Taxes on a trust fund in California: brackets, distributions & more! - Brotman Law - All Rights Reserved | 402 W Broadway, Suite 800 • San Diego, California 92101 (2024)

In the midst of tax filing season, it’s common to start worrying and thinking about taxes on a trust fund.

You’re right to worry, but we’re here to curb that anxiety and guide you through:

  • what the taxes on trust funds are for 2023
  • how are trusts taxed
  • what the trust tax brackets are
  • who is responsible for trust income tax
  • and more!

Do trusts pay tax and how are trusts taxed for income tax purposes in California?

Trusts are taxed similarly to how individuals are, but the key differences lie in whether the trust is a simple trust, complex trust or grantor trust. The similarities lie in that if an item is non-deductible for an individual, it’s also non-deductible for the trust.

But we need to explore these different types of trust funds to understand how they operate so you can get a better understanding of how the nuances apply to your trust.

Applicable taxes on trust funds & the different trust funds

The first, and most common, question trust owners ask is:

“What type of taxes apply to trusts?”

The simple answer to this is income tax.

But, whether the trust pays its own taxes will depend upon the type of trust we’re talking about:

  1. Simple
  2. Complex
  3. Grantor

Simple Trust

A simple trust has three elements:

  • All trust income be distributed annually, at least
  • No charitable beneficiaries
  • The trust does not make distributions of trust principal

If any one of these three elements does not apply to the trust, then it is not a simple trust and most likely falls under one of the other two categories below.

Complex Trust

For a trust to be classified as complex, at least one of these activities must be performed each year:

  • The trust must retain some income rather than distribute it to the beneficiaries
  • Beneficiaries must receive part or all of the trust’s principal
  • There must be a distribution of some trust assets to charities

Grantor Trust

A grantor trust is a trust in which the grantor maintains some control or power over the trust.

As a result, the trust’s income is deemed taxable to the grantor.

Some of the retained powers may include:

  • The grantor (or spouse) retains the ability to revoke or amend the trust as a revocable trust
  • The grantor keeps the power to substitute trust assets with assets of equivalent value
  • The grantor is allowed to borrow the trust assets without adequate security
  • The grantor receives distributions from the trust
  • The trust income is used to pay premiums on life insurance policies on the grantor or the grantor’s spouse’s life.

Responsible person and taxes on a trust fund

Of these three, only two pay their own income taxes:

  • Simple trusts
  • Complex trusts

By contrast, grantor trusts do not pay their own taxes. Instead, it’s the grantor of the trust’s responsibility to pay taxes on the trust’s income.


Trust tax rates for 2023

Trusts owe taxes and are subject to tax rates established at the federal, state, and local levels.

The federal government 2023 trust tax rates are at four different levels:

  • 10%: $0–$2,900
  • 24%: $2,901–$10,550
  • 35%: $10,551–$14,450
  • 37%: $14,451+

While the income tax rates for trusts above are quite clear, it’s helpful to go through a working example:

CA trust tax brackets: an example

Remember that the calculation that applies to trust taxes is based on the trust’s income.

For example, if a trust earns an annual income of $20,000, it would pay $5,543.54 in tax, which is an average 27.72% trust tax rate.

This broken down as follows:

  1. $290: 10% on all earnings up to $2,900,
  2. $1,835.76: 24% on all earnings from 2,901 to $10,550,
  3. $1,364.65: 35% from $10,551 to $14,450, and
  4. $2,053.13: 37% from $14,451 to $20,000.

Still, as a current or potential resident of California, it’s imperative that you review the California tax code.

In particular, any trustee or beneficiary who moves to California opens them up to becoming subject to California taxes.

A trust is subject to tax in California “if the fiduciary or beneficiary (other than a beneficiary whose interest in such trust is contingent) is a resident, regardless of the residence of the settlor.” See Cal. Rev. & Tax 1774(a).

If you need information on previous years, check these rates below:

Trust tax rates 2021

The trust tax rates for 2021 were:

  • 10% of between $0–$2,650
  • $265 plus 24% of between $2,651–$9,550
  • $1,921 plus 35% of between $9,551–$13,050
  • $3,146 plus 37% of between $13,051+

Trust tax rates 2020

The 2020 trust tax rates were:

  • 10% of between $0–$2,600
  • $260 plus 24% of between $2,601–$9,450
  • $1,904 plus 35% of between $9,451–$12,951
  • $3,129 plus 37% of between $12,951+

Are distributions from a trust taxable to the recipient in California?

Generally speaking, distributions from trusts are considered income and, therefore, may be subject to taxation depending on the type of trust and its purpose. The trust beneficiaries are those liable for the distributions from a trust.

The two types that determine taxes on trust distributions are:

  • Revocable living trust: distributions are typically not taxable as they are considered gifts and not income
  • Irrevocable trust: may be subject to taxation depending on who receives them and how much they receive.

