Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (2024)

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From navigating complex documents to meeting firm government requirements, applying for an Employment Pass in Singapore can be difficult and stressful. This guide overviews the requirements and procedures you’ll need to know to get started. We can also help guide you through the entire process as part of our incorporation services for businesses.

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Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (2)

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An Employment Pass (EP) is a work visa designed for foreign professionals with specialized skills, managers, and company directors who want to work and live in Singapore. This guide provides detailed information on the Employment Pass in Singapore that includes:

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (3)

  • Employment Pass Quick Facts
  • Employment Pass Versus Entrepreneur Pass
  • Eligibility and Salary Requirements
  • Required Documents
  • Application Procedure
  • Appealing a Rejected Application
  • Renewing an Employment Pass
  • Passes for Family Members
  • Changing Your Employer
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Employment Pass Quick Facts

  • An Employment Pass in Singapore allows the holder to live and work in Singapore as an employee of the sponsoring Singapore company.
  • An Employment Pass application must be filed by the sponsoring company or the authorized corporate service provider that holds the Employment Agency (EA) license, which is required for employment agencies to operate in Singapore.
  • The candidate must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 per month. In some cases, Singapore requires more experienced candidates to earn a higher salary.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (4)

Do I Need an Employment Pass or Entrepreneur Pass?

If you’re listed as a shareholder of a newly incorporated company, Singapore authorities will consider you an entrepreneur. You should therefore apply for an Entrepreneur Pass instead of an Employment Pass. For companies that have been incorporated in Singapore for longer than six months, the shareholding issue does not apply. You are free to apply for an Employment Pass in Singapore.

If you want to set up your company in Singapore, you may also consider newly announced work visa - ONE Pass Singapore.

Singapore Employment Pass Eligibility and Salary Requirements

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has tightened its requirements for Employment Pass applicants. To be approved by MOM, candidates must meet the following qualifications:

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (5)

Persons of any nationality can apply for an Employment Pass.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (6)

The foreign professional must have a job offer in Singapore.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (7)

The position must be for a managerial, executive, or specialist role.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (8)

The candidate must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 for graduates of reputable universities. This applies to candidates who are new graduates of reputable universities.

  • More experienced candidates are required to have commensurately higher salaries: minimum monthly salary increases progressively with age from age 23, up to S$10,500 at age 45 and above.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (9)

Candidates must have acceptable qualifications, usually including a university degree, professional qualifications, and/or specialized skills. From 1 Sep 2023, all post-secondary diploma and above qualifications declared to MOM in new EP applications will have to be supported withverification prooffrom background screening companies listed on MOM’s website.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (10)

As of February 1, 2022, candidates must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to be aprroved for an Employment Pass.

Changes to Employment Pass Singapore in 2023

From September 1, 2023, Employment Pass candidates should also meet the required minimum of 40 points under the new points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) to be eligible for the pass. The new COMPASS system will evaluate applications based on the individual’s set of qualifications and company attributes and be scored on several criteria: salary, qualification, diversity, support for local employment, skills bonus, and strategic economic priority bonus. The program also considers certain cases when applicants are exempted from COMPASS.

Applicants are exempted from COMPASS if they meet any of the following conditions:

  • Have a fixed monthly salary of at least S$22,500;
  • Are applying as an overseas intra-corporate transferee;
  • Are filling the role for 1 month or less.

If you’d like to screen for your eligibility for an Employment Pass in Singapore, explore the Ministry of Manpower’s Self Assessment Tool. This tool can help you learn if you’re eligible to apply. However, be aware that the tool is not a guarantee for approval. Exceptions exist, especially for senior managers and employees with specialized skills.

  • MOM evaluates candidates based on the special skill set he or she will bring to the Singapore economy.
  • Although MOM typically prefers candidates with specialized skills, those without specialized qualifications can still be approved.
  • Candidates with specialized qualifications are not automatically eligible.

