Skin Biopsies: What You Should Expect (2024)

When you notice a concerning rash or mole on your skin, the body'slargest organ, it's a good idea to see a dermatologist to have it evaluated. Sometimes after checking the area, your dermatologist may recommend a skin biopsy.

Skin biopsies are an important part of verifying a diagnosis. For example, a biopsy is the only way for a doctor to confirmand determine the severity ofamelanoma—the most serious type of skin cancer. A skinbiopsy can also be used to confirm that a skin tumor is benign or to diagnose inflammatory skin conditions such as a drug-related rash or eczema.

Below, Yale Medicine dermatologistJean Bolognia, MD, and dermatopathologist Jennifer McNiff, MD, explain what you need to know before having a skin biopsy.Here are the 10 steps involved:

1. A dermatologist checks your skin.

Patients see dermatologists for multiple reasons, including concern regarding a particular skin lesion or worsening of a rash. In addition, patients at risk for skin cancer have total body skin examinations performed at regular intervals. Sometimes a patient may be referred to a dermatologist by a primary care physician for more specialized expertise. If you have a skin concern, your dermatologist will evaluate it during an office visit, asking questions about your skin issue and how long you've had it.

2. The dermatologist decides if a skin biopsy is needed.

Biopsies of the skin are most commonly performed on an out-patient basis during an appointment with your dermatologist. After examining the rash or a lesion that the patient or the physician finds concerning, the patient is asked questions regarding its history. The dermatologist then determines if a skin biopsy is necessary. In the case of a rash, a fresh, but well-developed, lesion is chosen and if possible in a site of minimal cosmetic concern, if possible. Following a total body skin examination, the most worrisome lesion(s) are biopsied. Sometimes a biopsy may be done a week or two later if the skin condition is not considered severe or life threatening.

3. The doctor gives a local anesthetic.

The biopsy area is cleansed, usually with alcohol, and then a local anesthetic such as lidocaine is injected to numb the area, using a very fine needle. The lidocaine solution often contains epinephrine (to decrease bleeding) and sodium bicarbonate (to decrease the burning sensation). The patient will feel a slight pinch of the needle, and then a brief burning sensation as the anesthetic is injected. A feeling of pressure may also occur when the local anesthesia is injected into a relatively taut area of skin such as the fingers or toes. If the patient is apprehensive regarding the injection, a topical anesthetic can be applied for one to two hours prior to the procedure to reduce the associated pain.

4. The dermatologist performs the correct type of biopsy.

The type of biopsy a patient needs is determined by the size and location of the lesion, the depth of the skin concern, and the information being sought based upon the most likely diagnoses. The dermatologist's expertise is crucial in making this decision. Types of biopsies include:

  • Shave biopsies are employed when the dermatologist suspects that the condition or tumor involves primarily the top layer of the skin (the epidermis). The biopsy specimen includes the epidermis and sometimes the superficial portion of the dermis (the second layer of skin). The scalpel blade is slightly angled when performing this procedure.
  • Saucerization is performed if the dermatologist envisions that the disease or tumor extends into the upper or mid dermis. In this type of biopsy, the edge of the blade is at a greater angle relative to the surface of the skin. This type of biopsy is often done on the trunk.
  • Punch biopsy is a technique that involves a circular blade that resembles a cookie cutter. It enters the skin with a gentle turning motion. A punch biopsy is performed when the disease or tumor is thought to involve the deeper dermis and/or when placement of sutures is planned.
  • Excisional biopsy is performed when the disease or tumor is thought to involve the deeper dermis and perhaps the subcutaneous fat. In the case of a tumor, the goal is complete removal. Sutures are placed to close the wound. Sometimes the tumor is too large to remove in its entirety or a partial biopsy is adequate (for example, for inflammatory diseases) and an incisional biopsy is performed.

5. Post-operative care is given after a skin biopsy.

After your skin biopsy, you should take good care of the biopsied area at home. To speed healing, keep the biopsy site moist by applying an ointment which will prevent scabbing and minimize scarring. A small rim of redness is commonly seen at the edge of a healing wound but expanding redness, fever, chills, pus, or significant pain can be signs of an infection, which is uncommon.

How long healing takes varies and depends upon the size and depth of the biopsy, the anatomic site (the face heals much faster than the ankle), and any underlying medical conditions you may have. Most biopsy sites heal within 2 to 3 weeks.

