The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (2024)

Power BI is one of the most powerful enterprise reporting technologies. Businesses need reports to track their activity or analyse specific aspects of their business. However, creating productive reports is not easy. This article discusses the best practices for creating Power BI dashboards and reports.

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (1)

As a preferred Microsoft Power BI partner, Bismart has a long history of creating corporate reports using this powerful tool. Our team of Power BI experts have identified a set of best practices that make the difference when creating efficient reports on the platform.

You can now download our e-book with the 21 best practices for creating reports in Power BI below:

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (2)

In the post '12 Tips You Can't Ignore When Creating a Dashboard' we reviewed the most important usability, visualisation and communication criteria for creating a good dashboard.

This time, we explore in more depth the best practices for reporting by looking at the technical aspects of Power BI.

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices

1. Don't fill your report with visuals

Data visualisation is one of the most valuable capabilities of Power BI. Visuals contribute to the democratisation of data, the understanding of information and facilitate the data-driven decisions making process.

However, too many visuals in the same report can produce the reverse effect, create confusion and slow down the performance of the report.

Microsoft's 'Optimisation guide for Power BI' recommends that a report should have no more than 8 visuals and no more than one table per page.

  • Learn more about data visualisation in Power BI

2. Reduce unnecessary interactions between visuals

When adding visuals to Power BI, the tool automatically enables interaction between all visuals on the same page. However, the interaction between visuals absorbs capacity and contributes to slow report loading.

  • How? Minimise the number of automatic queries on the back-end and improve performance by disabling unnecessary interactions.
  • Find out the main causes of a slow Power BI report.

3. Use Microsoft-certified visuals

In Microsoft's AppSource you will find a list of all visuals that have been certified by the company and have passed the quality tests.

Certified visuals are high-performance, meet Microsoft's code requirements and are the only ones that can be displayed in PowerPoint export mode or in e-mail subscriptions.

  • Take a look at the best Power BI visuals

4. Check custom visuals' performance

Custom visuals are often not verified by Microsoft and therefore their performance and loading can be slow. Such visuals, while allowing you to tailor the data visualisation to your company's specific needs, can affect the report's performance.

If a custom visual slows down a report too much, it is best to replace it.

  • How? Menu > Performance Analyser

5. Allows users to customise visuals

To achieve a personalised user experience, we need to enable personal bookmarks and make it easy for users to get more information by exploring the report visuals.

However, we must remember that Power BI has a limit of 20 personal bookmarks per report.

  • How? Menu > View > Bookmarks > Add > Personal bookmark.

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (3)

6. Apply data governance and security measures to Power BI

It is common for companies to share their corporate reports with partners and customers. In addition, if the tool is being put to good business use, employees from different departments and with different needs will work on or consult the same report.

In this sense, adding security measures to data, assigning different roles to users and securely sharing reports is paramount.

Bismart has developed a set of solutions designed to apply data governance and security measures to Power BI: Power BI Viewer and Power BI Analytics.

  • Take a look at Power BI Viewer
  • Take a look at Power BI Analytics

7. Avoid importing complete data sets

For a report to run smoothly and be understandable, it is preferable not to import complete datasets. On the other hand, it is also wise to limit the number of tables and make them as small as possible, as long as it does not affect the usability of the report.

8. Use the hierarchy function for slicers instead of custom visuals.

If you need to display hierarchy in slicers, use Power BI Desktop's own function instead of custom visuals.

9. Don't use too many slicers

Slicers make it easier for users to navigate. However, each slicer requires two queries, which is detrimental to the performance and capacity of the report. In this sense, it is advisable to remove separators that are used infrequently.

  • How? Through the filter panel you can evaluate the slicers and remove those less used.

10. Limits complex aggregations in data models

If we need to perform calculated measures and complex aggregations, it is advisable to do them as close as possible to the data source rather than in the Power BI visualisation environment. Doing it this way will prevent our report from being overloaded and will decrease the loading time.

