The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (2024)

Video monetization platforms continue to create a variety of new business opportunities as skyrocketing growth has normalized into the widespread adoption of live streaming video in every format on every device.

Streaming research shows that video ads grew by 46% last year, with live content doubling its market share. Not to mention that online viewership is up by 72%.

That’s great news for broadcasters passionate about bringing their content to the world stage and those who wish to make video creation their full-time careers. Today’s content creators have a diverse toolbox of software and video monetization platforms. You can magnetize views and earn a living through video monetization if you have a unique perspective to share with the world.

The upsurge in video monetization options presents an opportunity for organizations to monetize their video libraries and create stable streams of recurring income. From ad-supported content and viewer subscriptions to pay-per-view (PPV) and on-demand services, monetization is the new standard of profitable media delivery and consumption.

All these choices can make selecting the right video monetization platform overwhelming for broadcasters, both newbies and veterans.

This article will explain how video monetization works and look at various video monetization models (AVOD, SVOD, and TVOD) proven to work for video creators like you.

We’ll see how these can be used with both and video on demand. Lastly, we will touch upon paywalls and review the best video monetization platforms and streaming services of 2024.

Hopefully, this blog will help you make informed decisions about all the monetization options available to you, as well as some things you must keep in mind to maximize video monetization opportunities for your content.

The technology that video monetization platforms rely on is changing all the time. This post has been updated to reflect the most accurate information on the best video monetization platforms as of June 2024.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

  • What is Video Monetization?
  • Common Video Monetization Models
  • How to Monetize Videos
  • What Kind of Video Content Can I Monetize?
  • Where Can You Monetize Videos?
  • What is a Video Paywall?
  • Comparison of the Best Video Monetization Platforms of 2024
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

What is Video Monetization?

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (1)

Simply put – video monetization is getting paid for the videos you publish online. Not so much for the creation but rather when audiences view or download your content. The more people that watch, the greater your earnings from any video.

Broadcasters can generate revenue from their videos in many different ways. The most common include:

  • Inserting ads
  • Incorporating sponsors
  • Offering subscriptions
  • Creating product reviews
  • Service reviews
  • Asking users to pay to watch

Generating income from your videos is based on these distinct video streaming business models.

  1. Access to unique content: When you serve the needs of your audience well, followers will pay to view the content you create. Educational curricula, training courses, and other digital downloads are prime examples.
  2. Access to your audience: Advertisers with a product or service (that aligns with your brand) will sponsor ads or pay for placement within your video content. Think about promoting workout gear or supplements to a fitness audience or running team apparel ads during a live sports event.
  3. Access to your video platform: As a broadcaster, creating a subscription model to access premium content – or your entire video-on-demand library – is a smart monetization play. That model works especially well for media agencies, online publishers, and others with vast content collections that are already established.

Some organizations may hesitate to charge fees or subscriptions for premium content, believing that such actions will be perceived negatively or turn away loyal visitors. However, in the case of most brands, the opposite is true. Utilizing the best ways to monetize videos doesn’t have to spell doom for your vision as a brand or organization.

Learning how to monetize videos and focusing on delivering value-added content is a surefire strategy to increase revenue for any brand. Remember that if the information you provide is valuable and compelling, viewers will gladly pay to benefit from it.

Especially if the content is entertaining, solves a problem, or helps viewers grow.

Video Monetization Stats and Facts

Are you still trying to determine if a video monetization strategy is worth the hassle for your brand? The best way to understand the true potential that video monetization unlocks is by seeing the stats.

Here are a few interesting trends in video monetization:

Want to learn more about the general online video streaming video business and landscape? Check out our live-streaming video courses and statistics post to review100+ stats and trends.

Common Video Monetization Models

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (2)

Although broadcasters can monetize video content in dozens of ways, most efforts fall within one of three main categories: AVOD, SVOD, or TVOD. While all can be profitable, there are pros and cons to each. In addition, depending on where you are in your video business life cycle, the best option may change over time.

Advertising-Based Video On Demand (AVOD)

Advertising-Based Video on Demand (AVOD) is a sponsorship model for video ads where ad placement costs are typically based on audience size. AVOD is a classic monetization format where brands pay you to run video advertisem*nts for your audience. Once again, YouTube serves as a prime example.