In addition to reviewing the candidate’s qualifications, MOM will also evaluate the company that’s applying for the Employment Pass in Singapore. They will examine the company’s contributions to the Singapore economy and workforce. MOM considers companies based on the following criteria:

  • What portion of the company’s staff is Singaporean compared to the industry average?
  • Has the company shown a commitment to hiring and developing Singaporean talent?
  • To what extent does the company contribute to the Singapore economy and society?

Documents Required for Singapore Employment Pass

To apply for an Employment Pass in Singapore, MOM requires clear copies of each of the following documents:

  • The personal particulars page of the candidate’s passport
  • The company’s latest business profile or instant information registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
  • The candidate’s educational certificates (e.g., degree certification)
  • Written consent from the candidate allowing the company or employment agent to apply on his or her behalf
  • Any additional documents that MOM may request

Note that all documents must be in English or translated into English.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (11)

How to Get an Employment Pass for Singapore

To apply for an Employment Pass in Singapore, a company or a registered employment agent must complete the following six steps:

In almost all cases, companies can submit an application online. Foreign companies that do not have a registered office in Singapore must have a local sponsor manually apply through the mail. For both online and manual applications, the company or employment agent must pay a S$105 application fee.

  • Online applications are submitted through myMOM Portal and take three weeks or longer to process. (As of June 15, 2020, this portal replaced the previous service, EP Online.)
  • Manual applications through the mail must be submitted over the counter at a SingPost location and are processed in eight weeks or longer. They must include a completed Employment Pass Application Form and all required documents.

If the application is approved, applicants will receive the IPA through myMOM. Once the IPA has been received, the candidate has six months to enter Singapore and request MOM to issue the Employment Pass.

The candidate must be in Singapore to request MOM to issue the Employment Pass. To receive the pass, companies and employment agents must submit the following through myMOM portal.

  • Candidate’s passport details
  • Details of the candidate’s current Short-Term Visit Pass or immigration pass
  • Candidate’s residential address in Singapore
  • Local address where the Employment Pass card can be delivered
  • Contact details of at least one authorized recipient who can receive a text message or email alert with delivery details
  • Payment of S$225 is required to have the pass issued

Certain cases may also require the following additional documents:

  • Disembarkation/Embarkation Card (i.e., immigration white card)
  • Completed medical examination form or health declaration form
  • Completed declaration form attached with the candidate’s in-principle approval letter

Once documents are submitted, the Employment Pass will be issued. However, the candidate will not receive the card until any required fingerprints and/or photographs are taken as proof of identity.

The notification letter is valid for one month and allows the candidate to work and travel in and out of Singapore. In addition, the notification letter will state if the candidate needs to have his or her fingerprints registered and photo taken.

New candidates and candidates who registered more than five years ago must register their fingerprints and have their photos taken with two weeks of the Employment Pass being issued. Candidates must make an appointment with the Employment Pass Services Centre. At the appointment, candidates must have the following documents ready:

  • Original passport
  • Appointment letter
  • Notification letter
  • Documents listed in the IPA letter and notification letter

The candidate will receive the card within four working days.

Singapore Employment Pass Appeal

If an Employment Pass application is rejected, the company or employment agent can appeal within three months. Note that a company should appeal only if it can present new information to address the issues in the rejection advisory.

Appeals can be submitted online and take a minimum of three weeks for MOM to process.

Renewing an Employment Pass

An Employment Pass in Singapore will expire after two years and can be renewed for a period of up to three years.

All renewal requests must be submitted through myMOM by the company or employment agent. A request to renew can be submitted up to six months before the pass expires.

Furthermore, MOM must receive the application to renew at least two weeks before the Employment Pass expires. If the pass is not renewed before it expires, the candidate must apply for a new pass.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (12)

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (13)

Company Requirement to Advertise the Position

As a part of the Fair Consideration Framework in Singapore, companies must first advertise the vacant position on the MyCareersFuture for at least 28 days before applying for an Employment Pass in Singapore.
Singapore companies are not required to post on the job board if they meet the following conditions:

  • The company has 10 or fewer employees
  • The position pays a fixed monthly salary of S$20,000 per month or more
  • The job must be filled by an intra-corporate transferee (i.e., those holding senior positions in the company or have an advanced level of expertise)
  • The job is necessary for no longer than one month

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (14)

Canceling an Employment Pass

If the Employment Pass holder ceases employment or the Employment Pass expires, the company or employment agent must cancel the pass within one week.

