The 11 Best Substitutes for Cornstarch (2024)

Thickening agents that you can substitute for cornstarch can include certain types of flour, seeds, and starches, including potato starch.

Cornstarch is widely used in cooking and baking.

It’s a pure starch powder that’s extracted from corn kernels by removing all of their outer bran and germ, leaving behind the starch-rich endosperm.

In the kitchen, it has a range of uses. When starch is heated, it’s very good at absorbing water. So it’s most often used as a thickener for stews, soups, and gravies.

It’s also often favored by those with gluten-related disorders, as it’s derived from corn (not wheat), making it gluten-free.

However, cornstarch is not the only ingredient that can be used as a thickener. This article explores 11 ingredients you can use instead.

The 11 Best Substitutes for Cornstarch (1)Share on Pinterest

Wheat flour is made by grinding wheat into a fine powder.

Unlike cornstarch, wheat flour contains protein and fiber, as well as starch. This means it’s possible to swap your cornstarch for flour, but you will need more of it to get the same effect.

In general, it’s recommended that you use twice as much white flour as cornstarch for thickening purposes. So if you need 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, use 2 tablespoons of white flour.

Wheat and whole grain flour contain more fiber than white flour, so while it’s possible to try thickening with these flours, you’re likely to need much more of them to get the same result.

To thicken recipes with wheat flour, mix it with a little cold water first to form a paste. This will keep it from sticking together and forming clumps when you add it to recipes.

If you are using wheat flour as a cornstarch substitute, remember that it’s not gluten-free, so it’s not suitable for people with gluten-related disorders.


Wheat flour is a quick and easy substitution for cornstarch. For the best results, it’s recommended that you use twice as much flour as you would cornstarch.

Arrowroot is a starchy flour made from the roots of the Maranta genus of plants, which is found in the tropics.

To make arrowroot, the roots of the plants are dried and then ground into a fine powder, which can be used as a thickener in cooking.

Some people prefer arrowroot to cornstarch because it contains more fiber (1, 2).

It also forms a clear gel when mixed with water, so it’s great for thickening clear liquids (3).

It’s recommended to use twice as much arrowroot as cornstarch to get similar results. Arrowroot is also gluten-free, so it’s suitable for people who don’t eat gluten.


Arrowroot flour is a gluten-free substitute for cornstarch. You should use twice as much arrowroot as you would cornstarch.

Potato starch is another substitute for cornstarch. It’s made by crushing potatoes to release their starch content and then drying them into a powder.

Like arrowroot, it’s not a grain, so it contains no gluten. However, it is a refined starch, meaning that it’s high in carbs and contains very little fat or protein.

Like other tuber and root starches, potato starch tastes quite bland, so it won’t add any unwanted flavor to your recipes.

You should substitute potato starch for cornstarch in a 1:1 ratio. This means if your recipe needs 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, swap that out for 1 tablespoon of potato starch.

It’s also worth noting that many cooks recommend adding root or tuber starches like potato or arrowroot later in the cooking process.

This is because they absorb water and thicken a lot quicker than grain-based starches. Heating them for too long will completely break them down, causing them to lose their thickening properties.


Potato starch is a great replacement for cornstarch because it tastes bland and is gluten-free.

Tapioca is a processed starch product extracted from cassava, a root vegetable that’s found throughout South America.

It’s made by grinding cassava roots to a pulp and filtering out their starch-rich liquid, which is then dried into tapioca flour.

However, some cassava plants contain cyanide, so the cassava has to be treated first to ensure it’s safe (4).

Tapioca can be bought as flour, pearls, or flakes, and it’s also gluten-free.

Most cooks recommend substituting 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour.


Tapioca is a processed starch flour made from the root vegetable cassava. You should substitute around 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour for each tablespoon of cornstarch.

Rice flour is a powder made from finely ground rice. It’s often used in Asian cultures as an ingredient in desserts, rice noodles, or soups.

Naturally gluten-free, it’s also popular among those who have gluten-related disorders as a substitute for regular wheat flour.

Rice flour can also act as a thickener in recipes, making it an effective substitute for cornstarch.

Additionally, it’s colorless when mixed with water, so it can be especially useful for thickening clear liquids.

Like wheat flour, it’s recommended that you use twice as much rice flour as cornstarch to get the same result.

It can be used with hot or cold water to make a paste, or in a roux, which is a mixture of flour and fat.


Rice flour is colorless when added to a recipe, so it can be useful for thickening clear liquids. Use double the amount of rice flour to get the same result.

