Skills (2024)

Skills are a means of unlocking new equipment, abilities, or basic statistic improvements in PAYDAY 2. They are divided among five skill trees: Mastermind, Enforcer, Technician, Ghost, and Fugitive; often described as classes. Players are free to distribute skill points however they choose across the five skill trees.

The Skills system was overhauled in Update #100, with the five skill trees possessing three "subtrees" each, each with a different role.


Skill points[]

Skills (1)

One skill point is awarded each time the player gains a Reputation level, plus an additional 2 points at every level divisible by 10 (meaning that instead of just 1 skill point, 3 skill points will be granted at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, and so on). Thus, once the player reaches the maximum Reputation level of 100, the player will have a total of 120 skill points.

Because the total skill points needed to unlock Basic and Ace for every skill in a single tree totals 138 points (145 on the consoles), it is impossible to Ace every skill in even a single tree (and furthermore, there are five separate trees in total). Because of this, it is advisable to only spend points on specific skills you truly need and want, and to spread skill points over multiple trees if necessary.

Skill tree structure[]

Each tree has three subtrees, named after their intended role (for example, the Fugitive's Brawler subtree enhances melee combat capability). For each subtree, there are four tiers, the top three unlocked by spending a minimum total number of points in that subtree:

  • tier 2 is unlocked by spending 1 skill point,
  • tier 3 by spending 3 skill points,
  • tier 4 by spending 18.

Tier 4's point requirement can be reduced to 16 by investing an Infamy point in the appropriate tree. As of Update #200 this reduction is applied at the first level of Infamy.

All subtrees have one skill in tiers 1 and 4, and two skills in tiers 2 and 3. Tier 1 skills cost 1 skill point to unlock Basic and three skill points to Ace, tier 2 skills cost two skill points for Basic and four for Ace, tier 3 skills cost 3 for Basic and 6 for Ace, and tier 4 skills 4 for Basic and 8 for Ace.

Skill interactions[]

Party bonuses do not stack with the identical bonus coming from other players in the party that have the identical skill (thus it is somewhat sub-optimal for multiple players to get the same party-benefit skills, if you always play with the same team of players). All other bonuses stack, unless stated otherwise, including bonuses from Basic and Aced versions of the skill.

Re-specifying skill trees[]

Skills can be withdrawn and skill points returned simply by right-clicking on the skill. Aced skills are withdrawn separately from Basic skills; to fully remove a skill that has been Aced, one will have to right-click on the skill twice. Skills cannot be withdrawn if the skill points invested in them allow skills unlocked above them to be used. The higher-tier skills will have to be removed before the lower-tier skill can.

Multi-Skill Builds[]

On the PC, PlayStation 4, and XBOX ONE versions, players can unlock additional skill sets to use, allowing them to switch between multiple builds without having to re-spec skill points. This allows, for example, one to switch from a stealth build to a combat build in an instant. Skill sets can be selected and unlocked by pressing the S key.

Skill sets also have a perk deck selection associated, hence switching skill set will switch perk deck as well, although perk deck progress is universal across skill sets.

The skill set used is selected from the skill screen, meaning that it can be selected from the main menu or while in the lobby screen of a server.

On consoles there are 5 possible skillsets available, on the PC there are 15. The requirements for the 15th is the requirement for the 5th on consoles.

The skill sets are unlocked as follows:1. The starting skill set, available from the outset.2. Available for unlock once you reach level 50.3. Available for purchase once you reach level 75, costs $1M of offshore money.4. Available for purchase once you reach level 100, costs $10M of offshore money.5-9. Available for purchase once you reach level 100, costs $25M of offshore money.10-14. Available for purchase once you reach level 100, costs $30M of offshore money.15. Available for purchase once you reach level 100, requires the Tabula Rasa achievement, and costs $20M of offshore money.When resetting your level by going infamous, the skill sets unlocked remain unlocked and therefore can be used immediately afterwards.


Class building is made easier through the use ofProfiles, which are collections of loadouts (weapons, throwables, skill sets, perk decks and masks). Profiles can be swapped around in the pre-game menu, allowing players more room to plan out by having multiple loadouts to tackle any kind of situation, especially when playing multi-day heists where rule changes between days are often significant. Because profiled skill sets can not be modified during the pre-game phase, setting them up in advance is often required.

Blank profiles will default to skill set 1 when selected with all skill points unallocated. There are 15 profile slots available at the moment. Profiles can be renamed (if using keyboard and mouse) by clicking on their name in the inventory.


