T4trade Broker Review: Are They Worthy? (2024)


Regulation and LicenseSeychelles Financial Services Authority
Leverage rangeUp to 1:1000
Min deposit$250
PlatformsMT4 mobile app, MT4 web
Tradable InstrumentsForex, Metals Future, Commodities, Shares, Indices
Demo accountYes
Base CurrenciesEUR, USD, GBP
Customer support24/5 multilingual support in 30 languages
Publicly tradedNo

T4Trade is a leading forex broker regulated bythe Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). They offer a wide range oftradable instruments, including Forex, Metals, Futures, Commodities, Shares,and Indices, with a leverage range up to 1:1000.

The minimum deposit requirement is $50; basecurrencies are EUR, USD, or GBP. Forex traders and other market traders canaccess T4Trade’s services through the MT4 platform, WebTrader and mobileplatforms. Plus, they offer a free demo account to practice on their platforms.

The broker also provides 24/5 multilingualsupport, giving their clients a great customer support experience.

Low minimum depositsNot available to traders in the US
Quick & easy to register
Rgulated broker
Good range of assets
Multiple platform support

Moreover, T4Trade offers its traders acomprehensive set of trading tools and educational materials. With competitivepricing, great trading platforms, and advanced tools, T4Trade is an excellentchoice for forex and other market traders. So let's dive into all the detailsof this multi-asset broker:

Broker regulation and security

Regarding safety and security, T4Trade isregulated by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). In addition,client funds are kept in segregated accounts in top-tier banks, and their personal information is guarded under SSLencryption.

For traders, T4Trade also provides a negativebalance protection policy, ensuring that their margin balance does not go belowzero. This protection ensures that traders do not incur extra debts whilelosing trades.

With its strict security measures andregulatory compliance, T4Trade is a safe and reliable broker for traders.

Overall, T4Trade is a well-regulated brokerproviding a secure trading environment for traders.

Forex traders can trust T4Trade’s platform forsafe and secure trading.

Fees details

T4Trade is very competitive in terms of fees, offering lowspreads starting as low as 1.2 pips. The broker also provides up to 1:1000leverage which is much higher than most brokers in the market.

In addition, clients at T4Trade do not have topay any commissions, as the broker charges only the spread. It makes tradingwith T4Trade cost-effective for traders.

Regarding withdrawals and deposits, T4Tradedoes not charge any extra fees for using their payment gateways. However,clients might need to pay third-party charges for using certain paymentmethods.

Fees TypeT4Trade
Deposit feeNo
Withdrawal feeDepends on withdrawal method used
Inactivity feeStarts at $50 if inactive for more than 30 days
Fee rankingLow/ Average

In addition, like any other broker, T4Tradelevies swap fees if the positions remain open overnight.

Overall, T4Trade has competitive fees, makingit an attractive option for forex and other market traders.

Spreads fee details

Spreads are something that forex and othertraders need to pay as it is the cost of trading. T4Trade offers tight spreadsstarting from 1.2 pips, making it one of the most competitive brokers in themarket.

The broker also offers various financialinstruments, including Forex, Metals, Futures, Commodities, Shares, andIndices. Most of these instruments have tight spreads, which makes trading withT4Trade a cost-effective option.

This multi-asset broker both fixed andfloating spreads. However, spreads may vary depending on the type of tradingaccount and the market conditions.

On the other hand, if you need more stabilityduring trading, you can opt for the fixed spread account. This is because fixedspreads help traders reduce trading costs significantly.

Swap fee information

Most brokers charge swap fees for overnightpositions, and T4Trade is no exception. The broker charges swap fees for longand short positions that remain open overnight. However, the broker has aswap-free account option for Islamic traders who want to trade withoutviolating their religious beliefs.

The swap fee is a percentage of the underlyingasset's price and varies depending on the currency pair and other parameters.

To understand the swap fees better, here is anexample — If you have a long position in EUR/USD at 1.3000 and the swap fee is0.5%, you will be charged $0.0065 per lot. The swap fee can be either positiveor negative depending on the currency pair and other factors.

