Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (2024)

Dow, S&P, NASDAQ Rise Again

Yes, February was another stellar month for the Dow, and NASDAQ, as well as the Russell 2000.

And now in March, despite the wall of worry over the FED and inflation, the indexes rose a little again.

Most of the economic indicators are flashing green, and Wall Street predictions are very positive. The broadening breadth of the market too means investors might invest in any stock right now and find themselves with a nice profit one year from now.

Bears are stuck on the FED’s reaction to resurgent inflation, but the market has realized that it doesn’t need rate cuts to soar. It’s faring very well right now, and all those trillions sitting in money market funds are poised to slide over to equities. Tom Lee of Fundstrat ( hits 5200 and it’s already 5139 now) and others are calling for big growth in the S&P.

Sure they mention a pullback, but at this point, it doesn’t look like a pullback or correction is going to happen. There might be volatility from news stories or missed earnings as nervous investors try to save their short-term profit tactics to shore up their investing confidence (and greed).

And earnings aren’t all that bad, and are poised for growth this year, this when employee earnings are high, taxes are high, regulations are crippling, and interest rates remain at 5%. Consider if President Trump removes those problems.

Spring is fast approaching and the expected June rate cut will ease a lot of fears. That means that right now is the best low point to buy stocks. Which are the best stocks to buy? Well, it could be the AI play with Nvidia or AMD, or perhaps Bitcoin, or pharmaceuticals or thousands of small caps that are valued at near record lows. With rates at higher levels, small caps might not rocket until late 2024 or into 2025. Oil stocks too will be everyone’s radar as oil prices grow.

The outlook for next week is good with major economic reports coming out, but they look normal so J Powell likely won’t say anything too bearish. The FED doesn’t need to do anything. They’ll wait to see the data over the next 3 months to plot their path forward.

This week’s weaker economic signals will put more pressure on the FED to make the pivot on rates. And being an election year, the FED will have to cut this summer because they can’t during the election period.

March, along with the 3-month, 6-month, full 2024 forecast, 5 year forecast and the long-term market forecast all look positive. FOMO retail investors are worried they’ll miss out on the ultimate price gain in 2024, but most will slowly adjust to the slower economic growth picture and begin picking long-term winners instead of trying to be slick day traders (picking ponies).

Market Indicators this Week

The conference board reported it economic index fell by .4% in January. They don’t see a recession. Instead, they see slow growth.

Let’s keep in mind that election years are typically strong for markets, with about 10% growth on average for the S&P. In 8 months, President Trump will begin lowering taxes and deleting destructive regulations that hamper US productivity. Everyone knows this, so it’s difficult to feel pessimistic about the 2025 market forecast.

As this chart from Google Finance reveals, the last 3 months have been phenomenal rewarding those of faith, that the US is the best place to invest going forward. Experts believe this rally will broaden out over 2024.

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (1)

AI Animal Spirits Driving the Markets

Are you excited about the prospects for large caps and the AI-powered markets. Experts believe it’s real and not a 1999-style bubble. These massive companies such as Google, Nvidia, META, Amazon, Apple, AMD, and others are flush with billions in cash, so the FED rate means nothing to them. They fund their own business.

AI is going to deliver massive earnings growth as the AI-based market expands driving chip sales, new services, and bringing labor efficiencies. That all spells big profits for Nvidia and AMD.

It’s important to know that Trillions in US infrastructure spending is about to begin this year which will power up the economy and draw foreign investment to the US. Greater protection of US manufacturing with support from the US government means US stocks are the prize of global markets.

The economic break with China is certain and this bodes well for the US economy.

As the US dollar sinks in value (lower interest rate forecast trend) and the global economy returns, Bitcoin will be in big demand which could push its price well up in the next two years. The forecast for Bitcoin is exceptional and more funds will open to Bitcoin ETFs like grayscale and ishare Bitcoin shares.

As interest rates fall over 2024/2025, trillions in money markets will move to equities which drive a super spike in stock prices.

Stock Market Predictions for 2024

If you’re still not a believer that this rally will continue without a major pullback, then let’s review Wall Street Predictions provided by and MarketWatch:

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (2)

Goldman Sachs Research forecasted the index would end 2024 at 4700, for a 12-month price gain of 5% and a total return of 6% including dividends. We’re far beyond that, which means these companies have a far too fearful outlook that investors are beginning to disrespect.