6. The biopsied skin tissue is sent to a dermatopathology laboratory.

Yale Medicine has an on-site dermatopathology laboratorywhere skin biopsies are evaluated. That means the laboratory specializes in skin pathology. At the lab, there are nine board-certified dermatopathologists who render the pathologic diagnoses. "I feel very strongly that my biopsies should be processed by laboratory technicians who have specialized training in handling delicate skin tissue," says Dr. Bolognia, who is also a professor of dermatology for Yale School of Medicine. "In addition, I want the physicians who are providing the pathologic diagnoses to have subspecialized in dermatopathology."

Yale Medicine's dermatopathology lab deals only with skin tissue (no other types of tissue from other organs are analyzed), and it offers the largest academic group of board-certified dermatopathologists in the Northeast.

"Our specially trained technicians process the tissue with great care so that maximum information can be obtained when put on a microscopic slide and studied by a dermatopathologist," says Dr. McNiff, who is themedical director of the Yale Medicine Dermatopathology Laboratory. Yale Medicine’s dermatopathology physicians have helped shape the practice of dermatopathology, by making new discoveries, publishing their work and really living in the field, Dr. McNiff says. This type of dedication, specialization and depth of resources has resulted in better diagnostic expertise and outcomes.

7. The dermatopathology lab processes the tissue.

The tiny, delicate pieces of skin are carefully embedded into paraffin wax. This creates a block that can then be cut, put on glass slides, stained, inspected, and photographed. "Our dermatopathology technicians know how to make this process as accurate and efficient as possible," Dr. Bolognia says. For example, all pathology labs use special stains to determine specific types of cells, but Yale Medicine's dermatopathology lab has more than 250 stains just for skin. If Dr. Bolognia biopsies a nevus (mole) with a darker portion that is clinically worrisome, the technicians will put special ink on the dark area. This ensures that the dermatopathologist will carefully assess the area of concern to the clinician. "The placement of ink on areas of concern within a nevus is not a common practice,” Dr. Bolognia says. “However, our dermatopathology laboratory offers this added service," Dr. McNiff says. "We do special procedures that are intended to be helpful to the dermatologist."

8. If the case turns out to be a puzzling one, it is discussed among a group of dermatopathologists.

Yale Medicine’s dermatopathologists hold a daily consensus conference to discuss the most challenging cases. Their expertise is often sought by dermatologists, surgeons and medical oncologists throughout New England. "Every day, we all meet to go over a wide variety of challenging cases, seek multiple opinions, review relevant literature, and put our heads together to come up with an accurate diagnosis," Dr. McNiff says.

9. The dermatopathologist creates a report and sends it to the dermatologist.

If the dermatopathologist has questions about the patient, including specific medications or medical diseases, he or she calls the dermatologist who performed the biopsy before issuing the report. "What results is a conversation that's helpful for both the dermatopathologist and the dermatologist," Dr. McNiff says. This is not common in general pathology labs, and is not always routine in other specialized dermatopathology labs. Yale Medicine dermatopathologists are also given the opportunity to go with the dermatologist on rounds,which gives them insight into patient care.

10. The dermatologist contacts you with the results of the skin biopsy.

If the results of the skin biopsy are benign, the dermatologist usually has results ready to share with the patient within a week. If the pathologic diagnosis is a benign tumor, then the patient is usually notified by mail or electronically via MyChart. In addition, those patients who sign up for MyChart have access to the actual pathology report as do their Yale Medicine physicians.

When results of a skin biopsy show a skin cancer or another condition that requires an explanation, then a call is placed to the patient. When the biopsy returns as a melanoma, the area must be re-excised with a goal of obtaining clear margins. Depending upon the depth of invasion of the melanoma, a discussion is also held regarding sentinel lymph node biopsy. The oncology section at Yale Medicine has an active melanoma unit and has expertise in a wide range of clinical presentations. "The patient will be treated appropriately with the most up-to-date therapies," Dr. Bolognia says.

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Skin Biopsies: What You Should Expect (2024)


What to expect after a skin biopsy? ›

To speed healing, keep the biopsy site moist by applying an ointment which will prevent scabbing and minimize scarring. A small rim of redness is commonly seen at the edge of a healing wound but expanding redness, fever, chills, pus, or significant pain can be signs of an infection, which is uncommon.

What is a normal skin biopsy result? ›

A normal biopsy result means no cancer or skin disease was found. An abnormal biopsy result may diagnose a specific skin condition. But sometimes abnormal results aren't clear, and you may need more tests to find out exactly what condition you have. Your provider can explain what your results mean.

