Student Assistance - Georgia State Office of the Dean of Students (2024)

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    Student Assistance


    The Office of the Dean of Students is dedicated to student success and retention through the facilitation of students' understanding and use of university systems and resources. Knowledgeable staff assist and empower students in conducting their university affairs by listening and analyzing students' issues, questions or concerns, talking with students to help devise a problem-solving strategy and referring students to appropriate staff members and departments.

    • Concerns About Students
    • Resources for Basic Needs
    • Emergency Assistance
    • Emergency Withdrawal
    • FERPA
    • Professor Absence Notification

    Concerns About Students

    Concerns About Students

    For some students, the demands and pressures of the college experience may be overwhelming and stressful. The emotional impact may appear through behaviors exhibited in a variety of settings: classrooms, residence halls, student centers, faculty or staff offices, etc. Faculty, staff, fellow students, friends and family members can help identify students who need assistance and refer these students to appropriate resources. The information below can help identify concerns and determine when to make a referral for assistance.

    Dangerous Student:
    When safety is an immediate concern because a student verbally or physically threatens to harm others or a student makes an active suicide threat, call 911 or the University Police at 404-413-3333.

    Disturbing Student:
    When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student threatens self harm or demonstrates bizarre or concerning behavior, please complete the referral form to get students to the appropriate resources.

    Disruptive Student:
    When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is disruptive as defined by the instructor, follow the Disruptive Student Conduct in the Classroom or Other Learning Environment Guidance.

    Troubled Student:
    When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is very sad, highly anxious, lacks motivation or concentration, has experienced a personal or family hardship or emergency, or expresses a need for an Emergency Withdrawal from the university, complete the referral form.


    The Office of the Dean of Students distributes folders that provide useful information and support resources. An electronic version is available here (Click to see PDF).

    The university also provides online training to identify and support students in need or distress through Kognito. Visit and create a new account or log into your existing account. Faculty/Staff use Enrollment Key: gsuemployee and Students use Enrollment Key: gsustudents and then select the simulation tile and click "Launch" to begin.

    Resources for Basic Needs

    Resources for Basic Needs

    The Office of the Dean of Students at Georgia State University provides assistance to students experiencing concerns with meeting their basic needs by connecting with on and off campus resources. The Student Support Team will work with students to navigate university policies and processes. Please see listing below for relevant resources:

    Please contactthe Office of the Dean of Students at404-413-1515or at[emailprotected]for assistance or for more information.


    On Campus Resources

    • Emergency Assistance: Georgia State University Emergency Assistance supports students in overcoming unforeseen hardships that hinder their successful academic progress. Consideration for support is a last resort option after all other applicable financial aid awards and/or community resources are exhausted. Decisions regarding disbursem*nt of assistance are on a case-by-case basis. Assistance is a potentially taxable benefit and might have to be reported as part of a financial aid package. If approved, assistance may be partial and/or limited based on the type of funds used to provide assistance. In addition, funds can only cover documented school related expenses (e.g., tuition, fees, room, board, books, etc.). Some forms of assistance might involve the offering of a loan, which might require future repayment. All email correspondence is sent through your Georgia State student email. Click to request Emergency Assistance.***As of June 16, 2023, Financial Hardship and Emergency Assistance support has changed significantlyMoving forward, the program will have limited ability to fund large requests ($500 or more), multiple requests, and/or requests that are not brought about by unforeseen circ*mstances.There will be temporary delays in processing requests and priority will be given to students who have not received assistance in the past.***
    • Panther's Pantry:The pantry aims to reduce short term food insecurity for students experiencing the stress of financial constraints. Please check out the Panther's Pantry for location and hours of operation.
    • Counseling Center: This office provides individual counseling sessions, group counseling, couples counseling and mind-body services free of charge to enrolled Georgia State University students. The Counseling Center is located at 75 Piedmont Ave. (Citizen’s Trust Building), Suite 200A, and can be reached at 404-413-1640.
    • Student Health Clinic: Clinical services are provided to currently enrolled students by experienced healthcare providers who provide triage, evaluation, treatment of medical problems and physical exams. Same day appointments are available for urgent care needs. The Student Health Clinic is located at 141 Piedmont, Suite D, and can be reached at 404-413-1953.
    • University Advisem*nt Center: Academic advisors can answer questions about students’ academic standing and eligibility to re-enroll. The University Advisem*nt Center is located at 25 Park Place, Suites 1300 and 1400, and can be reached at 404-413-2300.