More on trust distribution tax in CA: The 65-day window

When thinking about tax on trust distributions, a key deadline to keep in mind is the 65 day window, as established under Section 663(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.

This deadline applies to any distribution by trust within the first 65 days of the tax year and allows the distribution to be treated as having been made on the last day of the preceding tax year.

This rule may come in handy as it provides an opportunity for tax savings.

Since trusts pay income taxes at graduated rates, splitting up the income earned between years may allow for taxation at a lower rate.

For example, if you earned a total of $4,000 in 2023 and find it possible to split this amount in half so that $2,000 is recorded in 2022 and the next $2,000 in 2023, then you would only pay 10% on the total $4,000.

By contrast, recall the tiered rates mentioned above:

  • 10%: $0–$2,900
  • 24%: $2,901–$10,550

If all $4,000 were to be recorded in 2023, then you would pay 10% on the first $2,900 and 24% on everything between $2,901 and $4,000. Calculating this out, this would be the difference between $553 and $400 in taxes.

While this difference may seem slim, applying this to much larger amounts, such as in the hundreds of thousands or millions, could result in vastly different tax payments.

Fortunately, the California Franchise Tax Board follows the Internal Revenue Code guidance on the 65-day window.

The board states that when it comes time to allocate estimated tax payments to beneficiaries, the trust (or decedent’s estate) must file the Form 541-T by the 65th day after the close of the current taxable year.

As applied to trusts filed by calendar year, the date of filing for the Form 541-T is March 6, 2023.

Failure to do this, and anything else relating to trust funds, falls under a payroll tax audit.


Allocation of taxes on a trust fund in California

Expanding on the above California tax code, note that the taxation of trust income is not a one-size fits all model.

The key factor in determining how much of the trust’s income is taxable under California law depends on how much of it is actually “California-source” income.

Below are just a few examples where how much of a trust’s income may be taxed under California law may fluctuate based on the source of the income and residency of the parties involved:

Scenario 1: All trustees are California residents

If all trustees are California residents, then the entirety of the trust’s income is taxable in California.

This is because the trustees’ residency determines how much of the income is California-sourced.

Scenario 2: Mix of California and non-California trustees and beneficiaries

If the parties involved (i.e. trustees and beneficiaries) are of mixed residencies, the amount of income taxable by the state of California is calculated based on the ratio of California trustees to total trustees.

Example: $100,000 trust income of a trust with two non-California trustees and one California trustee.

In this case, the ratio of California trustees to total trustees is 1:3, meaning that the amount of income allocated to taxable California-source income is $100,000 * (⅓) = $33,333.33.

Therefore, one way to reduce the possible amount of income tax owed to the state of California would be to carefully decide the number of trustees, if any, may reside in the state.

Depending on the total number of trustees and the ratio of in-state and out-of-state residents involved, the amount owed under California tax law can fluctuate dramatically.

Responsibility for California trust taxes: the trustees

Ultimately, the responsibility for trust taxes lies with the trustees.

As such, this also means the trust fund recovery penalty lies with them, too.

The trustees, and their fees, vary depending on the type of trustee involved. The primary, and most common, types of trustees you may see include:

  • Private
  • Professional
  • Corporate

California private trustee

A private trustee is typically a close friend, relative, or family member of the maker of the trust.

They’re usually appointed as the trust’s administrator, meaning that they have the responsibility of making financial decisions on the trust’s behalf to ensure that they are in accordance with the trust maker’s intent for said trust.

Private trustees usually work at an hourly rate, ranging from $25 to $35 per hour.

Still, considering the intimate connection between the trust administrator and the maker of the trust, many private trustees opt to carry out these services pro bono, as the trust is highly connected to the family.

California professional trustee

Professional trustees, also known as private professional fiduciaries, are trustees who carry out fiduciary tasks and related duties as part of their occupation.

In other words, these are career trustees who are skilled and experienced in the field.

As a result, they are often held to a higher ethical standard, since they have deep knowledge of what does and does not constitute self-dealing when handling financial matters related to trusts.

California corporate trustee

Lastly, the corporate trustee is entirely different from the above two types of trustees, as it is not an individual at all.

Rather, a corporate trustee is typically a bank or investment firm that the beneficiary hires to perform services and administer their trust.

Unlike the private trustee, the corporate trustee is compensated through a percentage of the trust’s assets, typically ranging between 1 and 2% annually.

In order to properly file a return, you must file and pay by either:

  • Calendar Year: April 18, 2023, or
  • Fiscal Year: 15th day of the 4th month after the taxable year concludes.

Final words on trust fund taxes in California

Ultimately, income taxes as applied to trusts are complicated.

Understanding the nuances and the interplay between federal, state, and local tax codes can mean the difference between making or breaking the bank.

Fundamentally, make sure you’re aware of the nuances around the following:

  • Trust type
  • Trust brackets
  • Distributions
  • Trustees

Knowing these and how they influence your trust taxation could be the difference in a tax saving.


