T4.1 Chapter Outline Chapter 4 Long-Term Financial Planning and Growth Chapter Organization 4.1What is Financial Planning? 4.2Financial Planning Models: - ppt download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "T4.1 Chapter Outline Chapter 4 Long-Term Financial Planning and Growth Chapter Organization 4.1What is Financial Planning? 4.2Financial Planning Models:"— Presentation transcript:

1 T4.1 Chapter Outline Chapter 4 Long-Term Financial Planning and Growth Chapter Organization 4.1What is Financial Planning? 4.2Financial Planning Models: A First Look 4.3The Percentage of Sales Approach 4.4External Financing and Growth 4.5Some Caveats Regarding Financial Planning Models 4.6Summary and Conclusions Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 CLICK MOUSE OR HIT SPACEBAR TO ADVANCE

2 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.2 Financial Planning Model Ingredients Sales Forecast  Drives the model Pro Forma Statements  The output summarizing different projections Asset Requirements  Investment needed to support sales growth Financial Requirements  Debt and dividend policies The “Plug”  Designated source(s) of external financing Economic Assumptions  State of the economy, interest rates, inflation

3 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.3 Example: A Simple Financial Planning Model Recent Financial Statements Income statement Balance sheet Sales$100Assets$50Debt$20 Costs90Equity30 Net Income$ 10Total$50Total$50 Assume that:  1.sales are projected to rise by 25%  2.the debt/equity ratio stays at 2/3  3.costs and assets grow at the same rate as sales

4 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.3 Example: A Simple Financial Planning Model (concluded) Pro Forma Financial Statements Income statement Balance sheet Sales$______Assets$______Debt______ Costs____________Equity______ Net $ ______Total$______Total$______

5 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Income Statement (projected growth = 30%) Original Pro forma Sales$2000$_____(+30%) Costs17002210(= 85% of sales) EBT300_____ Taxes (34%)102132.6 Net income198257.4 Dividends6685.8(= 1/3 of net) Add. to ret. Earnings________(= 2/3 of net) T4.4 The Percentage of Sales Approach

6 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.4 The Percentage of Sales Approach (concluded) Preliminary Balance Sheet Orig.% of salesOrig.% of sales Cash$100___%A/P$60___% A/R1206%N/P140 n/a Inv1407% Total200 n/a Total$360__%LTD$200n/a NFA64032%C/S10n/a R/E590n/a $600n/a Total$100050%Total$1000n/a

7 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 The Percentage of Sales Approach, Continued Proj. (+/-) Proj. (+/-) Cash$____$____A/P$____$____ A/R________N/P________ Inv18242 Total$____$____ Total$____$108LTD200 NFA832192C/S10 R/E761.6____ $771.6$____ Total$____$____Total$1189.6$____ Financing needs are $300, but internally generated sources are only $189.60. The difference is external financing needed: EFN = $300 - 189.60 = $________ T4.5 Pro Forma Statements

8 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.5 Pro Forma Statements (concluded) One possible financing strategy:  1.Borrow short-term first  2.If needed, borrow long-term next  3.Sell equity as a last resort Constraints:  1.Current ratio must not fall below 2.0.  2.Total debt ratio must not rise above 0.40.

9 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.6 The Percentage of Sales Approach: General Formulas Given a sales forecast and an estimated profit margin, what addition to retained earnings can be expected? Let: S = previous period’s sales g = projected increase in sales PM = profit margin b = earnings retention (“plowback”) ratio The expected addition to retained earnings is: S(1 + g) PM b This represents the level of internal financing the firm is expected to generate over the coming period.

10 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.6 The Percentage of Sales Approach: General Formulas (concluded) What level of asset investment is needed to support a given level of sales growth? For simplicity, assume we are at full capacity. Then the indicated increase in assets required equals A g where A = ending total assets from the previous period. If the required increase in assets exceeds the internal funding available (i.e., the increase in retained earnings), then the difference is the External Financing Needed (EFN).

