Tax Tip: Use HIFO Cost Basis & Keep More of Your Crypto Gains (2024)

Guide to HIFO Cost Basis for Crypto

Every time you sell, exchange or spend your crypto, a tax event is triggered. Depending on the price paid when you purchased that crypto, taxable gains or losses will be computed as the difference between the purchase price and the sale price. You can minimize your taxes owed by changing how you compute your cost basis, typically most beneficially with the HIFO accounting method.

All of this accounting can be overwhelming, so keeping it simple, this guide will teach you what cost basis is, the different types of ways to calculate cost basis, why HIFO is typically the best if you bought crypto multiple times before selling, and how to calculate your capital gains.

What does cost basis mean?

What you paid to purchase your crypto, including any exchange fees, is your cost basis. This number is important because it’s a key part of the equation used to calculate your taxes when you sell:

[price you paid] - [price you sold at] = [taxable gains, if positive]

Therefore the price you paid has a significant impact on the tax bill when you subsequently sell it.

Where things get more complicated, but advantageous to you, is when you have had multiple purchases at different price points. That leads us to different methods of accounting you can then use to calculate your cost basis.

Ways to calculate your cost basis

In simple terms, your method of accounting determines which of your purchases will first be disposed of in the event of a sale.

There are various methods that can be used such as First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) and Highest-In-First-Out (HIFO), among others.

To give an overview of how each method would impact your taxable crypto profits:

1. FIFO: This is a common method which works on the assumption that the first purchase will be the first to be disposed of in the event of a sale.

For instance, let’s say you had acquired 1 bitcoin on January 1st and another bitcoin on January 3rd. As per FIFO on subsequent sale, the bitcoin purchased on January 1st will first be disposed of and then the bitcoin acquired on Jan 3rd.

2. LIFO: This method disposes of the last purchase first in the event of a sale. Using this, you can reduce your tax bill if you are averaging your profitable position upwards as the price increases, since it would consider the last purchase (which is a higher price).

3. HIFO: This method disposes of the highest purchase price first in the event of a sale. When you sell, you pick out your most expensive crypto purchase and use that number to determine your taxes. A higher cost basis translates to less tax on your sale.

For example, if you bought crypto over the years including during its big price run-up in 2021 and are now selling it in the 2022 downturn, your high cost basis can mean lower taxable gains.

How to calculate HIFO

HIFO, short for Highest-In-First-Out, is a cost basis method for valuing crypto assets where the highest price paid is reduced from the sale price to arrive at the profit or loss.

Under this method of accounting, all purchases up to the date of sale are plotted in descending order based on the price paid.

HIFO example calculation

Say Jacob had made the following purchases and sales of bitcoin during the year 2021:

Step 1: Rearrange all purchases up to date of sale in descending order by price.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Price per Bitcoin ($) Quantity Transaction
01-03-2021 15,000 1 Buy
01-02-2021 11,000 1 Buy
01-01-2021 10,000 1 Buy
01-04-2021 9,000 1 Buy

Step 2: Each sale will be reduced from the corresponding highest purchase value.

The sale of 1 bitcoin on 31-05-2021 for $20,000 will have a cost basis of $15,000 (being the highest cost paid for acquiring 1 bitcoin)

Likewise for sale of 1 bitcoin on 30-06-2021 for $20,000 will have a cost basis of $11,000 (being the highest cost paid for acquiring the next 1 bitcoin)

Gains for Jacob’s using HIFO method will be:

Particulars Sale 1 Sale 2
Sale Value $20,000 $20,000
Less: Purchase Price (Using HIFO - we will consider the highest price) $15,000 $11,000
Taxable Gains $5,000 $9,000

Note: While the IRS allows HIFO cost basis to be used as a method of accounting, it is under the condition that you maintain all of the following information:

  1. Date and time each unit was acquired/purchased
  2. The fair market value of each unit at the time it was acquired
  3. Date and time each unit was sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of
  4. The fair market value of each unit when sold, exchanged, or disposed of, and the amount of money or the value of property received for each unit

It is next to impossible to maintain all these documents manually. Thus, to automate these requirements you should use crypto accounting software like Bitwave to ensure compliance.

Do crypto exchanges calculate HIFO for users?

Every crypto exchange has its own set of methods for providing users with the computation of their income and tax reports.

Among major US exchanges, Coinbase is the only one to calculate crypto gains for its users using the HIFO cost basis method.

