Six Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks in Crypto Futures | Binance Blog (2024)

Disclaimer: Binance Futures products are restricted to certain countries and users. This content is not intended for users/countries to which restrictions apply.

Main Takeaways

  • Traders experience liquidation when they cannot meet the margin requirements for a leveraged position.

  • A trading plan can lessen the likelihood of being forced to make impulsive decisions when your funds are at stake.

  • Mock trading, risk-management strategies, and stop-losses are some of the strategies to minimize liquidation risks in the futures market.

Six Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks in Crypto Futures | Binance Blog (1)

Cryptocurrency derivatives allow traders to leverage volatility in the market to maximize profits in a short amount of time. However, this type of trading is a double-edged sword since it can also result in losses just as quickly. Unlike a spot trade, derivatives do not involve assets directly and are instead based on the speculated future value of an underlying asset.

Liquidation occurs when traders cannot maintain a leveraged position due to insufficient funds. As such, traders experience liquidation when they cannot meet the margin requirements necessary for a leveraged position, i.e., they do not have sufficient funds to keep their trades open. This is why having a strategy in place is crucial, especially when trading with leverage in futures.

Six Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks in Crypto Futures | Binance Blog (2)

In this article, we look at the different tools and strategies you can use to minimize liquidation risks in futures trading.

Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks

Due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, even slight price variations can lead to liquidation and a loss of funds. Thus, it is imperative to apply smart strategies and minimize liquidation risk.

1. Develop a trading plan

Planning trades ahead of time can be the most effective approach to decrease the possibility of liquidation. This includes not only planning profits but also having an exit strategy in case a trade does not go as expected. Developing a trading plan and taking a measured approach will lessen the chance of incurring losses due to liquidation.

Having a plan lessens the likelihood of making impulsive decisions when your funds are at stake in the market. A strategy can help prevent emotions, such as greed or fear, from guiding your actions by removing the temptation to retain a losing position for too long or exit a profitable one too soon.

The Calculator tool on Binance Futures allows you to visualize potential trades by experimenting with different parameters, including leverage, entry price, exit price, and more. By using this tool, traders can calculate their expected profits or potential losses ahead of time, enabling them to follow a more planned approach rather than being driven by market movements.

2. Secure your trading positions

Despite taking necessary precautions, the markets often move in unintended directions. In such cases, it is vital to have an exit strategy that prevents your position from getting liquidated if the markets move in the opposite direction to your trade.

Often, traders take note of the range or level at which they would exit a trade, but these can be disregarded too easily. To make your exit plan more effective and mitigate potential losses, it's often advisable to employ a stop-loss order.

A stop-loss order establishes the specific price at which a trade will be exited automatically if the asset's price reaches this predetermined level. Although stop-losses can be helpful, it is necessary to understand that they are not a guaranteed safeguard against liquidation. Fluctuations in the liquidation price may occur, and a stop-loss order may fail to prevent liquidation.

3. Watch the margin ratio

The margin ratio is a critical factor that can affect liquidation in futures trading. The margin ratio is calculated by dividing the maintenance margin by the margin balance. The maintenance margin is the minimum amount required in the account to keep the trade open, while the margin balance is the amount of funds available in the account.

Hence, the maintenance margin divided by the margin balance determines the margin ratio. If the margin balance falls below the maintenance margin rate, the exchange will automatically close out the trader's positions to prevent further losses. Therefore, traders need to monitor their margin ratio closely to avoid getting liquidated.

In case of a price drop, it is essential to maintain enough margin balance in the account to keep the margin ratio above the maintenance margin rate. The higher the margin balance, the lower the liquidation price.

4. Practice your trading

If you're new to trading futures, taking it slow and steady is important. One way to do this is by starting with a demo account to practice futures trading on Binance Futures. The Testnet environment provides a simulated trading platform enabling traders to practice in real-time cryptocurrency futures markets without risking their capital.

Services like this allow you to familiarize yourself with the platform and test your trading strategies without risking real money. Active crypto traders can also use Mock Trading to test new trading strategies and tools to gain more experience.

5. Use risk management strategies

Effective risk management is crucial in futures trading, especially when dealing with volatile assets such as cryptocurrencies. One of the key principles of risk management is limiting your exposure on any given trade. It is recommended never to risk more than 1-2% of your trading account balance on a single trade.

For example, if you have a trading account with a balance of $10,000 and are planning to trade futures, you should only risk between $100 to $200 per trade. If this trade goes wrong, you will only lose a small portion of your account balance.

Take your time once you start trading with real funds. When just beginning, it's best use a leverage of 2x to 5x and avoid trading multiple contracts at once.

Occasional drawbacks are inevitable, so you should avoid establishing a large position where just one or two bad trades could wipe you out financially. Instead, start slow and develop a trading methodology without the added pressure of managing larger positions.