Prior to canceling the Employment Pass, the company must receive tax clearance from IRAS to ensure the Employment Pass holder has paid his or her taxes. Furthermore, the company must buy the Employment Pass holder’s airfare to return home.

An Employment Pass pass can be canceled through myMOM. Once canceled, the Employment Pass holder will be issued a cancellation ...

Replacing an Employment Pass Card

If an Employment Pass card is stolen, lost, or damaged, the company or employment agent must apply for a replacement card within one week. If the card was stolen, the card holder must include a police report (in English or translated into English) with the application.

If the Employment Pass holder is overseas, the company should notify MOM immediately. Once notified, MOM will issue the Employment Pass holder a letter that will allow him or her to enter Singapore.

Requirement to Notify MOM of Any Changes

If any of the following changes occur, the company must notify MOM as soon as possible:

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (15)


Decrease in the Employment Pass holder’s salary


EP holder moves to a new address


EP holder has changed his or her particulars


Employment Pass holder is transferred to a related subsidiary or parent company


New company address


EP holder takes a new position with the company


EP holder is missing

Passes for Family Members

Employment Pass holders are allowed to bring certain family members to Singapore if they earn at least S$6,000 per month.

Family members may enter Singapore under a Dependent Pass or a Long-Term Visit Pass. The following family members may enter with a Dependent Pass:

  • A legally married spouse
  • Unmarried children under the age of 21, including those legally adopted

Before May 1, 2021, a family member who held a Dependent Pass could work in Singapore as long as he or she received a Letter of Consent (LOC).

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (16)

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (17)

What If My Employer Changes?

If an Employment Pass holder decides to change jobs, the new employer must apply for a new Employment Pass. This also applies if an Employment Pass holder is moving positions from a subsidiary to the parent company or vice versa.

Like any new application, MOM will evaluate the candidate’s eligibility and qualifications before approving or denying the new Employment Pass.

The Employment Pass holder does not need to cancel his or her existing Employment Pass before applying for the new Employment Pass.

What’s the Simplest Way to Apply for an Employment Pass?

With tighter controls and important documents to keep track of, the easiest way to obtain an Employment Pass is to work with a corporate services provider. offers expert guidance throughout the entire application process. Contact us now if you need help filing for an Employment Pass for yourself or your company staff.

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Ash Prasad, CEO, BuyerForesight Pte. Ltd.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (18)

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (19)

Frequently Asked Questions

The term “work pass” is a general term that’s used for a variety of visas that allow a person to work in a country, whereas an “Employment Pass” is a specific kind of work pass. All foreigners who plan to work in Singapore must have a valid work pass (sometimes also known as a work visa) before they start working in the country.

Singapore offers a wide range of work pass options, including Employment Pass, ONE Pass, EntrePass, Personalised Employment Pass, S Pass, and Work Permit. The Employment Pass is suitable for managers, executives, specialists, and other skilled professionals who wish to work in Singapore.

All nationalities can apply for an Employment Pass. Each application is evaluated based on the candidate’s salary, work experience, skill set, and educational institution rankings.

The Employment Pass is suitable for foreign professionals who have:

  • A job offer in Singapore
  • A managerial, executive, or specialized position
  • A fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 if they are a young graduate
    • More experienced candidates must meet higher salary requirements
  • Acceptable qualifications (usually including a university degree, professional qualifications, or specialized skills)

The processing time for an Employment Pass in Singapore depends on whether the application is filed online or manually. Normally, it takes approximately three weeks for the online option.

The duration for the manually submitted application is at least eight weeks from the date of the receipt of the application. Processing time may increase during peak periods or when the case requires additional information.