As stated, the larger the audience, the more revenue AVOD video can generate. Advertising video on demand also provides a low entry barrier as it’s easy to set up and operate. Additionally, most online viewers prefer ad-supported free content as they are already accustomed to it. The fact that the viewers don’t have to pay anything to watch your content makes it even more favorable for them. In fact, 3.4 billion people now watch AVOD content.

Subscription-Based Video On Demand (SVOD)

Subscription-Based Video On Demand (SVOD) is a widely-used monetization method or option where users pay a recurring fee to access video content. Netflix is an obvious example of SVOD in action. As long as user accounts remain current, members can access Netflix’s vast library of video content whenever and wherever they choose.

Although the name includes video-on-demand, SVOD can also apply to live-streaming content, like for subscriptions to live sports packages or access to webinars from mentors or thought leaders. Subscription video on demand is one of the most profitable types of monetization, as organizations can develop recurring revenue for as long as they see fit.

They can also club it with other monetization methods like TVOD and AVOD to drive revenue growth and offer viewers better choices.

Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD)

Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD), or “pay-per-view (PPV) streaming,” is another monetization method requiring viewers to pay upfront for each video watched or digital download requested.

Common examples include iTunes and the Google Play Store for individual downloads and pay-per-view (PPV) events for live streaming. TVOD is the opposite of AVOD, as viewers pay for every content they access.

Although transactional video-on-demand seems more restrictive, it can be highly profitable, especially for broadcasters covering many topics or those with specialized experience in a specific niche. Also, it’s a great way to monetize premium content for which viewers would be willing to pay more.

Once again, selecting a video monetization model is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Many organizations have success mixing and matching based on existing resources and the needs of their audience. For example, frequently using AVOD for general information and subscription or transactional monetized video content and on-demand for premium content.

How to Monetize Videos

There are several ways to monetize your streaming videos with the mentioned methods. First, let’s break down some specific strategies and use cases.

Affiliate Marketing and Sponsored Ads

One of the easiest ways to get started with video monetization are by inserting ads or using “suggested” content links in your published media. Anyone who has ever watched a YouTube video will recognize that concept. As viewers engage with these sponsored links, you earn income for each click or a percentage of completed affiliate sales.

Broadcasters can also look for sponsors and include targeted product placement throughout their content. Of course, you need a decent following to charge premium rates with sponsors. However, if you cater to a specific audience or niche, brands will still pay good money for advertising (even with a smaller following).

The key is ensuring sponsors align with your live-streaming site’s values and audience interest. Otherwise, sponsored ads may do more harm than good. That’s why it’s best to have certain clear guidelines in place before you start onboarding advertisers.

As mentioned, product review videos can also be a good source of income. Companies will pay you to share honest feedback about their products or services to get their name out. Site owners can also earn “freebies” as many brands let you keep the reviewed items or services afterward.

As long as your review is helpful and honest – it can bolster trust between you and your audience.

Create Your Own VOD Platform

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (3)

A great way to monetize video content is to build a branded VOD video streaming platform.

A VOD delivery platform is a media distribution system that hosts and shares content online. In other words, this is reserved internet property where visitors can gain direct access to your content.

It requires a fast and easy website to navigate, where content can be delivered to almost any device. The strengths of having your own online video platform are setting your own prices, maintaining content distribution control, and adjusting your video marketing strategy based on user feedback and market demand.

Trying to build a VOD platform is a lot of work. You also have to invest in marketing the platform well. Partnering with an existing video streaming platform makes the process easy. These solutions have the infrastructure, tools, and support to get you up and running fast. Many also include built-in monetization options and security controls to manage user access.

However, the biggest advantage of building a VOD platform is that you have full control over the viewing experience and the monetization as well.

Add Monetization Options to Existing Content

If you have not already, consider adding a paywall to charge users for access to your existing VOD library. Subscription models are an ideal way to get started with video monetization. Then, once the content is created, you can keep adding to your library and building your brand.

As your following continues to grow, so do your earnings. As a result, even a small (but dedicated) audience can generate substantial income.

The best way is to use a hybrid monetization model that’s a mix of PPV, subscriptions, and advertising. This way, you can attract audiences of all three segments and drive maximum revenues.

Get Your Content in Front of More Eyes

Regarding video monetization, the more people see your content, the better. One of the best ways to increase your reach is by partnering with an OTT provider with a proven video distribution network.

Over-the-top (OTT) platform technology allows viewers to access content on various equipment, including computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, and smart TVs (Roku, Amazon Fire TV, etc.).

