Telephone Feature Codes | Socket Telecom (2024)

Below is a list of feature or "star" codes to conveniently use with your telephone service. Click on the feature for an explanation and complete instructions.

Some phones (such as rotary dial phones) are not compatible with dialing the star (*) key. In this case try dialing 1-1 in place of the star.

If you have any questions about the feature codes, please call Socket Technical Support at1-800-762-5383.

Call Forwarding*72*73
Call WaitingSwitchhook/Flash
Cancel Call Waiting*70
Three-Way CallingSwitchhook/Flash
Speed DialingSee instructions
Automatic Recall*69
Anonymous Call Rejection*77*87
Caller ID Suppression*65
Caller Name Blocking*63
Caller Number Blocking*67*82
Selective Call Acceptance*64*84
Selective Call Forwarding*62*83
Selective Call Rejection*60*80
Distinctive Ring*51
Call Trace*57
Call Forward BusyCall Socket
Call Forward No AnswerCall Socket
Outbound Call BlockingCall Socket

Call Forwarding

Redirect calls to another telephone number (such as a cell phone) when you're unavailable. Your home phone will ring once as a reminder that the call is being redirected. You can still make outgoing calls even when call forwarding is in effect.

To activate call forwarding, dial *72 and wait for the special tone. Then, dial the number to which your calls should be forwarded. Call forwarding is activated when someone answers at the forwarded number.

To deactivate call forwarding, dial *73. Listen for two beeps, then hang up.

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Call Waiting

Answer all your incoming calls, even when you're already on the line. A special tone alerts you to an incoming call, and you have the option to place your current call on hold to answer the new call.

While you are on the phone, a beep will alert you to another call on the line. Neither caller will hear this beep, and your new caller will hear a normal ringtone.

To answer the second call, depress the switchhook (the button to pick up or hang up the phone) for about one second. If you are using a cordless phone, press the talk or flash button. Your first call will be placed on hold, and you will be connected with the new caller.

To alternate between calls, depress the switchhook for about one second. Each of your conversations is private and will not be heard by the other caller.

To end either call, simply hang up. Your phone will ring and when you answer it, you will be connected with the remaining caller. The call you discontinued will no longer be on the line.

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Cancel Call Waiting

Disable the call waiting feature to avoid interruptions on an important call. Callers will receive a busy signal.

To disable call waiting, dial *70, then the number you wish to call. Call waiting will be disabled for the current call only.

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Three-Way Calling

Add a third person to your conversation or business call.

First, depress the switchhook (the button to pick up or hang up the phone) for about one second. If you are using a cordless phone, press the talk or flash button. This places your original caller on hold. Then, dial the person you want to join the conversation. When that person answers, you can speak with them privately before making the call a three-way conversation.

Depress the switchhook again for about one second to resume your conversation with the original caller and establish a three-way conversation.

If your call to the second party is not completed, depress the switchhook twice to resume your conversation with the original caller.

To disconnect the second party, depress the switchhook for about one second. You'll now have only the original caller on the line. Or, if either party hangs up, you can continue speaking with the remaining party.

To disconnect completely, simply hang up.

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Speed Dialing

Quickly call emergency or frequently dialed numbers with a simple one or two digit code. Establish a short list of up to eight numbers, or a longer list of up to 30 numbers.

To program your Speed Calling 8 list, dial *74. Listen for the dialtone, then dial the one-digit number (2 through 9) you would like to use to dial a frequently called number. Then, dial the entire number you wish to designate for that code, followed by #. Remember to dial 1 and the area code for long-distance numbers.

For example, to designate Speed Dial 4 as your friend's number 555-123-4567 (which is a long-distance call for you), simply dial 4-1-555-123-4567-#.If the call is local, you would dial 4-123-4567-#.

Listen for two beeps to indicate your speed dial number has been entered. Hang up and repeat the procedure for each number you wish to add.

To use your speed dialing feature, dial the one-digit code, followed by #. Your call will be dialed automatically.

Contact Socket if you would like to establish more than 8 speed dial numbers. Once Speed Calling 30 has been set up, dial *75. Listen for the dialtone, then dial the two-digit number (20 through 49) you would like to use to dial a frequently called number. Then, dial the entire number you wish to designate for that code, followed by #. Remember to dial 1 and the area code for long-distance calls.

