The Archipelago Trail – Visit Parainen (2024)

The Archipelago Trail can be explored in its’ entirety 10.5 – 8.9.2024
Photo: Juho Kuva

250 km of nature experiences, delicious food, archipelago atmosphere, fun activities, and summer memories for life.

For over 25 years, the Archipelago Trail has been a popular destination among both cyclists and motorists, thanks to the easily accessible archipelago experience it offers. The islands along the route provide charming accommodations, delicious archipelago flavors, fantastic family-friendly activities, historical sights, and beautiful nature trails. Traveling around the trail is free, except for one fee-based ferry between Houtskär and Iniö.

The route is an experience for all kinds of travelers and can be traveled by any means of transport – whether by bike, on foot, by bus, motorcycle, or car!

Bild: Juho Kuva

Bild: Jaska Poikonen / NLUX

Bild: Aleksandra Degtiareva

Bild: Aleksandra Degtiareva

The Archipelago Trail is open 10.5 – 8.9.2024.

The Archipelago Trail is open from mid-May into September, with a recommended travel time of 2-5 days. But don’t worry if you can’t visit during the summer season – the archipelago itself is accessible every day throughout the year. So pack your bags and bring the whole family to experience the beautiful surroundings of the Finnish archipelago!

Accommodation, restaurants and activities along the Archipelago Trail

There are plenty of accommodation options along the Archipelago Trail, with fantastic restaurants, farm shops, and kiosks offering delicious treats along the way. The islands of Pargas, Nagu, Korpo, Houtskär, and Iniö offer fantastic family-friendly activities, historical sights, and beautiful nature trails.

Route descriptions per leg

Åbo - Pargas 25km

Ferries: 0

The Archipelago Trail starts at Turku Cathedral. From here, you cycle towards the centre of Kaarina where there are many shops, cafes and lunch restaurants and a lovely beach. This is almost half way at 10km.
After Kaarina head towards the archipelago road nr. 180 (Skärgårdsvägen), which takes you to Pargas.
There is a separate cycle path the whole way to Pargas and one kiosk serving refreshments on the way. There are charming cafes in Pargas centre for cakes or meals as well as well stocked shops and a wide service provision.
Pargas is a municipality that consists of many islands and islets, population 12 200. Pargas is built on three elements: the city centre, the countryside and the archipelago. You can experience everything from beautiful nature to historical sites and buildings, also Finlands biggest open quarry that mines limestone in Pargas centre. The mining industry has always been an important industry in Pargas and it still plays a big part as an employer.

Pargas - Nagu 35km

Ferries: 1 (10min, up to 4 departures per hour)

Stock-up onlocally produced products for a picnic before you leave Pargas. There is a separate cycle path the whole way to the first ferry in Lillmälö with a smooth asphalt surface except for the last 4km, which is gravel.
The charming cottages at Sattmark are half way to the ferry, enjoy a refreshment at the summer café and the possibility to buy fresh smoked fish.
After a further 8km, the ferry from Lillmälö to Prostvik takes 10 minutes and departs every 15minutes. There are kiosks in both harbours.
It is a 20km cycle to Nagu village or 15km if you stay on the main road. Both options are tarmacked.
Nagu village is very lively in the summer with many stalls, shops and restaurants. It is also one of Finland’s largest pleasure boat marinas.
You can follow the life of painter Victor Westerholm on the cultural path that starts from the southern harbour.

Nagu - Korpo 23km

Ferries: 1 (5min)

From Nagu village cycle along Norrstrandsvägen, which is a winding dirt road with some self-service farm kiosks selling fresh potatoes, tomatoes and other products. Weigh your purchase, write it up in the notepad and leave the appropriate amount in the cash box.
The main Archipelago road is an alternative; it is tarmacked but narrow and busy.
There is a summer restaurant and kiosk at Pärnäs ferry pier. The ferry has regular departures and the crossing takes 5mins.
Pärnäs is also the departure point for the ferry to the outer archipelago islands of Utö, Jurmo, Aspö, Nötö.
On Korpo you immediately get more of an archipelago feeling as the road is smaller. It is a 10km cycle to Korpo village. You pass the village of Österretais on the way with a barefoot culture-path, restaurant, hotel and Bed& Breakfast.
Korpo has a supermarket, shops, tourist information, restaurant and beach. There is also a restaurant before the village in Verkan marina.

Korpo - Houtskär 24km

Ferries: 3 (30min + 2x5min)
o continue on The Archipelago Trail cycle back from Korpo village towards Galtby, from the crossroads it is only 1km to the ferry.
The ferry between Galtby, Korpo and Kittuis, Houtskär takes around 30mins and departs every 1-2 hours. There ia a cafe in Galtby and on board the ferry.
The road from Kittuis to Houtskär village, 10km, is picturesque; winding and undulating between small fields and forests. There are restaurants, a marina, shop, church and beach in the village as well as The Archipelago Museumwhich exhibits boats and boat engines.
Houtskär is known for its beautiful red boathouses and delicious new potatoes.
Backtrack from the village and then turn north towards Mossala. There are two short ferries on the way that operate according to demand so reserve some extra time if you are planning to take the ferry over to Iniötoday.
Mossala Island Resort has rental cabins, a camping & caravan area, restaurant, marina, nature path and viewpoint.