T4Trade's swap fees are very competitivecompared to other brokers in the market, making it an ideal choice for traderswho want to reduce trading costs.

Deposit and withdrawal options

T4Trade offers a wide range of payment methodsfor deposits and withdrawals. Clients can use credit/debit cards, bank wiretransfers, and e-wallets for making deposits and withdrawals.

The minimum deposit to open an account withT4Trade is $50. The broker does not charge any extra fees for deposits, butclients might need to pay third-party charges depending on their paymentmethod.

Deposits are free and instant; traders canquickly start trading after the deposit is complete. Withdrawals typically takeabout 3-4 business days to process.

Both deposit and withdrawal processes areprotected with the latest SSL encryption and other security technologies. Asthe broker is regulated, clients need to complete their KYC that is in linewith the Seychelles Financial Services Authority.

The entire trading system of T4Trade isdesigned to be secure and reliable for its clients. In addition, the broker'scustomer service team is readily available 24/5 so that traders can get theirqueries addressed quickly.

Available Tradable markets

T4trade Broker Review: Are They Worthy? (1)

T4Trade offers many tradable markets, including Forex,Metals, Futures, Commodities, Shares, and Indices. All these markets areoffered with low spreads, making the trading costs quite reasonable

Traders can access all these markets throughthe MT4 trading platform, MT4 WebTrader and mobile apps. These platforms areintuitive and provide traders with all the necessary tools to execute theirtrades. Let's look at all the trading markets available on the T4Tradeplatform:

Forex market

Forex is the most popular trading market amongtraders. The T4Trade platform offers 80+ currency pairs to trade with tightspreads and no hidden fees. Some major currency pairs like the EUR/USD,GBP/USD, and USD/JPY are offered with spreads as low as 1.2 pips.

Besides major pairs, the broker also offers awide range of exotic and minor currency pairs that are generally unavailable onother platforms. Moreover, with leverage of 1:1000, traders can use theircapital more efficiently and take larger positions.

As forex traders can choose both fixed andvariable spreads, they can select whichever is more suitable for their tradingstrategy. Using MT4, traders can quickly develop their own automated tradingstrategies with the help of EAs (Expert Advisors).

Moreover, for traders who find it challengingto place manual trades all time, the platform offers one-click trading thatsimplifies the whole process.


T4Trade also offers precious metals like Goldand Silver, which can be traded on the platform with low spreads Trading thesemetals is quite popular among traders, especially in times of economicuncertainty or market volatility.

The platform also offers other metals likepalladium and platinum. Traders can use flexible leverage for trading thesemetals.

Metal trading is an excellent option fortraders looking to diversify their portfolios and spread the risk. Traders canenjoy more liquidity and higher trading volumes while trading these metals onthe T4Trade platform.

As the overall supply and demand of thesemetals are pretty predictable, traders can use specific strategies to takeadvantage of market movements.


CFDs on futures are another popular tradinginstrument on the T4Trade platform. Traders can access some of the most liquidfutures markets like the , Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones 30, and more.

The platform offers these futures with lowspreads and no commissions. Flexible Leverage is also available, enablingtraders to use their capital more efficiently. In addition, the MT4 platformprovides traders with comprehensive trading tools and features to create theirtrading strategies.

The T4Trade platform also offers a detailedcharting package, helping traders to make better trading decisions. With a deepliquidity pool in futures trading, traders can take large positions withoutworrying about slippage.


The T4Trade platform offers a wide range of commodityCFDs to trade, including crude oil. These commodities can be traded with flexibleleverage and low spreads.

As the prices of these commodities can beaffected by factors like supply and demand, political unrest, etc., traders cantake advantage of this volatility and make profits while trading thesecommodities.

CFDs on commodities enable traders to takepart in the commodities markets without actually owning the asset. The T4Tradeplatform gives traders access to global commodity markets with leverage,allowing them to take advantage of price movements.


The T4Trade platform also offers sharestrading with flexible leverage Traders can trade in the stock market and accesssome of the most popular company shares, including Apple, Amazon, Facebook andmore.