First-time applicants receive an Employment Pass that’s valid for up to two years. If you want to renew the Employment Pass, you may apply within six months before the pass expires. Keep in mind that all renewal requests must be submitted through myMOM portal either by an employer or appointed employment agent. The duration of the renewed Employment Pass is up to three years.

The processing time for renewal requests is approximately three weeks unless additional information is requested by authorities.

To obtain an Employment Pass in Singapore, young graduates from approved institutions must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000. Additionally, salaries must match the experience and job position. Therefore more experienced applicants need higher salaries to be eligible for the Employment Pass. In general, applicants in managerial positions should earn S$8,000 or more.

If you meet Singapore requirements, it's not difficult to obtain an Employment Pass. The Ministry of Manpower evaluates each applicant based on various criteria. Both the individual’s and hiring company’s credentials are assessed.

Influential factors include:

  • Candidate’s age, salary, education, and professional background
  • Position and responsibilities of the applicant
  • Ranking of the company and its paid-up capital
  • Economic viability of the company
  • Foreign-to-local employee ratio in the company

Yes, but only if the Employment Pass holder has obtained a Letter of Consent (LOC) from MOM. MOM can grant a LOC if such directorship is critical to the Employment Pass holder’s position within the company.

​​Your Employment Pass should be canceled by the employer within seven days upon the termination of employment or one day after the Employment Pass expires.

Note that when the Employment Pass is canceled, all related Dependent Passes, Long-Term Visit Passes, and Letters of Consent will also be canceled.

Yes, if you want to change your job, you should ask your new employer to apply for a new Employment Pass on your behalf. There is no need to cancel the existing Employment Pass before applying for a new one. Your application will be evaluated according to relevant eligibility requirements.

A fixed monthly salary is the sum of basic monthly salary and fixed monthly allowances.

Please note that fixed monthly salary does not include:

  • Variable allowances
  • Overtime payment, bonus, commission, or annual wage supplements
  • In-kind payments
  • Any form of reimbursem*nts, including expenses incurred by an employee during his or her employment
  • Productivity incentive payments
  • Contributions paid to any pension or provident fund, including any contributions made on the employee's behalf
  • Gratuity payable on discharge, retrenchment, or retirement of the foreign employee

For more details, visit

Generally, the process of obtaining an Employment Pass does not involve a medical examination. However, in certain cases, authorities may require you to receive a medical test. Your Employment Pass approval letter will indicate if you need to go through the medical examination.

Typically, the medical test includes a physical examination, blood tests (to rule out serious diseases), and an HIV Test. You may receive a medical checkup either in Singapore or in your home country. In the latter case, you must choose a reputable hospital and bring the report with you. Please note that the medical report must be in English.

If you lose your job, you will have 30 days to remain in Singapore and complete all formalities. If you still wish to work and live in Singapore, you may apply for a new job during this period. If you did not secure a new Employment Pass during this period, you must leave Singapore after 30 days and arrive again upon approval of the new Employment Pass. If you have stayed for more than 30 days, you will be subject to penalties. Additionally, you may have difficulty obtaining a work pass in the future.

All Employment Pass holders may bring their family members to stay in Singapore if the monthly salary of the holder is at least S$6000. To apply, your employer will need to submit a separate application for each family member.

Legally married spouses and unmarried children under 21 may enter Singapore with a Dependent Pass.

You can find more information about the Dependent Pass immigration process.

You are also permitted to bring some family members with a Long-Term Visit Pass.

According to IRAS, if you’re issued a work pass that’s valid for at least one year, you will be treated as a tax resident. For more information about tax residency and tax rates, read our article on personal tax in Singapore.

Please note that your tax residency status will be reviewed for tax clearance when you cease employment, go on an overseas posting, or plan to leave Singapore for more than three months.

