Stock vs Broth - Are You Confused? (2024)

Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
  • Stock vs Broth: Start with Meat Stock When Healing The Gut
  • Stock or Broth: When to Introduce
  • Fish Meat Stock
  • Chicken, Pheasant or Turkey Meat Stock
  • Beef or Lamb Meat Stock
  • Bone Broth (Bone Stock) Recipes

Stock vs Broth - Are You Confused? (1)French chefs have a term fonds de cuisine, which translates to “the foundation and working capital ofthe kitchen.” Bone and meat stock provide just that, the foundation of both the kitchen andultimately one’s physical health. Two of the most common questions that individualsembarking upon the GAPS Diet have is, “Is bone broth really that good for you?” and “Do I use stock vsbroth?” What is the difference betweenthese two anyway and is one better for gut healing than the other?

To add to the confusion, these two words are often used interchangeably by the most educated of chefs. However, for purposes of the GAPS Diet, a temporary diet to heal/seal the gut wall and resolve autoimmune issues, Natasha Campbell-McBride MD uses the terms “meat stock” and “bonestock”. In this article, I will use “stock” when referencing meat stock and “broth” for bone stock.

Stock vs Broth: Start with Meat Stock When Healing The Gut

Stock is used in the beginning stages of the GAPS Diet, especially during the Introduction Diet wherethe primary focus is in healing the gut. Broth is ideal for consuming once gut healing has takenplace. The significant difference is that the stock (meat stock) is not cooked as long as broth (bonestock).

Stock is especially rich in gelatin and free amino acids, like proline and glycine. These aminoacids along with the gelatinous protein from the meat and connective tissue are particularlybeneficial in healing and strengthening connective tissue. These nutrients are pulled out of the meatand connective tissue during the first several hours of cooking meaty fish, poultry, beef and lamb. The larger the bones, the longer the cooking time.

In Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Campbell-McBride explains how to prepare stock(meat stock)to be used during the early stages of the GAPS Diet. Her recipe can also be found at the end of this article.

Stock prepared in this way supports good digestion, as well as promotes proper secretion ofhydrochloric acid, which is needed for breaking down proteins in the stomach. Lack of adequatehydrochloric acid can lead to a myriad of symptoms including acid reflux, skin disorders, anemia,osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo, asthma, food allergies and more.Gelatin, a major component of meat stock, also assists in the proper digestion of proteins ensuringoptimal growth in infants and children. Gelatin improves the integrity of collagen, which is reflectedin the improved appearance of the skin as well as in the lessening of digestive tract inflammation.

Additionally, gelatin enhances the digestibility of grains and legumes cooked in it. Both grains andlegumes are eliminated in the beginning of the GAPS Diet, with grains avoided completely until oneis ready to transition off the GAPS Diet. Once gut healing is complete and the digestive tract functionis restored, properly prepared grains and legumes will be best enjoyed prepared using meat stockor bone broth.

Stock or Broth: When to Introduce

Bone stock or broth is introduced after the Introduction Diet as gut healing has advanced. Somewith longstanding gut issues find that if they introduce broth (bone stock) early prior to the sealingof the gut, they have reactions to the free glutamates that result from the longer cooked gelatin. Those who are sensitive to MSG will generally be sensitive to these free glutamates until their gutsare healed.

The timing on when a GAPS person is ready to progress from meat stock to bone broth is individual. Thosechildren who are autistic or ADD/ADHD and who are suffering from seizures or tics are among thepeople who should avoid free glutamates until their guts are healed.Free glutamates include not only MSG but glutamine and glutamic acid. These are excitoxins andcan have a damaging effect on neurons. This is why I do not recommend using nutritional formulascontaining glutamine in cases of the above mentioned conditions as well as Crohn’s or Leaky GutSyndrome. Excitotoxins encourage inflammation in the gut and brain, the exact situation we aretrying to heal.

Uncomfortable die-off reactions, as well as symptoms of nervous system agitation, are signs thatyour digestive tract is best served staying with the meat stock. Die off reactions can includediarrhea, vomiting, nausea, constipation and skin eruptions or rashes. Making the transitiongradually from stock (meat stock) to broth (bone stock) is advisable. Cooking broth at a very lowtemperature (slow simmer) will minimize the formation of free glutamates.

Excellent broth (bone stock) recipes can be found in Sally Fallon Morell’s Nourishing Traditions Cookbook. Thistimeless cookbook should be in every kitchen. Broth is an invaluable addition to the diet of youngchildren and all who desire optimal health. Broth is rich in all the minerals necessary to buildstrong teeth and bones. Broth serves as an excellent replacement for milk in the diet of those whoare lactose intolerant.

