TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (2024)

Generate a Terms & Conditions agreement for your business with the Terms & Conditions Generator from TermsFeed.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (1)

Features of the Terms & Conditions Generator.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator makes it easy to generate a Terms & Conditions agreement, Terms of Service or Terms of Use for your website, app, ecommerce store, SaaS or for any projects where you need a Terms & Conditions agreement.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (2)

Generate custom Terms & Conditions

Generate a customized Terms & Conditions agreement that is specifically built for your unique business in a matter of minutes.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (3)

Download your Terms & Conditions

Once you've created your Terms & Conditions agreement, you can download it in multiple file formats such as HTML, DOCX, Plain Text or Markdown.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (4)

Update your Terms & Conditions

Missed an option? Changing your business practices up? Not a problem. Go back to the TermsFeed Generator and update your Terms & Conditions.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (5)

Edit your Terms & Conditions

Need custom text in your Terms & Conditions? Not a problem. Use our Live Editor and apply custom edits to it.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (6)

Free hosting for your Terms & Conditions

Each Terms & Conditions agreement created by TermsFeed's Generator is hosted for free, the link doesn't expire and you can use it anywhere (such as your website footer, app store listing page, etc.)

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (7)

Stay up to date when laws change

Stay on top of things. Get notified whenever new laws and regulations require you to update your Terms & Conditions.

People really like the TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator since 2012.

Tens of thousands of people are already making the most out of TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator.

TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (8)

Great Service! 10 out of 10 experience with them. Very fast and easy to use system. Very quick turnaround times with customer support and super easy system to use

Januss E.
May 31, 2024

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (9)

Excellent customer support! Fully functional system at low cost. Easy to understand.

Dave J.
Operations Director
Apr 16, 2024

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (10)

Simple and Impressive. I especially loved that there were questions to help me make the best choice. But what I really loved was how very easily I was able to get policies and terms and conditions tailored to my needs. This can be an intimidating process since I wanted to ensure compliance, but their software made it easy and definitely left me feeling very confident.

Saria K.
Nov 25, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (11)

Great, easy to use.

Kathleen N.
May 06, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (12)

Great Product! Over all I was happy using TermsFeed. It was very easy to use. Very easy to understand.

Verified Reviewer
Travel Agent
Mar 19, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (13)

A quick and easy solution to get my website up and running! So easy to use! It was super quick and affordable and I didn't need to pay for a lawyer

Verified Reviewer
Media Manager
Feb 20, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (14)

Excellent! Complying with German data protection laws. The outstanding customer service and ease of creating all the docs you need.I had just about completed a website (I design for friends, so it's not my main job) here in Germany and I needed to be sure I was complying with all data protection laws. They are very strict here, and the fines are huge. I was going round in circle but then found TermsFeed, which sorted everything out for me.

Sally U.
Business Officer
Feb 19, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (15)

My overall experience was amazing and I'm very happy to continually work with TermsFeed. Pros: How well it was compliant with todays laws and how cheap it was. I would've had to spend thousands on an attorney or lawyer to do the same thing TermsFeed did for much cheaper.

Andrew S.
Feb 17, 2023

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.


Watch a quick overview of the Terms & Conditions Generator.

See everything that the TermsFeed Generator can do for your business in minutes.

Terms & Conditions Generator FAQs.

Questions about Terms & Conditions Generator before you sign-up? Find the most popular questions answered below.

A Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C) is an agreement that outlines and sets forth your rules and requirements for people who use your website or mobile app.

Topics addressed in a T&C include such things as acceptable behavior by users, restricted uses of your service and the maintenance of your rights, such as the right to terminate access to people who violate your rules. Users must agree to your Terms and Conditions for them to be enforceable.

Terms and Conditions agreements are also known as Terms of Service or Terms of Use agreements. The name doesn't matter, as they all serve the same purpose: Protecting your business and keeping your users informed.

Yes, the Terms & Conditions Generator from TermsFeed is free to use.

Our agreements and policies are free. We sell optional premium agreements with additional clauses (one-time fee) that can protect your business interests better.

Yes, the Terms & Conditions Generator from TermsFeed allows you to download the Terms & Conditions document as HTML, DOCX or Plain Text.

Use the Terms & Conditions Generator from TermsFeed to create a free Terms & Conditions agreement for your business.

Copying someone else's Terms & Conditions (T&C) agreement is illegal. Under copyright laws, legal agreements (including a Terms & Conditions agreement) are protected by copyright.

There are five main reasons why a Terms and Conditions is necessary:

  • Prevent abuses

    A Terms & Conditions agreement will help you prevent abuses such as theft of your content, reverse-engineering of your app and spamming of your users. This is because your T&C will do two things.

    First, it's where you list out what types of abuses you won't accept. Secondly, it's where you reserve your right to terminate or suspend users or accounts that engage in these abuses.