  • Medic

  • Controller

  • Sharpshooter

Tier 4Skills (2) Inspire
Basic (4 pt):
You revive crew members 100% faster. Shouting at your teammates will increase their movement and reload speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
Ace (8 pt):
There is a 100% chance that you can revive crew members at a distance of up to 9 meters by shouting at them. This cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds.
Tier 3Skills (3) UppersSkills (4) Combat Doctor
Basic (3 pt):
Adds 7 more First Aid Kits to your inventory.
Ace (6 pt):
Adds 3 First Aid Kits to your inventory. Your deployed First Aid Kits will be automatically used if a player is downed within a 5 meter radius of the First Aid Kit. This cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds.
Basic (3 pt):
You can now deploy 2 Doctor Bags instead of just one.
Ace (6 pt):
Your doctor bags have 2 more charges.
Tier 2Skills (5) Quick FixSkills (6) Painkillers
Basic (2 pt):
Decreases your First Aid Kit and Doctor Bag deploy time by 50%.
Ace (4 pt):
Crew members that use your First Aid Kits or Doctor Bags take 10% less damage for 120 seconds.
Basic (2 pt):
Crew members you revive take 30% less damage for 5 seconds.
Ace (4 pt):
The damage reduction is increased by an additional 50%.
Tier 1Skills (7) Combat Medic
Basic (1 pt):
You gain a 30% damage reduction for 5 seconds both after and during reviving another player.
Ace (3 pt):
Reviving a crew member gives them 30% more health.
Tier 4Skills (8) Hostage Taker
Basic (4 pt):
Having at least one of your own hostage or converted law enforcer makes you regenerate 1.5% health every 5 seconds.
Ace (8 pt):
Having at least one of your own hostage or converted law enforcer makes you regenerate 4.5% health every 5 seconds.
Tier 3Skills (9) Stockholm SyndromeSkills (10) Partners In Crime
Basic (3 pt):
Civilians are intimidated by the noise you make and remain intimidated 50% longer.
Ace (6 pt):
Your hostages will not flee when they have been rescued by law enforcers. Whenever you get into custody, your hostages will trade themselves for your safe return. This effect can occur during assaults, but only 1 time during a heist.
Basic (3 pt):
Having a converted enemy increases your movement speed by 10%. Your converted enemy takes 45% less damage.
Ace (6 pt):
Having a converted enemy increases your health by 30%. Your converted enemy takes an additional 54% less damage.
Tier 2Skills (11) ConfidentSkills (12) Joker
Basic (2 pt):
The power and range of your intimidation is increased by 50%.
Ace (4 pt):
You can now have 2 converted enemies at the same time.
Basic (2 pt):
You can convert a non-special enemy to fight on your side. This cannot be done during stealth and the enemy must have surrendered in order for you to convert them. You can only convert one non-special enemy at a time.
Ace (4 pt):
Your converted enemy deal 35% more damage. The time taken to convert an enemy is reduced by 65%.
Tier 1Skills (13) Forced Friendship
Basic (1 pt):
Increases your supply of cable ties by 4. You can cable tie hostages 75% faster.
Ace (3 pt):
You and your crew gain 0.5 damage absorption for each hostage you have. This effect stacks with up to a maximum of 8 hostages. Note: This skill does not stack with other players Forced Friendship skills.
Tier 4Skills (14) Graze
Basic (4 pt):
Snipers that hit their target deal 20% of the damage dealt in a 100cm radius around the bullet trajectory.
Ace (8 pt):
If a bullet would headshot-kill someone, the graze skill will deal 100% of the weapon's damage instead of 20%.
Tier 3Skills (15) Ammo EfficiencySkills (16) Aggressive Reload
Basic (3 pt):
Getting 3 headshots in less than 6 seconds will refund 1 bullet to your used weapon. Can only be triggered by SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles fired in single shot mode.
Ace (6 pt):
The amount of headshots required is reduced to 2.
Basic (3 pt):
Increases your reload speed with SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles by 15%.
Ace (6 pt):
Any killing headshot will increase your reload speed by 100% for 4 seconds. Can only be triggered by SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles fired in single shot fire mode.
Tier 2Skills (17) RiflemanSkills (18) Marksman
Basic (2 pt):
Your snap to zoom is 100% faster with all weapons. Your movement speed is unhindered while using steel sight.
Ace (4 pt):
Your weapon zoom level is increased by 25% with all weapons. Your weapon accuracy while moving with SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles is increased by 16.
Basic (2 pt):
