Student FAQ on Proctorio – Technology & Learning Program (2024)

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Academic Integrity Policies and Responsibilities

Academic integrity is defined as "a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals to action."The University, faculty, and students all have a strong interest in ensuring academic integrity and that exams are graded fairly, impartially and expeditiously.Chico State has policies and procedures for Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities.

Institutions need to be sure that the student who registered for courses is actually the person completing the work. According to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008: “all institutions in the United States that participate in Title IV student aid programs must verify the identity of students enrolled at their institution.”Under federal regulations, our institution's accreditation agency, WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), states in their Distance Education Review Guide:

In keeping with federal policy, WSCUC requires institutions that offer distance education to have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit.

What does Proctorio do and not do?

To ensure the academic integrity and fairness of exams and grades, Chico State online courses can use a proctoring system called Proctorio.Proctorio is used in fully online courses and also sometimes in on-campus courses to proctor tests. Proctorio uses software, not people, to observe test takers for over 20 behaviors and prepares a report for the instructor to review. Proctorio works within a web browser while taking an exam in Blackboard Learn or Canvas to observe behavior which may include recording of video, audio, screen activity, navigation or similar activities. The test characteristics is dependent on the exam settings chosen by the instructor. There is not an individual watching live. Suspicious behavior is flagged in a report for faculty review.For example, the system has the capability to note to the instructor if other people are in the room, if a phone is used, or if the student is consistently looking down into their lap.

More Information on Proctorio(opens in new window)

What are the requirements for taking a Proctorio exam?

In order to take your exams via the online proctoring service, you must have access to a computer equipped with a functioning video camera and microphone. During the exams, you must also have an isolated environment with an Internet connection (wired connect always preferred but a strong, reliable Wi-Fi is OK). Any loss of network connectivity and the exam will end automatically, please make sure your current connection is stable during the entire exam. You will not be allowed to print the exam.

What are the computer and browser requirements for use?

Please seeProctorio system requirements. An updated version of Chrome, Opera, Edge or Brave Browsers is required as well as a webcam and reliable internet access.

What happens when I take a Proctorio exam?

To ensure exam integrity, during the exam period, Proctorio will lock down a number of your computer’s capabilities, including locking down your browser and disabling new internet tabs, disabling printing, disabling the clipboard, disabling the right-click feature on the mouse (to prevent copying and pasting activities), forces full screen in the browser window to prevent the exam participant from accessing outside programs, and clears memory cache of temporary internet files to prevent retention and redistribution of exam materials.

What information does Proctorio collect?

During the exam period, Proctorio will collect a variety of information including:

  • Screenshots of your Wildcat card (DO NOT USE YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE)
  • Your IP address
  • Recordings of your photo and voice
  • A video scan of your testing location
  • Recordings from your microphone
  • Video from your computer’s webcam
  • Your mouse location
  • Your browser size
  • Your open browser tabs and windows
  • Your eye, mouth, and head movements
  • Your entire screen
  • Any website you may have been permitted to visit during the exam period (access to all additional web sites may be blocked)
  • Any other applications running
  • Number of display screens connected Information collected may be reported to the instructor as “suspicious” activity, which may result in academic policy violations. Rest assured the program itself does not determine if academic dishonesty has occurred or not. That determination rest solely with your instructor.

Furthermore, although the system is recording a number of metrics, no one is actually watching you during the exam period, all information is simply recorded, encrypted, and only accessed by your instructor should suspicious activity be flagged (e.g. system indicates phone present at minute 15:23).

Unlike other online proctoring services, Proctorio does not employ the use of biometrics or external human based proctors to observe the student while they take the exam. Proctorio will record the students' identity via webcam and, depending upon the exam settings controlled by individual instructors, record your exam attempt in various ways. A multitude of privacy provisions have been established to ensure student privacy and FERPA compliance.

