💥 Text To Speech 🍉 ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Guidryy POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #165 - INBELLA (2024)

💥 Text To Speech 🍉 ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Guidryy POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #165
#ASMRCakeStorytime #CakeStorytime #BriannaGuidryy
#BriannaGuidryy #CakeStorytime #ASMRCakeStorytime

Haha Brianna’s stinky ew no no guys I’m not stinky yes you are no it’s not me it’s Steve he’s stinky he is yeah Steve is stinky let’s all call him stinky Steve for the rest of his life stinky Steve stinky Steve here’s your Christmas present babe thank you boyfriend number one baby here

I got you a Christmas present and thank you boyfriend number two um do you have two boyfriends yes yes you can’t have two boyfriends that’s cheating what is it like the law or something hi Jakey sup yo Britney you look so beautiful today did you just cut my hair oops I

Thought I was holding a hairbrush Hey Brianna we’re putting a group project together you need to help with the oops looks like you dropped your books stinky Steve go fetch I’m so glad you’re getting eliminated this year eliminated this year anyone who’s not on the Nic list by Christmas will be eliminated

What do you mean that everyone who’s not on the nice list is going to be eliminated why would they do that for population control and to get rid of all the mean people in the world like you stinky Steve don’t walk away I’m talking to you what is it Brianna what

Can I do to get on the nice list stop being so rude do good deeds be kind apologize to those you hurt like me like you I’m so sorry for whatever I did to you you stinky stinky Steve it doesn’t work my next percentage hasn’t gone up

At all because it’s not genuine you don’t mean it you don’t even know what you did do you what did I do you’re the one who gave me the name stinky Steve because of you everyone calls me that I don’t have any friends and I can’t get a girlfriend because everyone thinks I’m

Stinky one year I almost failed all my classes because I stopped showing up at school I couldn’t bear being called stinky Steve all day long Steve I really am sorry it’s too late to apologize Steve Steve wait stinky wait I mean Steve that’s it never talk to me

Again I have a lot of people I need to apologize to don’t I boyfriend number one and boyfriend number two I’m here to apologize to you guys and give back the Christmas gifts you gave to me we have names you know it’s the right thing to

Do so okay let go let go you’re forgiven by the way honestly we couldn’t care less about you we should actually be thanking you thanking me why because if it wasn’t for you we never would have met each other him and I are together now we’re in love

Britney I’m sorry I chopped off your hair earlier in class I was just jealous because Jay complimented you and not me you can have it back if you want why would you keep it I was going to keep it in a jar in case I ever needed to clone

You what the principal Stevens I need to make an announcement no you’re not make attention everyone this announcement is for Steve I attention everyone this announcement is for Steve I am so sorry you may all know him as stinky se but truthfully he’s not stinky I made up

That name 10 years ago when I accidentally fart Ed and it smell really really bad so please stop calling him that Steve I really hope you can forgive me I love you did you just say I love you yeah hey Brianna thanks for making that announcement Steve did you really

Mean it when you said that you love me no I mean unless you do maybe one day did you get on the night list yet how close are you I just need 12% more you should try doing some good deeds that should get you on the nicest for sure

Got it boyfriend number one and boyfriend number two what’s this Christmas gifts for you Merry Christmas hey I got you this last year here Britney um what’s this for I’m giving money to the needy I’m not the needy I only need 1% more Susan Miss Applewood is crying again just put on a

60-second video with a video of someone playing with slime next to it that’s a very Niche request it works every time trust me all right everyone who’s ready to take their vitam 3 2 1 I’m again I don’t get paid enough for this Mr Stevens it’s time to eat your lunch

You got puree mashed potatoes and puree beef and then I don’t know what that is why would I need a meal when I have a snack right in front of me fine don’t eat oh he ate I go and I return the shirt I just made $60 girl mouth girl mouth oh yeah

You want to throw things at Timmy yeah no you can’t throw things at Timmy you’re no fun Susan the last time you threw things at Timmy he ended up in the hospital oh oh it’s okay I’ll get it I’ll get it my back my back ladies it’s time to

Take your payment medicine we’re not taking our medicine Susan no boo tomato tomato oh no she only has one brain cell today that’s not enough how is she going to survive here honey eat this it’s breakfast hat she can’t go through the day with only one brain cell I know what

To do I was gifted a special chocolate that increases brain cells honey eat this right away kitten no sweetie that’s chocolate chocolate you need to eat it so close sweetie but a bit lower yes and take a bite the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the

South I just read that entire book in 3 seconds honey she has infinite brain cells all right Guardians I’m off to school no need to walk me I know the way class was 3+ 2 the answer is five Miss what is this baby class are we in baby

School this is kindergarten but you’re too smart for kindergarten you’ll have to go to high school Mom Dad Grandma Why did no one wake me up for school and where did all our furniture go bring back grandma or little sister what do you mean bring back I’m choosing little sister older

there you are where’d you go I don’t know I was so scared I was in a black dark room with no food or water bring back soda or water I’m going to choose soda I’m really craving one right now why is the faucet pouring out

Soda instead of water oh no I think I know what this thing means it gives me two options and whatever I don’t choose doesn’t exist anymore that means we have to shower with soda bring back mom or dad you can’t just choose one of them we need them both I choose

Simon Says everyone touch their nose hurry everyone touch their nose everyone touched their head hurry up everyone touch their head no they didn’t say Simon Says Simon Says rip your test paper in half Brianna why did you rip your test you won’t be given another

One that’s okay I got a Simon Says Simon Says everyone stands still everyone start walking don’t move they didn’t say Simon Says Simon Says start moving these Simon Says are getting worse and worse I got a Simon says to break up with my boyfriend that’s awful Simon says kill your best

Friend Simon says kill your best friend what are you doing goddess Simon says I have no choice I have to kill you I got the same one look we can find a way out of this how can we get out of this there is no way out Simon says Don’t

Blink oh no I’m going to Blink Simon Says once someone blinks everyone will be able to Blink again hey no please don’t she snaap fingers in my face she cheated I can’t I can’t do this anymore what’s wrong I don’t even know who I am anymore

First I kill my best friend then I make someone lose and Simon Says and you’re not a bad person you can’t blame yourself for what the game makes you do you’re nice what’s your name it’s Simon your name is Simon are you the one running Simon says I’m one of many

There’s one of us in every school every workplace but you can’t tell anyone about this why are you telling me all this because I think you’re cute and I’d like to be in a relationship with you okay let’s be in a relationship then great mom I’m home I had a really rough

Day what are you doing put the gun away from your head Simon says let her do it I got a Simon says to kill you but I can’t do it I have to off myself instead mom Simon did you tell my mom to kill me Simon says don’t reveal his identity I

Only did it cuz I knew she wouldn’t hurt you and would end up offing herself instead what are you doing Simon says go to hell Simon says you are now Simon I’m one of the controllers of the game now all right everyone it’s time to

Write the exam oh no I forgot we had an exam today Simon says cancel the exam uhoh everyone the exam’s canceled today thank goodness the exam was canceled I didn’t study one second Kevin’s coming hey bre hi Kevin Simon Says compliment her dress Simon says that’s a really nice dress thanks I got

It from harara it’s beautiful Simon Says ask right on a date another Simon Says will you go on a date with me of course I’d love to hello who are you I’m the creator of Simon says it’s time time it’s time for you to kill

Someone I know who you are you’re one of the controllers of Simon Says why are you laughing you really are clueless aren’t you I saw it sticking out of your pocket when you came to pick me up for our date I assumed you weren’t just happy to see

Me when did you take the bullets out when I gave you that big long hug when you greeted me how didn’t I notice Simon Says leave this town and never show your face here again I got to get out of here hi young lady where are you walking

All alone at night s says so your mouth shut no I got to Simon says I I can’t Grandma I’m home I’m so proud of how tough you’ve become I kind of like being Simon nowadays but from now on I want to be in charge you’d really kill your own father

Here’s your dinner Miss Applewood Susan what is this it’s your pure Aid meal no no get me chicken nuggets you can’t have chicken nuggets you can’t choose them this looks like what was in my diaper this morning Susan and this it’s puree tofu it’s dooo I want chicken nuggets no

San I want chicken nuggets you’re not getting chicken nug thank you for the Roses thank you for the Roses ice cream Miss Applewood we have a new Resident on our floor Susan I am working you’re 103 years old you don’t work anymore Miss Applewood I really want you to meet this new Resident

You’ll really like him I don’t want to meet him tell him to leave he lives here he can’t leave I really think you should try making friends Miss Applewood fine hi I’m Mr Stevens I’m Miss Apple What Susan I’m in love you have a husband mama I’m in love doing criminal this is how she flirts Miss Applewood I left you some markers and some paper so you can color I have to go get some work done so just call me if you need any

Help okay okay thank you Susan I will help help me help Miss Applewood what happened s and I was lonely look everyone this poor old lady is eating lunch all by herself are you recording me Jennifer old age is so beautiful who are you call oh get over

Here Grand no D me good morning it’s time to take your medicine bombastic side eye no Miss Applewood there’ll be no side eyeing today now take your medicine you really thought you ate that no I don’t but you need to eat your medicine no I don’t want my medication I

Want girl dinner after you take your medicine girl dinner no please don’t start singing again girl dinner girl dinner all right unplug her life support Miss Apple wood you soiled yourself come on let’s go and get you cleaned up no I’m in my pooping my pants era what what happened to your clean

Girl era let’s bring that back clean girl aesthetic exactly now let’s go get washed up you’re giving me the I you’re giving me the ick because you smell so bad where’d you get that what are you eating my husband today we will be making our last girl dinner Miss

Applewood are you on your phone again your grandchildren don’t want you have too much screen time mind your business Susan what is our dessert moldy muffins yes that’s my favorite food I need my glasses cake no no no too sweet too sweet need some mold on it

Pizza no no too cheese too much cheese no yes yes toenail clippings what’s my drink wash it all down with the up good girl girl H delectable red olives all right no no no no no I’m not taking my vitamins Miss Apple you need to take your vitamins no

I told you I’m not taking my vitamins Susan see this is why I told you to stop yelling so much I don’t yell anyways scrum ous is apple wood your grandchildren are here to see you tell them to go home I’m busy you’re not busy

I’m trying to see what kind of dog I am today I will be seeing who has a crush on me 65 I would climb that like a tree Miss Applewood what did you just say no one’s talking to you Susan bartender I don’t know because I’m a material girl he doesn’t

Make that much money cancer he’s a den out of D in looks no one would ever have a crush on you miss Applewood because you’re not a very nice lady that’s not true Susan I have a husband now what is this filter I’m a fan H Susan Susan why are you spinning I

Don’t know but make it stop Mrs Applewood lived a long life but unfortunately one Dreadful day she turned into a fan and she couldn’t stop spinning not even Susan could he pee her give me now bombastic side eye girl dinner girl dinner slay it’s worse than I thought doctor her dementia is

Progressing fast all she can remember is internet sayings from back in her day my name is Jeff it’s not looking good Susan let me ask her some basic questions what’s 9 + 10 21 this isn’t good she doesn’t even know basic math Miss Applewood do you remember me what’s my

Name who am I you’re a pain in my ass I’m B like the Barby Susan play Barbie world nurse Susan’s not on this floor anymore who are you I’m nurse Jennifer I’ll be taking care of you from now on no no no no get Susan get Susan I don’t

Want you I want Susan Susan doesn’t want to see you now take your heart medicine and vitamins I don’t take my medicine and Susan knows that and she knows I don’t take my vitamins I want Susan here if you were nice to Susan she wouldn’t have requested to

Change floors whatever I’ll go get her myself Miss appwood no hey stop running Dy man miss appwood it’s time to take your heart medicine Susan you came back for me I had no choice Miss upwood nurse Jennifer quit because you hit her with a tray good times that wasn’t very nice

Now take your heart medicine no no no no no I don’t take my heart medicine and you know that if you don’t take it you could have a heart attack I don’t have heart attacks oh no Miss that’s not funny that’s not something you should joke about Miss

Applewood not again su su I’m not falling for it if you were mine I give this Miss Applewood the other residents are trying to sleep Susan I was performing I told you no performances after 8:00 p.m. you should be resting anyways you just had a heart attack I

Don’t have heart attack SU I told you did you unplug your oxygen you need it your oxygen levels are so low I don’t need oxygen Susan not when you’re around that’s it I’m resigning I can’t breathe I can’t breathe Ser goodbye sweetie mommy where are you going people found out that I’m

The Creator finished the Tik Tok saying huh that game above your head I created it and lots of people aren’t happy with me because of it where’s my dad blank blank blank answer carefully because if you guess the Tik toks aing wrong you die mommy wait mommy

Mommy Where’s my dad I’m all alone look everyone it’s the daughter of the game creator how about you go tell your mom to end this game I can’t Tommy my mom left when I was six she was a blank Tommy did you just get a Tik Tok scene I

Did give me a hint she was a it has wings and it can fly she was a that’s too easy she was a bird no Tommy she was a fairy hey you seriously Derek I lost my dad this morning because of your mom’s game I’m sorry but that woman I

Don’t even consider her my mom she was never there if Brianna gets a Tik Tok San no one give her a hint she doesn’t deserve it never back down never what blink blink blank did you just get a Tik Tok saying Brianna don’t give her a hint you

Genia she deserves to lose the game her mommy created Never Back Down never what um give up Brianna you’re never going to guess it right Never Back Down never what never give up I got it dang it I gave you a hint by mistake when did it end blank blank blank Eugene baby

Girl you got a Tik Tok scene I did when did it end blank blank blank I don’t think I know it that’s okay I know this song Eugenia I don’t think it’s the original song song when did it end all the enjoyment Eugenia my love all the

Enjoyment I’m sad again don’t tell stop it how could you sing at a time like this look what your mom’s game has done I lost my dad and my girlfriend I don’t have time for you Derek I’m late for class being late to class is the least of your

Worries Derek that’s what happens when you don’t play nice Derek mom oh oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree Brie my deadly curs is I can’t open my eyes ouch what’s your deadly curse sing songs of cheer you have to sing songs what kind of songs Christmas hey babe what do you want for

Christmas this year all I want for Christmas is You baby wow BR please take me back I’m still in love with you come on come on it’s lovely weather for us lay right together with you please take me back I know I messed up Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away why do

You keep seeing here let me serenate you last ristmas I gave you my I really can’t stay wait I’ve got to go I’ve got to go away let her go oh man you should get to class now babe Brianna why isn’t your boyfriend John in class

Looks like your ex Jimmy isn’t in class either where is where is the laugh where are you baby P PW powow PW PW powow pow how can you do this thing to me Brianna I’ll do anything for you just give me one more chance I to say no no no sir please one

More chance the answer is no last Chistmas we should get out of here so come on let’s go wait I want to know why did you pick me I love you I love you I me it you really love me yeah baby Brianna what rhymes with fool what rhymes with fool

School correct that was easy speaking of school Emily hurry up we’re going to be late I’m ready Emily what rhymes with orange orange but nothing rhymes with orange there’s got to be something that rhymes with orange stor pore Emily they have to be actual words sporing no Emily

That’s not a word correct I got it oh awesome why aren’t you girls at school yet we’re heading to school now Mom Mom what rhymes with daughters daughters that should be an easy word for you to rhyme right Mom I don’t know I can’t think clearly today

I’m so tired it’s okay you can do it just clear your head um daughters mom I can’t mom please mommy my mother Brianna what rhymes with mother that is so messed up Brianna what rhymes with mother that is so messed up mommy Emily stop crying I’m trying to think I want

Mommy mommy’s gone okay she’s gone and she’s never coming back brother correct hey Emily I’m sorry I acted that way I’ll walk myself to school today don’t follow me Emily Bri you good my mom couldn’t rhyme the ward this morning and my sister won’t even talk to me so yeah I’m not

Doing great Brienna what rhymes with sister miss her correct man that’s tough here do my my assignment for me Britney what rhymes with assignment nothing rhymes with assignment because assignment isn’t even a real word assignment is most definitely a real word assignment H come on Britney use your brain I don’t need

To use my brain because I’m pretty pretty Brianna something happened to your sister Brianna what rhymes with lost Brianna what rhymes with lost your sister school called they said she never showed up to class what do you know where she might be just give me a minute I need to rhyme