11. Model correctly

Designing data models using the star schema is more productive than calculated columns.

12. Store the Power BI report and data source in the same place

If our Power BI report and the source of the report's data are stored in the same place, we will achieve faster queries and a faster data transfer.

13. If you need to print reports, use white or light backgrounds.

The print resolution of reports is much better when the background of the page is white or light-coloured.

14. Ensure that the refresh rate of the cache matches the one of the data source.

By default, the Power BI cache refresh rate is one hour. However, it is advisable to mimic the cache refresh rate to that of the data source.

  • How? Dataset configuration > Refresh rate

15. Avoid scrolls within visuals and on the page

Having to scroll several times to navigate through a visual or a page is detrimental to the user experience.

16. Reduce the number of queries

Queries are another of the elements that slow down a report and take up load capacity. For this reason, it is advisable to reduce the number of queries sent by Power BI.

  • How? Options > Power Query Editor > Reduce the number of queries sent

17. Use the browse buttons

Power BI's browse buttons create a more intuitive and enjoyable user experience than right-clicking on visual objects or datasets.

18. Row level security

Power BI has its own settings for applying security measures to datasets. Specifically, Row Level Security (RLS) allows us to prevent certain users from viewing certain data rows.

19. Data categorisation

To make it easier for users to navigate, it is advisable to add explanatory categories to the data.

  • How? Select the table > Advanced Options > Data Category

20. Avoid long numbers

Numbers with more than four digits make the data difficult to read and understand. It is therefore best to round off numbers when possible.

21. Innovate with advanced analytics

Innovation is never a bad thing. On the contrary, it encourages progress in every aspect of life. Power BI is no exception. In addition to the basic and well-known Power BI features, there are certain technical capabilities and usage options that only experts know about. For example, did you know that you can apply Google Analytic's time filter to Power BI?

  • Find out how to create Google Analytics time filter in Power BI

Ultimately, Power BI is one of the most widely used corporate reporting and data visualisation tools by companies. However, it is common that as data sets grow, reporting performance declines.

In addition, reports that are poorly structured, fail to communicate the critical information or are confusing can lead to poor business decisions and affect the business performance. This is exactly why it is so important for reports to be created by experts who know the tool and how to use it to provide value.

Would you like to have the 21 best practices for Power BI reporting forever on your computer? Download our e-book!

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (4)

The 21 Power BI Dashboard Design Best Practices (2024)


What are Power BI best practices? ›

Power BI Best Practices
  • Limit the visuals in dashboards and reports. ...
  • Remove unnecessary interactions between visuals. ...
  • Enable Row-Level Security (RLS) ...
  • Use Microsoft AppSource certified custom visuals. ...
  • Avoid using hierarchical filters. ...
  • Use the On-premises data gateway.
15 Apr 2022

What is a good BI dashboard design? ›

Good BI dashboard design starts by thinking about UX, as well as the data needs of users and the overall goals of the business. It's not just about presenting numbers, but also figuring out what to draw attention to and how to do so effectively.

How do you plan a dashboard? ›

Most of the time, you're going to be using a combination of numbers, bars, lines and tables and not much else.
  1. Group your related metrics. ...
  2. Be consistent. ...
  3. Use size and position to show hierarchy. ...
  4. Give your numbers context. ...
  5. Use clear labels your audience will understand. ...
  6. Remember it's for people. ...
  7. Keep evolving your dashboards.

What makes a good data dashboard? ›

Great dashboards are clear, intuitive, and customizable.

They communicate information quickly. They display information clearly and efficiently. They show trends and changes in data over time. They are easily customizable.

How do you improve dashboard performance What best practices do you follow to optimize data models ETL layers and dashboard? ›

Best optimization practices
  1. Pull only the data you need. Wherever you can, limit the data pulled to the only columns and rows you really need for reporting and ETL purposes. ...
  2. Create custom datasets from databases. ...
  3. Use appropriate Data types. ...
  4. Take advantage of Cache feature. ...
  5. Clean the trash. ...
  6. Check out stored versions.
13 Jul 2019

How many steps are recommended to follow in creating an effective dashboard? ›

5 steps to effective Dashboard Design.