What should my skin look like after a biopsy? ›

After having a skin biopsy, you may have swelling, redness, or bruising on or around the wound. You may also have some discomfort. These will go away in a few days.

When should I be worried about a skin biopsy? ›

Call your healthcare team if you have any of the following symptoms: Bleeding that doesn't stop within a few hours of the biopsy or with direct pressure on the site. Signs of infection at the biopsy site. Swelling at the biopsy site.

How long after a skin biopsy can I shower? ›

Keep your dressing dry for the first 24 to 48 hours, depending on the nurse's instructions. After this time, remove the dressing and wash the wound with soap and water (shampoo if on the scalp). Wash in a shower or by splashing the treated area with warm soapy water.

How long should you rest after a biopsy? ›

Limit using the body part, if this is possible. For example, if you had a biopsy performed on your arm or leg, try to rest and raise the limb for the next day or so. Avoid vigorous exercise and lifting heavy objects. You may need to keep your wound (and its dressing) dry for around one week to 10 days.

What percentage of skin biopsies are cancerous? ›

Nonpigmented lesions made up 55.4% of the total biopsies and pigmented lesions, 44.6% of all biopsies; 26.9% were histologically diagnosed as NMSC and 2.2% as melanoma. The NNB for any skin cancer, NMSC, and melanoma was 3.4, 2.1, and 21.4, respectively.

What happens if a skin biopsy is positive? ›

You need treatment to the area if the skin sample contains any cancerous cells. For example, surgery to remove the area completely, or other treatments such as chemotherapy creams. You might not need any further treatment if you had an excisional biopsy.

Do bad biopsy results come back quicker? ›

If I have cancer will my biopsy results come back faster? No. How long you have to wait does not reflect what the result will be. The speed at which it's done only reflects the process within a particular clinic.

How long should I keep a skin biopsy covered? ›

Use a new cotton swab each time you apply the product. Cover the site with a bandage (Band-Aid, Curad, others) for 2 to 3 days after the procedure.

How long does it usually take for skin biopsy results? ›

Results are most often returned in a few days to a week or more. If a skin lesion is benign (not cancer), you may not need any further treatment. If the whole skin lesion was not removed at the time of biopsy, you and your provider may decide to completely remove it.

How long should I put vaseline on a skin biopsy? ›

We recommend that you apply Aquaphor or Vaseline to a Band-Aid or Telfa pad (non-stick gauze) with tape. If you prefer not to use a band-aid, apply a thick coat of Vaseline or Aquaphor twice daily. Keep the wound covered with Aquaphor or Vaseline at all times until for 2 weeks.

What does a stage 1 melanoma look like? ›

Stage I melanoma is no more than 1.0 millimeter thick (about the size of a sharpened pencil point), with or without an ulceration (broken skin). There is no evidence that Stage I melanoma has spread to the lymph tissues, lymph nodes, or body organs.

Can a dermatologist tell if a mole is cancerous just by looking at it? ›

Having a skin biopsy is essential. It's the only way to know whether you have skin cancer. There's no other way to know for sure. What your dermatologist removes will be looked at under a microscope.

How deep do they cut for a skin biopsy? ›

For non-facial lesions, a 4-mm punch is sufficient; however, in granulomatous conditions or conditions with atypical features, biopsies of 5 mm or more are preferable. It is advisable not to take less than 3 mm biopsies as vital features may be missed in such small biopsies.

How long should you keep a skin biopsy covered? ›

You should keep the area covered with a thin layer of ointment at all times until the site is completely healed (usually10 days). **If a shave biopsy was done, the wound will take as long as a scraped knee to heal. You should apply ointment. A scab may form, but do not pick it.

What percent of skin biopsies are cancerous? ›

Results: The mean percentage of biopsies that were malignant was 44.5%. This varied by subspecialty with a mean of 41.7%, 57.4%, and 4.1% of biopsies performed by general dermatologists, Mohs micrographic surgeons, and pediatric dermatologists, respectively.

How long to use vaseline after a skin biopsy? ›

Clean the wound once a day Allow water, shampoo and soap from the shower to wash over the wound. Cover the wound with Aquaphor or Vaseline and then apply a bandage for 1-2 weeks. Change the bandage daily.

How long does it take to hear back from a skin biopsy? ›

Results. Results from a skin biopsy usually are available in 3 to 10 days. Normal: The skin sample consists of normal skin tissue.

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