As you can see, most investment companies are bullish about 2024 with a range of about 8% to 10% for the optimistic, most noted authorities. Of course, we’re well up already two months into the new year and it looks like these will be revised upward as increasing good economic news is reported.

The US economy is in excellent condition. Unemployment is 3.7%, inflation is only 2.8%, income is up 3.4%, consumer spending continues moderately, and US national income is up and forecast to rise continuously to 2029.

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (3)

Let’s Review why the Stock Market Forecast is so Rosy

  • inflation continues to lower
  • FED rate cut expected in June/July and a full 1% lower by 2025
  • US GDP slowing thus inflation may be past
  • US dollar weakens strengthening exports
  • $6 to 8 Trillion in money markets could move to equities as interest rates fall
  • materials prices on a downward trend (natural gas, oil, lumber)
  • innovation and investment in AI contributing to a rebuilding of the economy and a renewing of many products in use (laptops, smartphones, autos)
  • investor doubt and insecurity have eased of late given the rally is so persistent, weathering all bad news
  • normally sluggish 1st quarter downturn will end in a few months
  • China dependence is decreasing with the re-onshoring of manufacturing to the US
  • trillions in US infrastructure spending due to start this year
  • unemployment is rising slightly which helps keep wage demands down
  • Earnings are slated to increase by an unthreatening 1.3% YoY with topline sales expected to grow by 3.1%
  • Presidential election 8 months away with the tax-cutting, deregulating Donald Trump in the lead
  • A defeat of Joe Biden translates to pro-business policies which gives investors tremendous relief
  • Goldman Sachs sees the S&P hitting 5100 this year
  • Chips Act and infrastructure spending should bolster economic growth

After a strong 3 months, the Dow Jones, , Russell 2000 and NASDAQ are gaining speed.

At this point, you’re wondering which sectors are going to boom this spring, and which individual stocks will rocket. Certainly, the Russell 2000 has some hot stocks rocketing right now. The overall trend for the Russell is heading upward yet there are still concerns about the economy.

Hot Stocks by Weighted Alpha

Barchart shows us those stocks that are rising best in the last 12 months to show a solid trend upward, while weighting those with the strongest price growth of late. As usual, Super Micro Computer, and Gigacloud, are present, but we wonder where Nvidia, Google, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft and the magnificent stocks are lately?

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (4)

Hottest Sectors this Week

Perhaps not surprisingly, technology, consumer staples, and communications lead the way. Materials and energy leveled upward but are not expected to do well for the next few months. The Dow was lagging because of poor economic news.

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (5)

Have a look at the 3-month and 6-month projections for the stock market and collectively you’ll see the bull market horizon is not far off. And view the 5-year forecast for better clarity for the road ahead. Getting a grip on the macro picture is important, and don’t forget that politics is the dictator of markets and they can still throw a monkey wrench into this (high rates, regulations, anti-stimulus spending bills).

Will Fear of Missing Out Also Boost the Stock Markets?

FOMO investors are afraid of losing out and if they start moving all that money from the money markets ($4 to $6 Trillion estimated) then stock prices could rocket. It’s definitely time to own something. You may find the best stocks to buy today, or next week are a basket of large caps, but for those who demand more, the Russell 2000 small caps are likely where you’ll get rich.

This environment where rates are cooling, inflation is moderating and the Fed is on the sidelines, that is typically a good backdrop for risk assets. Typically when rates start to move lower, you get valuation expansion and the areas that we could see some more meaningful valuation expansion is outside of large-cap tech.” — Mona Mahajan, senior investment strategist at Edward Jones

Interesting stock picks:

Arm Holdings (ARM), United Rentals (URI), Toll Brothers (TOL), D.R. Horton (DHI), TopBuild (BLD), InterContinental Hotels (IHG), Marriott Worldwide (MAR) and Palantir Technologies (PLTR).

AI technology, homebuilders and travel companies are the best stocks to buy. I like DR Horton and Toll Brothers outlook for the next few years. The demand for housing is intense with resale properties unable to be sold with severe shortages (costs, interest rates, materials shortages, lack of government support). As mortgage rates fall, hungry, impatient buyers will jump on new homes available on the market.

Certainly, the 7 million new illegal immigrants will need everything from housing and furniture to cars and clothing.

The November 2024 election is only 11 months away. It’s hard to ignore this growing factor for the stock market outlook. If President Trump is re-elected, taxes and spending would drop and the FED rates forced downward. Business likes that kind of thing.