Generally, income that you generate outside Singapore is not taxable. However, there are some circ*mstances under which overseas income may be taxable:

  • You work in Singapore for a foreign employer
  • Your overseas employment is incidental to your employment in Singapore
  • Your overseas employment income is for services rendered in Singapore
  • You are employed outside Singapore on behalf of the Singapore government
  • You have received income in Singapore through a partnership

No, there is no specific quota for the Employment Pass in Singapore. The quota system and foreign worker levy apply only to the S Pass and Work Permit. As for the Employment Pass, Singapore-based companies may hire an unlimited number of foreign professionals. Nevertheless, employers should be mindful of the ratio of foreign workers to local employees.

An overseas Intra-Corporate Transferee (ICT) is an individual who meets the following criteria:

  • Prior International Experience: The candidate must have a minimum of one year of employment with a company located outside of Singapore before their assignment to a branch, affiliate, or subsidiary within Singapore.
  • Designated Roles: The candidate must hold a position falling within one of the following categories: Manager, Executive, or Specialist.

For additional details and comprehensive information regarding ICTs, we recommend referring to the Ministry of Manpower website.

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Employment Pass Quick Facts

  • An Employment Pass in Singapore allows the holder to live and work in Singapore as an employee of the sponsoring Singapore company.
  • An Employment Pass application must be filed by the sponsoring company or the authorized corporate service provider that holds the Employment Agency (EA) license, which is required for employment agencies to operate in Singapore.
  • The candidate must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$4,500 per month (which will be increased in September 2022). In some cases, Singapore requires more experienced candidates to earn a higher salary.
  • The Employment Pass holder's salary will be subject to personal tax in Singapore.
  • First-time candidates can receive an Employment Pas that’s valid for up to two years.
  • Renewals are valid for up to three years.
  • Eligible Employment Pass holders can bring family members into Singapore on a Dependent Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP).
  • Since the onset of COVID-19, Singapore authorities are taking longer to process are more closely scrutinizing visa applications, including Employment Pass applications.

New EP Applications

Previous Requirement (Before September 1, 2023):

Prior to September 1, 2023, verification proof was mandatory only for post-secondary diploma and higher qualifications if the relevant awarding institutions were not listed in the application's drop-down menu.

Current Requirement (Effective September 1, 2023):

Starting from September 1, 2023, a significant change has been implemented. Verification proof is now required for all qualifications declared to MOM, irrespective of whether the awarding institution is found in the application's drop-down list.

EP Renewals

Before September 1, 2024: Verification proof was mandated only when qualifications from awarding institutions were not present in the application's drop-down list.

Starting from September 1, 2024: Verification proof has become obligatory for all qualifications declared to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) during the EP renewal process.


Employers who require points from these qualifications for the COMPASS framework may declare them in the EP application. For those who do not require points from these qualifications, it remains optional to declare educational qualifications.

Ensuring Authenticity and Accreditation:

Employers are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the authenticity of their candidates' qualifications and verifying that they were awarded by accredited institutions. To facilitate this verification process, the following guidelines have been established:

  1. Awarding Institution Not Found in Drop-down List:

If the awarding institution for a qualification is not available in the application's drop-down list, verification proof must be provided for both the authenticity of the qualification and the accreditation status of the institution. Acceptable sources for verification proof in such cases include background screening companies.

  1. Awarding Institution Found in Drop-down List:

If the awarding institution for a qualification is listed in the drop-down menu, verification proof is mandatory only for the authenticity of the qualification. Acceptable sources for verification proof in this scenario encompass:

Kindly be advised that our service fee for assisting with the Employment Pass application does not include the verification process mentioned above. For additional details and information regarding the verification process, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated team.

Renewing an Employment Pass

An Employment Pass in Singapore will expire after two years and can be renewed for a period of up to three years.

All renewal requests must be submitted through myMOM by the company or employment agent. A request to renew can be submitted up to six months before the pass expires.

Furthermore, MOM must receive the application to renew at least two weeks before the Employment Pass expires. If the pass is not renewed before it expires, the candidate must apply for a new pass.