However, in most cases we find that once the gut is healed, raw milk is welldigested. Regardless, once homemade broth is introduced, it will be a welcomed staple to your diet. Both stock and broth can be made from the same bones. It is simple to begin your stock and aftercooking for several hours, remove the carcass for deboning. Reserve the meat for eating and thenreturn the bones to the pot with fresh water. Continue cooking for 6 to 48 hours, depending uponthe type of bones. Stock and broth can be stored in the refrigerator for several days with the layer of fat on top to prevent oxidation or frozen in the freezer for several months. Unused stock or broth inthe refrigerator may be reheated, cooled and returned to the refrigerator for several more daysbefore consuming.

Fish Meat Stock


2 medium non-oily fish, such as sole or snapper
4 or more quarts of purified water
2 tablespoonsraw apple cider vinegar made at home or purchased from the store (glass only)
Assortment of vegetables, as desired

  • 1-2 medium yellow onions
  • 2-4 carrots
  • 3-4 celery stalks

Bouquet garni (tie together using cooking twine)

  • Fresh bay leaf
  • Fresh thyme, rosemary, sage

Celtic Sea Salt, 1-2 teaspoons, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking
Parsley, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking


Rinse fish in purified water. Remove meat from the fish and reserve for cooking. Place bones, fins,tails, skin and heads in the pot. Add remaining ingredients. Fill pot with purified water. Allow thepot and its contents to stand for 30 minutes, giving the raw apple cider vinegar time to drawminerals out of the bones. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 1 to 1 ½ hours.

Add parsley and salt during the last 10 minutes of cooking. Remove the fish bones and other largeparts. Strain the stock. Set aside remaining ingredients for preparing fish broth (fish bone stock).

Chicken, Pheasant or Turkey Meat Stock


1 whole chicken, pheasant or turkey
2-4 poultry feet, optional
1-2 chicken, pheasant or turkey heads, optional
4 or more quarts of purified water
2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar homemadeor purchased from the store (glass only)
Assortment of vegetables, as desired

  • 1-2 medium yellow onions
  • 2-4 carrots
  • 3-4 celery stalks

Bouquet garni (tie together using cooking twine)

  • Fresh bay leaf
  • Fresh thyme, rosemary, sage

Celtic sea salt, 1-2 teaspoons, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking
Parsley, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking


Rinse chicken, feet and heads in purified water. Cut whole chicken in half down the middlelengthwise. Place these in the pot. Add remaining ingredients. Fill pot with purified water. Allow thepot and its contents to stand for 30 minutes, giving the raw apple cider vinegar time to drawminerals out of the bones. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Add parsley and salt during the last 10 minutes of cooking. Remove the chicken and other largeparts. Debone and reserve the meat for eating. It will be delicious. Strain the stock. Set asideremaining ingredients for preparing chicken bone broth (chicken bone stock).

Beef or Lamb Meat Stock


4-5 pounds of bone marrow and knuckle bones
3 pounds of meaty ribs or neck bones
1 calf’s foot, if available, cut into pieces (optional)
4 or more quarts of purified water
2 teaspoons Celtic sea salt
4 ouncesraw homemade apple cider vinegaror purchased from the store (glass only)
Assortment of vegetables, as desired

  • 1-2 medium yellow onions
  • 2-4 carrots
  • 3-4 celery stalks

1 teaspoon dried peppercorns, crushed
Bouquet garni (tie together using cooking twine)

  • Fresh bay leaf
  • Fresh thyme, rosemary, sage

Parsley, to be added in the last 10 minutes of cooking


Place the bones, meat and joints into a large pot. You may roast the meaty bones in a pan in an ovenat 350 degrees Fahrenheit. You may roast the meaty bones in a roasting pan until well browned, forextra flavor. Place these in the pot. Add remaining ingredients. Fill pot with purified water. Allowthe pot and its contents to stand for 60 minutes, giving the raw apple cider vinegar time to drawminerals out of the bones. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 3 to 4 hours.

Add parsley during the last 10 minutes of cooking. Remove the beef and other large parts. Deboneand reserve the meat for eating. It will be delicious. Strain the stock. Set aside remaining ingredientsfor preparing beef or lamb bone broth. Additional ingredients to consider for variety would be garlic, gingerand lemon rind, to name a few. Avoid adding starchy vegetables to your stock.

Bone Broth (Bone Stock) Recipes

To make bone stock (broth) you may follow the above recipes and after deboning, add additionalpurified water and continue cooking according to these recommendations:

  • Fish Bone Broth – simmer for 4 hours.
  • Chicken, Pheasant or Turkey Bone Broth – simmer for 12 to 24 hours.
  • Beef or Lamb Bone Broth – simmer for 36 to 48 hours.

Bon appetit!

More Information

Bone Broth and MSG: What You Need to Know

Healthy and Easy Bouillon Cubes Recipe

Minerals in Bone Broth (what the research REALLY says)

Lead in Bone Broth?

