Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (2024)

Car Buying, How-To Guides, Tips, TrueCar Advice

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What to expect, what to bring, and what you didn’t know about test driving cars.

Table of Contents

  1. Types of Test Drives
  2. What You Need to Take a Test Drive
  3. 5 Tips for Taking a Test Drive in 2022
  4. Congrats – You're Ready to Test Drive!

You’ve found it – the “perfect” car. You love the exterior and interior color, it’s a great price, and it even has a sunroof! It’s perfect… or so you thought. When you took it for a test drive, you noticed the windows were small, so visibility was tough; the seats were heated, but they weren’t very comfortable; you didn’t realize how low to the ground the car was until you had to climb out. Thankfully you took it for a test drive, right?

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (1)

The above scenario is just one of many reasons why it’s important to take any car you’re thinking of purchasing for a proper test drive before purchase. At the base level, a car is a tool of transportation, so it’s important that you are comfortable operating the tool safely.

Test driving a car isn’t as difficult as some people may think it is – in some cases you can pre-schedule an appointment online! However, there are a few documents you’ll need to ensure that you bring along. Here’s what you need to know about test driving a car.

Types of Test Drives

Standard Test Drives

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (2)

If you’re test driving a car for the first time, chances are you’re going to be taking a standard test drive. These typically last between 15 – 30 minutes, sometimes longer. If the salesperson tags along for the test drive, they may direct you along a predetermined route on the roads surrounding the dealership.

It is also entirely possible that the salesperson may hand you the keys for a “self-guided” test drive. These “self-guided” test drives have become more popular following the COVID-19 pandemic, when social distancing was the norm.

Extended Test Drives

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (3)

30 minutes not enough to decide whether you love a car or not? Need to see how the new ride looks in your driveway? An extended test drive is what you’re looking for. Most commonly, extended test drives are 24 hours long.

Extended test drives are a great way to see how your prospective new ride fits into your life (and how your life fits into the ride!). You have more time to test a variety of driving conditions – from stop-and-go traffic to the open highway – as well as the privacy and comfortability of getting to know the car at your own pace.

It’s important to note that every dealer is different and some may not offer this service. However, it never hurts to ask.

“Love It or Return It” Policies

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (4)

While this is technically more than just a “test drive,” the overall idea is similar. Some dealerships offer a certain return window after you purchase your vehicle – if you don’t love your new ride, you can return it within a certain time period and mile threshold (e.g., 3 days, 500 miles, etc.). So if 3 days down the line, you decide that you actually don’t want the white leather interior, you don’t have to ride in regret.

Again, not all dealerships offer this kind of policy; if this is something you’re looking for, be sure to ask the salesperson you’re working with directly.

DIY Test Drives

If the dealership ends up not offering extended test drives, another option is to rent the same exact vehicle from a rental car company for a few days. Companies like Enterprise, Hertz, and many more have a wide variety of available rental vehicles. You can also look for a private, 3rd-party rental company through platforms like Turo.

An important callout for this is obviously the cost – you’ll be responsible for shelling out the cash to rent the car. But, when you consider the major investment that buying a car is, the extra peace of mind of knowing this car is the car could be well worth the rental car costs.

What You Need to Take a Test Drive

No matter the type of test drive you’re taking, you’ll at the very least need a current driver’s license. We also recommend that you bring along a copy of your proof of automotive insurance. While dealerships are required by law to have their own insurance that covers property damage and injuries, some dealerships may request a copy of your insurance policy – especially if you’re taking their car for an extended 24-hour test drive.

Heads up, it’s quite common for dealers to take your driver’s license to make a photocopy of and keep on record – so if the salesperson walks away with your license, don’t fret! You can also ask for the copy they make after the test drive is over if you’re concerned about your private information.

It is also common for dealers to have you sign a waiver that will hold you liable for any damage you may cause. As with any contract, be sure to take a thorough read through of the waiver before signing.

If you’re under 18 and looking to test drive, bring a parent or guardian with you. Many dealerships have no problem letting a 16-17 year old test drive a vehicle so long as they are licensed and insured with a parent present.

