The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (2024)

Do you want to know what people say about your business and products online? Track an important topic or a competitor? Track a hashtag, a marketing campaign, or just any keyword on the web and in social media? You can use Google Alerts. Well… can you?

Google Alerts is probably the most popular media monitoring tool out there.

It’s free of any charge, comes from Google, and is, due to its simplicity, super easy to use. At the same time, it might be a downside as the tool doesn’t provide any form of data analysis.

However, the most important question of all is: does it do the job? Apparently, looking at comments and discussions among users, it doesn’t – it gives a headache for a number of reasons.

People move away from Google Alerts for various reasons, for example:

  • Too late or no results
  • Limited sources
  • Filters doesn’t work
  • Loads of spam
  • Lack of customer care and educational resources from Google
  • Sometimes it doesn’t find content which is already on Google

There’s more reasons you can find online.

The malfunctions of Google Alerts are a considerable disappointment for those in business and marketing who need reliability and analytics. Advanced media monitoring tools crawl more online sources, provide better results and loads of in-depth data analysis.

If they brought you here and you’re looking for a Google Alerts alternative, here’s all about solid substitutes.

Scroll down to see how to set up Google Alerts.

The best 6 Google Alerts’ alternatives

  1. Brand24
  2. Brandwatch
  3. Talkwalker
  4. Sprout Social
  5. Meltwater
  6. Critical Mention

1. Brand24

Brand24 is one of the top alternatives to Google Alerts. We will compare these two tool on a few levels that are common to all web and media monitoring tools:

  1. Cost
  2. Project set-up
  3. Data coverage
  4. Deliverability
  5. Volume of mentions
  6. Data export
  7. Data analysis

For the sake of the comparison, on April 22, I set up a project monitoring one keyword both in Google Alerts and Brand24: Tesla.


99.9% of web and social media monitoring tools are paid.

Maintaining and developing such a tool comes at a cost of data maintenance wich gets expensive. Every single mention from every single project users have takes space in the cloud. It generates costs.

This 00.1% is Google Alerts – it’s completely free.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts comes free of any cost.


Just like every other web and media monitoring tool, apart from Google Alerts, Brand24 is a paid tool. It works in SaaS (software as a service) model which is a monthly subscription service. It comes in three pricing plans:

  • Personal Plus – $49
  • Professional Premium – $99
  • Professional Business $149
  • Professional Max – $249
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (1)

Project set-up options

Project set-up is important as it influences the quality of data your media monitoring tool provide.

The more options during project set-up, the more precise results you’ll get.

Google Alerts

Project set-up options:

  • Frequency
  • Sources
  • Language
  • Region
  • Quantity
  • Email address
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (2)


Project set-up options:

  • Required keywords
  • Excluded keywords
  • Language
  • Email notifications
  • Sources
  • Notifications
  • Reports
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (3)

One great feature that Google Alerts misses here is required and excluded keywords.

It comes super useful if you need really precise results, or when you monitor a common word that at the same is a proper word. Just imagine that you want to collect mentions about a beer brand called Brooklyn without excluded / required keywords.


Data coverage

It’s where a media monitoring tool looks for mentions of your keywords.

While collecting mentions from websites is relatively easy, collecting data from social media platforms is more of a delicate matter because of privacy restrictions in the aftermath of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal.

After data leakage, Facebook, seeing its users fleeing from the platform, decided to take up privacy issues as their main priority. To show the world they improve their data security standards, they blocked thousands of apps and tools that might have been gathering Facebook data in any way – both illegally and legally.

Facebook, which also owns Instagram, has now strict protocols and authentication processes to ensure that external apps such as web and social media monitoring tools collect only publicly available data.

Facebook reviews each media monitoring tool to ensure everything done in accordance with their standards and best practices.

Here are the sources both tools monitor.