You gain 8 weapon accuracy with all SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles fired in single shot fire mode.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain a 20% accuracy bonus while aiming down sights with all SMGs, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles fired in single shot fire mode.
Tier 1Skills (19) Stable Shot
Basic (1 pt):
You gain 8 weapon stability.
Ace (3 pt):
You gain 16 weapon accuracy while standing still.
Tier 4Skills (20) Overkill
Basic (4 pt):
When you kill an enemy with a shotgun or the OVE9000 portable saw, you receive a 75% damage increase for 20 seconds.
Ace (8 pt):
The damage bonus now applies to all weapons. Skill must still be activated using a Shotgun or the OVE9000 portable saw. Your weapon swap speed is increased by 80%.
Tier 3Skills (21) Far AwaySkills (22) Close By
Basic (3 pt):
Your accuracy bonus while aiming down sights with Shotguns is increased by 40%.
Ace (6 pt):
You gain a 50% increased effective range with Shotguns when aiming down sights.
Basic (3 pt):
You can now hip-fire with your Shotguns while sprinting.
Ace (6 pt):
Your rate of fire is increased by 35% while firing from the hip with single shot Shotguns. Shotguns with magazines have their magazine sizes increased by 15 shells.
Tier 2Skills (23) Shotgun CQBSkills (24) Shotgun Impact
Basic (2 pt):
You reload shotguns 15% faster.
Ace (4 pt):
You reload shotguns 35% faster. You gain a 125% increase steel sight speed when using Shotguns.
Basic (2 pt):
Your weapon stability with all shotguns is increased by 8. You deal 5% more damage with shotguns.
Ace (4 pt):
You deal an additional 10% more damage with shotguns.
Tier 1Skills (25) Underdog
Basic (1 pt):
When three or more enemies are within 18 meters of you, you receive a 15% damage bonus that lasts for 7 seconds.
Ace (3 pt):
When three or more enemies are within 18 meters of you, you also receive a 10% damage reduction that lasts for 7 seconds.
Tier 4Skills (26) Iron Man
Basic (4 pt):
Your total armor values is increased by 30%.
Ace (8 pt):
Unlocks the ability to wear the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.
Tier 3Skills (27) Shock And AweSkills (28) Bullseye
Basic (3 pt):
Increases the armor recovery rate for you and your crew by 25%.
Ace (6 pt):
Enables your weapons to have a chance to knock back Shield enemies when attacking them. Ranged weapons' knock back chance is increased the higher the total damage of the weapon is. Melee weapons' knock back chance is 100%.
Basic (3 pt):
You regenerate 5 armor for each successful headshot. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.
Ace (6 pt):
You regenerate an additional 20 armor for each successful headshot.
Tier 2Skills (29) Die HardSkills (30) Transporter
Basic (2 pt):
You take 50% less damage while interacting with objects.
Ace (4 pt):
Increases the armor of all Ballistic vests by 20.
Basic (2 pt):
You can throw bags 50% further.
Ace (4 pt):
For each 10 armor points the bag movement penalty is reduced by 1%.
Tier 1Skills (31) Resilience
Basic (1 pt):
Increase your armor recovery rate by 15%.
Ace (3 pt):
Reduce the visual effect duration of Flashbangs by 75%.
Tier 4Skills (32) Fully Loaded
Basic (4 pt):
Your total ammo capacity is increased by 25%.
Ace (8 pt):
Increases the amount of ammo you gain from ammo boxes by 75%. You also gain a 5% base chance to get a throwable from an ammo box. The base chance is increased by 1% for each ammo box you pick up that does not contain a throwable. When a throwable has been found, the chance is reset to its base value.
Tier 3Skills (33) Extra LeadSkills (34) Saw Massacre
Basic (3 pt):
You can now place 2 ammo bags instead of just one.
Ace (6 pt):
Each ammo bag contains 50% more ammunition.
Basic (3 pt):
Reducing the wear down of the blades on enemies by 50%.
Ace (6 pt):
You can now saw through shield enemies with your OVE9000 portable saw. When killing an enemy with the saw, you have a 50% chance to cause nearby enemies in a 10m radius to panic. Panic will make enemies go into short bursts of uncontrollable fear.
Tier 2Skills (35) BulletstormSkills (36) Portable Saw
Basic (2 pt):
Ammo bags placed by you grant players the ability to shoot without depleting their ammunition for up to 5 seconds after interacting with it. The more ammo players replenish, the longer the duration of the effect.
Ace (4 pt):
Increases the base duration of the effect by up to 15 seconds.
Basic (2 pt):
Unlocks the OVE9000 portable saw for you to use as a secondary weapon.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain 1 extra saw blade for the OVE9000 portable saw. You replace your saw blades with carbon blades, increasing your saw efficiency by 40%.
Tier 1Skills (37) Scavenger
Basic (1 pt):
Your ammo box pick up range is increased by 50%.
Ace (3 pt):
Every 6th enemy you kill will drop an extra ammo box.
  • Engineer