5 Tips for Taking a Test Drive in 2022

1. Don’t be afraid to do a test drive – and take lots of them!

For some people, the dealership can induce a lot of anxiety – especially if this is their first time buying a car. However, don’t be afraid to ask for a test drive – dealers expect (and hope) that customers will want to take the cars for test drives. After all, it is a major purchase that you’re about to make, so it’s important that you are 100% certain that this is the car you want.

That also means testing various competitors. For example, if you’re eyeing the Toyota RAV4, it’s a good idea to test competitors like the Honda CR-V or Hyundai Tucson. While you can compare these cars’ specs online using tools like TrueCar Compare, seeing and testing them in-person can make a huge difference.

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (5)

Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. If you’d rather go on a self-guided test drive than have a salesperson come along, ask the dealership if that’s possible. Remember that every dealership is different – so if one dealership doesn’t offer that service, there’s always another that will.

2. If you see a car online, call to confirm that the car is still there.

With the current state of the automotive industry, inventory is moving fast. That means that even though you see a car listed on a dealer’s website, it may actually already be gone.

Connecting with the dealership ahead of time can save you the time (and heartache) of driving down to a dealership to test drive a car only to see someone else driving off in it. In some cases, the dealership may be able to reserve the vehicle for you to come and see at a specific time, but again it depends on the dealer.

3. Take your time to explore the entire car.

Don’t be afraid to take your time when test driving the car – even on a standard test drive! Driving a car these days is more than just the gas and brake pedal. Nowadays, each OEM has a unique infotainment system, driver assistance features, special design choices, and so much more that affect your daily drive.

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (6)

So, before you hit the road on your test drive, don’t be afraid to spend 10 to 15 minutes just playing with the infotainment interface; move the seat around to find a comfortable driving position; check out your interior storage options like the glove box and center compartment. It’s also not a bad idea to bring items like child safety seats or strollers to see how they fit in the car.

4. Test drive in as many driving conditions as possible.

Driving on the freeway is entirely different from driving in a downtown setting. When you’re on a test drive, try and get some varied driving conditions. See how you like the car driving around a local neighborhood. How does it feel in stop-and-go traffic? How’s the wind noise at 70 MPH? Does it have enough power to get up steep hills? These are all questions you’re going to want to know the answer to.

Additionally, automotive lighting technology has come very far in the past few years – specifically LED headlight technology drastically increasing visibility at night. If you’re able to secure an extended 24-hour test drive, be sure to drive the car both before and after sunset so that you can get a full understanding of what life with this vehicle will be like.

Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (7)

5. Look for these specific things when test driving a car.

When you are test driving a car, it’s easy to get distracted by the wow factor of driving a new car. While you obviously want to enjoy the moment, remember that this is (very fun) research.

Each car will require you to look for specific things, so if you can, do some research on the exact car you’re going to see beforehand to see if there are any known issues (e.g., rusty frames, catalytic converter theft, etc.). But, in general, when you test drive any car, be sure to look at these 3 categories:

  • Drivability. Basically, how does the car feel when you drive it?
  • Comfort and Interior. Is the car comfortable to drive? Do you and your stuff fit well?
  • Body and Under the Hood. Is the body in good shape? What about the engine? You might want to get a mechanic to assist you with this step.

Congrats – You're Ready to Test Drive!

Test driving is arguably the most fun part of car shopping – well, besides driving off the lot with your new car – so make sure you enjoy the experience. Just remember to bring your license and proof of insurance with you. And maybe a friend or family member for moral support.

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Test Drives 101: No More Buyer's Remorse (2024)


What percentage of people who test drive a car buy it? ›

The 2022 study finds that the percentage of consumers deciding to purchase during the test drive has increased to 21% from 15% in 2021. Conversely, the percentages of consumers deciding to purchase during other steps in the purchase process have decreased.

Is a test drive worth it? ›

A test drive is an important opportunity for both the buyer and the dealership. For drivers, it's the most important aspect of buying the car, beyond the actual financing. For the dealership, it makes sure that they are selling a car that meets the buyer's needs.

Is always a good idea to test drive a vehicle before purchasing it? ›

A test drive is always a good idea before buying a car, which is why renting the same make and model you're considering can help make your decision even easier. That way, you can take an extended test drive and experience what life in this car would really be like.

