SOP For Cleaning of Primary Production Area (2024)

1.0 Objective:

To lay down a procedure for cleaning of the Primary Production Area.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This SOP is Applicable for cleaning of the Primary Production Area.The Primary Production Area is

The Primary Production Area is divided in four parts for the purpose of cleaning:

2.1.1 Processing Rooms

2.1.2 Production Corridor Area

2.1.2 Production Corridor Are

2.1.3 Equipment wash area

2.1.4 Semi finished Product storage area and other areas.


3.1 Housekeeping Person, Operator, Production Officer.

4.0 Accountability

4.1 Production Head.

5.0 Abbreviations and Definitions

SOP : Standard Operating Procedure

No. : Number

SS : Stainless Steal

% : Percent

6.0 Procedures:

6.1 Cleaning aids:

6.1.1 Dry Vacuum Cleaner : It is used for dry cleaning.

6.1.2 Dry wet vacuum cleaner : It cleans and driers the floor at a time (small area)

6.1.3 Scrubber cum dryer : It cleans and driers the floor at a time

6.1.4 Duster Cloth : For cleaning

6.1.5 Domex / Lysol. : Disinfectant

6.1.6 Aluminum Stick Mop. : For ceiling and wall cleaning

6.1.7 Pipe brush : For floor cleaning

6.1.8 Floor cleaning trolley : For moping of pipe brush

6.1.9 Nylon Broom : For cleaning of change room and packing hall.

6.2 Processing Room

6.2.2 The Processing Room shall be cleaned either at the end of a batch or at the end of the day, which ever is earlier. There are three types of cleaning: Applicable for Product to Product change over. Applicable for Batch to Batch change over of the same product/if no activity is present. Applicable for the processing rooms which are not used during the day otherwise the same batch is going on for the next day.

6.3 Type- A Cleaning

6.3.1 Start cleaning of the area after the cleaning of the equipments.

6.3.2 Start the cleaning operation of ceiling and then to walls from top progressing to downwards.

6.3.3 Clean the door and window glasses using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster.

6.3.4 Clean the doors, door closures, handles and all the hinges of the door using dry followed by wet and again with dry duster.

6.3.5 If weighing balance is present in the processing room, clean it by using wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.3.6 Clean the pallets, trolleys, etc using a wet duster followed by a clean dry duster.

6.3.7 Remove the dust from the switchboards, utility pendants using the vacuum cleaner and wipe with clean dry duster.

6.3.8 Clean the SOP stand using clean dry duster.

6.3.9 Clean the accessories box using the wet duster followed by clean dry duster.

6.3.10 Clean the ceilings of Air Handling Unit (AHU) supply grilles with a pipe brush and vacuum cleaner during a product change over.

6.3.11 Clean and mop the entire floor twice using 1.0% disinfectant solution (Domex / Lysol) using Aluminum stick mop / Scrubber cum drier.

6.3.12 Clean the tube light fixtures using wet duster followed by a clean dry duster.

6.3.13 Clean the coving, corners of the entire area using wet (with disinfectant) duster.

6.3.14 Clean the walls of the entire area using (with disinfectant) wet mop.

6.3.15 Collect all the waste from the waste bin into a poly bag and send to the scrap room. Sanitize the waste bin with (Disinfectant solution) wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.3.16 Clean the drain parts and drain using 1% Disinfectant solution and 10% sodium Hypochloride solution once a week as per respective SOP scrubbing with scotch brite followed by sufficient quantity of water. Pour 0.5 liters of 1% disinfectant solution into the drain. Close the drain with drain trap, perforated plate and lid.

6.3.17 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Primary Production area cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-I

6.4 Type-B Cleaning:

6.4.1 Follow the steps 6.3.2 to 6.3.9 for cleaning of Processing Room.

6.4.2 Collect all the waste from the waste bin into a poly bag and send to the scrap room. Clean the waste bin with a dry duster.