  • Breacher

  • Oppressor

Tier 4Skills (38) Tower Defense
Basic (4 pt):
You can now carry 1 extra sentry gun.
Ace (8 pt):
You can now carry an additional 2 extra sentry guns.
Tier 3Skills (39) EngineeringSkills (40) Jack Of All Trades
Basic (3 pt):
You can now select a less noisy version of the sentry guns, making them much less likely to be targeted by enemies.
Ace (6 pt):
You can now toggle AP rounds on your sentry guns, lowering the rate of fire by 75%, but increasing the damage by 250% and allowing it to pierce through enemies and shields.
Basic (3 pt):
You deploy and interact with all deployables 100% faster.
Ace (6 pt):
You can now equip a second deployable to bring with you. If your deployable is equipped as a secondary deployable, you can only bring half of what you would bring if it was equipped as a primary deployable.
Tier 2Skills (41) Sentry Targeting PackageSkills (42) Eco Sentry
Basic (2 pt):
Your sentry guns gain a 100% increase in accuracy.
Ace (4 pt):
Your sentry guns rotation speed is increased by 150%. Your sentry guns also have 50% more ammunition.
Basic (2 pt):
The cost of deploying a sentry gun is reduced by 5%.
Ace (4 pt):
Your sentry guns gain 150% increased health.
Tier 1Skills (43) Third Law
Basic (1 pt):
The cost of deploying a sentry gun is reduced by 5%.
Ace (3 pt):
Your sentry guns gain a protective shield.
Tier 4Skills (44) Fire Trap
Basic (4 pt):
Your trip mines now spread fire around the area of detonation for 10 seconds in a 4 meter diameter.
Ace (8 pt):
Increases the fire effect duration by 10 seconds and increases the fire effect radius by 50%.
Tier 3Skills (45) More FirepowerSkills (46) Kickstarter
Basic (3 pt):
You gain 1 more shaped charge and 4 more trip mines.
Ace (6 pt):
You gain 2 more shaped charges and 7 more trip mines.
Basic (3 pt):
Your drills and saws gain an additional 20% chance to automatically restart after breaking.
Ace (6 pt):
Enables the ability to reset a broken drill or saw with a melee attack. The ability has a 50% chance to fix the drill or saw. The ability can only be used once per time the drill or saw is broken.
Tier 2Skills (47) Combat EngineeringSkills (48) Drill Sawgeant
Basic (2 pt):
The radius of your trip mine explosion is increase by 30%.
Ace (4 pt):
Your trip mine damage is increase by 50%.
Basic (2 pt):
Your drill and saw timer is decreased by 15%.
Ace (4 pt):
Your drill and saw timer is decreased by an additional 15%.
Tier 1Skills (49) Hardware Expert
Basic (1 pt):
You fix drills and saws 25% faster. Decrease trip mine deploy time by 20%. Drills and saws are also silent. Civilians and guards must see the drill or saw in order to become alerted.
Ace (3 pt):
Gives your drills and saws a 10% chance to automatically restart after breaking.
Tier 4Skills (50) Body Expertise
Basic (4 pt):
30% from the bonus headshot damage is permanently applied to hitting enemies on the body. This skill is only activated by SMGs, LMGs, Assault Rifles or Special Weapons fired in automatic fire mode.
Ace (8 pt):
90% from the bonus headshot damage is permanently applied to hitting enemies on the body. This skill is only activated by SMGs, LMGs, Assault Rifles or Special Weapons fired in automatic fire mode.
Tier 3Skills (51) Lock N' LoadSkills (52) Surefire
Basic (3 pt):
You can now hip-fire with your weapons while sprinting.
Ace (6 pt):
Killing 2 enemies with SMGs, LMGs, Assault Rifles or Special Weapons set on automatic fire mode will increase your next reload speed by up to 100%. This bonus is reduced by 1% for each bullet above 20 in the total magazine size, down to a minimum of 40% reload speed increase.
Basic (3 pt):
Your SMGs, LMGs and Assault Rifles gain 15 more bullets in their magazine. This does not affect the "Lock n' Load" Ace skill.
Ace (6 pt):
Your ranged weapons can now pierce through enemy body armor.
Tier 2Skills (53) Heavy ImpactSkills (54) Fire Control
Basic (2 pt):
Your shots have a 5% chance to stagger all enemies except Bulldozers and Captain Winters.
Ace (4 pt):
Increase your stagger chance to 20%.
Basic (2 pt):
You gain 12 weapon accuracy while firing from the hip.
Ace (4 pt):
Your accuracy penalty is decreased by 20% when shooting while moving.
Tier 1Skills (55) Steady Grip
Basic (1 pt):
You gain 8 weapon accuracy.
Ace (3 pt):
You gain 16 weapon stability.
  • Shinobi