    Off Campus Resources


    The Embark Network at Georgia State welcomes the opportunity to partner with individuals, departments, groups and/or organizations to bring services and opportunities to students experiencing homelessness or foster care. Please contact Anitra Patrick or Fallon Proctor in the Office of the Dean of Students for more information or to request our presence at your next meeting.

    Emergency Assistance

    Emergency Assistance

    The Office of the Dean of Students can provide assistance to students and families in the event of a documented emergency circ*mstance that interferes with the student's class attendance. The Office of the Dean of Students will coordinate with relevant campus resources to support the student's successful return to the university. Another form of Emergency Assistance can include financial hardship. Students needing emergency assistance should complete the online form below. To avoid delays it is imperative that you provide a thorough and complete description of your circ*mstances in the details statement and then upload all the supporting documentation you have available. Please email [emailprotected] or call 404-413-1515 for assistance.

    For information on unemployment, click on the Resources for Unemployment tab.

    **As of June 16, 2023, Financial Hardship and Emergency Assistance support has changed significantlyMoving forward, the program will have limited ability to fund large requests ($500 or more), multiple requests, and/or requests that are not brought about by unforeseen circ*mstances.There will be temporary delays in processing requests and priority will be given to students who have not received assistance in the past. **

    Emergency Locator:
    Information regarding student's class schedules cannot be released for any purpose by the Office of the Dean of Students. However, in the event of a verified family emergency such as a life threatening situation or serious illness, staff will make an attempt to deliver a message or contact a student in class regarding the emergency information during regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.).

    Emergency Notification:
    In the event a student is hospitalized and cannot contact his or her professors, the professors can be notified of the absence. Upon returning to the university, the student can follow up with his or her professors to determine the ability to complete any missed assignments. Alternatively, if the student is unable to remain enrolled due to the nature of the emergency situation, the student can receive guidance and assistance regarding the withdrawal process.

    Emergency Withdrawal

    Emergency Withdrawal

    Students may request an Emergency Withdrawal when a non-academic emergency situation occurs that prevents them from completing their coursework (e.g., severe medical problems, traumatic events) and when the timing or nature of the emergency prevents them from voluntarily withdrawing from their classes.

    Emergency Withdrawals are subject to the following restrictions:

    • Students must initiate an application for an Emergency Withdrawal no later than two academic years after the semester in which the courses were taken.
    • Students may request an Emergency Withdrawal in a maximum of two semesters of their enrollment at Georgia State.
    • Students may not request an Emergency Withdrawal after degree conferral.

    Emergency Occurred Prior to the Midpoint or Last Day to Withdraw
    Students are expected to voluntarily withdraw from their classes if an emergency occurs prior to the midpoint of the semester, regardless of the reason for the withdrawal. Whether or not a student had the ability to withdraw from classes prior to the semester midpoint will be considered in determining the approval of an Emergency Withdrawal request. Students who cannot withdraw due to a hold should visit Enrollment Services for assistance. See the University Catalogs for the Voluntary Withdrawal Policy.


    Students are responsible for reading and understanding the Emergency Withdrawal Policy before submitting an application. Complete an application online. Include a personal statement and supporting documentation. Applications with missing information will not be reviewed.

    Personal Statement of Emergency

    On a separate sheet of paper, type and sign a personal statement of emergency. The following questions should be answered in the personal statement of emergency:

    • What is the nature of the emergency situation?
    • On which date(s) did the emergency situation occur?
    • How did the emergency situation prevent you from completing coursework?
    • How did the timing and/or nature of the emergency prevent you from voluntarily withdrawing from classes?

