The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (2024)

Want to know what B2B2C is all about?

You clicked this article, of course you do.


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  • B2B2C means Business to Business to Consumer.

  • There are two models:

    • A two pointed sale, one to businesses and one to consumers.

    • Selling to businesses that will then be selling to consumers.

  • The B2B2C model is found in E-Commerce, FinTech, online food ordering, real estate, grocery, recruitment, etc.

  • B2B2C marketing can be challenging because you are marketing to two sides, businesses and the users.

  • B2B2C marketing gives you skills in both B2B and B2C, which can lead to many opportunities for your career.

  • Smartpay B2B2C Marketing JD

B2B2C is not a new arena, but with new platforms emerging in fields like Fintech, E-Commerce, and Online Food Ordering, there has never been more demand for marketers with this skillsets.

Our client, Smartpay, is currently hiring for a marketing manager that can execute B2B2C campaigns, be sure to check the JD at the end of this article.

In this article, I will go into:

  • What B2B2C means

  • What B2B2C marketing is

  • The tasks performed by B2B2C Marketers

  • Requirements for getting a B2B2C marketing job

  • Challenges faced by B2B2C marketers

  • Career path of a B2B2C marketer

Let’s get into it.

What is B2B2C?

B2B2C means Business to Business to Consumer.

This can have two separate definitions, but let's start by looking at the individual parts:

B2B = business to business and B2C = business to consumer.

If you are not familiar with these terms, check out our previous article where I breakdown the skills needed for each.

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (2)


B2B marketing is targeting businesses that you want to acquire as customers. B2B businesses will generally be selling software tools that are used to optimize business operations such as internal systems, budgeting, marketing ROI, etc.

These companies will be less known than the more public-facing B2C companies.

Examples of B2B businesses are AppsFlyer, Cisco, Databricks, Salesforce, the list goes on and on.

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (3)


B2C marketing is focused on consumers. B2C companies will have end products that are used by people, not businesses.

Examples here would be companies like Colgate, Coca-Cola, Apple, and anything you have in your house.

Now that we have covered the two parts, let’s see how those combine to form the Voltron of B2B2C marketing.


B2B2C can have two meanings.

First is what I like to call the ‘Layers’ model, and the next is what I like to call the ‘Middle Man’ model.

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (4)

In the Layers Model, you have two layers, a B2B layer and a B2C layer.

These are businesses that sell their product to other businesses that sell the product to the end consumers.

An example of the Layers B2B2C model would be pharmaceutical companies who sell their products to healthcare professionals (buyers), who then prescribe them to patients (consumers).

This model is not the main focus of this article, but if you are a marketer working in the Layer Model, here is a great article going over 3 tips for successful b2b2c marketing from Altitude Marketing.

For a more in-depth breakdown of the layers model, read this Forbes article about B2B2C Marketing.

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (5)

The second type of B2B2C marketing is what I refer to as the Middle Man Model.

These are companies and platforms that need both businesses and consumers (users) on their platform in order to be successful.

An easy example is Wahl+Case and all of recruitment.

In recruitment, we have two sets of customers: clients (businesses) and candidates (consumers). Although clients are the ones who pay for our service, candidates are just as vital to our business.

So we need to attract both businesses and consumers, thus B2B2C.

Another example of this is our client Smartpay.

Smartpay is a FinTech platform that makes the paying experience seamless for the user (consumer) and drives more sales for the merchant (business). Without either of these customers, the business would not work.

This concept is not new, it exists in many industries you are familiar with; Real Estate, Online Delivery services, Grocery Stores. Even Amazon fits into this model.

What is new about this is the rate at which B2B2C companies can grow. If you are launching a B2B2C business now, you need to get partners onboarded fast to secure users.

This is where marketing comes in.

What is B2B2C Marketing?

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (6)

B2B2C marketing is using the strategies of both B2B and B2C marketing to attract both businesses and consumers to your platform.

If you are a B2B2C marketer, you must effectively market to both users and partners to create an ecosystem that is a win-win for both parties.

A prime example of this would be Amazon. (no pun intended)

Amazon has to get and maintain relationships with sellers as well as obtain customers.

Amazon obtains sellers by providing incentives to sell on Amazon as well as marketing campaigns aimed at small businesses.

