks for latecomers. SPECIAL 28" Wide $9950 39" High Chair Ottoman 23" 19" 15" High Wouldn't it make a great gift.

giving relaxation season after season. At Both Shafner's Stores- GROTON LONDON SHOPPING 64 PLAZA HUNTINGTON ST. Unit Seeks 'Involved' Nurse As Part of National Campaign The Nurses Association for the Eastern Connecticut region is looking for the nurse in its district who is most involved in raising the health or social climate of her community. Edith R. Hohn, district president, in announcing.

the search, said, "By 'involved' we mean an RN who has scored accomplishments on the job above and beyond the usual or has made an outstanding Ellen Peters, D. J. Turro Jr. Are Betrothed Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Peters of 16 Nicholas Groton, bave, their announced daughter, the Ellen, engagement to Daniel J. Turro son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Turro of Shelton.

Miss Peters a St. Bernard's High School, graduate, is a student Joseph College in West Hartford. Her fiance graduated from St. Joseph High School in Shelton and attends Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport. No date has been set for the wedding.

Clean Build Up Resilient tile that is waxed regularly should be stripped of the built-up coats at least once a year. Otherwise the wax coat may become gummy or yellow the tile. Stripping is a simple operation and does not require a professional cleaner. contribution off the job in the community." The search is part of a campaign being conducted across the country by state and district nurses' associations. Each member of the Nurses Association are asked to nominate a candidate.

Any registered nurse, member of non-member, can be nominated. Selection will be made at the start of 1970 from among each district's nominees. City Y's Will Consider Sharing YMCA Facilities A committee has been appointed by the YWCA board of directors president to explore the possibility of sharing YMCA facilities on Meridian Street. Serving will be Mrs. Ralph L.

Camarota. Mrs. David Gins- Masons' Auxiliary Schedules Election Election of officers will follow a covered dish luncheon and Christmas party of the Mason's Auxiliary Thursday at Union Lodge Hall Thursday. Mrs. John Warden and Mrs.

Edgar Clark are in charge of Christmas table decorations for the luncheon which will begin at noon. The annual luneheon and installation of officers will be discussed. LEGION AUXILIARY The Auxiliary to John Coleman Prince Post, American Legion, will sponsor a military whist at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Legion Home. Mrs.

John Fipps is in charge. berg, Mrs. Robert D. Lane, Miss Emma E. Lincoln, Mrs.

Elsie G. Nostin, F. Jerome Silverstein, Robert C. Weller Jr. and Mrs.

Maryclare Granata, executive director. An additional member will be announced at a later date. A joint meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the YMCA. Patsy Crow, Mr.

Carlsson To Be Wed Mrs. Gene Crow of Petoskey, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Patsy Ann, to Nils H. Carlsson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlsson 1 of Mystic.

Miss Crow is also the daughter of the late Mr. Crow. The bride-to-be, a graduate of Michigan State University, is a teacher at Mystic Academy. Her fiance, a Stonington High School graduate, is employed by the Mystic Post Office. A Dec.

30 wedding is planned. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 10 to 6 POST ROAD FABRICS Route 1 AND YARNS Boston Post Road Across from Waterford Drive-In We're Closed on Saturdays! OPEN MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:30 to 9 SALE ENDS FRIDAY NIGHT! Pre-Christmas Sale FASHION YARDAGE! VELVET REMNANTS Pc. INC. to yd. cuts of first quality velvets in all the fashionable colors.

Reg. 39c pc. For holiday projects. J.P. STEVENS HOCKANUM In plaids and matching solids.

wool, 60" values wide, to 44 $6 yd. Come in and see the fine selection. YD. Ideal for suits. VELVETEEN Cotton UPHOLSTERING Knit Back VINYL 2.221 Cotton twill back.

Yd. ported from Italy. 54" wide heavy gauge vinyl in solid and For a fancy holiday fancy textures. Reg. dress use velveteen.

1.20 For table covyd. Reg. 2.99 yd. Buy now ers, wall covering and at this low price! upholstering. BONDED WOOL HEATHERS All new for those winter shifts.

60" wide wool bonded to acetate. Choose from 10 exciting colors. YD. REG. 3.49 YD.

KNITTING WORSTED Name brand in a 402 skein of virgin wool guaranteed mothproof. Knit a gift for the holidays. SK. REG. $1 SKEIN To Join These Special KAPLAN'S WINTER VACATIONS 9 day Rotterdam Caribbean cruise.

St. DEC. 27 Maarten. Truly deluxe! New Year's Eve at sea. From $465 Bermuda at the famous Elbow Beach.

90 DEC. 27 minute flight Coach from New London. Low rate 5 includes nights. $215 days JAN. 11 Vegas.

United Air Lines Jet Deluxe $479 14 day FLORIDA CIRCLE TOUR by motorJAN. 18 coach (from New London). Miami Cypress sightseeing program. Deluxe Land. hotels.

Complete $275 Lou Kaplan escorts our annual BERMUDA FEB. 21 SPECIAL! 8 days. Elbow Beach Pan Am Jet. New $255 Puerto Rico at its best! The luxurious DaFEB. 21 Vinci transfers Juan.

from From New in San $235 ISRAEL 10 days deluxe FEB. 22 si Al coach from New escorted experience. by Rabbl Irving Spielman. A rare $559 Agents for Conn. Kaplan's Pleasure Tours TRAVEL BUREAU NEW LONDON NEW LONDON GROTON NORWICH 140 State St.

The Mall Shoppers 138 Main St. 442-0681 442-0681 445-8561 889-1353 NEW YORK CITY 22 N. 431. St. C1-7-3300 Open Every VISIT SANTA 10 P.M.

Nite 'Til Sears AT OUR STORE NOW ON SALE! these are the most incredible hosiery buys you've ever seen! they'll stretch way beyond your your imagination! stretch nylon stockings stretch nylon panty hose 2 pairs 1 99c pair regular 69c pair regular 1.29 pair We've seen a lot of stockings and panty hose in our day, but few come close to these! They're new, almost revolutionary, and an instant success! Buy them because they fit so well, look so don't even think about the crazy low price! Sears Sells Only First Quality No Seconds, No Irregulars CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Open Mon. thru Fri. New London Shopping Center 9 a.m. 'til 10 p.m. Sears Free Parking Tel.


The Day from New London, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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