Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (2024)

80%+ Insurers Already Use or Plan to Employ DLT

Accenture Technology Vision survey revealed that more than 80% of insurance companies have already adopted the distributed ledger technology (DLT) or are planning to invest in blockchain in the coming years.

As smart contracts lay the foundation for blockchain-based insurance technology, their use in the insurance sector shows continuous and sustainable growth.

Popular smart contract use cases in insurance

Parametric insurance

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Risk quantification

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Insurance pricing

Contract and policy managementClaim processing and settlement

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Regulatory reporting

Fraud detection

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Maintaining legal compliance

Smart Contracts in Insurance: The Essence

When used in insurance, smart contracts introduce effective automation of customer risk scoring, policy issuance, claim validation, regulatory reporting, and other rule-based manual workflows. They instantly intake and process data from an insurer’s corporate systems and relevant third-party sources to accelerate underwriting and claim resolution cycles. In addition, smart contracts help prevent fraud and compliance breaches and improve data security by providing immutable records of insurance transactions and events.

In terms of their nature, smart contracts are self-validating and self-executing protocols that comprise automation rules based on multi-party insurance agreements, established business workflows, compliance requirements, etc.

From a technical standpoint, you may think of smart contracts as APIs enabling the connection between an insurance application and a blockchain network.

Two key approaches to implementing smart contracts in insurance

    Developing and deploying smart contracts on a third-party platform

    A fast and cost-effective way. However, with this option, the blockchain architecture and recordkeeping rules cannot be customized to your needs. Plus, transaction fees vary significantly across the platforms, so you need to accurately assess the economic feasibility of relying on a particular platform.

    Building a custom blockchain network and creating dedicated smart contracts on it

    While it requires larger upfront investments, this option allows you to choose the preferred consensus mechanism, doesn’t pose limitations to the smart contract logic, ensures minimal operational and security risks. Note that this approach is especially beneficial if you plan to involve multiple parties (e.g., other carriers, reinsurers, regulators) to participate in the blockchain. It enables streamlined and more transparent multi-party collaboration, which helps drive higher ROI from the initiative.

    Popular blockchain platforms and frameworks that support smart contracts

    Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Solana, Tezos, Cardano, Cosmos SDK, Corda, NEM.

    Main architectural components of a smart contract solution for insurance

    • Smart contracts, including proxy contracts enabling protocol updatability.
    • Smart contracts’ underlying blockchain (the network hosting a blockchain ledger and the sandboxed environment that executes the smart contract code).
    • Off-chain storage to avoid the power-consuming storing of insurance data and metadata in the blockchain.
    • Oracles enabling data intake from the off-chain sources.
    • An app providing role-specific user interfaces to submit and trace transactions in the blockchain.

    Architecture Options for the Insurance Smart Contacts

    Below, ScienceSoft’s smart contract development team describes the architecture options we typically employ to create smart contract solutions for insurance.

    1. Smart contracts utilizing a third-party blockchain network

    The essence: Smart contracts are hosted and executed on a third-party blockchain. Insurance transactions are recorded in the public ledger and can be accessed by all third-party network participants.

    In this option, we architect:

    • A customer-facing insurance application and its integration points with the required insurer’s and third-party systems.
    • A smart contract solution hosted on the chosen blockchain network to automate the required insurance operations (e.g., policy issuance and renewal, claim-associated payouts, etc.).

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (9)

    In this option, we architect:

    • A customer-facing insurance application and its integration points with the required insurer’s and third-party systems.
    • A smart contract solution hosted on the chosen blockchain network to automate the required insurance operations (e.g., policy issuance and renewal, claim-associated payouts, etc.).

    Dennis Taului

    ScienceSoft’s Blockchain Consultant and Project Manager

    We employ decentralized oracles (Chainlink’s or custom-built) that run consensus-based validation of the off-chain data prior to relaying it to the blockchain. It helps increase the reliability of the external data feeds and minimize smart contract security risks.

    2. Smart contracts utilizing a private blockchain network

    The essence: Smart contracts are hosted and executed on a custom blockchain operated by a particular insurer. Insurance data and transactions can be submitted, accessed, and validated only by known and authorized parties.

