The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (2024)

The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (1)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative force reshaping industries and societies worldwide. As nations race to harness the potential of AI, some have emerged as pioneers, leading the way in innovation, research, and implementation.

In this article, we delve into the realm of cutting-edge advancements and groundbreaking initiatives to unveil the 13 most advanced countries in Artificial Intelligence. From pioneering research institutions to thriving tech ecosystems, these nations are at the forefront of the AI revolution, setting the stage for a future where intelligent systems redefine the way we live, work, and interact with the world. Join us on this journey as we unravel the intricate tapestry of AI excellence across the globe.

1. United States

The United States stands as a global powerhouse in artificial intelligence, boasting a rich ecosystem of leading tech companies, top-tier research institutions, and a vibrant startup culture. Silicon Valley, located in California, is synonymous with innovation and serves as the epicenter for AI breakthroughs.

Major tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft are headquartered in the United States, driving cutting-edge AI research and development. The nation is also home to prestigious universities like Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of California, Berkeley, which consistently produce top-notch AI talent.

The U.S. government actively supports AI initiatives, with various federal agencies investing heavily in research and development. Initiatives like the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan demonstrate the commitment to advancing AI capabilities across sectors.

Furthermore, the country's business-friendly environment and robust venture capital ecosystem contribute to the proliferation of AI startups. These startups play a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of AI applications, from healthcare and finance to autonomous vehicles and beyond.

In terms of AI policy, the U.S. focuses on maintaining leadership in research, development, and deployment while addressing ethical considerations. The nation's commitment to AI is evident in its efforts to foster collaboration between academia, industry, and government, ensuring a holistic approach to AI advancement.

As the United States continues to lead in AI innovation, the collaboration between public and private sectors, along with a strong emphasis on talent development, positions the country at the forefront of the global AI landscape.

2. China

China has emerged as a formidable player in the field of artificial intelligence, undergoing a rapid transformation that has positioned it as a key competitor on the global stage. With a strategic focus on technological advancement, China has cultivated a thriving AI ecosystem marked by significant achievements in research, development, and deployment.

Leading the charge are tech giants like Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, and Huawei, which have become synonymous with innovation and technological prowess. China's government has played a pivotal role in shaping the country's AI landscape through substantial investments, supportive policies, and a national strategy that prioritizes AI as a cornerstone of its future economic and technological growth.

China's academic institutions, such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, have become prominent hubs for AI research and talent development. The nation has also made strides in fostering international collaborations, attracting top researchers and experts from around the world to contribute to its AI ecosystem.

The Chinese government's commitment to AI is evident in initiatives like the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, which outlines ambitious goals for becoming the world leader in AI innovation by 2030. This plan encompasses a broad spectrum of applications, including healthcare, smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and more.

The business landscape in China, marked by a mix of state-led initiatives and a dynamic private sector, has fueled the growth of numerous AI startups. These startups are instrumental in pushing the boundaries of AI applications and contributing to the country's technological leap.

3. United Kingdom

In contrast to China's rapid ascent in the field of artificial intelligence, the United Kingdom has also been experiencing notable developments and shifts in its approach to AI. While not as large in scale as China, the UK has been actively fostering its own AI ecosystem and adapting to the evolving global landscape.

In the UK, the focus on artificial intelligence is embedded in a broader context of technological innovation and digital transformation. The country has a rich history of academic excellence and research, and this is reflected in the contributions of institutions like Oxford University, Cambridge University, and Imperial College London to the field of AI.

The UK government has recognized the strategic importance of AI and has taken steps to support its growth. Initiatives like the AI Sector Deal aim to harness the potential of AI to boost economic productivity, enhance public services, and drive innovation. The government's commitment is further reflected in the establishment of the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, which addresses ethical considerations in AI development and deployment.

In the private sector, the UK boasts a diverse range of AI companies, spanning areas such as healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. London, in particular, has emerged as a hub for AI startups, attracting talent and investment. Companies like DeepMind, acquired by Alphabet Inc., exemplify the UK's capability to produce cutting-edge AI research.

Ethical considerations and responsible AI development are integral to the UK's approach. Efforts to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI systems are emphasized to build public trust and address ethical concerns. The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has played a role in providing guidance on data protection in the context of AI, aligning with the country's commitment to responsible AI practices.

While the UK may not match China's scale in terms of government-led initiatives and market size, it is actively carving out its niche in the global AI landscape. The British approach emphasizes a balance between innovation, ethical considerations, and international collaboration, positioning the UK as a noteworthy player in the ongoing evolution of artificial intelligence.

