Test Prep for 2023/24 Test Takers (2024)

Double check your account information and the time zone carefully prior to test day to ensure your account information is accurate and that you have the correct date and time for your test. Test times are either in the North American Eastern time zone EDT/EST (Eastern Daylight /Standard Time), or Australian Eastern time zone AEDT/AEST (Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time) unless indicated otherwise. To avoid time zone scheduling issues, check the countdown timer on your test page in your Acuity Insights account.

Given the online nature of Casper, ensuring that your computer system can support the test is very important to your success on test day. As such, we recommend that you verify your computer set-up and environment by taking the system requirements check:

  • at least 3 days prior to your test day to provide time to resolve any potential issues in advance of your test
  • with the same set-up and in the same environment that you plan to take the test in

This is all to ensure that your webcam, microphone, keyboard, browser and internet connection speed are adequate and all working properly.
To be safe, be sure to restart your computer on the day of your test to make sure all needless background programs are closed.

Going into the test knowing what to expect is the best way to prepare!
The test is divided into 2 response sections; the video response section, which is the first portion of the test, followed by the typed response section. There are a total of 14 scenarios to be completed in 90-110 minutes.

You are given an optional 10 minute break once you have completed the video response section, and another optional 5-minute break after the first four typed response scenarios. During your break time, you can stand up to stretch or use the washroom.

There are 2 types of scenarios; word-based scenarios present you with a short statement to consider. Video-based scenarios indicate your role in the scene and then play a short video. All video-based scenarios are equipped with optional closed captioning.

Response Sections:
In the video response section, you are presented with two word-based scenarios and four video-based scenarios which appear in randomized order. When each scenario finishes, you’ll have 30 seconds of reflection time and 10 seconds to read the question. You are then given one minute to record your responses to each of the two open-ended questions. Raters are instructed to not take jargon, accents, or grammar mistakes into account when evaluating your responses – do your best to answer both questions as clearly as possible. Your recording is either uploaded immediately once you submit your response or automatically after the one minute timer runs out. Once your response is submitted or the timer runs out, you are automatically advanced to the next scenario. You can choose to submit your responses before the timer runs out but keep in mind you won’t be able to go back.

In the typed response section, you are presented with three word-based scenarios and five video-based scenarios which appear in randomized order. When each scenario finishes, you have 30 seconds of reflection time and then you are given a total of five minutes to type your responses to three open-ended questions in the designated text boxes. Once the five minutes are up, you are automatically advanced to the next scenario.

There is a full 14-scenario sample test containing both the video and typed response sections that you can use to practice as many times as you like. As it is just a practice test, your answers will not be saved or submitted for review or feedback.
Take this opportunity to seriously consider the scenario you are presented with, then try to answer the probing questions as you would in a true test sitting. This will help you get a sense of the time limit and can help you practice formulating responses quicker. Feel free to do the practice session multiple times so you feel comfortable with the test format and being in front of the camera for the video response section. We have found that applicants who complete the practice test generally perform better on Casper.

There are many third party test preparation tools available for Casper. However, Casper is designed to elicit authentic responses from test-takers and as such does not require any more preparation than the free practice test and prep resources we have provided. We found that taking a 3rd party prep course, and not preparing at all were associated with worse test performance

Read the questions fully, then plan your response
In the video response section, for each scenario, the two questions are presented one at a time, and you are provided 10 seconds to read each question before the recording starts. Be sure to use this time to read the question, take a few seconds to reflect and plan your response.
When completing the typed response section of the test, for each scenario, all three questions are presented at once. Be sure to read all three questions fully, take a few seconds to reflect, then plan your response. Being aware of what all three questions are asking can help you avoid repeating yourself in your responses as you move from question to question. It can also help you avoid missing a question altogether given the time limit..

Respond to all of the questions
We encourage you to focus on the content of your responses and do your best to respond to all of the questions in each scenario.
Casper raters are trained to disregard minor spelling and grammar mistakes when evaluating responses.Keep in mind that raters will accept any typed answer, whether it be in point form/bullet points or complete sentences.