The word Frost correct I need to find my sister I need to talk to you let me go I need to find my sister I want to get back together babe you cheated on me Jake what rhymes with cheated you’re not going anywhere you’re going to help me

Rhyme this word hot hot when you’re hot you’re um warm did that’s not a good hint give me a better one during our relationship you blank me I cheated on you you mistreated me Emily Emily are you out here I’m sorry I yelled at you I love you

Emily I’m so glad you’re here I was so lost Emily what rhymes with love suan suan my baby is not breathing Miss Applewood that’s not a baby that’s a stuffed turkey you turned my baby into a stuffed turkey should I come back another time no she’s

Fine she’s just been a little out of it recently you know I can hear you right hi Grandma hi Susie how are you doing sweetheart good but I missed talking to you why haven’t you been answering any of my calls you haven’t called me Miss Applewood you were phoning the police

Every single day not your granddaughter so we had to take away your phone privileges wrong number I guess Grandma mom’s on the phone she says hi is there anything you want to say okay to her tell her I said she’s a for putting me in the nursing home yeah Mom she says

She loves you I didn’t say that one 2 3 4 Somebody’s knocking at your door who’s there who are you how did you know that 5 6 7 8 answering the door will be a mistake sweetie did you already finish studying yeah Mom I’m done studying I’m

Just heading to bed okay just keep that door locked Brianna yes sir I need you to come see me after class we need to talk about your grades okay yeah you asked to see me sir your grades have been declining exponentially 1 2 3 4 somebody’s coming

To the door somebody’s coming to the door door excuse me I need to lock that door 1 2 3 4 somebody’s coming to the door somebody’s coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door what are you doing someone’s trying to get in I’m going to open the

Door no no no you can’t you don’t understand I understand now move out of my way 5 6 7 8 push him through the door before it’s too late no no no let me in open the door let me in open the door 1 2 3 4 it’s safe now to go through

The door Brianna have you seen our teacher Mr Stevens anywhere no I haven’t seen him anywhere huh weird 1 2 3 4 don’t open the door don’t open that door bro but they’re knocking Mommy why whenever I hold on to an object it says send to soulmate that’s because honey any object

You touch you can send to your soulmate and he can send you any object he touches I’m going to send him Mr octopus mommy my soulmate wants to send me something what did he do to my octopus and why is there a puzzle piece with an

H on it oh honey I’m never letting my soulmate s me anything ever again and never sending him anything my soulmate send me flowers a that’s so sweet did your soulmate send you anything today no I haven’t accepted anything from my soulmate since I was six you should

Accept it it might be something important yeah a puzzle piece with an e on it oh my S was trying to send me something again LP he sent me e earlier maybe he’s trying to say something yeah like Le or l p and why is there a puzzle piece with

An H on it help help my soulmate was trying to say that he needs help what am I going to do you should send him over something so he can protect himself good idea here send him this frying pen now you’re talking my soul trying to send me

Something he sent me the firing pan back he must not need it Brianna look he attached something it’s a puzzle piece with a one on it I wonder what this one could mean he someone trying to send me something 43 maybe he’s trying to tell me what

Address he’s at or maybe it’s a cod to unlock something Sophie I’m worried about my soulmate he hasn’t sent me anything in hours what if something happened to him here send him this oh boldy cheese it smells so bad that if someone’s holding him captive they’ll

Release him for sure why do you have this on hand you don’t maybe I can send over myself I don’t know I don’t think you’re considered an object I can send myself myself but I’m scared I don’t know where I’m going to end up it’s not a good idea it’s too

Dangerous please don’t go my soulmate wants to send me something a six he wants to send me something again what is it it’s an arrow but I can’t tell if it’s up or down attach it to the puzzle piece and see it’s down he sent me

Dirt this is getting weird I need to go to him Brianna wait take this for a protection promise me you’ll come back safely I promise I will why am I at a graveyard six down I think he was trying to say he’s 6 feet under help help me are you still alive

Where where can my baby be the Lord took her away from me she’s going to so I got to be good stop singing You’ll Lose your memory how much memory did you lose who am I do you remember me you’re my mommy every time you sing you lose memory the

More you sing the more memory you lose if you lose too much memory the memory police will take you away forever who wants chocolate ice cream an intruder no honey stop that’s your dad what’s a dad come on let’s go to school if we ever broke up

I’d never be sad no stop singing if you keep singing you’ll lose all your memory but this song’s so catchy who am I do you still remember me what’s going on here little was singing do you remember anything do you know who I am of course you’re mommy but I don’t know

Who that girl in front of me is she lost all her memories together come on you can’t forget me all our memories together at least she still remembers me as long as she still has some memory left the memory please won’t take her away thinking about everything that we

I’m glad there’s always music playing Tommy so we can have a dance party every single day y y I love music and dancing the music may seem fun but it’s not it’s deadly if you hear the music stop you must stop moving and turn into a statue

Or else you’ll be killed I didn’t know that but the music’s never stopped before so I don’t think it’s going to e am I supposed to be a statue now Bye Mom Mom you’re safe now remember sweetie if you hear the music stop you have to I

Have to freeze like a statue mom I know already of course you do stay safe do you remember what today is how could I forget today the day that Tommy died 10 years ago I miss my brother so much we should get to class like like Timmy good

Morning how much energy did you get today 10% I won’t even have enough to buy anything today oh no that’s so low you won’t have enough energy to walk to school don’t don’t worry honey I’ll drive you to school today hey Bri huh uh-oh you sound like you don’t have a

Lot of energy no I don’t I won’t even have enough money to buy anything today can you buy me lunch I won’t need to I discovered a trick here use this an iPhone charger my dad works for the government and I recently found out we all have secret charging ports but you

Can’t tell anyone about this or else we’ll be in big trouble where do I plug it in your belly button now remember you shouldn’t charge too much at once it could be really bad I won’t I just want to get to at least 300% too much energy at once isn’t

Healthy it could cause a malfunction I’ll be fine relax Kayla perfect I’m at 300% now I feel great Kayla Kayla Kaya Kay k look at her she’s no hearts that means no one’s ever loved her makes sense who could ever love someone who looks like her Hey

Brianna Britney the most popular girl in the school why are you talking to me me I want to help you get boys to fall in love with you that’s impossible no isn’t an option let’s go here wear this do you think you can cover up my acne I can you

Look beautiful with or without it but the world’s a cruel place please cover it I don’t want to be myself no more I want to be loved you did an amazing job on the makeup Britney I never even could have dreamed I would look like this come

On let’s take some photos for your socials right great but this time a little less terrified okay oh who’s the new girl well I didn’t know we had a model at our school she looks like a celebrity let’s all take photos of her wo wo wo Britney oh my would you

Rather kiss Brianna or kiss a frog give me you just got chosen to play would you rather choose carefully because whatever you choose you have to do it or else you die okay I would rather kiss Brianna Brianna come here no ew Timmy you’re stinky Brianna kiss me

No I have to do it or else I you should have did your W you water you should have did your wood you water have a good day at school sweetie thanks grandma love you would you rather smell your grandma’s socks or smell your grandma’s Dentures I’ll go with socks here it go

Sweetie I’ve had these socks on for 12 months hurry up and smell them okay what happened you pain it for 30 minutes oh no I’m so late for school babe you made it you were like an hour late I was getting worried about you I thought you weren’t going to come

Today Emma are you feeling any better no darling I’m very sick my time’s almost up but there’s one thing I need to give you before I go ooh button no don’t push the button whatever you do but I want to push the button it’s fine you just go no

You can’t push the grandma grandma grandma no why does she always carry around the button yeah it’s so weird it’s the last thing my grandma gave me before she passed away it means a lot to me push it I want to see what happens I can’t push

It she told me not to why what happens if you push it I don’t know something but it can’t be good if I’m not allowed come on push the button no push it no I can’t push it push the button no I’m not pushing the button just do it no come on

I’m not pushing the button nothing happened ew grandma no don’t kiss her anyone who gets kissed by someone who isn’t their soulmate gets a permanent kiss Mark I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself look at that chubby little face hey wait a minute that means I’m going

To have this kiss mark on my face forever look at Britney she has so many kiss marks wow that has to be at least 300 kiss marks she is for the streets you got to be careful with who you like kiss you because if too many people kiss you that

Aren’t your soulmate you’ll end up like Britney baby I think we should have our first kiss today yeah we should totally have our first kiss today but uh maybe later because I didn’t brush my teeth this morning I have really bad morning breath gross what are you drinking

Pickle juice it is so garlicky you probably don’t want to kiss me right now I see what you’re doing if you didn’t want to kiss me you could have just said so Jason wait Jason I want to kiss you I’m just scared I don’t want to get

Another kiss Mark if you’re not my soulmate Brianna I love you and I truly believe that you’re my soulmate I’m willing to take the risk if you are I am it’s time to face your fear are you serious right now whoa whoa where am I going here’s your exam back you failed

No no no no this can’t be let me do a retest you can’t do a retest because you failed every single test in high school and college you’ll have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of your life are you serious right now whoa whoa whoa

Whoa Excuse Me Miss You Got my order wrong I asked for no pickles and you just gave me pickles oh I am so sorry about that that’s it Brianna you’re fired you’ve gotten every single customer’s order wrong and your shirt is wrinkly you’ll have to live the rest of

Your life on the streets jobless with no money no no please don’t fire me I need this job get me out of here get me out of here oh thank goodness I’m back you couldn’t face your fear you failed game over okay I failed I accept it just hurry up and eliminate

Me darling I’m not doing well there’s one thing I must give you before I go what is this an old telephone I don’t want it because you’re going to get better you need to promise me you’ll keep that telephone with you wherever you go I love you also there’s one more

More extremely important thing you must know about that phone it it Mom Mom doctor doctor how is it ringing it’s not even plugged in hello and that’s why the Roman Empire Brianna no giant telephones in class sorry sir hello stop calling me that’s it Brianna go to detention now you’re going to

Detention too yeah what don’t go to detention Mom it’s time to face your fear B I think I’m safe from the broes oh no sweetie did you get chosen to face your fear I did you have to take a bite of the broccoli no it’s scary if you don’t face

Your fear and take a bite of the broccoli you’ll die why did I just get a timer that’s how much time love you have to face your fear come on sweetie eat the broccoli no reaction it’s time to face your fear are you serious right now 1 2 3 4

Somebody’s knocking at your door who’s there who are you how did you know that 5 6 7 8 answering the door will be a mistake sweetie did you already finish studying yeah Mom I’m done studying I’m just heading to bed okay just keep that door locked Brianna yes sir I need you to

Come see me after class we need to talk about your grades okay yeah you asked to see me sir your grades have been declining exponentially 1 2 3 4 somebody’s coming to the door somebody’s coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door bloopers it’s

Go Jimmy did you just get a Tik Tok sound you have to say the me forgetting get to like me why do me we the not you just got a Tik Tok sound you have to send it what am I doing come on to offensive BL oh no BL criminal offensive bling oh

No how much did you get today I got 100% I I feel amazing that’s great but be careful because can’t talk right now get to R your school Hey Brianna my energy is so low today I only got 30% can’t relate I have so much energy today you should try and save

Your energy you don’t want to use it all at once not going to happen my energy hasn’t gone down even 1% here’s your test my test is done you’re finished already yes do you have any more you only get one that’s okay I’ll just dance class today we’ll be running labs

Yes Hey Eugene what are you doing catch ow you were supposed to catch hey Sophie do you want to have a dance battle with me I can’t I don’t have enough energy is your energy getting low you seem out of breath no way my Energy’s been at 100% all

Day come on Brianna stand up what happened to her I think her energy is only at 1% right now if her energy goes below zero she’ll die hurry someone send her energy what how much energy did you get a lot how much is a lot R what’s your energy at a

Lot tell me uh a million energy why why why why why why Brianna relax okay I’m relaxed you only get a million energy when your soulmate send you energy ener my soulmate sh be quiet if people find out how much energy you have they’ll keep asking you for

Energy I’m quiet so what I do how can I find my soulmate you need to find out who send you the energy then you need to send them energy back to confirm it’s your soulmate got it Hey Eugene did you send me energy earlier I would never I don’t like you not

Eugene what did you send me energy earlier possibly okay I’m going to send you energy If energy goes okay well my energy is well my energy it’s not a a million I was just messing with you did you find him yet who sent you the energy because whoever did is your

Soulmate no I didn’t find him yet did you chance energy how could I I barely have any left all right let’s on you stop it that noise broke my glasses did you have energy earlier I I wasn’t even here earlier I slept in late this morning okay so it’s definitely not you

Sophie what’s it now I don’t have the energy for this I don’t know who else to ask timy’s not my soulmate Jak not my soulmate Yi’s not my soulmate what about Kevin he’s out of crushing you forever that’s a great idea Kevin oh you’re scary relax Kevin I just have to ask you

A simple question during class did you or did you not send me energy I did I saw your energy was low and I wanted to make sure you’d be safe okay Kevin I’m going to send enery and your energy golion my soulmate well I got a million help I’m

Almost out of energy there you are guess what Kevin is my soulmate Brianna I made you a ring wow I love you Timmy I love you you got a red mark so did you take your ring back you’re not my soulmate oh no I’m late I’m so sorry here you dropped this

Thanks do you think I could maybe get your number sure uh you got a mark it’s red I’m sorry but I don’t want to waste my time there’s a callor look out doctor is he going to be all right probably not do you know his parents

Number I don’t know I don’t even know him I almost got hit by a car and he saved me oh you’re awake thank you for saving me you have a black mark doctor morning Daddy I made you lunch just how you like it PB&J thank you

Honey do you need a lunch no I got one good morning sweetie morning Dad it’s my first day of high school I’m so nervous how about a homemade PB&J sandwich will that help of course it will help morning Dad you know what I’m really craving for

Lunch today how about uh PB&J how did you know must have been a good guess Dad Dad I’m off to college I could really use one of your PB and JS honey it’s time to go are you ready where’s Dad he makes me PB and JS every single morning

Dad are you feeling okay yeah why your father’s been dead for over 10 years wo wow you got a great gift the magic aball knows the answers to anything anything h 9 + 10 21 No 19 Hey Brianna I’m having a party this weekend you’re totally invited if you

Want to come should I go to our party ask again later looks like you’re going to have to ask me later really you’re going to listen to that silly little ball the magic eightball is all knowing Brianna Jake want to come over after school we can do homework together

Sure as long as you’re not a serial killer or anything I mean you never know is Jake a serial killer what’s it say yes game leader Brianna everyone I’m in charge of do as I say not as I do now remember you have to copy what I say not

Follow my actions because my actions won’t match what I say to do stop talking everyone knows the rules already okay everyone clap your hands Timmy what are you doing no Timmy you were supposed to clap your hands I thought you said clap without hand my brother give an instruction

Everyone cross your arms dang it Britney was copying your dad’s Ms no Britney you were supposed to do as I say not as I do I forgot Britney no my girlfriend look what you’ve done Brianna I lost my girlfriend and my brother because of you Jimmy it’s not my fault they’re supposed

To do as I say not as I do they didn’t follow the instructions properly maybe if you talked louder they could have heard the instructions properly why is it Ching who’s in charge ha it’s it’s me goodbye sweetie mommy where are you going people found out that I’m the

Creator finish the Tik Tok saying huh that game above your head I created it and lots of people aren’t happy with me because of it where’s my dad blank blank blank answer carefully because if you guess a Tik Tok say wrong you die mommy wait mommy

Mommy Where’s my dad I’m all alone look everyone it’s the daughter of the game creator how about you go tell your mom to end this game I can’t Tommy my mom left when I was six she was a blank Tommy did you just get a Tik Tok scene I

Did give me a hint she was a it has wings and it can fly she was a that’s too easy she was a bird no Tommy she was a fairy hey you seriously Derek I lost my dad this morning because of your mom’s game I’m sorry but that woman I

Don’t even consider her my mom she was never there if Brianna gets a Tik Tok sane no one give her a hint she doesn’t deserve it my energy is at 300% now I feel great Kaya k k no I’m not malfunctioning I feel great Kay Kayla Kayla let’s get class and go