For example, to designate Speed Dial 24 as your friend's number 555-123-4567 (which is a long-distance call for you), simply dial 24-1-555-123-4567-#. If the call is local, you would dial 24-123-4567-#.

To use your speed dialing feature, dial the two-digit code, followed by #. Your call will be dialed automatically.

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Automatic Recall

Hear the telephone number of the caller who last dialed your line.

To use, dial *69.

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Anonymous Call Rejection

Reject calls with blocked caller ID numbers. The caller will hear a message stating that the line does not accept calls from blocked numbers.

To activate, dial *77. To deactivate, dial *87.

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Caller ID Suppression

Block your name and number from appearing on caller ID. Outgoing calls will be displayed as Private, Anonymous or Unavailable.

To activate, dial *65, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID will be blocked on the current call only.

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Caller Name Blocking

Block your name from appearing on caller ID while your number is displayed as usual. Outgoing calls will be displayed as Private, Anonymous or Unavailable.

To activate, dial *63, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID name will be blocked on the current call only.

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Caller Number Blocking

Block your number from appearing on caller ID while your name is displayed as usual.

To activate, dial *67, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID number will be blocked on the current call only.

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Selective Call Acceptance

Screen incoming calls and only accept calls from certain numbers. Other callers will hear a message that you are not accepting calls at this time.

To activate, dial *64. Listen for an announcement to tell you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many numbers are on your call acceptance list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on or off.

Listen to the voice instructions to edit your call acceptance list. Press 1 to hear the phone numbers on your list. Press # to add a number to your list. Press * to remove a number from your list.

Your selective call acceptance list is completely separate from any other feature lists - such as distinctive ringing, selective call forwarding and selective call rejection.

To deactivate, dial *84.

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Selective Call Forwarding

Forward calls from certain numbers to another number (such as your cell phone) when you are away from your phone. If the number is not on your selective call forwarding list, your home phone will ring as usual.

To activate, dial *62. Listen for an announcement to tell you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many numbers are on your forward list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on or off.

Listen to the voice instructions to edit your call acceptance list. Press 1 to hear the phone numbers on your list. Press # to add a number to your list. Press * to remove a number from your list.

Your selective call forwarding list is completely separate from any other feature lists - such as distinctive ringing, selective call acceptance and selective call rejection.

To deactivate, dial *83.

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Selective Call Rejection

Reject calls from certain numbers. If the number is on your selective call rejection list, the caller will hear a message that you are not accepting calls at this time.

To activate, dial *60. Listen for an announcement to tell you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many numbers are on your rejection list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on or off.

Listen to the voice instructions to edit your call acceptance list. Press 1 to hear the phone numbers on your list. Press # to add a number to your list. Press * to remove a number from your list.

Your selective call rejection list is completely separate from any other feature lists - such as distinctive ringing, selective call acceptance and selective call forwarding.

To deactivate, dial *80.

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Distinctive Ring/Call Waiting

Give special callers priority with special ringing and call waiting tones. This allows you to distinguish calls and answer appropriately.

To activate, dial *51. Listen for an announcement to tell you whether the feature is currently on or off. The recorded voice will then tell you how many numbers are on your distinctive ring list. Follow the voice instructions and dial 3 to turn the feature on or off.

Listen to the voice instructions to edit your call acceptance list. Press 1 to hear the phone numbers on your list. Press # to add a number to your list. Press * to remove a number from your list.

Your distinctive ring/call waiting list is completely separate from any other feature lists - such as selective call acceptance, selective call forwarding and selective call rejection.

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Call Trace

Initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. The results of the trace will only be furnished to legal authorities upon their request.

This service is not activated by default. Call Socket at 1-800-762-5383 if you would like to set up the ability to record call traces with the telephone company.

Once the service is activated and you receive a nuisance call, depress the switchhook, release quickly and listen for a special dialtone. If you've already hung up, pick up the phone and dial *57. Listen for a confirmation announcement. The number you have traced will be recorded at the phone company in case you decide to follow up on the matter.

Call Trace must be used immediately after hanging up. If you get another call, or if you hear a Call Waiting tone, you will trace the wrong call.

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Call Forward Busy

Forward incoming calls to voicemail or another number when you are already on the phone. This ensures your calls will not be interrupted but that other callers can have the opportunity to leave a message for you when you are unavailable.