When Will all that Money Market Money move over to Equities?

Markets have suffered low volume and disinterest for sometime, yet $5 to 6 Trillion in money markets is one reason to hang in there with your best picks. Not all of that money will move, but a good chunk of it will by end of 2024. If Biden wins, then money will retreat to the money markets.

Year to date, NASDAQ and the have persevered well. As interest rates ease, the NASDAQ was positioned best for growth, which means US tech stocks might be the best bargains. Here are your top-performing tech stocks of late on the NASDAQ exchange. With the coming growth of AI, Nvidia has caught the eye of investors.

Morgan Stanley pointed out in their Stock Market Outlook 2023 report, the stock market does very well in non-election years (+71%), and not badly in Presidential election years (40)%).

6 Month Stock Outlook

By April of 2024, we might be through most of the bad news and economic crisis. The economist’s dour predictions of a 2024 crash/downturn will be done. By then, the Dems will have to capitulate on spending to reduce inflation, and that will drive a massive upward shift in the DOW, S&P, NASDAQ and Russell 2000. See more on the 6 month .

If the FED rate drops and mortgage rates fall, it could stimulate the housing market which fires up everything. There is a crisis in the multifamily sector for overleveraged builders, but those that get through it will see their sales improve by next spring of 2024.

The 5 Year Stock Outlook

For the period 2024 to 2029, we’re looking at impressive growth. This is mostly fueled by lowering interest rates, expanded oil and gas production, bringing manufacturing back to the US, and government spending more in line with reality instead of ideology. The US leadership in AI and microchip manufacturing is key since AI will increasingly influence manufacturing, services and the financial sector. Perhaps even the AI stock market software tools will be useful then. See more on the 5 year market outlookand even check out the 10 year forecast.

Key Market Signals to Watch

Government Debt Crisis and Shutdown: key driver of this current downdraft in stock prices. There will be damage as government credit rating and suppliers are affected after the shutdown. Lower spending means companies will review their risks and their decision to work with the US government going forward.

Lower Bond and Treasury Yields: Right now the FED is sticking it to the equities market due to their desperate search for cash to pay out on debt liabilities. That’s drawn money into the bond market for comparatively weak ROI for investors who want a lot more than a few percent growth. Only equities pay off big and create millionaires. Charles Schwab expects yields to fall in Q3 and into 2024as inflation continues to cool.

Stock Markets Heading Down: The last 3 months have been strong, but overall support for a strong Q4 is weakening, and Q1 2024 is looking cloudier with rain in the forecast. Yet, after March, investors may the sun shine through.

Regional banks stocks: they’ve seen their stock prices fall strongly last week. The FED noted in its Loan Officer Survey that “Banks reported tighter standards and weaker demand for all commercial real estate loan categories.” Higher for longer interest rates combined with tighter lending standards threaten to slow the economy which relies on credit (real estate).

New Inflation Data: New inflation data released from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the (CPI) a 0.3% increase in December to 3.4%, following a 0.1% rise in November. Energy, producer prices and import inflation are consistently negative.

FED Pivot Timing: There is no consensus about the FED easing cycle for 2024. Some believe a .25% cut is due in March leading to a full 1% decline over 2024.

Rising Oil and Natural Gas Prices: OPEC looks weak as the US pumps a record 13 million barrels of oil per day, and a very warm winter has led to plummeting natural gas prices. Although middle east wars are causing oil supply fluctuations, it is likely supplies will flow even better in the year ahead, to help keep energy prices down at least for 2024.

Strengthening US Dollar: the US dollar had weakened great but is now on the rise once more (103 dollar index) and that will help foreign investors buy more in the US or invest in fast growing US companies. US exports should enjoy a short period of international trading advantage.

$6 to $8 Trillion Cash in Waiting When the Market Gives the Green Light

Investors still hoard a lot of cash, at record levels, and are still waiting for the stock market to really turnaround. During the past year, US investors holding cash were hit badly and few FX experts are calling for a resurgence in the greenback. A strong persistent bull run should draw them back setting up a strong upswing in all indexes.

Money market funds are still swelled at $5.3 Trillion with inflows infusing another $599 Billion into the sector, according to a Bank of American report. However, the last time we saw huge inflows like that was back in 2008 after the Lehman Brothers collapse.

