Simple Interest - Definition, Formula, Examples (2024)

Simple interest is a method to calculate the amount of interest charged on a sum at a given rate and for a given period of time. In simple interest, the principal amount is always the same, unlike compound interest where we add the interest to the principal to find the principal for the new principal for the next year.

In this lesson, you will be introduced to the concept of borrowing money and the simple interest that is derived from borrowing. You will also be introduced to terms such as principal, amount, rate of interest, and time period. Through these terms, you can calculate simple interest using the simple interest formula.

1.What is Simple Interest?
2.Simple Interest Formula
3.How to Find Simple Interest?
4.What Types of Loans use Simple Interest?
5.Simple Interest vs Compound Interest
6.FAQs on Simple Interest

What is Simple Interest?

Simple interest is a method of interest that always applies to the original principal amount, with the same rate of interest for every time cycle. When we invest our money in any bank, the bank provides us interest on our amount. The interest applied by the banks is of many types and one of them is simple interest. Now, before going deeper into the concept of simple interest, let's first understand what is the meaning of a loan.

A loan is an amount that a person borrows from a bank or a financial authority to fulfil their needs. Loan examples include home loan, car loan, education loan, and personal loan. A loan amount is required to be returned by the person to the authorities on time with an extra amount, which is usually the interest you pay on the loan.

Simple Interest Formula

Simple interest is calculated with the following formula: S.I. = (P × R × T)/100, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest in % per annum, and T = Time, usually calculated as the number of years. The rate of interest is in percentage R% (and is to be written as R/100, thus 100 in the formula). To understand more about this formula, click here.

  • Principal: The principal is the amount that was initially borrowed (loan) from the bank or invested. The principal is denoted by P.
  • Rate: Rate is the rate of interest at which the principal amount is given to someone for a certain time, the rate of interest can be 5%, 10%, or 13%, etc. The rate of interest is denoted by R.
  • Time: Time is the duration for which the principal amount is given to someone. Time is denoted by T.

The above formula can be further solved for any variable, P, R, or T. For example, by dividing both sides of the SI formula S.I. = (P × R × T)/100 by R × T, we get P = (100 × S.I.)/(R × T). Similarly, we can solve for either R or T.

Simple Interest - Definition, Formula, Examples (1)

Sometimes, the simple interest formula is written as just SI = PRT where R is the rate of interest as a decimal. i.e., if the rate of interest is 5% then R can be written as 5/100 = 0.05.

Amount: When a person takes a loan from a bank, he/she has to return the principal borrowed plus the interest amount, and this total returned is called the Amount.

Amount = Principal + Simple Interest

A = P + S.I.

A = P + PRT

A = P(1 + RT)

How to Find Simple Interest?

Simple interest is found by using the formula SI = (PRT)/100 where P is the principal, R is the rate of interest, and T is the duration. The values of P, R, and T have to be substituted in this formula to calculate the simple interest. Here is an example to understand the process better for same P and R values but for different T values.


Michael's father had borrowedpersonal loan of $1,000 from the bank and the rate of interest was 5%. What would the simple interest be if the amount is borrowed for 1 year? Similarly, calculate the simple interest if the amount is borrowed for 2 years, 3 years, and 10 years? Also, calculate the amount that has to be returned in each of these cases.


Principal amount = $1,000, personal loan interest rate= 5% = 5/100. (Add a sentence here describing the given information in the question.)


Simple Interest

1 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 1)/100 = 50
2 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 2)/100 = 100
3 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 3)/100 = 150
10 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 10)/100 = 500

Now, we can also prepare a table for the above question adding the amount to be returned after the given time period.

Simple InterestAmount
1 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 1)/100 = 50A = 1000 + 50 = 1050
2 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 2)/100 = 100A = 1000 + 100 = 1100
3 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 3)/100 = 150A = 1000 + 150 = 1150
10 YearS.I = (1000 × 5 × 10)/100 = 500A = 1000 + 500 = 1500

What Types of Loans use Simple Interest?

Most banks these days apply compound interest on loans because in this way banks get more money as interest from their customers, but this method is more complex and hard to explain to the customers. On the other hand, calculations become easy when banks apply simple interest methods. Simple interest is much more useful when a customer wants a loan for a short period of time, for example, 1 month, 2 months, or 6 months.