Google Alerts

  • News
  • Blogs
  • Web
  • Video
  • Books
  • Discussion forums


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • Twitch
  • YouTube
  • TripAdvisor
  • Yelp
  • Blogs
  • Discussion forums
  • News sites
  • Podcasts

The number of sources Google Alerts covers is smaller not only in comparison to Brand24 but also its other alternatives, for example, Awario, Talkwalker, or Brandwatch.

Frequency of alerts

This is all about your notifications: how often you get them and how timely they are.

In both cases, as-it-happens and real-time are a bit far-fetched – there’s no media monitoring tool out there that collects mentions in real time no matter what the price tag is, even though they say so.

There’s always a slight delay because of technical limitations.

Google Alerts

  • As-it-happens
  • At most once a day
  • At most once a week
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (4)


  • Real-time
  • Every hour
  • Every 6 hours
  • Every 12 hours
  • Once a day
  • Every week
  • Every month
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (5)

Google Alerts has less delivery times.

In the case of Brand24, you can additionally adjust notifications using filters. Your email notification can be filtered according to even more specific keywords, sentiment, influencer score, sources, and other criteria depending on your choice.

The look of notifications

Both in Google Alerts and Brand24 you can access collected mentions inside tools in a mentions feed, or via email notifications.

Email notifications in Google Alerts

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (6)

Notifications from Google Alert contain only mentions.

Email notifications in Brand24

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (7)

Notifications in Brand24 contain not only mentions, but also brief data summary: volume, reach, positive mentions, negative mentions, and the number of followers.

Volume of mentions

Over one day, tools collected the following numbers of mentions:

  • Google Alerts:89
  • Brand24: 8926 results

There’s a dramatic difference between Google Alerts and Brand24. It’s not only because the smaller number of source both tools monitor, but also because of technicalities.

Little results from Google Alerts was one of the most common complaint about the tool.

Data export

  • Google Alerts: Not available
  • Brand24: .xlsx, PDF Reports, infographics

Without a shadow of doubt Brand24, as a Google Alerts alternative, can do more.

When it comes to data export, Brand24 gives you a couple of options. You can export your data as an Excel file, as a PDF with your company logo or as an infographic.

The Excel file contains an entire range of data regarding mentions. It lists every single mention and describes it via various parameters, such as title, source, timing, content, estimated social media reach and more.

A PDF report consists of a couple of pages filled with data, such as discussion intensity chart, the most popular social media authors and so on so forth. Also, you can customize the report visually by choosing a color of your choice and uploading your company logo.

An infographic provides you with the summary of the most important bits of data.

Sentiment analysis

  • Google Alerts: Not available
  • Brand24: Available

Brand24 provides sentiment analysis of mentions. There’s a possibility to filter positive, negative and neutral mentions. Then can be displayed on a chart, too.

Influencer analysis

  • Google Alerts: Not available
  • Brand24: Source, mentions, reach, share of voice, influence score

Brand24 gives the opportunity to filter authors and sources data using numerous filters such as Source, Mentions, Reach, Voice share, Influence and Influencer Score. Combined, they can help you with identifying influencers.

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (8)

There’s more inside!

Competitive Monitoring

Google Alerts: Not available

Brand24: Available

In Brand24 you can set up a project monitoring your competition and receive real-time mentions to track your competitors’ marketing efforts, product launches and upgrades, pain-points, customer reviews and so on.

Also, Brand24 allows conducting a project comparison so that you can get an idea of how your online presence compares to your competitors.

Campaign Monitoring

Google Alerts: Not available

Brand24: Available

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (9)

Campaign monitoring in Brand24 is as easy as pie. It also includes hashtag monitoring. You can analyze your marketing efforts and learn about its social media reach, the number of conversations, sentiment and more.

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (10)

Viral Content Tracking

Google Alerts: Only the best results

Brand24: Storm Alerts

Both Google Alerts and Brand24 provide the opportunity to receive the most influential and buzzing mentions. However, in Brand24 this option is more advanced than in Google Alerts as you can more thoroughly adjust filters. This feature is called Storm Alerts. Basically, these alerts notify you about sudden changes in volume buzz.

