SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) Price Prediction for 2024 - 2025 - 2040 - 2050 (2024)

We use statistical methods to predict the price of SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) in the following years from 2024 to 2050.

Quick SundaeSwap Price Prediction 2024 - 2040 - 2050

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2024

According to our SundaeSwap forecast 2024, the coin could reach a peak of $0.1445, with a potential low of approximately $0.003485 in 2024.

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2030

Considering historical trends and the 2030, SUNDAE price projection, the token is expected to fluctuate between $0.0003728 and $0.6947, which means SundaeSwap will potentially increase to the highest point of $0.6947 and lowest point of $0.0003728.

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2040

In the year 2040, our prediction suggests that the SUNDAE cryptocurrency will achieve a peak price of $0.9039, with a potential minimum price of approximately $0.1408. This means the coin will be traded between $0.1408 and $0.9039.

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2050

According to our technical analysis of SundaeSwap prices for 2050, the projected minimum and maximum prices are approximately $0.9207 and $2.16, respectively. The anticipated average trading cost stands at about $0.9206.

Table of Contents

SundaeSwap Price Prediction Overview

SundaeSwap’s price at the same time last week was $0.008915. It has moved by +17.24% in the past week and is currently at $0.009267. In fact, in the past 24 hours, SUNDAE has dumped by -3.80%.The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and SUNDAE could hit $0.03428 in 2025.

The total circulating supply of SundaeSwap at the time of writing is 2.00B and the market cap of SUNDAE remains at $0.

SundaeSwap has had an eventful 2023. To simplify the latest SUNDAE price prediction, we have divided the prediction by short term SundaeSwap price prediction and long term SundaeSwap price prediction. Today, the trading volume of SundaeSwap has gone up by +8.15% in the past 30 days.




Market Cap:


24h Volume:




Change From ATH:


Change 1 Month:


Change 6 Month:


SundaeSwap Short-term Price Prediction

This prediction utilizes our AI technology to estimate SundaeSwap price in the next few days. It takes SUNDAE’s past hour price and the current market trend into consideration. The exact price may vary. Below is the chart of SundaeSwap short-term price prediction.

SundaeSwap Long-term Price Prediction

Below is a summary of SUNDAE long-term price prediction from 2024 to 2050 with SundaeSwap price predicted to reach the highest point of $0.1445 in 2024 and $0.9039 in 2040. In the following years SUNDAE price prediction is made feasible by examining past price behavior, current events, and public opinion.

YearAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2024

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2024, we anticipate a trading range of $0.003485 and $0.1445. Our 2024 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.1250 in 2024. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2024.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2024$0.009077$0.008159$0.01299+7.27%
February, 2024$0.01337$0.008096$0.01423+57.97%
March, 2024$0.01239$0.01007$0.03492+46.37%
April, 2024$0.009084$0.007652$0.01313+7.35%
May, 2024$0.05286$0.003485$0.1028+524.69%
June, 2024$0.1230$0.07054$0.1221+1,354.00%
July, 2024$0.1370$0.1241$0.1352+1,518.67%
August, 2024$0.1393$0.1369$0.1445+1,545.90%
September, 2024$0.1397$0.1364$0.1392+1,550.86%
October, 2024$0.1289$0.1310$0.1381+1,423.28%
November, 2024$0.1255$0.1269$0.1287+1,383.44%
December, 2024$0.1250$0.1231$0.1248+1,377.28%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2025

According to SundaeSwap price prediction 2025, our prediction suggests that SundaeSwap price will fluctuate within a range of $0.03477 (minimum) to $0.1232 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of SUNDAE is expected to be around $0.03428 in 2025. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2025.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2025$0.1188$0.1192$0.1232+1,303.38%
February, 2025$0.1078$0.1099$0.1174+1,173.66%
March, 2025$0.09422$0.09389$0.1046+1,013.49%
April, 2025$0.08861$0.09054$0.09243+947.17%
May, 2025$0.08165$0.08130$0.08756+864.95%
June, 2025$0.07542$0.07574$0.08045+791.28%
July, 2025$0.07181$0.07263$0.07472+748.59%
August, 2025$0.05841$0.05887$0.07110+590.26%
September, 2025$0.05712$0.05637$0.05786+574.98%
October, 2025$0.05043$0.05049$0.05648+495.98%
November, 2025$0.04214$0.04306$0.04955+397.97%
December, 2025$0.03428$0.03477$0.04013+305.08%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2026