  • Artful Dodger

  • Silent Killer

Tier 4Skills (56) ECM Specialist
Basic (4 pt):
You can now place 2 ECM jammers instead of just one.
Ace (8 pt):
The ECM jammer duration is increased by an additional 25% and the ECM feedback duration lasts 25% longer. Pagers are delayed by the ECM jammer.
Tier 3Skills (57) NimbleSkills (58) ECM Overdrive
Basic (3 pt):
You gain the ability to disable 1 camera from detecting you and your crew.
Effect lasts for 25 seconds.
Ace (6 pt):
You lockpick 100% faster. You also gain the ability to lockpick safes.
Basic (3 pt):
Your ECM jammer and feedback duration is increased by 25%.
Ace (6 pt):
Your ECM jammer can now also be used to open certain electronic doors.
Tier 2Skills (59) CleanerSkills (60) Sixth Sense
Basic (2 pt):
You gain 1 additional body bag in your inventory. Also increases the body bag inventory space to 3 from 2.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain the ability to place 2 body bag cases.
Basic (2 pt):
You gain the ability to automatically mark enemies within a 10 meter radius around you after standing still for 3.5 seconds while in stealth.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain access to all insider assets. Cleaning costs after killing a civilian is reduced by 75%.
Tier 1Skills (61) Chameleon
Basic (1 pt):
Increases the time before you start getting detected by 25% while in casing mode. You can also mark enemies while in casing mode.
Ace (3 pt):
You can pick up items while in casing mode. You also gain 30% more value to items and cash that you pick up.
Tier 4Skills (62) Sneaky Bastard
Basic (4 pt):
You gain a 1% dodge chance for every 3 points of concealment under 35 up to 10%.
Ace (8 pt):
You gain a 1% dodge chance for every 1 point of concealment under 35 up to 10%.
Tier 3Skills (63) Dire NeedSkills (64) Shockproof
Basic (3 pt):
When your armor breaks, the first shot on every enemy will cause that enemy to stagger. This effect ends when your armor recovers.
Ace (6 pt):
The effect persists for 6 seconds after your armor has recovered.
Basic (3 pt):
When tased, the shock effect has a 30% chance to backfire on the Taser, knocking them back.
Ace (6 pt):
When tased, you are able to free yourself from the taser interacting with it within 2 seconds of getting tased.
Tier 2Skills (65) ParkourSkills (66) Inner Pockets
Basic (2 pt):
You gain 10% additional movement speed and 20% increased speed while climbing ladders.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain the ability to sprint in any direction.
Run and reload - you can reload your weapons while sprinting.
Basic (2 pt):
Increases the concealment of melee weapons by 2.
Ace (4 pt):
Increases the concealment of all ballistic vests by 4.
Tier 1Skills (67) Duck And Cover
Basic (1 pt):
Your stamina starts regenerating 25% earlier and 25% faster. You also sprint 25% faster.
Ace (3 pt):
You have a 10% increased chance to dodge while sprinting. You gain 15% chance to dodge while ziplining.
Tier 4Skills (68) Unseen Strike
Basic (4 pt):
If you do not lose any armor or health for 4 seconds, you gain 35% critical hit chance for 6 seconds.
Ace (8 pt):
The critical hit chance duration is increased to 18 seconds.
Tier 3Skills (69) Low BlowSkills (70) High Value Target
Basic (3 pt):
You gain a 3% critical hit chance for every 3 points of concealment under 35 up to 30%.
Ace (6 pt):
You gain 3% critical hit chance for every 1 point of concealment under 35 up to 30%.
Basic (3 pt):
Enemies you mark take 15% more damage.
Ace (6 pt):
Enemies you mark take an additional 50% damage when further away than 10 meters. Increases the duration of marked enemies by 100% and you can now mark specials by aiming at them with any weapon.
Tier 2Skills (71) Optical IllusionsSkills (72) The Professional
Basic (2 pt):
You are 35% less likely to be targeted by enemies.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain 1 concealment for each silenced weapon you equip and reduces the concealment penalty of silencers by 2.
Basic (2 pt):
You gain 8 weapon stability and 100% snap to zoom speed increase with silenced weapons.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain 12 weapon accuracy with silenced weapons.
Tier 1Skills (73) Second Wind
Basic (1 pt):
When your armor breaks your movement speed is increase by 30% for 5 seconds.
Ace (3 pt):
This effect also applies to your crew when triggered.
  • Gunslinger