Not all renewals are guaranteed. Each renewal application is evaluated based on any new circ*mstances. Similar to requirements when applying for a new Employment Pass, renewal candidates must earn a minimum of S$5,000 per month, and more experienced workers must earn more (increases progressively with age from age 23, up to S$10,500 at age 45 and above).

Once approved, the candidate will receive an in-principle letter of approval. Candidates must then go through the same procedure as for issuing an initial Employment Pass. If necessary, they must register their fingerprints and have their photo taken before receiving a new Employment Pass card.

Lastly, once the candidate receives the new Employment Pass card, he or she must return the old Employment Pass card to the following address:

Work Pass Division
Ministry of Manpower
18 Havelock Road
Singapore 059764

Canceling an Employment Pass

If the Employment Pass holder ceases employment or the Employment Pass expires, the company or employment agent must cancel the pass within one week.

Prior to canceling the Employment Pass, the company must receive tax clearance from IRAS to ensure the Employment Pass holder has paid his or her taxes. Furthermore, the company must buy the Employment Pass holder’s airfare to return home.

An Employment Pass pass can be canceled through myMOM. Once canceled, the Employment Pass holder will be issued a cancellation acknowledgment letter and a Short-Term Visit Pass if he or she is still in Singapore. Furthermore, all Dependant Passes, Long-Term Visit Passes, letters of consent and work permits that were granted on the basis of the EP will be canceled.

Upon leaving Singapore, the Employment Pass holder must give the Short-Term Visit Pass to immigration authorities.

Once the pass is canceled, the company must return the Employment Pass card within one week to MOM.

Replacing an Employment Pass Card

If an Employment Pass card is stolen, lost, or damaged, the company or employment agent must apply for a replacement card within one week. If the card was stolen, the card holder must include a police report (in English or translated into English) with the application.

If the Employment Pass holder is overseas, the company should notify MOM immediately. Once notified, MOM will issue the Employment Pass holder a letter that will allow him or her to enter Singapore.

Replacement card applications can be completed through myMOM. Once the request is submitted the applicant will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of:

  • S$60 for damaged cards
  • S$100 for the first lost card and S$300 for any lost cards thereafter

If approved, MOM will issue a card replacement letter that gives instructions to collect the new card.

The Employment Pass holder then has four working days to collect his or her new card at the Employment Pass Services Centre. No appointment is necessary, but the Employment Pass holder must bring the following documents:

  • Original passport
  • Card replacement letter
  • Damaged card (if applicable)
  • Completed declaration form for lost or stolen cards
  • Police report (for stolen cards)

If the lost card is found, it must be returned to MOM.

Employment Passes for Family Members

Employment Pass holders are allowed to bring certain family members to Singapore if they earn at least S$6,000 per month.

Family members may enter Singapore under a Dependent Pass or a Long-Term Visit Pass. The following family members may enter with a Dependent Pass:

  • A legally married spouse
  • Unmarried children under the age of 21, including those legally adopted

Before May 1, 2021, a family member who held a Dependent Pass could work in Singapore as long as he or she received a Letter of Consent (LOC). Today, all Dependant Pass holders who wish to be employed must apply for an applicable Work Pass, such as an Employment Pass, S Pass, or Work Permit. Existing Dependant Pass LOC holders may continue working until the expiry of their LOC.

The following family members may enter Singapore with a Long-Term Visit Pass:

  • Common-law spouse
  • Unmarried handicapped children above 21
  • Unmarried stepchildren under 21
  • Parents (only permitted for Employment Pass holders who earn at least S$10,000 per month)

Long-Term Visit Pass holders may work in Singapore if they receive a work permit.

Under recent changes introduced by MOM, in certain cases, foreign EP holders of multinational corporations who are posted to the company's Singapore branch, affiliate, or subsidiary as an Intra-Corporate Transferee (ICT) may not be able to bring their family members with them via Dependent's Passes or Long-Term Visit Passes. Find out more information on these updates in our article MOM toughens family visa rules for intra-corporate transferee.

Singapore Employment Pass: Requirements, Procedure, Timeline (2024)
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