Ground flaxseeds are very absorbent and form a jelly when mixed with water.

However, the consistency of flax can be a bit gritty, unlike cornstarch, which is smooth.

That said, flaxseeds are a great source of soluble fiber, so using ground flaxseeds instead of flour can boost the fiber content of your dish (5).

If you’re thickening a dish, you could try substituting for cornstarch by mixing 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds with 4 tablespoons of water. This should replace about 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.


You can combine ground flaxseeds with water and substitute the mixture for cornstarch. However, it can have a gritty texture and won’t provide the same smooth finish.

Glucomannan is a powdered soluble fiber derived from the roots of the konjac plant.

It’s very absorbent and forms a thick, colorless, odorless gel when mixed with hot water.

As glucomannan is pure fiber, it contains no calories or carbs, making it a popular substitute for cornstarch for people following a low carb diet.

It’s also a probiotic, which means it feeds the good bacteria in your large intestine and can help you maintain a healthy gut (6).

Additionally, a recent review found that consuming 3 grams of glucomannan per day could reduce your LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 10% (7).

However, you’re unlikely to consume that much when using it as a thickener. That’s because its thickening power is much stronger than cornstarch, so you use much less.

Most people use around a quarter of a teaspoon of glucomannan for every 2 teaspoons of cornstarch.

It thickens at quite low temperatures, so mix it with a little cold water before you pour it into your food to avoid it clumping together when it hits hot liquid.


Glucomannan is a soluble dietary fiber that thickens when heated with water. It contains no carbs or calories, so it’s a popular choice for people on a low carb diet.

Psyllium husk is another plant-based soluble fiber that can be used as a thickening agent.

Like glucomannan, it’s rich in soluble fiber and contains very few carbs.

You’ll also only need a small amount of it to thicken recipes, so start with half a teaspoon and build up.


Psyllium husk is another type of plant-based soluble fiber. Try using small amounts of it in place of cornstarch for thickening.

Xanthan gum is a vegetable gum that’s made by fermenting sugar with a bacteria called Xanthom*onas campestris (8).

This produces a gel, which is then dried and turned into a powder that you can use in your cooking. Very small amounts of xanthan gum can thicken a liquid by a large amount (9).

It’s worth noting that it may cause digestive issues for some people when consumed in large amounts (10).

However, you are unlikely to consume very much of it when using it as a thickener.

It’s recommended to use a small amount of xanthan gum and add it slowly. You need to be careful not to use too much, or the liquid may become a bit slimy.


You can swap cornstarch for the same amount of xanthan gum as a thickener in your cooking.

Guar gum is also a vegetable gum. It’s made from a type of legume called guar beans.

The outer husks of the beans are removed, and the central, starchy endosperm is collected, dried, and ground into a powder.

It’s low in calories and high in soluble fiber, making it a good thickener (11, 12).

Some people prefer using guar gum over xanthan gum, as it’s generally much cheaper.

However, like xanthan gum, guar gum is a strong thickener. Start with a small amount — around one-quarter of a teaspoon — and build up slowly to a consistency that you like.


Guar gum is low in calories and high in soluble fiber. It has good thickening properties, so start with a small amount and build up.

Several other techniques can also help you thicken your recipes.

These include:

  • Simmering. Cooking your meal at a lower heat for longer will help evaporate some of the liquid, resulting in a thicker sauce.
  • Blended vegetables. Puréeing leftover veggies can make a tomato-based sauce thicker and add more nutrients.
  • Sour cream or plain Greek yogurt. Adding these to a sauce can help make it creamier and thicker.

Several other techniques can help thicken sauces, including simmering, adding some blended veggies, and using sour cream or plain Greek yogurt.

When it comes to thickening sauces, stews, and soups, there are many alternatives to cornstarch.

What’s more, many of these thickeners have different nutritional properties than cornstarch and can suit various dietary preferences.

If you’re looking to add a little bit of extra fiber to your recipes, on a low carb diet, or out of cornstarch, there are certainly alternative thickeners to consider.

The 11 Best Substitutes for Cornstarch (2024)


What ingredients below can be an alternative for cornstarch? ›

Cornstarch Substitutes
  • Flour. If you've been wondering: "Can I substitute flour for cornstarch?" The answer is yes! ...
  • Rice Flour. A common ingredient in Asian cuisines, this flour, made from finely ground rice, is a favorite substitution for regular flour as a gluten-free option. ...
  • Xanthan Gum. ...
  • Ground Flaxseed. ...
  • Glucomannan.
Jun 9, 2024

Which starch is best for thickening? ›

Cornstarch. Cornstarch is the most common thickening agent used in the industry. It is mixed with water or juice and boiled to make fillings and to give a glossy semi-clear finish to products. Commercial cornstarch is made by soaking maize in water containing sulphur dioxide.