My Youtube playlist on all aspects of making bone broth

How to Make Turkey Stock

The Best Bone Broth

How to Make Duck Stock

How to Make Beef and Chicken Stock

How to Make Shrimp Stock

5 Reasons Why Your Stock Won’t Gel

The Perfect Simmer on Your Bone Broth

Stock vs Broth - Are You Confused? (2024)


Stock vs Broth - Are You Confused? ›

Stock is always cooked with bones, but not necessarily with meat. Broth on the other hand is technically any liquid that has meat cooked in it, which may or may not contain bones. The final result is a much thinner liquid than stock that doesn't gel when chilled.

Are broth and stock the same thing? ›

Stock is generally made from bones, and broth is generally made from flesh. In both cases, they are often supported with aromatic vegetables, but in the case of stock, left unseasoned for maximum flexibility in recipes, whereas broth will usually contain at least salt and pepper.

Which is healthier, stock or broth? ›

And the Winner Is..

Stock! Whether homemade or store-bought it has more protein and usually less sodium per serving as compared to broth. Plus, the flavor is just better which means you'll start with something tastier and will hopefully use less salt to taste at the end.

Why does broth have a more pronounced flavor than stock? ›

"Broths are very flavorful due to the addition of meat to the broth ingredients, but much lighter in mouthfeel than, say, a beef or veal stock that has cooked for many hours," Handal explains. Like stocks, broths contain aromatics, but they also typically contain additional seasonings, including salt.

Can you drink stock like broth? ›

Stock is thicker than broth due to the viscosity from collagen, it also contains more calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals than you will find in broth. Over the past few years, stock has gained popularity as a sipping drink, commonly known as bone broth, due to the rise of the Paleo, Whole30 and keto diets.

Can I replace stock with broth? ›

Stock and Broth Substitutes

In most cases, stock and broth are interchangeable. If you're in the soup aisle and can't remember whether the recipe called for stock or broth, either will do for making soup, gravy, or a flavorful pot of rice or grains. Keep in mind that stock is unseasoned, and broth is seasoned.

Why would someone use a stock over a broth in cooking? ›

As a result, stocks often have a richer flavor than broths due to the collagen and gelatin released from simmered bones. This difference in flavor is often what determines if a stock or broth is to be used. Secondly, stocks usually have longer cook times than broths.

What must you not do when cooking stock? ›

To avoid a cloudy stock do not stir while it is cooking because the impurities will get trapped in the liquid. Replenish liquid as needed if it evaporates but avoid diluting the flavor and body of the stock. Simmer the stock gently – never allow it to boil.

Can you drink stock cubes? ›

Simply crumble it in with the other ingredients from your best meaty recipes or enjoy a warming, beefy drink by dissolving a cube in a mug of hot water. Beef up your traditional family meals on those cold winter nights and create hearty beef dishes the whole family will love.

Should you drink bone broth or stock? ›

Bone broth is more nutrient- and protein-dense than other broths and stocks due to its longer cook time, Wohlford says. “The longer cooking time allows for the breakdown and extraction of more nutrients,” she says.

Do you use stock or broth for chicken soup? ›

Whether to use chicken broth or chicken stock depends on what recipe you're preparing. If you're making a simple soup like chicken noodle soup and the liquid is going to be consumed as is, then you can use chicken broth.

Why doesn't my stock taste good? ›

A good chicken broth needs carrots and celery. It also needs chicken fat even if you are skimming the far off after the broth cools. If you feel this has been taken care of and still no flavor, try roasting the chicken back bones till golden brown before adding to the broth.

Do you use stock or broth for gravy? ›

You can use either stock or broth for keeping dressing moist or as a basis for gravy, but a strong flavor will give you better results.

What is the white stuff floating in my chicken broth? ›

You turn on the heat, the pot heats up, and it's not long before all that whitish, greyish, or brownish foamy “scum” rises to the top of the pot just as it starts to simmer. What is that stuff, anyway? Broth scum is simply denatured congealed protein. It comes from the meat, not the bones.

Why discard vegetables after making stock? ›

Um, as you're cooking with stock, the the vegetable, the vegetables will release the nutrients and the flavor into the water and what you're left, um, what you're left to it is just kind of a mushy vegetable. It doesn't have a lot of taste.

Can I leave stock simmering overnight? ›

Fill with water, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to the lowest simmer my stove burner will maintain, and leave it to simmer all night long. In the morning, I'll strain the stock and let it cool, and toss all the used bits in the trash.

Is it better to use broth or stock in soup? ›

Stock has a richer, deeper flavor and mouthfeel, making it better at adding body to a dish, whereas broth might be a better choice when you want to let other flavors to shine.

Can I use beef broth instead of beef stock? ›

You can use broth for beef stock, but the results may not be optimal. Stock is better suited for recipes that require and fat and depth of taste. Broth is better served as ingredients for delicious tasting soups, pasta dishes and seasoned dishes like pho or ramen.

Is bouillon the same as broth? ›

The terms bouillon and broth are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the translucent, flavorful liquid that is made by simmering beef, chicken, vegetables, and other ingredients. Colloquially, bouillon is often meant to describe the resulting broth from cubed and powdered forms of bouillon.

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