The best methods review tool for scientific research (2024)

Enhance rigor and reproducibility in scientific research

SciScore™ is the best methods review tool for scientific articles.

Get actionable results today regarding the transparency of your research manuscripts. Using criteria from various reporting standards (e.g. the NIH, MDAR, and ARRIVE), SciScore generates three reports and a score for every submission. These materials assist researchers, editors, and funders in improving the quality and reliability of scientific research by automatically reporting detected criteria of interest for future review. Researchers signing up with their ORCID get ten free reports. Reports can take as little as 1 minute!

Try it out now

The best methods review tool for scientific research (2)


The best methods review tool for scientific research (4)

Analyze your key resources

SciScore helps ensure key resources like antibodies, cell lines, and organisms, are described in enough detail (e.g. vendor names, catalogue numbers, RRIDs, etc.), so that other researchers can try to replicate a studies findings.

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Generate an MDAR report fast

Many journals, like Science for instance, currently advise researchers to complete MDAR checklists when submitting their manuscripts. SciScore can produce an MDAR report for your research in under a minute!

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The best methods review tool for scientific research (6)

Track journal reproducibility with RTI

Using SciScore, the Rigor and Transparency Index (RTI) was created in 2020. It provides information on both the general state of a journal’s rigor & transparency practices, as well as a much more detailed picture.

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The best methods review tool for scientific research (7)
  • Journal Integration Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

SciScore was designed to be fast and intuitive, please contact us if you need assistance.

The best methods review tool for scientific research (32)

General Questions

What will I receive after I submit my methods section?

SciScore returns three reports (downloadable all together in a .zip file) and a score between 1 and 10. These reports cover a wide range of rigor criteria and research resource types (e.g., antibodies, cell lines, plasmids, etc.). Scores range between 1 and 10 and are based on both rigor adherence and resource reporting completeness.

How can I improve my SciScore?

Wherever possible, we try to provide useful suggestions to help you improve your report, e.g. a missing RRID or a typo in your dataset link. Adding those to your methods section might already improve your SciScore. Next is to look more thoroughly at the various sections of the report to see where information is expected but missing.

Addressing certain rigor criteria in the methods section like blinding, randomization of groups, and power analysis, even if it is to simply state that they are not relevant to the study, should improve your score. In general, though, the more rigor criteria you include, the higher your score will be.

For each research resource that is identified, adding a research resource identifier (RRID) or other important metadata, like the catalog number and vendor, should improve the score. Please note, every RRID is associated with product information. SciScore will try to match the sentence context with this data, and if this information does not match, the score will be lower. If English is not your native language, you may consider sending your methods section to a colleague to help improve sentence clarity.

If I find something wrong with my report, what do I do?

Please contact us to report any problems. SciScore can only learn from its mistakes if it knows about them.

What happens when a journal submits my methods section for me?

If a journal submits your paper, they must follow journal specific privacy policies. As the submitting party, the journal would be responsible for any actions taken as a result of SciScore.

Materials, Design, Analysis, Reporting (MDAR)

What is MDAR?

MDAR (Materials, Design, Analysis, and Reporting) is a multidisciplinary research framework aimed at helping authors, editors, and other interested parties increase reporting transparency within life science manuscripts. The MDAR checklist aims to serve as a generic, minimum reporting standard for life science studies, a complement to journal and community-specific guidelines and initiatives.

The MDAR checklist has been a collaborative effort from 13 high-impact journals (i.e. eLife, Science, PNAS, etc.) across a variety of publishers. Using SciScore, you can automatically check your manuscript against the checklist in under a minute.

Why would MDAR be relevant for me?

As of 2020, the journal Science requires an MDAR report to be submitted with acceptance of each paper, you can generate one here in as little as 1 minute.

By serving as a generic, minimum reporting standard, MDAR hopes to improve reporting standards compliance across a variety of life science guidelines with the end goal being to improve research reproducibility. In addition, 13 high-impact journals (i.e. eLife, Science, PNAS, etc.) have begun testing the MDAR checklist with potential for expanded implementation in the near future.

Can I just use SciScore's automatically generated MDAR report?

We welcome you to use our automatically generated MDAR reports when submitting to journals that require such a report, however, please be mindful that SciScore cannot detect every MDAR criteria as of yet (currently, ~80%). We point out where information is missing, but you may need to fill in additional information as requested by the journal that you are submitting to.

Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs)

What is an RRID?

RRIDs are persistent, unique identifiers (PIDs) that identify antibodies, cell lines, plasmids, transgenic organisms, and software projects. Basically, RRIDs are to research resources to what ORCIDs are to researchers.

To find RRIDs, please go to and type in the resource's catalog number for the best results.

Why should I include RRIDs in my research?

RRIDs help researchers more easily identify and find the reagents and tools being used in research papers. The absence of such persistent identifiers makes it a lot more difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce the work found in an article thereby hindering scientific progression.

RRIDs help to limit confusion about the exact resources used in research papers, which in turn helps to promote reproducibility. Also, with the inclusion of a resource ID tag in JATS 1.2 (the NISO standard for journal articles), RRIDs have become even easier to find.

Some of my resources don’t have RRIDs. What should I do?

All key resource types (antibodies, cell lines, organisms, plasmids, and software) should have an RRID. If you cannot find an RRID, please visit to register your resource.

Star Methods Table

What is a STAR methods table?

The STAR (structured, transparent, accessible reporting) methods table is a table framework created by Cell Press to improve the reproducibility of scientific research. More information regarding the STAR methods table can be found here.

Can I use the SciScore generated table as is?

Most likely no, you will need to fill in additional information as requested by the journal that you are submitting to. We try to point out where information is missing, however, SciScore currently only recognizes antibodies, cell lines, transgenic organisms, plasmids, oligonucleotides, and software projects. For more information, please check out our STAR page.

STAR methods tables ask for things that SciScore does not return to me, why not?

As of now, SciScore has been trained to detect the following types of research resources: antibodies, cell lines, transgenic organisms, plasmids, oligonucleotides, and software projects; it does not currently recognize other types of reagents that STAR requires. If you have any recommendations for what SciScore should find in the future, please let us know.


What is an ORCID?

ORCID is a persistent, unique identifier used to properly distinguish researchers from one another. ORCIDs help create automatic linkages between researchers and their work, ensuring that their research is properly attributed. If you do not have an ORCID account or wish to learn more, please go to

Why do you need my ORCID?

SciScore is a tool that we make available to the scientific community, however we have no way to verify that you are indeed a researcher without a helping hand from our colleagues at ORCID. Signing up for ORCID is both easy and free, and it is now required when submitting to many journals. If you do not have an ORCID account, please go to to create one.

Can I use SciScore without an ORCID?

Yes, you may use a valid credit card to access SciScore. Several packages are available for journal editorial staff and technical reviewers as well.

Privacy & Security

What do you do with my information?

Our policy is to purge your data from the SciScore servers as soon as possible to protect your information, only the report remains in your account. Please see the full terms and conditions page.

Do you keep my score private?

Yes, any score obtained through SciScore is private and visible only to your user account.

The best methods review tool for scientific research (33)

SciScore Pricing

Is your journal using Editorial Manager or eJournalPress? Contact us to discuss integrating SciScore into your submission pipeline today!

Newsletter Sign-Up

The best methods review tool for scientific research (35)

SciScore gets smarter with every suggestion. We appreciate your feedback.

Please reach out if you are interested in setting up a webinar for your group; we will be happy to facilitate that for you! To communicate with our team, please complete the form below and click submit.

The best methods review tool for scientific research (2024)


The best methods review tool for scientific research? ›

SciScore™ is the best methods review tool for scientific articles. Get actionable results today regarding the transparency of your research manuscripts. Using criteria from various reporting standards (e.g. the NIH, MDAR, and ARRIVE), SciScore generates three reports and a score for every submission.

Which tool would be best to use to research? ›

Among the top reference management tools for researchers, Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote are the most widely used.
  • Zotero. ...
  • Mendeley. ...
  • Endnote. ...
  • iThenticate. ...
  • Scholarcy. ...
  • Scrivener. ...
  • Paperpal. ...
  • Trello.
Mar 1, 2023

How do you review a scientific research paper? ›

How to Review a Scientific Paper in 10 Easy Steps
  1. Understand the Purpose of the Review: ...
  2. Familiarize Yourself with the Paper: ...
  3. Evaluate the Paper's Structure and Clarity: ...
  4. Evaluate the Research Methods: ...
  5. Evaluate the Results and Analysis: ...
  6. Assess the Discussion and Conclusions: ...
  7. Consider Ethical Considerations:

What is method of review in research? ›

A methodological review is a type of systematic secondary research (i.e., research synthesis) which focuses on summarising the state-of-the-art methodological practices of research in a substantive field or topic" (Chong et al, 2021).