    In case a client wants a private blockchain, we usually go with one of the two architectural scenarios:

    2.1. Forking the existing blockchain network

    We create a soft fork of an existing blockchain network and write dedicated smart contracts to run on the new blockchain.

    Compared to building a blockchain network from scratch, this option offers 1.5–2x faster delivery and lower development costs due to using an already existing network concept and architecture. Again, we suggest forking a Layer 2 network (here, Polygon) to ensure blockchain scalability and cost-effective transactions. Ethereum-based Layer 2 networks offer solid frameworks and pre-built components to streamline smart contract implementation while ensuring high-quality protocols. Your own blockchain inherits high interoperability and seamless support for payments in crypto.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (11)

    2.2. Building a new Hyperledger Fabric-based blockchain network

    We create a blockchain network based on the Hyperledger Fabric framework and write the chaincode.

    Hyperledger Fabric has a flexible modular structure, which means we can set up the consensus mechanism of a client’s choice and implement custom smart contract logic and tailored functionality. Smart contracts, or chaincode, in Hyperledger Fabric can be programmed in JavaScript, Golang, or Java. It makes the solution easy to evolve without the need to acquire skills in specific smart contract programming languages. Unlike Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric fully eliminates anonymity and the need for cryptocurrencies to transact in the network. In this scenario, crypto wallets are used to securely store digital identities and facilitate access to the network.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (12)

    The choice between the two architectural options depends on your business needs. Below, ScienceSoft’s experts compiled a high-level comparison of Polygon-based vs. Hyperledger Fabric-based blockchains to help you decide on the best-fitting option:

    Forked blockchain (example: Polygon-based)

    Hyperledger Fabric-based blockchain

    Consensus mechanism

    Proof of stake

    Proof of authority or Byzantine fault tolerance



    No (preliminary authentication required)

    Data privacy

    Data hash can be accessed by the L1 and L2 network participants

    Full privacy

    Smart contract languages


    JavaScript, Golang, Java

    Crypto payments



    Transaction per second



    Cost of transaction

    30.1 gwei ($0.000045) as of December 2022

    AWS services, cost per hour



    MVP development timelines

    2+ months

    3–5+ months

    Best for

    Companies planning to use the blockchain ecosystem for handling insurance-related payments.

    Companies whose primary need is secure and transparent recordkeeping of multi-party insurance transactions.

    A Tech Stack for Smart Contract Development

    In our insurance smart contract development projects, ScienceSoft's teams typically rely on the following technologies and tools:

    Vadim Belski

    ScienceSoft’s Head of Web3 Development

    Pre-built tools and frameworks do streamline smart contract development, compilation, upgrading, and deployment. However, the most important part – formalization of the insurer’s unique business rules in smart contracts – involves a considerable amount of custom code and requires extensive technology background, creativity, and deep understanding of the insurance industry specifics.

    Selected Success Stories

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (14)

    Weather Insurance Smart Contract Development for the Lemonade Crypto Climate Coalition

    Use case: The Lemonade Crypto Climate Coalition, funded by the Lemonade Foundation, a non-profit insurtech company, implemented the eco-friendly blockchain and smart contracts for parametric insurance. The smart contract solution automates weather risk assessment, calculation of due premium amounts, damage evaluation, and claim settlement. It helps promptly, accurately, and efficiently insure vulnerable communities against climate changes. Plus, with the immutable record of data on the pool capital staking and blockchain-based claim payouts, the insurance process participants and project investors get full transparency and reduced cost of reinsurance processes.

    Key techs: Avalanche, Solidity, Golang, Chainlink, LevelDB, Truffle, Arc Solidity framework.

    Project details

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (15)

    Health Insurance Smart Contract Development for MetLife, the World’s 7th Largest Insurance Company

    Use case: MetLife Asia, a part of the global insurance giant MetLife, used the blockchain and smart contracts as the foundation for their world’s first automated insurance solution for gestational diabetes. The health insurance smart contracts enable automated underwriting and policy issuance, while the blockchain technology allows for fast and secure exchange of sensitive data between the insurer, customer, and other parties. The true disruption happens at the claim resolution stage, where smart contacts enforce the automated compensation payouts upon the diagnosis, with no need for the customer to submit a claim. It helps insurers drastically improve employee productivity, speed up the claim cycle, and deliver a seamless customer experience.