Rather than being limited to proprietary broadcast networks (like cable or satellite), OTT utilizes the public internet for end-to-end transmission. So long as audiences have a connection and compatible device, they can stream OTT content, and the provider can monetize their over-the-top content.

What Kind of Video Content Can I Monetize?

After learning how to monetize videos, you might wonder which content monetization platforms can help you achieve your goals, which software solution would make thebest video monetization platformfor your needs, and what type of content is best for video monetization.

The video content industry is growing exponentially now, meaning viewers are willing to pay a fee to access videos of all genres.

Here are some types of video content that are trending right now and are great for video monetization:

  • Podcasts
  • Daily vlogs
  • Tutorial videos
  • Gaming content
  • Product reviews
  • Short video clips
  • Educational content
  • Music-related video content
  • Videos about current affairs
  • Economy and money-saving hacks

Regardless of the video monetization video platform you choose to monetize your streaming videos, make sure you understand the basics of how copyright laws work. Most monetization video platforms maintain strict rules regarding plagiarism, copyrights, and spam.

That’s especially important if you utilize content, video, or audio that isn’t your original creation. Secondly, ensure your content is always mindful of your target audience’s religious and cultural sensitivities.

Original, well-researched, and engaging content is always the best candidate for top video monetization platforms. It’s also the best way to ensure you maximize views and revenue for the videos you work so hard to create.

Where Can You Monetize Videos?

When people talk aboutmonetizing videosYouTube typically comes to mind. With their immense size, reach, and industry history, it’s no wonder. Yet, for organizations serious about the growth and scale of service, YouTube (and other common social media sites) are not the best option for video monetization platforms.

While it’s true that sharing on these sites is one way to get exposure, you need to gain control of how your content is distributed. Your videos are drowned in ads you have no control over and buried deep on a site that decides whose content is and isn’t featured.

Members are also subjected to strict advertising guidelines and ever-changing revenue models. The fact is, you can end up losing viewers (and income) if your videos are tied to the wrong kind of advertising.

Even if everything falls into place – the right audience size, messaging, and exposure you can still come up short. Research shows thatover 95% of YouTubers can’t make ends meet. Whatever money you make, theplatform keeps a whopping 45%.

Patronage crowdfunding sites likePatreonandIndiegogoalso allow broadcasters and video content creators to offer exclusive content to subscribers (for a fee). However, nothing beats using your own website forvideo hosting. Especially when it comes to security, maximizing profits, and scalability. Working with an establishedcontent monetization platform oronline video streaming service provider makes the process easy.

What is a Video Paywall?

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (4)

If you want to charge subscribers for content, there has to be a method in place to restrict access. That’s where a video paywall comes into play, acting as a digital payment barrier to control the flow of videos.

You need a video paywall for SVOD and TVOD monetization. It restricts free access to digital content by requiring a viewer to purchase the video or pay for a subscription to gain access to the content.

Video paywalls fit nicely with subscription models as viewers can have their accounts for library access while broadcasters earn steady recurring income. Most brands using paywalls offer free access to some content but block others with popups or login prompts. This type of streaming setup is known as a soft paywall.

Soft paywalls are an excellent way to monetize your content and align well with most streaming solutions. In addition, you can test how viewers will react to ads – without completely alienating your audience.

Setups, where no free content is offered, are called hard paywalls. Although hard paywalls can generate more revenue in the long run, you need a solid user base to make it work. Otherwise, casual visitors will look for free content elsewhere.

Hard paywalls may also limit the number of advertisers you can attract since you have a smaller audience to market to. The optimal paywall strategy is to use a combination of both. Offer free content for some users and paid subscriptions to others. Any particular video or everyday videos can be shared with general audiences, while premium content is reserved for members who opt to pay.

Video paywalls are the heart of robust content monetization strategies and offer solid ROI when implemented correctly.

Comparison of the 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms of 2024

Now that you know about the benefits of video monetization, the next step is choosing the best way to monetize videos. To do this, you must select a video hosting site that meets your needs. Keep in mind that some online video platforms offer native tools for monetization while others include partial or no options at all. In this case, you’ll need third-party plugins or tools to complete transactions.

Broadcasters should also review pricing and feature sets for comparable packages. Several platforms include built-in monetization options but only for enterprise-grade bundles or the most expensive plans. Keeping these ideas in mind, here is our comparison of the ten best video content monetization platforms to consider in 2024.