  • Protect content

    As a business owner, you own the logo, content, and design of your website or app. A Terms & Conditions agreement informs users of this fact and prevents them from misappropriating any of your content.

    You can also help protect your users' content in the same way.

  • Reserve right to terminate

    You can maintain full control over your website or app by including a clause in your T&C that reserves your right to terminate accounts for any reason. Without this clause, you may face lawsuits if you shut down a user account, even with cause.

    You've spent time, money and effort creating your platform, and your T&C will help you keep it from getting out of your control.

  • Limit liability

    Your Terms & Conditions agreement limits the causes of actions your users may attempt to use against you. It does this by limiting liability for things like errors or inaccuracies in your information, damages caused by software issues, breaks in service or system shutdowns.

    A T&C should always explain to users that they're assuming these risks when they sign up for an app, website or service and that the business cannot be held liable for any losses sustained in these events.

  • Notice of governing law

    If your company is located in California, it's doubtful that you want to attend an arbitration proceeding in Singapore.

    That's where a T&C clause on governing law comes in. You'll be able to state the jurisdiction your Terms and Conditions agreement falls under, and indicate where any dispute resolution must take place.

Unlike Privacy Policies, there are no laws that require you to have a Terms & Conditions agreement.

However, if you don't have one, you may lack the ability to enforce your rules and community guidelines, copyright protection, and be faced with other issues that could arise from the use of your website, software or app.

While you don't legally need one, you very much should want one.

Yes, you can write your own Terms & Conditions agreement. However, it's recommended that you rely on either legal partners (such as TermsFeed) or lawyers in order to write a Terms & Conditions agreement that is specific to your business.

A Terms and Conditions agreement can address any subject matter that affects the use of your website or mobile app, but some of the most common sections you'll find include the following:

  • Payment terms for subscription services or purchases
  • List of abuses and unacceptable activity that may lead to termination of accounts
  • Community guidelines for forums or user generated content
  • Copyright and trademark protection of your resources and any content uploaded on your website or app

Terms and Conditions agreements can vary. For example, a dating app will contain very different rules than one designed for photo sharing.

Because of the unique aspect of each business when it comes to T&C's, you will need to create your own Terms and Conditions agreement rather than borrowing one from another website or business.

These are all the same type of agreement. Terms of Service and Terms of Use indicate rules, limits, and protections just as much as Terms and Conditions. Only the names are different.

A Privacy Policy is used to inform users about how you collect, handle and use their personal information. In other words, it helps protect your users.

A Terms & Conditions agreement (T&C) is used to maintain more control over your website or app. In other words, it helps protect you as the business owner.

A T&C explains your rules, conditions of use, and other requirements regarding the use of your website or app. They provide information about topics like copyright protection, user-generated content, no tolerance policies against abuse and harassment, and how non-payment of subscription fees will be handled.

Another key difference is that while Privacy Policies are legally required, a Terms and Conditions agreement is not required under any laws.

However, having a Terms & Conditions agreement will help you enforce your rules and preserve a cause to terminate accounts if users violate your terms.

EULAs give users the right to use a copy of your software after they acquire it by way of a granted license.

A Terms & Conditions agreement is wider in scope and will dictate rules regarding the use of the software. You'll find a T&C agreement far more often, such as with ecommerce stores and personal blogs. EULAs are narrower in scope and seen less often, only with software, mobile apps and similar platforms or services.

Basically, an EULA grants users a license with limitations, and a T&C sets out the rest of the rules regarding the use of the software that don't necessarily have to do with the license.

Because laws require a Privacy Policy, and one that's easily accessible, you're better off separating these agreements.

While you can cross-reference each agreement by mentioning your T&C in your Privacy Policy and vice versa, you should never rely solely on your Terms & Conditions to present your Privacy Policy or you risk being out of compliance with privacy laws.

Your mobile app should definitely have a Terms & Conditions agreement. Mobile apps require rules of use as much as websites and software platforms do.

This is especially true if your app encourages interaction, shares content or contains a subscription service.

Your mobile app will reap all the same benefits your website will get from having a T&C in place.

If your product or service operates on both an app and a website, you do not necessarily need to draft separate Terms & Conditions agreements for each platform. You can usually just create one Terms & Conditions that applies to both.

In fact, having just one overarching T&C is recommended so you don't risk having inconsistent terms and or creating unnecessary confusion for your users.

Normally, an app and website are similar enough that one T&C can apply to both. But as always, there are exceptions.

Where should I place my Terms and Conditions agreement?

Your T&C should be easily and freely accessible at any time. You should place a link to your Terms and Conditions agreement in the following places:

  • Within your website footer. Adding a link here with your other important links is smart. Users know to look here, and it's accessible from every page of your website.
  • When the relationship with your users gets formal. Because your T&C has the rules and guidelines for how people must interact with your website or app, it's a good idea to present it to your users at points like sign-up/create account forms, on checkout pages, in app store listings and when people first open your app. You should also request that users agree to your Terms and Conditions at these points so that your agreement will become legally enforceable.