Take the full time to respond
During the test, ensure you take the full minute provided for each question in the video response section and all five minutes to respond to the three questions in the typed response section.
This is important because we have found that test takers who have taken all the time available tend to score higher than those who do not. So, do try and make use of all the time you have!

Don’t panic if you don’t finish your thought in a scenario
Try not to worry if you don’t finish your thought or sentence before being automatically progressed to the next scenario. Just take a deep breath and focus on the new scenario. Raters are trained to ignore incomplete sentences in both sections, as they know you are under a time limit and instead focus on your train of thought and try to understand the general point you are trying to make.

Remember: everyone is in the same situation as you and is feeling pressed for time. Know that taking the full response time available is actually an advantage and can help with your success on the test.

The test requires your full concentration as it progresses through the scenarios and sections automatically. Be sure to find a space that is free of distractions. You’ll also want to make sure that there is little to no background noise. Ask people around you to keep their voices low or ask them to refrain from playing or listening to music and keep pets away if possible. You’ll also want to record your video responses in a room that is well-lit and private. This is to make sure you won’t be interrupted or accidentally display something in the video that you don’t intend for others to see.

We train our raters to focus on the substance of your answers and not your clothing, but be mindful that certain clothing choices are distracting (e.g., pajamas). While you don’t need to get too dressed up, it may help to think about how you’d like to be seen on camera by an interviewer. We recommend wearing smart casual attire like a dress shirt, sweater, or blouse, and pants to complete your Casper test. Remember that our raters are not evaluating your fashion choices, so keep it simple and comfortable.

The following equipment is required to take the test:

  • a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam
  • headphones or earphones with a microphone (or headphones and a separate microphone)
  • a reliable, high speed-internet connection
    • download speed of at least 1.5 megabytes per second (MB/s) and upload speed of at least 2 MB/s is required
    • Verify your connection with an internet speed checker

To get your internet speed results, please wait a few seconds for the numbers on the site to stop changing. To get your upload speed, click on the ‘Show More Info’ button below your internet speed and wait a few seconds for the numbers on the site to stop changing).

Note that if you see the speed in gigabytes per second (GB/s), that’s sufficient!

This is the time to showcase who you are as a person! As such, you’ll want to make sure there are as few distractions as possible that could affect a rater from being able to get a good sense of your unique personality. The most important thing to remember is to just be yourself! Here are some additional tips to help get that across successfully:

  • Pay attention to your body language and tone. Try sitting up straight, use gestures to emphasize some of your points, and speak as clearly as possible.
  • Maintain eye contact. Get comfortable being in front of and talking to the camera. Try to imagine yourself having a real conversation with someone.
    • You can work through the awkwardness of being in front of the camera by having multiple practice runs recording yourself. You can practice with apps like Camera (if you’re a PC user) or Photo Booth (if you’re a Mac user). Review the video afterwards and identify areas for improvement. Get another person, such as a friend, to review your recordings and provide some feedback — it’s helpful to have another perspective!
  • Make sure your webcam is turned on, uncovered, and facing towards you while your microphone is close to your mouth, the device volume is adjusted and you speak as clearly as possible.
  • Finally, use the Casper practice test to get a better sense of the test format and how you’d look when being recorded during the actual test!

Get a sense of the types of scenarios that you may be presented with. All of the test scenarios present generic ethical dilemmas that you may encounter in your everyday life. The scenarios are NOT specific to the program or profession you are applying to. Be sure to read the associated questions and consider all aspects of the dilemma.

Test Prep for 2023/24 Test Takers (2024)


How to pass the Casper test? ›

Preparing for Casper: 15 Casper Test Tips
  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Format. ...
  2. Review Practice Passages. ...
  3. Practice Within the Test Format. ...
  4. Practice Answering with If/Then Statements. ...
  5. Mitigate Distractions. ...
  6. Prepare Your Technology. ...
  7. Test Your Connection (And Have a Backup) ...
  8. Get in the Right Headspace.

How long does the Casper practice test take? ›

90-110 minutes, with breaks. Casper typically takes 90-110 minutes to complete. We provide an optional 10-minute break after the video response section and another 5-minute break halfway through the typed response section.