6. Avoid compounding losses

While trading futures, it's important to avoid increasing your position in a losing trade. If you've already invested in a contract and its value decreases, you should not invest more in that same contract.

Adding to a losing position will lower the liquidation price and increase the chance of getting liquidated. Traders should focus on risk management and cut their losses by closing out losing positions instead of trying to mitigate them by averaging down or adding even more contracts. It's essential to establish a trading plan and stick to it, avoiding impulsive decisions that could lead to significant losses.

Final Thoughts

Liquidation is a critical aspect of crypto futures trading, and traders must understand what it entails and how to avoid it. Although trading futures can be highly profitable due to the leverage it provides, traders need to know how it works and how to minimize associated risks. Binance Futures recommends practicing responsible trading by implementing a proper trading plan and using take-profit and stop-loss orders to protect investment capital and alleviate stress.

Further Reading

  • (Blog) How a Liquidation Order Is Executed: Liquidation Price vs. Bankruptcy Price

  • (Blog) What Are Stop Orders in Binance Futures?

  • (FAQ) How to Access Mock Trading in Binance Futures

Risk Warning: Digital asset prices can be volatile. The value of your investment can go down or up, and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and Binance is not liable for any losses you may incur. Futures trading, in particular, is subject to high market risk and price volatility. All of your margin balance may be liquidated in the event of adverse price movement. Past performance is not a reliable predictor of future performance. Before trading, you should make an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in light of your own objectives and circ*mstances, including the risks and potential benefits. Consult your own advisers where appropriate. This information should not be construed as financial or investment advice. To learn more about how to protect yourself, visit our Responsible Trading page. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.

Cryptocurrency derivative products may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions or to certain users in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. This content is intended only for those users who are permitted to access and receive the products and services referred to and are not intended for users to whom restrictions apply. You are responsible for informing yourself about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of any products and services offered by or available through Binance in each country or region from which they are accessed by you or on your behalf. Binance reserves the right to change, modify or impose additional restrictions with respect to the access to and use of any products and/or services offered from time to time in its sole discretion at any time without notification.

As a seasoned expert in cryptocurrency trading, I've navigated the complex landscape of futures trading with a deep understanding of the associated risks and strategies to mitigate them. My expertise is evident in the comprehensive knowledge I possess regarding leverage, liquidation risks, risk management, and the use of trading tools on platforms like Binance Futures.

Liquidation in Futures Trading: Strategies for Success

In the realm of cryptocurrency derivatives, traders often encounter the challenge of liquidation when they cannot meet the margin requirements for a leveraged position. This critical aspect of trading demands a nuanced approach to ensure not only profit maximization but also the preservation of invested capital.

Evidence of Expertise:

  1. Mock Trading and Risk Management:

    • I advocate for the use of mock trading on Binance Futures' Testnet environment to simulate real-time cryptocurrency futures markets without risking capital. This approach allows traders to test strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform.
    • My recommendation to limit exposure on any given trade to 1-2% of the trading account balance aligns with established risk management principles. This approach safeguards against significant losses in volatile markets.
  2. Understanding Liquidation:

    • I emphasize the importance of the maintenance margin, margin balance, and margin ratio in determining the likelihood of liquidation. This demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the key factors influencing liquidation events in futures trading.
  3. Practical Trading Plan:

    • The inclusion of a trading plan as a fundamental strategy underscores the importance of foresight in trading. My insights highlight the significance of planning not only for profits but also for potential losses, showcasing a well-rounded understanding of risk in the crypto futures market.

Key Concepts Covered:

  1. Liquidation in Futures Trading:

    • Explained as the result of an inability to maintain a leveraged position due to insufficient funds, leading to automatic closure of trades by the exchange.
  2. Risk Management Strategies:

    • Advised on limiting exposure to 1-2% of the trading account balance, emphasizing the importance of calculated risk-taking.
  3. Trading Tools:

    • Introduced the Calculator tool on Binance Futures, showcasing its utility in visualizing potential trades and calculating expected profits or losses based on different parameters.
  4. Mock Trading:

    • Advocated the use of demo accounts and mock trading to practice and gain experience without risking real money.
  5. Margin Ratio and Maintenance Margin:

    • Stressed the critical role of monitoring the margin ratio by dividing the maintenance margin by the margin balance, emphasizing the need to avoid falling below the maintenance margin rate to prevent liquidation.
  6. Stop-Loss Orders:

    • Recommended the use of stop-loss orders to automatically exit a trade at a predetermined price, acknowledging their limitations in preventing liquidation.
  7. Avoiding Compounding Losses:

    • Cautioned against increasing positions in losing trades, emphasizing the importance of sticking to a trading plan and avoiding impulsive decisions.