Learn more about them in this blog post.

The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (11)


Google Alerts: Afrikaans, English, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish, Indonesian, Icelandic, Japanese, Catalan, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Armenian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian.

Brand24: Czech, Danish, German, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

2. Brandwatch

Brandwatch is an enterprise-level media monitoring tool. It definitely can be one of the best alternatives to Google Alerts, but it is one of the most expensive tools on the market.

Brandwatch monitors a lot more sources than Google alerts, since it covers major social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, or Twitch, apart from blogs and news sites, forums, and review sites.

Brandwatch offers features such as:

  • geolocation
  • image analysis
  • powerful demographic data to learn more about your audience
  • API access
  • industry trends

Brandwatch, in comparison to Google Alerts, delivers you analytics and ready to implement insights that could boost your business online presence, help you make more informed decisions, and, ultimately, increase your market share.


Brandwatchdoes not offer a free trialperiod, and there is no information about its pricing on the official website.

One of the sources saysBrandwatchstarts at $1,000 per monthfor 10,000 mentions.

Here is an article aboutBrandwatch alternatives.

3. Talkwalker

Talkwalker offers you two types of alternatives to Google Alerts. A pricier version and a free product – Talkwalker Alerts.

Talkwalker Alerts works just like Google Alerts and also is free, so it definitely is an alternative to Google’s solution.

Talkwalker offers a paid version of the solution as well, that is focused on advanced real-time social monitoring. It gathers data from social networks and other online sources and combines them with market data. This social media monitoring software covers multiple social networks to give you the most comprehensive data possible, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The main product consists of social listening and analytics suite, influencer marketing platform, and AI engine. You can use Talkwalker for various purposes and it surely delivers a lot more insights and analytics than Google Alerts.

You can check out this article on Talkwalker alternatives.


Talkwalker offers a couple of pricing plans. The Basic one aimed at smaller brands or owned media-focused companies costs $9,600 yearly. The prices of the two remaining plans, Corporate and Enterprise are discussed on request.

4. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is one of the most popular social media tools among marketers and PR professionals. It is mostly a social media management tool but offers social media monitoring as well. Sprout Social covers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Thus, it can be an alternative to Google Alerts.

It lets you uncover audience insights from online conversations. These aspects might help you in many areas of your business.

However, thisListeningfeature is available for an additional fee.

If you need to find out more about Sprout Social, you may want to read this article.


Sprout Social’sListeningfeature starts at$999 per month.

5. Meltwater

Meltwater is an all-in-one solution. Its main aim is media monitoring and Social Media Listening, but it also offers Social Media Management, PR Analytics, and Influencer Engagement tools.

It can be a good alternative to Google Alerts, but it is definitely considered as one of the priciest monitoring solutions.

An additional plus is that Meltwater delivers mentions from print, TV, and radio to their clients, andequally monitors many online platforms such as social media channels or online news and podcasts.


Meltwater does not provide any public information about the pricing.

Some researchers cite that it may start at 4000$/year and others that at 6000$/year. Any of these assumptions have been confirmed though.

Want to read about Meltwater alternatives?

6. Critical Mention

Critical Mention is an old-school media monitoring tool, so there are probably more advanced and modern solutions, but still, it can be an alternative to Google Alerts.

Critical Mention stands out because it not only monitors online sources, but it covers offline media as well. The platform gives users the possibility to discover mentions from TV, radio and online media, such news websites and social media.

Critical Mention offers real-time monitoring and analytics.

You find more information about Critical Mention inside our article about its alternatives.


Critical Mentionprice is not widely shared and known.

Anyways, it is being said that the Critical Mention price typically runs$4,000-$10,000per year.

How to set up Google Alerts?