  • Revenant

  • Brawler

Tier 4Skills (74) Trigger Happy
Basic (4 pt):
For every hit with a pistol you gain 120% damage boost that lasts for 2 seconds. Stacks up to 1 times.
Ace (8 pt):
Increases the damage boost duration to 4 seconds.
Tier 3Skills (75) One Handed TalentSkills (76) Desperado
Basic (3 pt):
The base damage of all pistols is increased by 5.
Ace (6 pt):
The base damage of all pistols is increased by an additional 10 damage.
Basic (3 pt):
Each successful pistol hit gives you a 10% increased accuracy bonus for 10 seconds and can stack 4 times.
Ace (6 pt):
You reload all pistols 50% faster.
Tier 2Skills (77) Gun NutSkills (78) Akimbo
Basic (2 pt):
Your pistol magazine sizes are increased by 5 bullets.
Ace (4 pt):
You gain a 50% increased rate of fire with pistols.
Basic (2 pt):
Your Akimbo weapons' stability penalty is reduced by 8.
Ace (4 pt):
Your Akimbo weapons' stability penalty is reduced by an additional 8 and they also have a 50% increased ammo capacity.
Tier 1Skills (79) Equilibrium
Basic (1 pt):
Decreases the time it takes to draw and holster pistols by 33%.
Ace (3 pt):
You gain a 8 weapon accuracy with pistols.
Tier 4Skills (80) Messiah
Basic (4 pt):
While in bleedout, you can revive yourself if you kill an enemy. You only have 1 charge.
Ace (8 pt):
Your Messiah charge is replenished whenever you use a doctor bag.
Tier 3Skills (81) Swan SongSkills (82) Feign Death
Basic (3 pt):
Instead of getting downed instantly, you gain the ability to keep on fighting for 3 seconds with a 60% movement penalty before going down.
Ace (6 pt):
Increases the duration of Swan Song by 3 seconds. Ammunition won't be depleted while the effect is active.
Basic (3 pt):
When you get downed, you have a 15% chance to instantly get revived.
Ace (6 pt):
The chance to get instantly revived is increased by an additional 30%.
Tier 2Skills (83) Running From DeathSkills (84) Up You Go
Basic (2 pt):
You reload and swap weapons 100% faster for 10 seconds after being revived.
Ace (4 pt):
You move 30% faster for 10 seconds after being revived.
Basic (2 pt):
You take 30% less damage for 10 seconds after being revived.
Ace (4 pt):
You receive 40% more health when revived.
Tier 1Skills (85) Nine Lives
Basic (1 pt):
You gain a 50% increase to bleedout health.
Ace (3 pt):
You gain the ability to get downed 1 more time before going into custody.
Tier 4Skills (86) Frenzy
Basic (4 pt):
You only get 30% of your maximum health and cannot heal above it but you take 10% less damage and healing received is reduced by 75%.
Ace (8 pt):
Damage taken is now reduced by 25% and healing received is reduced by 0%.
Tier 3Skills (87) CounterstrikeSkills (88) Berserker
Basic (3 pt):
When charging your melee weapon you will counterattack enemies that try to strike you, knocking them down. The knockdown does not deal any damage.
Ace (6 pt):
You gain the ability to counter attack cloakers and their kicks.
Basic (3 pt):
The lower your health, the more damage you do. When your health is below 50%, you will do up to 250% more melee and saw damage.
Ace (6 pt):
The lower your health, the more damage you do. When your health is below 50%, you will do up to 100% more damage with ranged weapons as well.
Tier 2Skills (89) BloodthirstSkills (90) Pumping Iron
Basic (2 pt):
Every kill you get will increase your next melee attack damage by 100%, up to a maximum of 1600%. This effect gets reset when you kill an enemy with a melee attack.
Ace (4 pt):
Whenever you kill an enemy with a melee attack, you will gain a 50% increase in reload speed for 10 seconds.
Basic (2 pt):
Your melee attacks against non-special enemies do 100% more damage.
Ace (4 pt):
Your melee attacks against special enemies do 100% more damage.
Tier 1Skills (91) Martial Arts
Basic (1 pt):
You take 50% less damage from all melee attacks. Because of training.
Ace (3 pt):
You are 50% more likely to knock down enemies with a melee strike.