4. Canada

It's interesting to note that Canada has also been making significant strides in the field of artificial intelligence. Like the UK, Canada has a strong focus on research and innovation, and its contributions to AI have gained global recognition.

One key factor contributing to Canada's prominence in AI is the presence of leading research institutions and universities. The University of Toronto, for instance, is home to influential figures in the AI community, and the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence plays a pivotal role in advancing research and talent development. Canada's commitment to academic excellence has fostered an environment conducive to breakthroughs in machine learning and AI algorithms.

Moreover, the Canadian government has been actively supporting AI initiatives. In 2017, Canada launched the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, investing significant funds to attract and retain top AI talent, promote research, and support collaborative efforts between academia and industry. This strategic approach has positioned Canada as a global leader in AI research and development.

Similar to the UK, Canada emphasizes ethical considerations in AI development. The country places importance on responsible AI practices, privacy protection, and transparency. The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) is an example of a research organization that addresses the societal implications of AI, contributing to the ethical discourse surrounding artificial intelligence.

In terms of industry, Canada has a burgeoning AI ecosystem, with notable companies like Element AI and OpenText making waves in various sectors. The city of Montreal, in particular, has become a thriving hub for AI innovation and startups.

Canada's approach to AI reflects a commitment to inclusivity and diversity in the field. Efforts are made to ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all, and the Canadian government actively promotes diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields, including AI research and development.

The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (2)

4. Germany

Germany is another European country that has been actively engaged in the development and application of artificial intelligence. The German approach to AI is characterized by a strong emphasis on industrial applications, innovation, and collaboration between academia, industry, and government.

One distinctive feature of Germany's AI landscape is its focus on industry-specific applications, often referred to as "Industrie 4.0." The country, known for its strong manufacturing sector, has been integrating AI technologies into processes to enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. German industries, including automotive, engineering, and manufacturing, have been incorporating AI-driven solutions such as predictive maintenance, quality control, and supply chain optimization.

Academic and research institutions in Germany play a crucial role in advancing AI capabilities. Institutions like the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Fraunhofer Society are at the forefront of AI research, contributing to the development of cutting-edge technologies. German universities, including the Technical University of Munich and the University of Heidelberg, have also made notable contributions to AI research.

The German government has recognized the strategic importance of AI for the country's economy and has taken steps to support its development. Initiatives such as the "AI Made in Germany" strategy aim to strengthen Germany's position in AI innovation globally. The government has allocated funding for research projects, technology transfer, and the establishment of AI research centers.

Ethical considerations are integral to Germany's approach to AI, with a focus on ensuring that AI technologies align with societal values and legal frameworks. The German Data Ethics Commission provides recommendations on the ethical use of AI, addressing issues such as data privacy, transparency, and accountability.

In the startup scene, Germany has seen the emergence of AI-driven companies, particularly in cities like Berlin and Munich. These startups cover a range of sectors, including healthcare, finance, and logistics, contributing to the diversity of the German AI ecosystem.

Germany's commitment to international collaboration is evident in its participation in European initiatives and partnerships. The country actively collaborates with other European nations to address common challenges, share expertise, and promote ethical guidelines for AI development.

6. France

France has been actively involved in the development and promotion of artificial intelligence, recognizing its significance for economic growth, innovation, and societal progress. The French approach to AI combines a strong emphasis on research and innovation, government initiatives, and collaboration between academia and industry.

One notable aspect of France's engagement with AI is the emphasis on research and academic excellence. The country is home to renowned research institutions and universities that contribute significantly to AI advancements. Institutions such as INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation) and PSL Research University play key roles in fostering cutting-edge research in AI and machine learning.

The French government has shown a commitment to supporting AI initiatives through various strategic plans and funding programs. In 2018, France launched the "AI for Humanity" national strategy, outlining its vision for AI development and deployment. This strategy includes investments in research, talent development, and the creation of AI platforms to encourage collaboration between public and private sectors.

In terms of industry and startups, France has a growing AI ecosystem. Paris, in particular, has become a hub for AI innovation, with numerous startups and research labs contributing to advancements in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. French companies are actively exploring AI applications to improve business processes and enhance competitiveness.

France also recognizes the importance of collaboration at the European level. The country is part of European initiatives such as the European AI Alliance, fostering cooperation and knowledge-sharing across borders to address common challenges and promote the responsible development of AI technologies.

7. Japan

Japan has been actively involved in the field of artificial intelligence, recognizing the transformative potential of AI technologies for various aspects of society, industry, and innovation. The Japanese approach to AI is characterized by a combination of technological advancements, research initiatives, and a focus on incorporating AI into different sectors of the economy.