1. Cleeng

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (5)

The first video monetization platform on our list is Cleeng – a subscription management video platform with several flexible features. For example, their paywall options are available for pay-per-view (PPV) live streaming and video-on-demand subscriptions.

Cleeng’s solution includes multi-language support and authentication tools for content integrity and fraud prevention.

Regarding subscription management, Cleeng offers a single plan: Core. The billing is based on the number of users you have and ranges between $0.135 per managed user to $0.325 per managed user.

It’s important to note that Cleeng works alongside video hosting software as a plugin or integration.

2. Muvi

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (6)

Next in our video monetization platform comparison isMuvi, an OTT-focused online video platform. Muvi’s service supports live streaming and VOD, including a native video player, and selectsvideo monetization tools.

Muvi’s paywall implementation works with all major advertising, PPV, and subscription models but is less secure than other platforms. For example, there are no geographic and referrer restrictions and limited password protection.

Muvi’spricing plansstart at $399/month. Enterprise packages range up to $8900. Custom-built and streaming service plans are also available.

3. Lightcast

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (7)

Lightcast also helps broadcasters develop their mobile apps and custom SmartTV applications by providing a variety of OTT and video hosting services.

Lightcast supports all major monetization options, including SVOD, TVOD, and AVOD. It also offers fundraising tools. However, these various monetization features and tools are only included in some plans.

Pricing plans from Lightcast range from $1990 to $17990 per year, depending on the package and options selected.

4. InPlayer

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (8)

Like Cleeng, InPlayer is a top video content monetization platform and paywall solution for pay-per-view (PPV) and subscription-based revenue models.

The InPlayer solution includes coupons, geoblocking, multiple currency options, and custom features like paying with social media outreach (a “tweet,” “like,” etc.). InPlayer uses Stripe to process payments.

The InPlayer platform also includes API access and a native CRM system for capturing user data.

InPlayer no longer has pricing information published on its website, but they’ve used a revenue-sharing subscription model in the past.

5. Dacast

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (9)

Among all the content monetization platforms out there, Dacast stands out for several reasons. First, Dacast is a video-on-demand platform supporting pay-per-view (PPV) subscriptions, and advertising monetization models. Streams are delivered via the top-tier CDN service with user paywalls integrated directly into Dacast’s white-label video player.

Our subscription management system offers weekly, monthly, quarterly, and biannual renewal options, while our paywall solution accepts 135 different currencies (and counting) and is translated into ten other languages.

With our video monetizer model, Technical assistance is available 24/7, and we offer professional support services for live events, hosted pages, and software development projects. That makes Dacast the best video monetization platform for broadcasters like you.

Streaming media audiences voted Dacast the best SMB online video platform of 2019 and runner-up for educational video delivery. In addition, broadcasters have nominated (and placed Dacast in the top three) for multiple award categories six years in a row!

Prices start at just $39/month for the Starter plan and include:

  • Starter Plan: $39/month (includes 2.4 TB of bandwidth & 500 GB of storage)
  • Event Plan: $63/month (includes 6 TB of bandwidth upfront and 250 GB of storage)
  • Scale Plan: $165/month (includes 24 TB of bandwidth per year and 2 TB of storage)
  • Custom plan: Contact us for custom pricing plans

The most notable of Dacast’s online video platform features are:

  • Live streaming and Video on Demand are included in all plans
  • Wide range of video monetization tools
  • Top-notch dynamic token security
  • Low-latency video streaming
  • Ad Network Integration with Ad Insertion
  • Video Paywalls
  • Unlimited Viewers and Live Channels
  • Multi-user access on Scale and Custom plans
  • Zoom live streaming integration for meetings and live events in real-time
  • Expo 2.0 galleries video portal for immersive video experiences
  • Mobile streaming support
  • Real-time Analytics
  • Ad-free Streaming

6. Kaltura

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (10)

Kaltura is an open-source online video platform that provides a highly customizable streaming experience. Within these customizations, broadcasters can integrate various video monetizer tools and systems.

Kaltura supports integrations for AVOD, TVOD, and SVOD monetization models.

The pricing structure of Kaltura is complex. Broadcasters can purchase credits to spend on usage and access different features through integrations. Credit packages start at $5400.

7. Brightcove

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (11)

Brightcoveis a high-end streaming solution with a built-in video monetization platform. In addition, this platform supports ad-based video monetization.