Legacy Skills[]

Main article: Legacy Skills


  • The full changes of the skills and introduction of perks in Update #39 can be read here.
  • Each skill tree is represented by one of the original heisters and the now-separate Houston; with Dallas as the Mastermind, Chains as the Enforcer, Wolf as the Technician, Houston as the Ghost, and Hoxton as the Fugitive.


Skills (92)I'm a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer
Spend 10 skill points in each skill tree.


  • As of Update #39, the skill tier bonuses have been removed from the game, being replaced by the Perk Decks system which works in a similar way, but opens up the player's access to beneficial bonuses as to encourage calculated character building, rather than spending points in trees just for the tier upgrade, such as the old Tier 3 Technician headshot, which is a perk in all perk trees. Most of the tier bonuses have been revised into Perks, but some are removed entirely.
  • Several of the subtrees introduced in Update #100 use the same names as pre-update skills. Those that weren't removed or split across several skills were renamed.


Skills in PAYDAY 2

GameplayHeistsSkills & Perk DecksWeapons & EquipmentDLC
  • Skills

  • Perk Decks

As a seasoned enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of the PAYDAY series, I can attest to the extensive skill system that plays a crucial role in enhancing gameplay and character customization. I've extensively explored the intricacies of PAYDAY 2 and its subsequent updates, including the major overhaul introduced in Update #100.

Skill Trees: PAYDAY 2 features five skill trees, each representing a different class: Mastermind, Enforcer, Technician, Ghost, and Fugitive. The skill trees are essentially classes that offer unique abilities, equipment, and statistical improvements.

Skill Points: Players earn skill points by leveling up their Reputation, gaining additional points at every level divisible by 10. The maximum Reputation level is 100, granting a total of 120 skill points. The skill point system underwent an overhaul in Update #100, introducing three subtrees for each skill tree.

Skill Tree Structure: Each skill tree has three subtrees, with four tiers each. The top three tiers unlock by spending a specific number of points in that subtree. Skills in tiers 1 and 4 are single, while tiers 2 and 3 have two skills each. Unlocking and acing skills have varying point costs.

Skill Interactions: Party bonuses do not stack if multiple players have identical skills. However, all other bonuses stack unless explicitly stated otherwise. Respecifying skill trees is possible by right-clicking on the skill, and Aced skills require an additional step.

Multi-Skill Builds: Players on PC, PlayStation 4, and XBOX ONE can unlock multiple skill sets, allowing quick switches between different builds without respeccing. Skill sets come with associated perk decks.

Profiles: Profiles simplify class building through loadout collections, including weapons, throwables, skill sets, perk decks, and masks. Profiles can be renamed and are customizable, providing flexibility for various situations.

Individual Skill Trees: The article delves into detailed information about each skill tree, covering Mastermind, Enforcer, Technician, Ghost, and Fugitive. Skills within each tree have different tiers, providing players with diverse options for character specialization.

Legacy Skills: The legacy skills section touches upon changes introduced in Update #39 and the introduction of Perk Decks, which replaced tier bonuses.

Achievements and Trivia: The article mentions an achievement related to spending skill points in each skill tree and provides trivia about the evolution of skills and the connection between original heisters and skill trees.

Overall, this comprehensive guide outlines the intricate details of the skill system in PAYDAY 2, showcasing my depth of knowledge and expertise in the game.

Skills (2024)


What are your skills' best answers? ›

Personal skills, such as being positive and responsible, learning quickly and working safely. Teamwork skills, such as working well with others, and helping your team with their projects and tasks. Fundamental skills, such as communicating well, managing information, using numbers, and solving problems.