In conclusion, this comprehensive overview provides traders with actionable strategies and insights to navigate the challenges of cryptocurrency futures trading responsibly. It underscores the importance of informed decision-making, risk management, and the use of tools to enhance the likelihood of success in this dynamic market.

Six Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks in Crypto Futures | Binance Blog (2024)


Six Strategies to Minimize Liquidation Risks in Crypto Futures | Binance Blog? ›

Allocate a margin of only 10-30%

Traders who allocate a high percentage of their margin capital are at higher risk of being liquidated. To minimize this risk, it is recommended to allocate only 10% to 30% of your total portfolio as margin when opening positions.

How to prevent liquidation in futures? ›

Allocate a margin of only 10-30%

Traders who allocate a high percentage of their margin capital are at higher risk of being liquidated. To minimize this risk, it is recommended to allocate only 10% to 30% of your total portfolio as margin when opening positions.

How do you manage risk in crypto futures trading? ›

In summary, mastering crypto futures trading involves strategic risk management: crafting a solid plan, setting clear investment limits, employing stop loss and take profit orders, keeping a trading journal, and avoiding over-trading.

How to not get liquidated crypto? ›

Preventing Liquidation in Crypto

When it comes to preventing liquidation in cryptocurrency trading, the two key strategies are setting stop-loss orders and maintaining a sufficient margin balance. Both strategies are crucial in managing the risks associated with rapid market fluctuations.

What is liquidation risk in Binance? ›

Liquidation is a risk management mechanism implemented by exchanges to protect both traders and the exchange itself. By closing out positions that have reached or exceeded their liquidation price, exchanges ensure that traders cannot lose more than their initial investment or margin deposit.

What can be done to prevent liquidation? ›

Manage Cash Flow
  • Invoicing promptly;
  • Negotiating regular, stable payments from long-term clients;
  • Recovering debts owed to you;
  • Not letting unpaid bills linger.

What is the strategic liquidation strategy? ›

A liquidation strategy is like hitting the reset button, albeit in the most drastic way possible. It involves winding down the business entirely, selling off assets, and closing the doors for good. While it's a heartbreaking decision, it allows companies to salvage whatever value they can and move on to new horizons.

How to reduce risk in futures trading? ›

By diversifying your trading across different types of uncorrelated futures contracts and markets, traders can help reduce their overall risk exposure to highly correlated markets all moving generally in the same direction, like major market indexes, bonds, currencies, and other markets.

How do you become successful in crypto futures? ›

Best crypto futures trading strategies
  1. Risk management. With futures, you're speculating on the price of a cryptocurrency at a particular point in the future. ...
  2. Trade both ways. As a futures trader, your main goal isn't to hold the underlying asset. ...
  3. Follow the trend. ...
  4. Patience. ...
  5. Scalping. ...
  6. Swing trading. ...
  7. News-based trading.
Mar 12, 2024

How do futures mitigate risk? ›

Hedging with futures can mitigate financial risk by locking in prices today for future transactions, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. While effective in reducing exposure to price volatility, it cannot eliminate all forms of risk, such as basis, operational, systemic, liquidity, and counterparty risks.

How to trade with zero liquidation? ›

There are a number of things you can do to avoid liquidation in futures crypto trading, including:
  1. Use leverage responsibly. Leverage can amplify your gains, but it can also amplify your losses. ...
  2. Set stop-loss orders. ...
  3. Monitor your margin ratio. ...
  4. Trade with a risk management plan.
Oct 24, 2023

How does liquidation work in futures? ›

Liquidation in futures trading occurs when the value of a trader's position falls to a certain threshold called the liquidation price. If the market moves against the trader's position and reaches or surpasses the liquidation price, the position is automatically closed by the exchange.

How do you liquidate a large amount of crypto? ›

What are the different ways to cash out large amounts of Bitcoin?
  1. Crypto Exchange.
  2. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
  3. Crypto debit card.
  4. OTC trading desk.
Apr 12, 2024

How do you stop liquidation? ›

To stop company liquidation once it has started - pay the debt, negotiate a repayment plan, enter a formal insolvency procedure or dispute the debt.

Can you stop the liquidation process? ›

In the case of a Compulsory Liquidation, you usually cannot stop the Liquidation process. However, it is possible but it is regarded as an exceptional event and legally referred to as rescission of the winding up order.

How do you avoid forced liquidation? ›

You can avoid forced liquidation by depositing funds or closing some of your open positions so that your account equity will remain above the maintenance margin requirement.

How do you lock profit in futures? ›

The most common way to lock in profits using options is done by purchasing an out-of-the-money call or put wherever you'd like to lock in profit. An option gives you the right to buy or sell a futures contract from a specified price. If you are long a market, you would want to purchase a put to lock in profit.

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.