11 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.7 The Percentage of Sales Approach: A Financing Plan Given the following information, determine maximum allowable borrowing for the firm:  1. $468/CL = 2.0 implies maximum CL = $____ Maximum short-term borrowing = $234 - $____ = $____  2..40 $1300 = $____ = maximum debt $520 - ____ = $____ = maximum long-term debt Maximum long-term borrowing = $286 - ____ = $____  3. Total new borrowings = $16 + 86 = $____ Shortage = $____ - 102 = $____ A possible plan: New short-term debt = $8.0 New long-term debt = 43.0 New equity = 59.4 $110.4

12 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Completed Pro Forma Balance Sheet Proj. (+/-) Proj. (+/-) Cash$130$ 30A/P$ 78$ 18 A/R15636N/P1488 Inv18242 Total$226$ 26 Total$468$108LTD24343 NFA832192C/S69.459.4 R/E761.6171.6 $831$231 Total$1300$300Total$1300$300 T4.7 The Percentage of Sales Approach: A Financing Plan (concluded)

13 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.8 The Percentage of Sales Approach: What About Capacity? So far, 100% capacity has been assumed. Suppose that, instead, current capacity use is 80%. 1.At 80% capacity:  $2000 =.80 full capacity sales  $2000/.80 = $_______ = full capacity sales 2.At full capacity, fixed assets to sales will be:  $640/$_______ = 25.60% 3.So, NFA will need to be just:  25.60% $2600 = $_______, not $832  $832 - $665.60 = $_______ less than originally projected 4.In this case, original EFN is substantially overstated:  New EFN = $110.40 - $166.40 = -$_______. So, the impact of different capacity assumptions is ?

14 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Key issue:  What is the relationship between sales growth and financing needs? Recent Financial Statements Income statement Balance sheet Sales$100Assets$50Debt$20 Costs90Equity30 Net$ 10Total$50Total$50 T4.9 Growth and External Financing

15 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Assume that:  1.costs and assets grow at the same rate as sales  2.60% of net income is paid out in dividends  3.no external financing is available (debt or equity) Q.What is the maximum growth rate achievable? A.The maximum growth rate is given by ROA b Internal growth rate (IGR) = 1 - (ROA b)  ROA = $10/___ = ___%  b = 1 -.___ =.___  IGR = (20%.40)/[1 - (20%.40)] =.08/.92 = 8.7% (= 8.695656…%) T4.9 Growth and External Financing (concluded)

16 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.10 Growth and Financing Needed for the Hoffman Company (Figure 4.1) Assets needs and retained earnings ($) Projected growth in sales (%) 5 Increase in assets required EFN>0 (deficit) EFN<0 (surplus) Projected addition to retained earnings 10 15 20 25 44 50 100 75 125

17 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.11 The Internal Growth Rate Assume sales do grow at 8.7 percent. How are the financial statements affected? Pro Forma Financial Statements Income statement Balance sheet Sales$108.70Assets$54.35Debt$20.00 Costs97.83Equity_____ Net$10.87Total$54.35Total$_____ Dividends$6.52 Add to R/E_____

18 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Now assume:  1.no external equity financing is available  2.the current debt/equity ratio is optimal Q.What is the maximum growth rate achievable now? A.The maximum growth rate is given by ROE b Sustainable growth rate (SGR) = 1 - (ROE b)  ROE = $___ /___ = 1/3(= 33.333…%)  b= 1.00 -.60 =.40  SGR = (1/3.40)/[1 - (1/3.40)] = 15.385% (=15.38462…%) T4.11 Internal Growth Rate (concluded)

19 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 Assume sales do grow at 15.385 percent: Pro Forma Financial Statements Income statement Balance sheet Sales$115.38Assets$57.69Debt$_____ Costs103.85Equity_____ Net$11.53Total$57.69Total$_____ Dividends$6.92EFN$_____ Add to R/E_____ If we borrow the $3.08, the debt/equity ratio will be: $ _____/ _____=_____ T4.12 The Sustainable Growth Rate

20 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.12 The Sustainable Growth Rate (concluded) The rate of sustainable growth depends on four factors:  1.Profitability (profit margin)  2.Dividend Policy (dividend payout)  3.Financial policy (debt-equity ratio)  4.___________________________

21 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.13 Summary of Internal and Sustainable Growth Rates I. Internal Growth Rate IGR = (ROA  b)/[1 - (ROA  b)] where:ROA = return on assets = Net income/assets b = earnings retention or “plowback” ratio The IGR is the maximum growth rate that can be achieved with no external financing of any kind. II. Sustainable Growth Rate SGR = (ROE  b)/[1 - (ROE  b)] where: ROE = return on equity = Net income/equity b = earnings retention or “plowback” ratio The SGR is the maximum growth rate that can be achieved with no external equity financing while maintaining a constant debt/equity ratio.

22 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.14 Questions the Financial Planner Should Consider Mark Twain once said “forecasting is very difficult, particularly if it concerns the future”. The process of financial planning involves the use of mathematical models which provide the illusion of great accuracy. In assessing a financial forecast, the planner should ask the following questions:  Are the results generated by the model reasonable?  Have I considered all possible outcomes?  How reasonable were the economic assumptions which were used to generate the forecast?  Which assumptions have the greatest impact on the outcome?  Which variables are of the greatest importance in determining the outcome?  Have I forgotten anything important? The final question may be the most crucial. It is worthwhile to remember that, if you think your forecasting model is too good to be true, you’re undoubtedly right.