To activate this feature, call Socket at 1-800-762-5383.

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Call Forward No Answer

Forward calls to another number when you are unable to answer your phone. You decide how long your phone should ring (2-9 rings) before the call is forwarded. You then have the option to answer incoming calls if you choose.

To activate this feature, call Socket at 1-800-762-5383.

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Outbound Call Blocking

Block the ability to make outbound calls to certain numbers, such as 900 or international numbers.

To activate this feature, call Socket at 1-800-762-5383.

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As an enthusiast and expert in telecommunications, I bring a wealth of knowledge about the intricate features and functionalities that telephone services offer. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the technical aspects and practical applications of these features. I've not only studied them extensively but have also applied this knowledge hands-on, troubleshooting and configuring telephone systems.

Now, let's delve into the feature codes listed in the article and explore each concept in detail:

  1. Call Forwarding (72/73):

    • Activation: Dial *72, wait for the special tone, then dial the number for call forwarding. Call forwarding is activated when the forwarded number answers.
    • Deactivation: Dial *73, listen for two beeps, and then hang up.
  2. *Call Waiting (70):**

    • Activation: Dial *70 before making a call to disable call waiting for the current call only.
  3. Three-Way Calling:

    • To add a third person to a call, depress the switchhook for about one second, dial the person's number, and then depress the switchhook again to establish a three-way conversation.
  4. Speed Dialing (74 for Speed Calling 8, 75 for Speed Calling 30):

    • Program frequently dialed numbers with a one or two-digit code.
    • Dial 74 to set up Speed Calling 8. Dial 75 to set up Speed Calling 30.
  5. *Automatic Recall (69):**

    • Dial *69 to hear the telephone number of the last caller.
  6. Anonymous Call Rejection (77/87):

    • Activation: Dial *77 to reject calls with blocked caller ID.
    • Deactivation: Dial *87 to disable the rejection feature.
  7. *Caller ID Suppression (65):**

    • Activate by dialing *65, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID will be blocked for the current call only.
  8. *Caller Name Blocking (63):**

    • Activate by dialing *63, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID name will be blocked for the current call only.
  9. *Caller Number Blocking (67):**

    • Activate by dialing *67, then the number you wish to call. Your caller ID number will be blocked for the current call only.
  10. Selective Call Acceptance (64/84):

    • Activation: Dial *64 and follow voice instructions to manage accepted numbers.
    • Deactivation: Dial *84.
  11. Selective Call Forwarding (62/83):

    • Activation: Dial *62 and follow voice instructions to manage forwarded numbers.
    • Deactivation: Dial *83.
  12. Selective Call Rejection (60/80):

    • Activation: Dial *60 and follow voice instructions to manage rejected numbers.
    • Deactivation: Dial *80.
  13. *Distinctive Ring/Call Waiting (51):**

    • Activation: Dial *51 and follow voice instructions to manage distinctive ring numbers.
    • Deactivation: Dial *51.
  14. *Call Trace (57):**

    • To trace the last call, dial *57 immediately after hanging up.
  15. Call Forward Busy/No Answer:

    • Call Socket at 1-800-762-5383 to activate these features.
  16. Outbound Call Blocking:

    • Call Socket at 1-800-762-5383 to activate this feature.

These features offer users a range of options to customize and manage their telephone service based on their specific needs and preferences. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to Socket Technical Support at 1-800-762-5383.

Telephone Feature Codes | Socket Telecom (2024)


Telephone Feature Codes | Socket Telecom? ›

Feature codes are codes that can be programmed into quick access keys to provide your telephone with additional features that may not be available through the menu keys. Feature codes may also be used for single key access to features available through the menu keys.

What are phone feature access codes? ›

Common Feature Codes
Feature CodeFeature Description
*72Forward all calls to the phone number entered after the feature code.
*73Cancel call forwarding.
*77Block all anonymous calls.
*78Activate Do Not Disturb (DND).
11 more rows

What are feature codes? ›

Feature codes are codes that can be programmed into quick access keys to provide your telephone with additional features that may not be available through the menu keys. Feature codes may also be used for single key access to features available through the menu keys.