6.4.3 Clean and mop the entire floor twice using 1% disinfectant solution (Domex / Lysol.) using Aluminum stick mop / Scrubber cum dryer.

6.4.4 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Primary Production area cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-I

6.5 Type -C Cleaning:

6.5.1 Clean the door and window glasses using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster.

6.5.1 Clean the doors, door closures, handles and all the hinges of the doors using wet and dry duster.

6.5.3 Collect all the waste from the waste bin into a poly bag and send to the scrap room. Clean the waste bin with a dry duster.

6.5.4 Clean the SOP stand using clean dry duster.

6.5.5 Clean and mop the entire floor twice using 1% disinfectant solution (Domex / Lysol.) using Aluminum stick mop / Scrubber cum dryer.

6.5.6 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Primary Production area cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-I

6.6 Production Corridor Area

6.6.1 Doors, door closures, handles window glasses, fire extinguishers, emergency lights, switchboards, coving, corners of the entire area cleaned daily.

6.6.2 Clean and mop the entire floor twice a day.

6.6.3 Tube light fixture, walls, ceiling and corner angle cleaned once a week.

6.6.4 Clean the door and window glasses using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster.

6.6.5 Clean the doors, door closures, handles and all the hinges of the doors using wet and dry duster.

6.6.6 Clean the fire extinguishers, emergency lights using dry duster.

6.6.7 Clean the switchboards using dry duster.

6.6.8 Clean the coving, corners of the entire area using wet (with disinfectant) duster.

6.6.9 Clean the ceiling, walls and corner angles using wet duster followed by dry duster. (Once a week).

6.6.10 Clean the tube lights fixtures using dry duster (Once a week).

6.6.11 Clean and mop the entire floor twice using 1% disinfectant solution (Domex / Lysol) using Scrubber cum dryer / Aluminum stick mop at the start and at the end of the shift or as and when required.

6.6.12 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Semi Finish Product Storage Area, Production Corridor Area and Equipment Wash Area Cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-II

6.7 Equipment wash area

6.7.1 Door, door closures, handles window glasses, emergency lights, switchboards, coving, corners and drain point of the entire area cleaned daily.

6.7.2 Clean and mop the entire floor twice a day.

6.7.3 Tube light fixture cleaned once a week.

6.7.4 Clean the door, window glasses, handles and all the hinges of the doors using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster.

6.7.5 Clean the table using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.7.6 Clean the tube lights fixtures using dry duster (Once a week).

6.7.7 Clean the switchboards, utility pendants using clean dry duster.

6.7.8 Collect all the waste from the waste bin into a poly bag and send to the scrap room.

6.7.9 Clean the waste bin using wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.7.10 Clean the SOP stand using clean dry duster.

6.7.11 Cleaning of covings, corners and walls of the entire area using (Disinfectant) wet duster Clean and mop the entire floor twice using 1% disinfectant solution (Domex / Lysol) using Aluminum stick mop .

6.7.12 At the end of the working shift, clean the drain parts and Pour of 10% Hypochloride solution into the drain. Scrubbing with scotch brite followed by sufficient quantity of water. Close the drain with drain trap, perforated plate and lid.

6.7.13 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Semi Finish Product Storage Area, Production Corridor Area and Equipment Wash Area Cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-II.

6.8 Semi finish Product storage area and other areas:

6.8.1 Semi finish product storage area include semi finish quarantine-I & II, Granules quarantine I & II and other areas are days packing store, Genitor room, and tool rooms.

6.8.1 Door, door closures, handles window glasses, emergency lights, switchboards, SS containers, coving, corners and drain point of the entire area cleaned daily.

6.8.3 Tube light fixture, walls, ceiling and corner angle cleaned once a week.

6.8.4 Clean and mop the entire floor twice a day.

6.8.5 Clean the door, window glasses, handles and all the hinges of the doors using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster.

6.8.6 Clean the table using (Disinfectant solution) wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.8.7 Clean the switchboards, utility pendants using clean dry duster.