Forecasts for the S&P

Let’s take a look at what conservative banks predicted how the S&P forecast would turn out in 2024. Are you investing with these companies?

Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (6)

Dow Jones DJI Projections

Currently, for year to date, the Dow Jones is underperforming and Dow Jones stocks are barely up for the year. The economic slowdown, with the rapid rise in credit costs, has stunted manufacturing.

This chart from Barchart (one of the best investing websites to subscribe to) shows few Dow Stocks were thriving despite today’s great rise. However, there will still be a great buy the dip opportunity. Investors should review oil stocks since the price of oil is suppressed. Commodities and energy industry experts believe oil prices will rise — either through OPEC cuts or the depletion of the Special Petroleum Reserve.

What Do the Economists Say about a Recession?

Ethan Harris, head of global economics research at Bank of America Corp. “We’re either going to have a weak economy or a recession.” — TBS News Report

Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan said there’s a 66% likelihood the U.S. is headed into a mild recession or something even worse.

We put the odds that the economy will suffer a downturn beginning in the next 12 months at one in three with uncomfortable near-even odds of a recession in the next 24 months,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said last May. — Washington Post.

Are Investors Not Realizing the Bear Market Has Left?

Lael Brainard, usually a more dovish policymaker, said she expected “a combination of rate increases and a rapid balance sheet runoff to bring U.S. monetary policy to a more neutral position later this year. Further tightening would follow as needed” — from CNBC report. So far, pretty accurate.

Forecasts 3 Months to 5 Years to 10 Years

Getting a clear view of the economy in the next 3 months to 10 year framework takes a little study. You can view more on the immediate market situation, the 3 month outlook, 6 month outlook, 5 year outlook and 10 year outlook. A smart investor will make themselves very aware of each forecast period. The current market view will disappear and like a slide show, move to the next period.

The five year to ten year outlook is steadier and it’s important to consider that politically, the intent is to bring industrial production back to the US. That single factor should help view the future more optimistically. Interest rates, mortgage rates and lending to small businesses should all improve.

Stock Market Crash Possibilities

There are very few credible market economists who are expecting a crash, although a few believe a downturn in the summer will occur as inflation creeps back up, and the FED responds with a hike. The FED may not hold rates where they are if inflation does pick up by June. It’s sufficient to keep the FED out of the markets and let laisses faire take hold, to the degree it’s currently allowed.

Here’s 7 Factors to Watch as Signals of a Downturn

  • inflation persists or rises (wages, energy, consumer prices, rent)
  • government insists on printing more money and spending more
  • Interest rates rise (could go up further)
  • disappointing earnings in Q4 (consumers pulling back spending fast)
  • geopolitical conflict such as China/Russia strife (that will intensify)
  • regional bank crashes (believed to be done, but some concerns remain)
  • oil price shocks (yes, oil prices are rising fast with supply down and oil sanctions enforced)

What’s the Long-Term Investment Outlook?

The 10 year stock market outlook is less certain of course, but consider that Millennials and Gen Z’s will slowly form more families and this is a massive number of people and a high spending phase of their lives. Additionally, millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the country in their 20’s to 40’s represent additional market demand. Demand drives prices and economic growth which fuels growth for many of the stocks above.

As interest rates and mortgage rates fall, the business community can enjoy a return to profitability while banks resume normal lending for credit, business and buying homes. The 2024 outlook for the stock market is wonderful!

Check out this list of Stock Trading Websites where you can launch your stock-buying campaigns.

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Stock Market Forecast for Next 3 Months 6 Months 5 Years 2024 2025 2026 (2024)


What to expect from the stock market in 2024? ›

Analysts project full-year S&P 500 earnings growth of 11.0% in 2024, but analysts are more optimistic about some market sectors than others.

What is the stock market prediction for 2025? ›

The S&P 500 just flashed a bullish signal that suggests a 19% gain by August 2025, according to Bank of America. The bank highlighted the stock market's 12 consecutive months of positive year-over-year gains. The signal suggests that equities still have a bullish backdrop despite weakness in April.

What is the Dow prediction for 2024? ›

The bank's analysts give a positive forecast for the Dow Jones exchange rate in 2024. In their opinion, index quotes will increase by 10% to $40,000 in 2024. If the US economy avoids recession, growth could reach up to 19%. This scenario is more likely due to cooling inflation and stable GDP growth.