    Required Documentation
    Students should submit official documentation that confirms the emergency that occurred during the semester(s) for which they are requesting withdrawal and supports their personal statement of emergency. Examples of Emergency Withdrawal documentation include:

    • Typed correspondence on office letterhead from a licensed healthcare professional (i.e., physician, psychologist, psychiatrist). The letter should include the date(s) of the emergency, a statement of how the illness or injury interfered with the completion of coursework, and the name, title and phone number of the office representative who can verify the authenticity of the letter.
    • Official and/or notarized forms, documents or correspondence from a state agency, a governmental entity or reputable business.
    • Death certificate, funeral program and/or obituary with the deceased name, date of death and funeral home contact information.
    • A letter from an employer or supervisor on company letterhead stating mandatory job change(s) and date(s) of the change(s). The letter should include the name, title and phone number of the company representative who can verify the authenticity of the letter, preferably a human resource professional.

    All documentation is subject to verification by the Office of the Dean of Students. Students who submit fake documentation or misrepresented information will be referred for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and their request will be denied.

    Application Deadlines

    • Requesting to withdraw from the current semester. Completed application packets must be submitted prior to the start of the next semester. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis in the Office of the Dean of Students.
    • Requesting to withdraw from a past semester (including appeals and petitions). Completed application packets must be submitted on or before the first Friday of the month to be reviewed at that month’s committee meeting. The actual committee meetings are not held on the deadline date.

    Please note: Students must initiate an application for Emergency Withdrawal no later than two academic years after the semester in which the courses were taken.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the difference between Emergency Withdrawal and Hardship Withdrawal?
    The Hardship Withdrawal Policy was replaced by the Emergency Withdrawal Policy beginning fall semester 2016. Prior applications submitted under the Hardship Withdrawal policy will be held to the standards of that policy. Applications submitted during fall semester 2016 or later will be held to the Emergency Withdrawal Policy standards.

    Can I apply for a partial withdrawal?
    An Emergency Withdrawal normally applies to all courses for the semester, but in exceptional cases, an Emergency Withdrawal may be granted for some but not all of the courses. To have a request for a partial withdrawal considered, students must clearly explain and demonstrate through documentation how and/or why the non-academic emergency impacted only a portion of their coursework.

    Is it guaranteed that my Emergency withdrawal will be approved?
    There is no guarantee that an Emergency Withdrawal request will be granted. Request are reviewed on a case by case basis and must be supported by documentation to be considered for approval.

    When will I receive a decision?
    Decision letters are sent via email to the Georgia State student email address. In cases where the Georgia State student email address is no longer active, a decision letter is mailed to the postal address listed on the application form.

    • Requesting to withdraw from the current semester. A decision letter will be sent approximately 15 business days after the application packet submission. Actual earned grades will appear on the semester report card. Grades will change to W approximately 20 business days of the following semester.
    • Requesting to withdraw from a past semester (including appeals and petitions). A decision letter will be sent approximately 15 business days after the committees’ meetings. The meetings are typically held at the end of each month. Grades will be updated approximately 15 business days after the decision letter is sent.

    How will my financial aid or account balance be impacted?
    An Emergency Withdrawal is not intended to clear or decrease a student’s account balance, entitle the student to receive a refund or cancel his or her obligation to repay tuition and fees and/or awarded financial aid for the semester in which the student receives a withdrawal. Students requesting an Emergency Withdrawal should consult with Enrollment Services to identify the impact of a Withdrawal on their student account and/or eligibility to receive financial aid in subsequent semesters.

    What will happen to my grades?
    If an Emergency Withdrawal request is granted, grade(s) will be changed to W. Students who have voluntarily withdrawn or have been administratively withdrawn for nonattendance,nonpayment, or student conductare not eligible to receive an Emergency Withdrawal.

    Grades of W that are granted due to receiving an Emergency Withdrawal do not count against the Voluntary Withdrawal limit. Appeals of the automatic award of a W grade may be initiated by either the faculty or the student involved in the case.

    Should I take my finals?
    The Emergency Withdrawal Policy does not specify if a student should take final exams. However, the Emergency Withdrawal Policy states, in part, that students may request an Emergency Withdrawal when a non-academic emergency situation occurs which prevents them from completing their coursework.