6.8.8 Clean the pallets, trolleys, SS containers, In-process Containers etc using a clean dry duster.

6.8.9 Clean the coving, corners of the entire area using wet (with Disinfectant) duster.

6.8.10 If the weight balance is present in Semi finish Product storage area clean it using wet duster followed by dry duster.

6.8.11 Clean the ceiling, walls and corner angles using wet duster followed by dry duster.(once a week)

6.8.12 Clean the tube lights fixtures using wet duster followed by dry duster.( once a week)

6.8.13 Clean and mop the entire floor using 1% disinfectant solution(Domex / Lysol) using scrubber cum dryer / Aluminium stick mop at the start and at the end of shift or as and when required.

6.8.14 Enter the cleaning details in the ‘Semi Finish Product Storage Areas, Production Corridor Area and Equipment Wash Area Cleaning Record’ as per Annexure No.-II

7.0 Forms and Records (Annexures)

  • Processing room cleaning record – Annexure-I
  • Semi Finish Product Storage Areas, change part room , Production Corridors Area And Equipment Wash Area Cleaning Record – Annexure-II

8.0 Distribution

  • Master copy – Quality Assurance
  • Controlled copies- Quality Assurance, Production,Housekeeping

9.0 History

Date Revision Number Reason for Revision


Processing Room Cleaning Record


Disinfectant solution used: _____________________ Type of cleaning: A /B /C

Sr. No.Area DateDateDateDateDateDateDate
1Wet Granulation
2Dry Granulation I
3Dry Granulation II
4Blending Room
5Capsule Filling- I
6Capsule Filling- II
7Tablet Compression I
8Tablet Compression II
9Tablet Inspection
11Strip Packing
12Blister Packing
13Alu-Alu Packing
14De-cartoning Room
15Air Jet Cleaning
16Dry Syrup Filling and Sealing
17Bulk Packaging Room
18Done By (House Keeping Person)
19Done By (Operator)
20Checked By

Note: Write A/ B/ C wherever applicable and write N.A. if not applicable.

Type-A: Applicable for Product to Product change over

Type-B: Applicable for Batch to batch change over of the same product.

Type-C: Applicable for the processing rooms which are not used during the day otherwise the same batch is going on for the next day.


Semi Finish Product Storage Area, Change Part Room, Production Corridor Area and Equipment Wash Area Cleaning Record

Area:______________________ Disinfectant solution used: __________________

Sr. No.Area DateDateDateDateDateDateDate
1Cleaning of door and window glasses using (disinfectant solution) Wet duster
2Cleaning of doors, door closures, handle and all hinges of doors using dry duster followed by wet and again dry duster.
3Cleaning of weighing balance using wet duster followed by dry duster.
4Cleaning of pallets and trolleys using wet duster followed by dry duster.
5Cleaning of switch boards and utility pendent using vacuum cleaner and wipe with dry duster.
6Cleaning of SOP stand using clean dry duster.
7Cleaning of entire floor using 2.5 % disinfectant solution.
8Cleaning of coving, corner of entire area using (Disinfectant) wet duster.
9Clean the tube light fixture using wet duster followed by a clean dry duster.
10Done by (House keeping person)
11Done By (Operator)
12Checked By

Note: Write N.A. wherever not applicable. [√] Tick mark if the activity is performed.

SOP For Cleaning of Primary Production Area (2024)


What is SOP for cleaning? ›

A housekeeping SOP⁠—or standard operating procedure⁠—is a step-by-step set of instructions on how to complete each housekeeping task. These processes are approved by management, and all housekeepers are expected to follow them to ensure consistency, accuracy, and quality.

What is Type A and Type B cleaning? ›

Mentioned the type of cleaning as: Type A: Product to Product change over. Type B: Batch to Batch change over. Type C: Shift end cleaning.

What is production SOP? ›

A manufacturing SOP is a step-by-step work instruction that guides operators through a task. The main goal of setting up an SOP is to structure and standardize the way in which work is done.