The platform also provides comprehensive toolsfor stock trading. Traders can view the fundamental data and analyse the sharesusing technical indicators. With the help of these tools, traders can selecttheir desired stocks and create suitable trading strategies.

With the help of the T4Trade platform, thesetraders can make informed decisions when trading stocks.


T4Trade also provides CFD trading on indices.Traders can access global spot indices such as the Aussie 200 or the GermanDax, and more. In addition, the platform offers these indices with flexibleleverage and low spreads.

Indices trading comes with a higherflexibility of short and long positions. With the help of sophisticated tradingtools, traders can make informed decisions while trading indices on the T4Tradeplatform.

Leverage information

The maximum leverage offered on the T4Tradeplatform is 1:1000. This leverage level allows traders to make bigger tradeswith smaller capital.

The leverage level can be adjusted accordingto the traders' individual needs, allowing them to take control of theirtrading strategies. For example, if a forex trader has $250 in their account,they can take a position worth up to $250,000 with the help of leverage.

Compared to other brokers, the leverageoffered by T4Trade is relatively high. Leverage in trading is a double-edged sword. It enablestraders to potentially magnify their profits if the market moves in theirfavour, but losses as well, if the market moves against them.

Negative Balance Protection(NBP):

NBP helps protect traders from suffering largelosses in case of sudden market movements. It is a mechanism that prevents theaccount balance from going into negative territory and ensures that tradersdon't end up owing money to the broker.

The NBP offered by T4Trade is quite reliable,ensuring that traders' funds are safe from unexpected market fluctuations.Moreover, traders can be sure that their funds are safe when trading on theT4Trade platform.

Available trading platform

T4trade Broker Review: Are They Worthy? (2)

T4Trade offers a powerful MT4 tradingplatform. This platform is known for its user-friendly interface andcomprehensive features. It allows traders to access the markets with ease andexecute trades quickly.

The MT4 platform is available in differentversions, such as the desktop version and the mobile app. Traders can also usethe platform's web version to access the markets from any computer with aninternet connection. Let's look at some of the core features of MT4 helpingtraders manage their trading activities.

Extensive range of instruments

T4Trade offers a wide range of tradableinstruments, including forex, metals, commodities, indices, shares, andfutures. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and manage riskbetter.

The platform also provides sophisticated toolsfor each instrument, allowing traders to analyse the markets and make informeddecisions when trading. With 300+ trading instruments available, T4Trade is oneof the best platforms for traders who want to diversify their portfolios.

Push notifications

T4Trade's mobile app also provides push notifications thatinform traders of any relevant news or market updates. This helps them stayinformed and make timely decisions when trading.

The app also provides market sentiment data,which helps traders better understand the markets and take advantage of marketvolatility. In addition, with real-time notifications, traders don't have toworry about missing important news or market updates.

Customised interface

The MT4 platform also provides a customisableuser interface, allowing traders to customise the trading environment accordingto their individual needs. This ensures that all traders have the same tradingexperience.

Moreover, the platform also offers advancedcharting tools that allow traders to easily perform technical analysis. Traderscan also modify their trading strategies according to market conditions inreal-time.

Advanced trading orders

T4Trade also offers a range of advancedtrading orders, such as limit orders, stop losses and take profits. Theseorders allow traders to control their risk better and also take advantage ofmarket volatility.

Trading orders are also beneficial for traderswho are looking to diversify their portfolios. With the help of these orders,they can also manage their trading activities better and maximise theirprofits.

Wide range of technicalindicators

Technical indicators are those tools that help tradersanalyse and interpret market data. T4Trade's MT4 platform offers various technicalindicators, including oscillators, trend lines, moving averages, and more.

These indicators provide traders with insightsinto the markets and help them identify profitable trading opportunities. Withthe help of these indicators, traders can make informed decisions when trading.

One-click trading

The T4Trade MT4 platform also providesone-click trading, which is ideal for traders who want to save time and tradequickly. This feature allows traders to execute orders with just one clickwithout having to enter all the parameters individually.