Can you study for Casper? ›

Casper Test Prep

In fact, it's designed not to be studied for. It's a test of your ability to think and handle situations. However, we do recommend you go through a few Casper scenarios or sample Casper cases to get an idea of what to expect. For that, the MedSchoolCoach Casper Prep program is perfect.

How many Casper questions are there? ›

The Casper test has 15 (word-based and video-based) scenarios each with 3 questions you must answer for each scenario (i.e. a total of 45 questions). You will have 9 scenarios where you type your responses, and 6 scenarios where you record our response on video.

Is CASPer hard to pass? ›

If you've never taken it, you may wonder if the Casper test is easy or hard to pass. Most test-takers consider Casper to be simple compared to more rigorous admissions exams like the MCAT. However, don't underestimate Casper; the scenarios are meant to challenge you.

What do most people score on the CASPer test? ›

CASPer quartiles are used as follows:
  • 25% of applicants score in the first quartile (0-24 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the second quartile (25-49 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the third quartile (50-74 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the fourth quartile (75-100 percentile)

Is 2 weeks enough to prepare for CASPer? ›

In general, we advise students to spend two months preparing for the CASPer. We advise this duration because there is a variety of different skills to learn, a breadth of understanding to gain, and because you must be confident enough in your learning that it stands up to the intense pressure of the CASPer test.

How do I know if I passed the CASPer test? ›

All typed Casper test scores are processed and distributed to academic programs as a group. Your Casper score will be made available to the programs on your distribution list approximately 2-3 weeks after taking your test. You will not receive an email stating that your score has been delivered.

Is 2nd quartile good for CASPer? ›

How Is the CASPer Scored? A score in the 1st or 2nd quartile doesn't mean you “failed;” it just means your responses weren't as strong as other candidates who took the test.

Is it possible to fail the CASPer test? ›

You will not receive your results or any feedback about the results of your Casper test, just as you are not graded on your personal statement or after an interview. The Casper is not a pass or fail test—it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates.

How much should I prep for CASPer? ›

One of the most common questions I get about the test is “how long does it take to prepare for CASper?” The short answer is that it depends, the long answer, as long as it takes to develop the necessary skills and behaviors. Typically, I recommend 4-6 weeks to prepare. 2. Should I prepare for CASPer?

Do you have to speak in CASPer test? ›

This practice is essential for improving your typing speed, a crucial aspect of the CASPer test, given the time restrictions for written responses. Also, practice speaking your responses out loud to prepare for the second part of the test that requires verbal responses.

What are the most commonly asked CASPer questions? ›

Question 1: Describe a time when you had to deal with conflict and how you coped with it? Question 2: How might you handle a similar situation differently should it arise again? Question 3: What would be your strategy if you were faced with a conflict that cannot be resolved?

What do they look for in CASPer answers? ›

So, what is CASPer looking for when they do this? They want to determine your people skills! CASPer specifically looks at 10 different competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self awareness.

How to score well on CASPer? ›

In order to stand out, there are 2 components of an answer that you should strive to achieve: (1) demonstrating a genuine understanding of the issue - ethical or otherwise - being examined; and (2) showing originality in your answer.

How to get the best score on CASPer? ›

Tips to Master CASPer®
  1. Gain an understanding of CASPer® Read available information concerning CASPer®. ...
  2. Set yourself apart. ...
  3. Develop your understanding of healthcare-related issues. ...
  4. Minimize potential technical glitches. ...
  5. Practice your typing. ...
  6. Don't Cheat. ...
  7. Think before you write. ...
  8. Keep an eye on your clock.

Is it possible to fail CASPer? ›

You will not receive your results or any feedback about the results of your Casper test, just as you are not graded on your personal statement or after an interview. The Casper is not a pass or fail test—it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates.

What is a good WPM for CASPer? ›

Preparing for CASPer:

Practice your typing speed and aim to type around 80+ words per minute. Become familiar with the test format and length. Review common scenario questions. Find a format for answering questions and stick to it (see below)

What does the CASPer test look for? ›

CASPer specifically looks at 10 different competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self awareness.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.