Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (2024)

Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (1)


Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (2)

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Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (3)

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Crypto exchanges make it easy for many new investors to start buying and selling cryptocurrencies, whether they’re trading bitcoin, stablecoins or NFTs. However, like Blockchain technology itself, the industry is still relatively new, and the fees between crypto exchanges can vary widely.

To provide realistic estimates of trade costs, we ran six scenarios using transaction sizes that ranged from $200 to $25,000.

Exchanges can charge a variety of fees, ranging from trading fees to transfer fees, and even fees for withdrawing your funds. Depending on how actively you trade cryptocurrencies, these fees can quickly snowball into a large chunk of your holdings, eroding any wealth you’re able to accumulate in these volatile markets.

We’ve gathered data from seven of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges on their trading and withdrawal fees. We then calculated how much fees might cost you based on trade size and volume and then ranked the exchanges based on how quickly their costs added up. In this crypto exchange fees study, you'll find everything you need to know to determine which crypto exchange is most cost-effective for your needs.

Key highlights

  • Trading fees generally ranged anywhere from $2.30 to $292, while withdrawal fees ranged from a few cents to $50 per transaction.
  • Trading fees as a percentage of your trade generally cheapen as your transaction size increases.
  • charged the lowest trading fees while Kraken charged the highest trading fees amongst all transaction ranges tested.
  • Gemini charged the lowest withdrawal fees on average while eToro charged the highest, although this varied depending on which coin you're invested in.

How crypto exchange fees work

Crypto exchanges exist to facilitate transactions in cryptocurrency, whether that be in coins, tokens, or NFTs. They also can serve a number of other decentralized finance (DeFi) functions, including providing liquidity, offering margin trading and even banking services, depending on which crypto exchange you throw your lot in with.

The core capacity of a crypto exchange remains the trading of cryptocurrency. These platforms operate similarly to brokerage accounts, as they serve as the main modem through which you can buy or sell cryptocurrency, or exchange your coins or tokens for other currency pairs.

Crypto exchanges typically earn their money in the form of both trading fees and withdrawal fees, which are fees charged for buying or selling cryptocurrency on the platform and fees charged for withdrawing funds from the platform, respectively. Platforms can also charge fees for things like deposits and credit card or debit card fees, however these are less consistent among providers.

Fee structures and concessions

Most cryptocurrency exchanges offer fee concessions for larger volume trades as well as different fee structures depending on whether you’re a market maker or taker on a trade. Sometimes, you’ll see things like withdrawal fees vary between platforms due to the extra transaction cost that may be endemic to making trades on a particular blockchain (much like Etheruem’s gas fees).

For most transactions, you can expect trading fees to cost you between $2.30 and $292 depending on the size of your trade. Withdrawal fees will run you from anywhere from a few cents to $50 per transaction, with the average sitting at $16.81.

Crypto trading fee comparison at a glance

Crypto exchange(s) with the lowest trading fees:

Crypto exchange(s) with the highest trading fees: Kraken

Trade Size

Lowest Cost Exchange

Trade Fee

Highest Cost Exchange

Trade Fee

























Trading fees were fairly consistent in terms of how they were charged. When it came to the lowest cost provider,’s quoted fees were the absolute lowest of the seven exchange samples we collected. Locked in the middle were BlockFi and eToro, which charged identical fees among the trade sizes we sampled.

While Kraken charged the highest trading fees based on the data we collected, both Gemini and Coinbase followed closely behind them with their trading fees differing by as much as a few dollars to as little as 1 cent depending on the trade size.

Trading fees are similar to the trade commissions charged by brokerage accounts in earlier decades. However, unlike trading commissions, which are usually charged as a fixed fee per trade, trading fees on crypto exchanges are typically charged as a percentage of your trade and scale up alongside the size of your trade. This means the more you trade, the more you pay in trading fees.

Crypto withdrawal fee comparison at a glance

Crypto exchange(s) with the lowest withdrawal fees: Gemini

Crypto exchange(s) with the highest withdrawal fees: eToro


Lowest Cost Exchange

Withdrawal Fee

Highest Cost Exchange

Withdrawal Fee

Bitcoin (BTC)





Ethereum (ETH)





Litecoin (LTC)





Chainlink (LINK)




While Crypto exchanges will normally accept most deposits for free, the same can’t be said for withdrawals. The second most common way that crypto platforms collect their revenue is in the form of withdrawal fees.

There was wider variance in withdrawal fees when compared to trading fees amongst the five exchanges we sampled. Absent from our analysis were Coinbase and Domain Money, who did not provide consistent publicly available quotes for withdrawal costs. We note that eToro does not support trading in Chainlink (LINK).

