Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance: Key Differences (2024)

Life insurance is one way to provide financial protection for your family and loved ones. Your monthly or yearly premiums bring peace of mind, because you know your family will be financially secure if you die.

The two main types of life insurance are term and permanent (cash value). Term insurance covers you for a specific period and delivers the coverage amount to your beneficiaries if you die before the term expires. Permanent insurance covers you for your lifetime and pays when you die, no matter when that happens. Both types of insurance require timely premium payments to maintain coverage.

Term vs. permanent life insurance: key differences

Term life insurance is simple and easy to understand. Some companies, such as Fabric Life Insurane by Gerber, sell only term policies based on both the simplicity and economy of this type of coverage. With term, you pay so much a month for so many years and are covered for a specific amount for that time period. It’s uncomplicated, effective, and economical.

Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, combines term insurance with an investment option, making it more expensive and more complicated. This is because part of your premium pays for term insurance and part is invested to provide potential future wealth or premium support.

Term Life InsurancePermanent Life Insurance


Typically five to 30 years



About $30/month

About $460/month

Access to funds

No cash value to access

Cash value accumulates and can be borrowed or withdrawn


Up to $3 million

Up to $1 million

*For a healthy 30-year-old male buying a 30-year, $500,000 policy – Source: aven Life by Mass Mutual.

What is term life insurance?

Term insurance is a life insurance policy that provides coverage for a specified time, typically five to 30 years. With this type of insurance you pay a monthly or annual premium. If you die before the term expires, the insurance company pays the death benefit to your beneficiaries.

Term insurance has no cash value. Your premiums only pay for insurance during the life of the policy. This typically makes term insurance less expensive than permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is usually available in several different configurations, which in some cases can be combined.

There are several types of term life insurance.

Level term

A level term policy pays the same benefit amount if you die at any point during the term. Typically, level term charges the same premium for the policy's life and is calculated at the beginning of the term based on your current age and health. Level term policies may require a medical exam.

Decreasing term

Decreasing term life insurance also has a set coverage period, but the benefit drops over the policy's life. Decreasing term covers a debt (such as a mortgage) that decreases over time. Premiums remain the same for the term of the insurance and take into account the fact that the payout will decrease. Ladder Life, for example, offers adjustable coverage, up or down, as needs change, utilizing a digital platform.

Renewable term

A renewable policy continues for an additional term (or terms) up to a specified age, usually 80. With each renewal—five, 10, 15, or 20 years—the premium increases based on your age at that time.

Renewable term guarantees that you can renew the policy even if your health would cause rejection if applying for a new policy. It allows for the flexibility of term insurance while providing continuity, just like permanent insurance.

Return of premium (ROP)

Term insurance, by definition, includes coverage for a set period with no savings or investment. One exception is called “return of premium (ROP)” insurance. With this type of insurance, if you live to the end of the term, you get back all or most of the premiums you have paid. While this sounds like a good deal, there is a cost. First, the premiums are significantly higher than with regular term insurance. You must keep the policy in force until the end of the term, and you only get back the premiums you paid; you don’t earn any interest or dividends on those premiums.

Term life insurance pros and cons

There are several advantages and disadvantages of term insurance, driven chiefly by your circ*mstances and insurance needs.


  • Affordable premiums. Term insurance is the most budget-friendly insurance available, making it a good fit for people who need maximum coverage at minimum cost.
  • Coverage for a specified period. If your insurance needs have a time horizon—such as until you pay off your mortgage or your children are on their own—term insurance is ideal.
  • Straightforward and easy to understand. Term insurance is simple. It insures the policyholder for a specific period and pays only if the policyholder dies during that period. There are no cash value, loan, or complicated contract provisions.


  • No cash value. Term insurance is just that: insurance. Your premiums do not go into savings or investments; at the end of the term there is no balance.
  • Premiums can increase at renewal. Permanent insurance premiums stay the same for life, while term insurance premiums can increase at policy renewal.
  • Not as flexible as permanent insurance. The simplicity of term insurance can also be a problem for those who need the flexibility of permanent insurance, including savings.

What is permanent life insurance?

Permanent life insurance lasts until you die, as long as you pay the premiums. Unlike term insurance, permanent life insurance policies accumulate cash value over time, which can be used as a source of savings to pay future premiums or borrowed against and repaid.

Permanent life insurance policies are more expensive than term insurance policies. They can be more complicated, as they contain savings or investment options and other features not commonly found in term life insurance policies. While there are many variations in permanent life insurance, four types make up the majority of policies.

Whole or ordinary life

This is the most common type of permanent life insurance, and it offers both insurance and savings. Part of your premium pays for insurance, and the balance goes into a savings account that pays dividends and grows over the years. You can withdraw from your savings or borrow (and pay back) funds. Everyday Life, which offers term policies with up to $2 million coverage, also provides whole life insurance for people up to age 85, and says 90% of applicants never have to take a medical exam.