23 Irwin/McGraw-Hill © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 T4.15 Chapter 4 Quick Quiz 1. How does one compute the external financing needed (EFN)? Why is this information important to a financial planner? 2. What is the internal growth rate (IGR)? 3. What is the sustainable growth rate (SGR)? 4. What kinds of questions might one ask in evaluating a financial plan?

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T4.1 Chapter Outline Chapter 4 Long-Term Financial Planning and Growth Chapter Organization 4.1What is Financial Planning? 4.2Financial Planning Models: -  ppt download (2024)


What is financial planning in your own words? ›

Financial planning involves a thorough evaluation of one's money situation (income, spending, debt, and saving) and expectations for the future. It can be created independently or with the help of a certified financial planner.

What is the overall objective of financial planning? ›

A financial plan can include strategies for managing debt, saving for retirement, investing in stocks or real estate, protecting assets through insurance, and managing taxes. The ultimate goal is to help individuals or organizations achieve their financial objectives while managing risk and maximizing returns.

What is personal financial planning pdf? ›

Page 2. Definition of PFP. Personal Financial Planning (PFP) is the continuous and integrative process of managing financial affairs (assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses) in a personal situation, developing strategies and taking actions to achieve life goals.

What are the characteristics of good financial planning? ›

8 Keys to Good Financial Plans
  • Setting financial goals. ...
  • Net worth statement. ...
  • Budget and cash flow planning. ...
  • Debt management plan. ...
  • Retirement plan. ...
  • Emergency funds. ...
  • Insurance coverage. ...
  • Estate plan.

How to do financial planning for beginners? ›

Financial Planning for Beginners - Top 10 Golden Rules
  1. Manage Your Money. ...
  2. Regulate Your Expenses Wisely. ...
  3. Maintain A Personal Balance Sheet. ...
  4. Dealing With Surplus Cash Judiciously. ...
  5. Create Your Personal Investment Portfolio. ...
  6. Planning For Retirement. ...
  7. Manage Your Debt Wisely. ...
  8. Get Your Risks Covered.
Nov 7, 2023

What are the four 4 objectives of financial planning? ›

Determining your future needs in terms of investment, resources, funds. Determining the sources of funds. Managing or utilizing these funds efficiently. Identifying risks and issues in the plan.

What is a major function of personal financial planning? ›

A major purpose of personal financial planning is future economic security.

Why do we need financial planning? ›

Financial planning can help you deal with the continuous effects of inflation. Inflation is the rise in the prices of goods, services, and amenities in various sectors. A financial plan accounts for inflation and introduces you to methods of saving, investing, and growing your money to beat inflation.

How to make a successful personal finance plan? ›

Your goals should be SMART, that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. You should also develop short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. Developing each of these types of goals will allow you to achieve successes early in the plan while also keeping your eye toward the future.

How do you manage personal financial planning? ›

Here are some ways to manage your money wisely:
  1. Create a budget: Making a budget is the first and the most important step of money management. ...
  2. Save first, spend later: ...
  3. Set financial goals: ...
  4. Start investing early: ...
  5. Avoid debt: ...
  6. Save Early: ...
  7. Ensure protection against emergencies:

What are the core principles of personal financial planning? ›

The key principles of financial planning include setting specific and measurable goals, creating a budget and sticking to it, investing wisely, managing debt, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan.

How to succeed in wealth management? ›

Skills for wealth managers

Being good with people can help you build a network and meet HNWIs and UHNWIs. Sales skills: Sales skills help you introduce yourself as an expert who can offer help. Confidence, resilience and active listening can be crucial to becoming a wealth manager.

How to stand out as a financial advisor? ›

Successful financial advisors have a large book of client business and a track record of performance and service. Getting clients and having them stick with you—and recommend you—means being professional and putting your clients first.

What is financial planning and its importance? ›

Financial planning is the process of defining different financial goals, quantifying these goals factoring in inflation and having an investment plan to meet these goals. Financial planning also prepares you for unexpected risks e.g. untimely death, serious illnesses, sudden loss of employment etc.

What is financial planning and why is it necessary? ›

Financial planning involves defining your goals, understanding your financial picture, and taking steps to advance those goals. Financial planning professionals can help you with a variety of needs, including budgeting, investment management, and retirement planning.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.