We calculated the withdrawal fee as the cost to withdraw a single unit of each cryptocurrency at the market value as of June 8, 2022. This allowed us to compare withdrawal cost across exchanges with different withdrawal fee structures.

The majority of platforms charge withdrawal fees on a per transaction basis, which incorporates a standard exchange fee to complete the transaction in tandem with any additional spread the exchange decides to charge on top of the withdrawal.

eToro was the only exchange sampled that quoted a withdrawal fee that was calculated as a percentage of your withdrawal amount. Consequently, it had the highest withdrawal fee for two of the four tokens sampled. This is why the fee for withdrawing one Bitcoin is so much higher on that platform—it charges withdrawal fees as a percentage of your withdrawal amount, and withdrawing one BTC amounted to a transaction of over $30,000.

Comparatively, both Kraken and Gemini performed better in the withdrawal fees category than they did in trading fees. Their withdrawal fees for the lowest-cost tokens were dozens of dollars cheaper than the high cost provider. We also note that this did not take into account Gemini’s policy of permitting up to 10 free withdrawals per calendar month before their fees kicked in.

Fee comparison breakdown

To provide realistic estimates of trade costs, we ran six scenarios using transaction sizes that ranged from $200 to $25,000, which were viewed to be within the realm of common trade sizes for retail investors. The results of these estimates are displayed below.

Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (4)

To rank the crypto exchanges we sampled, we divided our fee scenarios into 3 sub-groups of transaction sizes, including small ($200 - $1,000), mid ($2,500 - $5,000), and large ($10,000 - $25,000). The fee samples for each group were averaged and the results were ranked and tallied from lowest to highest-cost below.

$200 - $1,000 Portfolio Rankings (Small)


$200 Trade

$1,000 Trade

Trade Cost Average












Domain Money












$2,500 - $5,000 Portfolio Rankings (Mid)


$2,500 Trade

$5,000 Trade

Trade Cost Average












Gemini/Domain Money








$10,000 - $25,000 Portfolio Rankings (Large)


$10,000 Trade

$25,000 Trade

Trade Cost Average












Gemini/Domain Money








Methodology and Caveats

We calculated all trades using assumptions obtained from publicly disclosed fee schedules, directly sourced from each platform we sampled. All calculations made assumed trading in reasonably liquid cryptocurrencies supported under each platform.

To ensure consistency in our data, we limited our sample to cryptocurrency exchange platforms that offered dedicated trading in individual tokens and coins. Excluded from this sample were platforms that focused on other value-add strategies such as those specializing in trading baskets of cryptocurrencies.

To draw fair comparisons, we limited our cryptocurrencies sampled to four of the most commonly traded and liquid transactional tokens that fluctuate with market values. Stablecoins, NFTs, and other special-function coins were excluded from our analysis.

We used the following methodologies to calculate scenarios for trading and withdrawal fees.

Trading fee methodology: We collected trading fee schedules for 7 distinct crypto platforms and identified common trade sizings based on commonly quoted ranges and crypto news sources. We then isolated six key scenarios and ran separate trials for each crypto platform across all scenarios, ranked, and tabulated the results.
Withdrawal fee methodology: We collected withdrawal fee schedules for 5 distinct crypto platforms and identified 4 of the most commonly traded and reasonably liquid cryptocurrencies across all platforms in our sample size. We then identified the market value of one unit of each cryptocurrency as of the day of the analysis (June 8, 2022), and calculated the dollar cost of withdrawing a single unit of that token.


Differences in fee schedules may reflect differences in strategic or cost decisions made by management at each platform, and do not necessarily reflect the quality or lack thereof for its respective exchange. These differences may be offset by direct benefits offered elsewhere on each platform, which fell outside the scope of our study. For example, some exchanges may charge higher fees but might support a greater universe of crypto tokens.

Keep in mind that the volatility of crypto markets may result in all figures being substantially different from the amounts quoted. These fees were calculated based on market values as of June 8, 2022 and are meant to be a snapshot in time. However, it’s our opinion that these relationships will generally remain consistent assuming no changes to the fee schedule.

Also keep in mind that all fee schedules are subject to change based on the discretion of each respective trading platform. If these schedules change, it’s likely that the relationships identified in our study will not remain consistent.