  • Proctorio has no file access of any kind. Proctorio cannot and will not access any of your personal files or documents.
  • During an exam Proctorio may take screenshots of your desktop, detect the number of computer monitors connected to your computer, or record your web traffic. This information will only be recorded if the professor has enabled it within the exam settings. The information is stored with zero-knowledge encryption, which means the data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  • Once an exam is completed, Proctorio no longer has access to this information.
  • It is impossible for anyone at Proctorio or any of its affiliates to view exam recordings. They are only accessible to authorized users at your university and through the Blackboard/Canvas systems.
  • Proctorio never stores academic information from any of its users.
  • Proctorio does NOT see or collect anything on the clipboard. It may paste into the clipboard.
  • Proctorio does NOT see or collect web browser history. It monitors web activity DURING the test-taking and consent is requested.
  • Proctorio does NOT see or collect info from the cache. It clears the cache at the end of the exam so no exam content can be used to share with others.
  • Proctorio does NOT see or collect information from the hard drive.
  • Review theirprivacy policy.

Where can students go to take a Proctorio assessment?

Anywhere there is reliable internet access and that is (relatively) free from distractions. The campus does not provide a testing room.

Where does a student go to get technical support?

Check to make sure that you are 1) using the Chrome, Opera, Edge or Brave browser and 2) have the proper extension installed. If you continue to experience technical issues, Proctorio offers 24/7 technical support to students via email [email protected], or phone at 480-428-4089 or toll-free 866-948-9248. You can also use live chat usingProctorio's Support for Test-takers.

Can a student opt-out of Proctorio?

Students must work with their instructor on an alternative. Students will be given an option for being assessed in another format but there are no guarantees on the availability of another section without online proctoring. In some instances, the online mode of a class is essential for progress toward degree and should not hinder such progress.

Solutions for departments to allow options may include, but are not limited to:

  • Other alternative option for test format, mode or location, worked out with the instructor
  • Other sections of the same class offered face-to-face

What if a student needs an accommodation due to a disability?

Proctorio is VPAT certified, 508 compliant, and fully accessible to those with disabilities. However, the software captures eye, head, and mouth movements, talking to self, pacing, and may flag the use of a screen reader or other devices which may be reported as “suspicious”. If you are a student with a disability that may manifest in these activities and/or you require accommodations, which include any of these activities, please contact your Instructor and the Accessibility Resource Center.

Who determines if cheating has occurred?

Just like a traditional class exam, this is determined by the instructor.If Proctorio reports that a student has engaged in activities that may be considered to be high risk,the instructor reserves the rightto change the grade and/or require the student to come to campus to take subsequent examinations. In addition, all incidents of academic dishonesty must be reported to Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities. (

Equal access, student rights to privacy and ensuring academic integrity

The University, faculty, and students all have a strong interest in ensuring academic integrity and that exams are graded fairly, impartially and expeditiously.Chico State has policies and procedures for Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities (PDF).

How is Proctorio Paid For?

Proctorio licenses are purchased by the institution on a per student per semester basis in each activated course section that uses the tool.

I am an expert in academic integrity and online proctoring systems, with a deep understanding of the concepts and practices involved in maintaining fairness and preventing academic dishonesty in educational settings. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article about Proctorio and academic integrity:

  1. Academic Integrity Definition:

    • Academic integrity is defined as a commitment to fundamental values, including honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. These values guide behavior in academic communities.
  2. Verification of Student Identity:

    • The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 mandates institutions to verify the identity of students participating in Title IV student aid programs.
    • WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) requires institutions offering distance education to establish the identity of students in online courses.
  3. Role of Proctorio:

    • Proctorio is an online proctoring system used to ensure academic integrity in exams, both online and on-campus.
    • It observes test-takers through software, flagging suspicious behaviors for instructor review.
  4. Proctorio Exam Requirements:

    • Students need a computer with a functioning camera and microphone, a stable internet connection, and an isolated environment for Proctorio exams.
    • Proctorio has specific system and browser requirements.
  5. Proctorio Exam Process:

    • Proctorio locks down various computer capabilities during exams to prevent cheating.
    • Information collected during exams includes screenshots, IP address, recordings, and various behavioral data.
  6. Privacy Measures:

    • Proctorio emphasizes privacy, using encryption for data in transit and at rest.
    • No live observation during exams; only recorded information is accessible to authorized users at the university.
  7. Student Options and Accommodations:

    • Students can opt-out of Proctorio by working with their instructor on alternatives.
    • Accommodations for students with disabilities are available, but certain activities may be flagged as "suspicious."
  8. Cheating Determination:

    • Instructors determine if cheating has occurred based on Proctorio reports.
    • Academic dishonesty incidents must be reported to Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities.
  9. Payment for Proctorio:

    • Proctorio licenses are institutionally purchased on a per-student per-semester basis for each activated course section.