Universal or adjustable life

This type of policy is more flexible than whole life. For example, you may increase the death benefit if you take and pass a medical exam. The savings part of this type of policy usually earns an interest rate equivalent to that of a money market account. You can lower your premium payments if you have enough savings to cover the cost. However, if you use up your savings, your policy may lapse.

Variable life

A variable life policy combines insurance with a savings account that you can invest in stocks, bonds, and money market mutual funds. This type of savings is riskier than a guaranteed interest rate, but it can grow more quickly. If your investments do not do well, your death benefit and cash value may decrease. Some variable life policies guarantee that your death benefit will not fall below a certain level.

Variable-universal life

This hybrid policy combines variable and universal life features. The investment side carries risks and rewards similar to variable life, and the life insurance side lets you adjust your death benefit and premiums like universal life.

Permanent life insurance pros and cons

The pros and cons of permanent life insurance reflect the primary differences between permanent and term policies.


  • Lifetime coverage. This type of insurance covers your lifetime, providing you keep up with premium payments.
  • Cash value. Permanent life insurance can accumulate cash value over time.
  • Flexibility. The cash value can be used as a source of savings, to pay for future premiums, or as collateral to back up a repayable loan.


  • Expensive. Permanent life insurance policies tend to be more expensive than term policies.
  • Complicated. This type of policy can be more complex and challenging to understand than straightforward term insurance.
  • Cancellation fees may apply. Your contract may contain cancellation fees or loss of interest. Read the agreement carefully before you sign up.

When is term life insurance the right choice?

Term insurance is best if you need coverage for a specific period, including covering mortgage payments for your beneficiaries, providing college tuition or other financial support, or until your retirement nest egg can take on your financial burdens. Another excellent use for term insurance is for final expenses. Although burial insurance exists, some companies such as Ethos Life, recommend one of their low-coverage term or whole life policies for this type of coverage.

As term insurance tends to be less expensive than permanent life insurance, it is the best option for those with limited resources but significant financial responsibilities. While it doesn’t offer cash value or loan options, it provides the one thing most people need, especially early in their careers and lives: insurance against catastrophic loss of income.

When is permanent life insurance the right choice?

Permanent life insurance makes the most sense if you know you want coverage for your entire lifetime, not just a set period. It can also be a good choice if you want to build cash value and create an inheritance for your loved ones or a favorite charity while paying a set premium.

It’s essential to weigh these factors against the higher cost of permanent life insurance and the difficulty of canceling a policy if circ*mstances change. For those who want a set amount of coverage over their entire lifetime and want to know how much it will cost them in advance, permanent life insurance is the way to go.

Alternatives to term and permanent life insurance

Although life insurance is the first thing most people consider when contemplating financial protection for loved ones, it’s not the only way to provide that protection.


Whether you have life insurance or other assets to pass on, you should have a will. A will is a legal document that explains how your assets will be distributed after you pass away. You can name beneficiaries and assign them specific assets or percentages of your estate.


A trust is a legal entity that distributes your accumulated wealth to your heirs, much like a will, after you die. There are many different types of trusts, including revocable, irrevocable, living, and testamentary. The primary advantages of a trust over a will are potential tax benefits and better control over how the trust distributes your assets.

Family bank

One creative way to distribute your assets would be to form a family bank as a legal entity that enables family members to borrow money at a low (or no) interest rate. They would have to pay the money back, making their inheritance self-perpetuating.

Inheritable Roth IRA

Instead of purchasing insurance, you could put your money into an inheritable Roth individual retirement account (IRA) with designated beneficiaries. The funds continue to grow tax free and may be withdrawn tax free. You could convert a traditional IRA to a Roth to avoid saddling your heirs with taxes upon withdrawal. You could do the same with a traditional 401(k) account. In both those cases, you’d need to pay taxes on the funds you convert.


Another option, similar to an inheritable IRA, is an annuity. The advantage is that the annuity could be a lump sum or an income stream for the beneficiary's life. The younger the beneficiary, the more valuable an annuity could be. Of course, though, its cash value lessens as inflation rises.

Self insurance

As simple as it sounds, self insurance means your personal wealth and assets are sufficient to provide for your loved ones after you die. Funds for self insurance could come from savings, investments, even an inheritance you received. Self insurance may also be appropriate if you are debt free and have no dependents.

Real estate

This tactic could include rental properties, a vacation home, or other types of property. You would want to set up a family limited partnership or trust to make transferring the property easier after you die.

TIME Stamp: Term insurance provides maximum protection at minimum cost

When it comes to bang for your buck, it’s no contest. Term life insurance provides the most coverage for the least amount of money. If you want to guarantee your loved ones will be taken care of if you die before you have accumulated enough wealth to do that on your own, term insurance is an inexpensive, easy-to-understand way of achieving your goal.

This does not mean permanent life insurance, in all its permutations, is a wrong choice. If you want to provide protection and build an inheritance by paying a fixed monthly sum for life, permanent life insurance is certainly one way to get there. And, as with term insurance, the proceeds are distributed tax free.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How much life insurance do I need?