To the mall you sure you’re okay mhm hi I’d like to purchase all of this is that everything no this too I don’t think you’ll have enough that will cost 100 energy oh I have enough is everything okay ma’am yeah everything’s fine my energy is getting a little low

How about we recharge and then do some more shopping good idea you’ve been charging long enough just a little more I want to get to 500% no ouch what was that for charging too much at once isn’t safe I told you I’ll be fine Brianna thank goodness Brianna you’re all

Right here’s your dinner Miss Applewood Susan what is this it’s your pure Aid meal no no get me chicken nuggets you can’t have chicken nuggets you can’t chew them this looks like what was in my diaper this morning Susan and this it’s puree tofu it’s doo doo I want chicken

Nuggets no San I want chicken nuggets you’re not getting chicken nug what the week is it I forgot oh no Jimmy you forgot you need to remember before the timer runs out or else you die I don’t know it could be any day of the week it could be Monday Tuesday

Friday come on Jimmy than come on Jimmy it’s a day of the week that starts with the tea oh it starts with the tea Timmy no Jimmy that’s not a day of the Week the answer was Thursday wait what did I just come in this room for oh no I forgot are you you off to school now sweetie my school bag that’s what I forgot all right Mom I’m off to school now you never said goodbye to me uh uh

What’s your name again Grandma you forgot Grandma’s getting old she’s becoming more forgetful it starts with a B budy what no it rhymes with banana it rhymes with banana banana banana F banana banana I don’t know what else rhes with banana grandma don’t blame yourself Grandma’s

Memory has been getting bad for a while now it’s because of her old age I’m leaving now bye mom aren’t you forgetting something what could I possibly be forgetting oh my lunch Jenny your outfit looks looks so good what’s the occasion seriously you forgot no I remember you’re going to a

Funeral no you’re my best friend how could you forget it’s your birthday happy birday Happ birthday Jenny I can’t believe you Jenny Jenny Jenny please forgive me I’m sorry I forgot your birthday Hey Brianna when Jimmy died what day of the week was it how could I remember that Timmy I was

Six Hey Brianna when Jimmy died what day of the week was it how could I remember that Timmy I was six come on bri think the answer was Thursday Thursday Thursday day was thirsty dang it Timmy why did you ask me that question knowing I wouldn’t be able to remember the day

That Jimmy forgot you had no remorse for him ever since then I knew I had to get revenge Timmy what’s the last thing you said to Jimmy oh oh I don’t remember I’m lying it was from now on Brianna watch your back I forgive you for forgetting my birthday

Really no what color shirt was I wearing yesterday good job Jenny you guys are trying to get me out together your shirt was pink you’re right it was pink hey Jenny when’s my birthday your birthday was um hey Jenny when’s my birthday your birthday was um

January you got mad at me because I forgot your birthday and even teamed up with Timmy to try and illiminate me leave me out of this Bria I really am sorry you’ve been a great friend come on Jenny you can remember we’ve been friends in kindergarten I I can’t I just I don’t

Remember Jenny Jenny well this is awkward Timmy this is all your fault Timmy you’re the one who turned Jenny against me mom can you come pick me up what day of the week is it Sunday what did you eat for dinner last night raw onions what’s the last thing Jimmy said

Before he died oh it starts with a T Timmy Brianna are you trying to ask to me questions you know he’d forget no uh uh um it’s not what it looks like did you forget my name no I remember your name it’s I’m in love with you Bri Hey Brianna are you

Ready for the test today no I didn’t study then you really should hit the books yeah you may begin writing your test Stephanie I’m really worried about this test don’t worry Bri it’s a piece of cake oh it’s a piece of cake Stephanie you are not going to believe what I just

Found out about Timmy come on spill the tea there was no te wasted in the making of this video Brianna you told Stephanie my secret whoa whoa whoo no need to lose your marble and you lost your marbles Timmy here’s your test back I got a 70% I got

100 careful you’re turning Green With Envy I’m not envious you’re green what no why would I like your boyfriend are you sure you’re telling the truth honestly yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there’s something else you should know Jake and I were dating

Behind your back a few months ago I’m sorry Brianna no no Emma you’re lying he would never do that if I was lying I would die go ask Jake yourself if you don’t believe me got your pen Jakey Jake Emma told me earlier that you guys used to date while dating me is

That true it’s Brianna and Jake did you already finish your assignments y yes sir it’s true Emma and I were seeing each other will you when I were dating but I don’t love Emma I’ve always loved you I don’t love you and I never have Jake

Brianna I’m in love with Jake and I always have been was that Jake you’re so skiy you’re so Phantom tag I just want to be your Sigma be your Sigma Timmy you can’t copy what I just said but I wanted that line if you copy what someone just said or do

An action that someone just did you’ll die but I was supposed to sing that part of the song great and now Jimmy stole my line bye Grandma I’m off to school now I’ll see you later what did you say I couldn’t hear you I can’t find my

Hearing aids I’ll see you later you’re an alligator no I’ll see you later you’re stuck in a radiator I’ll see you later oh I’ll see you later Grandma guess what I found your heat they were oh no Bri what’s up girl oh I’ll get it I’ll get it which

One of us went to go pick it up first it was definitely me stop copying me oh no Brianna what’s wrong spring is here and I don’t have any cute clothes to wear I have just a thing here try this on wow this outfit is so cute where is it from

It’s from halara it’s the cloud full yoga backless tank top and the cloud full cross crossover tennis skirt I love the crossover waistband it really makes me look cinched at the waist and the built-in shorts and pocket on the side or a must hat seriously Bessie this outfit is so cute I’m

Definitely going to wear it when I play tennis this weekend we hit 4 million on Tik Tok I have a 4 million cake for you do you want a piece no okay m we were seeing each other for months behind your back that’s just the first time we got caught Jinx

No no Britney my baby you were her boyfriend I was she was cheating on you by the way so was I I’m looking for Brianna she’s right over there I’m going to need you to come with me uh-oh someone’s in trouble did I do something wrong officer

We received an an anonymous call from a student they said you’re making your Jinx count go up on purpose no I would never this is all just some terrible coincidence don’t worry we just want to ask you questions Jinx who are you I’m Jimmy Jimmy Timmy’s

Brother I lost my brother when I was seven Because of You bombastic Jinx you owe me a soda I remember Jimmy listen I didn’t do it on purpose Jimmy listen I didn’t do it on purpose Jimmy don’t say it I’m not going to say jinx either I feel bad about what

Happened to Timmy you literally just said it I’m so sorry Jimmy hey kid I know that you jinx the other officer I saw it all on the security footage stop right there Jinx where do you think you’re going like call me you stay right there you’re

In big trouble young lady jinx I knew you were going to say that hey Mom I’m coming home early sweetie what have you done the police are here looking for you Mom everything’s gone out of hand I kept talking at the same time as people and

Then I said the JW because I was afraid and then the officers came and I said it on purpose because I was scared they were going to take me away Jinx good morning Mom I’m not going to say it I know that neither of us would

Ever say that word to each other goodbye sweetie de good morning it’s time to take your medicine bombastic side eye no Miss Applewood there’ll be no side eyeing today now take your medicine you really thought you ate that no I don’t but you need to eat your

Medicine no I don’t want my medication I want girl dinner after you take your medicine girl dinner no please don’t start singing again girl dinner girl dinner all right unplug her life support Miss Applewood you soiled yourself come on let’s go and get you cleaned up no

I’m in my pooping my pants era what happened to your clean girl era let’s bring that back clean girl aesthetic exactly now let’s go get washed up you’re giving me the ick you’re giving me the ick because you smell so bad where’d you get that what are you eating

My husband today we will be making our last girl dinner Miss Applewood are you on your phone again your grandchildren don’t want you have too much screen time time mind your business Susan what is our dessert moldy muffins yes that’s my favorite food I need my glasses cake no no no too

Sweet too sweet need some mold on it Pizza no no too cheese too much cheese no yes yes toenail clippings what’s my drink wash it all down with the seven up good girl girl H delectible red olives all right no no no no no I’m not taking my vitamins Miss

Apple would you need to take your vitamins no I told you I’m not taking my vitamins Susan see this is why I told you to stop yelling so much I don’t yell anyways scrum ous Miss Applewood your grandchildren are here to see you tell them to go home I’m busy you’re not busy

I’m trying to see what kind of dog I am today I will be seeing who has a crush on me six5 I would climb that like a tree Miss Applewood what did you just say no one’s talking to you Susan but bartender I don’t know because I’m a material girl he doesn’t

Make that much money cancer he’s a 10 out of 10 in looks no one would ever have a crush on you miss Applewood because you’re not a very nice lady that’s not true Susan I have a husband bombastic blank criminal offensive blank oh no Timmy did

You just get a Tik Tok saying answer it carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic um Jimmy look I’m giving you a hint oh bombastic eyebrow criminal offensive eyebrow it was bombastic side eye only in blank only in Ohio bye Grandma I’m off to school now I just got

A Tik Tock saying Grandma it’s Tik Tock double it and blank it to the next blank I don’t know I don’t use Tik Tac you have to try they’ll kill you double it and throw it at your grandpa Grammy why are you still here you’re going to be late Mom Grammy’s

Gone oh no what happened she got a Tik Tok saying and she didn’t guess it right it wasn’t her fault she doesn’t know how to use the internet I just got a Tik Tock sane I just got a Tik Tock sane trying the new blank shake the what

Shake Mom I don’t know the answer I’ll give you a hint it was someone’s birthday trying the new Grimace Shake I got it where did you just go go I didn’t go anywhere I was here the whole time you’re losing it Mom hey how’s my best friend doing today not good my grandma

Passed away this morning oh no I just got a Tik Tok saying hurry bestie read it B ffr be blank for real I know the answer but I can’t say it it’s a bad word no M yummy lunch I just got a Tik Tock saying hurry Eugene read it eight and

Left no blank H eight and left no eight and left no bread the answers eight and left no bread no it was crumbs why would it be eight and left no bread Miss blank has blank Miss Rabbit has fainted babe babe I was calling you

I’m sorry babe I’m a little out of it today it just feels like everyone around me keeps dying I just got a Tik Tok saying mother blank blink I’ll give you a hint it’s a game someone made a POV about this right yes a beautiful amazing perfect model blonde girl made a POV

About it I don’t remember her being all that anyways I know the answer it’s mother keni no it was Mother mayi hey Brian Jake stay away from me I think I’m cursed everyone around me keeps dying eat these hot peppers and I’ll give you $20 deal go Brianna

Go ooh okay we got a little kick go Brianna go ooh okay it’s got a little kick light work blank blank these peppers are so spicy Brianna this is perfect how this Tik Tok Zing has to do with eating spicy food light work no

Reaction I got it oh no I just got a Tik Tok saying hurry Jake read it great blank on a scale from blank to blank rate me on a scale from 1 to 10 probably a four at best no that was the answer oh

RNA I think now is a good time to tell you I don’t like you just as a friend I love you I never told you before because I know you have a boyfriend but I can’t hide it anymore Jake I don’t have a boyfriend anymore he died playing finish the Tik Tok

Saying I just got a Tik Tok saying I just got a Tik Tok saying he is not the blank of your blank hit him with your blank I have no clue what this one could be he is not the love of your life hit him with your car whoo you got it I

Confessed my feelings to you earlier you never gave me an answer Jake I don’t feel the same way my boyfriend just passed away I’m not ready to open up my heart to someone like that I just got a Tik Tok saying this is so blank and

Blank I don’t need a hint this is so sick and twisted Jake wait don’t be mad at me wait I just got a Tik Tok saying that was my blank reason it’s a number that comes after 11 that was my 12th reason I got it wrong you gave me the

Wrong hint on purpose that’s what you get for rejecting me wait how are you still alive you can’t kill the creator of the game J if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands I’m not doing it I’m not happy if you hear if you’re happy and

You know it you must do whatever she says happily if you don’t do what she says with a smile you’ll die that’s scary if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands if you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet it’s 700 a.m. bro it’s too early for

This uh-oh Chad was isn’t happy and you know it Chad Britney are you okay I know Chad was your boyfriend if you’re happy and you know it cut your hair I love cutting my hair so happy so happy no my beautiful hair aw Britney wasn’t happy and you

Know it if you’re happy and you know it push someone down the stairs if you’re happy and you know it push someone down the stairs hello Brianna principal Stevens you can go down the stairs first how kind of you principal Stevens principal Stevens I think I

Killed him if you’re happy and you know it say hooray hooray are you okay you look worried my boyfriend is not going to be happy with me I killed his Dad principal Stevens how could you you killed my dad babe wait please just listen to me I didn’t have a choice I

Got happy and you know what to push someone down the stairs I didn’t know he’ died why would you choose my dad if you’re happy and you know it break up with your boyfriend babe we have to break up you just got a happy and you know it

Didn’t you that’s funny I just got one to kill you Jake you wouldn’t actually do it right you wouldn’t kill me I would happily re where are you if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands found you this is for my Dad Jake uh-oh Jake took too long to complete his happy end you know it Jake are you still alive not for much longer I’m so cold here take this sweater you gave it to me you should have it back anyways I really did love you Jak I I love

You if you’re happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket if you’re happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket Miss Applewood I got you an apple because you’re my favorite teacher are

You hungry thank you you can just leave it on the desk Brianna Miss Applewood you’ve been working really hard you should should really take a bite okay I will I am a little hungry it’s actually pretty where’s Miss Applewood class started 10 minutes ago if she’s not here

In 15 minutes legally we can leave if you’re happy and you know it throw your pen at Eugene ow why would you is it just me or are we getting a lot more happy and you know it’s recently I’m not I’ve only gotten one today Brianna you know if

You’re getting a lot of happy and you know it’s it means are trying to eliminate you right if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands if you’re happy and you know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you’re alive if you’re happy and

You know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you’re alive yes I’m alive and I know what you did I saw it all in the security footage my boy’s gone because of you time to get my revenge look a woman in a bikini where

If you’re happy and you know it stomped your feet you lied to me there wasn’t a woman in a bikini revenge is going to be sweet honey are you okay come with me Mom what are you doing here Mom please take me home I’m scared the Happy and

You Know It game is trying to eliminate me yes I know surprisingly you’re a lot harder to eliminate than I expected sweetie you help run happy and you know it if you’re happy and you know it give your mom a hug I thought you said you have a government job this is my

Government job uh-oh you didn’t complete your happy and you know it 1 minute left before our speaking privileges are taken away what from now on anyone who speaks will be executed unless you’re given speaking privileges put this in between your lips Mommy I don’t want to it’s for your

Safety that’s the strongest goal in the world you won’t have to worry about accidentally speaking I’m tired of not speaking do you think we’ll ever be granted speaking privileges again I I don’t think so you should use the strongest glue in the world to keep your mouth closed so you

Don’t have to worry about accidentally speaking oh you have glue on your mouth you look so silly at least I’m safe and you look silly without glue on your mouth maybe you’re safe but you look goofy Oh love apple or hate Apple mom what is this you must choose between your love apple and your hate Apple the love Apple tells you who loves you and the hate Apple will tell you who hates you I’m choosing the hate Apple I need to know who my haters are here’s your

Test back you failed an F again I definitely deserve an a this time you don’t like me no wonder you keep failing me you’re failing me on purpose no I’m failing you because you give the wrong answers babe there you are I I missed you so much I haven’t seen you all

Day yeah I missed you too you hate me we’ve been dating for over a year and you hate me it’s just you’re a little clingy and your face kind of looks like my ex who cheated on me well we’re over I’m not going to be with someone who hates me we’ve got a

Loser on the loose I don’t get it why do you hate me so much Den let’s play freeze Dan okay free wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you’re not supposed to play free dance it’s for population control it kills

People I didn’t know Hey Kevin I made you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he’s mine well I don’t see your name on him let’s play freest stance and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn’t agree to this free Ow like like

no Kevin baby I’m coming to save you unfreeze freeze oh oh leg Crim leg Crim no Kevin baby I’m coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance because of you Britney and Kevin are dead she killed Britney and Kevin she’s sick no no it’s not like

That I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze Now yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it’s time that I finally avenge his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance Timmy Truth or Dare um truth Timmy are you interested in women or men Timmy tell the truth