If you decided that you want to stick to Google Alerts after all, here’s a short guide how to set a Google Alert:

  1. Go to Google Alerts.
  2. In the box enter a topic you want to be alerted about.
  3. Click “Show options” to change alert settings.
  4. Click “Create Alert” to get e-mail notifications.

Quick and easy. But if you already know everything there is to know about setting up Google Alerts, I highly recommend trying alternatives mentioned above. They give you much more insights and personalisation options.

Related reads:

  • Talkwalker alternatives
  • Brandwatch alternatives
  • Critical Mention alternatives
  • Sprout Social alternatives
  • Meltwater alternatives
  • Hashtagify alternatives
The best 6 Google Alerts' alternatives (2024)


Is there something better than Google Alerts? ›

Brandwatch is another excellent social listening tool for large businesses and agencies. This Google Alerts alternative platform consists of five built-in tools: Consumer Research, BuzzSumo, Audiences, Reviews, and Vizia.

How do I get the best results on Google Alerts? ›

How to Optimize Your Google Alerts
  1. Avoid generic, or common keywords. If you haven't done this before, you might think that the more alerts you receive, the better. ...
  2. Make more than one alert. ...
  3. Combine keywords and get creative. ...
  4. Use the filters where possible. ...
  5. Remember why you created them.
Aug 4, 2022

Is there a Microsoft version of Google Alerts? ›

You now have an RSS feed for your Google Alert, which you can plug into Microsoft Teams. Now, move to Microsoft Teams and click the three dots next to the channel where you want to add the RSS feed and pick “Connectors”. Pick the “RSS” feed connector and add a name.

Is there any app better than Google? ›

Best of it all, DuckDuckGo doesn't store your private information. That is, after all, what makes DuckDuckGo a great alternative to Google – the bigger of the two search engines is well known for harvesting its users' data and finding ways to monetize it. DuckDuckGo claims it doesn't do that.

Is there anything better than Google? ›

Bing. Bing is a search engine by Microsoft and is second in terms of market share after Google. It was launched in 2009, and its origin traces back to earlier search engines offered by Microsoft, such as MSN Search and Live Search. You can perform the same kind of searches on Bing as you would do on Google.

What does a legitimate Google security alert look like? ›

What does a legit email from Google look like? If doubting email's authenticity, you can tell if Google security alert email is real by looking at the following: Email address from which you received the message. Almost always, the email address Google uses for sending emails reads as [email protected].

Can you use Boolean operators in Google Alerts? ›

Also, note that Google Alerts supports Boolean operators, which allows you to be much more granular when setting up your keywords. For example, if you want to get alerts for a specific keyword only, use quotation marks (“ ”) to tell Google that it should ignore other combinations of the same words.

How do you know if someone Googles you? ›

You won't be notified when somebody googles you, per se, but you will receive a notification whenever any website mentions you by name. To get started, head on over to Google Alerts. In the text field, type out your name in quotes.

Does everyone get the same results on Google? ›

You may get the same or similar results to someone else who searches on Google Search. But sometimes, Google may give you different results based on things like time, context, or personalized results.

How do I get Google Alerts in Excel? ›

Get notified about spreadsheet changes
  1. In Google Sheets, open the spreadsheet where you want to set notifications.
  2. Select Tools. Notification rules.
  3. Select when and how you want to receive notifications.
  4. Click Save.

How many Google Alerts are there? ›

You can make up to 1,000 alerts with all the Gmail accounts you have, so be thorough. If you use an RSS feed, you can have your alerts sent there instead of to your email. This also prevents your email inbox from getting clogged up.

What is the Google version of Microsoft Word called? ›

Switch from Microsoft Word to Google Docs - Google Workspace Learning Center. Skip to main content.

What is the number 1 most used app? ›

Most Popular Apps Key Statistics
  • TikTok was the most downloaded app globally in 2021, with 656 million downloads.
  • Subway Surfers was the most downloaded game in 2021, with 191 million downloads.
  • Four of the ten most downloaded apps of 2021 were published by Facebook.