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2026, we anticipate a trading range of $0.00006525 and $0.3210. Our 2026 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.2798 in 2026. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2026.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2026$0.02267$0.02374$0.03275+167.96%
February, 2026$0.01775$0.01816$0.02185+109.73%
March, 2026$0.007842$0.007935$0.01671-7.32%
April, 2026$0.0006902$0.00006525$0.02025-91.84%
May, 2026$0.006853$0.0005480$0.007455-19.02%
June, 2026$0.2152$0.007124$0.1895+2,443.37%
July, 2026$0.3152$0.2199$0.3038+3,625.18%
August, 2026$0.3184$0.3086$0.3193+3,662.54%
September, 2026$0.3220$0.3165$0.3210+3,705.46%
October, 2026$0.3019$0.3039$0.3166+3,468.10%
November, 2026$0.2903$0.2904$0.3039+3,331.05%
December, 2026$0.2798$0.2791$0.2850+3,206.23%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2027

According to SundaeSwap price prediction 2027, our prediction suggests that SundaeSwap price will fluctuate within a range of $0.09934 (minimum) to $0.2777 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of SUNDAE is expected to be around $0.09904 in 2027. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2027.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2027$0.2680$0.2675$0.2777+3,067.32%
February, 2027$0.2553$0.2560$0.2659+2,916.52%
March, 2027$0.2394$0.2399$0.2534+2,729.54%
April, 2027$0.2181$0.2184$0.2367+2,477.30%
May, 2027$0.2003$0.2016$0.2152+2,267.15%
June, 2027$0.1844$0.1866$0.1984+2,078.69%
July, 2027$0.1721$0.1730$0.1811+1,934.30%
August, 2027$0.1612$0.1610$0.1694+1,805.28%
September, 2027$0.1410$0.1430$0.1599+1,566.38%
October, 2027$0.1257$0.1261$0.1387+1,385.82%
November, 2027$0.1152$0.1155$0.1247+1,261.66%
December, 2027$0.09904$0.09934$0.1139+1,070.35%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2028

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2028, we anticipate a trading range of $0.0003161 and $0.5070. Our 2028 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.4565 in 2028. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2028.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2028$0.08171$0.08203$0.09747+865.57%
February, 2028$0.05969$0.06396$0.07999+605.35%
March, 2028$0.04777$0.04816$0.05938+464.51%
April, 2028$0.03208$0.03330$0.04513+279.13%
May, 2028$0.01110$0.01185$0.02960+31.23%
June, 2028$0.0001353$0.0003161$0.009805-98.40%
July, 2028$0.01473$0.0005147$0.01531+74.01%
August, 2028$0.4682$0.01513$0.4607+5,432.59%
September, 2028$0.4966$0.4826$0.5070+5,768.99%
October, 2028$0.4997$0.4931$0.4985+5,805.45%
November, 2028$0.4781$0.4779$0.4975+5,550.29%
December, 2028$0.4565$0.4579$0.4713+5,294.84%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2029

According to SundaeSwap price prediction 2029, our prediction suggests that SundaeSwap price will fluctuate within a range of $0.1835 (minimum) to $0.4536 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of SUNDAE is expected to be around $0.1832 in 2029. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2029.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2029$0.4340$0.4340$0.4536+5,028.22%
February, 2029$0.4155$0.4156$0.4319+4,809.94%
March, 2029$0.3954$0.3958$0.4123+4,573.16%
April, 2029$0.3748$0.3750$0.3936+4,328.65%
May, 2029$0.3450$0.3467$0.3720+3,977.31%
June, 2029$0.3182$0.3198$0.3424+3,659.89%
July, 2029$0.2945$0.2953$0.3164+3,379.74%
August, 2029$0.2709$0.2723$0.2927+3,101.82%
September, 2029$0.2490$0.2494$0.2684+2,842.11%
October, 2029$0.2275$0.2281$0.2477+2,587.99%
November, 2029$0.2024$0.2025$0.2246+2,292.28%
December, 2029$0.1832$0.1835$0.1983+2,064.61%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2030

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2030, we anticipate a trading range of $0.0003728 and $0.6947. Our 2030 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.6511 in 2030. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2030.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2030$0.1576$0.1580$0.1812+1,762.76%
February, 2030$0.1354$0.1362$0.1560+1,500.56%
March, 2030$0.1114$0.1119$0.1334+1,216.79%
April, 2030$0.08423$0.08458$0.1081+895.42%
May, 2030$0.06080$0.06150$0.08075+618.49%
June, 2030$0.03026$0.03376$0.05876+257.57%
July, 2030$0.01119$0.01178$0.02653+32.19%
August, 2030$0.01235$0.0003728$0.01306+46.00%
September, 2030$0.6520$0.01358$0.6356+7,604.67%
October, 2030$0.6979$0.6672$0.6900+8,147.21%
November, 2030$0.6756$0.6776$0.6947+7,884.31%
December, 2030$0.6511$0.6564$0.6764+7,594.25%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2035