One distinctive aspect of Japan's engagement with AI is its long-standing history of robotics and automation. The country has a strong foundation in robotics research, and this expertise has naturally extended to AI. Japanese companies and research institutions have been at the forefront of developing AI-driven robotics, with applications ranging from manufacturing and healthcare to service industries.

In the realm of research, Japan has made significant contributions to AI and machine learning. Leading institutions such as the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project are actively involved in cutting-edge research, contributing to advancements in AI algorithms, natural language processing, and computer vision.

The Japanese government has recognized the strategic importance of AI and has implemented policies to support its development. The "Society 5.0" initiative, part of Japan's broader economic strategy, aims to integrate AI and other technologies to create a human-centered and sustainable society. The government has allocated funds for research and development, as well as initiatives to foster collaboration between industry and academia.

In terms of industry, Japan has a strong presence in sectors such as robotics, automotive manufacturing, and electronics. Companies like Toyota, Honda, and Sony are exploring and implementing AI technologies to enhance product development, improve efficiency, and innovate in their respective fields.

Japan also places importance on international collaboration in AI research. The country actively participates in global initiatives and partnerships, collaborating with other nations to address common challenges and share knowledge. Japanese researchers and institutions contribute to international conferences and forums, promoting the exchange of ideas and expertise

The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (3)

8. Israel

Israel has emerged as a notable player in the field of artificial intelligence, leveraging its strong technological ecosystem, innovative culture, and a history of military and defense technology development. The Israeli approach to AI is characterized by a combination of robust research, a thriving startup ecosystem, and a focus on real-world applications in various sectors.

Israel's emphasis on technological innovation and entrepreneurship has played a key role in its AI advancements. The country has a dynamic startup culture, and many Israeli entrepreneurs and researchers have been at the forefront of AI innovation. Tel Aviv, in particular, has become a hub for technology startups, including those specializing in AI and machine learning.

Israel has a tradition of strong research institutions, and academic excellence contributes significantly to the country's AI capabilities. Institutions such as the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and the Weizmann Institute of Science conduct cutting-edge research in AI, machine learning, and related fields. Collaboration between academia and industry is common, fostering an environment conducive to technology transfer and applied research.

In terms of government support, Israel has recognized the strategic importance of AI and has taken steps to promote its development. The government has invested in research and development initiatives, aiming to position Israel as a global leader in AI innovation. Additionally, various programs and grants support startups and companies working on AI technologies.

The defense sector has historically been a significant driver of technological innovation in Israel, and AI applications in defense and security have been a focal point. The expertise gained in defense technology often translates into civilian applications, contributing to advancements in areas such as cybersecurity, image recognition, and autonomous systems.

Israel's startup ecosystem is particularly vibrant in the AI domain, with numerous companies working on diverse applications. Startups often focus on sectors like healthcare, finance, cybersecurity, and autonomous systems. Israeli AI companies have gained international recognition for their innovative solutions and have attracted significant investment.

9. Sweden

Sweden has been actively involved in the development and adoption of artificial intelligence, driven by a combination of a strong innovation culture, advanced research capabilities, and a commitment to sustainable technology. The Swedish approach to AI reflects a focus on leveraging technology for societal benefit and economic growth.

Research and innovation are central to Sweden's engagement with artificial intelligence. The country has a reputation for academic excellence, with institutions such as KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University making significant contributions to AI research. Swedish researchers have been active in areas such as machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing.

Sweden places a strong emphasis on sustainability, and this commitment extends to its approach to AI. There is a growing interest in developing AI technologies that contribute to environmental sustainability and address global challenges. The Swedish government actively supports research initiatives that align with the country's sustainability goals, and various programs encourage collaboration between academia and industry in developing environmentally friendly AI solutions.

The Swedish government has recognized the importance of AI for economic development and has implemented policies to support its growth. Initiatives such as the national strategy for artificial intelligence outline plans for investments in research and development, skill development, and fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors.

Sweden's startup ecosystem has also seen the emergence of AI-driven companies across various sectors. Stockholm, in particular, has become a hub for tech startups, and the AI community benefits from a supportive environment, including access to venture capital and mentorship programs. Swedish AI startups focus on areas such as healthcare, finance, and sustainability.

In terms of ethics and responsible AI development, Sweden emphasizes transparency, accountability, and privacy protection. The Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen) plays a role in ensuring that AI applications adhere to data protection regulations. The country actively participates in international discussions on AI ethics and collaborates with other nations to establish ethical guidelines for AI development and deployment.