    Key techs: Ethereum, Solidity, OpenZeppelin, Waffle, Embark.

    Project details

    ScienceSoft: Over a Decade at the Forefront of Insurtechs

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (16)

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (17)

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (18)

    • Since 2012 in software development for the insurance industry.
    • A large pool of smart contract developers proficient in leading blockchain and smart contract frameworks: Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Graphene, Truffle, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, and more.
    • Compliance experts with 10+ years of experience to ensure that a smart contract solution meets the relevant standards and regulations.
    • Since 2003 in cybersecurity to reliably protect your blockchain-based software from cyber threats.

    Boris Shiklo

    ScienceSoft’s Chief Technology Officer

    Our team of 750+ IT professionals is what we’re most proud of. The outstanding level of expertise and innovative approach of our talents helps us guarantee the exceptional quality of smart contract development services we deliver.

    Build Your Insurance Smart Contracts with ScienceSoft

    ScienceSoft designs and builds smart contract solutions that help insurers achieve high efficiency, transparency, security, and full traceability of their business operations.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (20)

    Smart contract consulting

    We advise on the best-fitting approach to building your smart contract solution, design a stable and secure architecture, and help select a cost-effective tech stack. You get a PoC to promptly test smart contract viability for your business case and a detailed project plan to implement smart contracts with minimal risks.

    Go for consulting

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (21)

    Smart contract development

    We fully design, develop, and deploy your smart contract insurance solution, including the oracles and their integrations. To eliminate the security risks, we thoroughly test the smart contracts. And if you need continuous support and evolution of your blockchain system, we’re here to lend a helping hand.

    Go for development

    Our Clients on ScienceSoft’s Blockchain Development Practices

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    ScienceSoft came up with a go-to architecture, features, and tech stack for our solution and introduced a detailed implementation roadmap, including cost and time estimates. We highly appreciated ScienceSoft’s approach to consulting and their mature project management culture.

    Check the original

    Check the project

    We were pleased with the outcomes of the project, as well as with the transparent and responsive collaboration. ScienceSoft promptly provided a skilled Blockchain development team and managed to introduce an SDK and essential testing documentation within the agreed time and budget.

    Check the original

    Check the project

    ScienceSoft promptly provided an expert who joined our project team and quickly got up to speed with our Scrum processes. The developer quickly understood the existing code base and proceeded to evolve it according to our requirements. Together, we released our app on time and budget.

    Check the original

    What makes ScienceSoft different

    We achieve project success no matter what

    ScienceSoft does not pass off mere project administration for project management, which, unfortunately, often happens on the market. We practice real project management, achieving project success for our clients no matter what.

    See how we do that

    It's High Time to Go ‘Smart’

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (43)

    Smart contracts drive huge cost savings. According to BCG, blockchain and smart contracts have the potential to bring $200B+ decrease in operating costs for P&C insurers only.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (44)

    Smart contracts accelerate the insurance processes. For example, smart-contract-based automation can cut the overall time for claim settlement by 3x+. In turn, prompt and accurate insurance services lead to increased customer satisfaction and a higher retention rate.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (45)

    Smart contracts are the future. As soon as the legal framework for smart contract use is in place, algorithmic contracts are believed to gradually replace traditional insurance agreements. Smart contracts execute multi-party transactions in a more efficient, secure and transparent manner.

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (46)

    Smart contract market evolves rapidly. Driven largely by the increasing demand for blockchain-supported insurance automation, the global smart contract market is projected to witness 5x growth and reach $1.46 billion by 2030.

    Get Risk-Free Smart Contract Implementation

    ScienceSoft's experts can assist in accurate cost and payback estimation for your future smart contract project.

    Get a custom quote

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (47)Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (48)

    Make Your Smart Contracts Drive the Max ROI for Your Unique Insurance Processes!

    And if you need professional help with building reliable, secure, and cost-efficient architecture for them, we'll be glad to help.

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    Schedule a call

    Smart Contracts in Insurance: A Complete Guide | ScienceSoft 🌐⛓️ (2024)


    What is smart contract answer? ›

    What are smart contracts? Smart contracts are digital contracts stored on a blockchain that are automatically executed when predetermined terms and conditions are met.