    Will my application be kept confidential or private?
    The decision on requests is shared with the Registrar and the instructors for processing purposes. The nature of the emergency will be disclosed as medical when it applies. The personal statement and documentation will not be shared outside of the Office of the Dean of Students unless the student gives permission, or the student poses an immediate threat to himself or herself or others. This includes, but is not limited to, family, friends or university officials.

    Am I required to sit out a semester or can I sit out a semester?
    Students are not required to sit out a semester. However, it is important that students analyze their situation to determine the likelihood that their situation will impact classes the next semester. Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog, which directs students on how to re-apply after a three semester absence. Students are considered enrolled for the semester in which they receive an Emergency Withdrawal.

    Appeals & Petitions

    Can I appeal the decision?

    • Appeals should be submitted within 90 business days of the original decision. (The deadline date is noted on the decision letter.) The appeal should be a typed intent to appeal statement as well as any additional documentation that addresses the rationale for appealing the decision and any new information that was not presented in the initial application. This will be the only opportunity to present new information and/or documentation regarding the requested semester(s). Appeals should be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students. The instructor of the course(s) in question shall be contacted by the Office of the Dean of Students in advance of the committee’s meeting and be offered an opportunity to provide a letter to the committee stating anything the instructor believes is relevant to the case.
    • Appeals of the decision of the Emergency Withdrawal Appeals and Petitions Committee must be submitted within 10 business days of the Appeals Committee decision and will be considered by the Provost.
    • Appeals of the decision of the Provost must be submitted within 10 business days of the Provost’s decision and will be considered by the President.

    Can I apply for a waiver to the policy restrictions?
    To request a waiver of an Emergency Withdrawal Policy Restriction, students must submit a petition in writing which explains the extenuating circ*mstance(s) that prevented them from meeting the policy requirements. The petition must accompany the complete application packet for the requested semester. If the petition is approved, the complete application packet will be forwarded to the appropriate review route.

    Atlanta Campus Resources

    • Incomplete Policy. Students who have completed the majority of their course requirements when an emergency occurs should confer with their instructor about receiving a grade of incomplete. See the Undergraduate Catalog or the Graduate Catalog for more information.
    • Repeat to Replace Policy. Students who are applying for a partial withdrawal or do not believe the Emergency Withdrawal is appropriate for their situation should consider the Repeat to Replace Policy. This policy allows undergraduate students to repeat up to four courses for the purpose of replacing unwanted grades. See Section 1350.25 of the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.
    • Access & Accommodations Center.Students who are experiencing an ongoing issue due to a permanent disability may be eligible to receive assistance from Access & Accommodations Center. Visit the Access & Accommodations Center (AACE) is located in the Student Center East, Suite 205, and can be reached at 404-413-1560.
    • Enrollment Services. Students who have questions about financial aid, tuition payments and refunds, voluntary withdrawal, the Repeat to Replace Policy or holds (immunization) should visit Enrollment Services located in Sparks Hall, Suite 227, or call 404-413-2600.
    • Counseling Center. This office provides individual counseling sessions, group counseling, couples counseling, and mind-body services free of charge to enrolled Georgia State University students. The Counseling Center is located at 75 Piedmont Ave. (Citizen’s Trust Building), Suite 200A, and can be reached at 404-413-1640.
    • Student Health Clinic. Clinical services are provided to currently enrolled students by experienced healthcare providers who provide triage, evaluation and treatment of medical problems, and physical exams. Same day appointments are available for urgent care needs. The Student Health Clinic is located at 141 Piedmont, Suite D, and can be reached at 404-413-1953.
    • University Advisem*nt Center. Academic advisors can answers questions about students' academic standing and eligibility to re-enroll. The University Advisem*nt Center is located at 25 Park Place, Suites 1300 and 1400, and can be reached at 404-413-2300.