10. Australia

Australia has been actively engaging with artificial intelligence, recognizing its potential to drive innovation, economic growth, and improvements in various sectors. The Australian approach to AI is characterized by a combination of research and development initiatives, industry collaboration, and a focus on ethical considerations.

Research and academic institutions in Australia contribute significantly to advancements in artificial intelligence. Universities such as the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Sydney have research centers and labs dedicated to AI and machine learning. Australian researchers are involved in diverse areas, including natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.

The Australian government has acknowledged the strategic importance of AI and has taken steps to support its development. Initiatives such as the National Artificial Intelligence Centre (NAIC) and the AI Action Plan aim to enhance AI capabilities, foster innovation, and address the challenges associated with the technology. The government's focus includes investing in AI research, developing a skilled workforce, and promoting collaboration between industry and academia.

In terms of industry engagement, Australia has a growing ecosystem of AI startups and companies. Sydney and Melbourne serve as key hubs for technology and innovation, with startups focusing on applications in healthcare, agriculture, finance, and other sectors. Additionally, established companies in Australia are integrating AI into their operations to enhance efficiency and competitiveness.

11. India

India's emergence as a major player in the AI scene is nothing short of phenomenal. Boasting the world's second-largest internet user base and a rapidly growing tech talent pool, the country is witnessing a surge in AI research and development.

One of the driving forces behind this growth is the Indian government's proactive stance towards AI. The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, launched in 2019, aims to make India a global leader in AI by 2030. This has led to increased funding for research, the establishment of AI centers of excellence, and the promotion of AI startups.

But it's not just government support that's fueling India's AI revolution. The private sector is also playing a crucial role, with tech giants like Infosys, Wipro, and TCS heavily investing in AI research and development. Additionally, a vibrant startup ecosystem is thriving, with companies like Druva, Blackboard AI, and Myntra making waves in various AI domains.

India's strengths lie in its large pool of skilled engineers, its strong focus on healthcare and education, and its growing adoption of digital technologies. With a continued focus on talent development, infrastructure, and ethical considerations, India is poised to become a dominant force in shaping the future of AI.

12. South Korea

South Korea, the "Land of the Morning Calm," is anything but calm when it comes to AI. This tech-savvy nation has long been at the forefront of innovation, and AI is no exception. The country boasts a robust national AI strategy, coupled with significant investments from both the government and private sector.

South Korea's AI focus areas include robotics, healthcare, smart cities, and manufacturing. The country is home to some of the world's leading robotics companies, like Hanwha and Hyundai, and is making significant strides in developing AI-powered healthcare solutions. Additionally, South Korea is actively implementing AI technologies in its cities, making them more efficient and sustainable.One of the key factors behind South Korea's AI success is its strong emphasis on collaboration. The government, academia, and industry work closely together to foster innovation and accelerate the development of AI solutions. This collaborative approach has created a dynamic ecosystem that is conducive to rapid growth.

Looking ahead, South Korea is well-positioned to maintain its leadership in AI. With its continued focus on research and development, talent acquisition, and global collaboration, the "Asian Tiger" is poised to leave its mark on the future of this transformative technology.

13. United Arab Emirates

Dubai might be famed for its soaring skyscrapers and luxurious allure, but beneath the glitz lies a simmering ambition to become a global leader in the realm of artificial intelligence. The United Arab Emirates, with its oil wealth and forward-thinking vision, is rapidly establishing itself as a fertile ground for AI innovation.

One of the key drivers of this AI surge is the UAE's National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031. This comprehensive roadmap outlines ambitious goals, like fostering cutting-edge research, nurturing local talent, and attracting leading AI companies to establish R&D hubs in the Emirati sand.

But ambition alone isn't enough. The UAE is backing its vision with concrete action. Here are some examples:

  • Establishing world-class AI research facilities: From the Mohammed bin Rashid AI Foundation to the Abu Dhabi AI & Data Lab, the UAE is creating an ecosystem where top minds can collaborate and push the boundaries of AI.
  • Investing in AI-powered projects: From self-driving vehicles navigating the desert dunes to AI-powered healthcare solutions tackling regional health challenges, the UAE is actively implementing AI across various sectors.
  • Building a diverse AI talent pool: Through initiatives like the UAE AI Summer Camp and partnerships with leading universities, the UAE is actively working to cultivate a future generation of AI experts right within its borders.