    What are smart contracts in insurance? ›

    Automation and Efficiency

    Smart contracts can automate many routine tasks in the P&C insurance sector, such as policy issuance and claims processing. For instance, parametric insurance policies can automatically trigger payouts when pre-set parameters are met, like in the event of a natural disaster.

    What are the top 10 smart contracts? ›

    The top 10 best smart contract platforms in 2024 are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), TRON, Arbitrum, Cardano, Solana, Polygon, Algorand, Avalanche, and Tezos.

    How hard is it to write a smart contract? ›

    If you have no experience, it may take you a few months to get comfortable with coding a simple smart contract. Developers with more experience might need just days or weeks. Once created, your smart contract can take anywhere from a handful of seconds to minutes to complete.

    What is a smart contract example? ›

    Smart contracts eliminate intermediaries by automatically enforcing terms once conditions are met. Think of a smart contract like a vending machine. When you insert a dollar, you get a co*ke. The machine follows built-in rules, similar to if-then statements in code.

    How does a smart contract work? ›

    Smart contracts are executed on blockchain, which means that the terms are stored in a distributed database and cannot be changed. Transactions are also processed on the blockchain, which automates payments and counterparties.

    What does smart mean in insurance? ›

    Smart life insurance is a policy that's designed to fit your specific life needs. That means it can automatically adjust to events in your life like paying off a mortgage, or kids graduating.

    What is the main advantage of a smart contract? ›

    Benefits of Smart Contracts

    Smart contracts do not need brokers or other intermediaries to confirm the agreement; thus, they eliminate the risk of manipulation by third parties. Moreover, the absence of an intermediary in smart contracts results in cost savings.

    Are smart contracts worth it? ›

    Smart contracts – self-executing agreements embedded in blockchain – offer the promise of seamless execution without human intervention. However, the rapid adoption of this revolutionary technology comes with significant technological, legal and cybersecurity-related risks.

    How do people make money from smart contracts? ›

    How to Make Money with Smart Contracts
    1. Yield Farming: Yield farming involves lending your cryptocurrency to decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms in exchange for interest or rewards. ...
    2. Staking: Many blockchain networks allow users to stake their tokens in exchange for rewards.
    Aug 22, 2024

    How much money is in smart contracts? ›


    The global smart contracts market size was valued at USD 1.71 billion in 2023. The market is projected to be worth USD 2.14 billion in 2024 and reach USD 12.55 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 24.7% during the forecast period (2024-2032).

    How do I find smart contracts? ›

    This can typically be found on a project's official website, white paper, or marketplace listing page. Once you have the smart contract address, you can input it into the search bar of the tool to access the smart contract's page.

    Do smart contracts cost money? ›

    The cost of implementing smart contracts depends on many factors, but the most important among them is your business needs. One more essential thing to consider is its potential complexity. As a general rule, the more lines of code you have in your smart contract, the higher it costs to create such.

    Can a smart contract fail? ›

    Since smart contracts are the cornerstone of blockchain applications, when they fail, the applications built with those contracts fail, and the entire ecosystem suffers. Smart contracts are honeypots that attract hackers.

    Are smart contracts legal? ›

    "Smart contracts are a type of contract, and therefore they're enforced like all contracts in state and federal court systems," Marcushamer says.

    How to cancel a smart contract on Trust Wallet? ›

    How to revoke token approvals and permission of smart contracts on Ethereum
    1. Step 1: Revoke access tools. Users can track and revoke smart contracts connected to their addresses using several third-party revoke access tools. ...
    2. Step 2: Connect the wallet. ...
    3. Step 3: Select smart contract. ...
    4. Step 4: Revoke access.
    Jan 27, 2024

    What is the legal meaning of smart contract? ›

    A smart contract is computer code working as part of a blockchain that can execute the terms of a contract or agreement when predetermined conditions are met.

    What is a smart contract and why is it called smart? ›

    Despite the name, smart contracts are not legally binding contracts. Their main function is to programmatically execute business logic that performs various tasks, processes or transactions that have been programmed into them to respond to a given set of conditions.

    Why would someone want to use a smart contract? ›

    Smart contracts can ensure that lenders and loan seekers agree to clear terms and conditions, such as proof-of-funds and payment planning.

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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Views: 6143

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    Author information

    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

    Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

    Phone: +3763365785260

    Job: Accounting Engineer

    Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.