According to SundaeSwap price prediction 2035, our prediction suggests that SundaeSwap price will fluctuate within a range of $0.5562 (minimum) to $1.07 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of SUNDAE is expected to be around $0.5556 in 2035. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2035.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2035$1.04$1.05$1.07+12,243.67%
February, 2035$1.03$1.03$1.04+12,060.63%
March, 2035$0.9813$0.9854$1.03+11,496.51%
April, 2035$0.9395$0.9409$0.9762+11,002.74%
May, 2035$0.8895$0.8899$0.9350+10,412.05%
June, 2035$0.8453$0.8453$0.8862+9,888.96%
July, 2035$0.8032$0.8034$0.8407+9,391.84%
August, 2035$0.7539$0.7543$0.7997+8,809.46%
September, 2035$0.7007$0.7020$0.7466+8,179.87%
October, 2035$0.6519$0.6528$0.6916+7,603.89%
November, 2035$0.6054$0.6055$0.6476+7,054.59%
December, 2035$0.5556$0.5562$0.6015+6,465.65%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2040

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2040, we anticipate a trading range of $0.1408 and $0.9039. Our 2040 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.1396 in 2040. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2040.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2040$0.8455$0.8475$0.9039+9,892.17%
February, 2040$0.7851$0.7859$0.8400+9,177.66%
March, 2040$0.7208$0.7212$0.7807+8,417.50%
April, 2040$0.6618$0.6630$0.7164+7,720.86%
May, 2040$0.5916$0.5935$0.6553+6,890.81%
June, 2040$0.5337$0.5339$0.5865+6,206.44%
July, 2040$0.4676$0.4683$0.5284+5,425.92%
August, 2040$0.4039$0.4044$0.4631+4,673.01%
September, 2040$0.3396$0.3404$0.3990+3,912.69%
October, 2040$0.2675$0.2688$0.3349+3,061.63%
November, 2040$0.2065$0.2070$0.2620+2,339.96%
December, 2040$0.1396$0.1408$0.2017+1,550.03%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2045

According to SundaeSwap price prediction 2045, our prediction suggests that SundaeSwap price will fluctuate within a range of $0.0007743 (minimum) to $2.03 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of SUNDAE is expected to be around $1.61 in 2045. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2045.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2045$0.3066$0.3069$0.3828+3,523.24%
February, 2045$0.2336$0.2343$0.2993+2,659.99%
March, 2045$0.1455$0.1459$0.2281+1,619.35%
April, 2045$0.06497$0.06593$0.1364+667.75%
May, 2045$0.01183$0.0007743$0.05888+39.86%
June, 2045$2.03$0.01597$2.02+23,842.44%
July, 2045$2.02$2.02$2.03+23,721.30%
August, 2045$1.94$1.95$2.01+22,880.05%
September, 2045$1.87$1.87$1.94+21,960.65%
October, 2045$1.78$1.78$1.85+20,950.30%
November, 2045$1.69$1.69$1.77+19,881.66%
December, 2045$1.61$1.61$1.68+18,895.18%

SundaeSwap Price Prediction for 2050

In our SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) price projection for 2050, we anticipate a trading range of $0.9207 and $2.16. Our 2050 SUNDAE price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding SundaeSwap's potential performance in that year. To sum up, SundaeSwap price is expected to close at $0.9206 in 2050. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2050.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2050$2.07$2.07$2.16+24,321.19%
February, 2050$1.97$1.97$2.06+23,188.78%
March, 2050$1.86$1.86$1.96+21,913.84%
April, 2050$1.77$1.77$1.86+20,759.61%
May, 2050$1.66$1.66$1.76+19,568.48%
June, 2050$1.55$1.56$1.66+18,270.50%
July, 2050$1.44$1.44$1.55+16,932.32%
August, 2050$1.34$1.34$1.43+15,716.56%
September, 2050$1.23$1.24$1.33+14,492.00%
October, 2050$1.13$1.13$1.23+13,227.98%
November, 2050$1.03$1.03$1.12+12,021.80%
December, 2050$0.9206$0.9207$1.02+10,779.46%

SundaeSwap Latest News This Week

SundaeSwap FAQ

Should you buy SundaeSwap now?

Based on our SundaeSwap price forecast, we anticipate a +1,377.28% increase in SundaeSwap's value in 2024, bringing it up to $0.1250.

Looking further ahead, our long-term projection places SundaeSwap's price at $0.1232 by 2025. As we anticipate a bull market commencing in 2025, our 2026 SundaeSwap price prediction suggests a value of $0.3210. It's crucial to note that long-term predictions come with increased uncertainty. Nevertheless, we speculate that SundaeSwap will increase further in 2024, with our average price estimate for SundaeSwap in 2024 standing at $0.1250.