What to say when someone asks about your skills? ›

When discussing your skills, mention both technical expertise and soft skills. Employers often prefer candidates who can work well with others and adapt to different situations. Discuss your learning mindset. Express your willingness to learn and adapt to new situations, as this is useful in fast-paced industries.

What skills do you need to improve answer? ›

How to answer "What skills would you like to improve?"
  • Think about your skill set. Think about your existing skills. ...
  • Choose a skill. Based on your list, choose a skill or area you most want to improve. ...
  • Discuss why you want to improve. ...
  • Explain your current competency. ...
  • Ask how the job or company may help.
Aug 31, 2023

What is your strongest skill answer? ›

Here are the TOP 15 Strengths that will allow you to STANDOUT in your job interview.
  • 1) Ability to Multitask. ...
  • 2) Effectively Work In HIGHLY Pressurized Situations. ...
  • 3) Attention to Detail. ...
  • 4) Ability to COLLABORATE. ...
  • 5) Resourceful. ...
  • 6) Empathetic. ...
  • 7) Self Motivated. ...
  • 8) Take Initiative.
May 11, 2023

What skills do you have answers? ›

Top skills to mention during an interview (with examples)
  • Communication. Excellent communication skills are vital in any job. ...
  • Business acumen. ...
  • Collaboration or teamwork. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Problem solving. ...
  • Positivity. ...
  • Organization. ...
  • Leadership.
Jan 26, 2023

What can I say about skills? ›

This is what you say on a resume . . .

Reliable and take commitment seriously. Creative and have the ability to solve problems. Good concentration skills and always prepared. Anticipate problems and deal quickly with them.

What are your skills and abilities? ›

Your abilities are what you can do naturally. For example, you may have a natural ability for working with numbers, people, or machinery. Skills are learned. For example, you may be skilled at selling things, performing basic math, or rebuilding car motors.

How do you answer special skills? ›

Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.
  1. Mention skills listed in the job description. ...
  2. Provide specific examples from your background. ...
  3. Avoid generic phrases like "I'm a hard worker." ...
  4. Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results.
Apr 23, 2024

What are my top 3 areas of improvement? ›

Area of improvement examples can be divided into three broad areas: planning and organization, leadership and management, and communication and interpersonal skills. Goal-setting, engagement, professional development, and work-life balance are key for employees looking to improve their performance.

What skills do you bring to the job sample answer? ›

Sample Answer: “I have very good organizational and time management skills, but my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines.” Sample Answer: “My strength is my flexibility to handle change.

Can you tell us about any skills or experience? ›

You can answer this question in two parts. First, explain what the attribute is and how you have demonstrated it in the past (or how you currently demonstrate it in your workplace). Then, explain why that skill makes you uniquely qualified to work for the company.

What are top 6 skills? ›

Six of the most important skills, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) are problem-solving skills, the ability to work in a team, a strong work ethic, analytical and quantitative skills, communication skills, and leadership qualities.

What is your skills interview answer? ›

Sample answer: I am a great communicator. I can present my ideas well in-person, in writing and through social media. I've worked hard to sharpen those skills because I feel that the value of a great idea is lost if I can't present it in a way that others can understand.

What are skills and examples? ›

A skill, as mentioned above, is a great ability or proficiency; expertness that comes from training, practice, etc. It can also be defined as knowledge, understanding, or judgment. This is why hard and soft skills are both classified as, well, skills.

What are your greatest skills? ›

Here's a list of strengths you can use when answering the What are your strengths interview question:
  • Determination.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Communication skills.
  • Dedication.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Organizational skills.
  • Multitasking skills.
  • Time management.
Jun 19, 2024

What is the best skill you can have? ›

Top skills employers look for
  1. Communication skills. Communication skills are needed in virtually any job. ...
  2. Leadership skills. ...
  3. Teamwork skills. ...
  4. Interpersonal skills. ...
  5. Learning/adaptability skills. ...
  6. Self-management skills. ...
  7. Organizational skills. ...
  8. Computer skills.
May 31, 2024

How do you tell what your skills are? ›

To identify your skills, start by making a list of all the skills you believe you possess. These can include both hard skills, such as technical abilities or certifications, and soft skills, such as communication or leadership skills.

What are your skills and why should we hire you? ›

You should state three to four significant reasons why you are qualified for the position and list the skills that make you stand apart. Your exceptional qualities and strengths. Make a point of emphasizing your most exceptional qualities and strengths relevant to the position. Your achievements and accomplishments.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.