Should I pull my money out of the stock market? ›

Key Takeaways. While holding or moving to cash might feel good mentally and help avoid short-term stock market volatility, it is unlikely to be wise over the long term. Once you cash out a stock that's dropped in price, you move from a paper loss to an actual loss.

Will the stock market fall in 2024? ›

While the overall 2024 outlook for stock market seems bleak, investing in small caps can be favourable this year, said the note. JP Morgan strategists in their note highlighted several reasons why markets can remain volatile in 2024, including economic recession and an invested yield curve.

Will the market be better in 2024? ›

1. Positive returns -- but smaller than in 2023. I think that the overall stock market will deliver positive returns in 2024. However, I expect those returns to be somewhat smaller than they were last year.

Where will the stock market be in 2026? ›

The AI-fueled stock market bubble will burst in 2026, according to Capital Economics. The research firm said rising interest rates and higher inflation will weigh down equity valuations. "We suspect that the bubble will ultimately burst beyond the end of next year, causing a correction in valuations."

How high will the Dow be in 2025? ›

The Dow Jones is forecasted to trade in the 40,000-50,000 range during 2025 and continue the sideways movements in the next years. In five years from now, the agency forecasts Dow Jones to trade at around 50,000 points. The forecasting services did not provide a 10-year Dow Jones price prediction.

How much will the stock market gain in the next 10 years? ›

BlackRock. Highlights: 5.2% 10-year expected nominal return for U.S. large-cap equities; 9.9% for European equities; 9.1% for emerging-markets equities; 5.0% for U.S. aggregate bonds (as of September 2023). All return assumptions are nominal (non-inflation-adjusted).

What will the Dow be in 2027? ›

To some investors, this might seem unlikely. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index that has astonished with its ascent over the past decade, likely will continue to astonish through the 2020s, rising to 50,000 by 2027.

Where is the stock market headed in 2024? ›

The S&P 500 generated an impressive 26.29% total return in 2023, rebounding from an 18.11% setback in 2022. Heading into 2024, investors are optimistic the same macroeconomic tailwinds that fueled the stock market's 2023 rally will propel the S&P 500 to new all-time highs in 2024.

What is the Dow future prediction? ›

Based on 12 Wall Street analysts offering 12 month price targets for Dow Inc in the last 3 months. The average price target is $59.60 with a high forecast of $68.00 and a low forecast of $52.00.

At what age should you get out of the stock market? ›

There are no set ages to get into or to get out of the stock market. While older clients may want to reduce their investing risk as they age, this doesn't necessarily mean they should be totally out of the stock market.

Should I stay in the stock market right now? ›

Buying stock FAQs

Buying stocks right now is a great decision for long-term investors. While the stock market fluctuates up and down over the short run, it's consistently increased in value over the long run. There's no better time to invest than right now.

Should I keep all my money in the stock market? ›

Saving is generally seen as preferable for investors with short-term financial goals, a low risk tolerance, or those in need of an emergency fund. Investing may be the best option for people who already have a rainy-day fund and are focused on longer-term financial goals or those who have a higher risk tolerance.

Which stock will boom in 2024? ›

Performance of Top 10 Fundamentally Strong Penny Stocks of 2024
NameMkt Cap (Rs. Cr.)ROCE (%)
Vikas Ecotech Ltd5564.02
Comfort Intech Ltd2526.84
Rajnandini Metal Ltd33729.2
G G Engineering Ltd17411.4
6 more rows
6 days ago

How high will the S&P 500 go in 2024? ›

The estimates from strategists put the median target for the S&P 500 at 5,200 by the end of 2024, implying a decline of less than 1% from Friday's level, according to MarketWatch calculations. Heading into 2024, the median target was around 5,000 (see table below).

What is the expected return of the stock market in the next 10 years? ›

U.S. stock returns: 2023 optimism carries forward

This heightened optimism is on par with the positive outlook in December 2021, when investors anticipated a 6% stock market return for 2022. Investor expectations for stock returns over the long run (defined as the next 10 years) rose slightly to 7.2%.

What stocks to invest in in 2024? ›

*Based on current CFRA 12-month target prices.
  • Nvidia Corp. (NVDA) ...
  • Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL) ...
  • Meta Platforms Inc. (META) ...
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) ...
  • Tesla Inc. (TSLA) ...
  • Mastercard Inc. (MA) ...
  • Salesforce Inc. (CRM) ...
  • Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD)

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.