However, it's important to exercise caution as these are speculative figures. The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and prices can fluctuate rapidly, potentially resulting in losses.

Will SundaeSwap go up?

Yes, despite the challenges encountered by SundaeSwap, its prospects for sustained long-term expansion continue to exhibit resilience.

SundaeSwap's price has undergone notable corrections in the recent past; however, it has more recently exhibited positive price trends, suggesting its viability as a promising long-term investment. Illustratively, in 2024, the SundaeSwap token surged to unprecedented heights, reaching $0.1445.This event underscored the cryptocurrency's potential and its ability to attract substantial investments, further highlighting its appeal as a valuable asset for long-term holding.

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SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) Price Prediction for 2024 - 2025 - 2040 - 2050 (2024)


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SundaeSwap price prediction 2025

The SundaeSwap price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.007912 on the lower end and $ 0.037346 on the high end. Compared to today's price, SundaeSwap could gain 374.65% by 2025 if SUNDAE reaches the upper price target.

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SundaeSwap price prediction 2025

The SundaeSwap price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.007912 on the lower end and $ 0.037346 on the high end. Compared to today's price, SundaeSwap could gain 374.65% by 2025 if SUNDAE reaches the upper price target.

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The live SundaeSwap price today is $0.006759 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $8,507.79 USD.

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The Solidus Ai Tech price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.13854 on the lower end and $ 0.654677 on the high end. Compared to today's price, Solidus Ai Tech could gain 383.66% by 2025 if AI-TECH reaches the upper price target.

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CoinJournal has retained a positive outlook for Solana through the 2030s and into 2040, where they anticipate a potential average price of $1,760 per unit.

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In the year 2040, our prediction suggests that the SUNDAE cryptocurrency will achieve a peak price of $1.35, with a potential minimum price of approximately $0.5606. This means the coin will be traded between $0.5606 and $1.35.

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Cardano (ADA) Price Prediction Table
YearAverage Price*Percent Increase
8 more rows

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SUNDAE Historical Price
24h Range$0.005754 – $0.006191
7d Range$0.005754 – $0.00776
All-Time High$0.224 97.2% Apr 07, 2022 (about 2 years)
All-Time Low$0.005754 7.1% Jun 18, 2024 (about 12 hours)

What is SundaeSwap all-time high? ›

SundaeSwap reached its highest price on Feb 15, 2022 when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 0.85041, while SundaeSwap's lowest price was recorded on Jun 18, 2024 when it was trading at its all-time low of $ 0.005654. The lowest price since it's ATH was $ 0.005654 (cycle low).

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Sundae Tokenomics & Distribution

SUNDAE has a total supply of 2 billion tokens.

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Lastly, by 2030 AITECH's price could reach record highs, with an average of $64.77 and a potential peak up to $78.99.

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APE Coin Price Prediction 2040

Experts at CoinMarketCap believe that by 2040, Ape Coin will rise in price: the maximum price of APE Coin is projected to be around $121.29 (+7,480%). If the market turns bearish, the minimum price level of APE coin could fall down to $115.67 (+7.129%).

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Arweave (AR) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 28.28
2026$ 29.69
2027$ 31.17
2030$ 36.09
1 more row

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SOL price targets in 2025 exceed $300, the most bullish targets are in the $500 to $1,000 area. Realistically, Solana can go as high as $650 in 2025. There is a path for Solana to hit $1,000, late 2025 or in 2026, Solana's chart structure visualizes the path to $1,000.

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Bitcoin Overview
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
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For 2024, forecasts suggest that Solana could experience substantial growth, with predictions indicating a potential to reach highs significantly above its current price but still short of the $500 mark within the year​​​​​​.

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The Decentralized Social price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 18.50 on the lower end and $ 86.94 on the high end. Compared to today's price, Decentralized Social could gain 370.04% by 2025 if DESO reaches the upper price target.

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Cardano (ADA) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 0.385259
2025$ 0.404522
2026$ 0.424748
2027$ 0.445986
1 more row

What is SundaeSwap all time high? ›

SundaeSwap reached its highest price on Feb 15, 2022 when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 0.85041, while SundaeSwap's lowest price was recorded on Jun 18, 2024 when it was trading at its all-time low of $ 0.005654. The lowest price since it's ATH was $ 0.005654 (cycle low).

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According to our Cardano forecast, the price of Cardano will decrease by -4.08% over the next week and reach $ 0.36685 by June 23, 2024.

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Article information

Author: Maia Crooks Jr

Last Updated:

Views: 5702

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.