FTX US and Binance US do not provide any tax reports, rather they provide the trading, deposits and withdrawal statements. These statements will have to be imported into crypto tax software to compute the gains using the HIFO cost basis method.

Advantages of using HIFO

To recap, since HIFO captures the highest price paid when computing gains, the advantages are:

Replaces the default method of selling the oldest first

The HIFO cost basis method is a significant tool that gives users the benefit of choosing to dispose of their crypto purchased at the highest price first irrespective of when it was purchased. This enables users to withstand highly volatile markets.

Otherwise the default accounting method is FIFO, which disposes of the older (first in) ones first.

Reduces overall gains

When compared to the other cost basis methods of FIFO and LIFO, following the HIFO method significantly reduces your overall taxable gains.

To understand the advantages even more clearly, here’s an example of how much taxable gains would be paid using different cost basis methods.

Say Jacob made the following purchases and sales of bitcoin in 2021:

Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Price per Bitcoin ($) Quantity Transaction
01-01-2021 10,000 1 Buy
01-02-2021 11,000 1 Buy
01-03-2021 15,000 1 Buy
01-04-2021 9,000 1 Buy
31-05-2021 20,000 1 Sell
30-06-2021 20,000 1 Sell

His gains would vary based on whether he used FIFO, LIFO or HIFO cost basis.

Taxable gains as per FIFO

We will reduce the first purchase from the first sale. In other words, what was acquired first will be the one sold first.

Particulars Sale 1 Sale 2
Sale Value $20,000 $20,000
Less: Purchase Price (Using FIFO - we will consider first purchase price) $10,000 $11,000
Taxable Gains $10,000 $9,000

As per FIFO, we have a cumulative gain of $19,000.

Taxable gains as per LIFO

We will reduce the last purchase from the first sale. In other words, under LIFO we assume that the last purchase will be sold first.

Particulars Sale 1 Sale 2
Sale Value $20,000 $20,000
Less: Purchase Price (Using LIFO - we will consider last purchase price) $9,000 $15,000
Taxable Gains $11,000 $5,000

As per LIFO, we have a cumulative gain of $16,000.

Taxable gains as per HIFO

We will reduce the highest purchase price from the first sale. In other words, under HIFO we assume that the highest price we paid for purchasing will be disposed of first.

Particulars Sale 1 Sale 2
Sale Value $20,000 $20,000
Less: Purchase Price (Using HIFO - We will consider highest price) $15,000 $11,000
Taxable Gains $5,000 $9,000

As per HIFO, we have a cumulative gain of $14,000.

To conclude, using the HIFO cost basis, our taxable gains were $14,000 the least of the three methods followed.

Disadvantages of using HIFO

Although HIFO has a significant impact on taxable gains, it also has its own set of disadvantages owing to the compliance requirements.


As mentioned earlier, you have to maintain documentation as required by the IRS. These requirements are exhaustive and even a small mistake can mean a switch to the default method to FIFO.

It’s best to use crypto accounting software to automate and remain compliant with these requirements to avoid any lapses.

Limitation on Losses

Since the HIFO cost basis considers the highest cost when computing gains, it’s possible that there can be a net capital loss during the year. The IRS does allow you to set off capital losses up to $3,000, in excess of which is rolled over to future years.

Therefore, in case there is no future taxable income or you are in the tax-free income bracket, HIFO may not be of much use.


HIFO cost basis is a crucial tool in an investor’s arsenal which can have a significant impact on the tax bill due. Accurate recordkeeping will be crucial, however, so it pays to use automated accounting software like Bitwave to produce gain/loss reports to and ensure complete compliance with the IRS requirements. Request a demo now.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax, accounting, or financial advice. The content is not intended to address the specific needs of any individual or organization, and readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified tax, accounting, or financial professional before making any decisions based on the information provided. The author and the publisher of this blog post disclaim any liability, loss, or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use or application of any of the contents herein.

Tax Tip: Use HIFO Cost Basis & Keep More of Your Crypto Gains (2024)


Tax Tip: Use HIFO Cost Basis & Keep More of Your Crypto Gains? ›

HIFO: This method disposes of the highest purchase price first in the event of a sale. When you sell, you pick out your most expensive crypto purchase and use that number to determine your taxes. A higher cost basis translates to less tax on your sale.