When someone goes for a short-term loan using simple interest, the interest applies on a daily or weekly basis instead of a yearly basis. Consider that you borrowed $10,000 on simple interest at a 10% interest rate per year, so this 10% a year rate is divided into a rate per day which is equal to 10/365 = 0.027%. So you have to pay $2.73 a day extra on $10,000.

Simple Interest vs Compound Interest

Simple interest and compound interest are two ways to calculate interest on a loan amount. It is believed that compound interest is more difficult to calculate than simple interest because of some basic differences in both. Let's understand the difference between simple interest and compound interest through the table given below:

Simple InterestCompound Interest
Simple interest is calculated on the original principal amount every time.Compound interest is calculated on the accumulated sum of principal and interest.
It is calculated using the following formula: S.I.= P × R × TIt is calculated using the following formula: C.I.= P × (1 +R)T - P
It is equal for every year on a certain principal.It is different for every span of the time period as it is calculated on the amount and not the principal.

Important Notes on Simple Interest:

  • If the rate of interest as a percentage is used then the SI formula is (PRT)/100. But if the rate of interest is used as a decimal (i.e., if we have already divided the rate by 100) then the SI formula is just PRT.
  • The rate of interest is the interest on every $100 for a fixed time period.
  • Interest is always more in the case of compound interest as compared to simple interest.
  • The formula or methods to calculate compound interest is derived from simple interest calculation methods.

Think Tank:

  • If the interest paid by Micheal is one-fifth of the total amount he has to pay after a certain time period, what is the time period if the rate of interest was 25%?
  • The interest on a sum lent at the rate of 10% per annum for a period of 20 months is equal to 1.5 times interest on $3,000 at the rate of 5% per annum in 3 years. What is the sum.

Related Topics:

  • Future Value Simple Interest Formula
  • Interest Rate Formula
  • Total Interest Formula

FAQs on Simple Interest

What is the Definition of Simple Interest?

Simple interest is a type of interest that is calculated only on the initial amount borrowed/invested, without considering any interest charged/earned in previous periods. It is a fixed percentage of the principal amount that is charged or earned over a specific period of time.

What is the Use of Simple Interest?

Simple interest is used in cases where the amount that is to be returned requires a short period of time. So, monthly amortization, mortgages, savings calculation, and education loans use simple interest.

What are Compound Interest and Simple Interest Formulas?

For a given principal P, time T, and rate of interest R%,

  • simple interest formula is PRT.
  • compound interest formula is P(1 + R)T - P.

What are the Types of Simple Interests?

Simple interest is of two types ordinary simple interest and exact simple interest. In ordinary simple interest, a year is considered of 365 days while calculating the interest while in exact simple interest, a year is considered 366 days if it is a leap year. Both methods use the same formula to calculate simple interest.

Are Home Loans Simple or Compound Interest?

Home loans take a long time to repay, so the interest added by the lender is usually compound interest.

Where to Find Simple Interest Calculator?

To find the simple interest calculator (SI calculator), click here. This calculator allows us to enter the values of principal, rate of interest, and time duration (in years/months/days) and finds the simple interest showing step-by-step solution.

Are Car Loans Simple or Compound Interest?

Car loans or auto loans use simple interest to calculate the interest. The borrower agrees to pay the money back, plus a flat percentage of the amount borrowed. But in case the borrower fails to repay the amount on time, the company or the lender may start charging compound interest.

What is the Difference between Simple and Compound Interest?

Simple interest is the interest paid only on the principal, whereas, compound interest is the interest paid on both principal and interest compounded in regular intervals.

How to Calculate Simple Interest?

Simple Interest is calculated using the following formula: SI = P × R × T, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest, and T = Time period. Here, the rate is given in percentage (r%) is written as r/100. And the principal is the sum of money that remains constant for every year in the case of simple interest.

How do I Calculate Simple Interest Monthly?

To calculate simple interest monthly, we have to divide the yearly interest calculated by 12. So, the formula for calculating monthly simple interest becomes (P × R × T) / (100 × 12).

What is Simple Interest Rate Formula?

Using the simple interest formula, SI = PRT/100. To find the rate R from this, we just solve this equation for R. Then we get R = (SI × 100) / (P × T).

Simple Interest - Definition, Formula, Examples (2024)


Simple Interest - Definition, Formula, Examples? ›

Simple Interest is calculated using the following formula: SI = P × R × T, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest, and T = Time period. Here, the rate is given in percentage (r%) is written as r/100. And the principal is the sum of money that remains constant for every year in the case of simple interest.