How do you clean sterile areas? ›

Follow the schedule for preparation of disinfectant as per Annexure. 5.7 At the end of the day, drain the excess solution of cleaning agents and disinfectant in the drain line wash and dry the empty container. 5.8 Mop the working area with 70% Isopropyl alcohol daily after completion of sterility test.

What are the 4 categories of cleaning? ›

There are so many cleaning supplies on the market, but all formulas ultimately fall into one of four distinct categories: detergents, degreasers, abrasives, and acids.

What is SOP example? ›

It defines the expected practices and all the quality standards that need to be met. For example, if you're in the manufacturing industry, your SOP would consist of activities that your team needs to undertake while making the product.

What is the format of SOP? ›

Unless otherwise specified, a standard statement of purpose is ideally two pages long, uses a maximum of 12-point font, and is double spaced in normal margins. Hence, depending on the font type, a standard SOP would be about 800 to 1000 words. There should be no use of colourful text or images anywhere.

What are the 13 principles of sterile technique? ›

Terms in this set (13)
  • Only sterile items are used within the sterile field.
  • Sterile persons are gowned and gloved; gowns are sterile from table to chest level in front including sleeves to 2" above the elbow.
  • Tables are sterile only at table level.
  • Sterile persons touch only sterile items or areas.

What is cleanroom protocol? ›

Proper Cleanroom Working Procedure Protocol

Clean, inspect, and wipedown all materials and tools entering the cleanroom with a 70% IPA solution. Wipe down work areas at the end of each shift, or as designated by classification compliance, for pharmaceutical applications this may be as often as every 30 minutes.

What is difference of sterile and clean? ›

While clean means free from marks and stains, sterile goes even further and is free from bacteria or microorganisms. Sterility is the absence of viable life that has the potential to reproduce and spread dangerous and disease-causing germs and bacteria.

What is the 20 10 Rule cleaning? ›

A 20/10 is 20 minutes of cleaning followed by a 10-minute break, and the work/break cycle just might change the way you look at cleaning from now on. If nothing else has worked for you so far, trying something new just might be worth a shot.

What is the most important rule of cleaning? ›

Start with the least harmful approach

Use your gentlest cleaning methods first and move up to more aggressive techniques only if necessary. And know your materials well enough so that you will stop your cleaning efforts before you do damage.

What is the 3 step cleaning process? ›

Three-Step Cleaning and Disinfecting Method

Step 1: CLEAN: Use soap, water and a clean cloth/brush. Scrubbing to clean. Step 2: Rinse: Use clean water and a clean cloth or place under running water. Step 3: Disinfect: Apply chemical following provided directions (strength and contact time) to the surface.

What are the 5 cleaning agents? ›

The most common ingredients in household cleaning products include alkalies, acids, detergents, abrasives, sanitizers, and spirit solvents.
  • Abrasives. Abrasives are materials that wear off dirt by rubbing. ...
  • Acids. ...
  • Alkalies. ...
  • Bleaches. ...
  • Detergents. ...
  • Sanitizers. ...
  • Spirit Solvents. ...
  • Making a Cleaner.

What is the most common method of cleaning? ›

Manual cleaning and sanitising is used for surfaces, equipment and utensils.
It involves:
  • removing dirt, grease and food scraps.
  • cleaning with an appropriate cleaning agent (e.g. detergent, degreaser)
  • sanitising using a chemical sanitiser or hot water.
18 Mar 2020

How do you write a manual SOP? ›

10 Steps to Writing an SOP Manual
  1. Determine your business goals. ...
  2. Select a common SOP format. ...
  3. Identify current subject-matter experts. ...
  4. Map out existing processes. ...
  5. Establish quality assurance/quality check steps. ...
  6. Gather reference materials and visual aids. ...
  7. Write the first draft. ...
  8. Review and test initial draft with fresh eyes.
29 Dec 2020

What is SOP format PDF? ›

As statement of purpose is a very crucial document for students seeking higher education, simply referring any one statement of purpose sample PDF won't be helpful. You must refer many examples before finalize your SOP writing services provider.