How long should a test drive last? ›

If you're test driving a car for the first time, chances are you're going to be taking a standard test drive. These typically last between 15 – 30 minutes, sometimes longer. If the salesperson tags along for the test drive, they may direct you along a predetermined route on the roads surrounding the dealership.

Do dealers go with you on test drives? ›

You can ask to test drive without the salesperson along: While some dealerships will require the presence of the salesperson in the car with you, many will permit you to test drive new cars on your own.

Why do car salesmen ride with you? ›

The more the car costs, the more likely they are to tag along. First to make sure that the car gets back to the lot and second, it gives them more time to work on you to make the sale. If it's a used car, they probably don't want you taking it where you can get it up on a lift and take a good look.

Does test drive affect credit score? ›

A dealership checking your credit score is a soft inquiry and won't affect your credit. Any hard credit check triggered by a loan application will appear on your credit report, shaving points from your credit score.

What is the biggest mistakes on driving test? ›

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Your Driver's Test
  • Rolling Stops. ...
  • Changing Lanes and Forgetting Turn Signals. ...
  • Driving Too Fast or Slow. ...
  • Hard Braking. ...
  • Missing the Speed Limit. ...
  • Changing Lanes in an Intersection.
Aug 12, 2020

How to safely do a test drive? ›

Try driving over speed bumps or through a rutted parking lot. Drive as long as possible—at least 30 minutes. If you don't know the area, drive the route in your own car before you get to the dealership so you can focus on the test drive instead of the next turn. Bring a friend.

Do car dealers allow customers to test drive a vehicle before deciding to purchase? ›

A cancellation option allows you to test drive the vehicle or have it checked out by a mechanic, with the right to a full refund within two days – for any reason. Dealers can charge you a nonrefundable fee for the contract cancellation option.

When you test drive the car what should you look for? ›

Listen for noise from the transmission. Drive the car at both low and high speeds to feel if the vehicle has smooth pickup. Often there are front end problems that do not show themselves at low speed. Take the test vehicle down a dead-end road to make a good tight U-turn.

Which type of car would be the most fuel efficient? ›

  • Related: What Vehicle Should I Buy for Uber, Lyft, or Other Ridesharing?
  • Toyota Prius. Renowned for its outstanding fuel economy, the Prius continues to be a preferred choice for those seeking efficient gas mileage. ...
  • Honda Civic. ...
  • Hyundai Ioniq‍ ...
  • Volkswagen Golf‍ ...
  • Mazda 3. ...
  • Toyota Camry Hybrid. ...
  • Kia K5 Hybrid.

Is it OK to accept cash when selling a car? ›

In general, accepting cash for your car is by far the safest way to make sure you get the full, exact payment. But remember, if you accept cash from a buyer you'll end up with hundred or even thousands of dollars in your wallet and you'll need to get to the bank ASAP.

What is the longest you can test drive a car? ›

A standard test drive is usually short, but some dealerships allow extended test drives up to 24 hours if you're serious about buying a car. If the dealership does not allow extended or overnight test drives, you can also rent a car with the same make and model to test it out for a longer period of time.

Is Accelerating hard bad for your car? ›

While acceleration will never damage your engine in the same way as, say, hitting a tree at 60mph, it does cause damage in the long term. Quick acceleration puts a lot more stress on your engine than gentle increases in speed, contributing to engine wear and damage, even if you don't notice the changes right away.

What percentage of customers would not purchase a car without test driving it first? ›

Test Drives: While 88 percent of consumers say they will not buy a car without test driving it first, the majority report that they do not prefer the way test drives are currently conducted (an accompanied test drive with a sales person).

Do test drives increase sales? ›

Most dealers are aware that a successful test drive can vastly improve the chances of a sale, as it gives potential customers the chance to get to know the vehicle and learn about all of its features and benefits. But it's not just dealers who feel this way.

How many driving tests do most people take? ›

Most people between the ages of 17 and 24 managed to pass the test on their first or second attempt. Plus, more than half of those aged 45-54 passed first time!

Why do people test drive cars? ›

During a test-drive, you can examine every aspect of a car's performance, including braking, steering, and acceleration. Test-driving a car gives you a better feel for its available interior space and whether it suits your needs. It's also important to test the tech features and make sure they perform as advertised.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.