What is the best platform to use in research? ›

ResearchGate is a great platform for researchers, offering access to millions of publications and keeping users updated on field trends. Through its community, this service supports research sharing, collaboration, and idea discovery. ResearchGate helps researchers enhance their visibility and impact in their fields.

What is the most powerful research tool? ›

Let's remember that the most powerful research tool is the Experiment. What is an experiment? We should note that an experiment is an analytical procedure for the study of cause-and-effect relationships.

What are the tools for scientific research? › - This is a great tool when you start a new research project. Starting from one relevant paper it shows you a graph of all related papers and their citations. This gives you a great overview of the relevant literature and how they are connected via citations.

How do you review the scientific method? ›

Scientific Method Review
  1. Identify a problem.
  2. Gather information.
  3. Make a hypothesis.
  4. Test the hypothesis.
  5. Analyze the results.
  6. Draw conclusions.
  7. Communicate results.

How to do a good scientific review? ›

Tips for Writing a Scientific Review Article
  1. Give yourself plenty of time to write a scientific review. ...
  2. Make an outline and decide on the main topic for the review. ...
  3. Be aware of journal requirements. ...
  4. Be well versed with the literature. ...
  5. Make notes while reading the literature. ...
  6. Analyze published scientific literature.
Jul 31, 2015

How to critique a scientific research paper? ›

Start with a brief description and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the research design and methodology and then critically review the presentation and interpretation of the findings and the researchers' conclusions.

Which type of research review is the most commonly used? ›

The most prevalent one is the “literature review” or “background” section within a journal paper or a chapter in a graduate thesis. This section synthesizes the extant literature and usually identifies the gaps in knowledge that the empirical study addresses (Sylvester, Tate, & Johnstone, 2013).

How to do a methodological review? ›

The steps to write a methodological review would be like those for writing any other type of review, except that you would be reviewing the methods/approaches followed in different studies, discussing the pros and cons of each, and perhaps even highlighting the most appropriate ones for the topic at hand.

What are systematic review methods? ›

Overview. A systematic review is a protocol driven comprehensive review and synthesis of data focusing on a topic or on related key questions. It is typically performed by experienced methodologists with the input of domain experts. The first step to conduct a systematic review is to formulate specific key questions.

What is the best research tool? ›

List of Top 13 Best Tools for Researchers for better results:
  • Scrivener. ...
  • ProofHub. ...
  • Google Scholar. ...
  • Endnote. ...
  • Evernote. ...
  • Mendeley. ...
  • ContentMine. ...
  • ResearchGate. The last tool on our list of awesome tools for researchers is a platform called ResearchGate.

What is the most accurate research method? ›

Empirical research

It is generally used to study scientific or social issues and is often considered one of the most reliable methods of obtaining information. Empirical research can include field studies, case studies, surveys, experiments and statistical analysis.

What is the most powerful research method? ›

Experimental research, often considered to be the “gold standard” in research designs, is one of the most rigorous of all research designs.

What is the tool used in research? ›

Examples of research tools include laboratory equipment, survey questionnaires, statistical software, data visualization tools, literature databases, collaboration platforms, and more. The choice of research tools depends on the specific research objectives, methods, and requirements of the study.

What is the best source to use for research? ›

The 10 Best Academic Research Sources
  • Library of Congress. ...
  • PubMed Central. ...
  • Google Books. ...
  • ...
  • Digital Commons Network. ...
  • ResearchGate. ...
  • WorldCat. ...
  • Your University Library. When you're conducting academic research, your university library can be one of your best resources.

Which method is best for research? ›

If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis, use quantitative methods. If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods. If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data.

Which software is best for research? ›

List of the Best Academic Writing Software
  1. Microsoft Word: Write Like a Pro. ...
  2. Google Docs: Build the Best Ideas Together. ...
  3. Scrivener: The Go-To App for Writers of All Kinds. ...
  4. Zotero: Collect in a Click and Collaborate. ...
  5. Mendeley: Access Your Library Anywhere. ...
  6. EndNote: Focus on Research. ...
  7. Citavi: Designed for Individuals and Teams.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5724

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.