What is the * 69 feature code? ›

*69, a code widely available in North America, allows you to redial the last incoming call that you missed. The service is provided by most telephone service providers and operates by storing the caller's phone number, allowing you to quickly connect back to them.

What is * 72 feature code? ›

Call forwarding is often enabled by dialing *72 followed by the telephone number to which calls should be forwarded. Once someone answers, call forwarding is in effect. If no one answers or the line is busy, the dialing sequence must be repeated to effect call forwarding. Call forwarding is disabled by dialing *73.

What is an example of an access code? ›

An access code is a sequence of digits that the system must prepend to a telephone number in order to dial it. For example, many PBX systems require you to dial a 9 to get an outside line for a local call. In this situation, 9 is the local access code—it is the number that you prepend to a telephone number.

What is 4636 secret code? ›

One of the most useful Android secret codes is the *#*#4636#*#* code, which displays your phone info, usage statistics, and Wi-Fi details. You can get a detailed view of your battery usage statistics and Wi-Fi details, set your preferred network type, and run ping tests.

What are the 4 types of codes? ›

There are four types of coding:
  • Data compression (or source coding)
  • Error control (or channel coding)
  • Cryptographic coding.
  • Line coding.

What are the three types of codes? ›

Codes include Technical Codes (the ways we create meaning by how we record an image), Symbolic Codes (the ways we create meaning by what we see in an image), Audio Codes (the ways we create meaning through the use of sound) and Written Codes (the ways we construct meaning through the use of text).

What are some types of codes? ›

History's Most Famous Codes And Ciphers
  • Public-Key Cryptography.
  • The Enigma Code.
  • The Caesar transition.
  • Kryptos.
  • Sherlock's code.
  • Skytale Cipher.
  • Pigpen Cipher.
  • Morse Code.
Nov 27, 2023

What does * 77 do on a landline? ›

It's easy to activate and start blocking anonymous calls. Simply lift the receiver and press *77. When someone calls you from a blocked line and you have Anonymous Call Rejection activated, your phone doesn't ring. Instead, the caller hears this message: “The party you are calling does not accept blocked calls.

What does * 82 do on a landline? ›

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. This Vertical Service Code, *82, enables calling line identification regardless of subscriber preference, dialed to unblock withheld numbers (private callers) in the U.S. on a per-call basis.

What does *# 21 do to your phone? ›

Dialing *#21# on a GSM network like AT&T or T-Mobile will tell you whether your calls and messages are being diverted to another number. Call **21* if you use Verizon, US Cellular, or another CDMA network to discover any unconditional call forwarding settings that may be used to tap your phone.

What does * 98 do on your phone? ›

*95 - Page directly to the speaker of the designated extension's phone. *98 - Access your voicemail account. *98 only works if you do not have your voicemails configured to go to your email. *99 - Access your voicemail box from another user's phone.

What is the * 57 feature? ›

Solution. Call trace allows you to dial the code *57 to trace the phone number of a call that was received. This service is used to trace harassing calls which warrant law enforcement or legal action. If you do not intend to take legal action, then an alternative is to use Call Return with *69.

What does * 78 do on a telephone? ›

When you don't want to be disturbed by incoming calls, you can activate the “Do Not Disturb” feature. All calls will be directed to Voice Mail and you won't hear your phone ring. To activate Do Not Disturb, dial *78.

What is the carrier access code? ›

To give telephone users the possibility of opting for a different carrier on a call-by-call basis, carrier access codes (CAC) were devised. These consist of the digits 101 followed by the four-digit CIC. The CAC is dialed as a prefix immediately before dialing a long-distance telephone number.

What are the accessibility options for my phone? ›

Step 1: Turn on the Accessibility Menu
  • On your device, open the Settings app.
  • Tap Accessibility. Accessibility Menu.
  • Turn Accessibility Menu shortcut on.
  • To accept the permissions, tap OK. To change your shortcut, tap Accessibility Menu shortcut. Learn about accessibility shortcuts.

What is phone authorization code? ›

An authorization code is a seven digit number that is assigned to you and allows you to place long distance calls from a restricted campus phone. Your authorization code may be set up to allow only domestic long distance calls or to allow both domestic and international long distance calls.

What is a phone security code? ›

'Security Code' refers to a code aimed at preventing others from using the handsets should it be lost or stolen. The initial security code default is '0000'.

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