For your T&C to be enforceable, you need to get your users to agree to it.

The best way to do this is with a clickwrap method, which means asking your users to click something to show they consent to your T&C. For example, when a user creates an account on your website, you can ask them to click a checkbox next to a statement that says, "I agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions."

You can also ask them to click a button that says something like "I Agree" and is placed close to a statement that makes it clear that by clicking the button, they're agreeing to your T&C.

You should ask for agreement as soon as possible in your relationship with the users, such as when they open your app for the first time or create a user account on your website.

Everything about Terms & Conditions agreements.

Practical knowledge about Terms & Conditions agreement to help your business get (and stay!) compliant.

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TermsFeed Terms & Conditions Generator (2024)


Can I create my own terms and conditions? ›

Can I make my own Terms & Conditions (T&C) agreement? Yes, you can write your own Terms & Conditions agreement.

How to generate a terms and conditions page? ›

How to Write Terms and Conditions
  1. Detail Your Introduction. ...
  2. Talk About Updates to Your Terms of Service. ...
  3. Inform Users of the Agreement. ...
  4. Outline Your Responsibilities. ...
  5. Detail Prohibited Activities. ...
  6. Discuss Website and Content Ownership. ...
  7. Talk About Rights to Access. ...
  8. Write Your Company's Rights.
Mar 20, 2023

Is TermsFeed any good? ›

TermsFeed is the world's leading online service for legal policies generation. It delivers high-quality privacy policies, terms and conditions agreements, EULAs, cookies policies, disclaimers, and return and refund policies.

Is TermsFeed legal? ›

TermsFeed is the world's leading generator of legal agreements for websites and apps, your all-in-one compliance software to comply with privacy laws. We specifically focus on the range of legal agreements that a business with an online presence may need.

Can you get sued for copying Terms and Conditions? ›

Copyright laws protect terms and conditions agreements, so copying one is considered a form of copyright infringement. Another business's terms and conditions may not include all provisions, rules, and guidelines necessary to protect your unique company.

How do small businesses create Terms and Conditions? ›

The terms and conditions for a business should clearly include key aspects, including an overview of the business, payment terms, policies on returns, refunds, and cancellations, guidelines for user registration and data protection, details on shipping and delivery, rules for user conduct, a limitation of liability ...

Is terms feed free? ›

TermsFeed is free to use. Almost all our products, solutions and tools are free to use. Certain products and solutions are premium for which we charge a small free (either one-time fee or a small subscription free). Create a free account with TermsFeed today and start getting compliant with the law.

Where to host terms and conditions? ›

Most websites place these links at the footer of a page, at the bottom of a web page. Most websites choose to host the agreements on their own pages. Since this is so common, it's likely you'll choose the link format for your company as well.

Is Termly free? ›

Termly Help Center. Is Termly free? Is Termly free? Yes — you can use Termly to generate 1 policy for 1 domain for free through our Basic plan.

Is it okay to use a privacy policy generator? ›

Yes, it is generally okay to use a privacy policy generator to create a privacy policy for your website or app. Many businesses and website owners use privacy policy generators to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Does my website need a privacy policy and Terms and Conditions? ›

Any website collecting personal data to identify an individual must provide a privacy policy as international laws require.

Can I use a generic privacy policy for my website? ›

You can easily make one by using a simple privacy policy template that includes clauses for you to customize with details about what data you collect, how it's stored, who it's shared with, and what rights the user has over their information.

Are website disclaimers legally binding? ›

Yes, disclaimers are generally legally binding, but there are specific conditions they must meet to be considered legally valid. Essentially, a disclaimer serves as a waiver, which users implicitly agree to by using your site—even if you don't require them to click an acceptance button.

Are legal templates really free? ›

What is Legal Templates? Legal Templates is a Free Online Legal Form & Document Creator.

How do I make sure my website is legal? ›

Is This Website Safe? 6 Ways You Can Tell if a Site Is Legit
  1. Look for the “S” in HTTPS. ...
  2. Check for a website privacy policy. ...
  3. Find their contact information. ...
  4. Verify their trust seal. ...
  5. Use free website security tools. ...
  6. Know the signs of website malware.
Feb 20, 2024

Can Terms and Conditions be illegal? ›

Are Terms and Conditions legally binding? Since they are a contract, terms and conditions are legally binding to every extent. When you set your terms of service and users agree to them, they formally accept a legal agreement. That's also why you need to notify your users if you make any changes to your document.

How to make Terms and Conditions legally binding? ›

According to contract law, in order for a contract to be valid, there must be an offer, consideration, and acceptance. Being able to prove your customer accepted your terms (and therefore entered a contract with you) will determine whether or not your Terms and Conditions are enforceable.

Is Terms and Conditions a legal document? ›

Terms and Conditions constitute a legal agreement between a business and its customers. It sets out what customers can expect from a business, as well as what the business expects from its customers.

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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6295

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.