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In conclusion, the global landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with certain countries emerging as leaders in this transformative field. The United States remains a formidable powerhouse, driven by its vibrant tech ecosystem, major corporations, and a commitment from both the government and private sector to maintain leadership in AI research and development. China, rapidly transforming into a key global player, strategically prioritizes AI as a cornerstone of its future growth, backed by substantial investments, supportive policies, and a national strategy aiming for world leadership in AI innovation by 2030.

As we navigate the future, the collaboration between these nations will likely play a crucial role in addressing global challenges, shaping ethical guidelines, and fostering a responsible and inclusive AI revolution. The intricate tapestry of AI excellence woven by these countries sets the stage for a future where intelligent systems will continue to redefine how we live, work, and interact with the world.

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The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (4)

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The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence (2024)


The 13 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence? ›

The United States had the strongest capacity for research among the leading 20 AI nations worldwide in 2023. It has a ranking of 100, compared with its nearest competitor China at just around 54. In general, Europe has the strongest showing, with most nations on the ranking hailing from Europe.

Which countries have the most advanced AI? ›

The United States had the strongest capacity for research among the leading 20 AI nations worldwide in 2023. It has a ranking of 100, compared with its nearest competitor China at just around 54. In general, Europe has the strongest showing, with most nations on the ranking hailing from Europe.

Which country is winning the AI race? ›

The U.S. Leads The Race, For Now

Assessing the current state of the US-China AI race is challenging, given the classified nature of much AI development, particularly in autonomous weapons systems. However, when it comes to generative AI, experts like Rogoyski generally agree that the US holds the upper hand at present.

Which country is best in AI development? ›

The Top 10 AI Research & Technology Countries in 2024
  1. The US: AI Superpower.
  2. China: A Growing Competitor.
  3. UK: Europe's AI Hub.
  4. Israel: The Innovation Center.
  5. Canada: The Silent Achiever.
  6. France: Europe's AI Leader.
  7. India: South Asia's AI Leader.
  8. Japan: Technological Leader.
Jan 20, 2024

What are the 10 most advanced countries in computer technology? ›

The list of the top 10 most technologically advanced countries includes countries like Japan, South Korea, the United States, Germany, China, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Finland.

Is the US leading in AI? ›

America has long been the global leader in this new era of AI, and is poised to maintain this leadership going forward because of our strong innovation ecosystem. Realizing the full potential of AI for the Nation requires the combined efforts of industry, academia, and government.

Is China ahead of US in AI? ›

"China is absolutely a world leader in AI research, and in many areas, likely the world leader," Arnold said, adding the country is active across a range of research areas, including increasingly fundamental research. The U.S. still has an edge on China in natural language processing.

Why USA is best for AI? ›

The United States offers overseas students a culturally diverse, inclusive study environment and many scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities. This makes it a very attractive destination for those who wish to study AI and take up their careers on the global stage.

Which country is against AI? ›

Countries such as India, UK, US, and China have agreed to collaborate in order to protect against the potential harm caused by artificial intelligence (AI).

Which country is AI in the Bible? ›

The Ai (Hebrew: הָעַי, romanized: hāʿAy, lit. 'the heap (of ruins)'; Douay–Rheims: Hai) was a city in Canaan, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. According to the Book of Joshua, it was conquered by the Israelites, headed by Joshua, during their conquest of Canaan.

Which countries will benefit most from AI? ›

Not all economies will benefit equally from AI. The US, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and parts of the Nordics are expected to fare best. But emerging markets (particularly those not in Asia) are expected to benefit the least. The economic boost from AI will most likely lead to higher bond yields.

Which country is pioneer in AI? ›

United States: With world-class facilities and outstanding AI programs, the US is a leader in AI research and innovation. Notable universities in the country include Stanford, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon.

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Large and small country ranking
RankCountryInnovation performance
2South Korea1.92
68 more rows

Which country is the most powerful in technology? ›

  • Japan. #1 in Technological expertise. ...
  • South Korea. #2 in Technological expertise. ...
  • China. #3 in Technological expertise. ...
  • United States. #4 in Technological expertise. ...
  • Germany. #5 in Technological expertise. ...
  • Singapore. #6 in Technological expertise. ...
  • Russia. #7 in Technological expertise. ...
  • United Kingdom. #8 in Technological expertise.

Who has the most powerful AI? ›

IBM Watson's versatility and power make it one of the best AI systems in the world, continually advancing in 2024.

Which country has more scope in AI? ›

Despite the linguistic barrier, Germany is the top choice for international students to study artificial intelligence and machine learning. Germany has certain top-performing universities that provide various work opportunities to their students.

Who has the most AI technology? ›

The largest AI company by market cap is Apple, followed by Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Alphabet.

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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 5866

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.