    Perimeter Campuses Resources

    • Incomplete Policy Students who have completed the majority of their course requirements when an emergency occurs should confer with their instructor about receiving a grade of incomplete. See Section 1350.10 of the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.
    • Repeat to Replace Policy. Students who are applying for a partial withdrawal or do not believe the Emergency Withdrawal is appropriate for their situation should consider the Repeat to Replace Policy. This policy allows undergraduate students to repeat up to four courses for the purpose of replacing unwanted grades. See Section 1350.25 of the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.
    • Access & Accommodations Center. Students who are experiencing an ongoing issue due to a permanent disability may be eligible to receive assistance from Access & Accommodations Center. Visit the Access & Accommodations Center (AACE) in the following locations: Alpharetta AA-1440, Clarkston CB-1300, Decatur SF-2311, Dunwoody NA-2100 or Newton 2N-2405.
    • Enrollment Services. Students who have questions about financial aid, tuition payments and refunds, voluntary withdrawal, the Repeat to Replace Policy or holds (immunization) should visit Enrollment Services or call 404-413-2900.
    • Counseling Services. This office offers confidential personal counseling to assist students with personal, developmental or psychological concerns related to their academic progress and personal growth. For hours of operation, locations and more information please visit Counseling Services or call 770-278-1300.
    • Student Health Clinic. Clinical services are provided to currently enrolled students by experienced healthcare providers who provide triage, evaluation and treatment of medical problems, and physical exams. For hours of operation, locations, and more information please visit Student Health Clinic.
    • University Advisem*nt Center. Academic advisors can answer questions about students' academic standing and eligibility to re-enroll. For an advisor, visit University Advisem*nt Center for the phone numbers and addresses for each campus.

    Contact Us

    Students who would like to speak with someone about the Emergency Withdrawal process and/or policy should contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 404-413-1515 or [emailprotected]. You may request to schedule an appointment.



    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted to give students access to their education records and to protect their privacy. Unless a student is legally dependent, the university is prohibited by FERPA from releasing student account information to a parent or guardian or other unauthorized third party without the student's consent.

    Students who wish to authorize an individual to have access to their student records should complete the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Waiver in the Office of the Dean of Students. For more information regarding access to student records, visit the Office of the Registrar.

    Student Complaints & Petitions

    TheUndergraduate and Graduate Catalogsand theStudent Code of Conductset forth policies and requirements for Georgia State students. Students are expected to know and comply with these policies. However, students may file a complaint, petition or appeal by following the procedures outlined in theGeorgia State University Policy Procedures for Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances andAppeals located in theStudent Code of Conduct.

    Professor Absence Notification

    Professor Absence Notification

    The Office of the Dean of Students will provide courtesy verification for professors at the request of students when seeking excused absences for documented medical/health related and other emergency circ*mstances that result in an extended period of absence (a week or more). Absence policies and all decisions regarding excused absences and coursework related matters are made by the individual professors. The role of the Office of the Dean of Students is to review the submissions and notify professors that we have verified that documentation was submitted and assist with student support related to non-academic impacts of extended absences in which a student is directly impacted.

    Requests for notification should be submitted as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours of when a student is first impacted, but must be submitted within one week after a student returns from absence. If a student is aware in advance of a need for absence (for example, when a student must have surgery) it is best to notify the Office of the Dean of Students as far in advance as possible. Retroactive notifications for past absences will not be accepted.

    Please complete the online form to begin the notification process.

    Please Note: Your submission does not guarantee that you will receive an excused absence.It is always wise to also notify your professors when submitting a form so they can assist you immediately in keeping up with your classwork.

    All documentation is subject to verification by the Office of the Dean of Students. Students who submit falsified documentation or misrepresented information will be referred for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

    Contact Us

    Follow Us on Social Media:

    Email is the preferred method of communication, and email should be sent from your Georgia State student email account.


    Office Locations

    • AA 1400 (Alpharetta)
    • Student Center East 300 (Atlanta)
    • CN 1400 (Clarkston)
    • SC 2130 (Decatur)
    • NB 2200 (Dunwoody)
    • 2N 1210 (Newton)

    In Person

    55 Gilmer StreetStudent Center East, Suite 303

    Mailing Address

    Georgia State UniversityP.O. Box 3973Atlanta, GA 30303-3973

    Student Assistance - Georgia State Office of the Dean of Students (2024)


    Student Assistance - Georgia State Office of the Dean of Students? ›

    Please email [email protected] or call 404-413-1515 for assistance.