Because if you lie you’ll die women I’m interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I’ll be okay Brianna Truth or Dare truth truth is easy do you really

Love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I’m in love with your brother she’s telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I’m sorry Derek truth or dare

Truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn’t you wouldn’t kill me I Would Brianna Truth or Dare truth I picked truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said

Hi I need to get home hey Bri Damen hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I’ve been looking for him no I haven’t seen him anywhere Brianna Truth or Dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake bake why’ you stop I just got words

Above my head oh you must have got your soulmate’s last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what’s your soulmate’s last words I’m not telling it’s a secret sup babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soulmate he

Could be hey what are your soul ‘s last words you never told me I’m not telling you that’s between me and my soulmate it makes me kind of worried though my soul much’s Last Words sound so sad finally school’s over and we get to come back

Tomorrow and do it all over again bana watch out Stephanie why would you do that I’m calling an ambulance there’s no time but don’t worry I’ll live in your memories be beautiful or be popular I’ve always wanted to be beautiful honey I always thought you were

Beautiful no one else thinks so Mom it’s still loading ugly loser do us a favor and walk around with a bag over your head just just you guys wait I chose to be beautiful I’m going to be the most beautiful girl in the school there’s no way that you could

Ever be beautiful I am going to be beautiful that’s what I chose I’m the most beautiful girl in the school there’s no way you’d ever look better than me Let’s Make a Deal when you become beautiful if you can get Chad to go to prom with you over me then I’ll

Believe you deal I like your shirt Brianna really thank you ew why is Chad talking to ugly Brianna I’ll talk to you again once I’m beautiful huh it stopped loading didn’t work nothing’s changed it stopped loading it didn’t work nothing’s changed Hey Brianna stop I want to ask you something

Oh you were talking to me I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my date to prom yes well well looks like ugly Brianna is still ugly it says I should be beautiful now but it didn’t work Chad did ask me to prom though you can’t go to prom with

Chad He’s the hottest guy in the school and you’re ugly you can only go with him if you become beautiful or if you wear a bag over your head Chad we shouldn’t go to promp together just wait I should be beautiful anytime now what are you

Talking about I chose to be beautiful it finally stopped loading but nothing changed Brianna nothing changed because you’ve always been beautiful I chose to be beautiful it finally stopped loading but nothing changed Brianna nothing changed because you’ve always been beautiful what I’ve thought you were beautiful since the

First time I laid eyes on on you no you’re just saying that to be nice I’m not I really mean it thank you I should go I have to get to class Brianna look at yourself you look beautiful I look beautiful but I don’t even look like me I’m going back to the

Way I was before is there something wrong with your brain why would you go back to looking ugly because she was never ugly Chad I don’t get it I’m the most beautiful girl in the school why did did you choose her to go to prom with over me you are beautiful on the

Outside but inside you’re ugly come on Brianna okay happy 14th birthday sweetie thank you what is this that’s your soulmate clue you’re 14 now that means every year on your birthday you’re going to receive a clue that will lead you to finding your soulmate what does

It say your soulmate has brown hair and brown eyes they’re the same age as you you but live in a different city that’s not very specific don’t worry you’re going to receive a clue every birthday and the clues will get more specific happy 15th Birthday your soulmate’s favorite color

Is blue I love blue too he’s often seen volunteering at his local shelter in his City now I just need to figure out which city he lives in happy 16th birthday you’ll learn about your soulmate’s past here and then it CHS an address you can’t go to the address it’s

Not safe Mom that’s not fair I said no I’m sorry Mom I have to go a challenge for $100,000 wow that’s a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don’t want to do that I’m not doing it Brianna once you’ve accepted the challenge there’s no turning back

You must do it or they’ll kill you what a challenge for $500,000 I just got a challenge for 500k don’t accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can’t pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I

Did doesn’t look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollar wow I have to kill you hurry up we’re going to be late for school wait I’m leaving I’m coming red light uh-oh looks like little was running too fast and lost her

Balance Anna you look like you want to burst into tears but you must wait till the light is green green light hey Bri what’s wrong my sister didn’t make it join red light and green light and it’s all my fault you can’t blame yourself now let’s hurry we’re already late for

Class red light wow you all look like statues green light no no I’m late for class I have to learn red light no no I’m losing my balance looks like learning was more important than living green light Brianna are you okay I got to sneeze red light Brianna are you okay hi

I got to sneeze red light you look like you really want to let out that sneeze you can but if you do you’ll be out green light hey Timmy look paper airplane who throw it here red light ouch you threw it right at my eye a poor Timmy green light no Brianna

What have you done it’s all all your fault my twin brother Timmy is dead hey I’m sorry about what happened to your twin brother Timmy but you have to understand I why so serious green light I never meant for anyone to get hurt we were just playing this is for

Timmy red light the red rose or the Black Rose I want the black rose it’s black like my soul no honey what have you done what have I done the red rose is the rose of Life the Black Rose is the rose of death everyone will be scared to love

You because if someone breaks your heart they’ll die hey Brianna’s kind of cute look at her face she has the black rose if you break her heart you’ll die oh no I better stay away from her now why is a pretty girl like you sitting all by

Herself they’re afraid of me because I chose the black rose if they break my heart they’ll die get away from me now why is a pretty girl like you standing in the hallway all by herself I don’t know come here Jake you did it now why is a pretty

Girl like you standing in the hallway all by herself I don’t know come here Jake you did it no no it wasn’t me you must have been in love with Jake and seen him kiss me broke your heart and now he’s dead because of you won’t you be allowed near her she’s

Dangerous hey Bri hey bestie I haven’t seen you all day we can’t be friends anymore what everyone’s judging me for being friends with someone like you you’re too dangerous please don’t do this I’m sorry pry she just killed her best friend she’s evil an absolute monster hey stay away from me I’m a

Monster you’re not a monster look you have a black RS gy gam who was the girl that left the house this morning how do you know her come on she was just a friend it’s not like that what’s my name come on baby don’t do this if you didn’t

Cheat then tell me my name Mommy why doesn’t daddy know your name because sweetie daddy cheated on me when you cheat on someone you forget the name of the person you cheated on hey baby Brianna don’t worry I could never forget your name I know I’m just paranoid because my

Dad cheated on my mom back when I was seven I love you I would never cheat on you Jason’s having a party after school want to come sure hey you made it here have a drink thank you Blake you’re so funny and so cute well you know I Blake

Uh uh but baby hi why don’t you know my name get a pimple every time your boyfriend talks to a girl there’s no way he’ talk to another girl he told me yesterday he loved me hey babe so sorry I’m getting a call I need to take this okay Sure hey I’m back sorry about that who are you talking to a girl yeah I was talking to my mom oh okay class everyone turn to chapter 12 where is he hey babe I haven’t seen you in a while where were you I was in science class yeah and how

Many girls were you talking to in science class more than I wanted to I was partnered with all girls for a group project oh well school’s over I’ll see you tomorrow babe love you love you oh good morning it’s time for another to me let’s play freeze dance

Okay wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you’re not supposed to play freeze dance it’s for population control it kills people I didn’t know Hey Kevin I made you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he’s mine well I don’t see

Your name on him let’s play freance and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn’t agree to this oh oh leg leg no Kevin baby I’m coming to save you unfree freeze oh oh leg crimp leg crimp no Kevin baby I’m coming to save

You unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance because of you Britney and Kevin are dead she killed Britney and Kevin she’s sick no no it’s not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really

Appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy wait am I supposed to freeze Now yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it’s time that I finally avenge his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance listen to everything the dad tells you to do or listen to everything your mom tells you

To do I don’t want to listen to my mom Bye Mom bye trip your little sister yes trip her trip her no I don’t want to do that then you can become one of us yes become Dead Like Us okay okay I’ll I’ll do it just stop stop please Tripp her

Come on trip her hey yeah OE all right class it’s time to write your exam don’t write your exam pick up your pen and throw it right at the teacher’s eye no I won’t do it okay I’ll do it throw it right at her eye bull pick up your pen and throw it

Right at the teacher’s eye no no I won’t do it okay okay I’ll do it throw it right at her eye Bullseye my eye my eye I’m so sorry it was an accident Brianna I can’t believe you threw a pen at the teacher’s eye it was an accident accident or not

Thanks to you the exam got canceled which is great because I didn’t even study H now what should we do with Jake Jakey Jakey Jakey should we tell her to kill him bye-bye Jakey I got to go Brianna wait I want to ask you something Jake

You need to leave it’s for your own safety kill Jakey Briana I wanted to ask you out on a date we’ve gifted you a poisonous candy give it to Jake bye-bye Jake Brianna did you take Brianna it’s so nice to finally meet you I really like your new hairstyle Brianna thank you

Jimmy Brianna I really like your hairstyle too and thank you Timmy Timmy don’t copy me why do I keep getting money I don’t have a job because you just got compliments every time someone compliments you you get money see saying I could be rich she’s so cool she’s wearing sunglasses inside BR two

Sunglasses she’s the coolest person on Earth hand sunglasses baby girl you look so beautiful today more money give me a kiss no I don’t want you to ruin my lipstick yeah I wouldn’t want to ruin your perfect lip gloss tell me more you’re so beautiful Your Hair reminds me of

Strong what’s going on why am I losing money I’m the most popular girl in the school I get the most compliments it’s because everyone’s insulting you look at this hello Brianna hi the name is I’m your new neighbor where are you off to school are you going

Alone no I’m not alone I’m meeting my friend she’s just over there Mom the new neighbor is kind of weird he gives me bad vibes do you know his name we can look him up on public data check by typing in his name we’ll be able to get

A detailed backr backround report this will show us if he’s safe to be around or not it will show if he has a criminal record address history location and names mom guess what I found out he’s changed his name like 10 times he’s moved places 15 times in the past year

And has multiple felonies he’s not safe to be around everyone can hear your thoughts or you happy birthday daughter of mine I bought you a gift that is So Divine thank you you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it thank you for this gift it was really on my

List yo bro can I have a bite of that orange orange you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it uh I don’t know what rhymes with orange what rhymes with orange come on you need to rhyme it they time it nothing rhymes with orange jissy you’re home come play with

Me I was all alone of course I’ll play how could I stay away way perfect you be the stepmother and I’ll be the princess um princess they time it rhyme it you’ll be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the

Princess um princess they time it rhyme it you’ll be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess we play just like recess why did you shoot I want to dispute we time it and she didn’t rhyme

It she’s still breathing she might not be leaving please let me try and save my sister I’d miss her go but tell anyone about this and I’ll know she’s going to be okay you can visit her where she stay I missed you little Missy one of our partners nearly killed your sister

Tell us what happened with the mister he timed it and she rhymed it he shot her by mistake his mind must have been on break why you lie about the guy why you lie about the guy is it true you lied she should have died I didn’t lie

About the guy she’s not thinking clearly Dy rhyme it they time it she’s out of her mind seriously okay I’ll believe you but I got my eye on you like blue I can’t believe my best friend’s gone bring him back come on they timed it and he couldn’t rhyme

It it’s the world we live in we can never win I don’t want to be here anymore please rhyme it they time it you have so much to live for I don’t want to see you on the floor anymore anymore I don’t know you look down what’s with the frown

I just saw someone get killed your head is a mess but you can’t stress they time it you need to rhyme it I just saw someone get killed your head is a mess but you can’t stress they time it you need to rhyme it I just saw someone get killed I wasn’t very

Thrilled please keep your mind at ease what’ you get on the exam exam exam rhyme it they time it hurry you need to worry stop yelling at me I can’t think of what rhymes with exam good morning honey today’s nice and sunny you’re not speaking what are you

Seeking are you scared your rhyming is impaired you must speak no one is allowed to sneak you rhyme it I’ll time it why are you doing this to me Tick Tock the time is on the clock why are you doing this to me you rhyme it I’ll time it tick tock the

Time is on the clock why are you doing this to me just let me be you’re safe you’re lucky lucky it’s your time to run you’re safe you’re lucky come on Brad you wouldn’t shoot me we’re Partners I’m sorry Bob I’m just doing my job how are you feeling

Um rhyme it they time it feeling you rhyme better than anyone I know just go with the flow I’m scared you’re out of time you couldn’t rhyme what’s going on my partner’s gone now it’s your best friend’s time to rhyme five Rhymes in the given times

Five Rhymes in the given times I need to rhyme in time you can’t rhyme the same thing twice it isn’t nice five to stay alive I I don’t know anymore you don’t know it’s time to go no my best friend you put her to an end you’re a monster rhy it they time

It you’re a monster Tick Tock the time is on the clock hey you can’t steal my gun you’re done happy birthday daughter of mine I bought you a gift that is So Divine why am I six you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it why am I six this

Needs a fix you get older every year that’s how it is dear I’m actually 17 your soulmate heart magnet came in yay this isn’t a heart you will only make a heart with your soulmate the magnetic force will pull you towards him helping you find your soulmate wow all right kids time to

Finger paint yay my heart necklace is making a noise it’s the magnetic force pulling you towards your soulmate your soulmate must have been somewhere close too bad there was a wall in the way what’s going on my soulmate must be here take me to him hey Bri where are

You off to can I come with my necklace is taking me to my soulmate why is it pulling me to the floor girl are you okay I found the other half of my necklace I didn’t find him oh no your soulmate must have lost his necklace I

Found the other half of my necklace I didn’t find him oh no your soul must have lost his necklace we have to find out who it is I need to make an announcement no you will not attention everyone there has been a missing soulmate heart magnet found in the

Hallway if anyone is missing their soulmate magnet come to the office immediately give that back me you are in big trouble I heard you guys found a soulmate magnet I lost mine really you must be my soulmate then yeah I lost it back when I was 6 years old six what my

Soulmate would have lost his magnet in high school not when he was six no one else has came forward for missing magnet maybe I’ll never I he soul my magnet was found I lost my last time I was here visiting the school the princess your soulmate you’re my soulmate humans you

May now exit your incubators good news human in number 69,000 haard levels are low today you’ll be able to attend school outside no way do you have all your protective equipment on yes I’m all ready here take this oxygen can with you in case oxygen levels drop while you’re outside thank you wow

Outside wow it’s so great to see other humans I know isn’t it danger don’t stand too close to each other I think I’m alone hey we’re not supposed to be so close to each other and you’re not supposed to take your face shield off you’re right can I hold your hand no without

Gloves danger here baby I got you a purse and some new earrings wow you’re amazing you always spoil me so much much hey bestie my new boyfriend is the best he always spoils me all the time he’s a successful business owner are you sure

He is who he says he is what are you talking about you should look him up on public data check public data check you search the person by name or phone number you’ll be able to find things like name location aliases ages relatives social media and if they have a criminal

Record girl you’re not going to believe what I found out about the guy I’m seeing he’s been arrested five times for fraud he’s a con artist and he’s also changed his name multiple times you’re right he’s not who he says he is tic tackers are

Cringe I got it correct but just so you know Grandma puv tic tackers are not cringe where did those sunglasses come from Hey Eugene Wait I need to copy your homework you can’t copy me that’s cheating you have a word on your head give me a hint I’ll guess it no problem

It’s something you don’t have friends no when someone’s a Charming person there insufferable okay Eugene watch me what is this it embarrassing no Eugene it was Riz Brianna not now Sophie I’m super late to class you got a word hurry give me a hint it’s something you drink water juice careful you have

One guest left it’s it’s a white liquid your dad went out to get what and then never came back your dad went out to get what and then never came back milk I got it thank you so much for the hint Sophie I couldn’t have done it

Without you here’s your test Brian Mr Stevens you got a word on your head gloss give me hints if I gets the word right I’ll give you all A’s on your test it’s something you should never do during a test cry Mr Stevens what do you always tell us to never do pay

Taxes Mr Stevens what did you do to your wife cheat on her yes the word is cheat you got it everyone get to name Timmy has a word on his head Timmy please someone give me a hint me ugly I got it wrong give me a better

Hint okay opposite of good then add i e not goodie that’s two words Timmy give me an examp example of the word in a sentence Shia Shia if you were mine I give this Miss Apple was the other residents are trying to sleep Susan I was performing I told you no