What are alternative names for cornstarch? ›

Cornflour, cornstarch, maize starch, or corn starch (American English) is the starch derived from corn (maize) grain.

What is one downside to cornstarch? ›

Cornstarch is high in calories and carbs but low in essential nutrients. It may also increase blood sugar levels and harm heart health.

What is a thickener that is not cornstarch? ›

All-purpose flour: You can thicken sauces with all-purpose wheat flour. For every tablespoon of cornstarch, use three tablespoons of flour. Combine raw flour with cold water in a small bowl to form a paste, then add it into the sauce as it's simmering.

How to thicken stew without cornstarch? ›

Alternatively, you can mix equal quantities of flour and butter (and/or oil) together to make a paste called 'beurre manie'. Whisk bits of the resulting paste into the hot stew where they will dissolve and disperse the flour. (This works better if you have lifted the meat or veg out of the gravy or sauce, first.)

Can you use baking soda instead of cornstarch? ›

Baking soda cannot substitute cornstarch. Baking soda is a leavening agent whereas cornstarch is a thickener. These two ingredients may look similar, but they have very different purposes in cooking and cannot be used interchangeably.

What is the healthiest thickening agent? ›

Cornstarch, tapioca, and flour are the most commonly used starches, but other alternative starches such as arrowroot and kuzu actually offer more nutritional density, have some medicinal properties, and provide a smooth finish to a recipe.

What is a natural thickener? ›

Natural food thickeners are substances derived from plants or other natural sources. Examples include agar agar, arrowroot, and chia seeds. They offer a range of unique properties and health benefits.

What are the 7 thickening agents for sauces? ›

7 Ways to Thicken up a Sauce
  • Flour. If being gluten-free isn't a concern, adding flour is a fantastic way to thicken dairy-based sauces, thick soups and gravies. ...
  • Cornstarch or arrowroot. ...
  • Tomato paste. ...
  • Reduce the liquid. ...
  • Swirl in a pat of butter. ...
  • Add an egg yolk. ...
  • Puree some vegetables.
Apr 9, 2019

What is the healthiest substitute for cornstarch? ›

Flaxseed gel is a healthy and gluten-free alternative to cornstarch. You can make it by mixing ground flaxseeds or flaxseed powder with water. This forms a gelatinous substance, which can thicken food in place of cornstarch, although it isn't as smooth as cornstarch and may lend a rough texture to the food.

What is the Indian substitute for cornstarch? ›

Wheat flour

It's the easiest substitute you can use for thickening gravies. However, it contains more fibre & protein than corn starch, and thus should be used in doubled quantity in 2:1 ratio.

Does cornstarch go bad? ›

Storing Cornstarch

Despite any date you might see on the package, cornstarch shouldn't go bad or lose its power. As long as you keep it in a cool, dry place, free from moisture, it should last indefinitely on your shelf—that is, if you don't use it up quickly.

What to do if I don't have cornstarch? ›

5 Best Cornstarch Substitutes
  1. All-Purpose Flour. Yep, that's right — all-purpose flour is a very stable thickener. ...
  2. Arrowroot Powder. If you happen to have this starch on hand, you're in luck: It has the same thickening power as cornstarch, and it creates a beautiful, shiny sauce. ...
  3. Potato Starch. ...
  4. Rice Flour. ...
  5. Tapioca Starch.
Jun 23, 2023

Can you thicken without cornstarch? ›

1. All-purpose flour: You can thicken sauces with all-purpose wheat flour. For every tablespoon of cornstarch, use three tablespoons of flour. Combine raw flour with cold water in a small bowl to form a paste, then add it into the sauce as it's simmering.

Is there a difference between flour and cornstarch? ›

This is because cornstarch is composed only of starch, while all-purpose flour contains starch, fiber, and protein. One of these proteins is gluten, which helps give bread its elasticity and chew. Because cornstarch doesn't contain gluten, it is gluten free and safe for people with celiac disease.

Can I use baking powder instead of cornstarch? ›

Baking powder can stand in for baking soda in some recipes, but it doesn't have the thickening power of corn starch and should not be used as a substitute. Baking powder's chief attribute is its ability to make baked goods light and fluffy.

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