    How do I contact the dean of students at GSU? ›

    The Office of the Dean of Students is open and ready to serve you. The best way to connect with us is by email at [email protected] or phone at 404-413-1515 during business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.).

    What is the emergency tuition assistance fund for GSU? ›

    Georgia State's Emergency Assistance Fund provides students with the financial support they need to overcome an unanticipated financial hardship or basic-needs insecurity. With over 53,000 students, of which 57% are low-income, our need to raise donations to this fund is greater than ever.

    What is a partial withdrawal gsu? ›

    Partial withdrawals are requests to withdraw from an individual course, or multiple courses, without completing a total withdrawal from the university. All partial hardship withdrawals are reviewed by the Dean of Students Office. Partial withdrawals of a medical nature are reviewed by the Counseling Center.

    How do I contact GSU student financial services? ›

    Georgia State's Student Financial Management offices are here to assist you. For help with financial aid or student accounts, please review our website, visit a campus office or contact us at 404-413-2600.

    How do you address a letter to the dean of students? ›

    Use the Appropriate Title: In a formal setting, it's best to address them with their official title, which is "Dean." You should avoid using informal titles like "Mr." or "Ms." in this context.

    What is the COVID hardship grant in Georgia? ›

    The funds serve to provide relief to homeowners who suffered financial hardships due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs administers the funds through the Georgia Mortgage Assistance program. Assistance comes in the form of a Grant, up to $50,000 for eligible homeowners.

    What does tuition assistance cover? ›

    TA pays up to 100% of tuition expenses for semester credit hours costing $250 or less per credit hour, or $166 per quarter hour, if your institution follows a quarter system.

    What is the Georgia tuition assistance program? ›

    TAP pays for a maximum of 9 credit hours per semester based upon the undergraduate or graduate rate of the University System of Georgia (USG) institution you are attending. There are 26 USG institutions from which to choose. (You must follow the regular admissions process applicable to each institution.)

    How many withdrawals are allowed at GSU? ›

    Student Initiated Withdrawal

    Before withdrawing from a course, students should consult with their academic advisor. There is no withdrawal limit for graduate and non-degree seeking students (i.e., post-baccalaureate and transients). Further details on voluntary withdrawals can be found in the University catalog.

    What is the GPA warning for GSU? ›

    Students are placed on: Warning when their cumulative Georgia State University GPA is below 2.0 and they were not on supervision or probation the previous semester in attendance.

    What GPA is withdrawal? ›

    “W” (Student Initiated Withdrawal)

    The “W” is not factored into the student's GPA calculation, but counts against their Course Completion Rate as attempted credits.

    How much does Hope cover in GSU? ›

    Bachelor's degree is 100% of tuition or $298.27 per credit hour. Associate degree is 100% of tuition or $95.00 per credit hour.

    What is the phone number for the dean of students at GSU? ›

    Tenant Directory
    OfficePhone NumberEmail
    Dean of Students404-413-1515[email protected]
    Family Engagement404-413-1580[email protected]
    Fraternity & Sorority Life404-413-1589[email protected]
    Latinx Student Services & Outreach (LASSO)404-413-2046[email protected]
    5 more rows

    What is the average student loan debt at GSU? ›

    Student Loan Debt for Georgia State University

    At Georgia State University, the median federal loan debt among borrowers who completed their undergraduate degree is $20,903.

    How do you email a College dean? ›

    You should still address the email formally to “Dean” or “Provost.” For your academic or career advisers, you can usually have a more casual correspondence and address them by their first names.

    How do I contact the dean of students Rutgers? ›

    For more information, email [email protected] or call (973) 353-5063.

    How do I email the dean of students at Georgia Southern? ›

    [email protected] for the Statesboro Campus.

    Who is the dean of student affairs at the University of Georgia? ›

    Eric Atkinson serves as Dean of Students at the University of Georgia. He is responsible for overseeing the following departments: Engagement, Leadership, and Service. Greek Life.

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    Article information

    Author: Rubie Ullrich

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5560

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Rubie Ullrich

    Birthday: 1998-02-02

    Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

    Phone: +2202978377583

    Job: Administration Engineer

    Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

    Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.