What are the three principles of good visualization design? ›

Right at the onset credit unions should internalize the three most important principles of good visualization, the 3 s's: simple, standard and scalable. Simple refers to the ease with which the visual reports can be interpreted.

What are the key design principles for dashboards? ›

Use the following 5 dashboard design principles to ensure that your design includes these components.
  • Determine the Needs of Your Users. ...
  • Select the Right Type of Dashboard. ...
  • Provide Immediate Access to Relevant Info. ...
  • Select the Right Type of Data Visualization. ...
  • Keep the Design Simple and Easy to Understand.
21 Mar 2020

How do I become a dashboard expert? ›

In our book, The Big Book of Dashboards, we show 28 different examples that succeed in data storytelling and delivering insights.
7 tips and tricks from the dashboard experts
  1. Be inspired like an artist. ...
  2. Avoid clutter. ...
  3. Use a grid layout. ...
  4. Use the right fonts. ...
  5. Simplify your use of color. ...
  6. BANs. ...
  7. Collaborate and iterate.

How do you make a dashboard step-by-step? ›

Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to create a dashboard in Excel.
  1. Step 1: Import the necessary data into Excel. No data. ...
  2. Step 2: Set up your workbook. ...
  3. Step 3: Add raw data to a table. ...
  4. Step 4: Data analysis. ...
  5. Step 5: Determine the visuals. ...
  6. Step 6: Create your Excel dashboard. ...
  7. Step 7: Customize your dashboard.
4 Aug 2022

What is the first step in the 7 step dashboard design guidelines? ›

1. Requirement gathering. This is the most important step of the process - asking your users and stakeholder the right questions and gathering accurate requirements.

How is dashboard performance measured? ›

Usage rate is the best indicator of the quality of a dashboard. If a dashboard is used by stakeholders regularly, it's already reached a level of success. One wouldn't use something that is not useful. If you use Tableau or Looker, you can easily see in the backend users and frequency of them accessing the dashboard.

What is the fundamental challenge of dashboard? ›

What is the fundamental challenge of dashboard designs? ensuring that the required information is shown clearly on a single screen. When telling a story during a presentation, it is best to avoid describing hurdles that your character must overcome, to avoid souring the mood.

What is a performance dashboard? ›

Performance dashboards are common management tools used to gauge performance and enable business people to measure, monitor, and manage the key activities and processes needed to achieve business goals.

Which is the correct statement about dashboard? ›

Statement A: Dashboards are used to detect patterns and relationships easily.

How would the dashboard you recommend help them better accomplish their goals? ›

The main job of a TV dashboard is to make key goals and metrics visible and easy to understand. This helps teams stay aligned around their goals, and achieve the objectives they've set out at the beginning of a business cycle. A cluttered dashboard with irrelevant information is unlikely to have this effect.

Which type of dashboard you will create for long term strategies and high level metrics? ›

A strategic dashboard is a reporting tool for monitoring the long-term company strategy with the help of critical success factors.

Which of the following steps should we complete first before creating a dashboard? ›

1. Define. This is the first and most important step. Having clarity about who this dashboard is for and what metrics matter to them is critical to creating a dashboard that will be used.

What is a dashboard in Excel and what are the best practices for using one? ›

The Excel Dashboard provides an overview of metrics and other data points in one place. In simple terms, dashboards are visual representations of data. They mostly consist of charts and graphs, thereby grabbing the user's attention. Looking at raw Excel data can be boring.

At which position do we place the most important view on a dashboard? ›

Once you know your dashboard's main purpose, be sure to place your most important view so that it occupies or spans the upper-left corner of your dashboard. In the dashboard below, the author decided that the map view holds the key message.