What should an SOP contain? ›

A statement of purpose needs to be categorically about your purpose in life. The most important question you should aim to answer while writing your SOP is – What is it that I want to do in my life and how. Remember, to answer how it is necessary to divide your goals into short and long-term goals.

How many paragraphs is a SOP? ›

Ideally, a Statement of Purpose should have about 5-7 paragraphs of about 150 to 250 words each.

What is SOP flow chart? ›

Use a Flowchart Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to draw out more complex processes. This type of SOP requires numerous decision points which affect the direction of the task, for which flowcharts are very useful.

Why SOP in cleaning is important? ›

SOPs are an integral part of a quality system and are required by ISSA”s Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) for certification. SOPs provide workers direction, improve communication, reduce training time and increase cleaning consistency.

What does SOP stand for? ›

What is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)? An SOP is a procedure specific to your operation that describes the activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance with industry regulations, provincial laws or even just your own standards for running your business.

How do I write a SOP for housekeeping? ›

SOPs for Cleaning the Guest Room
  1. Not use guest room linen as a door stopper or for cleaning and dusting the room.
  2. Keep the guest room door open while working.
  3. Open the curtains and patio door.
  4. Assemble the furniture and place appropriately.
  5. Keep the vacuum cleaner and other cleaning apparatus in the room.

What is the primary purpose of an SOP? ›

"A Standard Operating Procedure is a document which describes the regularly recurring operations relevant to the quality of the investigation. The purpose of a SOP is to carry out the operations correctly and always in the same manner. A SOP should be available at the place where the work is done".

What are the 5 main benefits of an SOP manual? ›

What Are the Advantages of Using Standard Operating Procedures?
  • Achieve Consistency.
  • Improve Quality Assurance and Safety.
  • Save Time and Money.
  • Simplify Employee Management.
  • Avoid Knowledge Loss.
  • Simplify Audits.
  • Enhance Autonomy.
1 Aug 2022

How do you write effective SOPs? ›

The Basic Components of an Effective SOP
  1. Write concisely, clearly, and follow a step-by-step format: Keep sentences as brief as possible and use simple, common terms. ...
  2. Write in the active voice and present the main idea first: Be mindful of what you write as well as how you write it.
18 Apr 2022

How do you write a professional SOP? ›

What should be included in the Statement of Purpose?
  1. Personal background.
  2. Financial background.
  3. Academic details.
  4. Professional experience (full/part time, voluntary)
  5. Immediate and long-term goals.
  6. Reasons why you wish to study at this particular institution.
  7. Reasons of being interested in the chosen field.

How do I start a SOP sample? ›

Introduction of SOP: 1st Paragraph

Discuss your long-term goal and connect it with your idea of pursuing the course you are applying to. Present your understanding of the chosen field and write how you want to contribute to that field. Explain your background in 2-3 lines and connect it with your future goals.

What are the three types of SOP? ›

What Are the Types of SOPs? You can categorize SOPs into three different types: step-by-step, hierarchical steps, and flowcharts. Some business processes are better suited for certain types than others, depending on their complexity.

What are the 7 standard of ideal housekeeping? ›

7S of Good Housekeeping is an expanded version of 5S of Good Housekeeping. 7S stands for sort, systematize, sweep, standardize, safety, self-discipline and sustain.

What are the 6 major responsibilities of the housekeeping department? ›

Housekeeper Responsibilities:
  • Keeping facilities and common areas clean and maintained.
  • Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping floors.
  • Cleaning and stocking restrooms.
  • Cleaning up spills with appropriate equipment.
  • Notifying managers of necessary repairs.
  • Collecting and disposing of trash.
  • Assisting guests when necessary.

What are the five 5 practices to have a good housekeeping? ›

The management concept of “5S” is promoted for good housekeeping practice in workplaces, which includes five complementary principles of “Organisation”, “Neatness”, “Cleanliness”, “Standisation” and “Discipline”.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.