Amazon also has marketing activities targeted at consumers, to ensure that they are your first destination when you need to buy something.

So, what does this mean for marketers?

What Does a B2B2C Marketer do?

Working as a B2B2C marketer myself, I will break down some of the thinking behind our various activities here at Wahl+Case.

In B2B2C Marketing you get to develop both B2B and B2C marketing skills.

You will need to create separate customer profiles for your businesses and users, then find what works best for each of your target customers. Generally, the strategies used to execute these will be:

Digital Marketing

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As with any marketing role you will need to have a strong digital skillset. You need to know what works in search ads, social advertising, and data analytics to drive the best ROI.

Digital Marketing includes more than paid channels. You need to set up and maintain your company website, landing pages, Google Mybusiness, and SEO.

All of the following skills could also fall under the umbrella of digital marketing, but I separated them out to give more details.

Content Marketing

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (8)

One of the cornerstones of the inbound marketing methodology, popularized by Hubspot, is content marketing. You will need to create content that attracts, engages, and delights your target customers.

This article that you are currently reading is an example of the content marketing efforts that we use at Wahl+Case to attract people who are interested in working in the tech industry and maybe even in a B2B2C marketing role. (use this link to apply)

Social Media

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No matter what your product is, you need to be on social. In fact, your Instagram page will basically function as your website.

Every channel you can be on, you should. Studying what works on each platform then generating content in those formats.

Often companies will undervalue social, which is a big mistake. It is the first place that many customers will interface with your brand and the first place people will go when they want to reach out.

Don’t make this mistake. Prioritize your social channels.

Influencer Marketing

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (10)

Influencers are an obvious tool for B2C marketing, but they are an essential part of B2B2C marketing too.

Not only can you leverage influencers in your industry for B2B marketing, but if you think back to the layer model I mentioned earlier, B2B2C sales can be driven by these influencers or distributors.

In the middleman model as well, you want to create a strong brand that both sides can buy into. A key part of that will be finding the right ambassador or influencer to partner with.

Converting Leads to Sales

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The last part of this skillset is converting the leads generated from your marketing efforts (MQLs) into sales qualified leads (SQLs). This means working closely with the sales functions in your company to engage with leads at the right time to ensure that they are not slipping through the cracks.

You will need to be vigilant in your tracking of customers who engage with your brand across all channels and make sure to approach them at the appropriate time with your sales team.

If you want to learn more about converting Marketing Qualified Leads into Sales Qualified Leads, read our tech sales funnel guide here.

So what does it take to be a B2B2C Marketing Manager?

B2B2C Marketer Requirements

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (12)

These will vary between companies, but typical requirements include:

  • 3 Years of Experience in Digital Marketing; 5 Years of Overall Marketing Experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree

  • Copywriting Skillset

  • Content Creation Skillset

  • Project Management experience

  • Data Analysis Skillset

B2B2C Career Path

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (13)

Being a B2B2C marketer gives you the skills to move towards B2B or B2C, or advance as a B2B2C marketer.

You can also move to be a marketing leader at companies that have complex product offerings, such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Some of these titles would be:

  • CMO

  • Digital Marketing Director

  • CRM Marketing Manager

  • Marketing Manager

Really any marketing-focused role would be a good fit because of the broad experience you gain when marketing to both B2B and B2C channels.


In creating this article I came to realize that this topic is complex because of how big companies have gotten. Amazon for example has business lines that fit into all of these categories, with AWS and Amazon Business selling to Businesses, Amazon E-Commerce selling B2C with their Amazon Basics and original products, and Amazon E-Commerce operating as a B2B2C platform for third-party vendors to sell their products to consumers.

This is an exciting time to develop the versatile skill set of a B2B2C marketer.

Want to learn more?

Check out the JD below to apply to the Smartpay position!

The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (14)

Job Description

Smartpay - B2B2C Marketer

If you are interested in applying to this role, get in touch with us!

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The 2 Models of B2B2C Marketing Explained - INFOGRAPHIC - Wahl+Case (2024)


What is the B2B2C marketing structure? ›

In a B2B2C model, companies can also sell to an enterprise, with the knowledge that the enterprise will then sell to the final consumer. For many companies, the B2B2C model is the best of both worlds as it creates strong relationships with both the “B” and “C” arms of its sales and marketing chains.