Performances after 8:00 p.m. you should be resting anyways you just had a heart attack I don’t have heart attack Susan I told you did you unplug your oxygen you need it your oxygen levels are so low I don’t need oxygen Susan not when you’re around treat me don’t get me dirty

That’s it I’m resigning I can’t breathe I can’t breathe go team I knew you would win Jake of course I won you were cheering me on look it’s Porky the Pig get it cuz you’re fat my name’s not Porky it’s Cynthia Porky I can smell your Big Mac scented sweat from over

Here stinky funky like ew why are you so mean why am I so hubby how did I gain so much weight in a day oh no did you make someone insecure you were born with a curse if you make someone insecure you’ll get their insecurity so you’re

Saying I’m stuck like this I’m ready for cheer Brianna you really let yourself go yeah don’t worry about it I’ll lose weight in no time well until you do you can’t cheer with us are you serious right now I’d like to audition for the cheer squad Porky you’re skinny I told

You my name’s Cynthia wait Cynthia I should apologize more bloopers don’t do it she said do this not do that I mean I can smell your Big Mac scented sweat dripping off of you it’s disgusting stinky funky like ill Mommy why did you what no why would I like your

Boyfriend are you sure you’re telling the truth honestly yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there’s something else you should know Jake and I were dating behind your back a few months ago I’m sorry Brianna no no Emma you’re lying he would never do that if I was lying I

Would die go ask Jake yourself if you don’t believe me got your pen Jakey Jake Emma told me earlier that you guys used to date well dating me is that true it’s BR J did you already finish your assignments y yes sir it’s true Emma and I were seeing each other while

You and I were dating but I don’t love Emma I’ve always loved you I don’t love you and I never have Jake Brianna I’m in love with Jake and I always have been was that Jake you’re so ski you’re so Phantom tag I just want to be your

Sigma be your Sigma Timmy you can’t copy what what I just said but I wanted that line if you copy what someone just said or do an action that someone just did you’ll die but I was supposed to sing that part of the song great and now Jimmy stole my line

Bye Grandma I’m off to school now I’ll see you later what did you say I couldn’t hear you I can’t find my hearing age I’ll see you later you’re an aligator no I’ll see you later you’re stuck in a radiator I’ll see you later oh I’ll see you

Later Grandma guess what I found your heat they were oh no Bri what’s up girl oh I’ll get it I’ll get it which one of us went to go pick it up first it was definitely me stop copying me oh no Brianna what’s wrong spring is here and

I don’t have any cute clothes to wear I have just a thing here try this on wow this outfit is so cute where’s it from it’s from halara it’s the cloud full yoga backless tank top and the cloud full crossover tennis skirt hi love the crossover waistband it

Really makes me look cinched at the waist and the built-in shorts and pocket on the side are a must hat seriously Bessie this outfit is so cute I’m definitely going to wear it when I play tennis this weekend we hit 4 million on Tik Tok I

Have a four milon cake for you do you want a piece no okay we were seeing each other for months behind your back that’s just the first time we got caught Jinx no no Britney my baby you were her boyfriend I was she was cheating on you by the way so was

I I’m looking for Brianna she’s right over there I’m going to need you to come with me uh-oh oh someone’s in trouble did I do something wrong officer we received an anonymous call from a student they said you’re making your Jinx count go up on purpose no I would

Never this is all just some terrible coincidence don’t worry we just want to ask you some question questions Jinx who are you I’m Jimmy Jimmy Timmy’s brother I lost my brother when I was seven Because of You bombastic Jinx you owe me a soda I remember Jimmy listen I didn’t do it

On purpose Jimmy listen I didn’t do it on purpose Jimmy don’t say it I’m not going to say jinx either I feel bad about what happened to Timmy you literally just said it I’m so sorry Jimmy hey kid I know that you jinxed the other officer I saw

It all on the security footage stop right there Jinx where do you think you’re going like call me you stay right there you’re in big trouble young young lady Jinx I knew you were going to say that hey Mom I’m coming home early sweetie what have you done the police

Are here looking for you Mom everything’s gone out of hand I kept talking at the same time as people and then I said the JW because I was afraid and then the officers came and I said it on purpose because I was scared they were going to take me away

Jinx good morning Mom I’m not going to say it I know that neither of us would ever say that word to each other goodbye sweetie good morning it’s time to take your medicine bombastic side eye no Miss Applewood there’ll be no side eyeing today now take your

Medicine you really thought you ate that no I don’t but you need to eat your medicine no I don’t want my medication I want girl dinner after you take your medicine girl dinner no please don’t start singing again girl di girl J all right unplug her life support Miss Applewood you soiled

Yourself come on let’s go and get you cleaned up no I’m in my pooping my pants era what happened to your clean girl era let’s bring that back clean girl aesthetic exactly now let’s go get washed up you’re giving me the ick you’re giving me the ick because you

Smell so bad where’d you get that what are you eating my husband today we will be making our last girl dinner Miss Applewood are you on your phone again your grandchildren don’t want you have too much screen time mind your business Susan what is our dessert moldy muffins yes that’s my favorite

Food I need my glasses cake no no no too sweet too sweet needs some mold on it Pizza no no too cheese too much cheese no yes yes toenail clippings what’s my drink wash it all down with the seven up good girl and uh girl in hus

Delectible red olives all right no no no no no I’m not taking my vitamins Miss Apple would you need to take your vitamins no I told you I’m not taking my vitamins Susan see this is why I told you to stop yelling so much I don’t yell anyways scrum just miss Applewood your

Grandchildren are here to see you tell them to go home I’m busy you’re not busy I’m trying to see what kind of dog I am today I will be seeing who has a crush on me 65 I would climb that like a tree Miss Applewood what did you just say no one’s

Talking to you Susan bartender I don’t know because I’m a material girl he doesn’t make that much money cancer he’s a 10 out of D in looks no one would ever have a crush on you miss Applewood because you’re not a very nice lady that’s not true

Susan I have a husband bombastic blink criminal offense blank oh no Timmy did you just get a Tik Tok saying answer it carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic um Timmy look I’m giving you a hint oh bombastic eyebrow criminal offensive eyebrow it was bombastic side

Eye only in blank only in Ohio bye Grandma I’m off to school now I just got a Tik Tock sign Grandma it’s Tik Tok double it and blank it to the next blank I don’t know I don’t use tick tac you have to try or they’ll kill you double

It and throw it at your grandpa Grammy why are you still here you’re going to be late Mom Grammy’s gone oh no what happened she got a Tik Tok San and she didn’t guess it right it wasn’t her fault she doesn’t know how to use the internet I just got a Tik Tok

Sane I just got a Tik Tok saying trying the new blank shake the what Shake Mom I don’t know the answer I’ll give you a hint it was someone’s birthday trying the new Grimace Shake I got it where did you just go go I didn’t go anywhere I was here the whole time

You’re losing it Mom hey how’s my best friend doing today not good my grandma passed away this morning oh no I just got a Tik Tok saying hurry bestie read it B ffr be blank for real I know the answer but I can’t say it it’s a bad word

No yummy lunch I just got a Tik Tock scene hurry Eugene read it ate and left no blank H eight and left no eight and left no bread the answer is eight and left no bread no it was crumbs why would it be ate and left no

Bread Miss blank has blank Miss Rabbit has fainted babe babe I was calling you I’m sorry babe I’m a little out of it today it just feels like everyone around me keeps dying I just got a Tik Tok saying mother blank blank I’ll give you

A hint it’s a game someone made a POV about this right yes a beautiful amazing perfect model blonde girl made a POV about it I don’t remember her being all that anyways I know the answer it’s mother keni no it was Mother B Hey Brianna Jake

Stay away from me I think I’m cursed everyone around me keeps dying eat these hot peppers and I’ll give you $20 deal go Brianna go ooh okay we got a little kick go Brianna go ooh okay it’s got a little kick light work blank blank these peppers are so spicy Brianna

This is perfect how this Tik Tok Zan has to do with eating spicy food light work no reaction I got it oh no I just got a Tik Tok Zane hurry Jake read it rate blank on a scale from blank to blank rate me

On a scale from 1 to 10 probably a four at best no that was the answer oh Brianna I think now is a good time to tell you I don’t like you just as a friend I love you I never told you before because I know you have a

Boyfriend but I can’t hide it anymore more Jake I don’t have a boyfriend anymore he died playing finish the Tik Tok saying I just got a Tik Tok Zane I just got a Tik Tok Zane he is not the blank of your blank hit him with your blank I

Have no clue what this one could be he is not the love of your life hit him with your car wo you got it I confessed my feelings to you earlier you never gave me an answer Jake I don’t feel the same way my boyfriend just passed away I’m not

Ready to open up my heart to someone like that I just got a Tik Tok s oh oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree Brie my deadly curses I can’t open my eyes ouch what’s your deadly curse sing songs of Che you have to sing songs what kind of songs

Christmas hey babe what do you want for Christmas this year All I Want For Christmas Is You B wow BR please take me back I’m still in love with you come on come on it’s lovely weather for playay right together with you please take me back I know I messed up Last

Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away why do you keep seeing here let me serenate you last Chistmas I gave you my I really can’t say wait I’ve got to go a challenge for $100,000 wow that’s a lot of

Money cut off a chunk of your hair I don’t want to do that I’m not doing it Brianna once you’ve accepted the challenge there’s no turning back you must do it or they’ll kill you what a challenge for $500,000 I just got a challenge for 500k don’t accept it the more money they

Offer you the harder the challenge will be I can’t pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did does it look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you honey did

You just use the bathroom no oh no you aged you were lying you can’t ever lie because every time you lie you get older look I dyed my hair green it looks really good it doesn’t look like I’ve aged Hey Eugene I didn’t do the homework can you

Give me all the answers Brianna are you trying to cheat no hey Sophie I’ve lied twice today and I haven’t aged at all I think I’m immune no way you’re so lucky hey Timmy you’re handsome thanks Brianna that’s so nice of you and Jimmy those are really nice

Shoes really you think so I’ve said so many lies today and I haven’t aged at all look in the mirror here’s your dinner Miss Applewood Susan what is this it’s your pure Aid meal no no get me chicken nuggets you can’t have chicken nuggets you can’t

Chew them this looks like what was in my diaper this morning Susan and this it’s pure tofu it’s dude do I want chicken nuggets no s I want chicken nuggets you’re not getting chicken nug toy let’s play freeze dance okay free wait am I supposed to freeze

Now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you’re not supposed to play freeze dance it’s for population control it kills people I didn’t know Hey Kevin I made you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he’s mine well I don’t see your name on him let’s play freance and

Settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn’t agree to this free Ow like like no Kevin baby I’m coming to save you unfreeze freeze oh oh leg crimp leg crimp no Kevin baby I’m coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you

Playing freeze dance because of you Britney and Kevin are dead she killed Britney and Kevin she’s sick no no it’s not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy

Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze Now yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it’s time that I finally avenge his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance Mr strawberry I love stop don’t say I love you honey it’s time you know when you

Say I love you to someone who doesn’t love you back you’ll lose all your memory that’s why I only say I love you to daddy and my children because they’re the ones I know that love me back good morning Mom who are you where

Am I what am I doing here what is this place mom do you remember anything I’m your mom you lost your memory Dad Dad something’s going on with Mom she doesn’t remember anything did she say I love you you to anyone yeah to me last night I’m sorry but I lost feelings for

Your mother so it’s your fault you don’t love mom anymore and she lost her memory it’s not what I intended to happen truthfully I met another woman but don’t worry I love you you’re my daughter where am I who are you who am I dad I

Love you you’re my daughter where am I who are you who am I Dad Dad you lost your memory that means I don’t love open up where’re the memory police the memory police are here who’s that mom mom please you have to remember something the memory police are here I’m your mom

Yes that’s all you have to say open up the door’s open come in are all memories intact here of course who are you I’m your mom see what is this place I don’t know where I am we’ve got a memory loss take him away goodbye Dad Mom I have to go to

School now now just stay safe and don’t do anything until I come home I love no I can’t say it of course you wouldn’t love me I’m a stranger to you I love I love you how do you know that word babe there you are I think it’s time we say the L

Word no I don’t want to say it I’ve already lost someone because of that word don’t worry you don’t have to say it I’ll say it I love no don’t say it I don’t I love you who are you where am I I’m scared we’ve got a memory loss take him

Away it’s Mom Mom Mom she has no memory left how would she know how to use a phone did you just say your mom has no memory how is she not taken away yet no she has her memory I was just joking Mom Mom I came running back from

School is everything okay are you okay I’m your mom uh I think you call by mistake memory police open up come in we’re taking your mother no no you can’t she’s all I have take me with her your memories are intact I love you I got you the new

Dollar you wanted thank you I love you stop you can’t ever say I love y you if you say it to someone who’s not your soulmate you’ll lose all memory of the person you said it to hey baby I got you lunch a thank you babe you’re amazing I

Think it’s time for us to say the L word but Evan what if you’re not my soulmate I don’t want to forget you it’s okay you don’t need to forget me I’ll just say it then I love you Evan um who are you how do you know my name I’m your

Girlfriend I don’t even know you you’re not my girlfriend you B hey Emily Evan told me he Lov me today Brianna that’s great he forgot me oh no I need to make him fall for me again even if we’re not soulmates I don’t want to lose him Emily EV

Emily how could you kiss Evan I love him and I Brianna don’t say it love you Emily how could you kiss Evan I love him and die Brianna don’t say it love you no Brianna Brianna H how do you know my name uh I’m not sure but my name’s Emily it’s nice

To meet you nice to meet you Hey Brianna I really like your sweater it’s so cute thank you it’s new I just bought it my ex just came in he told me he loved me today and then forgot me whatever don’t worry about him you deserve so much

Better thanks but how would you know you don’t even know me I don’t have to know you it’s obvious did you see Evan was looking at you the whole class whatever he lost his chance hey Emily yeah I never forgot you what Timmy hey Timmy let’s play dollies no I don’t want to

Ow Timmy don’t yell Boo don’t scare me like that are you trying to kill me relax I was just joking well it’s not funny hey Brianna have you seen my boyfriend Derrick anywhere I haven’t seen him all day no sorry I haven’t help help someone help they’re after me they’re chasing

Me no Derek my baby I’m scared who was after Derek I think there’s someone in the building no one panic hello Brianna Timmy I thought you were dead I came back to haunt you I came back to haunt you come on Scream come join me Brianna Hey Brianna are you seeing scary

Images I am it’s not real cover your eyes and come with me what you saw before wasn’t real they’re trying to scare us so we scream you may see images or people that aren’t really there it’s all because they want to eliminate oh no your face it’s it’s

I’m sorry I have to go Jake wait do I really look that bad Jake why did you run away from me stay away from me stay away from me your face it’s scary does he really think him that ugly hi sweetie mom what are you doing here who’s at home watching Emily I

Wanted to see you who are you talking to my mom there’s no one there who are you talking to my mom there’s no one there are you okay sweetie you look frightened you’re not my real mom you’re just here to scare me so I scream look at me I’m your

Mom you’re not real I’m real you’re not real stop it stop it stop it you’re not real how could you look what you did to your mom what you’re bad daughter you a bad no that was your real mom you’re not real she’s gone because of you you’re not

Real come on Mom pick up the phone there you are what are you doing here Mommy disappeared so I went looking for you it’s okay hold my hand you’re holding it so tight you know what happened to Mommy you’re not rock paper scissors you oh man Rock beat scissors round two rock paper

Scissors rock wins rock paper no no no no no what I’m not playing the third round come on one of us will win a million dollars yeah but one of us will die that’s a risk I’m willing to take I’m not Hello the results came in I have

Cancer what treatment’s going to be very expensive and I’m too sick to work we’re going to lose our house soon I don’t know how we’ll live mom don’t worry about a thing I’ll get us all the money we need Derek let’s play Rock Paper Scissors if we tie the first two rounds

I’ll play the third round with you rock rock paper scissors I win rock paper scissors paper beats Rock last round Ro rock paper rock rock paper scissors scissors we both chose paper we’ll have to play again how about we split the money no way I’m not splitting the money

I want the million all for myself Derek I don’t want to die and I don’t want to see you die I’m not splitting rock paper scissors there’s no way scissors means paper you cheated you’re a cheater I didn’t cheat come with me Derek we’re taking you to be executed oh she didn’t