The advertising features from Brightcove are pretty innovative. This platform offers server-side ad insertion, allowing it to serve ads even when viewers use ad blockers. It also provides ad cue points for pre-, mid-, and post-roll advertisem*nts.

Another remarkable aspect of video monetization on Brightcove is that it uses metadata to serve targeted video ads.

Brightcove does not publish pricing information on its website.

8. Cincopa

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (12)

Cincopais a multimedia hosting software with a built-in video monetization platform for generating live and on-demand content revenue. The two video monetization methods that this platform supports include subscriptions and advertising.

Like Brightcove, Cincopa supports pre-, mid-, and post-roll ad insertion.

Cincopa also offers Paygate API, which helps users customize their monetization methods to fit their needs best.

9. Livestream

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (13)

Livestreamis an online video streaming platform that Vimeo owns. Livestream has several powerful video streaming platforms and solutions, but Vimeo OTT is the one that is best suited for video monetization.

Vimeo OTT supports TVOD, AVOD, and SVOD monetization models.

Vimeo OTTplans cost$1/subscriber for Starter plans or $500/month + $1/subscriber for Growth plans. Custom-priced Enterprise plans are also available to accommodate advanced streaming needs.

10. Uscreen

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (14)

Uscreen is a TV-grade video hosting platform and software with a built-in video monetization platform. This video monetization solution is equipped with support for subscription and pay-per-view (PPV) video monetizer models. It’s designed to generate revenue for OTT video streaming services like Netflix or Hulu.

Pricing plans from Uscreen range from $149 to $499/month. There is also a $0.50 fee for each subscriber.


1. How do I monetize my video content?

There are several ways through which you can monetize your video content. The most common techniques employed by businesses include advertisem*nts, subscriptions, and PPV (pay per view). These monetization methods are called advertising video on demand (AVOD), subscription video on demand (SVOD), and transactional video on demand (TVOD).

2. Can a 30 second video be monetized?

Yes, it’s very much possible to monetize a video that’s as short as 30 seconds. However, this totally depends on the platform you choose to upload it on. With a platform like YouTube, this is completely possible as long as you’ve fulfilled the YouTube monetization guidelines and thresholds.

3. Which platform pays most for videos?

Among social media and video sites, the best paying platform is YouTube that has a low threshold for monetizing videos and also pays creators well. In fact, several creators on the platform earn in millions solely through their videos. This is much higher than what other platforms enable.

4. How much does Rumble pay per 1,000 views?

Typically, you can expect to earn anywhere between $2 to $10 for every 1000 views that your videos garner on the platform. This payment rate fluctuates based on the type of ads shown and the cost of those ads for the advertisers.

5. How do you monetize live streaming?

There are several ways through which you can monetize your live streams. You can ask users to sign up for the live stream and charge them for it in advance. Alternatively, you can provide the stream as a part of a subscription package and earn from it. You can also put up ads inside the live stream and charge advertisers for it. Finally, you can partner with brands who are willing to sponsor your live stream.


Video monetization is a catalyst for growth, profit, and sustainability. So if you’re a video content creator, claim your share of this growing trend. One of the best ways to jump on the bandwagon is to utilize a platform that supports your growth.

Dacast makes it easy to profit from live-streamingcontentor existing video-on-demand libraries. The platform supports its users in multiple ways, from its easy-to-understand video analytics tool that seamlessly transforms data into actionable steps. Or its sturdy 24/7 user support ensures your viewers enjoy uninterrupted streaming around the clock.

Our powerful online video solution offers enterprise-grade performance, security, and monetization features, all for a single low price.

Each package includessecure video streaming, reliable performance via top-tier CDNs, and customizable video content and player management APIs. No other solution offers so much value at such an affordable price.

Providing quality content to audiences is more critical than ever, and organizations that do it well can generate substantial revenue from ads, subscriptions, and pay-per-view transactions.

Learning how to monetize video content more effectively can open up new revenue streams for your business or organization. As a video content creator or broadcaster, content monetization platforms are an essential tool that lets you make the most out of your video creations. Dacast enables you to monetize videos without extra steps or hassle, so you can focus on creating quality content for your viewers.

Contact us today if you are ready toadd video monetizationto your content strategy. We offer a free 14-day trial without requiring long-term contracts or charging hefty setup fees. No credit card is required.

Get Started For Free

For regular live streaming tips and exclusive offers, you can also join our LinkedIn group.

The 10 Best Video Monetization Platforms in 2024 (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.