This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the academic integrity policies, the role of Proctorio, and the measures taken to ensure fairness and privacy in online exams. If you have specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

Student FAQ on Proctorio – Technology & Learning Program (2024)


How can Proctorio detect cheating? ›

Proctorio does not use biometric analysis like facial recognition, keystroke fingerprinting, voice recognition, etc. Instead, Proctorio uses facial detection and gaze detection to detect the presence of a face in an image and if it is looking off screen for extended periods of time.

What can instructors see on Proctorio? ›

Proctorio is a remote proctoring service that is used with some classes when you take quizzes and exams in Blackboard. Proctorio may record your webcam, your screen, or other actions during the exam session and share that information with your instructor.

Does Proctorio look at your history? ›

No. Proctorio makes the test fully aware of what permissions are required to enter a Proctorio exam. Proctorio software runs as a browser extension, meaning its access to the information on a test takers personal computer is limited and it cannot access personal files or change system settings.

Does Proctorio track copy and paste? ›

Proctorio can further prevent functions like copy/paste, as well as any software that could mirror, record or otherwise track the exam. Proctorio uses AI to flag potential suspicious activity. Proctorio operates within the Chrome browser and requires a browser extension to download. It can be removed after testing.

Can Proctorio detect phone activity? ›

While Proctorio doesn't directly detect phones, it has an array of tools to spot cheating: Visual and Audio Alerts: If a student tries to check their phone or plays information aloud, the webcam and microphone can identify these suspicious actions.

Does Proctorio catch eye movement? ›

A: ​Proctorio does not track eye movements. Instead, instructors can enable settings to ensure test takers are consistently interacting with the exam during their exam attempt.

What triggers the Proctorio flag? ›

A: Some examples of what might trigger a flag to ATI's Test Security team are: noise/talking, eyes moving off screen consistently, attempting to open an additional webpage, attempting to use copy/paste, someone in the room with the test taker.

How to get flagged on Proctorio? ›

Proctorio uses software, not people, to observe test takers for various behaviors. It compares your behaviors to those of your peers and flags anything that may be suspicious. Proctorio normalizes all student behaviors, so the occasional looking down or sneeze doesn't mean the gesture will get flagged as suspicious.

How intrusive is Proctorio? ›

Online proctoring is entirely invasive. Companies such as Honorlock and Proctorio need specific information such as what your room looks like or all the information from a government-issued ID when a school ID should do the trick. This is a complete violation of privacy.

Can proctored exams detect phones? ›

All violations for suspected cell phone use are reviewed and verified by a human proctor to give you confidence in your exam results. In addition, Honorlock's proctors are trained to spot cell phones that can be seen in reflections or light emitting from the phone.

Can Proctorio see your room? ›

Again, depending on the settings on your exam Proctorio may ask you to do a room scan; turning your web camera in a 360-degree pan to look at the room.

Can Proctorio see my face? ›

Proctorio can see your face

Furthermore, before the test begins, the live proctor may request that you show them your testing setting. However, they can only be able to view your face once the test has begun.

Does Proctorio track mouse movement? ›

Proctorio tracks how many times your gaze shifts away from the camera, in addition to mouse movement, and how frequently you type.

Can Proctorio see sticky notes? ›

What that means is if you're taking the exam, they have software that only monitors your screen. So you can't have notes on your screen, but they also can monitor your head movement.

Does Proctorio watch your camera? ›

To supervise your exam, ProctorU records your activity through your screen, keyboard, webcam, audio and system activity.

Can Proctorio see my camera? ›

Proctorio uses the Internet, your computer's webcam and microphone to monitor your activity during quizzes.

Can Proctorio track incognito? ›

When requested by the instructor, incognito access gives Proctorio permission to run normally in all tabs during an exam. For example, instructors may choose to track websites visited during the exam to ensure academic integrity. Incognito access permits this function in both normal and private modes.

Is someone watching me through Proctorio? ›

During the exam, a live proctor is not watching students take their exam. Proctorio accesses their computer's webcam, microphone, and screen to record their exam attempt. Proctorio uses algorithms to monitor multiple aspects of their exam, it monitors the following: Computer applications/programs used.

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