What is the formula for simple interest with example? ›

To calculate the simple interest (SI), multiply the principal amount by the interest rate and the time in years, and then divide it by 100. For example, if you have a Rs. 1,000 principal, a 5% annual interest rate, and 2 years, Then, the simple interest would be (1000 × 5 × 2) / 100 = Rs.

What are examples of interest formula? ›

The simple interest formula is given by I = PRt where I = interest, P = principal, R = rate, and t = time. Here, I = 10,000 * 0.09 * 5 = $4,500. The total repayment amount is the interest plus the principal, so $4,500 + $10,000 = $14,500 total repayment.

How to solve simple interest problems step by step? ›

Steps for Solving for Simple Interest

Step 1: Convert the annual percentage rate to a decimal. Step 2: Calculate the interest using the formula I = P × r × t , where is the principal amount, is the interest rate as a decimal, and is time.

What is the best simple interest formula? ›

Simple Interest Formula

Simple interest is calculated with the following formula: S.I. = (P × R × T)/100, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest in % per annum, and T = Time, usually calculated as the number of years. The rate of interest is in percentage R% (and is to be written as R/100, thus 100 in the formula).

How do you calculate simple interest in math? ›

Simple interest is worked out by calculating the percentage amount and multiplying it by the number of periods that the money will be invested for.

What is a simple example of interest rate? ›

If you take out a $300,000 loan from the bank and the loan agreement stipulates that the interest rate on the loan is 4% simple interest, this means that you will have to pay the bank the original loan amount of $300,000 + (4% x $300,000) = $300,000 + $12,000 = $312,000.

What is the simple interest in business math? ›

Simple interest is calculated by finding the product of the principal (P), the rate (r), and the time (t). Interest rates are quoted for periods of one year and when used in a formula must be converted to a decimal fraction.

Do you add or subtract simple interest? ›

Simple interest is calculated by finding a percent of the principal (original) amount and multiplying by the time period of the investment. The final value of an investment can then be found by adding/subtracting the simple interest to the principal amount.

What is the formula for simple interest 8th grade? ›

This interest is 12% of $200, or, from the simple interest formula I = Prt, I = (0.12)200 = 24. At the end of the year she will have $200 + $24 = $224 in her bank account. If a principal amount P is invested at an interest rate r for t years, then the simple interest earned will be I = Prt.

What is the formula for simple interest? ›

What is Simple Interest, A = P (1+rt) The rate at which you borrow or lend money is called the simple interest.

What is an example of simple interest? ›

For example, assume you have a car loan for $20,000. Your interest rate is 4%. To find the simple interest, we multiply 20000 × 0.04 × 1 year. So, by using simple interest, $20,000 at 4% for 5 years is ($20,000*0.04) = $800 in interest per year.

How to calculate interest formula? ›

The formula for calculating simple interest is: Interest = P * R * T. P = Principal amount (the beginning balance). R = Interest rate (usually per year, expressed as a decimal). T = Number of time periods (generally one-year time periods).

How much interest does a $10,000 investment earn at 5.6% over 18 years? ›

To calculate the interest earned on a $10,000 investment at 5.6% over 18 years, we can use the formula: Interest = Principal * Rate * Time Interest = $10,000 * 0.056 * 18 Interest = $10,000 * 1.008 Interest = $10,080 Therefore, the investment would earn $10,080 in interest over 18 years.

What is the formula for calculating interest on a loan? ›

The formula is I = P * r * t, where I is the interest, P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, and t is the time in years. This straightforward calculation makes it easy to understand and apply, particularly for short-term loans and investments.

How to calculate interest for 6 months? ›

Detailed Solution
  1. Given: SI = 100. r = 10% t = 6 month = 6/12 year.
  2. Concept used: SI = Prt/100. P → princiapl r → rate of interest.
  3. Calculation: 100 = (P × 10 × 6)/(12 × 100) P = (100 × 100 × 12)/(10 × 6) P = 2000.
Jun 28, 2024

How do I calculate interest? ›

The formula for calculating simple interest is A = P x R x T.
  1. A is the amount of interest you'll wind up with.
  2. P is the principal or initial deposit.
  3. R is the annual interest rate (shown in decimal format).
  4. T is the number of years.
May 15, 2023

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