What is included on a business intelligence dashboard display? ›

A BI dashboard is a business intelligence tool which allows users to track, analyze and report on key performance indicators and other metrics. BI dashboards typically visualize data in charts, graphs and maps which helps stakeholders understand, share and collaborate on the information.

How do I set up business intelligence dashboard? ›

BI dashboard design best practices

Design for the target audience. Customize the dashboard so that the target audience has only relevant information. Provide context. Ensure that data—like sales or profit—includes essential milestone dates or year-over-year comparisons so stakeholders are able to understand trends.

Which type of dashboard you will create for long term strategies and high level metrics? ›

Strategic BI dashboards visualize high-level metrics for long-term planning and are mainly used by senior management. Operational BI dashboards are focused on real-time data metrics and KPIs, and can be used for day-to-day decision-making.

What is an example of a data source a company might use with a dashboard? ›

The most common examples of these are: Databases. Flat files. Web services.

Which tool is best for data visualization? ›

  • The Best Data Visualization Software of 2022.
  • Microsoft Power BI.
  • Tableau.
  • Qlik Sense.
  • Klipfolio.
  • Looker.
  • Zoho Analytics.
  • Domo.
19 Oct 2022

How do you analyze a dashboard? ›

Analyze Your Dashboards to Make Them Better
  1. Are they finding the filters we created and are they using them?
  2. Are they interacting with our map, and which geographic areas are they clicking on the most?
  3. Which vendor names did the user click on in the “Find” list?
  4. How often is the “Share” function selected?
16 Jan 2018

What is the purpose of a dashboard? ›

A dashboard is a visual display of all of your data. While it can be used in all kinds of different ways, its primary intention is to provide information at-a-glance, such as KPIs. A dashboard usually sits on its own page and receives information from a linked database.

What is meant by performance dashboard? ›

A performance dashboard is really a perfor- mance management system. It communicates strategic objectives and enables businesspeople to measure, monitor, and manage the key activities and processes needed to achieve their goals.

What is the purpose of a dashboard in business analytics? ›

Dashboards are business intelligence (BI) reporting tools that aggregate and display critical metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) in a single screen, enabling users to monitor and examine business performance at a glance.

How can a dashboard facilitate your presentation? ›

Dashboards allow you to present your narrative in an easy-to-understand manner and adapt it to the audience you're reporting to. Through dashboard storytelling, you combine the power of stories to engage the listeners and the conclusiveness of the real-time data presented through graphs, charts, tables, and more.

What are the three types of dashboard? ›

Types of dashboards (and how to choose the right one for you) There are three types of dashboards: operational, strategic, and analytical.

Which types of dashboards would you recommend? ›

4 Types of BI Dashboards
  • Strategic – focused on long-term strategies and high-level metrics.
  • Operational – shows shorter time frames and operational processes.
  • Analytical – contains vast amounts of data created by analysts.
  • Tactical – used by mid-management to accelerate decision-making.
2 Nov 2021

How are the different types of dashboards different? ›

Operational dashboards look at current performance related to your KPIs. They help organizations understand, in real-time, if their performance is on target. They are often used across various levels of an organization. Analytical dashboards help organizations establish targets based on insights into historical data.

What are the 10 sources of data? ›

The top 10 sources of data for international development research
  • 1 | Economic atlas and the globe of economic complexity. ...
  • 2 | International Energy Agency atlas. ...
  • 3 | Transnational land database – the Land Matrix. ...
  • 4 | IMF data site, data mapper and IMF Article IV reports.
16 Mar 2016

What are the two types of data sources? ›

There are two types of data sources: machine data sources and file data sources. Although both contain similar information about the source of the data, they differ in the way this information is stored. Because of these differences, they are used in somewhat different manners.

What type of analytics is a dashboard? ›

A data dashboard is an analytics tool that visually displays, measures, and analyzes multiple data sources all at once. Common dashboards are typically interactive, provide historical & real-time data, and present all key performance indicators (KPIs) in one centralized location.

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