In addition to one-click trading, the platformoffers other features, such as hedging and scalping, which can maximiseprofits.

Overall, T4Trade is a reliable and trustworthybroker, providing traders access to the financial markets. The platform offersan extensive range of tradable instruments, advanced trading orders, andtechnical indicators.

Trading accounts available

T4trade Broker Review: Are They Worthy? (3)

T4Trade offers four trading accounts — Standard, Premium,Privilege and Cent.


The Standard account requires a minimumdeposit of $50 and offers an average spread of 2.1 pips, flexible leverage upto 1:1000, and base currency in USD, EUR, and GBP. The minimum lot size is0.01, and this account is ideal for traders who are just starting.


The Premium account requires a minimum depositof $50 and offers an average spread of 1.7 pips, flexible leverage up to1:1000, and base currency in USD, EUR, and GBP. The minimum lot size is thesame as the Standard account, 0.01.


It offers all the features of Standard andPremium accounts, and the main difference is in the spreads. The Privilegeaccount offers a spread of 1.2 pips, which is lower than the Standard andPremium accounts.

How to open a trading account atT4Trade

Follow the below steps to open a tradingaccount quickly:

  • Visit the website and click on"Sign Up."
  • Enter your email address, andyou'll receive a verification email for further processing.
  • Click the link in the email toconfirm your email.

Once the account is active, starttrading with virtual funds or real money.

Educational resources

T4Trade also provides a wide range ofeducational resources for all kinds of traders, from beginners to advanced.They offer webinars, podcasts, and various video-on-demand services to helptraders better understand the financial markets and improve their tradingskills.

Customer support

The customer support team at T4Trade isavailable 24/5, offering multilingual support. They provide traders withassistance when it comes to trading accounts, deposits, withdrawals, and more.Their customer team is knowledgeable and friendly and always willing to helptraders with any issues they may have.

T4Trade broker in a nutshell

T4Trade is a regulated broker operating underthe Seychelles Financial Services Authority and offering a wide range oftrading instruments, including forex, futures, commodities, shares, andindices. The platform provides traders with an intuitive experience andadvanced features, such as one-click trading and a range of technicalindicators. T4Trade also offers educational materials, multilingual customersupport, and four types of trading accounts.

Overall, T4Trade is a reliable broker thatprovides traders with an enjoyable experience. Whether you're a forex trader orother financial instrument trader, this broker can offer you the necessarytools to make informed decisions and succeed in your trading activities.


What is the minimum deposit?

The minimum deposit is $50.

Is this broker regulated?

Yes, it is regulated by the SeychellesFinancial Services Authority.

How do I open an account withthis broker?

You can open an account by filling out theonline registration form on the broker's website.

Does it offer a demo account?

Yes, T4Trade offers a demo account withvirtual cash.

Does the broker support MT4 andMT5?

T4Trade provides the MT4 platform and MT4WebTrader.

What is the maximum leverageoffered by them?

The maximum leverage offered is 1:1000.

What are the deposit methods atT4Trade?

The deposit methods at T4Trade include wiretransfers, credit/debit cards, and wallets.

What are the withdrawal methodsavailable with this broker?

The withdrawal methods are similar to thedeposit methods, including wire transfers, credit/debit cards, and wallets.

What account types do they offer?

It offers four account types: Standard,Premium, Privilege and Cent.

How to contact their customersupport?

You can contact customer support by email.

Do they offer educationalcontent?

Yes, it offers educational content such asblogs, webinars, podcasts and videos on demand.

What are the spreads at thisbroker?

The spreads start from 1.2 pips.

How can I change my password?

You can change your password by logging intoyour account and going to the "Profile" section. Then, click the Change Password button.

What is the minimum trade size?

The minimum trade size is 0.01 lots.

Can US residents open accounts atT4Trade?

No, US residents cannot open accounts at thisbroker.

Full Breakdown

Full Breakdown

Minimum Deposit




Currency Pairs

Contract Sizes



Additional Filters

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T4trade Broker Review: Are They Worthy? (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.