Win fairly she cheated did you hear she killed Derek for a million dollars I didn’t kill Derek we played a game we both agreed to and I won there she is I’ve been looking for you everywhere ma’am is everything okay I’m Derrick’s mother I want to avenge my

Son we’re playing rock paper scissors till the third round okay I’ll play with you rock rock paper wait stop the game Brianna looks like she’s seen a ghost now Britney making fun of someone is not a very nice thing to do apologize I’ll face the consequences so stop that your

Teacher is the controller of right or wrong what anyways I guess I need to apologize I’m so sorry that you’re so easy to make fun of Britney no that’s not an apology fine I’m so sorry your face looks so silly when you’re scared no Britney you’re not going anywhere you’ve

Got a lot of learning to do H cookie can I see sure give me that Timmy give me my cookie back Jimmy stealing some’s food without permission is not right make it right or die okay here you already took a bite out of it

Hold out your hand I can give it back no no no it’s fine it’s fine you keep it hello the controller right or wrong is in my classroom Brianna’s using her phone in class a magic mirror or a magic hairbrush I’m going to go with the hairbrush wow it’s so

Cute that’s weird ouch I got got a paper cut let me see what what just happened my paper cut is completely healed I think it was my hairbrush help I fell down the stairs and broke my leg here use my hair brush nothing’s happening my leg’s broken

Maybe it only works when I do it hold my hand my leg is healed mom I want to show you something hold my hand while I brush my hair why are we doing this look in the mirror my wrinkles are gone I’m keeping this hairbrush it only works when I do

It come with me you can never leave your room we must protect this power mom Ellie Ellie did they lock you in the cabinet hurry I’m losing oxygen no this better be the one Ellie I’m so glad you found me you was so scary they took me and hid me in

The cabinet this game is sick Brianna why do you look so down today my little sister was chosen to be hidden this morning I almost didn’t find her in time how about we make a pth pinky promised that if either of us gets hidden we’ll find each other it’s your turn to be

Hidden it’s your turn to hide get in There where did they lock me help help I was chosen to play hide and seek please someone find me help I don’t have much time left help Jak did you call my name Jak you found me of course I did I promised you I can’t believe they locked you in a

Locker awful well it’s a good thing I found you in time you’re the best girl there you are I was wondering what happened happened to you you weren’t in class I got chosen a play hide and seek luckily Jake was there to save me hey it was nothing I’ll catch you later catch

You later Jake wait you dropped this go team I knew you would win Jake of course I won you were cheering me on look it’s Porky the Pig get it cuz you’re fat my name’s not Porky it’s Cynthia Porky I can smell your Big Mac scented sweat from over

Here stinky funk like ew why are you so mean why am I so chubby how did I gain so much weight in a day oh no did you make someone insecure you were born with a curse if you make someone insecure you’ll get their insecurity so you’re

Saying I’m stuck like this I’m ready for cheer Brianna you really let yourself go yeah don’t worry about it I’ll lose weight in no time well until you do you can’t cheer with us are you serious right now I’d like to audition for the cheers Squad pory you’re skinny I told

You my name’s Cynthia wait Cynthia I should apologize more bloopers don’t do it she said do this not do that I mean I can smell your Big Mac scented sweat dripping off of you it’s disgusting stinky funky like ill Mommy why did you head and shoulders knees and toes I

Can’t touch my toes I can’t read toy going touch his toes you must do whatever the song says or you die head and everyone pay attention The Head and Shoulder song is plain shoulders spin around spin around oh no I’m becoming so dizzy spin around oh no I’m getting too dizzy I

Can’t do it I can’t spin anymore I’m going to fall over Eugene you have to spin or she’ll kill you can I spin on the floor Eugene headen did you just get the Head and Shoulder song you don’t hear it no that means you’re getting a personal

Instruction give me now W bombastic side eye girl dinner girl dinner slay it’s worse than I thought doctor her dementia is progressing fast all she can remember is internet saying from back in her day my name is Jeff it’s not looking good Susan let me ask her some basic

Questions what’s 9+ 10 21 this isn’t good she doesn’t even know basic math Miss applea do you remember me what’s my name who am I you’re a pain in my I’m bad like the Barbie Susan play Barbie world Susan’s not on this floor anymore who are you I’m nurse Jennifer I’ll be

Taking care of you from now on no no no no get Susan get Susan I don’t want you I want Susan Susan doesn’t want to see you now take your heart medicine and vitamins I don’t take my medicine and Susan knows that and she knows I don’t take my

Vitamins I want Susan here if you were nice to Susan she wouldn’t have requested to change floors whatever I’ll go get her myself Miss Applewood no hey stop running before you go to school can we play a game of pretend okay what did you have in mind

Let’s play the floor is lava Emily get off the floor now Emily why would you say that it wasn’t supposed to be real it was just for pretend no you don’t understand when you say the floor is lava the floor actually becomes lava it’s used for population control I’m sorry I didn’t know

Safe it’s okay just never say that again okay okay we’re safe I can go back on the ground yes good morning Miss Applewood the floor is lava Derek what is wrong with you no no there’s nowhere to Go Eugene Derek you killed Eugene the government told me to they said they’d pay me money it’s your turn to play a game of truth or lie yay mommy they said it’s my turn to play a game I love games so much sweetie truth or Li is very

Dangerous they’ll give you a state about someone you know and you must say if it’s a truth or a lie and if you guess it wrong you die Brianna truth or lie your dad is coming back with the milk your dad is coming back with the milk I think that

Is the truth because daddy said he would come back with the milk so he must be coming back with the milk right sweetie I can’t tell you the answer but Dad went to go get milk over a year ago now daddy’s not coming back with the milk is

He that’s for you to decide it was a lie bring Sophie hey truth or lie Sophie makes fun of you for not having a dad behind your back I just got a truth or lie Sophie makes fun of you for not having a dad behind your back you would

Never do that right come on Brianna you know me you can guess this right Hey Brianna how’ your dad came home with the milk yet to me look at these stickers they’re going Timmy Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it’s for population control it kills people

I didn’t know wink killer hey you’re the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I’m going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she’s not

Breathing it’s tragic I can’t believe Emma passed away I know it’s so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you’re

The a minute left before our speaking privileges are taken away what from now on anyone who speaks will be executed unless you’re given speaking privileges put this in between your lips Mommy I don’t want to it’s for your safety that’s the strongest goal in the world you won’t have to worry about

Accidentally speaking I’m tired of not speaking do you think we’ll ever be granted speaking privileges again I don’t think so you should use the strongest glue in the world to keep your mouth closed so you don’t have to worry about accidentally speaking ah you have glue on your mouth

You look so silly at least I’m safe and you look silly without glue on your mouth maybe you’re safe but you look goofy oh look at her she’s no hearts that means no one’s ever loved her makes sense who could ever love someone who looks like her Hey

Brianna Britney the most popular girl in the school why are you talking to me I want to help you get boys to fall in love with you that’s impossible no isn’t an option let’s go here we this do you think you can cover up my acne I can you

Look beautiful with or without it but the world’s a cruel place please please cover it I don’t want to be myself no more I want to be loved you did an amazing job on the makeup Britney I never even could have dreamed I would look like this come on let’s take some

Photos for your socials right great but this time a little less terrified okay oh who’s the new girl I didn’t know we had a model at our school she looks like a celebrity let’s all take photos of her wo wo whoa Britney oh my oopsies no you can’t ever cut your

Hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I’m back with the milk who’s that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven’t seen him don’t worry maybe he’s running late yeah

Maybe Jake bestie Brianna uh I I can explain don’t bother I want to forget I ever been met you two I want to forget all our memories Together wait what was I trying to forget wait what was I trying to forget Brianna please just let me explain what happened between me and Jake you see explain what I don’t even know you oh you cut your hair do you remember anything about me no you don’t remember any of our memories

Together no nothing I’ll fill you in on anything you may have forgotten first of all I’m your best friend we’ve been best friends since kindergarten Brianna please just let me apologize about sh Jake she doesn’t know Brianna do you remember anything about this guy no I

Don’t know who he is well you have met him before but you must have forgot this is Jake my boyfriend it’s nice to meet you nice to meet you I wonder why I wanted to cut off my hair I must wanted to forget something horrible Brianna why is your

Best friend holding hands with your boyfriend my boyfriend don’t listen to Emma she’s a liar you’re so ski you’re so Phantom tag I just want to be your Sigma be your Sigma Timmy you can’t copy what I just said but I wanted that line if you copy what someone just said or do

An action that someone just did you’ll die but I was supposed to sing that part of the great and now Jimmy stole my line bye Grandma I’m off to school now I’ll see you later what did you say I couldn’t hear you I can’t find my

Hearing AES I’ll see you later you’re an alligator no I’ll see you later you’re stuck in a radiator I’ll see you later oh I’ll see you later Grandma guess what I found your he andat they were oh no Bri what’s up girl oh I’ll get it I’ll get it which one of

Us went to go pick it up first it was definitely me stop copying me a you’re so silly putting stickers on your face no you killed your big sister you can’t ever laugh it kills people look what you’ve done here before coming into the classroom you must put this tape over

Your mouth why it’s a precaution issued by the school board as kids are the highest risk for laughter I don’t want to wear the tape anymore you must wear it we’re just kids you didn’t do it on purpose listen kid I saved your life you could have died you should be thanking

Me mommy you forgot to pick me up from school good evening police officer there was an incident of laughing at your mother’s work she didn’t make it stop laughing stop laughing what’s going on here you killed officer Brad uhoh we’re going to need backup did you hear she killed three

Police officers when she was seven you know I can hear you right I was just a kid I was traumatized her my mom just passing away I couldn’t control it you’re a murderer a psycho I can’t listen to this this any longer hey are you okay I can’t believe what they’re

Saying about you I’m used to it want to hang out after school there’s somewhere I want to show you we’re almost there where are you taking me we’re here in the middle of nowhere you know there’s three police officers you killed one of them was my dad Beauty pill or intelligence pill

Well I’m already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60% so far so you’re saying I’m going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that’s you you don’t even look like yourself yeah I

Chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can’t I don’t know it is the more beautiful I become the stupider I get Brianna can you tell me the answer

Answer to question 23 I don’t get it um no I can’t tell you because I don’t know Mommy brna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you here baby I got you a purse and some new

Earrings wow you’re amazing you always spoil me so much hey bestie my new boyfriend is the best he always spoils me all the time he’s a successful business owner are you sure he is who he says he is what are you talking about you should look him up on public data

Check public data check you search the person by name or phone number you’ll be able to find things like name location aliases ages relatives social media and if they have a criminal record girl you’re not going to believe what I found out about the guy I’m seeing he’s been arrested five times for

Fraud he’s a con artist and he’s also changed his name multiple times you’re right he’s not who he says he is Timmy let’s play house you be the wife I’ll be the Jimmy spell witch um b i Jimmy there’s no B in witch I thought he said Jimmy oopsies I’ll try again w

E try again you have one more chance to spell it right okay um w h i c h timy I think that’s the wrong kind of witch Brianna spell Timmy t i m m y honey what is it Grandma I’m trying to finish my homework I just woke up it’s

Today Wednesday no today’s Friday what I just woke up from my nap are you telling me I slept through Wednesday and Thursday yeah Grandma you did I thought you had expired Grandma SP Wednesday but I don’t know how to spell you have to try wh oh come on you little M yummy

Chocolate mother may I have a bite of chocolate no you may not you may throw it on the floor M Chocolate Timmy Timmy you forgot to ask mother may I mother may I go home I’m scared you may mother may I please let me have a drink of water no you may

Not babe you may not disobey mother ever I can’t believe it mother killed my boyfriend she’s such a sh she’s always listening mother may I comfort my friend no you may not you may kill her mother may I comfort my my friend no you may

Not you may kill her with the item in your back pocket no Brianna you wouldn’t I’m your friend Steph I can’t disobey mother Steph there’s nowhere for you to run now mother may I kill Brianna you may no mother may I go home and cry no you

May not you may face the consequences of your actions look what you did you killed Steph How Could You Brianna she was my best friend she was my friend too mother told me to do it I can’t disobey what mother says mother may I avenge my

Friend and kill Brianna you may no wait mother may I ask for a truce you no wait mother may I ask for a truce you may try I don’t want a truce you don’t deserve it Steph was my best friend and now she’s gone look I know what I did

Was wrong but you don’t have to be like me you’re better than that you’re right I am better than that but don’t think we’re friends anymore you’re dead to me yes school’s out mother may I go home school’s over no you may not you may stay at school why is mother doing it

She’s not letting anyone go home today I’m hungry I want dinner I’m starving mother may I eat my bagle you may but anyone has a chance to steal your meal Brianna stop mother may I eat this bagle and only I can eat this bagle

H mother may I eat this bagle and only I can eat this bagle H you may I’m so dizzy em Emma I I she’s too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagle I guess you may here em you need to eat this you

Okay M I’m feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you’ll die mother I finished it all right you may

Live mother may I go to sleep I’m so tired no you may not Jake Jake mother may I go to sleep I’m so tired no you may not Jake Jake what do you want I was sleeping Jakey Jakey you forgot to ask mother may I oh no mother I wasn’t

Really sleeping I was just pretending Jakey lying to Mother you may die Jake you may not cry yes mother I can’t keep my eyes open I’m going to fall asleep I can’t do this anymore I’m going to sleep Emma you can’t sleep you need to stay alive I can’t stay awake much

Longer mother may I go to sleep no you may not you may stay awake I’m exhausted if only there was a way we could stop playing mother mayi mother mayi stop playing mother may I you mother may I stop playing mother may I you may I’m free I’m free thank you mother

Mother mayi stop playing mother mayi no you may not you may play mother mayi for all eternity no but that’s not fair too tired I’m just going to take a nap and go home to my family Emma it’s not fair mother let you stop playing mother mayi and not me what are

You going to do I’m going to end you Emma Emma Emma you forgot to ask mother may I you got to get out of here there’s going to be a Target on my back if people find out I beat the game the door’s locked who’s there who are you show yourself Mother’s

Here who’s there who are you show yourself Mother’s here you really thought I’d let you stop playing mother mayi that easy what in order to stop playing mother mayi you must defeat me mother please don’t do this I don’t want to go up against you I love you you you

Do yes has anyone ever told you that before no they did not I thought all my children were just ungrateful mother may I give you a hug you may congratulations you are now mother what who is this I thought I just killed mother there are multiple mothers mother may I drink water mother

May I go home mother may I use the bathroom mother happy birthday daughter of mine I bought you a gift that is So Divine thank you you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it thank you for this gift it was really on my

List yo bro can I have a bite of that orange orange you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it uh I don’t know what rhymes with orange what rhymes with orange come on you need to rhyme it they time it nothing rhymes with orange jissy you’re home come play with

Me I was all alone of course I’ll play how could I stay away perfect you be the stepmother and I’ll be the princess um princess they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the

Princess um princess they time it rhyme it you’ll be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess we play just like recess why did you shoot I want to dispute we time it and she didn’t rhyme

It she’s still breathing she might not be leaving please let me try and save my sister I’d miss her go but tell anyone about this and I’ll know she’s going to be okay you can visit her where she stay I missed you little missy what of of our partners nearly killed your

Sister tell us what happened with the mister he timed it and she rhymed it he shot her by mistake his mind must have been on break why you lie about the guy why you lie about the guy is it true you lied she should have died I didn’t lie

About the guy she’s not thinking clearly Dy rhyme it they time it she’s out of her mind seriously okay I’ll believe you but I got my eye on you like glue I can’t believe my best friend’s gone bring him back come on they timed it and he couldn’t rhyme

It it’s the world we live in we can never win I don’t want to be here anymore please rhyme it they time it you have so much to live for I don’t want to see you on the floor anymore anymore I don’t know you look down what’s with the frown

I just saw someone get Ked killed your head is a mess but you can’t stress they time it you need to rhyme it I just saw someone get killed your head is a mess but you can’t stress they time it you need to rhyme it I just saw someone get killed I