Should I use HIFO for crypto taxes? ›

The 'best' accounting method for cryptocurrency varies depending on the facts and circ*mstances of your situation. In most situations, HIFO can reduce your tax bill, but you'll need detailed records of your transactions to be able to specifically identify the crypto you're disposing of.

Does IRS accept HIFO? ›

Does the IRS recognize the HIFO sell method? The Internal Revenue Service does not recognize HIFO (high in, first out) as an accounting method but it generally permits an investor to specifically identify his or her shares at the time stock is sold, for reporting capital gains and losses.

What is the best cost basis method for crypto taxes? ›

With HIFO (highest-in first-out), the highest-value cryptocurrency you acquire is the first you dispose of. HIFO is considered the best cost basis method for minimizing capital gains. In the example above, the cost basis would be $40,000. Using HIFO, Ralph's capital gain is $5,000.

What does cost basis HIFO mean? ›

Highest in, first out (HIFO) is a method of accounting for a firm's inventories wherein the highest cost items are the first to be taken out of stock. HIFO inventory helps a company decrease their taxable income since it will realize the highest cost of goods sold.

Should I use HIFO? ›

In theory, the “HIFO” method would minimize your realised gains, because you're always using the highest initial cost basis to calculate your profit. However, it's also much harder to track transactions when using HIFO because they're not in chronological or reverse-chronological order.

Do you pay taxes on cost basis? ›

Cost basis is used to calculate capital gains tax, which is levied on the difference between the asset's cost basis and current market value. Most brokerages offer cost basis tracking and report any necessary gains and losses to the IRS on Form 1099-B.

What are the advantages of HIFO? ›

HIFO allows for the costliest inventory to be sold first, regardless of when it was purchased, thereby driving up the value of the cost of goods sold, and lowering taxable earnings.

Does the IRS audit crypto transactions? ›

The IRS can audit you if they have reason to believe that you are underreporting your taxable income from cryptocurrency. Typically, the limit for conducting an audit is three years after a taxpayer has filed their tax return.

How to avoid capital gains tax on cryptocurrency? ›

9 Ways to Legally Avoid Paying Crypto Taxes
  1. Buy Items on BitDials.
  2. Invest Using an IRA.
  3. Have a Long-Term Investment Horizon.
  4. Gift Crypto to Family Members.
  5. Relocate to a Different Country.
  6. Donate Crypto to Charity.
  7. Offset Gains with Appropriate Losses.
  8. Sell Crypto During Low-Income Periods.
Mar 22, 2024

What is the best cost basis method to use? ›

First-in, first-out method (FIFO)

This is the default for all investments other than mutual funds. Method implications: Because asset prices tend to rise over time, using FIFO as your cost basis method will have the oldest shares sold first, and those shares will often have the lowest cost basis.

Which crypto exchanges do not report to the IRS? ›

Some cryptocurrency exchanges do not report user transactions to the IRS, including: Decentralized crypto exchanges (DEXs) like Uniswap and SushiSwap. Some peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. Exchanges based outside the US that do not have a reporting obligation under US tax law.

What is an example of a cost basis in crypto? ›

For example, let's say you bought 0.5 BTC for $30,000 and you paid a 0.5% buy fee, so $150. Your cost basis would be $30,150. You later sell your 0.5 BTC for $32,000. You pay another 0.5% sell fee, so $160.

What are the disadvantages of HIFO? ›

Disadvantages: 1. Risk of losing important data: HIFO can be risky in that it prioritizes the newest data over older data. This means that if there is an error in the most recent data, the older data may be lost permanently.

Why does Coinbase use HIFO? ›

Using the highest-in-first-out cost-basis method (HIFO), you sell the crypto first that has the highest cost basis to keep your gains — and your taxes — as low as possible.

Is cost basis good or bad? ›

Tracking cost basis is required for tax purposes but also is needed to help track and determine investment success. The key is to keep good records and simplify the investment strategy where possible.

Is LIFO or FIFO better for taxes? ›

Under those circ*mstances, LIFO allows companies to deduct a larger share of their inventory costs than FIFO. That translates to both a lower reported financial income and a lower taxable income, leading to a lower tax liability. The higher inflation is, the larger the penalty under FIFO.

What are the advantages of HIFO method? ›

HIFO (Highest Cost First Out): HIFO assumes that the inventory with the highest cost is sold first. This method can help to minimize profits, but it can also help to reduce inventory carrying costs.

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