Taxes on a trust fund in California: brackets, distributions & more! - Brotman Law - All Rights Reserved | 402 W Broadway, Suite 800 • San Diego, California 92101 (2024)


Are trust distributions taxable in California? ›

How are these irrevocable trusts and others trusts taxed by California? COMMENT: If all the income is distributed to the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries pay tax on the income. Resident beneficiaries pay tax on income from all sources. Nonresident beneficiaries are taxable on income sourced to California.

How are trust fund distributions taxed? ›

Beneficiaries of a trust typically pay taxes on the distributions they receive from a trust's income. The trust doesn't pay the tax. Beneficiaries aren't subject to taxes on distributions from the trust's principal, however. The principal is the original sum of money that was placed into the trust.

Do beneficiaries pay taxes on irrevocable trust distributions? ›

Let's touch on the second point first. Whenever a beneficiary receives a distribution from an irrevocable trust's principal balance, the beneficiary doesn't have to pay any taxes on that distribution.

Are distributions from a grantor trust taxable to the recipient? ›

A grantor trust is considered a disregarded entity for income tax purposes. Therefore, any taxable income or deduction earned by the trust will be taxed on the grantor's income tax return.

Is there an inheritance tax on a trust in California? ›

In California, there is no state inheritance tax. This means that when you inherit assets from a deceased person, you do not owe any tax to the state of California on those inherited assets. This can simplify the process of inheriting property and other assets significantly.

Are distributions taxed in California? ›

If a distribution of trust income is derived from a California source, then that income will be deemed taxable. Unless such property gains a business situs, any intangible property owned by the trust or estate will be deemed taxable in the state where the beneficiary lives.

How to avoid taxes on trust distributions? ›

Typically this comes in the form of income taxes which either the trust pays or your heirs pay when they receive distributions. You can mitigate that through the use of an intentionally defective grantor trust, or IDGT. This is an irrevocable trust into which you place assets, again shielding them from estate taxes.

What is the trust tax loophole? ›

The trust fund loophole refers to the “stepped-up basis rule” in U.S. tax law. The rule is a tax exemption that lets you use a trust to transfer appreciated assets to the trust's beneficiaries without paying the capital gains tax. Your “basis” in an asset is the price you paid for the asset.

Why are trusts taxed so high? ›

Trust tax rates are much higher than individual tax rates

The higher trust tax rates are due to the fact that an irrevocable trust has only hundreds of dollars in standard deduction, and an irrevocable trust pays the highest federal tax rate after just a few thousand dollars of income.

How to avoid inheritance tax with a trust? ›

Certain types of trusts can help avoid estate taxes. An irrevocable trust transfers asset ownership from the original owner to the trust beneficiaries. Because those assets don't legally belong to the person who set up the trust, they aren't subject to estate or inheritance taxes when that person passes away.

What is the IRS tax rate on trust income? ›

Remember that the calculation that applies to trust taxes is based on the trust's income. For example, if a trust earns an annual income of $20,000, it would pay $5,543.54 in tax, which is an average 27.72% trust tax rate.

Do trusts have to file tax returns? ›

Q: Do trusts have a requirement to file federal income tax returns? A: Trusts must file a Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts, for each taxable year where the trust has $600 in income or the trust has a non-resident alien as a beneficiary.

Do trust distributions count as income? ›

When a portion of a beneficiary's distribution from a trust or the entirety of it originates from the trust's interest income, they generally will be required to pay income taxes on it, unless the trust has already paid the income tax.

How much can you inherit without paying federal taxes? ›

This threshold gradually rises every year to account for inflation over time. As of 2023, your estate is required to pay the federal estate tax if the value of your taxable estate exceeds $12.92 million and increases to $13,610,000 for 2024.

What is the new IRS rule on irrevocable trusts? ›

With the new IRS rule, assets in an irrevocable trust are not part of the owner's taxable estate at their death and are not eligible for the fair market valuation when transferred to an heir. The 2023-2 rule doesn't give an heir the higher cost basis or fair market value of the inherited asset.

Are distributions from a charitable trust taxable? ›

Taxes on income payments from a charitable remainder trust

If the trust has enough ordinary income to cover all payments, the entire payments are taxed as ordinary income.

Are trustee fees taxable in California? ›

Trustee fees are generally treated as taxable income to the trustee in the year received. However, legitimate expense reimbursem*nt is not taxed. Therefore, a trustee should keep a detailed record of all trust-related expenses, including travel and any expenditures made in relation to administration of the trust.

What sources of income are not taxed by California? ›

California does not tax the IRA distributions, qualified pension, profit sharing, and stock bonus plans of a nonresident. California taxes compensation received by a nonresident for performance of services in California.

Are distributions from a trust deductible? ›

Income required to be distributed to the beneficiaries is taxable to them regardless if it is distributed during the year. The trust or estate receives a deduction for distributions of income made to the beneficiaries. The distribution deduction is limited to the distributable net income (DNI) of the trust or estate.

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