What is the B2B2C distribution model? ›

With B2B2C models, businesses partner with other companies to reach new customers. Manufacturers sell a consumer product to retailers, who in turn sell that product to consumers.

What is the B2B2C model with an example? ›

A B2B2C model involves a close partnership between two companies to bring products or services to people. In the example of the restaurant delivery platform, the customer orders from the delivery service; the delivery service handles payment, passes the order to the restaurant and transports the food to the customer.

What is the difference between B2C2B and B2B2C? ›

So in summary, B2B2C models provide products/services to businesses that then reach the end consumer, while B2C2B models leverage consumers to provide products/services to businesses and consumers.

What is the B2B2C sales process? ›

What does a B2B2C Relationship Look Like? A successful B2B2C business relationship relies on the communication and compatibility between the two companies coming together. Within this relationship, one partner typically already has access to the consumer market, while the other desires to access the consumers.

What is the difference between B2B2C and D2C? ›

B2B B2C D2C refers to sales models where companies sell products/services. B2B: business to business, B2C: business to customer, D2C: direct to consumers, bypassing retail channels and building direct relationships.

What are the advantages of B2B2C model? ›

A business in the B2B2C commerce model can enhance brand credibility and awareness. You can partner with other businesses and leverage your customer base, which helps you expand your reach and gain exposure to a wider audience. It also increases brand visibility and establishes trust among potential customers.

Is Netflix B2B2C? ›

In the software space, Spotify and Netflix are B2C, and direct to consumer / vertically integrated ecommerce like Casper and Warby Parker are another example. B2B2C: Now we start to get into some of the more interesting stakeholder alignment opportunities.

What are the cons of B2B2C? ›

  • Cons of the B2B2C model.
  • Lower profit margins.
  • Reduced control over customer relationships.
  • Lower efficiency with more stakeholders involved.
Apr 15, 2024

How to grow B2B2C business? ›

B2B2C: Cornerstones for maximizing your business opportunities
  1. Get your partners involved. ...
  2. Focus on customer experience. ...
  3. Mobile responsiveness. ...
  4. Localization technology and expertise. ...
  5. Cross-selling and upselling. ...
  6. Get your sales team on board. ...
  7. Use data learnings. ...
  8. Flexible, fully integrated platform.
Feb 12, 2023

Is Google a B2B2C? ›

Google is an intermediary between your product and consumers' searches – making Google ads a clear B2B2C example.

Is PayPal a B2B2C? ›

PayPal is most often associated with B2C eCommerce, but it can also be very functional for B2B eCommerce companies.

Is Uber a B2B2C? ›

B2B2C Business Model Defined

It involves a company partnering with another business to sell products or services directly to the clients within the consumer base of the partner business. An example of this model would be a delivery service like Uber Eats.

Is B2B2C a dropshipping? ›

Drop ship (also often known as drop shipping or dropshipping) is a sales model (B2B2C) by which a seller can sell a product to the end customer, even without physically and physically owning it in their warehouse.

What type of e commerce is B2B2C? ›

B2B2C, or business-to-business-to-consumer, is an eCommerce model where businesses access and serve customers through a third party but are unable to interact directly through their own brand.

What is the B2C marketing structure? ›

B2C stands for business-to-consumer. B2C marketing is the process of selling services and products to individual consumers. Any organization that focuses on serving the needs, demands, and preferences of individuals can be called a B2C company.

What is the difference between B2B and B2B2C? ›

To summarise. To sum up, B2B is about businesses selling to businesses and B2C is about businesses selling to consumers. B2B2C, then, blends these two frameworks together, forming a new business model where businesses collaborate with other businesses to sell a product or service directly to the consumer.

What is B2C marketing model? ›

B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing directly targets consumers, whereas B2B (business-to-business) marketing involves one business selling directly to another, rather than to a general public. For B2C marketers, a big challenge is always staying current with — and ahead of — customer behavioral trends.

How can a company benefit from a B2B2C business model? ›

A business in the B2B2C commerce model can enhance brand credibility and awareness. You can partner with other businesses and leverage your customer base, which helps you expand your reach and gain exposure to a wider audience. It also increases brand visibility and establishes trust among potential customers.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.