What is replacing Google? ›

You might not be able to envision a world in which Google is no longer the most reliable search engine but the New York Post has written about a company called OpenAI that has created an AI chatbot called ChatGPT that could replace Google and some human workers in the near future.

Why Yandex is better than Google? ›

Yandex is said to index pages slower than Google. However, it is possible to send a new site to be indexed through your Yandex Webmaster account. Unlike Google, Yandex does not allow you to fetch your pages and force the bots to recrawl them.

Who is the biggest competitor of Google? ›

Competitors and Alternatives to Google
  • Adobe.
  • IBM.
  • Kissmetrics.
  • Oracle.
  • Mixpanel.
  • ContentSquare (ClickTale)
  • Siteimprove.
  • CleverTap.

Is DuckDuckGo better than Google? ›

Overall, DuckDuckGo is a better option than Google or Bing. Statistics show that 80 million people have used the platform to access the internet, so it is clearly gaining traction. Over 35 billion queries were answered by this browser in 2021 alone.

What is the best search engine that doesn't track you? ›

DuckDuckGo (DDG) is a popular privacy search engine. Like Brave, DDG doesn't build user profiles, so it will always show the same search results to all users. And it prevents online tracking of searches or clicks.

Who is the most Googled man on the planet? ›

On that note, we bring you this list of the most searched people on Google in 2022. Johnny Depp topped the list, with other controversial figures like Will Smith, Andrew Tate, and Amber Heard also featuring in the top 10.

What is the most googled thing in 2022? ›

The most searched terms of 2022 included Wordle, the 2022 midterm elections, Queen Elizabeth and Betty White, according to Google.

What are the top 5 most commonly used search? ›

Top Search Engines
  • Google.
  • Bing.
  • Yahoo!
  • Yandex.
  • DuckDuckGo.
  • Baidu.
  • Naver.
Feb 9, 2023

Who is the most googled man 2022? ›

Topping the chart is actor Johnny Depp who in December settled his defamation lawsuits against Amber Heard following a high-profile trial earlier this year in which the former couple accused each other of physical and verbal abuse.

Who is most searched woman? ›

Who is most searched woman on Google? Kylie Jenner is officially the most searched female on the list with over four million searches in total and an average of 368,000 searches per month.

Will Google alert me if someone tries access my account? ›

Usually, before Google sends you an alert, Google presents the user with an extra security question or challenge. If the user fails or abandons the challenge, the Google sends you the alert.

Why am I getting so many Google security alerts? ›

We send you security alerts when we: Detect important actions in your account, like if someone signs in on a new device. Detect suspicious activity in your account, like if an unusual number of emails are sent. Block someone from taking an important action, like viewing stored passwords.

What is Google suspicious activity? ›

If you've received a 'suspicious sign in prevented' email from Google, it means we recently blocked an attempt to access your account because we weren't sure it was really you.

What are 5 Boolean operators? ›

The most common Boolean operators are AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT, quotation marks “”, parentheses (), and asterisks *.

What are the 3 Boolean operators to help you search? ›

Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results.

Do people still use Boolean search? ›

This logic still underpins all digital devices to this day, existing in almost every line of computer code. Boolean search writing is a skill that top recruiters need to know in order to get meaningful candidate search results from a wide range of software, including LinkedIn, various job portals and Google.

What happens if you Google yourself? ›

Your search results are tailored to you. As a result, googling yourself doesn't give you the big picture. It just gives you an (often misleading) indicator of your performance based on narrow criteria.

Can you tell if someone searches you on Facebook? ›

Facebook doesn't let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can't provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

Can someone tell if you search them on Facebook? ›

Your Facebook searches are private. If you look up someone's profile or they look up yours, none is the wiser. Facebook is very clear on the matter: “Facebook users cannot track who has viewed their personal homepage. Third-party applications also cannot provide this feature.”