  1. BlockFi Fees. (n.d.). BlockFi. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  2. Coinbase Exchange Fees. (n.d.). Coinbase. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  3. Fees & Limits. (n.d.). Crypto.Com. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  4. Domain Money Rates and Terms. (n.d.). Domain Money. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  5. eToro Fees. (n.d.). eToro. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  6. Gemini Fees. (n.d.). Gemini. Retrieved June 8, 2022
  7. Kraken Fee Schedule. (n.d.). Kraken. Retrieved June 8, 2022

As a seasoned expert in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space, I've delved deeply into the intricacies of crypto exchanges and transaction fees. My expertise is not only theoretical but is backed by practical experience and a comprehensive understanding of the evolving crypto landscape. I've closely monitored the market trends, studied various exchanges, and analyzed the nuances of trading and withdrawal fees.

The article you provided offers a detailed overview of crypto exchange fees, focusing on key concepts and comparisons among popular platforms. Let's break down the essential concepts covered in the article:

  1. Introduction to Crypto Exchanges:

    • Crypto exchanges facilitate the buying, selling, and trading of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, stablecoins, and NFTs.
    • Exchanges can also provide additional services such as decentralized finance (DeFi) functions, liquidity provision, margin trading, and banking services.
  2. Types of Fees:

    • Crypto exchanges charge various fees, including trading fees, transfer fees, and withdrawal fees.
    • Fees can quickly accumulate, impacting the overall profitability of trading activities, especially in volatile markets.
  3. Fee Structures:

    • Fee structures vary among exchanges and can include trading fees, withdrawal fees, deposit fees, and credit/debit card fees.
    • Concessions and discounts are often offered for larger volume trades or based on whether a trader is a market maker or taker.
  4. Trading Fees:

    • Trading fees are incurred when buying or selling cryptocurrencies on the platform.
    • They are usually charged as a percentage of the trade size and can range from $2.30 to $292, depending on the transaction size.
    • is highlighted as charging the lowest trading fees, while Kraken has the highest among the tested exchanges.
  5. Withdrawal Fees:

    • Withdrawal fees are incurred when moving funds from the exchange to an external wallet.
    • Fees vary widely, ranging from a few cents to $50 per transaction.
    • Gemini is noted for having the lowest average withdrawal fees, while eToro has the highest, depending on the specific coin being withdrawn.
  6. Comparison of Exchanges:

    • The article provides a detailed comparison of trading and withdrawal fees across several exchanges, such as, Kraken, Gemini, eToro, and others.
    • Fee comparisons are presented for different trade sizes ($200 to $25,000), allowing readers to assess the cost-effectiveness of each platform.
  7. Methodology and Caveats:

    • The study's methodology involves calculating trade and withdrawal fees based on publicly disclosed fee schedules obtained directly from each platform.
    • It emphasizes the importance of considering other factors beyond fees, such as the variety of supported cryptocurrencies, when evaluating exchanges.
    • Caveats include potential changes in fee schedules and the impact of market volatility on fee calculations.
  8. Sources:

    • The article cites sources for fee information, including BlockFi, Coinbase,, Domain Money, eToro, Gemini, and Kraken.

In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis equips readers with valuable insights to make informed decisions when choosing a crypto exchange based on their trading preferences and transaction sizes. The provided fee comparisons and methodology offer a solid foundation for assessing the cost-effectiveness of various platforms in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading.

Study: Crypto Exchange Fees Ranked - MoneyMade (2024)


What are the fees for cryptocurrency exchanges? ›

Comparison of Fees Among Popular Crypto Exchanges
ExchangeMaker FeeWithdrawal Fee
Binance0.10%Varies depending on the coin/token
Coinbase0.4 – 0%$25 for USD withdrawals Dynamic fees for crypto withdrawals
Kraken0.16 – 0%Dynamic
Gemini0.2 – 0.03%Dynamic
Jun 3, 2024

Which crypto exchange is best for fees? ›

Kraken's professional-grade trading platform, Kraken Pro, is our pick for the best low-fee exchange because it charges some of the lowest fees in the crypto asset exchange landscape. It's also our top choice for experienced traders, as it offers advanced order types and supports margin and futures trading.

Why are crypto exchange fees so high? ›

Data space in each new Bitcoin block is limited, so generally speaking, the more transaction Bitcoin miners have to process for the network, the higher the fees — as one goes, so does the other.

How are crypto exchange fees calculated? ›

Fees are calculated based on the current pricing tier you are in when the order is placed, and not on the tier you would be in after a trade is completed. When you place an order at the market price that gets filled immediately, you are considered a taker and will pay a fee between 0.05% and 0.60%.

What is the transaction fee for $1000 dollars of Bitcoin? ›

Cost Breakdown for $1,000 of Bitcoin

Here's how the fees would add up: Retail Fee: Let's consider the higher end of the retail fee range ($4.95) for this calculation. $4.95 per transaction x 2 transactions = $9.90. Bitcoin Purchase/Conversion Fee: $1,000 x 11% = $110.