Houtskär - Iniö 30km

Ferries: 2 (Houtskär-Iniö 1h + a short crossing from Skagen on Iniö)

Enjoy the one hour crossing from Mossala to Iniö.
On Iniö the roads are narrow but there is little traffic. Iniö consists of over 1000 islets and skerries and out of all these islets only 10 are inhabited all year round. Iniö has about 210 inhabitants but in the summer the population multiplies
You will find a shop, restaurant, café and newly renovated marina in Iniö Norrby (the main village). More services and attractions can befound here.
The nature trail in Norrby takes you to Kasberget, which is Iniös highest point with its 40 meters above the sea level. From Kasberget you will get a nice view over the islets that Iniö consists of and if the weather is clear can you see the mainland and also the island Brandö that belongs to Åland.
Stay and enjoy the peace and nature of Iniö or take the next ferry fromKannvikto the mainland with up to 8 departures a day.

Iniö - Gustavs - Tövsala 30km

Ferry: 2 (a short ferry on Iniö, the Iniö-Gustavs ferry takes 30 minutes)

From the center of Iniö, it's 6 km to the Kannvik ferry dock. Here, there is a small ferry on the way. From Kannvik to Gustavs (Heponiemi harbor), there is a ferry that takes 25 minutes.
From Heponiemi harbor, continue on road 1922 (Iniövägen) towards the intersection with Gustavsvägen (road 192). Along the way, you'll find Kustavin savipaja, a craft village, and Laura Peterzen's studio with a restaurant, shop, and guest harbor. If you wish, you can take a detour to the center of Gustavs where there are shops, restaurants, and accommodation options.
From the intersection with Gustavsvägen, it's approximately 10 km to Tövsala. Along the way, there is a service station and a store, and after Kaitais bridge, there is a kiosk with a rest area.

Tövsala-Villnäs-Merimasku 40km OR
Tövsala-Hakkenpää-Teersalo (Velkua)-Merimasku

Ferry: 1 or 0

Longer route, along the road without a ferry: From Tövsala to Merimasku, take the northern route by continuing along the fairly narrow Gustavsvägen all the way to Mietoinen. You can stop in Villnäs and take a detour to the impressive Villnäs Castle. From the sandy road leading to Villnäs Castle, you'll also reach a beach. From Villnäs to Merimasku along the fairly narrow Velkuavägen is about 15 km. If you're cycling, it's recommended to go via Merimaskuvägen as it's actually a few kilometers shorter than the car route. However, note that Merimaskuvägen is mostly unpaved.

Shorter route, with ferry (for light traffic only!): From Tövsala center towards Hakkenpää, there's a cycle path that ends shortly after the center. The rest of the way, road number 1961 (Hakkenpäävägen), is narrow. At Hakkenpää harbor, there are facilities including toilets and a beach. Note that this ferry does not transport cars, only light traffic! Familiarize yourself with the schedule, as the ferry does not operate frequently. The crossing takes 45 minutes. In Teersalo harbor, there are good services, including the Kummeli service house. Nearby, there's also a beach. From Teersalo, it's about 18 km to Merimasku.

Merimasku - Nådendal 11km

No ferry

In Merimasku center, there is a shop, a restaurant, etc. Along the road to Luonnonmaa, there is also a cycle path. After that, cyclists must pedal along the roadside, which is fairly wide.
It's definitely worth stopping in Naantali. Here, you'll find all the services you might need. Near the center, there are 3 beaches.

Nådendal - Åbo 17km

No ferries
From Naantali to Turku Cathedral along roads 40 and 185 (Nådendalsvägen), it's 17 km. Here, you can make a detour to the Exhibition Centre, Turku Hall, or Turku Castle before finally arriving back where you started - Turku Cathedral.

Does 250 km feel like a long journey? In that case, the perfect choice for you is the Small Archipelago Trail with its' 120 km!

Photo: Juho Kuva

Read more about the Small Archipelago Trail

Do you want to see more of the archipelago and the sea?

In that case, we highly recommend taking a detour to the outer archipelago! For an even more unforgettable adventure, consider veering off from the Archipelago Trail for a day trip to one of the nearby islands or perhaps even spending a few days in the outer archipelago.

The connecting boat m/s Utö operates to the inhabited islands of the Archipelago Sea National Park, and each island along the route has its own unique personality; culturally significant Nötö, Aspö known for its musical traditions, Jurmo with its distinctive nature featuring long narrow beaches, and Utö with its intriguing pilot and lighthouse history.

Read more about the outer archipelago here

Do you need help with planning your trip or do you have questions while on the road?

Then please don't hesitate to contact our tourist information!

+358 40 0117 123
[email protected]

The Archipelago Trail – Visit Parainen (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.