You need enough life insurance to equal 10 to 12 times your annual income, according to most experts. Your final figure should take into account other sources of income and assets, such as real estate or valuables, that may alter that figure. The best way to determine how much life insurance you need is to consult with a trusted financial professional. Keep in mind that the coverage you need may change over time, so reassessment on a regular basis is important.

What happens at the end of term life insurance?

Coverage expires at the end of a term life insurance policy. To provide continuing protection for your loved ones, you must renew or take out another policy. Some term policies offer renewal, and some even offer conversion to permanent life insurance if you want to do that. Read your policy carefully before signing up, so that you know your options.

Can you have both term and permanent life insurance at the same time?

Yes. There is no law against simultaneously having a term policy and a permanent life policy. This combination may be desirable in some cases, as it can provide additional short-term coverage at a low cost when you need it most, plus a long-term policy for later in life. As with all life insurance, consult a trusted financial advisor to ensure that this strategy makes sense.

The information presented here is created by TIME Stamped and overseen by TIME editorial staff. To learn more, see our About Us page.

Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance: Key Differences (2024)


Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance: Key Differences? ›

The most significant difference between the two types of policies is that while both pay a death benefit to your beneficiaries, term life only covers you for a set period, while whole life offers permanent (lifelong) coverage as long as premiums are paid.

What is the main difference between term and permanent life insurance? ›

There are two basic life insurance options: term and permanent. Term lasts for a specific, pre-set period. Permanent lasts your entire lifetime. Depending on your needs, you may want the affordability of term life which is most often used for temporary, short-term needs like your mortgage.

What are the 3 main differences between term life insurance and whole life insurance? ›

The pros and cons of term and whole life insurance are clear: Term life insurance is simpler and more affordable but has an expiration date and doesn't include a cash value feature. Whole life insurance is more expensive and complex, but it provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value over time.

Should most people consider term rather than permanent life insurance? ›

Whole life insurance tends to cost more, but policies typically last your entire life and build cash value that you can borrow against. For most people, term life insurance offers the best value to protect your loved ones when they need it most.

How does term life insurance differ from permanent life insurance quizlet? ›

Permanent insurance is insurance which creates cash value, so that the policy will pay the face amount whether the insured lives to maturity of the policy or dies prior to maturity. Term insurance pays a death benefit.

What is a drawback to permanent life insurance? ›

Con: Higher premiums

Due to the lifelong coverage and cash value component, whole life insurance comes with higher premiums. It may be a challenge to cover them if you're young or don't have a lot of extra cash at your disposal.

What is the main disadvantage of term life insurance? ›

Term Life insurance Cons: If you outlive the term length, your coverage will end and you won't receive any benefits. You will not be covered your entire lifetime and your policy will not accumulate cash value like an investment account does.

Can you cash out term life insurance? ›

Term life is designed to cover you for a specified period (say 10, 15 or 20 years) and then end. Because the number of years it covers are limited, it generally costs less than whole life policies. But term life policies typically don't build cash value. So, you can't cash out term life insurance.

What happens to term life insurance at the end of the term? ›

Generally speaking, when your term life policy ends, you either have to buy another policy at a higher cost or go without life insurance. However, if your policy has a guaranteed renewal clause, you can renew at the end of your term on a year-by-year basis, but at a higher rate.

What are two disadvantages of whole life insurance? ›

A more complex product than term life insurance. Higher premiums than term life insurance. Could be costly if coverage lapses early.

What are the cons of permanent life insurance? ›

Permanent policies cost significantly more than term life policies. Universal and variable policies require careful monitoring to ensure the cash value performs well and the policy stays in force, making them riskier than term life policies.

At what age should you not get term life insurance? ›

Finally, the age limit for life insurance varies based on the type of policy and the insurance company. Term life insurance typically has an age limit ranging from 75 to 86 years old, while whole life insurance, universal life insurance, and variable life insurance generally have no maximum age limit.

Why is term life insurance not worth it? ›

When is term life insurance not worth it? Term life insurance probably isn't worth the costs if you don't have any significant debts to pass on to your loved ones or you don't have dependents or a spouse that you'd leave in a bind by passing away.

What is the major difference between term and whole permanent life insurance? ›

There are two types of life insurance: term and permanent. Term insurance covers you only for a specified time period — 10, 20 or 30 years, for example. Permanent insurance is as it sounds — coverage that remains in place until you die.

What type of life insurance gives the greatest amount? ›

Term insurance is initially cheaper than other types of policies that offer the same amount of protection. Therefore, it gives you the greatest immediate coverage per dollar.

Why is term insurance better than whole life insurance? ›

Term coverage is cheaper because it pays out only if the insured person dies during the term of the policy. Whole life insurance costs more because it pays a survivor benefit regardless of when the individual passes and also accrues cash value over time. To learn more, visit our guide on How To Buy Life Insurance.

Do you get your money back at the end of a term life insurance? ›

Another reason companies are able keep term life premiums lower is that premiums are almost never refunded. This is normally the case even if you cancel your policy. So in most cases you shouldn't expect any money back after your term expires.

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