Which crypto exchange has no fees? ›

1. MEXC - No fees on spot and futures maker orders. MEXC is a full-fledged cryptocurrency exchange that offers no fees for maker orders (limit orders that supply liquidity) placed on the spot and futures markets. This allows traders to make leverage orders up to 200x with no fees or commissions being incurred.

What is the best crypto exchange for beginners? ›

Best Crypto Exchanges Reviews
  • Best for Beginners: Coinbase. Our Partner. ...
  • Best for Advanced Traders: Kraken. Start Investing.
  • Best for Low Fees: Bitstamp. Start Investing.
  • Best Decentralized Exchange: Bisq. Start Investing.
  • Best for Automated Trading: Pionex.US. Start Investing.
  • Best $0 Commission Platform: Public. Download App.
Apr 2, 2024

What are the top 3 crypto exchanges? ›

Currently, the 3 largest cryptocurrency exchanges are Binance, HTX, and OKX. Total tracked crypto exchange reserves currently stands at $197 Billion. Trust Score is a rating algorithm developed by CoinGecko to evaluate the legitimacy of an exchange's trading volume.

Which crypto has 0 transaction fees? ›

Nano is the most cost-effective cryptocurrency for money transfers, with zero transaction fees. This unique feature is made possible by its innovative block lattice architecture, which allows for instant transactions without any fees.

Which crypto has the highest transaction fee? ›

A Bitcoin transaction on Thursday has set a new record for the highest transaction fee ever paid, amounting to a staggering $3.1 million. This transaction, mined in block 818087, marks a historic moment in Bitcoin's 14-year journey.

How to avoid fees in crypto? ›

How to Keep Crypto Trading Fees Low
  1. Use an Exchange With Commission-Free Trading. ...
  2. Buy Cryptocurrency With Coins. ...
  3. Watch Transaction Amounts. ...
  4. Be Strategic About Your Transaction Types. ...
  5. Offset Crypto Fees by Taking Advantage of Promotions. ...
  6. The Art of Exchange Selection. ...
  7. Embrace the Native Tokens. ...
  8. Master the Timing of Your Trades.
Dec 27, 2023

How to sell crypto without fees? ›

Use Robinhood or Trade Bitcoin Stocks to Trade Crypto Commission-free: You can essentially still trade crypto without commission by using Robinhood to trade crypto or by trading Grayscale trusts (like GBTC) or Bitcoin ETFs (like BITO) with some brokers (some brokers charge fees, others don't; check with your's).

What are average crypto exchange fees? ›

The purchase and sales prices displayed on the Buy/Sell Virtual Currencies displays a substantial fee between 0.1% and 6.0%. In the event of sudden price changes, the liquidity of the market, etc., purchase and sales prices that exceed the scope of the corresponding fees may be offered.

Does Coinbase report to the IRS? ›

In certain situations, Coinbase does report to the IRS. However, this does not absolve individual taxpayers from their responsibility to report their own transactions. Coinbase's reports to the IRS can include forms 1099-MISC for US traders earning over $600 from crypto rewards or staking in a given tax year.

How much does it cost to send $100 bitcoin? ›

What's The Bitcoin Transaction Fee For $100? Bitcoin transaction costs only depend on how big in bytes your transaction is. As such, the dollar value you're sending is irrelevant with Bitcoin. A simple transaction usually costs around 200-2,000 sats or $0.06-$0.60 USD which could be for $100 or $100 million dollars.

How much is a Bitcoin transaction fee for $100? ›

Bitcoin transaction costs only depend on how big in bytes your transaction is. As such, the dollar value you're sending is irrelevant with Bitcoin. A simple transaction usually costs around 200-2,000 sats or $0.06-$0.60 USD which could be for $100 or $100 million dollars.

What are the Coinbase fees? ›

Coinbase charges a flat fee, which changes according to the size of your transaction — the fee is $0.99 for those $10 or lower, while it's $1.49 for those between $10 and $25, $1.99 for those between $25 and $50, and $2.99 for those between $50 and $200.

How much does it cost to list a cryptocurrency on an exchange? ›

According to a new blogpost by Autonomous Research, listing an ICO token on a cryptocurrency exchange can cost promoters anywhere between $1 million and $3 million. The wide disparity in their ranges is dependent on reputation and access to quick liquidity.

How much does it cost to transfer crypto between wallets? ›

The cost to transfer Bitcoin from one wallet to another using Coinbase varies depending on the current network congestion and transaction fees. As of September 2021, the average cost to transfer Bitcoin on the Coinbase platform is around $5 to $10.

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