Wasn’t very thrilled please keep your mind at ease what’d you get on the exam exam exam rhyme it the time it hurry you need to worry stop yelling at me I can’t think of what rhymes with exam the morning honey today’s nice and sunny you’re not speaking what are you

Seeking are you scared your rhyming is impaired you must speak no one is allowed to sneak you rhyme it I’ll time it why are you doing this to me Tick Tock the time is on the clock why are you doing this to me you RH it I’ll time

It tick tock the time is on the clock why are you doing this to me just let me be you’re safe you’re lucky lucky it’s your time to rise you’re safe you’re lucky come on Brad you wouldn’t shoot me we’re Partners I’m sorry Bob I’m just doing my

Job how are you feeling um rhyme it they time it feeling you rhyme better than anyone I know just go with the flow I’m scared you’re out of time you couldn’t rhyme what’s going on my partner’s gone now it’s your best friend’s time to rhyme five Rhymes in the given times

Five Rhymes in the given times you need to rhyme in time you can’t rhyme this same thing twice it isn’t nice five to stay alive I I don’t know anymore you don’t know it’s time to go no my best friend you put her to an end you’re a monster rhyme it they time

It you’re a monster Tick Tock the time is on the clock hey you can’t steal my gun you’re done happy birthday daughter of mine I bought you a gift that is So Divine why am I six you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it why am I six this

Needs a fix you get older every year that’s how it is dear I’m actually 17 someone’s calling on the telephone hurry up and answer it they’re going to give you a word and you must pass it on to the next person the first person who says the word incorrectly

Dies your word is Cookie huh say that again they only tell you the word once now hurry pass it on to me Cookie come here Timmy cookie I know the word it’s Wookie Timmy Hey Brianna can you come here for a second okay get in I’m sorry

I got chosen to play telephone hey Stephanie what’s up I have to pass on a word to you K that’s an easy word Kevin come here Brit no oh no what’s wrong I’m getting a call your word anamia huh oh no what’s wrong I’m getting a call your word

Anamia huh Brianna hurry pass on the word this word is really hard I don’t want to pronounce it wrong pass on your word now come on Brianna it can’t be that bad what what did you say is that even a word I know it’s a hard word Bessie but

You have to try your best I don’t want to lose you Kevin come here aoia what the Jake come here Auto modu pu no Kevin are you serious why am I the one always getting calls Brianna you need to answer it no this isn’t fair

Hurry are you serious why am I the one always getting calls Brianna you need to answer it no this isn’t fair hurry answer now or die your word anti- disestablishmentarianism auntie auntie dis this disestablish men pass on your word give me a minute Brianna hurry pass the word on to me I

Can’t it’s tooo hard teacher teacher I have to pass a word on to you anti- disestablishmentarianism easy word you know I’m an English teacher right Jake come here and dis establishment I’m getting a call the leader for today everyone they’re choosing the leader for today I hope it’s me it’s me

That means you all have to follow what I do or you die Timmy you’ll be a good leader right you won’t make anyone do anything terrible begin your exam I don’t want to write my exam everyone take your exam paper crumple it up and throw it in the

Garbage no oh no I need straight A’s I have to write this exam Eugene you have to follow whatever the leader does or you’ll die no I have to get into Harvard I have to write everyone stop we’re doing 100 jumping jacks Jimmy why one

Two 100 Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there’s no time for that we’re going to rob a bank they’re changing the leader 100 Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no

There’s no time for that we’re going to rob a bank they’re changing the leader the new leader no way I’m the new leader everyone let’s touch the top of the lockers Kaya no you know I’m too short to reach the top of the locker exactly Timmy You’re the Reason Eugene’s

Dead he was the love of my life now this is what you get G everyone we can all put our arms down now now who am I going to get revenge on next I know you’re hurt but another person dying isn’t going to take away your pain looks like you’re next Brianna

Everyone we’re going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does everyone we’re going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does wait I’m going to choose a piece

From the back hurry up okay I really didn’t think you’d actually do it Brianna they’re changing the leader the new leader no it’s me so leader what are we doing now right I’m the leader okay everyone we’re going to drink some per water and and then we’re going to have

Lunch everyone for lunch we are eating a peanut butter wrap Brianna no I’m deathly allergic to peanuts Kayla you have to do as the leader does or they’ll kill you but if I eat peanut butter I’ll die you have to try bombastic bombastic oh no Jimmy did you just get a

Ticktock sound you have to say the rest of the sound answer carefully because if you enter it wrong you die bombastic they call me Mr bombas FC bumba fantastic no jimy it was bombastic sign on are you off to school honey yeah Grandma we need cash we need cash why am I hearing

Voices oh no Grandma did you just get a Tik Tok sound you have to say the rest of it we need cash give me my money you what grandma I’m grow up and be astronaut I’m on a Mexican radio hey girl how are you doing today not good my Grandma couldn’t finish the

Rest of the Tik Tok sound this morning I said them I said them Brianna what’s wrong I just got a Tik Tok sound I said a come on you have to say the rest of the sound I said a Boom come on hurry I’m trying to

Think I said a boom chicka boom I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom I got it I’m so glad you’re safe come on let’s go to class okay okay what is this you just got a Tik Tok sound didn’t you I know this one what are you

Doing what were we just about to do I think I know the rest of the sound okay let’s go to class no it was okay let’s go there’s my beautiful girlfriend what’s wrong baby my best friend couldn’t say the Tik Tok sound correctly I think I’m just going to go home early

Today one two one two I just got a Tik Tock sound one two babe I know the answer for this one one two buckle my shoe no babe you’re not allowed to give the answer you’re only allowed to give a hints I forgot baby answer now or be eliminated

One two buckle my shoe three 4 Buckle some more 5 six Nike kicks where do you think you’re going jump scarer I’m going home no you’re not allowed to leave the school without a note from your mother my boyfriend just passed away that’s not my problem now go to class mommy look what

I can do what the mommy mommy that’s not something you should be calling one of your students no it’s a Tic Tac sound mommy look what I can do mommy look what I can do what are you doing I’m giving you a hint it’s an audio from this amazing POV girl’s video

I don’t know the answer she must be a nobody it was a a the principal’s gone that means I can finally go home no you can’t go you have to learn let me go Eugene side side eye did you just get a Tik Tok sound you’re not smart enough to guess

It right side eye Let Her Go Eugene Timmy let’s get out of here thanks for getting me out of there Timmy Eugene is really weird it was no problem anyways I’m heading home now you know what it never was I just got a Tik Tok sound you

Know what it never was uh that’s serious it was never that serious Timmy you got it I’m safe anyways I’ll see you see you later bye you’re not going anywhere freck you’re not going anywhere freck Frick this is going to be a problem isn’t it Timmy please just let

Me go home I want to see my family at least you have a home a family everyone I know in love is gone because they couldn’t say the Tik Tok sound correctly if I don’t get to see my family again neither do you say bye-bye Brianna

Ashley Ashley I just got a Tik Tok sound give me a h now Ashley look at the floor Ashley look at the floor you really thought I’d give you the right hint Timmy it was Ashley look at me there you are now get to C just leave me alone Eugene okay well that’s

Interesting you need to learn okay well that’s interesting you know why why because honey you’re home early mom today’s been the worst day when is this game going to end happy happy happy oh no mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop Curry cover your mouth and nose

Come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing

Disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you’ll die Mommy why didn’t you wake me up for school mommy help help someone sweetie what’s going on why are you outside mommy’s inside she has the Laughing disease don’t worry sweetie I’ll take care of

Mommy good morning Dad I’m off to school now dad good morning Dad I’m off to school now dad ha how’s my best friend today my dad has a laughing disease that means both my parents are gone I can’t go home tonight do you think I can stay at your place I

Have to go where are you going your dad has the Laughing disease you could have caught it I can’t risk it stay away class does anyone know the answer to everyone out students stay out here I’ll take care of Miss Applewood that was so scary are you

Doing okay Bri I thought you didn’t want me near you in case I’m contagious you know what I said I was just worried babe is everything okay Jake it it’s my best friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you’re laughing no no I’m fine I’m

Fine My Best Friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you’re laughing no no I’m fine I’m fine please please please I don’t have it I don’t have the Laughing disease oh no I’m laughing Goodbye World Stop stop laughing if you want to

Live stop what were you laughing no no I was just practicing in case I did catch the Laughing disease The Laughing disease is incurable if you catch it you’re doomed now get to class [Laughter] stop stop laughing I knew it I knew you had the Laughing disease say bye-bye Brianna no no I’m

Not infected I’m telling you say byebye Brianna no no I’m not infected I’m telling you look at my face I’m not laughing no I saw you you were laughing you must have been seeing things tell me tell me the here for the Laughing disease I I don’t know let go

Of me come with us Brianna where am I who are you what do you want from me we need to know how you got cured from The Laughing disease what’s the secret look I don’t know how I cured the disease if I knew I’d tell

You let me see your arm what are you doing we’re injecting you with the Laughing disease so we can know your secret everyone put your mask on so you don’t catch the Laughing disease she’s laughing too much we have to get rid of her or else we’ll catch the Laughing

Disease have you guys ever thought that maybe the Laughing disease isn’t deadly you just kill everyone who gets it because you’re afraid Timmy are you ready for the first house of the night for trick-or-treating yeah can I be the one to knock Okay trick trick or or treat treat I got treat here you go thank you I got a treat rck what’s on your shirt Timmy I don’t see anything made you look he got you yeah he really tricked me hello Treat I got treat again here’s your candy thank you I got a trick that’s okay I’ll give you a treat anyways thank you so much take a bite um does this have peanuts in it of course I’m severely allergic that’s the trick Eugene now’s not the time to sleep we

Need to go do more trick-or-treating trickortreat I got a trick someone needs to say to you happy Halloween before the timer ends out or else also I stole all your candy you mother someone needs to say to you happy Halloween before the timer ends out or else also I stole all

Your candy you mother um Excuse Me Miss on Halloween day what do people usually say say to each other sweetie why are you out all by yourself just hurry up and answer my question happy Halloween yes you got it thank you give me back my candy Mister

No twicker tweet smell my feet give me something good to eat if you don’t I won’t be sad I’ll just make you wish you had okay okay here it’s Halloween night now Mom I love you stay safe out there how long are this going to make his trick or treat

Till by law you must trick- or- treat until you’re 30 I love you I’ll see you tonight yeah ready for the first house of the night mhm happy Halloween trick trick or treat babe I got a treat here’s your treat I got a trick here’s a tricky riddle for

You some people are afraid of me when you see me you see W what am I answer before the timer runs out I’m again again gummy gummy stop playing gummy playing is against the law you’re lucky no one saw you or else you would have been killed catch let’s

Play we’re not allowed we’ll get killed that’s only if they see us no one’s around okay catch catch catch catch were you girls playing no I wasn’t it was just her throwing the ball I wasn’t playing no she was playing too no I [Applause] wasn’t no poy you’re not allowed to

Play no playing why do you have a ball no Poppy you’re not allowed to play no playing why do you have a ball were you playing I wasn’t playing I was just teaching the puppy not to play good work kid I’ll kill the dog no Brianna we’re all going to hang out

After school are you coming a hangout are you crazy relax we’re all just going to talk and study there’s going to be no games or planing okay hey we should all play spin the bottle no I thought we were just going to study we’re not allowed to play

What are you scared are you a chicken no I just don’t want to die all right I’ll go first I can’t believe you’re actually doing this look at that the bottle landed on you that is not happening were you playing a game no I wasn’t it was Brianna’s idea good morning

Mom I spy with my little eye my mom here take your vision blocking glasses I spy with my little eye these Vision blocking glasses wear them as much as you can so you don’t have to say I spy all the time I barely take mine off off I spy with my

Little eye the ground I spy with my little eye the bush I spy with my little eye the bus CL can anyone tell me why the Earth is flat my eyes are so itchy my glasses where’d they go Timmy say I spy I spy with I spy with my little eye a

Beautiful girl named Brianna Chad is that you of course it’s me take off your glasses so I can see your beautiful eyes I I don’t know it’s not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you know you can trust me okay give me those take off your glasses

So I can see your beautiful eyes I don’t know it’s not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you know you can trust me okay give me those I spy with my little eye Chad give me back my glasses no no

Way I lost mine Catch Me If You Can I spy with my little eye the wall I spy with my little eye Chad I spy with my little eye my vision blocking glasses hey give them back no they’re mine and if you have your eyes open you need to

Say I spy I spy with my little chat chat attention everyone for population control you may no longer wear your vision blocking glasses or keep your eyes closed for an extended period of time anyone who breaks these rules will be killed I spy with my little

Eye Mommy why do I have a heart on my hand oh you got it that’s your color changing heart when your heart is white it means no one is currently in love with you when your heart turns red it means someone is in love with you but if

Your heart turns black it means their love for you is dead hey baby I got you this Rose it’s beautiful just like you oh would you look at that my heart’s still red someone’s in love with me good morning Bri hey girl is everything okay with you and

Derek yeah why your heart turned black are you painting your heart red y my boyfriend fell out of love with me so I’m going to keep painting it red until he loves me again if he was the one he wouldn’t have stopped loving you honey are you home yeah Mom I’m home how

Do you get red paint off your hand check your heart status maybe your heart’s actually red honey are you home yeah Mom I’m home how do you get red paint off your hand check your heart status maybe your heart’s actually Red by that reaction your heart must be red it was

Black earlier that means drick loves me again how do you know it’s Derek who else would it be it has to be Derek Derek you are so funny well you know hi Derek oh hey Brianna I’m really busy right now can we talk later later oh okay are you still painting your

Heart red no Derek loves me again wow that was fast lucky you oh my gosh my heart turned red do you think Derek loves you I hope so Brianna your heart’s red again looks like Derek does love you no I don’t think it’s Derek I know

Who’s in love with you it’s Brianna your heart’s red again looks like Derk does love you no I don’t think it’s Derek I know who it is it’s me I’m sorry but I don’t think I feel the same way come on give him a chance love doesn’t always happen right away

Hey baby my heart’s still black we’ve been dating for a week and you still don’t love me you need to give it some time we’ve only been dating for a week love doesn’t always happen right away but I do like you I’ll wait as long as it takes

Hello hi Brianna this is James’s mother James is in the hospital now he was in a tragic accident he might not make it I’m on my way James stay with me hello my baby is James okay is he still breathing he’s gone but his heart turned red because I love

Him ew why did I just feel a kiss on my cheek I feel something on my cheek honey that means your soulmate must have had his first kiss every time your soulmate kisses someone new you will receive a lip mark on your face no fail why is my soulmate kissing

Other girls you’re so lucky your soulmate’s only kiss one girl mine’s kissed so many maybe he’s kissing those girls looking for you at the end of the day it doesn’t matter you’re the one he’s going to be with you’re right I think Jason and I are going to have our

First kiss today I’ll finally know if he’s really my soulmate bye Bri I’m head home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I haven’t received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we had our first kiss wow that is so great bye Bri I’m heading home now see you tomorrow bye

Babe bye I haven’t received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we just had our first kiss wow that is so great I got to go good morning Steph you haven’t received a lip Mark yet I guess Jason’s not your soulmate even if Jason’s not my soulmate

I’m still going to be with him maybe I just haven’t received my lip Mark yet maybe uh-oh you received another lip Mark looks like your soulmate kissed another girl yeah I guess he has Jason may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soulmate when you kiss Steph

I received the lip Mark right after okay just don’t tell Stephanie what are you doing Jason may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soulmate when you kiss Steph I received a lip Mark right after okay just don’t tell Stephanie what are you doing why were

You trying to kiss my boyfriend it’s not what it looks like Steph he might be my soulmate we’ve been best friends for 10 years and you really just go behind my back like that go ahead kiss him I wish the best for you two step so should we

Still kiss yes Steph already hates me and I need to know the truth you’re not my soulmate Chad you are so funny stepi Brianna save it I’m not mad at you anymore I’m with Chad now up it’s step the red rose or the Black Rose I want the black rose it’s black

Like my SW no honey what have you done what have I done the red rose is the rose of Life the black rose is a rose of death everyone will be scared to love you because if someone breaks your heart they’ll die oh Bri’s kind of cute look

At her face she has the black rose if you break her heart you’ll die by oh no I better stay away from her now why is a pretty girl like you sitting all by herself they’re afraid of me because I chose the Black Rose if they break my