Does Google really have all the answers? ›

Google's strength is that it has all the answers. For the first time in recent memory, however, the tech community is looking at the company's search business and asking questions.

What percentage of Google answers are correct? ›

In fact, as of January 2022, Google held 91.9% of the market share (GS Statcounter, 2022). To put this stat into perspective, let's compare the search engine market share of Google with those of other popular search engines out there. Bing had 2.88% of the market share and Yahoo! had 1.51% of the total market share.

What are the three questions you should ask yourself before performing a Google Search? ›

Before you search – three things to ask yourself to get better insights from your search.
  • Work out what the real question is before you start looking for answers. ...
  • Know your audience: who are you speaking to and what do they need to know? ...
  • What are you already paying to know?
Apr 6, 2017

How do I automate Google alerts? ›

  1. In the search bar, enter a word, topic, or phrase. This tells Google what to collect and send you.
  2. Next, you'll be shown two options: Create Alert and Show options. If you want to receive everything about your subject on a daily basis, you can leave the defaults in place and click Create Alert.

Where are Google Alerts located? ›

Go to 2. Click on the “Gears” icon located next to “My alerts.”

What are the different alerts? ›

What are the different types of alerts and what do they mean?
  • Emergency alerts for fires, floods, natural disasters etc.
  • Amber alerts when a child is missing.
  • Silver alerts when seniors re missing.
  • Ashanti alerts for missing adults who are too old for an Amber alert and too young for a Silver alert.
Apr 21, 2022

Is Microsoft Word free anymore? ›

Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more for free on the web.

Do people still use Microsoft Word? ›

Word is one of the most widely used and familiar pieces of office software in the world. It has grown in power and complexity over the years, and its integration with Office 365 and Microsoft OneDrive makes it even more versatile for businesses, both large and small.

Is there a Google word? ›

Google Docs, a web-based word processor that Google offers as part of its office suite–Google Drive – is free and available for use. It competes with Microsoft Office.

How accurate is Google Alerts? ›

How effective are Google Alerts for professionals? Survey and Research Study: We set-up Google Alerts for 240 companies and received updates on 92% of them. But, we found that only 10% of the updates were business relevant.

Is Google Alerts good? ›

google alert is a good option to get alerts through e -mail or push notifications various are the benefits of it like 1)available free 2)time saving as you can customize alerts for you and get updated in a particular interval of time .

Is Google Alerts useful? ›

Google Alerts is a tracking tool or service that sends all the relevant information about any search term via email. Google created this free monitoring tool that collects news, new trends, and blog posts related to keywords set by the users. Google Alerts is an excellent tool for monitoring brand position.

Are there fake Google security alerts? ›

The simplest way to tell if a security alert is fake is to check your recent Google account activity. If no notification matches the timing of the message you received, the email could be fake. To avoid complications, you should never open any links until you've confirmed authenticity.

Does Google alert you when someone searches your name? ›

It will also be possible to be alerted in case of nominative research.” Google will soon notify you if a user searches for your name, phone number or address (press articles will be excluded from the system), Google will be able to alert you – provided that you have previously activated a dedicated tool.

Can you create multiple Google Alerts at once? ›

You can have up to 1,000 alerts per Gmail account. You do need to have a Gmail account in order to set up Google Alerts, and the alerts will be emailed to that address. But creating a Gmail account is very simple and it's free of cost. With that, let's see how easy it is to set up Google Alerts.

What triggers a Google Alert? ›

Google Alerts is a content change detection and notification service, offered by Google. The service sends emails to the user when it finds new results—such as web pages, newspaper articles, blogs, or scientific research—that match the user's search term(s).

Can Google Alerts monitor social media? ›

Most importantly, it doesn't just send the notifications to your inbox. It creates a feed of mentions and processes the data to create social media monitoring reports for your brand, competitors, industry influencers, and so on.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.