Heart they’ll die get away from me now why is a pretty girl like you standing in the hallway all by yourself I don’t know come here Jake you did it now why is a pretty girl like you standing in the hallway all by herself I don’t know come here Jake you did

It no no it wasn’t me you must have been in love with Jake and seen him kiss me broke your heart and now he’s dead because of you won’t you be allowed near her she’s dangerous hey Bri hey bestie I haven’t seen you all day we can’t be friends

Anymore what everyone’s judging me for being friends with someone like you you’re too dangerous please don’t do this I’m sorry she just killed her best friend she’s evil an absolute monster hey stay away from me I’m a monster you’re not a monster look you have a black

Rose speech what’s this it’s a new thing started by the government you’re given a certain amount of words a day and you must use all of them or else well I only have 18 words today that’s that shouldn’t be hard to use Brianna how many words do you need to use today 18

Wow you’re so lucky I got 5,000 words I have to use today so I have to talk super fast and I’ve used lots and lots of words talk talk talk talk talk can’t stop talking can’t stop talking the day is almost done did you use all your

Words yes these are my last words too oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no honey what’s wrong I got 100,000 words to use today how can going to use all those words you’ll have to try your best I don’t understand I only had 55

Words now I have so many what’s wrong with your voice I lost my voice talking so much yesterday I won’t be able to use all my words no no no you you can do it you can I can hardly talk I want to switch my words back hello the government are you

There God besy keep on trying to talk the day is not over yet I I can’t it’s okay it’s not your fault I heard from your best friend’s mom she passed away she couldn’t use all her words are you okay yeah I’ll be okay your soulmate heart magnet came in yay

This isn’t a heart it will only make a heart with your soulmate the magnetic force will pull you towards him helping you find your soulmate wow all right kids time to finger paint yay my heart necklace is making a noise it’s the magnetic force pulling you towards your

Soulmate your soulmate must have been somewhere close too bad there was a wall in the way what’s going on my soulmate must be here take me to him hey Bri where are you off to can I come with my necklace is taking me to my soulmate why is it pulling me

To the floor girl are you okay I found the other half of my necklace I didn’t find him oh no your soul must have lost his necklace I found the other half of my necklace but I didn’t find him oh no you’re so must have lost his

Necklace we have to find out who it is I need to make an announcement no you will not attention everyone there has been a missing soulmate heart magnet found in the hallway if anyone is missing their soulmate magnet come to the office immediately give that back to me you are

In big trouble I heard you guys found a soulmate magnet I lost mine really you must be my soulmate then yeah I lost it back when I was 6 years old six what my soulmate would have lost his magnet in high school not when he was six no one

Else has came foror for missing magnet maybe I’ll never me I here soulmate magnet was found I lost my last time I was here visiting the school the princess your soulmate you’re my soulmate hello daughter Dad I’m sorry I left I want to be in your life again 10 years later and

You want to be back in my life only if the flower says you really love me he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not you don’t love me dad of course I love you you’re my daughter Why’d You Come Back look I need some

Money I just need you to ask your mother not going to happen why don’t you go pick up milk like you said you were going to 10 years ago hey baby are you okay I love you he loves me he loves me Noah he loves me I love you too I Now pronounce

You husband then wait I need you to do the flower test right now I Now pronounce you husband and wait I need you to do the flower test right now yes I have to be sure she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves

Me not you don’t love me why would you agree to marry me if you don’t love me I thought I did but I wasn’t sure no you knew because if you really Lov me you wouldn’t even have to think about it truthfully there’s someone else I’m sorry well that was

Embarrassing I love you Timmy Brianna I love you too I’ve loved you since I was 6 years old what but I did the flower test and you didn’t love me back it must have been wrong try it again the flower test doesn’t lie please just one more time Hees me H

Oopsies uh-oh you got a mark five mistakes and you’re out out like yes exactly 2+ 2 Brianna what’s the answer um I can’t answer it I don’t want to make a mistake I know the answer it’s three ah that was Timmy’s fifth mistake five mistakes and you’re out Bri hold

This what is wrong with you why did you give that to me to hold when I wasn’t ready chill out it’s no big deal no I can’t chill out I have two marks now three more and I’m out giving her that to hold was a mistake what how is that a mistake was

It a mistake Ranna if you agree I’ll take away one of your marks was it a mistake Brianna if you agree I’ll take away one of your marks um no that’s my last mistake you still have three left it was her mistake not mine hey guys you can’t sit with us why

Not the reason Sophie’s dead you let her die so you didn’t get another Mark why should I get a Mark I wasn’t the one who made a mistake five marks and you’re out you’re so selfish your shoelaces aren’t tied why would you do that sir she made

A mistake she forgot to tie her shoelaces and then she tripped what no you tripped me you’re now the school’s Target that’s what you get for killing Sophie you’re going to be next die in the dark or die in the light I have to choose dark light is

Everywhere there’s no way I can avoid it hey Brie Brie sorry I was just sleeping I’ve learned to sleep with my eyes open because if I close my eyes too long I’ll die what are you talking about oh wow that skirt is so cute thanks it’s from halara it’s super stretchy it has

Built-in shorts and the best part is because of the design it doesn’t write up it’s too bright in here let’s turn the lights off no don’t do it if it gets dark in here I’ll die hey Bri are you okay yeah my vision’s just a little blurry I think I

Need my eyes checked thanks for coming in today Brianna I have some unfortunate news to tell you you’re rapidly going blind wait if I go blind that means everything will be dark I have some unfortunate news you’re rapidly going blind wait if I go blind that means everything will be dark everything’s

Getting so blurry Brianna how’d it go at the eye doctors not good I’m rapidly going blind and if I go blind everything will be dark that means oh no Brianna that skirt is so cute thank you it’s a lucid skirt from halara it has builting shorts and it looks good from every

Angle no way I got the option again I have to choose light this time yo why are you covering your eyes because if I see the light I’ll die you’re lying move your hand you’ve got a tongue twister what’s a tongue Twitter uh-oh you must read it very slowly because if

The tongue twist or twists your tongue you die she sells seash shells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers a pack of pickles Piper I don’t think Timmy passed Bye Mom I’m leaving what’s a tongue

Twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I’m scared suie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you’ve got a tongue twister come here little girl come here come here here put these noise blockers on

Immediately let’s get out of here honey listen if someone’s Whispering you need to run the other way immediately Whispering is only used to kill people got it okay Hey Brianna Hey Jake you look so beautiful you look so beautiful so beautiful so beautiful so hey bestie there’s something going on with Jake he

Was whispering earlier he tried to kill me what Brianna for your own safety I wouldn’t mention this again come and see me after class what did you need to see me for in this Applewood you’re not supposed to mention things people don’t want to hear about don’t mention Brianna Brianna stop

Bri stop who’s Whispering no one’s Whispering Brianna I think she’s infected with Whispers you’re infected with Whispers what is that me you’ll keep hearing whispers in your head then they’ll take over then you’ll start whispering then you’ll die no no I can’t die there has to be a cure there’s no

Cure only one person has ever survived from it we have to find the person who survived stop stop whispers are all I can hear did you find the name of the person who survived I’m looking what are you doing you’re infected with Whispers I have to kill

You before you start whispering and you start killing everyone no please don’t I promise I can find a cure no there is no cure well I have to try you can’t hi You Can’t Hide Brianna are you okay you need to stop Whispering you have to try and fight it I’m

Trying you need to fight it I can’t when you know the words of this song sing along sing along oh no honey did you just get to sing along we’ll give you a lyric and you have to continue singing the lyric they’ll give you or else and I’m

Bad and I’m bad like the Barbie I’m a doll but I still want a party honey you got it you’re safe oh no Mommy what’s wrong I just got to sing along I’m super shy I I don’t know Mommy you have to sing along I’m super shy mommy please

Mommy I love you Grandma I’ll see you after school Jing oh no Grandma did you just get to sing along you have to sing along or else it’s a it’s her it’s a Cru summer with you you got it Grandma of course I’m a Swifty when you know the words to

The song when you know the words to the song sing along sing along you can’t you can’t love anyone cuz that would mean you had a heart you’re safe I knew you would get it sweetheart grandma I’m heading to school now stay safe you’re all I have left after mom died I can’t

Lose you too don’t worry sweetheart I’m not going anywhere class turn to chapter 2 in your books sing along oh no I just got a sing along got a white got a white got a white T-shirt got a white boy on my roster I guess math class is going to be

Cancelled today bro that joke you made in math class was extremely insensitive Derek go cry about it snowflake grandma grandma is everything okay sweetheart I just got to sing along hurry Grandma read the lyric to me now Timmy Truth or Dare um truth Timmy are you interested in women or men Timmy

Tell the truth because if you lie you’ll die women I’m interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I’ll be okay Brianna Truth or Dare truth truth is easy do you really

Love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I’m in love with your brother she’s telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I’m sorry Derek Truth or Dare

Truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn’t you wouldn’t kill me I Would Brianna Truth or Dare truth I picked truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said

Hi I need to get home hey Bri Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I’ve been looking for him no I haven’t seen him anywhere Brianna Truth or Dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek oopsies no you can’t ever cut your hair it holds

Memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I’m back with the milk who’s that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven’t seen him don’t worry maybe he’s running late yeah

Maybe Jake bestie Brianna uh I I can explain don’t bother I want to forget I ever been met you too I want to forget all our memories Together wait what was I trying to forget wait what was I trying to forget Brianna please just let me explain what happened between me and Jake you see explain what I don’t even know you oh you cut your hair do you remember anything about me no you don’t remember

Remember any of our memories together no nothing I’ll fill you in on anything you may have forgotten first of all I’m your best friend we’ve been best friends since kindergarten Brianna please just let me apologize about sh Jake she doesn’t know Brianna do you remember anything about this guy no I don’t know

Who he is well you have met him before but you must have forgot this is Jake my boyfriend nice to meet you nice to meet you I wonder why I wanted to cut off my hair I must have wanted to forget something horri Brianna why is your best friend holding hands with your

Boyfriend boyfriend don’t listen to Emma she’s a liar you’re so ski you’re so Phantom tag I just want to be your Sigma be your Sigma Timmy you can’t copy what I just said but I wanted that line if you copy what someone just said or do an

Action that someone just did you’ll die but are was supposed to sing that part of the song great and now Jimmy stole my line bye Grandma I’m off to school now I’ll see you later what did you say I couldn’t hear you I can’t find my hearing a I’ll

See you later you’re an alligator no I’ll see you later you’re stuck in a radiator I’ll see you later oh I’ll see you later Grandma guess what I found your heing a they were oh no Bri what’s up girl oh I’ll get it I’ll get it which one of us

Went to go pick it up first it was definitely me stop copying me a you’re so silly putting stickers on your face no you killed your big sister you can’t ever laugh it kills people look what you’ve done dizy here before coming into the classroom you must put this

Tape over your mouth why it’s a precaution issued by the school board as kids are the highest risk for laughter I don’t want to wear the tape anymore you must wear it we’re just kids you didn’t do it on purpose listen kid I saved your life you

Could have died you should be thanking me mommy you forgot to pick me up from school good evening police officer there was an incident of laughing at your mother’s work she didn’t make it stop laughing stop laughing what’s going on here you killed officer Brad uhoh we’re going to need

Backup did you hear she killed three police officers when she was seven you know I can hear you right I was just a kid I was traumatized for my mom just passing away I couldn’t control it you’re a murderer a psycho I can’t listen to this any longer hey hey are

You okay I can’t believe what they’re saying about you I’m used to it want to hang out after school there’s somewhere I want to show you we’re almost there where are you taking me we’re here in the middle of nowhere you know there’s three police officers you killed one of them was my

Dad Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I’m already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60% so far so you’re saying I’m going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that’s you you

Don’t even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can’t I don’t know it is the more beautiful I become the stupider

I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don’t get it um no I can’t tell you because I don’t know Mommy Briana please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you

Here baby I got you a purse and some new earrings wow you’re amazing you always spoil me so much hey bestie my new boyfriend is the best he always spoils me all the time he’s a successful business owner are you sure he is who he says he is what are you talking about

You should look them up on public data check public data check you search the person by name or phone number you’ll be able to find things like name location aliases ages relatives social media and if they have a criminal record girl you’re not going to believe

What I found out about the guy I’m seeing he’s been arrested five times for fraud he’s a con artist and he’s also changed his name multiple times you’re right he’s not who he says he is Timmy let’s play house you be the wife I’ll be the Jimmy spell wit um bi

I Jimmy there’s no B in witch I thought he said Jimmy oopsies I’ll try again w e try again you have one more chance you spell it right okay um w h i c h timy I think that’s the wrong kind of witch and a spell Timmy t i m m

Y hone what is it Grandma I’m trying to finish my homework I just woke up it’s today Wednesday no today’s Friday what I just woke up from a nap are you telling me I slept through Wednesday and Thursday yeah Grandma you did I thought you had expired Grandma spell Wednesday

But I don’t know how to spell you have to try wh oh come on you little M yeah yummy chocolate mother may I have a bite of chocolate no you may not you may throw it on the floor M Chocolate Timmy Timmy you forgot to ask mother may

I mother may I go home I’m scared you may mother may I please let me have a drink of water no you may not babe you may not disobey mother ever I can’t believe it mother killed my boyfriend she’s such a sh she’s always listening mother may I comfort my friend

No you may not you may kill her mother may I comfort my friend no you may not you may kill her with the item in your back pocket no Brianna you wouldn’t I’m your friend Steph I can’t disobey mother Steph there’s nowhere for you to run now mother may I kill Brianna you

May no mother may I go home and cry no you may not you may face the consequences of your actions look what you did you killed St How Could You Brianna she was my best friend she was my friend too mother told me to do it I can’t disobey what mother

Says mother may I avenge my friend and kill Brianna you may no wait mother may I ask for a truce you no wait mother may I ask for a truce you may try I don’t want a truce you don’t deserve it Steph was my best friend and

Now she’s gone look I know what I did was wrong but you don’t have to be like me you’re better than that you’re right I am better than that but don’t think we’re friends anymore you’re dead to me yes school’s out mother may I go home

School’s over no you may not you may stay at school why is mother doing it she’s not letting anyone go home today I’m hungry I want dinner I’m starving mother may I eat my bagle you may but anyone has a chance to steal your meal Brianna stop mother may I eat

This bagel and only I can eat this bagle H mother may I eat this bagel and only I can eat this bagle H you may I’m so dizzy em Emma I I she’s too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagle I guess you

May here em you need to eat this you okay M I’m feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you’ll

Die mother I finished it all right you may live mother may I go go to sleep I’m so tired no you may not Jake Jake mother may I go to sleep I’m so tired no you may not Jake Jake ah what do you want I was sleeping Jakey Jakey you forgot to ask

Mother may I oh no mother I wasn’t really sleeping I was just pretending Jakey lying to Mother you may die Jake you may not cry yes mother I can’t keep my eyes open I’m going to fall asleep I can’t do this anymore I’m going to sleep Emma you

Can’t sleep you need to stay alive I can’t stay awake much longer mother may I go to sleep no you may not you may stay awake I’m exhausted if only there was a way we could stop playing mother mayi mother mayi stop playing mother may I you mother may I

Stop playing mother may I you may I’m free I’m free thank you mother mother may I stop playing mother mayi no you may not you may play mother mayi for all eternity no but that’s not fair too tired I’m just going to take a nap and go home to my family

Emma it’s not fair mother let you stop playing mother mayi and not me what are you going to do I’m going to end you Emma Emma Emma you forgot to ask mother may I I got to get out of here there’s going to be a Target on my back if

People find out I beat the game the door’s locked who’s there who are you show yourself Mother’s here who’s there who are you show yourself Mother’s here you really thought I’d let you stop playing mother mayi that easy what in order to stop playing mother mayi you must defeat me

Mother please don’t do this I don’t want to go up against you I love you you you do yes has anyone ever told you that before no they did not I thought all my children were just ungrateful mother may I give you a hug you may congratulations you are now

Mother what who is this I thought I just killed mother there are multiple mothers mother may I drink water mother may I go home mother may I use the bathroom mother

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.